our apartment in the UK got burgled, LOL…
the freedom of being ‘average’
19 сағат бұрын
Why I keep coming back to YouTube
A day in my life working in a warehouse
@g4joe 29 секунд бұрын
Boomer here, we left school at 15 did apprenticeships ie electrians, fitters, turners. In the 1960 you could go to Australia as £10 Pomm's lots did. Houses were cheaper to buy. And it was the swinging 60's we had a great old time. Feel sorry for the Kids today they dont have a chance in hell of buying a house even renting is beyond a lot of them. The Sun is setting on the West and rising in the East, we have had our day.
@toya_senpai2470 2 минут бұрын
A lot of responsibility for barely any reward, if any at all
@tentimetex 3 минут бұрын
Expectations...fuelled by endless videos of success stories: ''Let me show you how i started a cookie company in my shed and how i sold it to Nestle for 10 million!'', ''Let me show you how i went from working as a barrista, to selling my small teenie tiny Sour cream droplet company to Mars for 20 million! And how i now live in Dubai and play golf!"'' ..... ''I knew that i never wanted to be a wage slave all my life...how boring! so...i just went and started on amazon drop shipping and now i'm building my dream house!'' ............ yeah.
@TheNeighbor-s3s 4 минут бұрын
I have always believed it's up to employers to train people. How can educators, who are the quintessential bureaucrats but fancy themselves radical innovators, keep up with the rapidly changing needs of the employers? And employers think, aha, let the parents pay thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars to have their children trained in antiquated or obsolete methodologies and we'll just hire people based on some entry level training elsewherr, I mean, "experience" (cough, cough).
@TopOfTheMound 5 минут бұрын
The whole education industrial complex is based on a massive grift. It's probably created more jobs for "educators" than it has for the people put through it. We have to stop and think about how the whole concept is crazy: For over a decade a person is forced to complete tasks and memorize information that might have nothing to do with what they are actually going to do to support themselves in the future. They are just told that, if they "do their time", they will easily get a job that will give them plenty of money to support themselves until retirement. Is it time we just accept this was a pipe dream? At what point are we going to realize that it is just a scam? As someone who has graduated and held multiple decent paying jobs that had nothing to do with his degree, I can say that the only way to learn how to make money is to learn how to make money. Take this guy and his "Sound Engineering Degree". As someone who records and produces music himself, am I going to hire someone to record, mix, and produce a record because they wasted four years of their life and who knows how much money getting a "degree"? Or am I going to hire someone who spent four years recording, mixing, and mastering dozens of well made albums? Guess.
@ahopefiend1867 5 минут бұрын
The economy is geared towards returning value to shareholders. It isn't geared towards fixing the worlds problems. We have a mental health crisis yet all the psych majors are working in retail and fast-food. We have diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart-disease running rampant but a nutritionist or anyone with a biology degree is working in a store. We have entire ecosystems collapsing yet no one wants to hire a marine biologist. But if you are in engineering, computer science, or something it gets better because that's where people are directing the money. It's really sad. And to be honest, some governments absolutely hate people who can read, write, and communicate ideas. In the US the government has spent time to make hiring H1B graduates from abroad easier and will soon vote on increasing the number of incoming H1B, yet can't even set up a decent portal to help unemployed college graduates get their first job.
@ngvkhtnw22 5 минут бұрын
It is a simple fact that no economy, absolutely no economy anywhere in the world can produce enough good jobs that match the number of university graduates every year. It's a simple supply and demand reality. If you have a good job now, count your blessing and not your talents, because there are many people out there who are just as talented as you are if not more so but couldn't get a job.
@alienlifeuk8375 6 минут бұрын
Trouble is is that too many people with degrees are pretty thick, everything has been dumbed down to facilitate pass rates. As for the Covid era graduates, no exams, just awarded grades???
@maxkyrus 4 минут бұрын
Everythings been dumbed down because University has been transformed from being an Elite Institution to being a Mass Education Factory.
@MadMax-gc2vj 9 минут бұрын
Degrees are good but it must be in demand. My son was in the US Army 8 yrs. He has a Masters in Business and 2 yr certificate in Logistics . Works for a good company and is on Salary. Now he is studying for Certified Public Account and wants to go in business for himself .
