Looming Issues Cripple Any Excitement | PSO2:NGS Headline Reaction

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@nitropenguinz Ай бұрын
I was a daily player for a long time, I figured after the first few bad years production will have ramped up and we would've started getting exciting stuff by now. Was really hyped for the big June update, I was anticipating the upward trajectory and all that play time being worth it in the end. That didn't really end up happening, it seems we're forever stuck in this loop of mediocrity that we'll never break out of until a new game comes out. This series has strayed so far away from what made it great in the first place, it's really a shame. Hopefully NGS will be worth returning to one day but I'm not holding my breathe.
@lavs8696 Ай бұрын
its a shame because aesthetically its the best mmo out there, i just wish the devs could take some of the other things that make other mmos fun gameplay wise :// or even just go back to what made PSO so fun
@GHR93 Ай бұрын
We still stuck in this loop for the next 2-5 years 🥲 is time to play other things; SEGA 💀
@dynastyjumpzz Ай бұрын
@SummonSkeletons Ай бұрын
I said the exact same thing when I quit last year! The red flags where there, they said production is slow and they had no plans for anything grand as in new classes, new maps new skills etc. They straight up said that and I swear the majority just ignored it!
@neroxflesh9637 Ай бұрын
Thats because this is NOT phantasy star. This is phantasy Island. What made the story was adventure and discovery, not this bs
@vegitohaze2081 Ай бұрын
I just cant muster any excitement for this game anymore. Hope can complete turn around the playerbases feelings for a game, but rather than present anything to hope for they just hand out a monthly injection of copium to keep the whales from gaining awareness.
@shin-ishikiri-no Ай бұрын
Don't give up it's fun, especially if you're into more creative gameplay styles.
@tbc1880 Ай бұрын
​@@shin-ishikiri-no such as...
@vegitohaze2081 Ай бұрын
@@shin-ishikiri-no problem is there is only one thing thats actually fun to USE those playstyles on and we only get it like once every 3-6 months. Im reffering to the Solus level bosses. You play them a ton for about 1 week or mayyybe 2 and then the fun is over and you're back to waiting months.
@TriggerHippie Ай бұрын
Been a year since I stopped playing. Still no reason to come back. Maybe in 2028
@fiftyfive5459 Ай бұрын
this game is head to the end of it line in 2025. direc by incompetent HMZK. and YSOK is gone. if someone still cope for this low effort cash grab that person will be ignorant and delusional.
@theoaremevano3227 Ай бұрын
You know, people have debated for a long time what exactly is meant by the word "Content" when it comes to this game, and I think this sentiment just goes to show that backdrop/scenery is undoubtedly a HUGE element in that, and, I would argue, story goes along with it pretty much. I just don't think you can substitute for what those provide. I'm not sure why they're reluctant to put more into those aspects of the game either.
@lightnbrightt Ай бұрын
i dont think they can tbh it took them like half a year or even a full year? to release nameless city which is shaping up to be a single game mode, yea its a pretty good imo but it honestly think if people could make the thing in creative space they could whip it together fairly quickly, i think they have a skeleton crew on the game atp
@theoaremevano3227 Ай бұрын
@@lightnbrightt : It does seem like despite the crew making efforts to address things, they are a very small and under-supported division. It's hard to imagine SEGA isn't piling its resources elsewhere, though we may not find out where for a couple more years yet. Another wrinkle is that they're supposedly building a large internal collaborative game that will promote several other IPs, including NGS. Would certainly be odd to promote a game through a release in, say, 2025 only to have it end in 2026/7, but maybe they think they can dovetail it into their next PSO title somehow. NGS itself was already a leap, conceptually.
@ACLMSC Ай бұрын
I don't understand why they are rolling out the M.A.R.S system as opposed to re-working certain classes. I have little interest in using a Mech, I'd rather see cool updates to the existing classes.
@Ratiocinativefun Ай бұрын
Agreed. MARS looks mid, boring and repetitive.
@symbiotex1751 Ай бұрын
that maras aka s u v should of been cast exclusive only
@The-Harpy-Slayers Ай бұрын
I actually like the idea of using a mech style suit kinda reminds me of Xenoblade I like this new update but hopefully they will freshen up the classes aswell in the future
@Ragingwasabi9000 Ай бұрын
looks cool to me, im excited for it
@SummonSkeletons Ай бұрын
@@Ragingwasabi9000 does not look cool to me! what if my character is a knight and now they are using a mech? nah, it's lame.
