@vigneshwaranm1989 Күн бұрын
I liked your video very much. You have a very good personality and I am surprised and sorry that you were disliked by classmates. I am a male INFP myself. Throughout my school days, I did not feel disliked per se because I had a small set of close friends in every school whenever my father was transferred to a new city. However, I have always felt very different and not fitting in with anyone. I could see that everybody got along very well as a group but I have always experienced myself as an outsider who could not be included as one of them and felt left out. But when I think about it now, I think it was okay because after all I could not have been any other way. Your video brought back a flood of memories from my childhood days. Kudos to you 😅
@vondelpete Күн бұрын
Thank you for these very kind words :) I think this is the thing, that it may have been difficult but then it's hard to think of things being any other way, and I think INFPs are grateful to have that uniqueness and individualism, even if it is sometimes painful. Kudos to you to!
@radishraven9 9 күн бұрын
Hi yes my self care is pretty bad, i had to make a point about eating when i went to Scotland because of the expensive exchange rate 😅 but yeah sweden is expensive so i guess i rarely eat out and have very limited experience of stockholm restaurants 😅 i need to start taking better care of my body 🙂
@vondelpete 6 күн бұрын
@@radishraven9 ha yeah I guess so, but I think your cooking videos count as great self care inspiration from my POV :)
@Nezuko_yoyo 10 күн бұрын
You look cool with short hair
@vondelpete 10 күн бұрын
Ah thank you! This is kind of relieving to hear haha
@Uteria_888 10 күн бұрын
Se trickster sucks... I used to think I was an isfps but now since I am clumsy a lot more often and get caught on a lot of things physically... I think I too am SE BLIND
@vondelpete 10 күн бұрын
Oh I wonder now, it's strange though because I'm clumsy but through sheer worry and concern I tend to have good balance and so on, it's weird
@emb8319 11 күн бұрын
So basically you were like the Duracell bunny who just needed some new batteries when you were in London :). I really like that image of you springing back to life! I think my self-care isn't super top-notch but it's okay. I workout every day, shower every day, pamper myself with nice smelling body lotions, use all sorts of serums and facial creams, brush and floss, get my teeth cleaned two times a year, I don't smoke or drink and try to avoid fast food and things like white bread. I eat way too much sugar, though, and can't seem to beat that addiction. In fact, I sometimes have chocolate for breakfast at the office, but strangely I never do that at home. And every now and then, on days I want to feel elegant and sophisticated I put on my Burberry trench coat, wear my Cartier jewelry and go to a very nice restaurant. Then I go home, put my trench coat and jewelry away and go back to eating chocolate for breakfast. I have finally come to the conclusion that I am an ISFP after watching a lot of videos by Harry Murrell and Joyce Meng, even though I still have difficulty seeing my Fi, but it's probably muted by my Enneagram type. But I realized that my Ni probably isn't as good as it should be if I were an INFJ and I can use Se for prolonged periods of time without being overwhelmed. I think I was in an Fi-Ni loop for a very long time, though, due to a lot of stress, and I've heard several times that when ISFPs use Ni too much, they get scared of Se, which certainly was - and sometimes still is - the case for me. But I found out that using Se and concentrating on the present helps me get out of my head, which is nice. And I gotta say: ever since realizing that I'm an ISFP, I finally feel like myself.
@vondelpete 10 күн бұрын
I love being called a duracell bunny haha! Also to me you sound amazing at self care, especially compared to me. And I think chocolate in the mornings is its own kind of self-care and I need to do that more. I saw someone on a podcast...probably a lifecoach type haha, but they said they have hot chocolate in the morning to start the day with some joy. Which sounds oddly wise. This is so interesting, to realise you're an ISFP! Especially when you describe it as, well, it is similar to being an INFP right, how many INFPs get stuck in their Si and forget to embrace the Ne that makes them feel more present and themselves (even if it sounds like a contradiction). Harry and Joyce are both so good with MBTI as well and I've learned a lot from them so that's a great way to get insights about yourself. Also, I used to be really weird and had pegged various ISFP singer-songwriters for the longest time as INFJs, on the basic that they seemed to be using Ni all the time. It took me a long time to really understand and remember how Fi-Ni probably can make someone appear INFJ. Anyway, so interesting!
