@whitesaint 13 сағат бұрын
Appreciate the video Crit, and glad I can forgo logging in until October maybe even December 2024. If I got taken out to the same restaurant for every anniversary and all that changed was the tablecloth, I'd go find something else. I would see that there was very little effort put into what was executed and I am not valued. Luckily there are other games to play.
@ShxpxRok 14 сағат бұрын
I remember old pso2 the Halloween lobby theme xD and the white day theme was so relaxing doing weekly 5 quests with friends for meseta block 2 was basically the worst block back then lol it's just a shame that sega keeps making bad choices with the game now Satoshi Sakai doesn't seem to be at the helm anymore. Times have changed and they will never go back to how they were...
@SapphicShiro 14 сағат бұрын
Hey. Can you maybe not misrepresent the decline of players on NGS by intentionally and knowingly showing a graph of PEAK player counts instead of average player counts to make it look like a steep drop instead of the gentle decline that it actually is? Thanks. Some of us actually care about the game and want to see it do well, and your toxic slop only serves to drive potential new players away. The reason the player counts are declining, aside from things being moderately slower recently, is because of the extremely hostile and pessimistic community surrounding it. If everyone is chanting "dead game" and "who cares" 24/7, what is someone casually interested in trying the game going to think when they read comments like that? I can guarantee you that there have been several people who have chosen not to try it after all due to the extreme negativity surrounding it, and that's just sad, honestly. I can understand if maybe you're not happy with the rate at which what you deem to be content is released, and I can understand if you're disappointed by this NGS Headline stream, but I can't continue to sit back and tolerate the active sabotage you, other content creators, and the vicious communities you all collectively foster partake in both with blatant misrepresentation of reality in thumbnails like this one, and with your malice. It's not just you pulling stunts like this either. I saw a thumbnail the other day where someone had taken data from right after NGS launched, then hid the dates for the data to make it look like we had recently lost tens of thousands of players. That kind of foul play doesn't help anyone. If you think the player counts dropping is concerning, then stop intentionally contributing to exacerbating the issue. If you don't care about the game or its player counts, then don't consistently post these long videos about it month after month. Go do something else you and I will both enjoy more than you continuing to rag on the game. If you want to admit to yourself that you do care about the game, as your repeated focus on it would suggest, then maybe try to actually foster a healthier community around it instead of just pushing people away. Thanks for reading. Take care.
@FollowTheFaceless 14 сағат бұрын
I lived through the dryest years of Warframe and it wasn't even nearly this level of bad. When Warframe in my opinion is overflown with content, NGS just gives you stuff... and takes it away. And I'm not even talking about loot drops.
@MF-sy9ux 15 сағат бұрын
I don't believe theres more than 10 people in the studio , cuz man..
@OneWingdAnge1 15 сағат бұрын
Sega only adds things, when they start to see that, they can't hold off any longer, like Aug transfer should of been there ages ago if not at the start of ngs since the Aug transfer was in base game. They are slowing bringing out enemies, areas, costumes and accessories, along with features from base when it should of already of been available at ngs and bring new ideas and things to ngs that people want and not the card game lol. All we getting is mostly a new enemy, weapon and armor to then grind to level up and spend, only for a few months to do it all over again with not much stuff to do with your character at that level anyways, this is insane people need to wake up!