@PurpleAmiga 10 минут бұрын
I wonder if you can produce contents and grow your youtube channel using your skills as a sound engineer. Like MDs using their knowledge to teach anatomy and diseases, Dieticians produce contents about healthy foods, Fitness instructors with their exercise routines or Chefs and non pro cooks with their home made recipes. I hope your channel grows soon.
@airborneranger-ret 11 минут бұрын
ok, five years learning to be a sound engineer, going to China in your early 20's, not a good track record for decision making
@YTUser_999 12 минут бұрын
Hey mate! 🙂 I'm unemployed with a Diploma and have severe mental health problems. Also... It's not your fault mate. It's the fault of the system/society we live in. Overpopulation leads to oversaturation and vice versa. Society is collapsing in my opinion and the collapse is a mixture of climate change, economic problems, corruption, political instability and greed/capitalism (or feudalism as I call it). Don't feel bad about the situation (this is hard because I'm guilty of it myself). Don't worry about it. 🙂
@g.p616 12 минут бұрын
This will appear harsh - You took a degree in a subject in a vastly shrinking industry, and in an industry where virtually no-one cares about qualifications. Seriously what did you expect?!
@carausiuscaesar5672 15 минут бұрын
White straight men go to the bottom of the pile nowadays. Even the army navy airforce do not want ye. Trans? Ye be officer material!
@MacStewart 17 минут бұрын
As I said before, strong work ethic, drive, reliable, sharp........good employee, you will go far Sir, well done!
@clarissa-xd9iu 17 минут бұрын
@savingsavioursinvestments 17 минут бұрын
I think you are successful in areas that other guys of your age aren't. For example, having a wife and a child. Others, are feeling lonely, "out of balance" and want to be rich now. It is unrealistic to come back to the UK and land on a different secure job. It takes time and you seem to be doing well, soon you will be working in a field you enjoy. Your attitude is great. Regards
@Ray-Sixty-Nine 18 минут бұрын
You don't need a degree, you need a mentor. Universities are a business; oversupply has devalued their product and led to BSc/BA inflation. I have a BSc, Masters & Post-Graduate Diploma. Had a child to support and couldn't get paid enough to live in a city without government subsidy (a.k.a Council Tax Benefit) I'm now self employed and finally have financial security in a career I didn't study. Further Education is a Ponzi scheme.
@billyt8547 18 минут бұрын
Some jobs just are not degree level. Sure you can do a degree in them but you could also go to the local college and get practical experience. If I was hiring I would always go for experience and attitude over qualification.
@syedshadab1158 18 минут бұрын
Great 👍 ❤
@fullclipaudio 19 минут бұрын
Just wow. I've worked in entertainment for decades. I've never worked with anyone that learned this trade by going to school. It isn't possible to learn audio engineering at a school. You were ripped off.
@clarissa-xd9iu 19 минут бұрын
@seemlesslies 20 минут бұрын
Graduated in 2020 with an Aerospace Engineeing degreem worked at Amazon for a period. I didn't an engieering degree for 1.5 hears after graduating. It was a horrible job with a 3 hour commute. Took another job as soon as it came as a program manager. Job only last 6 months due to no work budget cuts. Then it took me another 6 months to get another engineering job. It was only by luck I got the job.
@alexsmith-ob3lu 21 минут бұрын
Good video. Thank you for sharing your story. I work blue collar as a low voltage electrician. My previous job was a controls technician doing automation systems. I never went to a four year college (university) because my grades weren’t enough, university tuition was out of my budget and I didn’t want to get into debt. So, I went to technical-community college and completed an associate of applied science degree in electromechanical engineering technology. So yeah, you can basically call me the “unicorn” of my generation as everyone else around me went to university and are either doing well or doing terrible right now. While I remain “in the middle.” The main problem is that many people don’t think enough and are too easily manipulated by emotions. Especially parents who (for the most part) don’t understand anything. Our presentation day classroom/lecture public schooling is from the early 19th century (Prussian model) for drilling soldiers for “industrial combat.” Most folks don’t realize that our schooling is a highly controlled environment; something that life isn’t about. Even if your education is high quality, it’s still FACTORY quality! What happens when there is an oversupply of a factory product? The items just pile up in a warehouse going nowhere.