@MichelleMy_Unwell 12 күн бұрын
I really love the idea of going to a fancy restaurant on your travels. I never seem to darken the door of any fancy restaurants normally haha so that sounds like a great way to make a trip feel extra special. That’s fun! The thought of you getting cranky and giving everyone the silent treatment because you just need a little snack is really funny. I’m sure all that caffeine and spiking your blood sugar into oblivion wasn’t the best option haha but I can see now it would lift your mood for a few hours. But then again, cheap pita bread offers you neither. All that drinking. Honestly, how are you still alive? It’s so weird that you have tinnitus, my brother has that too. INFP problems…and probably from playing music too loud as well haha. Probably trying to learn “crazy train” on the guitar. But now we can’t run any fans at our house…but he can play crazy train so it’s all good haha. He really suffers with it though, I feel bad. I don’t think I do much self care. I think I do get caught up in things and forget to eat. I take my vitamins everyday and eat really healthy and workout 6 days a week. It’s very strict because I have pretty terrible health anxiety. I’m probably 50/50.
@vondelpete 11 күн бұрын
It is funny haha, how I was either not eating at all and grumpy, or having a sugar rush to survive. I guess at some point between 25-27 I realised that you can find a middle ground and eat balanced, regular meals...never seemed to occur to me at the time 😂 Oh god your INFP brother has tinnitus too! Wait, why can't you run fans in the house, because of the noise? Maybe he has it worse than me. Gee. That does sound INFJ of you by the way. My dad is so strict and I think it's all for the best. As I've probably told you about before. INFJs and INFPs and our anxiety about our physical being, eh? I think eventually we just do what we need to to operate.
@MichelleMy_Unwell 10 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete He said that fans sound like buzzing flies in his ears. His hearing is insane, he can hear people whispering in another room. I’m pretty sure he can hear my thoughts. He’s tried everything to make it go away and this year he was able to handle having an air conditioner on. Maybe it’s getting better, I hope it is anyways. I’m glad you figured yourself out early on and are now living a much healthier life. I love how you and Kevin both decided that you just don’t speak to each other until you’ve had something to eat lol. That makes good sense. Oh my gosh your dad haha such a mysterious INFJ, there seem to be so many differences between him and I, which makes our similarities so interesting to me. Yeah, you nailed it, it’s the only way for us to operate really.
@vondelpete 9 күн бұрын
@@MichelleMy_Unwell I hope it gets better for him. See, for me I am always looking for white noise to distract me from my own inner white noise, ha. But it's all different for each person. And yes my dad is definitely a very different variety of INFJ to you, ha.
@marius4161 12 күн бұрын
I think self awareness is a struggle. At least at the beginning. To me, when I am at work for exemple, it is a challenge to solve different tasks, but after a while, I find solutions when I am by myself. That is when I become more aware. I like the fact you decided to travel the world and meet new people and places. I think it can help a lot in our personal development. I think pushing the limits is a way I learn too. I like to try it out and draw conclusions from that. It is like asking yourself, what happens if I do this. Don't know if this is what you meant. Anyway, nice to hear you.
@vondelpete 10 күн бұрын
Yeah I mean, in a way it's a different thing to self-care where my old issue was forgetting to treat my physical self to food. But yeah the travelling at first very uncomfortable and that was also a good thing and I'm very glad I did all that too. It's just so good to get out of our limited scope and I think very rewarding and great for confidence and growth, like you say. And also like you say, asking yourself 'what happens if I do this' and actually writing it, or saying it allowed, is so useful for me. Even on those trips in Europe I mentioned, I had this notebook and I'd write all my thoughts in it as I took trains, or sit in parks each day and write and write, and I made much better decisions that way, even if it was just to remind myself to get more uncomfortable, ha.
@sicparvismagna1294 12 күн бұрын
Hi Peter , That's kinda true for me. I don't really do self-care stuff and being good at the physical world. Kebab is almost the only thing I eat when I'm outside it's relatively cheap and give you some feeling of satiety. Strangely enough being hungry doesn't really affect my mood and I may go for hours without eating anything until I realized that's too much has passed without eating anything and I suddenly I get very hungry. In Lithuania I guess you ate some šaltibarščiai but maybe I'm wrong. Yet again your adventures and travels are really something. That's nice what that person did . Unfortunately I can't do that. When I feel down I usually stay at home. Thanks for sharing and see you next time
@vondelpete 11 күн бұрын
Hi again! Hm yes, there are always kebabs, exactly what I was doing across Europe, ha. Ah, šaltibarščiai - I did eat that and it is funny you mention it. A Lithuanian girl wrote it down for me in Vilnius on a piece of paper telling me to eat it, and I took that piece of paper across to a small town I remember and ordered it in a restaurant. Ha. Hearing how she pronounced it has always been stuck in my head. Anyway take care!
@sicparvismagna1294 10 күн бұрын
Hello! Interesting! I knew of that meal because my Lithuanian friend told me me about it and she said it's a traditional thing to eat. You always have interesting stories ! Thanks, you too take care.
