@MotherMaples 46 минут бұрын
It’s so hard. The comments are hard to read. It’s hard to live with the fact that I didn’t have the knowledge or capacity to make a difference when i could have. Broken families 😢. I am glad i haven’t cut anyone off in my life.
@Lisaann7 Сағат бұрын
Thank you so much!! Another great one! 🙌🙌
@repoman842003 Сағат бұрын
You are the poster child of why children cut off their parents. You obviously don’t respect your child and can’t handle not controlling her. You seem very intelligent but your ego prevents you listening to your child.
@JacquiMAustralia Сағат бұрын
Thank you Diane. Time for us Gen Xers to push back against this woke crap and take our power back. 💪
@kitten6481 Сағат бұрын
@JimSmith-g2d Сағат бұрын
Have you tried not being scumbags?
@leandraainlove 3 сағат бұрын
Hello! Millennial here. I am 31 currently. I am fascinated by your videos and experience with you daughter. I am so sorry to hear of her decision. I am not a stranger to estrangement. My parents divorced when i was 10 and I have absolutly no memory of my parents ever talking politely or loving towards eachother. I have a very divided family still to this day. Next, my mother cut her parents, and my grandparents, out of our lives when I was around 13. From what she tells me and some memories I have they were quite physically and verbally abusive so I am understanding of my mom's decision. Additionally, my brother has nearly cut me out of his life, around 2020 mostly because of political and cultural differences. I am culturally and politically very conservative and he is very liberal. I was able to apologize (even though I did nothing wrong, which was very hard) and we have a civil but surface level relationship. I agree with everything you said and I have such a hard time wrapping my head around why so many people my age and younger are okay with cutting their parents and siblings out of their lives. My perspective has always been that life is too short to care about anything besides family!! I am loyal and protective of my family even if we do have differing ideas and beliefs. Our culture has become rotton and poisoned from universities, taking the mother out of the home, and government propaganda. The country is crumbling because of the destroying of the family unit.
@sitdownbehumble8675 3 сағат бұрын
It makes sense that all these supportive comments are from other estranged parents. You all refuse to believe the reality that YOU are the reason for estrangement. Period. Done. But no, you need to create this entire other reality where you aren’t at fault. Imagine being so unable to take accountability and realize you're the problem that you need to create this entire fallacy to make yourself the victim of the problems you created. What expectations are you talking about? When YOU CHOOSE to bring children into this world, you have no expectations regarding what your children do for you. Parenting is selfless and thankless. Here are a few reflective question for you: “What have I done wrong to cause my child or children to feel the need to cut off contact with me? And what can I do to put myself aside, change, and be a better parent for them?” If you can answer these honestly, no bs, you might have a chance to have the honour of having your children back in your life. Healthy self-judgement can be useful if you use it to change and become a better person, not to put yourself down. Your children have every right to stop talking to you if they feel the need. And if they do, you have a BIG problem. And when I say you, I mean YOU. YOU are the problem. You have to be a really, really bad parent for your children to estrange themselves from you. And bad parenting doesn't limit itself to physical abuse and yelling; it includes manipulation, narcissistic behaviours, and more. The first step is acceptance, Diane. You’re not a good parent. Here’s a fact for you: except in rare instances (crime, prison, etc.), when a child is forced to choose to stop talking to their parent, it is almost ALWAYS the fault of the parent(s). Your children arent the problem Diane, YOU ARE. And the main problem is that you refuse to even entertain the idea that you might be the problem here. Your children DO care about you Diane, that’s why they TOOK THE TIME to write you an ENTIRE comprehensive letter explaining WHY they need time away from you. They spent years trying to make things work with you, which, to no surprise, you probably haven’t noticed this effort put in by your children. Meanwhile, all you could muster was a response of “received” from this very personal and incredibly important letter from your child. Are you starting to see the issue here? YOURE the one who doesn't truly care. You’re so busy focusing on yourself and your feelings, that theres no room for you to truly care about how YOU make your OWN children feel. Your reaction should be focused on what THEY need, not what you need. Your children are a privilege, Diane, not a right. Change now, Diane, or you’ll only make things worse and you’ll regret it forever. Swallow your pride, get professional help, and change.