@clarissa-xd9iu 22 минут бұрын
@DankHypatia 26 минут бұрын
I spent years climbing the academic ladder only to bail out right as I was seeking tenure-track university positions. I decided to take my last $20k and start an online resale-type business that basically turned my apartment/house/garage into a warehouse. I work alone and it's actually going pretty well (around 350-500k annual rev and 25-40% margins) and I would consider leaning in a similar direction. A lot of your knowledge about how to organize and manage a warehouse will be very useful, and with your sound eng/tech background I'm sure there are some kinds of hardware/products that you can understand and appreciate that you could get into reselling/refurbishing. At worst it could be a productive side-gig. Just start small, shoot for at least a 25% profit margin (net of fees/taxes), try to minimize your labor requirements, seek to please your customers, and see how it goes. Just some thoughts.
@djtangable7550 26 минут бұрын
why accept their reality they impose on you if they won't accept your reality? Oh you got conned, might as well be happy about it. Why not rethink all of society and kick out the people who screwed us, because they did bro and they need to pay for their lies.
@imblakeimbald 28 минут бұрын
i’m listening to this while on a walk 😂
@blanne9628 31 минут бұрын
The hard truth is - there's no demand for sound engineers out there. If you choose a degree like sound engineering you set yourself up to fail.
@MacStewart 32 минут бұрын
Great presentation skills, I think you could build this channel into encouraging the next generation to pursue a path that's right for them and not what school, careers service tells then etc. university degrees in the most part are not really what the vast majority of employers want, employers are wanting certain qualities (or certification specific to the workplace), those being able to follow procedures (sounds easy, but you would be surprised), strong work ethic/focus (helps to grow the business), able to adapt, likeability factor, reliable....if any employee can meet these requirements and reflect this in an interview they will probably get the job, most people think it's how smart you are, it's not, yes, you don't want to employ someone who can't do the basics, and struggles with daily tasks, you need to sharp, but being willing to learn (I call it drive) and complete work on time, coupled with the aforementioned qualities is the perfect employee. I wish anyone out there all the best in finding a job they love and want, it's tough, really tough but you will succeed!
@HhaaJshshs-zr8ir 33 минут бұрын
My strategy; no debt, low living expenses, no one can force me to do anything. Fuck the faggot bourgeoisie.
@tonyhodgkinson4586 33 минут бұрын
Something I never understand about people with a degree, never seem to work in any relation to what their degree was about. Why not just get a regular line of work or take an apprenticeship, no wasting years and money. Some people get educated beyond their intelligence.
@009Raines 35 минут бұрын
USA grad here, graduated from CC in 2021, couldn't find any general engineering jobs for entry level after May of that year I needed to make money and ended up getting a warehouse job to unload crates and boxes thought it was a logistics job (my own fault) i was 21 and didn't have much work exp so after realizing how much of number I was, how they cut shifts and only used me for labor time I quit after a year ended up doing remote work for 3 years and ended up in a Banking job all to piviot back into engineering. All I learned from this was my worth and how to be a salesman and why it matters. Right Now im 25 in a Unv after 3 failed degree programs from CS to Accounting to finally my passion (if so it is) Electrical Engineering just trying to fund my degree.
@Synthgunner 37 минут бұрын
So I literally just saw that other video about an hour ago and subscribe to your channel. The fact is people are stuck in an old model and the University System is dead… they become like corporations and for-profit models and not useful for everyday people. I went to Uni as a nontraditional student at 26 years old using my G.I. bill from my time being in the United States Air Force. I got a degree in chemistry, which got my foot in the door as a lab technician. But it was my aptitude for fixing things which I learned in the Air Force, which got me promoted. I quickly learned that being a problem solver is what gets you Ahead despite the label or the piece of paper if you can gain experience solving problems for people that have money they’re gonna be scraping that money off and you have a job… My current position is ‘director of research and development’ by the way. But whether you are a chemist, chemical engineer, mechanical engineer… You need a useful degree, which is probably like 2% of them, and then the aptitude to solve problems… Hope this helps some people.
@Steve-ht5yi 38 минут бұрын
I have an English degree. A surprisingly difficult one to earn. Welcome to the club. If you live near Wichita, kansas, I will share with you the best dumpsters for finding food.