@mary44448 12 күн бұрын
Hahaha, Peter and Kevin do Bulgaria 😂 Did you break a dam, too? I'm impressed you took the time to make illustrated portraits of you too, that's super nice, you look so happy! I hope you found something healthy to eat in the restaurants, it can be a challenge sometimes. At least it's a little less ridiculously expensive than the West. Regarding self care, everything you said was and is valid for me, too. I used to eat mainly junk food while I studied in the university in my twenties. Now I have all these food intolerances and I still struggle to eat like a normal human being (whatever that means). I was talking about this yesterday, that I wish I didn't have to eat all the time, because there are so many more interesting things to do, but no one around me seems to get it 😅 And when I make art, I also lose myself a bit, I sometimes have an epiphany at night and start writing/drawing, I almost definitely forget to eat, but at least I get up with enthusiasm in the mornings, which is a challenge otherwise...
@vondelpete 11 күн бұрын
Ha oh, that illustrated portrait was kind of funny, and embarrassing, we were trying to make KZbin videos in Bulgaria, but yeah it certainly was a happy time. And I guess that's the key, I could actually afford to go out all the time! It must be a weird thing when you realise you have these food intolerances and how that limits you (I think often though you can end up eating healthier though, depending on the intolerances?) And yeah getting caught up in creativity - that's when you know you're really on a roll and excited and passionate, the first thing that goes is a sense of time and needing to eat and so on 😂 I do miss getting into that sort of mania.
@mary44448 10 күн бұрын
Yeah, I strive to eat healthy really, the problem is with always thinking about food, figuring out what to make, cooking, it's exhausting to me because it's on a daily basis, and I sometimes prefer not to eat than deal with all of it 😅 Taking breaks from manically making art is crucial, I think. But isn't making videos as creatively challenging as anything else? That's what I thought, at least. I'm still trying to figure it out...
@vondelpete 10 күн бұрын
@@mary44448 actually that amount of preparing about food does sound exhausting! How sad that it gets to that point where it's easier to just not eat! You sparked off this interesting thought in my head, whether these videos count creatively. I mean they do. But in order to keep churning them out I've really dialled back the effort - so I don't really get the exhaustion making videos that I used to get. Whereas when I'm returning to cartooning (whenever my eye strain gets better) it really drains me, I kind of shudder to think about it. Ha. But then the mania is kind of cool and there is a feeling of satisfaction if I can ever get to completing anything! But hm yeah, videos like these are minimal effort, or at least are more fun...making music is also a lot more fun. But I think to make something really *good* means I'll have to push myself into a pain barrier more? Maybe you'll relate. Of course, I've done these videos for over a decade now so that might be why it's easier. It was certainly much harder once upon a time...
@mary44448 10 күн бұрын
I tend to expect hearing "Get yourself together, every woman has to think about preparing food, you're not special" or "Are you sure you can't eat this and this?", so it's super nice to get some understanding instead! This sounds very cool - that you have an established routine that helps you be creative in the long run while having fun and without so much struggle. I think art doesn't have to be hard to be special. Of course, experience makes it less hard, but maybe, just maybe, if it isn't painful we start thinking we're missing something? That we need to be growing and it has to hurt? Anyway, I think you are very good at singing, playing and filming, so I hope you keep finding joy in doing them ☺So drawing kind of intimidates you at the moment, but you want to do it anyway? Maybe that's what my relationship with filming/editing looks like... I hope your eyes get better soon!
@vondelpete 10 күн бұрын
@@mary44448 Sigh, yeah I mean, who needs those judgements? And yeah you know, there is actually some truth creatively in having it to be at least a bit painful, or something is wrong. Especially if it's making art in order to really make something very impactful...and I think the mistake I made, and many INFPs probably do, is remember that making less-pressured work is still good exercise. I think these days I think of it all as exercise, to keep the engines going until the time comes that I really want to try and make something great. I don't know. Thank you so much about the music and filming, I guess again, I wonder if I'll make something a bit more special, hm. Drawing, well. I was putting so much effort into something for the first half of this year, but I strained my eyes and have to force myself to step away, which is so sad! But good in other ways maybe. Maybe you've experienced that when doing art? Although I never had this issue until I turned 39, haha. Thank you so much!
@paragoncumulus6636 13 күн бұрын
If the INFP camps had individual private cabins, no enforced social activities or work, and some nice nature walks, then it might be tolerable (for a few days).