@hinikki8747 3 сағат бұрын
This dude might not have wanted to be a parent to begin with. Unless the goal is to maintain the estrangement....? Perhaps? Because this is basically justifying not respecting your adult child's boundaries. Call your kids. Listen to them. Apologize. Attempt to change. I promise it will be a lot easier and way more fulfilling.
@naturelover1284 4 сағат бұрын
It's so hard cuz often your child reminds you of someone you don't want to be with anymore and yet if you're married you can say things like you remind me of your father etcetera and people laugh
@rattyfinklestein4764 4 сағат бұрын
How about asking yourself what you did or didn't do to contribute to the situation? Or is that covered in stage 5?
@Lisaann7 Сағат бұрын
Lol you sound angry. She’s not your parent. Misplaced emotions?
@rattyfinklestein4764 Сағат бұрын
@@Lisaann7 Lol back. Looks like I hit a raw nerve.
@Lisaann7 56 минут бұрын
@@rattyfinklestein4764 haha impossible. Once you get through the topic in this video…you are impenetrable to normal nonsense. Have a great night love!!!
@Diligent-dp7gi 4 сағат бұрын
YOU only Offer a HUMANIST approach to a Situation that ONLY GOD CAN HEAL and RESOLVE; # Satan comes to Kill, Rob, and Destroy. SEEK THE LORD Through PRAYER and STUDY OF GOD'S Holy and Preserved WORD/ The HOLY BIBLE.
@Diligent-dp7gi 4 сағат бұрын
@stevenlippert9524 4 сағат бұрын
I believe your detractors are upset because their therapist was straightforward with them 😅
@AvocadoRoyalty 4 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for doing this series for us parents of estrangement. It is so important to know we have a network of people with advice & things to help us. It’s becoming more & more increasingly common for the adult children to ghost their parents & I think this can be beneficial for parents who still have the children in the home to know what can happen & be better prepared for when it does because so many of us have been blindsided by this by our children & so the more we talk about it & share with others it will be resourceful for generations to come.
@SomeStarASCII 4 сағат бұрын
"How to not feel bad about the consequences of your actions" the video.
@swissman5643 4 сағат бұрын
Great analysis, but what’s up with that hair!?
@katheryn7318 5 сағат бұрын
This topic was discussed in another forum. I couldn't believe the nasty, judgmental and opionated comments that it has to be the parent who caused the estrangement. I usually ignore rude and nasty comments but this time I had to respond. The comments don't upset me however, others may be hurt by them. Do you get a lot of pushback?
@staceeAB 6 сағат бұрын
Thank you again Diane 💕 you're helping so many
@elissalee533 6 сағат бұрын
Thank you Diane. Going thru your program a few months ago really helped me cope with the estrangement of my two daughters. After a year and a half they finally contacted me and are willing to work things out. They want to go through counseling together. I hope they will open their hearts . I know God will do good things when the time is right . ❤
@ioneskye9996 6 сағат бұрын
So grateful for you and your helpful information. I can barely make it into three minutes of your videos without the requisite flush of chest/heart pain followed by crying. When a child leaves you for no apparent reason it feels like nothing could be more painful, devastating.
@japhyryder604 6 сағат бұрын
Its unfortunate that you are so narcissistic that you refuse to acknowledge what you did to estrange your adult child. You disgust me playing the victim. WOW. What a MAGA move.
@dorisemone6778 6 сағат бұрын
So great, Diane. Ty. Your experience has led you to help others through their personal suffering and grief, reflection, and road towards healing. The most empathetic teachers are those who have gone through similar pains, done the deep reflection, and have come out the other side. It goes without saying that any child who has gone through abuse, or neglect, is not who you are talking to, nor a parent who intentionally damaged their child. They know who they are. You make so many excellent points. The one that stands out for me is allowing your ADULT child to accept their responsibility for their part they currently play. Not "caring enough" to communicate, resolve and forgive (if possible). It does take two to tango. Not trying to be snarky. Take care.
@emptynesters2520 7 сағат бұрын
Another great one!🙌🏻 Thank you Diane💖for sharing these most important videos, they’re helping more people than you probably know!
@possumsicurella9566 7 сағат бұрын
I haven't talked to my parents in 9 years. After years of mental abuse.