@ReclaimThePeaceDOTcom 38 минут бұрын
It wasnt a waste of time for me - I was too immature and young to have wanted to start my working life at 18! But - I didnt get into debt - paid my way through. If I had to borrow loads - would have been a mistake. Now, its just “meh, who cares!”. Has it helped? Maybe a bit to get interviews for initial intership. Probably it did. That intership led to better things and degree didnt matter anymore, but without that internship things would have been harder. Have I learned anything I used in real life? No. Has it improved the way I think? Yes, my critical and analytical thinking improved, and it helps. Overall - no regrets. If had to borrow six figures - no, thanks in that case. So depends! If just needed to break into a better job - would get smth like prince2, £1000 and a week to complete, get an internship or a job as project coordinator, work your way up to project manager. There are just so many ways to do without uni. Just need to look for alternatives. Can become mortgage broker in 3 weeks. Etc etc PS you made me smile rwding universitiesuk article about how great universities are - who could have thought!!
@tjohanne 40 минут бұрын
Ironic that so many immigrants/refugees want to come to Britain. They should all go to China since it's so awesome there.
@symillickg 40 минут бұрын
what is the point of going to school or going to college even university if you are aiming for a warehouse job you can get that line of work with the knowledge you get out of primary school
@MGSVxBreakpoint 40 минут бұрын
I graduated in 2013 with a degree in political studies and history. I later flopped around and landed in hospitality jobs ultimately dropping out of work around 2017 to become unemployed. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. Now, I have a fiction novel that I'm pitching to literature companies, a good job working with plants and gardens with a man I respect and cares for me and I'm an accomplished runner gearing up for my second marathon attempt. Never at any stage of this did I see anything like the future coming. We all have a very complex destiny that really is unpredictable. The only thing you can do is live each day and follow your passions wherever they lead you. Just live. Don't give up.
@digitalclown2008 41 минут бұрын
Money. So many people neglect to mention this aspect, but money plays such a massive role in your contentment. Also, the way you think about your job. If you feel that what you do is pointless, then it will wear away at you. And many jobs in the grand scheme of things are fairly pointless. Some people thrive in jobs where they are constantly moving and busy. Others thrive in slower paced environments that require more attention. Many degrees are worth less than the paper they are printed on.
@kate-kk6wx 43 минут бұрын
thank you
@marcocampoverde5482 45 минут бұрын
Thank you.
@VladWorks 47 минут бұрын
This video is a direct response to the incredible discussion we had on my last video. The comments section became a space for people to share their experiences, struggles, and insights about degrees, careers, and the job market-and I wanted to continue that conversation here. Your voices matter, and this video wouldn’t exist without them. Comments are a fantastic way to keep this dialogue going, so let me know your thoughts! Also… we just hit 5,000 subscribers! That’s nice isn’t it. Thank you all for being part of this journey.
@stacyrich113 49 минут бұрын
And they keep allowing these foreign migrants to pour into the UK and the United States. How do they think they’re going to support themselves; they have no education.
@TheGuittoMan 52 минут бұрын
Yeah, im finishing my degree this year and hate it. Im noit even interested in the field.. I just did it to do something with my life. I feel like im going to be so lost after this year finishes..
@brianlopez8855 57 минут бұрын
I am always advising youngsters to get a building trade. They will have the best chance. Studying for a degree should remain, essentially a leisure pursuit.
@theReal_Truth_XL 57 минут бұрын
This Videos an enormous amount of genuine truth. Thank you sir
@IwasBraveFor2WholeSeconds 57 минут бұрын
Maybe this'll help There are loads of opportunities in the Royal Corps of Army Music to study audio engineering, they have their own technical and studio equipment and those qualified to operate it. However you would have to audition first and do this role alongside being a military band musician, you'll have a career, with promotion and a pension.
@caravanlifenz 58 минут бұрын
If it makes you feel better, New Zealand is much worse. We have hundreds of people applying for every minimum wage job. In the UK, people can always get a job at a warehouse while they apply for something with better pay, but in NZ, it can take six months of applying for minimum wage jobs just to secure one. NZ has gotten so poor that people can't even afford to save up for a plane ticket to move away to a country with jobs.
@TheThreatenedSwan 58 минут бұрын
Education inflation, elite overproduction, low academic productivity