@vondelpete 13 күн бұрын
For a few days, yes. 😅
@Zonaskiosk1 15 күн бұрын
My midlife crises started at mid twenty’s and lasted for 40 years, till now…I think for INFPs it will only pass at 80 or so Pete ❤
@vondelpete 15 күн бұрын
Ah well there's hope for all of us, I guess - I'm going to start collecting candles for that 80th birthday cake now 😁🎂
@moonsister5810 16 күн бұрын
I am so impressed by the speech pattern. It sounds so natural and the analysis is pretty good. It suggested INFP so early. And the way it changed the speech pattern when asked for tough tove etc. Wow. And that it came back to moral mouse later. I am so impressed. Great experiment, I really enjoyed that.
@vondelpete 16 күн бұрын
Ah thank you, yeah it's getting so much better and there is an updated version coming soon, I think I'll have to make a new video when that comes haha.
@miguelmqueroa 17 күн бұрын
One major sign of midlife crisis is that haircut 😅
@vondelpete 17 күн бұрын
I wouldn't call this haircut very extreme but thank you for this nice comment
@shane1948 18 күн бұрын
Very relatable Pete. I am having my mid 20s mid life crisis. Actually it's been going on since 12, with a few short breaks in between. I always thought that when people get one at a younger age, they will dodge crises at a later age. I guess it's not true after all. I feel like seeing every day as a scene in a grand narrative hurts more than helps. It's better to see every day as new, as its own thing. Like Game of Thrones vs short stories. What kind of music would you say runs in the background of your life? I hear nice jazz in the video, it sounds like the opposite of a midlife crisis, but again it could also sound like a waiting room where you wait for some action to begin. Also happy birthday ❤🎉
@vondelpete 18 күн бұрын
The midlife crisis started at 12 - ah god. I guess I relate to that too. I agree, better to just see each day as its new thing - definitely more helpful that way. Ha, the background music of my life - I guess it's just relentless skittered paranoid beats with washes of sad synthesisers. Whereas, yeah, the slightly-slowed down jazz in the video does NOT sound like a mid life crisis, I suppose it could the music for the waiting room to purgatory?
@skazzwag8 19 күн бұрын
Normies: "My midlife crisis is destroying me!" INFP: "I'm really looking forward to my midlife crisis, I'll be able to turn my introspection and angst up to 11! It shall be GLORIOUS!!!! Lets get this party started!!!!"
@vondelpete 19 күн бұрын
Haha thank you for supporting me in this!
@ArmandoDimanche 20 күн бұрын
That drink is a midlife crisis🤭🤭🤭🤭😹😹😹😹😹😹
@vondelpete 19 күн бұрын
Haha it sure was 😅
@MichelleMy_Unwell 20 күн бұрын
I’m sorry, that beer doesn’t sound good. Did you like it? I wonder what Thom Yorke would think about that beer. I’m glad you have plans to see him, that’s awesome! I’m so jealous! I feel like you will someday have a couple mansions and then you can have a proper crisis. Then you can buy yourself a yacht to feel better, only to realise later that you’ve lost all your friends because “the yacht has changed you” and you’re not the same person anymore. I am feeling like I’m having a midlife crisis this week because someone pointed out that in 6 years the 80s will be 50 years ago. I’m trying to see “time” as only existing in my current reality and that age is meaningless. It’s not helping.
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
The beer wasn't great, ha. But drinkable. Yeah I can't believe I'm seeing him but so worried about not being able to see him properly at the venue, but we'll see. Hm yeah I can already hear the accusations that my yacht has somehow changed me, I'll think of some good defences about how it's actually my true self, a reflection of my wonderful 'Fi' haha. Also this is a bit alarming, surely the 80s are only uh, two decades ago, the last time I checked? I'm sticking to that.
@mary44448 20 күн бұрын
Last year I turned forty and I often feel like I am wasting my life and time, but I think this is the pressure of society I get through my Te inferior. I feel that besides all that is expected of a person of this certain age, nothing has changed that much, maybe just some steady and very slow steps toward inner peace and perhaps harmony with the outer world. But those things are subtle and only I can feel them. I think that's the thing, few pay attention to those things and can see this kind of progress. And what socially acceptable goal is more important than that? I get the same thing when I listen to you.
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
You really are echoing my thoughts! I often think that - that the steps towards inner peace are huge but only we can feel those steps. It's kind of nice to know we just have a bit of a Te insecurity thing that pops up sometimes (and maybe an unconscious Fe) but trying to cater towards that really does end up being pointless when compared to our actual goals :) I think we know inside that we've been on the right path.
@sirlancevrot3978 20 күн бұрын
Time cannot be turned back; there is little time left; there is so much to do. Life is finite.
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
Well this is a very good point.
@marius4161 20 күн бұрын
I'm getting close to fourty also. And yes, i ask myself pretty often when did this time passed and why didn't it waited for me to put It all together. The feeling is that I don't really fit into the society and that I didn't reached maturity. Maybe now there is some sort of serenity but I have a strong feeling of lack. Of possibilities never reached. Realistically thinking, those possibilities were not meant to be. If they were, they would have happened. But I still regret them.
