@manleycreative7115 10 минут бұрын
To paraphrase Morgan Freeman quoting Hemingway: 'The World is a beautiful place, and the Auralnauts video of Zac Schnyder's Star Wars is 'spot on'. I agree with the second part.'
@ToaOfFusion 46 минут бұрын
Star Wars really was the original Sonic Cycle
@awiedhuman159 Сағат бұрын
You cool. :)
@Potato-enby Сағат бұрын
I got my Harry Potter tattoo covered up today and watching this video after no longer having that symbol on my skin was very therapeutic.
@higgy0789 Сағат бұрын
so... she thinks The Owl House was shortened because it started becoming serialized... but Amphibia was aired the same time and also became more serialized as the show went on. umm. it has nearly the exact same narrative beats and aired the same time. The only differences are that the shortened one had a witches/demons aesthetic and explicitly, clearly had a main character LGBTQ+ relationship during the course of the show
@supitschillbro Сағат бұрын
bro shut up i’ve never met a more unfun scold
@genemelendez8157 Сағат бұрын
I really want you to do a part 2 to this, just to rip Lily’s garbage takes on Gen 5 to shreds
@alex_roivas333 Сағат бұрын
your accent is very similar to stan lee's 😂
@agramuglia Сағат бұрын
North Jersey and NYC aren't far apart
@fortello7219 Сағат бұрын
55:06 is perhaps one of her worst takes. I mean, just really really bad. It's a straw-man argument to begin with, because no one says that. The overwhelming majority of takes I've heard along those lines are about pokemon that don't get STAB at all, and how fans wish they got them. Or its about how lopsided STAB is where you do need it to get a OHKO. After all, if a pokemon does 99% without STAB and Super Effective, and 51% with STAB that's Not Very Effective, then there's no reason to run the coverage to begin with. And of course, like most uninformed people, she doesn't even know or at least acknowledge was STAB does. It doesn't boost the power of the move, it boosts the power of the whole attack. Which means a pokemon's attack is also boosted 1.5x the damage, making it even more valuable. You can absolutely beat the game without it, but striving to use it is completely reasonable and the mechanic exists to reward players for doing _just that_. The designers wanted the player to have a reason to use a water type to use water moves, rather than a team of fully normal types with all your type coverage.
@fortello7219 Сағат бұрын
Oh and of course, she misses the point with Alakazam right after. The problem is not that you can't hit it with physical moves (not that GF made it clear which moves do physical or special for kids back then) but rather that it's ONE OF THE FASTEST POKEMON OF THE GAME and can, you know, *ONE SHOT ENTIRE TEAMS*. Just a little problem if you're not ready to deal with it. Strange that she didn't use beedrill since people say all the same stuff about it as butterfree.
@danielyeatts491 Сағат бұрын
I just always wondered how the staff at Hogwarts allowed a few kids to take on the most extreme threats to the entire school. Was Rowling suggesting that the staff had no clue these threats were taking place? Are they simply the most incompetent adults when protecting the students is concerned? How can they be so powerful and exert no power? Even if there was some master plan at hand, it was woefully executed, risking it all on the success or failure of three teenagers and a handful of support characters. WORST STAFF IN SCHOOL HISTORY.
@igelfullmetal1307 2 сағат бұрын
Knowing what I know about Lily, her comparing Nemons to Imoen makes me deeply uncomfortable.
@anenemystand5582 2 сағат бұрын
Magneto in Lee and Kirby's run was certainly not based on Malcom X or any other activists or revolutionary. He was a nazi. I know that seems absurd given his history but Magneto being a holocaust survivor or even jewish was never a part of his character in the run. And it becomes pretty clear what he was supposed to invoke when as soon as he took over a country there were suspicious dressed soldiers waving some equally suspicious flags. He was a racial supremacist. Mutants were superior and so they deserved to rule.
@hakon_helgoy 2 сағат бұрын
I find it a little sad how the main appeal of the Harry Potter series isn't mentioned at all. In simple terms, the dialouge in Harry Potter is very much like how children would and do behave at this age, though with a bit more polish. And with her background as a teacher this is her main strength as a writer. Rowling is extremely good at depicting the thoughts and actions of adolecents that the entire series is carried on this idea. This includes the childlike wonder of magic, which shouldn't be a strictly defined system of spells to begin with, as it would be less immersive for the intended audience. All in all Harry potter isn't meant for adults, and more complicated fantasy books like Game of Thrones, and Mistborn just simply aren't for children. It would be come a homework assignment instead of something fun. And that's ok. The important bit is to what extent a work appeals to its intended audience, and Harry Potter is incredible at it. In short, falling put of love with something doesn't make that something bad, just that your tastes have changed, and that's ok.
