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@espadasescapades9021 5 сағат бұрын
OMG THANK YOU The Gavinor champion theory is one of my most DESPIED theories I've ever heard (right there with Ned, Robb and any other dead Stark is actually alive and they all have warg abilities!) and you almost word for word said what I say about it!!! It's so nice to see I'm not the only one with a working brain...
@BrettSheeran 10 сағат бұрын
I'm a bit late to the party, but in Oathbringer (page 867) Szeth talks with Nightblood and says: "I knew a voice like yours once, sword-nimi." The whispers? " No. A single one, in my mind, when i was young." (...) "I hope it goes better this time". Maybe Szeth was in the process of bonding a spren and talking to it, which would explain why he "knew" that the Radiants were forming again & the voidbringers would return which led to him being truthless in the eyes of the shin?
@macmay3042 Күн бұрын
The four Dawnshards are Change, Life, Death, and Be (stasis). So Unity doesn't fit.
@macmay3042 Күн бұрын
As for "willing champion", remember that Odium is a Shard and has ways to compel will. As horrible as the Sadeas army was, even they wouldn't knowingly side with Odium against the rest of humanity. But their hatred was considered enough of an opening. Dalinar himself nearly fell and became Odium's champion. Of the few things we've ever heard Gavinor say, he thirsts for vengeance. Odium owns and commands the object of that vengeance. "Hey Gavinor, I will give you the vengeance you seek, I will let you spill Moash's blood, all you need to do is let me into your heart, where I already am anyway." Honestly, this is possibly the most-likely part of the theory. Also, you're assuming the Honor champion will be Dalinar. If it's someone else, way easier sell to get Gavinor to be it. And the whole point of the "baby champion" thing is, it's not an offensive move by Vargodium. This isn't him saying, aha, this child will easily kill this seasoned veteran with an amazing butt. Remember, win or lose, Odium loses. When Vargodium was reviewing the contract, he mentioned that he saw some way out of the confines of the pact. Which means, whether he succeeds or not, whatever Champion he chooses, whatever his move is, it's to try and force an outcome other than win or loss. Like, Gavinor not being able (or even willing) to kill Dalinar, and Dalinar not being willing to strike down Elhokar's son.
@jessewest9183 Күн бұрын
They just gave Adolin a redemption Arc. Odium's champion is going to be Dalinar or Gavilar.
@czeslawpi Күн бұрын
Is Honor made of styrofoam? 🤪
@czeslawpi Күн бұрын
Am I the only one who hates Szeth? He’s almost as bad as Shallon.
@mrjuderaw87 2 күн бұрын
The honorblades were said to be literally made of honor and the stormfather is the largest piece of honor. I feel like Dalinar is going to forge all of the honorblades into one blade and that plus the stormfather is going to be enough to either turn Dalinar into Honor or literally revive Tanavast. At the very least he may end up with all the surges
@mrpurpleorc 3 күн бұрын
Quick observation on sound for the video, there a lot of pops and mouth noicea on the track. It also feels like the treble is way up and bass is way down. Listening on headphones, mostly on the male track
@MarcMagma 3 күн бұрын
I do wonder what would happen if Odium and Ruin would meet...
@mrbreeze7373 9 күн бұрын
Taravangian was gifted intelligence beyond his capability by cultivation - she messed up badly
@enki4589 10 күн бұрын
It's Wit on Roshar!
@enki4589 10 күн бұрын
Now that Taravangian is Odium it changes everything!
@allen6john713 12 күн бұрын
"Honor is not dead so long as he lives in the hearts of men!"
@charlieteneyck6797 13 күн бұрын
I think we have been told why he was named ruthless and why he was resurrected but being gifted nightblood is unknown.
@Rawrbagels 14 күн бұрын
Isn’t it a big miss to not even discuss what’s going on with Mayalaran and the return of the deadeyes? You know, a huge plot thread from Rhythm? Feels like something important is going on there, no?