@FollowTheFaceless Ай бұрын
No story btw and also no question of why so. Maybe we really are on the finish line and next year up to December game will face EoS and PSO3 announcement or smth...
@Gillian_FFXIV Ай бұрын
This is actually quite untrue. The lead developer and producer of the game stated that they will be supporting NGS for "a long time to come" in an interview early this month that was making the rounds.
@FollowTheFaceless Ай бұрын
​@@Gillian_FFXIV I actually wanna end up being wrong. The only problem is that they never said that NGS is gonna replace the base game (it's literally on life support rn and was turned into DLC), but here we are.
@Gillian_FFXIV Ай бұрын
@@FollowTheFaceless Yah true that :/
@theoaremevano3227 Ай бұрын
The crunch point is that they need to genuinely invest more into something here - either NGS, or another game they want to replace it someday. They've certainly addressed a lot of minor and major details through NGS's life span, and if they aren't keeping NGS for a long period of time past this (2 years seems reasonable if they're interested in moving on sooner), are they taking notes on all the stuff they've fixed at player request? Not having to repeat those fixes on a new game certainly would be a big help. XD There was, of course, that rumor of a first PSO remake/reimagining. That may be their next project down the line, or may just have been one of their possible ideas for the next thing.
@hermityt1663 Ай бұрын
​@@Gillian_FFXIV They said they hope to do that, not that they would. Also, it's not like they would say any different, not when money is on the line. It's also completely out of their hands, they have no say on the games survival in the long term.
@Miraglyth Ай бұрын
9:38 LOL. That and the following minute was 100% of my thoughts during the Headline too. I know they have an unhealthy addiction to limited content but limited-time *training* is just nuts. 35:55 I'm more hopeful if this is a Kaizaar-style exchange that they'll remember their previous (admittedly by then 28-month old) promise for future exchanges to not wipe progress. But I'm also kind of thinking this won't quite be a Kaizaar-style exchange, but another layer of power-up. 48:00 Was hoping you'd bring up the Cinquem comparison! That definitely didn't suit players who couldn't keep up. If the intention is to be more accessible to players who can't do that, requiring that much materials would likely make the entire system be dead on arrival. 49:00 They were pretty clear that "normal gear" will still exist because they like players being "motivated" by new gear releases. The implication is obvious that "normal gear" will remain the BIS chase, thereby driving the need for constant meseta-sink enhancement and augment transfers (or full replacements). If I had to guess, I'd guess that evolving equipment will rarely if ever be BIS, but that when "normal gear" gets too far ahead, they'll add another evolution to the evolving gear (or replace it if it's been around for 6+ months). This would mean players that want to invest time into raising equipment but don't have the abundance of time needed to constantly chase BIS would be able to use evolving equipment as a way to stay moderately close to BIS. As someone who has always been put off using super-expensive augments on gear that might only last 2-4 months, this is really compelling. If I could have assurance that a weapon would be my best option 6 months AFTER I've finished raising it, you can bet I'd invest more heavily into it! Of course if the evolving equipment is too weak, or intended for casual players, it's going to be completely dead on arrival. Nobody would invest 10+ hours into making an Argenkul or Liuxtra weapon today, would they? So I feel they'll need to be worth the effort. Kind of how LC capsules were back in August last year when it took ~35 hours to build a set, before they were obliterated by a spam of LTQ drops and exchanges and after spring '24 relegated to being the new freebie-tier. 54:45 Preach. And while we're at it the ability to remember zoom setting would be great too. For 3 years now the very first thing we have to do when logging in is pressing the + key twice. It's incredible this hasn't been QoL'd years ago. 57:10 Oh my god PREACH. The PSO2/NGS merch situation has been absolutely insane. It's almost like they've refused to ever sell anything out of spite. There is so much they could have just chucked in their internationally-shipping Sega shops, but it feels like they're always more interested in selling Altered Beast iPhone cases and other tat for legacy IPs over leveraging any active series not called Sonic. As long as it actually releases, the Sympathy 2023 Blu-ray will be the first merch for the PSO2 Global service in its entire history to be sold (a) online and (b) internationally. It'll have taken over 4 years! But I say that as a conditional, because as this video is published it is now July 25th, nearly 26th. The website has updated to say it is available "in stores" but unlike the JP version of the Blu-ray release (which direct-linked 3 stores directly), no stores are linked!! I've only been able to find one site listing "Memorial Blu-ray ~ INTERNATIONAL" today, which is an amazon.jp listing that appeared as "Temporarily out of stock". It's unclear if this is meant to be the listing for PSO2 Global customers, or if it is a parallel release of the International version for JP's domestic audience if they prefer it. It's been a giant mess of lacking information. I've sent in a support ticket asking for more information and for the website to be more clear, but 9 hours later it's not been replied to yet.