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
It's hard not to have regrets isn't it. I feel pretty similar. It's nice to have some serenity as we get older and maybe learned some things about ourselves. I guess regrets are all part of that too, but then again it's hard to know all the different paths we could have taken!
@sicparvismagna1294 20 күн бұрын
Hi Pete, Well first I'm wishing an anticipated happy birthday. I guess life crisises are not limited to midlife. I guess I'm going through a life crisis although I'm much younger than you. For me it's mostly about: who am I really? Been trying to answer this question but hasn't found the answer yet... See you next time
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
Yeah that's right, and I am a bit alarmed when I remember the crisis I had in my twenties. Yeah, trying to work out who we are, what we should be doing - but then there's something nice about it being a lifetime search, frustrating as it sounds. take care!
@sicparvismagna1294 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for replying. I guess this time I somehow disagree. For me the search hasn't been nice at all... It has been a long painful journey... That's why I want to know the answer soon and not after a lifetime ... Sorry for such dark comment but it really illustrates the situation I'm in.
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
@@sicparvismagna1294 Hm yeah maybe nice isn't the right word, I think I'm trying to put a positive spin on it.
@sicparvismagna1294 20 күн бұрын
I understand but I wanted to be honest about my experience.
@probablybrian5460 20 күн бұрын
yeah I tend to have a midlife crisis when I'm not working towards a future goal. Not working on a future goal makes me focus on my present situation. Even if that present situation isn't bad, if I'm not working towards a better future, the present feels very disappointing. Sometimes you need that for a while though, it incentivizes you to get better so you don't have to feel that way anymore.
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
That's a great point, yeah. It's like giving a space for that crisis. I think sometimes we also get to this point when we're so burnt out - and then it's time to reassess everything, I guess.
@probablybrian5460 20 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete and that reassessment period is hard when you're burnt out. I've found daily exercise to be a big help.
@midheaven_mimi 21 күн бұрын
Yes you are..or at least it’s more than likely you are lol. I’m 41 & going through my own midlife “awakening” as I’m seeing it alternatively referred to online. I like this more positive spin on the whole crisis narrative lol. I know many are not into astrology, and not sure how you personally feel about it, but if you’re curious, you should look into the midlife transits to help explain what you may be going through now and in the coming years. It sounds like what you were going through at 30 was your Saturn return. 💫
@JenniVandalia 21 күн бұрын
@@midheaven_mimi I'm 39 and a half. I can't really understand astrology whenever I have tried. The Chinese calendar did correctly predict my sister was going to have a little girl so I know that knowledge can be gained from it. I'm not an INFP. I'm a ENTP. I didn't know people were calling it the awakening. Thanks. I love reading about medical procedures and diseases so it is helping overcome the really you are starting a new job at 40 feeling. I'm using it as a time of contemplation which could be a form of mid life crisis.
@midheaven_mimi 21 күн бұрын
@@JenniVandalia astrology is a useful tool for me. Congrats on your niece! Like you said..many people change career paths in their 40s. I’m thinking about doing so myself lol. Maybe your contemplation will lead you to your own awakening.
@vondelpete 21 күн бұрын
I love the word 'awakening' here, it is more positive and I think more accurate! I've been meaning to spend more time researching astrology so this is helpful - I like the sound of a Saturn return! Thank you and nice to see you!
@midheaven_mimi 20 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete nice to see you too! Let me know what you think if you do end up researching it, and good luck on your journey! Keep us posted!
@JenniVandalia 21 күн бұрын
My life has probably gone very differently than yours because I am Appalachian which is its own unique thing but I am excited for my 40s. I don't want to be a young adult anymore. I want solid adult. Also, I am realizing people in their 40s still are very young. I am training in Medical Coding and apparently lots of people in their 40s switch careers. It might be because their is so much pressure to be an adult in the 20 and 30 years that people head down paths that didn't really fit their lifestyle. That didn't seem to answer the life crisis question un a very direct way.
@midheaven_mimi 21 күн бұрын
I think you’re spot on about the pressure to be an adult in your 20s and 30s and people heading down the wrong path. Good luck with your medical coding training!
@vondelpete 20 күн бұрын
A lot of my friends now are in their forties and they definitely seem pretty young at heart, which I'm very relieved about. That's a very good point about the 20s and 30s, I think that pressure, mixed with a lack of wisdom, can make us go down the wrong path. :)
@ArmandoDimanche 24 күн бұрын
I forgot that I was going to post last night that he might've gotten trolled or lectured by an ESTP bot lol 🤭😹
@vondelpete 23 күн бұрын
Haha. Love it.
