Turns out I’m genderqueer wahoo
Hello internet!
2 жыл бұрын
Tattoo tour (2020)
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Why I’m not online anymore
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Shaving all of my hair off
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Hi! I’m still alive!
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What has changed.
4 жыл бұрын
@ellinorlinnea624 2 күн бұрын
kovu get an electric guitar
@ellinorlinnea624 2 күн бұрын
@Reed5016 5 күн бұрын
For me, it was the opposite. I used to identify as genderfluid, but I realized that it was my gender expression that changed, not my gender itself. But I support you completely.
@mronana6582 9 күн бұрын
You are a very troubled person. I hope you find peace. This shows that pushing children to transition to feel more comfortable in their body is very wrong. Every teenager feels outside their bodies and hate it but it doesn't mean we will feel better in the other gender. They need direction from adults.
@cosmosrenegade 9 күн бұрын
Hey! I'm another of the people who watched you when they were young, and came to check up. Just a couple of things I know that could help you out, trans women have an insane amount of resources on how to deal with hair loss, so maybe ask around on their reddits to see if anyone knows some minoxidil alternatives. I also kind of, have a complicated history with they/them pronouns, I still feel misgendered when people use them. I do really fuck with exclusively fellow queer people using he/it for me. I could finally start T 3 months ago, and I'm getting top surgery next year December. It's so interesting to see how we've both changed, I was also insanely dysphoric back then but presenting very masculine somehow made it worse (Just being hyper aware of how different I looked from cis men presenting in the same way, so I was very much leaning like, at the time, demi-boy nonbinary trans masc vibes. As time went on I started to feel more and more comfortable in myself and how binary I am, and I've ended up being very comfortable as a kind of "genderqueer ftm transexual" situation, I don't really vibe with trans man, being trans just describes the process I went through to be myself.
@THE-MUFFIN-MAN-v9s 11 күн бұрын
Jeg har ventet 6 år på riksen de sa nå får du det on 3 månter fikk brev om at neste time med en lege er om 8 månter !! Dette er ikke første gang , jeg er dirt forbanna
@arkhamadness-5065 13 күн бұрын
I remember being 11 struggling with my feelings towards men watching your 100 ways to come out video time has flown by so much !
@O-pm8bb 13 күн бұрын
I'm getting finally my endocrinologist appointment next month. After waiting for 5 years. I am really really excited to finally start t, I cannot wait to not wanna 💀 Everytime I hear my voice or look in the mirror. I have 0 doubts that this is what I need and want because dysphoria for me is unbearable and has had detrimental consequences on my life, specially because I am a bit older than when most people start t. My fear doesn't come from "am I going to regret this" because I know the answer is no. My fear comes from 2 main things: what is my family and coworkers gonna think? I'm not out to anyone except my parents and friends because I have always been around environments hostile to trans people. I'm scared of how am I going to be treated when they notice the changes. My mother is supportive of my identity but she has never really been too happy about the idea of me taking hrt and I'm scared she'll say hurtful things to me. I'm an adult so she cannot stop me but I don't like to feel guilty. 2. I'm scared that my body will not change. I'm scared that even taking t I'll still look like a female because that to me would be the biggest disappointment ever. I'm very afraid of needles so until now I always thought I would go for gel but now I'm really not sure because I want changes and I want them fast. I don't wanna be 1 year on testosterone and still look and sound like a chick but I also am extremely afraid of having to put a needle in my body myself.
@Al-exis 14 күн бұрын
Are all gc2b binders swimming friendly?
@north335 15 күн бұрын
thank you for sharing it helps to hear your story
@hxpponaut197 16 күн бұрын
Ok so something feels off from when you are young? But in what way? About what?
@samdal420 21 күн бұрын
Huske at mor mi kaldte mæ selvopptatt for å være trans og fordi æ ville bytte navnet mitt og dæææven fikk æ kjeft og leksjon fordi æ ville bruke pronomen "de" (sa at æ også var ok med "han" men hun nekta å bruke det heller men ble tilslutt enig med å bruke "hen) men så, året etterpå ble hun med i pride toget til og med! Proud of her character development 😭😭😭
@samdal420 21 күн бұрын
Fyller 18 til neste årrrrr🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 da kan æ begynne å trygle riksen utan å bli kjefta på av foreldrene mine💫 med mindre riksen kutter budsjettet igjen idk💀
@samdal420 21 күн бұрын
Men æ e jo meir ikkebinær og riksen tror fortsatt ikke på at ikkebinære personer eksisterer 💀💀💀💀 æ e blakk som faen så hvis dysforien prøver å ta knekk på mæ igjen så tar æ ut lån og går privat
@felixirscrubb3638 22 күн бұрын
Being ftm and having EDs may be the worst cocktail for a beach trip.
@RedVRCC 22 күн бұрын
I don't WANT to be a part of the system. It's rigged and impossible to win.
@Fyrdman 26 күн бұрын
I like how people only discard Harry Potter now that its author has fallen out of political favour, as opposed to Harry Potter always being total shit.