@NinTheLost 15 сағат бұрын
Been saying this for awhile.. there just doesn’t seem to be any passion or care for the game at all. The game had a bad launch and we gave them the benefit of the doubt. 2 years later hardly anything had changed minus new regions to keep some people satisfied. NGS 2.0 was like a selling point for them to get people to return, and a bit of people did, just to realize the only notable addition was creative spaces. They promise and never deliver. It’s so backwards to me because I don’t understand how a franchise could have regressed so extremely in quality compared to its previous titles. I check in every once in awhile to see if things change and they never do, so I never have hopes for headlines anymore. Unfortunate. Game has so much potential - I’ve seen indie dev teams make greater strides with massive updates in higher quantity than what sega has pushed out. And Sega has MORE THAN ENOUGH resources to make this game incredible, it’s a multi billion dollar company. There’s nothing to do in NGS. Game is soulless. Just has fashion going for it
@OneWingdAnge1 15 сағат бұрын
I think going back in December time to play a bit is the best thing to do. Try play other games, don't have good hopes for Sega fixing this, they just want to milk us and it's becoming more clear as time goes past. So yeah F Sega
@billiamnasta7195 17 сағат бұрын
man so tired to play this game
@Alpinegremlin 19 сағат бұрын
Imo Game is ending after March of next year. At least it’s current form. Whether it be eos or a full revamp I think something major is going to change with NGS. Odd that the roadmap encompasses 8 months. I think that’s all the content they have planned at least for this iteration
@sagenebula7120 17 сағат бұрын
Seeing how little people play and just sit in the lobby, i doubt the game will ever get a realm reborn style reboot, they already lost 99% of the player base weeks after launch and it never recovered
@NinTheLost 16 сағат бұрын
@@sagenebula7120exactly. NGS 2.0 was supposed to be this big revamp and all it entailed was creative spaces.
@apoli3030 20 сағат бұрын
I've been eyeing PSOBB and PSU Clementine lately also TFD. The players are dipping even in JP server, it's depressing... Man, I genuinely want this game to be better but SEGA seems to dgaf anymore and just doing the bare minimum to keep it afloat.
@Exirock 21 сағат бұрын
Sega already knows the game is a sinking ship, playerbase is going down even more, they investing on collab scratchs to fetch more cash, monetization and new payed features, content feels like they just recoloring things and call it content, i mean i will say people will hv to start looking for another game to go, cause pso2 ngs might be here for longer then expected, the only way this franchise survives if they already developing pso3.
@GarlicAvenger 21 сағат бұрын
I don't know why everyone thinks the Kaiju No. 8 launcher camo is a minigun.. It's just a large caliber cannon with an obviously rifled huge single barrel... is it the recessed portions on the outside of the barrel tricking everyone?? Because that's done on large calibre barrels for weight reduction and more surface area for for more efficient heat radiation.. an example being the Mark 38 Mod 2 25mm gun the US navy uses. It has similar recessions because they want better barrel cooling as it's an Autocannon.
@cobus1986 22 сағат бұрын
Already quit last Jan. I get tired of this loop. Doesn't care with players.
@MemeIord 22 сағат бұрын
NGS Casino when
@Felinaxo 18 сағат бұрын
Open the scratches menu /s
@alcyonecougar2570 23 сағат бұрын
With the character customization being probably the best part of NGS, I don't think the LTQ cosmetic drops are a bad idea. 33:14 you could say the same exact thing about AC gachas, especially the collab ones. You got a limited time to get them and the items you get are chance based. And you even waste money on them. But if they dropped in LTQs, people might actually play the game more.
@SilentGW99 23 сағат бұрын
I have to agree with the closing thoughts I find myself not caring for most of the stuff on that roadmap. NGS just isn't fun anymore and I really wish Sega would invest more money into NGS outside of collaborations. All the money NGS makes just goes to whatever Sonic related thing Sega is working on next.
@intalek305 Күн бұрын
Game is just becoming a huge disappointment. The evolving weapons can really only be useful until base stats on new weapons come out and surpass them. Weapon chases are not content, especially when they are largely just stat increases and cosmetic changes, but no actual functional differences to make them interesting. Seems like the moment you need to transfer investments in evolving weapons to a non evolving weapon the whole usefulness of them is gone. They continue to drop more and more cosmetics than anybody has a real need for, yet they can't put out new content even though most of the story stuff is just static characters with text dialogue boxes. The MARS system is a rehash of the Dark Falz transformations in base game, but less compelling and less interesting. The bosses and level designs in the base game continue to be better than anything we get in NGS still to this day. They are spending a lot of time on additional systems nobody is asking for, I would have sacrificed line strike, creative spaces, AND the MARS system to simply get more real content. There are still more classes and better classes in the base game which I thought after a couple years now we would be FAR more ahead on than we are. At some point, the community needs to step up and say that what they are doing is NOT ENOUGH to run an ongoing game on and if this is the best they can do, they either need to invest much more into content development or rethink their strategy for this entirely. Like why did they give us NGS only to move backwards on all these aspects? Sega is not showing anyone that they actually care about this game, I would love to know what Sega is doing that they ACTUALLY care about. This game should be SO GOOD.....and it's not, because everything they give us is low effort, and we get these things at an incredibly sluggish pace. time for the content creators to step up and ask for real change for the community because it is clear they are not listening to us, there are mobile games that are treating their players with more respect than this.