@Itz_4nd13 2 сағат бұрын
Lily feels more of a manifestation of undiagnosed adhd and intrusive thoughts rather than a crit9c
@zainmudassir2964 2 сағат бұрын
I like Vs videos. Hope you do one for Doug Walkers terrible sailor moon video
@agramuglia 2 сағат бұрын
I 100% plan on it
@marocat4749 3 сағат бұрын
Samurai champloo held up, and ranma 1/2 and sailor moon. And shin seki yori. gargoyles, darkwing duck, avatar :D Also check out wakfu., with the french og dub ok.
@marocat4749 3 сағат бұрын
I am sure L was always meant to be the cool guy in the right, but also the story didnt let him humanize people light killed, which would be the biggest L for light in a moral victory. And i know L is kinda indeifferent and in for the thrill and curiosity, but he really should have made cases and gone with light to explore the lives of people light killed. Even innocent people, to troll him alone. The story missed a lot out making L make light go with him though investigations that prove people he killed innocent. L would totally do that to get if light has a reaction. He would troll him that way. That could have been interesting topics and situations and make light, show as bad guy he is. That is missing for sure.
@raphaelmarquez9650 3 сағат бұрын
I don't know who is worse with criticizing the series: Lily Orchard, Distant Kingdom, or that other youtuber whose channel is dedicated to trashing the Switch era Pokemon games. Delzethin has made a far better video over what exactly went wrong with the Pokemon series without using the typical "Game Freak is lazy," "Games are too easy," and "Pokemon designs are out of ideas" complaints you hear from older fans. For a better understanding on competitive Pokemon, I highly recommend watching False Swipe Gaming, Freezai, Jimothy Cool, Chompy, Moxie Boosted, foofootoo, and WolfeyVGC. But whatever you do, do NOT watch Verlisify. His competitive takes will make you lose brain cells.
@imacg5 3 сағат бұрын
Everything described in the video could be summed up as "It's the '90s."
@eduardotorres6108 3 сағат бұрын
I had that BRUUUHHH moment on Lavender Town part as well. 😶 My 1st pokemon game was Crystal & I still have it I just need to change battery. My favorite is Ruby/OR which I put 999 hours, but I would say Emerald if it weren't for that many hours.
@rianmartinez4809 3 сағат бұрын
This video felt like it came from my brain tbh-I’m still in the process of estranging my self from HP and have to go over these talking points to stay strong! I particularly liked your break down of JK’s craft in comparison to other authors We’re clearly shaped from a lot of the same media, maybe even including our relationship with Harry Potter. Also we want justice for Victor Nikiforov
@Ugly_German_Truths 3 сағат бұрын
Are you insane? "Writing for younger audiences was not a thing"? Of course it existed for almost 100 years before Rowling. Young Adult was an aisle in the bloody bookstores. Redwall anybody? Watership Down? Seriously, if that is what you try to hang this critique of... You failed before you even started. Why some series like Potter, Eragon, Twilight, Hunger Games went "viral" for books was more about the ambience, the feeling of their world, than about "a hole nobody before could fill". It's successful escapism, it does not have to be great literature.
@Ugly_German_Truths 3 сағат бұрын
Okay, that "nothing in Potter has consequences" is an even worse read. It's more "nothing in Potter is allowed to change". The wizarding world in the epilogue is definitely still effed up. Slytherin has still a bad reputation, criminals were let back into society JUST AS AFTER THE LAST WAR. Because that would be overthrowing the setup Rowling decided on for her world... the ministry needs to be corrupt, the School needs to be split in half between bullies and victims... and the non magical world is still a zoo for magicals where they obliviate or confound randomly whenever they like. It's more a ceasefire than a hard won peace... It's a world set in stone, not allowed to logically change. There is no "de-riddle-fication" of Post Bloodwar Britain, and it shows in how the world is equally flawed in the 1930s, the 1990s and the 2010s, all the settings Rowling has as of yet tried her hand on.
@jvts8916 3 сағат бұрын
Her video is making me wonder if Lily even knows what a story based show is. Bringing up Mandalorian as an episodic show purely because there's no plans for an ending doesn't work because it's still telling an overarching story.
@WeirdedOutShiba 4 сағат бұрын
This feels less like retrospect and more like lily watched jaiden animations pokemon nuzzlock videos and thought she could use the form to talk every game.
@PsRohrbaugh 4 сағат бұрын
Harry Potter was not GOOD. It was FUN, especially if you were in the age group that "grew up" along with the book's characters.