@surspike1606 28 күн бұрын
i’m so close to being on t, i was so adamant about it and suddenly, when i was so close, i started feeling doubtful and scared and questioning everything. this video genuinely helped a lot. thank you so so so much
@God.is.good. 28 күн бұрын
Hey! I just wanted to tell you that Jesus Christ gave His life and resurrected to save you from your sins, and then resurrected so you can have life in Him. Jesus Christ is coming back sooner than you might expect, be ready and prepare to go with Him! Salvation prayer: Father I pray with my heart and believe in You Jesus Christ. I believe you died for me. I acknowledge that i'm a sinner, please forgive my sins. Wash me with Your precious blood. Come into my heart, save my soul today. Be my LORD and personal Saviour. I accept you today. In Jesus' name. Amen. Meditate on His Word (The Bible) to overcome challenges of this world until He comes! Jesus loves you! I don't know you but remember that God is with you! Romans 6:23> For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. 💕🫶🏾
@LukeLoureiro-um4em Ай бұрын
Told my dad i am gay and he said he's gonna send me to jail
@Bloody_Corpses Ай бұрын
I relate but in a different way instead of identifying as a trans man i feel more comfortable just identify as a man without the trans lable but i wouldn't deny being a trans man if i was asked
@Twintowerscuzynot Ай бұрын
Me: im gay Mom: I'm glad that you're happy
@BoReads Ай бұрын
I thought you were Cavetown omg
@elixaaaaa Ай бұрын
i love love 🥰💌
@a-stark3 Ай бұрын
i missed you 😭
@sometypeofgay Ай бұрын
I'm gender queer bc I feel like nothing really fits well. AlI know is my gender is very queer. I get ya.
@FinnApple Ай бұрын
Jeg tror ikke noe vil gjøre deg lykkelig. Du virker ikke fornøyd om du går på hormoner eller ikke.
@MiltV121 Ай бұрын
Be well folks 🙏
@Mrokthem Ай бұрын
4:08 bro said she is a lady of a class
@kylemerrill7874 Ай бұрын
Hvorfor er transkønnede så narcissistiske? Er der nogen anden del af dig selv, der ikke er domineret af at være transkønnet? Kan du lide at læse, kunst, se film, nyde naturen? Har du andre interesser end at tale om din identitet eller seksualitet? Der skal være mere til dig end dette!
@Bloody_Corpses Ай бұрын
Transgender people aren't narcissistic 😂 this is just the subject of the video transgender people like doing all of that it's not their whole personality
@samryan8938 Ай бұрын
A lot of your former/current thoughts really resonate with me as a trans guy. Thanks so much for making this video- it’s so honest and genuine to the core!
@DorianPaige00 Ай бұрын
You'll get 48 weeks reversion of your hairline if you stop testosterone. That is how long it takes to ossify a bone as T causes the cranium to expand.
@carter6456 Ай бұрын
I stopped T after 3 years as well, the only thing I dislike about my body now is my femininely shaped face. It takes a few months for the E to kick back in, but I’m happy with my decision!
@Carybackup2 Ай бұрын
You a he/her?
@Carybackup2 Ай бұрын
T hurts the VA JJ too😅
@user-nx5qd4lw2h Ай бұрын
you look lovely
@ropi8739 Ай бұрын
It's the truth period, for everyone.
@BenjaminL.M Ай бұрын
This is exactly what i needed and the question feels like they just took my thoughts from my brain. I really want T and I love all the changes I will bring me, but I'm scared that I wont feel like me anymore with how my voice will sound different. i like the other changes and I do want a deeper voice 100%, but I'm scared it will get TOO deep or that I just wont sound the same, even though I've watched and listened to so many other peoples timelines on how their voice changed. I keep on going back and forth to 100% to 50% on board and it scares me. I think maybe that I should wait but it makes me sad to think about having to wait even longer while still having this voice/body. i want to do micro doses for this reason so if I regret it I wouldn't have changed too much. but either way I hope to get T this year or the next!
@wolkenwald7260 Ай бұрын
Hi Kovu, thank you for this video, it was really helpful! If you have the time to answer and are comfortable sharing: How did you talk to your doctor about wanting to go off T (for the moment)? Was there resistance on the doctors side or did they accept your wishes?
@iLettercast Ай бұрын
Considering doing similar for similar reasons. Interested to see how it goes! Thank you for the updates. Been watching your channel since 2017.
@THE-MUFFIN-MAN-v9s Ай бұрын
As a fellow Norwegian I have been watching you for 5 years now and I’m finally starting T in about 6 months !!!!
@lioly8282 Ай бұрын
This conversation is so wonderful 💫
@lighterlesscig Ай бұрын
im so glad ive rediscovered your channel on my home screen omg, i used to watch your videos all the time when i was like 12 and figuring out my gender and now im 18 and transitioning :p i hope you are well , thank you for helping me figure things out
@lisje2496 Ай бұрын
I am a fan of your boyfriend and just every word that comes out of his mouth! And you are so sweet together! Sending love from The Netherlands!
@AdamZ-vr3eb Ай бұрын
🧐 You’re both good-looking & cute. But you’re a (straight) heterosexual couple, because Kai is male-sexed and Kovu is female-sexed. It’s called heteroSEXual, not “homoGENDERAL”. Gender is simply a synonym for sexist stereotypes.
@Abi-kk4nl Ай бұрын
@b3rntk4r3 Ай бұрын
A cis guy named Kai? Oh wait, he's just from Sarpsborg :P
@boyghcst Ай бұрын
Awh your partner is so down to earth and really open! Really heartwarming to hear yous both talk about these things. I’ve had a lot of transphobia from other gay guys on dating apps so idk, it’s nice to hear there are people out there who aren’t dicks 😅
@ndelaney8826 2 ай бұрын
Kovu popping up on my feed after like 5 years?? wild & very appreciated
@waytoobiased 2 ай бұрын
congrats on being openly Norwegian!
@laxman4470 2 ай бұрын
@Phoenix.Sparkles 2 ай бұрын
This video is oddly relevant for me atm