@whitesaint Ай бұрын
Now that Sega has M.A.R.S. coming out next week, and depending on how it goes I expect more content to flow in this area. Once they are done I expect them to release an update to this system called... S.hare- H.older I.nvestment T.rap This system will definitely be based around cash-shop items which are p2w and help you crush enemies using the previous M.A.R.S. setup (I'm being facetious here and don't really believe this). Lets be honest, the pictures aren't just to get you hyped about "mystery content." They are to take up all of that "white space" on the roster of missing content. It's a common office tactic used in meetings when you don't have much of an update to the bosses. You simply increase the font and picture sizes to make it "seem" like there is a lot there when there isn't. Unfortunately, this is a combination of bad development direction, small development team (guessing here), and not understanding the player base.
@shaece798 26 күн бұрын
It's not called Pso2: New Generation of Shareholders for nothing.
@megataizack4531 Ай бұрын
Sega: Hey, there rare items for you guys Player: Yay, what is it? Sega: It's a cup for your private area
@shaece798 26 күн бұрын
They had to make it a cup, because anyone who still plays the game has no idea what a chastity belt is.
@taleril5815 Ай бұрын
I only log in for daily log in and lookbook SG now, I even dropped my premium. Hopefully they can do something that can pull some of us back. But I had fun while I was there either way.
@15kalas15 Ай бұрын
I can't believe it we're actually never leaving halpha
@raikohzx4323 Ай бұрын
So MARS are basically glorified, customizable Dark Blasts, huh.
@shaece798 26 күн бұрын
Probably be forgotten about and left in the dust by the next season too like dark blast was.
@bonaelzee Ай бұрын
Since level 80 was the cap, I just log on daily for the free scratch & log off. I’ve been a huge fan of Phantasy Star since PSO on GameCube & this is the first one that doesn’t wow me. 10 star weapons are so boring compared to the 10 star & higher in every PS game I played but this. I had twin daggers in base PSO2 that shot beams with the basic attack. I had Spread Needle in PSU that paralyzes adds. Guld & Milla / Sange & Yasha with life steal abilities. I swear when I explain this, the community hits me with copium. The combat loop feels similar for every class. Still don’t like that theirs no healing spells. Plus when I go long without logging in, they give free weapons strong enough to run the latest content. I’m still holding on but it’s every 6 months I’m hoping for something major like a new region, new class, new races…
@reynaaiken4542 Ай бұрын
This is why sega should have stayed with base pso2, New genesis is garage and has been since its release, just because people enjoy it doesnt mean its good, base pso2 had so many more players, i never saw a dead server yet on new genesis I did alot, pso2 was always so active and new genesis is just a shell of what pso2 was
@abyssphantom6786 Ай бұрын
And this is why many of us still only play Pso2 to this day, and don’t touch NGS outside of 5min of dailies lol. EoS can’t come soon enough, so we can get pso2 private finally as well ^_^
@gkagara Ай бұрын
Ugh did you guys play the story? Even in the story this is explained as to why arks now only have 2- 3 PA instead of bunch of PA like in base game. Arks basically going through technological regression, spacefaring, starship, etc it's a thing in the past it's a lost technology, arks today is the shadow of it's former self.
@abyssphantom6786 Ай бұрын
@@gkagara I would really like to see you explain that to the 99% players who have quit NGS since launch. The devs can “say” whatever they want, and use any excuses they want irl or in game, but it doesn’t stop NGS from subjectively worse in every possible way when it comes to gameplay to the vast majority of players lol.
@gkagara Ай бұрын
@@abyssphantom6786 then it's not game for them, simple as that. The thing is it's still going despite the hate, so they surely break even.