@DiaboTatuado 4 сағат бұрын
Watching Lily Orchard's videos and listening to her opinions makes me wonder if the things she likes fits the criteria of what she considers to be good, like: - Characters need to be as vague and shallow as possible so actual characterization can be dismissed in favor of headcanons and other assumptions of what they are like - Morality has to be gray and complex but also it needs to be extremely black and white so discutions about a character's actions can't be made or questioned - The plot should be in your face and straightforward and as possible, so everything considered "filler" can be thrown out because engaging with something takes time and being patient is a sin - Everything needs to be taken literally, nothing is allowed to have a symbolic, allegoric or metaphorical meaning - Fanmade material is more important than the actual thing And many more, like really, the only thing I can think of is Hazbin Hotel Coffee Shop AUs Edit: needed to correct a typo
@brandonmuse5532 4 сағат бұрын
This Video Was Great !!!
@Kumppari 4 сағат бұрын
Well i guess the books weren't made for crybabies. Get a grip.
@poppie267 4 сағат бұрын
True because most people who read these books cry by even the smallest critism 😂That is what happened when you made you entire life about 7 full of plot hole books i suposse.
@yourhorseyepona7309 5 сағат бұрын
Does she like pokemon? If she hates exploring that much and doesnt care about story, why not just play those monster-catching rogue-likes? Or play anything else really??
@agramuglia 5 сағат бұрын
Or even Shadow of the Colossus.
@zacheryacuff8070 5 сағат бұрын
On the last page of the last book (before the epilogue), one of Harry's final acts of the series is to wonder whether his slave will make him a sandwich. When I was reminded of this one fact years later, it's like a lightbulb went on in my head and I saw what shitty morals the books actually promoted all along.
@AdrianLiFo 5 сағат бұрын
At the 2 hour and 11 minute mark of this video and I think I need to rewatch Jaiden Animations’ or Alpharad’s nuzlocke video after this, because holy moly… Lily just sounds so miserable about her Pokémon experiences, I don’t get why she even made a retrospective if she is just gonna skip most of the game’s story and also not explore the world and it’s characters. Just sleep walking, beating trainers and just acting spiteful to most of the characters. I’m just throwing my hands in the air after she takes out Suicune. Misdreavus and Aggron are GOAT Pokémon tho, I’ll give her that.
@agramuglia 5 сағат бұрын
I explained some of what Lily did to my spouse after streaming, regarding the Red Gyarados and Suicune. They.... basically asked if Lily was high
@maxstone3779 5 сағат бұрын
Harry Potter is last generations Star Wars. Audience lifted creator up to be a god only to discover a human. This generation has chewed through Marvel movies. Give it another 10 years and it will be something else.
@marocat4749 6 сағат бұрын
also the webtoon kubera the last god, better translated on mangadex. Is really good at magic and wouldbuilding, if more , it gets dark and is, great mystery never failing and all thought out, and that with future visions shinanigans stuff. i dont think i can compare it to harry potter thou but its great. You can have merlin be dark, the night watch series has merlin as blurring he lines characters, but then the book is about grey morality and politics in that world and explore that.
@marocat4749 6 сағат бұрын
Oh i remember the worst witch series, its pretty good. Even how she isnt great at magic but has a special ability apearently and is very creative and resourceful. Through she has terrible luck. Great series. Its good vibes and fun too. And not enabling bigoted tstuff. The worst witch really should be agnowledged. I didnt know it was that series, yes.
@martinrobert6709 6 сағат бұрын
Doesn't understand fandom at all not just Harry Potter fandom. Sounds like a woke academic with sour grapes syndrome. Doesn't understand fantasy history both magic schools and word based magic existed long before Eathsea both in fiction and myth.
@marocat4749 6 сағат бұрын
not gundam :( , abnd really the reason why it was ok for suki to humikiate him there, was because sokka was a jerk, without it it makes her way worse. With it, she is trying to knock down his false ego and likes him for when he is willing to learn .
@snookofficial7211 7 сағат бұрын
""THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!! Blimey, I nearly shat myself.. sort your levels out!
@marocat4749 8 сағат бұрын
There is also the madicians thats about, magic college, but genuinly intriguing and thought out and mature. Even if the first book intentionally is from the viewpoint of a very frustrating person. Series is good too. And its pretty fun how childhood book hero turns out to be the worst. XD Chaunassy from the nanny is so good there XD The dude from the nanny, has the fun of his life. I thought it was just topical. its just a bit later, the thing iis more about growing up and, fair bit dark humor and tragedy and disenchanting. Also hella queer. But facing nostaligia is there. And probably not rowling inspired, a lot beloved childrens books authors were , not good people till outright monstrous.
@matt0044 8 сағат бұрын
I’d like to posit that “snap-shot redemption arcs” are rarely just that. Rather it’s that on some level, the villain knows that the lie they believe in is full of crud but either are too privileged to let go of what they have or are in too deep and are committed to a sunk cost fallacy. Their heel face turn occurs when the straw that breaks the camels back land and they can no longer justify to themselves that anything they did was okay or for any greater good.