@eseskay99 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your video and for sharing. It's an old story for parent/adult child estrangement. External forces such as religion and politics is to blame. Throughout history religions and political forces have through indoctrination and "re-education" turned child against the parent. Look at North Korea, Chinese Cultural Revolution, any socialist regime, and so many so called religions, have all done the same. Even today in the United States, so called politics is turning children away from their parents with Democrats hating Republicans. The rhetoric from the "left" is constant and these people who claim to be tolerant and loving are the exact opposite. If one disagrees with them, they hate. If your daughter "hates" you it might be from these political differences. Maybe? I could be wrong but you seem like a conservative person and voting Republican. Well if this is true, then be aware that Republicans are being pictured as gun loving Na zis (German National Socialist) and one just has to look at the violence against POTUS 45 because the so called media has made the equivalence to him being a Hi tl er. Hence the violence against him. I have seen adult children hate their parents for politics. All I can say is that when the Adult child gets older, they are more than likely to become more Conservative and finally change their thinking. Until then, have a fun time, ignore the adult who won't talk to you and cut them from your Will. It's a great feeling to just let it go and not give a care.
@SomeStarASCII 4 сағат бұрын
Sounds like you value politics more than a relationship with your kids. I can see where they learned that behavior.
@Cye-x4t 7 сағат бұрын
You're going straight to Hell. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
@southernbelle19 7 сағат бұрын
You spoke truth. When someone acts like they don't care, believe them. They chose to walk away honor that. As someone said to me, sometimes we need to give people exactly what they want. If someone truly loves you they would NEVER abandon you. We can't make someone love us.
@vanlifebayou 7 сағат бұрын
@TexanHeaven 7 сағат бұрын
@@southernbelle19 my pastor says that hate isn’t the opposite of love. Indifference is the opposite of love. I feel this is where our daughter is at. She lived less than 5 min away and refuses to communicate.
@southernbelle19 6 сағат бұрын
@@TexanHeaven good statement! Another quote I stumbled across is by Thomas Watson~ A man may wrong another as well by silence as by slander.
@mariamaldonado1827 4 сағат бұрын
Yes. I believe this they don't care. I even told her she said that's not true. What she did, she changed her phone number. 😅 😂 It is what it is... I know it's all about her husband now because he doesn't like me. I'm sure it's because he came from a divorce, parents, and he is still hurt from it, including his older sister. 😢 What I want to really say is I have mood swings. First, I feel heartbroken 💔 in some days or I'm okay with it. I have to realize she is never coming back. Thank you Diane ❤ your videos really helps me not my therapist.
@AvocadoRoyalty 4 сағат бұрын
I agree with your comment, it’s hard to swallow sometimes but exactly you can’t make someone love you.
@CM-sy3to 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing with others. This information is so helpful. Its hard to between generation where our parents demanded and received honor, care and respect and the generation of our children who also demand honor, care and respect while giving none.
@Kshull 8 сағат бұрын
Please let your daughter go with Love and Light. Apologize to her (and yourself) for not understanding how you could have done better. You are not perfect and just because you cannot see the pain you inflicted, doesn't mean you haven't done anything wrong. The only way you can heal yourself is to forgive and let her go. Dwelling on the past and that which you cannot control is toxic to yourself and to the universal flow of love. Move on in your life and quit dragging around the toxic baggage wherever you go. Life is too short to dwell on that which you cannot control. You are only hurting yourself and creating more hate and anger in the world. 💗💗🕊🕊🎈🎈
@MichelleisCatholic. 8 сағат бұрын
Another point I would like to make and I'm not sure if you are religious in any way... I have researched the writings of the Doctors of the Church, especially St Augustine, before he became a true Catholic, subjected his own mother, Saint Monica to such terrible grief for over 17 years. If you haven't read her life, I would definitely suggest that you do. The heartache she endured may seem familiar to your own. I find hope in reading the life of Saint Monica. Anyway, in my research I found a more concise explanation of the Ten Commandments, especially the Fourth Commandment, "thou shalt honor thy father and mother." It explains exactly what this commandment means, especially in the context of estrangement... Side note: The Fourth Commandment does not expire when a child turns 18. 1. Have I deliberately given in to hatred of my mother or my father, refusing to speak to them over a considerable period of time? 2. Have I deliberately wished serious harm to my parents, e.g., that they would die so that I might possess their goods? 3. Have I habitually treated my parents harshly, speaking contemptuously to them or of them, ridiculing them, cursing them, causing them severe pain and sorrow? 4. Have I refused to relieve the serious needs of my parents when I was able to do so, leaving them dependent on strangers for necessary food, clothing, or without medical care in sickness and danger of death?