@morsumbra9692 15 күн бұрын
Rhyshadium are actually probably really big Goats... my two point of evidence. 1. Rosharsians are very general in there classifications. They're sciency but only to a point... kinda like pre-Darwin ecologists... 2. they distinctly have rectangular pupils. Horses have circular whereas goats got rectangles. 3 bonus. How hilariously cool would it be to see a 6ft+ blonde asian guy riding a giant goat(Adolin on sureblood or galliant). Like that's a fantasy Mashup for the ages right there. Like flipping the goats for dwarves mount trope but all upside down😂😂
@morsumbra9692 15 күн бұрын
"I have crabs!!" Always a great thing to yell into the ethos 😂😂😂
@mr.hometown2891 16 күн бұрын
So, Nightblood has a Divine Breath right? Maybe even connected to anti-investiture.
@katetaylor9558 16 күн бұрын
I think that Oroden is far more likely to be the champion odium chooses if brandon goes with the child theory
@Parmandur 17 күн бұрын
I think Ba-Ado-Mishram and the other Unmade were originally independent God-Spren, like the Stormfather. They need to be Re-made for the true resolution of the conflict.
@ireallyhatemakingupnamesfo1758 18 күн бұрын
I think new information from Yumi and the nightmare painter really supports the idea that the Spren that Ishar experimented with are being bonded in some way to previously human bodies. When Yumi and painter transfer, yumi’s innate investiture allows her to “heal” her body to match her perception and spiritual aspect. This results in painter’s body transforming to look like Yumi. Spren might have enough investiture to do something similar, but they “heal” into an impossible form because their body has no understanding of internal organs or anything like that.
@fishtailfuture 19 күн бұрын
Before I listen to this. Is there any "theorizing "of what's gonna come? I hate previews, I don't want to hear any good reason hypothesis or good guesses on what to come. I really like to hear about stuff. I miss that are definitely in the books. I don't have the time to go through them all multiple times so I want to know everything in the books. I just don't want any future spoilers. Even as far as "what might happen". I know some people really love the rise and try to guess what's gonna happen next. That's not me. During Game of Thrones when everybody would talk about what's coming I hated it. I tried to shut my brain off and go into it completely fresh.
@fishtailfuture 20 күн бұрын
Pretty sure Dalinar was supposed to be his first champion, and then Moash. Odium says something about not being able to use his first two choices since the regaining of the tower. I assumed he was talking about Moash's blindness as the second reason.
@MrJethroha 23 күн бұрын
Cultivation didn't foresee Taravangian ascending to the Shard of Odium, she made it happen. She gave him intelligent days to help him plan ahead, and she gave him emotional days to draw Rayse in to make a deal and to allow Taravangian to bond Odium. Renarins future seeing abilities shrouded Szeth and Nightblood from Odiums notice, but somehow Cultivation knew when to send Taravangian his "stupidest" day... because she has been coordinating with Sja-Anat the whole time. Sja-Anat sent Renarin his spren in the first place and conspired with Taravangian to draw in Odium on the day he died. I wouldn't be surprised if Cultivation didn't conspire to bring Nightblood to Roshar in the first place. She committed from the beginning to give Taravangian what he asked for "the capacity to save humankind" and she still has a hook in him. The vacillation between intelligent and emotional was an essential part of the boon, so what, then, is the real curse?
@Ghost-Toast819 24 күн бұрын
am i hearing greenpath music from hollowknight in the background?
@sssarnk 24 күн бұрын
I'm so scared that boo 5 will end on a pseudo cliff hanger from what Sanderson has said
@angrychickengod3831 4 күн бұрын
I doubt it. He said he’s taking a long break from writing SLA after book five and I don’t think he’d leave us on a cliffhanger for that long lol
@JoseFlores-km8hn 25 күн бұрын
100% Harmony because I knew and loved the vessel before it became Harmony
@sigzil1985 25 күн бұрын
Also a sleepless trader has the honorblade. I'll stick by that until Sanderson says otherwise.