@abyssphantom6786 Ай бұрын
@@gkagara hmmm, well on that. NGS was released (and advertised) as a DLC expansion for an already existing game. If it had been released as a new standalone title, I would agree with you. But since it didn’t, I think that most still existing players asking for NGS to be more like Pso2, along with the 99% of other players who have quit the game, is fair for them to want a DLC for a game to still feel or play like the same base game.
@derekfromyt2 Ай бұрын
I like how youre not a shill and can smell the coffe/be real about it. I know you saw the shop market ruined. They gave everyone halphinales, gigas maste, and the shop market is down acros the board because sega just wants us to play their boring missions and over orice any upgrades whilst giving players less meseta to gain
@NeocrimsonX Ай бұрын
Ltq is for fomo except its having the opposite effect.
@livraizon Ай бұрын
It's probably the case for the mars training one but for the most part It's just a way to fill the empty month with something that change every week so player get less bored with something that that take almost no dev time since it's just asset spam
@soulrpg4273 Ай бұрын
Im with you on the loop… it is a little concerning. Definitely don’t want to be at the loop forever, but they did say they would be sure to add new fields so I will continue to play and see what the future holds. Ngl NGS is a very special game to me and it fills a kind of gap that no other game is filling right now.
@michealfutch7819 Ай бұрын
I played a good bit for the 1st year and a half. At this point keeping up with gear and augments just to make it obsolete in a month is redick. I can't quite put my finger on it and figure out why this game is soo bad. Is it lack of pvp? Is it lack world enemy development? Why isn't everything voice acted? Lackluster story? Is it combat that only includes damage and downs? Is it the lack of character rolls and 5man lfg? Lack of damage over times? Lack of respect for your time? I'm not sure. Usually I figure out what enemy drops what I want. Never get it and have to spend mesenta anyway, then bottle necked meseta to multi, level, and augment. Just to get back to do what?
@kodhimac Ай бұрын
is there hope to get something i missed on last season's mission pass? usually they dont have good cosmetics, but last season did and i wasn't playing much.
@sighnsoftrinity883 Ай бұрын
Just goes to show SEGAS priorities.
@Opalthira Ай бұрын
Evolving equipment most will likely end up being better than stuff before it but then get outdated a month or two later. Otherwise it will stay as a mid tier weapon but remain accessible to everyone, which doesnt really change anything unless all augments carry over from the lab feature.
@devlkerhextalker4461 Ай бұрын
36:27 nah, Elexio weapons is not a new design, they are just Primm weapons with extra bits on them.
@HeavenlyGate92 Ай бұрын
I'll come back to the game in a years time, Hopefully the game still exists and Sega hasn't killed it off yet.
@theoaremevano3227 Ай бұрын
I don't think you have to worry, because I don't think SEGA will quit fully with NGS until they're ready with the next game.
@TimelessDbz Ай бұрын
I am glad they are cutting back on the open world content. Open world content for phantasy star was never going to compare to instance content. Majority of players favorite content from base PSO2 and new genesis was instance content. Cut back on it and double down what the series was known for which is instance content. I personally would like to see sega go back to spin off phantasy star games. Like Phantasy star portable or phantasy star nova. Make it a $50 -$70 game and have online co op. No need to keep it constantly updated since its not a Game as service. Just one and done complete game . Sorta like Granblue fantasy relink.
@tj3423 Ай бұрын
Hard disagree with just about everything you said. Not sure why you think you can speak for the "majority of players", everyone I've talked to agrees it's disappointing they haven't added any new open world regions for a year and a half and we just farm the same zones eternally. If NGS was structured like base I never would have played it in the first place. And splitting the team to make spin off games would just hurt ngs even more. Anyone who's invested in this game wants it to improve, not have Sega take our money and make something else with it instead of investing back into the game.
@michaeljacobs7538 Ай бұрын
I also disagree. Pay 70 for a game you play a few months then gets stale or a evolving game you play for years. Second why would you abandon content. Open world and instance we need more of both. Solo content and party content. We need both. Why in the world would you want a game that has a ceiling compared to a game that just keeps growing.
@harleyducote5982 Ай бұрын
​@tj3423 I hate to say it but I hard disagree with you as well lol. I strongly believe the current video game crash is due too people demanding fast paced open world content. AAA has tried and failed dumping millions of dev labor into live service open world and leaving gameplay and itemization secondary.