@Exiled.New.Yorker 8 сағат бұрын
Why is her caretaker letting her make a fool of herself?
@TheSouthHoosier 7 сағат бұрын
Why's your nanny letting you on KZbin?
@MichelleisCatholic. 8 сағат бұрын
I am a Catholic and have five children. One of mine has been completely estranged for 3 years. In one of your videos, you explain the history behind the confusion, especially the modern trend of going no contact where they have their own language or terminology and psychological diagnosis of the accused parent, it always brings me back to Luke 12:53 "The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against his father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
@evania9121 8 сағат бұрын
Exactly. It's getting worse because we're in the last days. The devil is creating mayhem😢. It's spiritual .non Christians don't understand. I pray for everyone here they will come to know God and His Peace.Go to church and get prayer people.
@tremolo2109 8 сағат бұрын
I come from a religious family, one of five kids. I was always different from them, which I now understand is because of my ADHD. I was never fully accepted. When I moved away for college and had trouble managing communication with my mom and course work, she just lost interest in me. She said we would only talk if I called her, not that she ever called me. I guess I ultimately estranged myself from them, but it was too painful to do anything else
@MGP1970 8 сағат бұрын
I couldn't agree more.
@seacatMEOW 2 сағат бұрын
That could be the problem causing the estrangement--your religion. I feel it does not allow for the growth of human love. That quote allows you to accept your shortcomings. You were probably not an emotionally available mother.
@yanifree114 Сағат бұрын
@@seacatMEOW Read the Holy Bible aka The Word of God. There’s wisdom that you are missing. There’s no time to waste..time is short. God Is Love…..seek Him.
@lorraineconnor5303 8 сағат бұрын
I can see how your daughter went no contact. You literally never own your part. Your anger & bitterness is incredibly obvious, as is your need to offload ALL responsibility.
@lmccauley7319 8 сағат бұрын
This is good information I just feel like it's a LOT in one video, it's a lot at once you're throwing out here. Probably would have been better broken down into at least two videos. But I appreciate you. And it is good advice. Thanks.
@KatWilliams-z3u 9 сағат бұрын
I have had my child estrangement for close to 8 years. Every emotion I have felt. As I sit here today, the emotion I feel, is detachment. If I was to see her, I would not have any motherly type of emotion. I'm glad I was able to have the time I had with my daughter but to understand, that time had a limit and I was forced to reach it. I accepted this loss about 1.5 years ago, which was the hardest off all emotions. Once I did, moving on was easier.
@estrangedparents 8 сағат бұрын
Kat, it sounds like you've found your path to healing. Thanks for sharing your experience... 💕
@tericollins2103 8 сағат бұрын
🙏God Bless u . I sooo get it.
@aliceshively9349 7 сағат бұрын
I really felt what you said. That is such a powerful way to look at any estrangement. Thank you!
@skunkmasters4689 9 сағат бұрын
I would be very interested in you having a public recorded conversation with Patrick Teahan. A debate if you will, both of you have interesting Blindspots that are quite apparent to me. If you’re unaware of him, he’s a KZbin personality with a reasonably large following. my view is that you both have both interesting things to say and helpful things to say, but startling blind spots. I’m trying to figure out why those blindspots exist. perhaps the debate could clarify that for me. Please consider it thanks.