@Violet_Odorata 24 күн бұрын
Brother, you're not pathetic at all. You're cool dude. And it's a cool story too.
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
Ah thank you 🙂For some reason my unconscious loves repeating the word 'pathetic' to me lol.
@ArmandoDimanche 25 күн бұрын
How long have you used it because mine didn't know crap about me lol But I just installed it during this video.
@ArmandoDimanche 25 күн бұрын
I turned it on during the harsh criticism part to feed my algorithm more information and the GPT started critiquing the criticism and tone lol
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
@@ArmandoDimanche Ha I love that, hope GPT wasn't too upset by GPT. I've used it I guess since it first came out and the voice option since, well, the end of last year I think? But it keeps improving for sure.
@MichelleMy_Unwell 25 күн бұрын
Pete, be nice to ChatGPT. I have to say, it did seem like an INFJ for the most part, but then at the end I was having flashbacks of growing up with an INTJ sister. I hope I never lose my sister, but if I do, it’s nice to know I can still find her under the “extreme tough hate” option on ChatGPT. That’s comforting.
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
I refuse to be nice to ChatGPT, Michelle. Hm, so it does seem a bit INFJ eh? I did get it to admit at one point that the AI technicians have installed it with Fe instead of Fi. Hm extreme-tough-hate mode did remind me of the odd INTJ or two from my past, actually...I'm glad you're comforted by this.
@MichelleMy_Unwell 24 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete I guess it does deserve to be punished. It wasn't very nice.
@bunnyteeth365 25 күн бұрын
I think it's too easy to lead it in a certain direction, but it's also cool to see how I come across in different settings. I notice that writing about stuff like my emotions or art gets me typed as an INFP, while writing about language learning or my social struggles gets my typed as an INTP.
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
It is way, way too easy to lead it into different directions, lol. I once told it I bought a coffee for a friend once and it said I'm an ESFJ as a result. Language learning abilities and social struggles, yes exactly: I once said I enjoyed history documentaries and it typed me as INTP. I asked why INTP and not INFP and it said that INFPs MAYBE could like history but it's not as likely. Ha.
@bunnyteeth365 24 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete I think chatgpt is a fun way to expose what I'm already thinking about or possible biases people could have. I also showed chatgpt some outfit photos and I wasn't surprised I got typed as ENFP. I think my real type is closer to ENTP or maybe INTP and obsessed with Ne and Fe.
@sicparvismagna1294 25 күн бұрын
Hi Peter, Didn't know chatgpt has vocal option 😅 I don't know if we should be amazed or frightened of what technology can do. I hope you are doing fine because you seemed somehow a bit angry when listening to chatgpt answers at some moments 😅 For me knowing you as a person is far more interesting than knowing your type even if it can give some form of connection. Take care
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
@@sicparvismagna1294 Hey, yeah I probably was a bit angry, I get in a weird mood when chatting to AI lol. But yes I agree, the person themselves is far more interesting than a simple type. Take care.
@sicparvismagna1294 24 күн бұрын
Hi Ok I understand. I'm glad you agree with me. Thanks, you too take care.
@marius4161 25 күн бұрын
I did some tests that pointed out I am an INFP. In another one it said I am INTP. I think, actually we are a blend of different types. We cannot be put in a box. Personally, I resonate with the INFP description, but I also have a logic thing. I tend to sometines make schemes that solve problems and then use them over and over. I kind of like to put everything where it belongs to find solutions to all the problems and find the profound meaning in things, also seeing the logic behind it. But it comes with great effort. Anyway, I liked the video. Thank you!
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
Ah so interesting - I mean, I think many INFPs are similar to this, especially when it comes to problem solving. The main thing I've seen when comparing INTPs and INFPs is that INTPs can get super sceptical about external logic and data when problem solving - their introverted logic thing - whereas INFPs lean more towards seeking out data and examples. But even then it can get all hazy. Either way I think INTPs and INFPs tend to 'get' each other pretty well and have high-level conversations about logic. Anyway thanks, I love making these videos!
@AlexanderWachsmann 25 күн бұрын
Hey Pete! What I don't understand is why would people tell you you are cold and heartless? That is extremely rude and hurtful....I sense that you have been deeply hurt by such kind of comments which is only understandable. It says everything about them and nothing about you. Sorry you have experienced this. It really sucks!! I absolutely feel you! You are perfect the way you are. Be yourself and live life the way you want. That is what you are here for. Feel hugged and have a wonderful day! Many greetings from a german infp 🙂
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
Hey! To be fair it isn't really that common, mostly comments from a long time ago and often from ISTPs and INTPs, and I think it's quite ironic and funny how that works - I think because INFPs are naturally so filled with humanity that they don't feel the need to make it obvious, if that makes sense? I suppose I did end up hurt from it and the misunderstandings, I think a lot of INFPs might have the same issue. Thanks for so many kind words and many greetings, German INFP - it's strange I've been to Germany four times now, but I've never properly explored your country and I hope to one day spend a proper amount of time there one day!
