@_Mangs 10 минут бұрын
This attorney is an amazing advocate and reflects again how disgusting our leaders are intending to be.
@JJ-cc7gx Сағат бұрын
Vote DEMONRATS forever!!!
@muhlenberg2608 Сағат бұрын
The city government of Minneapolis has capitulated to criminals. It's that simple.
@ProudCapitalist-ko9ff 8 сағат бұрын
I do agree that this cop shouldn’t have been charged but let’s face it - cops routinely abuse their authority, arrest people illegally and violate the Constitutional rights of citizens. And because of internal affairs departments that protect cops and qualified immunity, they usually get away with it. This attorney claims that police are being victimized by the justice system, which is patently false. Police should be held to a higher standard but are often given far lesser sentences than civilian who committed the exact same crimes. The truth is police departments have brought the hatred on themselves by their actions. Just spend a couple of KZbin videos of cops abusing their authority and shooting unarmed person who were no threat to the cops or anyone else. It’s true that Moriarty is a woke, cop hating, leftist dunce but the cops give disgusting people like her plenty of ammo to use against them.
@andreamartinez-mm3kl 8 сағат бұрын
This almost reminds me of 13 hrs of bengazi. Just in America. Shameful.
@elidamatovina 14 сағат бұрын
Mr. Altman, I love Pope Francis. I believe in the Holy Spirit. Isn't it true that Popes are elected by the guidance of the Holy Spirit? So, you are saying the Holy Spirit made a mistake? You say you are against abortion, but you call DACA children whose mothers have chosen to give birth and not abort them, criminal illegal aliens. Jesus would never call them aliens. They are human beings. You have fallen under the spell of an evil one - a cheater, liar, hater, revengeful, one who uses Jesus to get votes, one who would never wash the feet of the poor. Remember what Jesus says... what you do to the least of my children you do unto me. Also, the death penalty is wrong. God is the only one who gives us life and can take it away. 🙏
@hazen061408 15 сағат бұрын
Just remember that this is only one event. It only scratches the surface. Those in powerful government positions are very practiced that shaping the narrative to their liking. Our government institutions (CIA for instance) are very practiced in doing the same with shaping entire countries. If the government doesn't like you or what you do, it will make you disappear. To some I will sound like a conspiracy theorist. To those individuals, I simply point to this case. Those Officers never stood a chance. And now they will rot in prison for the benefit of a few politician's careers.
@kenk5870 16 сағат бұрын
Will the Executive and AG Dept in MN ever apologize ? change their ways ? Disgusting! I remember when MN was a nice place to live. Moved to WI. Sad, sad, sad. Keep up the good fight Mr Madel and Liz!
@jimmyjones2896 16 сағат бұрын
Im sure the new minnesota state flag design will solve sll these problems...
@muhlenberg2608 19 сағат бұрын
I have zero sympathy. The people of Minneapolis voted for this. They deny it on camera, but you know that those politicians didn't get into power on their own.
@infin8ee 19 сағат бұрын
The irony of the judge saying that Chauvinism abused a position of power off any scale . It's certainly not any police officers who are benefitting from this debacle . The narrative has continued and Leo's have lost their lives and been injured . It's a sad blight on the face of society. I wish this was compulsory viewing . Well done to the producers etc of this documentary.
@givemefreespeechyoutubehitlers 21 сағат бұрын
Imagine being scared of kids 😂
@2x2is22 22 сағат бұрын
BUILD THE WALL... around the Metro
@SummerofKittyLove 23 сағат бұрын
Self-inflicted curse of the godless lib commies
@scottwendt9575 23 сағат бұрын
We are truly living in a Banana Republic in the state of Minnesota…😔
@Costas2448 Күн бұрын
These progressives expect something else? The voted for this!
@01boobies Күн бұрын
I have never resisted arrest and also have never been shot by a police officer. weird? FYI i also don't carry illegal weapons or drugs
@Willchannel90 Күн бұрын
Defending bad guys never made you as heroes. It made itself as villains from public betrayal. - Wiseman.
@Liberty-rn4wy Күн бұрын
I remember talking to a firefighter in downtown Minneapolis about two years ago. I said to him, "you guys must have been busy during summer 2020, right?" His answer shocked me. He said, "no we were here, it was quiet." Wait, what? Buildings were burning and firefighters were sitting at their stations? The documentary shows how police officers sat in their cars while buildings were looted, not being able to do anything. I thus think that at least in part, the politicians held back fire and police and let the city be burned and looted. It's sick but I think it is true.