@connieschwarz6023 8 сағат бұрын
What blind spots? I’m very familiar with this man, therapist, victim. I now watch from both sides. I’m an estranged mother, and a scapegoat. My “ estrangement “ from my mother began in the 70s. By simply making her life miserable. I became the monster that she invented. And the tragedy here is that I’m able now at the age of 70 to step back … and see her pain and fear. I wish I could talk to my mom now. See, I made a promise to my future child (I only have one) that she would never know the life that I knew. And she didn’t! I broke such a long vicious cycle of abuse. But I have said the wrong things and done everything within my power to heal our relationship but she hates me and everything that this therapist talks about is extremely prejudice. Ways that we really care and have always shown it. The same ways that all people in society show care about their family. Especially their children. And I read through the comments and I have found so many that my daughter is quoting verbatim. And it’s scary. I find myself thinking, do these people forgive anyone? It’s like they feed off of each other’s anger. I’ve thought about leaving my perspectives on his channel but we all know what happens if a narcissistic, toxic, selfish, manipulative, mother does such a thing. I don’t agree with the women who are monetizing their situations either. Classes, support groups. I see blind spots too. But Patrick Teahan , I think he still needs therapy. From a different perspective with a different therapist. Me thinks “ estrangement “ is a hot money maker right now!
@MRFM2001 9 сағат бұрын
None of your prompted questions where about what you could’ve done differently, what ways did I respond to my unmet expectations that could’ve been hurtful. The impartial observer bit and visualization could’ve been a really great peice. I really don’t think your crazy/insane as other people jump to, your just an average mom trying to figure this out. But you have GOT to start thinking about what YOU could’ve done that was purely YOUR FAULT. Your video is full of great great tips- but you are sticking to the victim mentality throughout it. This is not true self reflection. You’ve done amazing work and your side of all this is valid and should be heard. “They don’t care enough to maintain contact” they don’t care about me. That’s not reflective of the dynamic thats result was a contribution of more than one person. you are still placing blame and judgment, this is where all of your credibility dies. It is still obvious to those who are not seeking confirmation bias that you still think you are without sin. At the end of the day… it’s this darn generation. This is really really sad. I was really optimistic about this video title but you are leaving out the whole point of reflection. What you are radically accepting is that “it’s them, not me”. Accepting that the relationship is done is GOOD. Don’t get me wrong. This is growth and self love. But your not loving yourself or others by refusing to guide this vulnerable population who are looking for answers in you towards self reflection. If this channel isn’t for people who where actually “bad” parents.. where is your line for that? Even god has us self reflect. Without communication, like in a video 7 months ago I’m quoting, you can still work through what you’ve done wrong without family therapy or communication with your child. That was a lie. I have hope for you and I really hope you can be what both you and your daughter needs in the future.
@Bekind7868 6 сағат бұрын
She does lots on reflection and responsibility in the earlier stages of being dumped by an adult child. At this stage, she is talking about stabilizing and completing the recovery process and putting the adult child behind you, which is necessary for healing. They don't want you. Facing dependency on the adult child is critical for detachment and a long, happy, and wonderful life when they go no contact.
@ja7124 3 сағат бұрын
@@Bekind7868 Everyone situation is different. If the parent can’t see what they did, it will never be resolved. I’m still heartbroken but there’s nothing I can do. It’s too painful to even talk to her, that’s why most adult kids go no contact. Which I don’t think most parents understand.
@Lisaann7 Сағат бұрын
That was an earlier video. She’s going through the process of healing which leads you to radical acceptance. Which is where this is heading.
@Alleycat938 9 сағат бұрын
Really helpful tips here. Thank you.
@theraptureisnearbelieveinj448 9 сағат бұрын
We’re living in the end of days, and Jesus is about to rapture His bride. Check out a movie called “Revelation in the Stars” on a channel called Blow the Shofar. I pray for mercy on our kids, and for many Prodigals to come back to Him before it’s too late. Acts 2:38 ✝️
@sonicleaves 9 сағат бұрын
Your videos are really interesting, thank you.
@EddieFaria 9 сағат бұрын
I know you are probably not a religious person and I don’t know if you believe in God or not. But one of the most powerful things you can do for your daughter in this time of separation is pray for her everyday. Pray that God gently brings her back to the truth of who she really is. A child of God. Have faith that one day he will reconcile this estrangement and bring your little girl back to you.