@sigzil1985 25 күн бұрын
Ishar might well be trying to find a way to get spren away from Roshar. This seems to be a theme with the Heralds. I think he's forcing them to form human-ish bodies by severing their connection to shadesmar as completely as possible.
@christen9847 25 күн бұрын
I agree with number ten 100 percent and if that had been first I would not have found any of the others even neccessary.
@christen9847 25 күн бұрын
How is having a shard called War the best thing for Roshar?
@timpage9424 27 күн бұрын
Nah. I'd say there was a chance of redemption post Elhokar. Killing Teft was the point of no return. I'd be kinda pissed if he went for a redemption arc. I trust Sando but he'd have a very fine needle to thread for that to work for me.
@masonandreasen8050 27 күн бұрын
Taln's honorblade will actually be a major plot point in the Stonewalkers Adventure Path coming out next year for the Cosmere (Stormlight RPG). We dont have the specifics yet as it hasnt been released, but we've been told that one of the quests the player characters will have will be finding Taln's Honorblade. From what ive seen from Brotherwise games and Brandon, the sword questions will be primarily be answered in the RPG, probably only referenced in WaT
@aaronlippman3338 28 күн бұрын
Was that Daniel Greene reading about the dawnshards?
@given9158 28 күн бұрын
Sumnary stormlight is for adults who dont want to grow up. ASOIAF is for nihilist who believe in nothing.
@Hopuxx 29 күн бұрын
What a great video!!! The hard work that's gone into it is more than evident! So many good questions, I am counting down the days until I have Wind and Truth in my hands
@krisreilly8856 Ай бұрын
My quiz results were basically a tie between Truthwatcher and Windrunner. I like the idea of a flying medic with the surges of Gravitation and Regrowth. A Windwatcher, if you will.
@teneluxio Ай бұрын
Cultivation + War = Conquest
@mobama5782 Ай бұрын
I do feel like the theming of stormlight ending in them being the universal aggressors doesn’t quite feel right. But maybe that’s the plot line for stormlight era 2
@jeanneige216 Ай бұрын
Stormlight Archive and Radiohead? sign me up!
@ska4dragons Ай бұрын
What's with the game show music?
@ska4dragons Ай бұрын
This one was a stinker. He should have let it cook longer.
@PeterTschappler Ай бұрын
Or Taravangian just tosses up an easy kill to let Dalinar win
@TheRealUncleScar Ай бұрын
Wait if shallans mom was a herald who died and went to braise (sp?) and broke, that means she returned to roshar with taln, which means shallan and her mom are probably going to meet in book 5
@mobama5782 Ай бұрын
Personal theory is going to be that Dalinar and Kalidan become a parallel to Sazed and Kelsior. Dalinar takes up a shard and kalidan the shadow and protector of Roshar.
@paquadjo1517 Ай бұрын
I think the death rattle about the child is about the Unmade Mishram and the results or consequences of freeing her or keeping her contained.
@someweeb4110 Ай бұрын
Sucked in for 20 minutes at 1 AM before realizing this is 50 minutes long… Sleep can wait. Awesome video so far!!
@TheJordanK Ай бұрын
I think champion will be Adolin. It will end up being him by some twist or something unexpected. Then the dueling foreshadowing and setup for his whole arc will be fulfilled. Mark my words. Maya will bond him as a radiant when yes about to lose or when he’s about to die. It will heal him and her and he will rise a radiant and defeat the champion. (I have no clue who the bad guy champion will be, I’m guessing a new character or Sadeus reborn. lol ) I still don’t believe Odium will abide by this whole thing if he loses, and Dalinar will step in and punish him with some bondsmith type shit. Adolin may not be the champion, but I still think he will end up bonding Maya and healing her. And knowing Brandon it will be at the last second.
@DoubleM-q1n Ай бұрын
Szeth is a moron