@brodiapunch 22 сағат бұрын
There are so many holes in this Base vs NGS comparison. Please tell me how base Techter is a better class than any of the classes in NGS.
@intalek305 22 сағат бұрын
@@brodiapunch Just because NGS techter is more advanced, doesn't mean we wouldn't rather have some of the missing classes from base. can't put a whole argument into a microcasm and then argue against that like it encompasses the argument.
@brodiapunch 20 сағат бұрын
@@intalek305 NGS Techter (Wand) isn't more advanced, but rather actually functional. Same goes with Daggers, Wired Lance, Sword, Knuckles, and Talis... These weapons got a much needed rework in NGS and it's exhausting when these facts are overlooked for the sake of "Base was better".
@intalek305 17 сағат бұрын
@@brodiapunch Buddy....every single class could be improved and it would not change the overall argument, and there are still classes missing. Even the point on classes you miss, but again, you cannot argue a small part of my argument and dismiss the argument.
@brodiapunch 15 сағат бұрын
@@intalek305 Was your point only related to the amount of classes? If so, base effectively has 4 if you were to look at what people actually use. Scion classes changed the meta forever, and barring a few exceptions, that's what everyone uses.
@llmitsull9500 Күн бұрын
Hate to say it, but NGS is kind of boring right now. This update they showed doesn't feel like something I want to do, only makes me want to stay away from the game. Probably the only thing the game has going for it, is the fashion. Glad The First Descendant came out in time, been having a lot of fun in the game (season 1 is kind of lame atm).
@Shaiandra Күн бұрын
Oy. When you were going through the slides with the Line Strike additions, how they have ways to improve debuffs and gain bonuses based on elements and such, I started thinking that Line Strike may have more interesting mechanics than NGS...
@DauraPSO2 Күн бұрын
Yeeeeah, while I was writing my notes I was like wow there's hardly any slide content outside of scratches </3 Also, agree... yaaaaaaaay.... competition LTQs for quest points (please make it stop...) I'm personally just holding out for the Force or Techter update... to see what they'll do with Talis, really. Great video as always, Crit!
@louisking3459 Күн бұрын
Tbh, I don't know what SEGA wants to do. This drip feeding of lackluster content is just killing the game, and I, for one, have no motivation or incentive to play anymore. I log in, sigh and leave. It's kind of sad, really, because the game has so much potential.
@15kalas15 Күн бұрын
EX search QOL fix in December is hilarious and embarrassing
@ThomasLakin Күн бұрын
I’ve finally started to drop off now. Iog in and get the free scratch. Can’t even be bothered to do daily tasks anymore. I’ve gone back to playing psobb on ephinea.
@TydraEsuke Күн бұрын
True, but I feel like Open World Survival Games will be just like this in 20 years. I can't stand them now and strictly play MMOs, they are the most robust multiplayer experiences still, some of the most robust co-op pve experiences, and have other benefits. Every game you name in here Valheim, V Rising, Palworld, all bought and refunded on steam, so boring, I played Minecraft idgaf how much iteration you give Minecraft I DONT CARE same thing with Hero Shooters I DONT CARE lol
@michealfutch7819 Күн бұрын
What kills the game is the slow release of things. When I started at launch and grinded to get 1st, 2nd, 3rd, all the way to 5th generations equipment... if things got released all at once (like normal), I could've skipped around. Grinded for the better stuff. Plus it is bam bam range, bam bam melee, bam bam tech... no tact, no enemy talks, nothing but a big game that doesn't respect the time you put in.
@Venom.02 Күн бұрын
I think the headline 1 out of 10 I know for a fact jp and others will give sega 6 or more.