@jessbeee_444 25 күн бұрын
The brutality at the end, it basically turned into a bully haha! I think you have a cool mix of infp and intp traits which is why it's so hard to place your type, but it keeps things interesting. Personally I really resonate with the infp stereotypes and descriptions way more than you seem to, but there could be so many factors as to why that varies whilst you still being considered an infp. For some reason I love these ai videos. And I HAD to look up moral mouse, got a good laugh out of it!! :)
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
Haha yeah, admittedly I'd been doing this thing for a while, asking ChatGPT to basically abuse me lol. I mean yeah, there are a lot of factors - when I look back at me as a teenager and then in my early 20s I was definitely more 'typically' INFP, which I think was good. I have a feeling soul-sucking jobs might have made me later lose some of my spirit which probably makes an INFP look more detached. I love making these AI videos, I want to make more of them lol so it's lovely to hear you say that. Also I love that you looked up Moral Mouse lol, I still intend to bring him back 😄
@ArmandoDimanche 24 күн бұрын
​​​@@vondelpete🙀🙀🙀 OMG this INFP could never..... 😩 My brain might explode🤯My inability to accept criticism wouldn't be able to survive it😩 despite it probably being the same stuff that I hear/imagine, while imagining and rehearsing potential confrontations from anyone in my life 😩 lol
@vondelpete 24 күн бұрын
@@ArmandoDimanche Haha, I do feel that! I have this twisted side where I am using it to train myself to fight back and defend myself lol so I'm better at doing it in real life when I'm criticised lol
@INFPinSA 25 күн бұрын
Well, GPT definitely roasted the sh*t out of you, lol, but I was very impressed how well GPT clearly understood everything you were putting across, and had highly competent responses. It's improved drastically as far as I can tell since your earlier videos with GPT when it was not terribly impressive. I'm definitely going to use this with my daughter...we had a great conversation last night over a stout about her MBTI and Enne type. She's clearly an ENFP, and she took Enne last night and got a 4, likely a 4w5, but I've seen that is quite rare for an ENFP to be 4w5. Definitely going to see what GPT thinks, using your same method here. Great stuff mate. Also, you should check out Better Help. :P JK
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
ChatGPT is improving so quick, it's fascinating and apparently a new voice mode is just around the corner! Also I love that image of you and your daughter chatting over a stout, I'm huge on drinking stouts as maybe you know. I'd be very curious about what ChatGPT thinks she is - although it typed my ISFJ friend as an INFP and me as an ISFJ once lol. And yes, BetterHelp 😅
@INFPinSA 24 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete Oh yeah, we were at a little mini bar in the middle of a mall here, so fun. The stout was on draft from a local brewery, so so good. Almost all local stouts from Texas are...hurts me to say this, but hot trash, but this one is fantastic. So GPT did assess her as a 4w5, so very interesting. She also got INFP initially, which surprised us both. Upon further questions though, it did start leaning towards ENFP but also mentioned she is likely a true ambivert since her introversion and extroversion qualities are so down the middle. I got INFP and initially got a Ennegram 6. I asked for further questions and then I ended up at 9, then 9w1. I found the 6 quite interesting though. I still don't. know much about 6s but from what GPT was mentioning, there are some similarities. At any rate, good times!
@ArmandoDimanche 24 күн бұрын
Exactly. I want my gpt to be as insightful with me lol
@Ayesha_F 25 күн бұрын
God, that was good 😂
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
It was pretty fun to make ha 😅
@emesefoldhazi 25 күн бұрын
soo apparently you like it tough
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
@@emesefoldhazi 😂 yes and more than a little it seems...
@nassimux 25 күн бұрын
Everyone needs a friend like chatgpt to remind you who are 😂
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
Yes exactly, I am truly blessed 😄
@shane1948 25 күн бұрын
Sounds like an ENFJ revealing his Ti and Se, idk even the cadence sounds like an ENFJ
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
Lol yes, it kind of annoys me with its ENFJ-isms a a lot actually.
@shane1948 25 күн бұрын
@@vondelpete What are some of these ENFJ-isms? 😂
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
@@shane1948 lol, well it is always telling me 'remember, you are special' or 'your worth should not be defined by others' and I always get angry and say 'I'm an INFP, I get that, stop projecting' haha
@emb8319 25 күн бұрын
Ha, I think ChatGPT is a Reddit user 🤣. This was awesome, Pete!