@ItsCamille735 8 сағат бұрын
I’d stopped watching Lily’s content a good few years ago so this video passed me by, having seen at least half of it how I realised. This is just Josh Strife Hayes’ Was it any good?: Pokémon Gen 1 video. But where Josh scraped through everything with a fine-toothed comb and explained the mechanics, secrets and glitches Lily just kinda doesn’t.
@mouse-ib8wk 9 сағат бұрын
Lily : "lets separate the games from the nostalgia and judge them as games first" Also Lily : -spends half the vid complaining about what she thinks other people are saying and projecting like mad- Now that's quality criticism.
@sawcrab2249 9 сағат бұрын
this feels so sad for me as someone who grew up loving this series with my siblings, it being something that we bonded over a lot and loved a lot growing up, that we revisit almost yearly to relive that childhood wonder. And its sad because i WANT to love it, but I can see things now that I just couldn't as a kid. We watched the LOTR trilogy last year and more recently The Hunger Games and it really put into perspective how shallow Harry Potter was. There was no depth to the fantasy, it played it too safe, too unambitious to truly create something unique, and lacking the creativity or bravery to really create something meaningful and long lasting. I find myself thinking about the worldbuilding and characters of those other two stories (mostly LOTR) a LOT more than Harry Potter, and it just shows how much more experience and knowledge went into those stories. I don't think anyone wants to hate Harry Potter, but it's just poorly crafted and thats a depressing realisation. I didn't really have much to say, just kinda bummed about how trash a childhood fav was lmfao, but I think a lot of people can agree with that sentiment
@SpiderandMosquito 9 сағат бұрын
2:15:01 ah, fuck me that made me laugh.
@crimsonECH1DNA 10 сағат бұрын
Said this in chat last night but Lily frames so much of her media criticism in being "Anti-Fandom" that you can sense when a rant is coming from a mile a way. Silver is sacred cow of the fandom and held up as the best rival of the series? Well obviously it's because of fandom's obsession with angsty white boys, not because he had an orgranic arc throughout the game. Same thing with her Gardevoir/Gallade rant. "Gamefreak only made Gallade because fandom had a sexist meltdown." She's obsessed with treating the concept of fandom as this boogeyman.
@Toastishott 30 минут бұрын
The gardevoir thing doesn't even make sense because gardevoir is a beloved pokemon and always has been. Maybe some middle school boys back when she was a kid made fun of it and she held the grudge to this day? 😅
@bluebaron6858 11 сағат бұрын
Grrat points againt their points!
@shakachoarroyo 11 сағат бұрын
"Why kill the Gyarados at the Lake of Rage while complaining about weak pokemon?" Because she hates Gyarados. She hates the more Mon-like pokemon.
@WalterOfMikado 9 сағат бұрын
...what?! The name of the series is abbreviated from "Pocket Monsters". Why does she... Never mind. I have an idea why.
@shakachoarroyo 3 сағат бұрын
@WalterOfMikado her fave is Gardevoir. Just saying...
@GrandArchPriestOfTheAlgorithm 11 сағат бұрын
My sweet summer child: If your favorite games are the Johto games, you still get the label of genwunner. Lily really is Bill Maher, contrarian for sake of contrarianism. 55:44 Well actually, it is gen 1, Alakazam's SP.D is 95 in gen 2 and afterwards. Also, if she want a pokemon that was good despite no stab, see Gengar. 1:41:28 Yeah, by linking to someone that got one, or opening game shark. Houndour and Growlithe should have switched places. While I agree that having access to all pokemon is great for veterans, it's not for newcomers who'll easily get overwhelmed by choice. Also, have Lily not heard of pacing? 1:47:29 You might not be familiar with Bulbapedia, if you could get it by evolution, it would say "evolve [X]". 2:37:20 Hey Lily, you can easily sweep Cynthia's team with Gyarados by stacking Dragon Dances. And that is more reliable. Team Aqua's plan is to expand the ocean, Team Magma to expand land. Neither try to take it to apocalyptic levels. Just a guess from me, but the reason Wally has a Gallade in ORAS is probably because The Champion of X & Y had Gardevoir as her ace.
@i_am_ergo 11 сағат бұрын
This essay came out 30 minutes too long. You started out strong with Harold Bloom's rendition of the common sentiment expressed by good authors regarding bad books: if you read bad books, you don't actually read. But then you went full anti-Rowling, replacing her shallowness with overanalyzing. The books were never that good because Rowling isn't smart enough to write a clever story that has any weight and because she didn't stop to think the world through. She just sat down and started writing a cool children's story and then made the mistake of writing a second book. That's it. The books' mediocrity bordering on poorness has _absolutely_ nothing to do with fatphobia, gender or race politics, 17th century wizarding bathroom etiquette, overt imperialism or Tonks ending up with Lupin.