@MulLaTeZCarL Күн бұрын
platfrom steam 1-2k all ship epic ?? microsoft ?? maybe 5-9k ppl in global
@raevenent751 Күн бұрын
Don't forget Playstation
@Venom.02 Күн бұрын
Sega could of make this game great but they decided not too. Mmo is dead, because of sega lol
@gkagara Күн бұрын
Dang I want that ex MTN.
@gachako4948 Күн бұрын
Looks like another snoozefest honestly
@ahkshtar Күн бұрын
Its xover
@vainthedestroyer Күн бұрын
No story either so i wonder did someone got fired in sega or something is have been super boring elder scrolls online is going to take me back again the is just to boring...sadly
@Ashaweshk Күн бұрын
You do know there are other GAMES to play. You don't have to make this game your 100%, 12 hour shift game. lol
@AzariusR Күн бұрын
Yes, but the fact is still true for how it could be much better still.
@Eins3467 Күн бұрын
@@Ashaweshk yup this game is more of a side game now. Tons of better games right now like Wukong.
@hermityt1663 Күн бұрын
What makes you think he isn't playing other games?
@intalek305 Күн бұрын
I AM playing other games, but I miss playing NGS only to come back aft6er long period and STILL find nothing fun to do. That is the problem. My characters all feel like estranged family I haven't seen in years.
@sagenebula7120 17 сағат бұрын
@@intalek305i miss playing base, tbh i dont miss quitting ngs at all back in February
@karag6556 Күн бұрын
I wish Sega would get bought out by EA so they can get a proper send off that need. Company is run to ground by Sonic games, all the PSO2 scratch money goes to fund Sonic movies and games.
@afiqthearif Күн бұрын
Honestly this makes me laugh reminiscing the times when people back then doesnt care about ep6 contents cuz pso2NGS was coming. Boy oh boy luckily i was not in that camp
@annekire Күн бұрын
this game has so much potential, its just sad we are in a loop. so much room for creativity.
@edboi2154 Күн бұрын
Decided to check this out and saw that they’re bringing in Omega Masquerade from base PSO2 for that 3.5 anniversary in that roadmap. Which is neat..I liked doing those solo fights in base but I can’t expect much else really. Still seems like a downer overall.
@joystickjunkie5113 Күн бұрын
I've seen mobile games with more ambition then NGS
@GarlicAvenger 21 сағат бұрын
I mean that's not fair, Mihoyo games are mobile games and they're better than 99.99% of the entire rest of the global gaming industry.. so yeah.. XD
@XxxSPIKEx 21 сағат бұрын
Man, Genshin has more ambition than NGS. 🤦‍♂️
@andreagale1389 18 сағат бұрын
Yeaaaah you're out of your mind lol. Genshin is a great gacha game but it doesn't come close to the big dog jrpgs like persona, final fantasy or a number of others I could name. 99%? You're genuinely crazy if you believe that lol. It's better than a lot of other games but there are tons of games better than genshin, at the end of the day it just doesn't have the depth other games can and do have because it's a mobile gacha game. It's definitely a step in the right direction of making those kind of games feel more aligned with actual games that aren't primarily focused on gambling​. Lol gachas barely have a proper difficulty curve since you just dump resources to gain levels whenever you want. Never say this blasphemy again@@GarlicAvenger
@iced_strawberry_tea 18 сағат бұрын
@@GarlicAvenger hard disagree lol, having a personal opinion is fine, don't say it's 99.99%, there are many greater gachas out there that you don't even know exist hoyofan
@joystickjunkie5113 17 сағат бұрын
@@GarlicAvenger Not saying genshin is bad but saying it's better than 99% of games is a insane take
@tylestone4752 Күн бұрын
Btw this game is now forced Wellbia xigncode3 on PC. Never playing until i pass away i guess
@dolemite8282 Күн бұрын
Come play phantasy star online blue burst on private server Ephinea. 1000 times more enjoyable/rewarding than this monetized garbage.... This is coming from someone who put in 3000 hrs into the game (base and NGS combined).
@CriticasterQ Күн бұрын
Havent given Blue Burst a try but I have played the PSU private server. Definitely am willing to give it a shot but just gotta find a good time for it
@brodiapunch 22 сағат бұрын
Blue Burst is great, but it's a hard sell for people that enjoy real action combat. The nostalgia factor is there though.
