The Bluff Council is a film discussion series created and hosted by filmmakers Keith Macri and Ev Durán, and is not at ALL just two random dudes arguing about films they like. That would be like, SO lame. "The Bluff Council Podcast" is part of the BLEAV podcast network, and available wherever you listen to your podcasts.
On this channel, you'll see movie reviews and discussions of all kinds:
"Council Pop" - New movie reviews
"The Chamber" - Classic film reviews
"Hot Revs" - Solo, short reviews
"The Bluff Council Podcast" - Topical conversations about films and the industry
Do you love movies like we do? If you have a film you'd like us to discuss or review, please leave us a comment and let us know! Thank you so much for visiting our channel. For movie reactions, film analysis, and more, please consider subscribing.
Email us at
[email protected].