@robtriton Күн бұрын
Rainbow Flag lady will continue to vote for Democrats for the rest of her life. 🤡🤡🤡
@capt.america6296 Күн бұрын
Woke or not, a dumbassocrat voters will vote for anybody that offers them somebody else’s work, money, efforts, or ideas because they’re too lazy to put in the work and the time it takes to get ahead for themselves. Perpetual victims, But I’m willing to do anything for themselves, including getting employable job skills.
@himgod6495 Күн бұрын
Who wants to live in a place that is cold most of the year? Minnesota is luck people just happen to be born here.
@larryrhodes7300 Күн бұрын
And yet all the police fall in line and do what their evil overlords command them to do, stand down let them burn the city ,let them arrest cops for photo opps. When will they stand up for real justice????
@cindysmith6509 Күн бұрын
Muslim and Democrat.....imagine that !
@cindysmith6509 Күн бұрын
@Jerrlk56 Күн бұрын
Another great presentation!
@BoberFett Күн бұрын
Minneapolis residents shocked to get the government they voted for.
@Lt.Fireguy 2 күн бұрын
GF was a criminal drug addicted scum bag
@technophobe7067 2 күн бұрын
$27mn and they say crime doesn’t pay! Ye Right!
@erichammer8434 2 күн бұрын
Little Canada banned hookah....MPLS is "the blame"... the trash, bottles and derogatory words go unchecked!! And I'm the asshole cause 5% ruined it for the rest!!!
@johnhaase8832 2 күн бұрын
Fantastic reporting. Finally common sense rules. I left that state, after being a life long resident, because of the political bs going on there. Hopefully this sets a precedent. Thank you from Alaska!
@brandoncox4644 2 күн бұрын
I always like and subscribe in today's day. I feel helping us in this platform. Turn to God. Turn to Yaweh. And I hope we can prey. And overcome like we made it happen in 1776 July 4. In God we trust. All things are possible through god
@mezz8867 2 күн бұрын
Only 2 million view's in a country of 325 million.....sad
@jamess7264 2 күн бұрын
Gender “identity” is a ridiculous term and concept. Whichever way the wind blows on any given day is the gender du jour.
@dsm19581 2 күн бұрын
I was living there at the time. Derek did not get a fair trial. I personally was extremely afraid when I heard Rep. Maxine Waters calling for additional violence against those of us who lived there if the verdict didn’t go her way. If the judge hadn’t been corrupt, he would have declared a mistrial over that incident alone.
@Chevelle_5150 2 күн бұрын
Trump was so spot on about all of Minnesotas leaders...they are WEAK!!!!
@spoonfullofsugar6247 2 күн бұрын
What exactly do people expect the homeless to do or where they’re suppose to go? You sit there in your nice warm home and complain about those who have nothing. What the hell is wrong with people?
@ThatWasThenThisIsNow-yn1eq 2 күн бұрын
Let me guess, it was a white Amish guy that murdered this cop????? Oh no it is not you say. Gee I wonder what he race is of the murderer.
@Weshopwizard 2 күн бұрын
@bobholst874 2 күн бұрын
Chairman WALZ-TSE-DONG is a disgrace! He is a tyrant that liberals love because he assaults our freedoms and supports Stalinist tactics of the left! Ellison is a proven woman beater, yet gets installed as the top cop in the state? Unbelieveable!!!
@bbrcummins1984 2 күн бұрын
Come down to North Florida Ryan, we back the blue
@Silentpartner70 2 күн бұрын
Free chauvin
@blazerbarrel2 2 күн бұрын
Floyd died from a drug over dose . Sad the police had to use force to collect him . Some times you make the wrong choice when you are Under the influence .
@celerystickinmybloodymary3641 2 күн бұрын
It’s all a BIG LIE! For what…….power, money, greed, bribery, corruption, perversion, subversion, deceit, pure evil!
@markanderson8677 2 күн бұрын
The fact that she was allowed to act as a tie breaker for the remainder of the session is unethical and a clear display of the moral character of the DFL Senate.
@robtriton 2 күн бұрын
The left loves homelessness! Keep voting for incompetent Democrats, and this will continue! You all NEVER learn from your piss-poor decision-making skills.
@timcasey1428 2 күн бұрын
Isn't it interesting that it's always the same locations and same suspects. And yet they never got to jail...
@gloriamitchell7249 3 күн бұрын
Those Prosecutor's and Judges will be "Judged" as they have judged others!!! They will have to answer for their actions. God Bless this Family!
@ForJustice208 3 күн бұрын
I can’t believe the first officers to attend were rookies and were swearing like that from the start. I’d hate to see how veteran officers acted in this department. Totally unprofessional.
@Curlyblonde 3 күн бұрын
Minneapolis is slowly turning into another Portland. Defend your properties.