@a_sea_oasis 9 сағат бұрын
My only child, a daughter rejected me at different periods throughout her years. It was parent alienation since she was very young. I stayed until she became 18 due to fear of losing her to her narcissistic paternal grandparents in another country. Five years ago she cut contact with me again due to a disagreement. I always maintain a decent communication with her father. That is how I can get updates how she is doing. She is doing great in her career. She likes what she does. Each morning I pray 🙏🏻 with all my heart and mind to God, Jesus Christ, Saints Mary, Joseph and Raphael. I ask God to guide and protect my daughter. I pray for her father and his mother too. When I feel empty. I begin to pray 🙏🏻 and pray 🙏🏻 When I saw a young woman looked like my daughter, my heart skipped a beat. I sometimes cried silently alone. I let her go but I will wait for my daughter til my last breath. I believe in prayers all my life. I have faith and trust in God. I know that God listen to me at each prayer. I have desire to live my life in my senior years. God Bless all of us and our children. 🙏🏻💕⚘️🐦🇺🇸
@lmccauley7319 8 сағат бұрын
I agree with you. If I didn't have the Lord right now to lean on I would be totally lost. I'm so hurt and also mad but I am deciding to pray for my daughter and pray we can be reconciled some day. I'm not expecting a reconciliation. I am trying to not hate her right now, she has really hurt me though terribly. I was a great parent to her so I have no guilt that I did anything wrong at all. She is a messed up person. But with God in my life I can survive and hopefully thrive too! Thanks! God bless you.
@hadassahe3854 8 сағат бұрын
​@@lmccauley7319I am not sure if you meant you are expecting a reconciliation as opposed to not expecting. You should pray believing that this will come to pass. Please read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. May the Lord give you peace and bring her back safely. Blessings to you.
@lmccauley7319 8 сағат бұрын
@@hadassahe3854 Ok, thank you.
@ToxicFreeTV 9 сағат бұрын
Self reflection most important
@Hechete 9 сағат бұрын
You're allowed to feel how you feel. That is valid. But 'do your best to move on?' Not quite. THIS is where you get to LEARN! This is where you GROW. If you sit with your fear and accept that you made mistakes, if you don't LEARN from your mistakes and CHANGE, then you HAVE failed. What can you do better NOW? You don't screw up badly with your partner, fear doing it again and then just accept it when you do it again. Throwing up your hands and saying 'Welp, I'm helpless to be better' is the same as saying 'I learned nothing and haven't grown.' It's okay to hurt. Its okay to cope! But it's not ok to remain the same and keep doing whatever it was that caused the estrangement. Lots of people here are in pain. Struggle is good for growth. How would you treat them if they were a stranger?
@TexanHeaven 9 сағат бұрын
The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom.
@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 9 сағат бұрын
That sounds more like cowardice
@lindas5680 9 сағат бұрын
@MRFM2001 9 сағат бұрын
@@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLofear of god isn’t always traditional fear it has more of a historical cultural context. More like awe of his power. I’ve thought about this a lot as a Quaker
@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 9 сағат бұрын
@user-dr1td6nd5f I don't live in fear. Fearing a god comes across to me as a response to a problem, for which you want an easy out. Instead of actually solving the problem, you just leave it up to a big guy in the sky, since you're too weak to solve the problem, let him solve it.
@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 8 сағат бұрын
@MRFM2001 In my experience it seems to be weird veneration of the Great Man Myth.
@kellyk8966 10 сағат бұрын
My birthday has always been a trigger for my daughter, she was hell bent letting me know what she wanted for hers which is 10 days later. Finally I told her under no certain terms do not call me on my birthday and I will not talk to you about yours until my day is done. All I ever asked for was a hand-written card, I never could get that
@rohwynn 12 сағат бұрын
All the good things you listed as a mom is your responsibility. You don't get a trophy for it. You also don't get to use it as ammo against a child who has drawn boundaries that were disrespected. Parenthood is not transactional. I'm sure there are estranged parents who legitimately did the best they could but honestly, this entire video is one giant red flag. I mean this respectfully, you need therapy. You need emotional growth for your mental peace and for your child's mental peace. This video? This entire channel? This isn't it.
@fatjoe66666666 12 сағат бұрын
emotional damage, yes, my kids left with the wife like 7 years ago, they have not spoken to me since, i used to be frantic about it, now i really dont give a shit about them now. maybe they are doing fine, maybe not, their loss. happens to allot of people.
@NeedForMadnessSVK 12 сағат бұрын
Fourth Turning is a bunch of pseudscientific BS. No historian, anthropologist or sociologist worth their weight in salt thinks that book is anything more.
@southernbelle19 13 сағат бұрын
I am so glad you put Dumped by your child in each title of this series. This title sums it up perfectly.