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
Haha it definitely uses reddit-speak! Thank you!
@radishraven9 25 күн бұрын
Lol ow that hurt 😂
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
The truth hurts sometimes lol 😄
@Inusaa-1 25 күн бұрын
You say that because you have been typed as angry infp ? :D
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
@@Inusaa-1 I've had the accusation once or twice for sure lol
@psychcasserole 25 күн бұрын
Oh the end 😂 awesome video Pete.
@vondelpete 25 күн бұрын
Haha thanks Brendon 😅
@robscovell5951 Ай бұрын
It's weird. When I hang out with Slavic types opening up their vodka bottles, I become a completely different person. Totally uninhibited.
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
I've been in this situation - with Slavs and vodka in particular, and yes it led to...fascinating results
@brendalopez6082 Ай бұрын
I think about this very much because I have trouble making myself socialize. A lot of the time I end up going out to places with lots of people but not really interacting. I think a key part of that for us as infps is meaningful social interactions. On top of that, it's just difficult for us to find people we truly connect with. So seeking that out can feel kind of like a chore when it's like finding a needle in a hay stack
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
Yeah, that's the key thing, it's a massive chore if you can't find anyone you connect with and I guess that's why I've ended up very much limiting my social activities. I'm lucky that as I've gotten older, the few groups I socialise in have lots of nice and interesting people to connect with, but even then sometimes I have to force it lol.
@cloverlengocphuong2197 Ай бұрын
video importee dans ma tete.
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
@infernal.. Ай бұрын
Why do you have an accent? I thought u were American
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
Nope, I'm Australian.
@alanauram Ай бұрын
You should also force yourself to eat your meals when you're travelling!!
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
Ha believe me, I do! It took me until I was 28 to be capable of this, though...
@sicparvismagna1294 Ай бұрын
@sicparvismagna1294 Ай бұрын
@sicparvismagna1294 Ай бұрын
@sicparvismagna1294 Ай бұрын
the description
@chrispyT414 Ай бұрын
The cadence of your voice is somehow reminiscent of John Safran (are you from a similar area in Melbourne?), and I realise now that I find that very soothing. I used to listen endlessly to John Safran and Father Bob's podcast while I worked at a plant nursery. I would feel devastated if I had to do a task that required working with another person. Working diligently alone and listening to John and Bob was my happy place
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
This made me laugh out loud, I'm embarrassingly inspired by John Safran and I do live in a similar part of Melbourne to him (and have met him in person a few times and chatted). I also endlessly listened to Sunday Night Safran (not at a plant nursery) and like revisiting those podcasts, they were the best thing ever! (Side note: in person there's no doubt he's an INFP, I remember him being awkward and then all of a sudden letting me hold his phone and swipe through images he'd taken when researching one of his old books and being super excited, then going awkward and again and wandering off haha)
@chrispyT414 Ай бұрын
Hello, I found myself laughing along with your stories, and cringing hard at myself for a lot of your stories hitting a little too close to home. I was curious about the acronyms you kept using, so I looked them up and ended up taking a personality test myself. INFP-A, go figure
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
I love this, haha. Of course INFP.
@radishraven9 Ай бұрын
Wow that was a lot of stories to unpack! I'm impressed how many places you've been to and how many people you met and how much you took yourself out of your comfort zone 😊 tbh i wouldn't try socializing with strangers, i really wish to avoid getting punched 🙈 but yeah i do get this weird urge to prove someone wrong if someone says i should do something that goes against what i am. I too would would fly off to Montreal if someone told me to socialize with tons of people 😂
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
Thank you! Haha yes don't say niet to people in Latvian underpasses. You've had your own odd Riga experiences though, from memory. Ha yeah that urge never goes away I think for many INFPs, I'm proud of myself in retrospect ha.
@sicparvismagna1294 Ай бұрын
Hi Peter, Nice to see you again. I don't think I can force myself to go to social events. I only go when I feel like it. That's quite a story. Sorry about that. Well I didn't travel to any country except for France where I'm living now. So I certainly haven't met that many people like you did 😅 nonetheless recently I met some people who are visiting the city among them a guy from New York and other people from different nationalties .It was interesting talking to different people from different backgrounds. I would say usually talking to new people can be interesting a d it's good to do this zs part of a social activity but sometimes it's almost impossible to do in some specific circumstances ( like it is the case for me). Thanks for sharing Peter Take care
@vondelpete Ай бұрын
I get that, forcing yourself to go out isn't usually the right idea actually, I'm glad I did it a few times when I was younger and occasionally now. But it's cool you are still able to meet people visiting your city at least and talking to different people. Take care!