@ClassXero Ай бұрын
I have to agree, the open world of ngs is so mediocre at best. Running around in a circle in combat zones or running through open field areas for boring content is exhausting. I'd much prefer a spin-off game like portable. Quality over quantity anyday of the week.
@TripleHearts-hj4fq Ай бұрын
I agree that Open Zone in NGS is way less than it could be but that's not the fault of Open Zone. It isn't like instanced Limited Quests were any healthy for NGS. If anything, Limited Quests are a prime-pillar as to why NGS is not reaching half of its potential. SEGA could've easily added Golf to Aelio or whatever. They are actively choosing not to add life to Open Zone. That's on SEGA, not the premise.
@slash72 Ай бұрын
These headlines just make me lose more confidence for pso2 combat is becoming boring and repetitive sure the fashion is nice but even the scratches pretty much just have reskins of old outfits/acc and weapon camos that did good then they go butcher the reskins and people get stuck with like 100+ of something nobody wants💀
@abyssphantom6786 Ай бұрын
Yeah…..NGS combat just still soooooo bad lol. Thankfully we still have glorious Pso2 combat to help us ignore NGS xD
@theblackishboy1105 Ай бұрын
Update mostly looks mid aside from the mars system and maybe a couple scratches, NGL THO that gunslinger motion and honestly the whole scratch was really dope its just sad to see they basically have nothing exciting after this month, at least based on the roadmap
@gkagara Ай бұрын
I am a returnee now I need event that give augment capsule or at least new upgrade to Leciel capsule.
@sighnsoftrinity883 Ай бұрын
I’m so tired of AC scratches, can’t we get content instead of scratches.
@abyssphantom6786 Ай бұрын
lol nope, probably playing the wrong game at this point if that’s what you’re wanting xD
@gkagara Ай бұрын
You're not suppose to scratch every time they throw new scratch, people in JP just scratch when it have something they really want and they have no meseta for it.
@goropanckechi3028 Ай бұрын
@@gkagara that dosen't even explain the OP point. there is still literally no meaningfull content to play and the game is 3yo
@gkagara Ай бұрын
@@goropanckechi3028 wrong actually there is always meaningful content to play, there is always something to farm there is always something to seek. If you want challenge try dire fight like Solus or whatever there is end game opponent.
@goropanckechi3028 Ай бұрын
@@gkagara farm for what ? weapon that future event will beat in terms of passivs and already built in augments ? to sell what ? 3 days passes every ark pass. why farming combat zone if you're not even premium ? base pso2 never forced me to buy the premium to actually enjoy the endgame loop. this game however, NGS , subtly asks you to pay to enjoy the game properly (farming zones, selling augments or rare drops, eventually getting fashons from the market board)
@daugintas1 Ай бұрын
hmm thinking coming back near new year
@The-Harpy-Slayers Ай бұрын
I love this concept i always said they need a form of vehicle or mech that would spice up the game 😎 im looking forward to it i wonder can you customize the type of weapons regardless to class because i woukd love to have one with Gatlin guns all over even though im hunter
@Memyx Ай бұрын
Is it bad that I hope the next PSO game is p2p so they can focus less on cosmetics and more on the actual game..? All of the cash shop stuff just really takes me out of the world.
@goropanckechi3028 Ай бұрын
FFXIV is already thriving in japan with the sub model. SEGA is taking a risk doing that. but i'd love it too, basically old pso2 with premium was that thing, and i loved it
@lnazumaKanon Ай бұрын
If your obsessively playing and whaling Yeah I guess it’s bad.. For the players actually grinding and have to invest time into our gear and augments … It’s way better we get months of no rush and pressure for stuff that could become instantly obselete… I think it’s a bad mentality to look at this 4 month stint as negative .. NOT everyone just plays 20 hours a day
@lightnbrightt Ай бұрын
the issue isnt a gear grind its what there is to do, there are no new planets, all the enemies look the same, no new PAs and no the custom PAs dont count because you are still very limited in your actual variety of PAs you just get to change the ones you already have. point is the game isnt looking good and they are recycling content for the 3rd or 4th time now its not about the gear
@mcflyjediguy7719 Ай бұрын
🫤Better then most other Headlines but still no new concerts and a small tasted of innovation😅 plz make a video on the up coming content 🫡
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