@Morninqstar Күн бұрын
This is why I started playing Elder Scrolls Online again. Feels like PSO is jus dragging itself along. Feels like SEGA doesn't care anymore.
@RelativelyHaunted Күн бұрын
You’re not wrong. I’m probably one of the oldest and biggest Phantasy Star fans. The way the game is right now I’d rather play First Descendant, and that just breaks my heart.
@CriticasterQ Күн бұрын
Well with NGS as it is right now I also have been playing quite a bit of First Descendant. I do plan on making content for that game very soon for those interested 👍
@bonaelzee Күн бұрын
I’m in the same boat. Been into the franchise since PSO on GameCube. Within last two years, I have not seen an update that makes me want to get back into the NGS. Been playing TFD as well as the remake of the retro Castlevania games
@whitesaint 13 сағат бұрын
Been in the franchise since Phantasy Star 1 on Sega Master system. I'd like to see Sega do another Phantasy Star story game.
@RelativelyHaunted 12 сағат бұрын
@@whitesaint Same
@RelativelyHaunted 12 сағат бұрын
@@CriticasterQ Yes please! ^^
@mcflyjediguy7719 Күн бұрын
@Eins3467 Күн бұрын
Tbf expecting something good out of the headline will just lead to disappointment. Even seeing the roadmap up until the end of year lowers my expectations for this game. I'm still sticking around to do dailies and selling stuff for meseta though.
@chillepics4752 Күн бұрын
they speed run the headline xD
@user-lu8ys1fr4t 2 күн бұрын
I still dont understand how 10% is seeming so little of a difference.
@Lunathean 2 күн бұрын
I think the main reason why this game died has nothing to do with the game itself, they made it way too hard. People were being toxic and gate keeping legitimate friends because raids are just elitist content, also the bugs and glitches never got fixed until the very end. They just poorly managed everything, not to mention the pay to win stuff too. . . This game would 100% have 1 million people playing it day 1 IF they did the NA release tuned down and no pay to win even if it had no content
@yann-pennaneac 5 күн бұрын
this is why they close this game by the way : no enough players can play together, the combo and visual effects are messy, the bugs was never fixed, the mmo's activities was lame, the end game do not exists. And Bandai got a very bad policy about video game i remember that because i talk with the person in charge of the euro market once and she said to me : "If you do not invest 500K to 5Millons into your marketing i can't be a partner with you because it will cost us 5Millions minimum. " So obviously only money since forever for them. IF the game is not a money cow since the start at best 3 month later they will drop the project. And it is 10 times worst if it is a mobile game.
@Gillian_FFXIV 5 күн бұрын
A lot of us had been waiting for this game since it was announced back in 2019, but despite that there were so many red flags for the game's launch that it basically just obliterated anybody's hope and hype for the game going forward. It's almost as if the developers for the game were brand new to making MMOs or something - oh wait, they were.. and no, I am not kidding(I wish I was). So many successful game references they could have taken inspiration from, even mmos that were not as popular that have good systems still implemented in their games. It just baffles me how Bamco could fumble such a title with this gargantuan potential for success before the game could even get a proper chance to breathe. Another gigantic blunder was not releasing globally even in the state the game was in at the time of its release last year since many people would have still stuck around due to the MMO community almost always being desperate for SOMETHING decent and new, especially anime MMOs that aren't gacha. The game would have still clung to a niche community until it became a proper MMO, but even then it should have released 10x better than how it did in 2023. A lot of us saw this downfall coming, and the news on the day it happened spread like wildfire throughout the MMO community. Despite it then being a high chance the game would fail, we were still clinging to some little sort of hope that the devs would pull through and make better decisions.. but man, after seeing their disastrous live streams & sheer lack of professionalism and lengthy wait for anything worthwhile it was just so difficult to hold onto any hope. Those people seriously had no idea what they were doing.. which is sad because so many people were willing to give BP a chance in this gaming world filled to the brim with notable game IPs and legacy game companies pumping out title after title yet BP still caught many peoples' eyes. Very disappointed, but not unexpected.