@kenshinjd 3 сағат бұрын
You had that experience so you could bear witness in order to help me believe. Because it is through the Eucharist I have already been delivered and I'm waiting for The Lord to answer another prayer still. He is Faithful I know He's answered me. I cannot give glory praise enough to Him
@Tracey..H 3 сағат бұрын
Throw out denominations for awhile and just read the Bible.🎉
@Tracey..H 3 сағат бұрын
“That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬
@BenjiDiMaggio 4 сағат бұрын
He makes no sense. God created the blueprint, but we’re too dumb to read them. He makes no sense. Jesus didn’t teach us how to read the blueprint, he just wants us to believe that they are perfect. He makes no sense
@BruceDSouza 5 сағат бұрын
I agree a 100% with all that you said, Amen 🙏🏽. I personally battle with SSA everyday and at least once a week I'm in tears!!!! I have accepted it and am carrying this heavy cross. But I just want to say it's easy for a hetrosexual person to condemn SSA but they don't know what it feels like and it's not a choice and it's not something we asked for 🙏🏽 But I'm extremely happy you mentioned the below and glad that no married (hetrosexual) people on this earth will be with their partners in heaven since we all will be married to Jesus and not each other 👏🏽🙌🏽 🙏🏽 Matthew 22:30 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
@billcarter4670 6 сағат бұрын
@kenshinjd 6 сағат бұрын
17:30 is just wow for me Praise God!!! He's beyond words to praise Him
@J-Sama1990 6 сағат бұрын
It makes me emotional knowing that my mom who I love with all my heart is so brainwashed by the JW religion. She would always constantly try and push her beliefs on me constantly trying to get brothers from her church to give me bible studies when I repeatedly told her no I went a few times when I was younger to the congregation and truthfully I felt so out of place like I didn’t belong there. When I told her how I felt, she exploded with anger and said someone made me say that or I’ve got a demon inside me making me say things against Jehovah.
@psicologiaX 7 сағат бұрын
As someone that grew up catholic, went protestant and is now in the process of reverting to Catholicism, I now see there is a lot to learn and read about the Catholic church, but a few decades ago there was no access to information like today. I learned the basics of the stories of the Bible from protestants. I remembered it made me mad the Catholic church didn´t teach us any of that. I had done everything, baptism, communion and confirmation, I was in the chorus. I only knew prayers. I tried to read the Bible on my own but it seemed impossible to understand. Protestants, however, had a whole system, books, group and individual studies for free! In a few months I knew a lot of stories from the Bible, timelines, etc. Their kids knew more about the bible than most of us grown up catholics. Some of us were starving and we accepted bread from a stranger, maybe poisoned yes, but let´s not pretend we were being fed. I still believe that lack of teaching has to be addressed. Now, I have to say, thanks to the internet and other cinema productions it can be fixed.
@biblebill6206 8 сағат бұрын
Unbelievable , Catholic church has their own bible , rampant sexual molestation behind closed doors , priest's are called father which is wrong , worship Mary , people confess their sins to priests instead of God , wear black clothes which is in opposition to scripture . Church is truly Satan's church as Islam his religion . I tell you the truth as Christ would say .
@maylingng4107 9 сағат бұрын
*Evidence for Jesus*. I often replied to claimers Jesus (“the divine Jesus”) is a total fabrication of a religion invented by second class citizens of the ancient Roman empire with the statements that “No eyewitness exists outside of the bible of someone who is claimed to have been witnessed by thousands” OK - so if Jesus lived, either nobody knew how to write (numerous historians wrote in the early first century: (Greek, Roman, Hebrew and Aramaic) or some malicious person erased all evidence of what is claimed to be one of the most important figures of history? So where does the Jesus story come from? If we examine history, there were several Jesus figures way before the first century with remarkably similar tales. Let us just take the one that has started with a discovery by a soldier in Napoleon’s army found in an excavation site near the Nile river, what became to be called the Rosetta Stone. The stone contained 3 times (written in Greek, Egyptian and in hieroglyphics) a key to explain the 3,000 year old texts written on the statues of ancient Egypt. The Egyptian hieroglyphics tell the story about a “sun god” who was born to a virgin and a god on or about December 25, he turns water into wine at weddings, performs other miracles, had 12 disciples, upsets the local authorities, he was put to death around Easter and resurrected days later to preach to his followers. Does this pagan god story predating Jesus sound familiar? There are more than a half dozen similar stories about other gods before the alleged time of Jesus.
@DanielA-wb3zy 9 сағат бұрын
Satan corrupted a church and made appear to be what Jesus had created. He used tradition and scripture, but twisted them to support the idea that no man has the authority to question the doctrines of his church. He made men believe a single man could be the sole representative of God on Earth. The members of this church would be enthralled with the ceremony, the incense, the regal robes and tall hats. They wouldn't question that their leader would sit on a throne like a Pharoah who tells the people he is a god. They wouldn't be able to question what this leader told the world, because that leader could sit on his magic chair and speak infallibly for God. The people believed him. Imagine if you were ELECTED to be the successor apostle. Would you truly believe in your heart that you could ever speak infallibly for God? No. If you fear God, you would fear the punishment he has in store for you for deceiving the flock and claiming this infallibility you KNOW you don't have. So the leader of this church does not fear God. He is willing to lie for the sake of this church. So to do those who elected that leader lie to the faithful flock. They claim they can VOTE for the next apostle of Christ. So too do the magical body that claims to have the power to infallibly interpret scripture. This is stealing the authority of the Holy Spirit who was given to us all to help us understand all things of God.
@FlyingGentile 10 сағат бұрын
0:42 Kevin Hovind?? Wow I thought he was better than that.
@andrewangelopacheco9960 10 сағат бұрын
Please talk about the Council of St. Pope John XXlll being ousted and replaced with a hijackd Council.
@MrBrunoUSA 11 сағат бұрын
over the last month mr anderson has been embroiled in a scandal involving his four adult children coming out with allegtions of abuse. severe physical abuse. and lots of yelling from him. and then this comes up in my feed. yes he has some serious anger problems and i do not doubt that he is a survivor of abuse as well. he needs to be taken seriously because of the damage he is doing on a physical, psycholigical, and spiritual level, and especially to his family. since the stories have come out, i have been praying for the repentance and conversion of him and his wife and also for the healing and redemption of his kids. Sad all around.
@jodygryczkowski132 12 сағат бұрын
When I was 5, my mom's ex boyfriend was caught sleeping with another man and kissing him, she decided to stay with him even knowing that he was Gay, her ex boyfriend decided he was going to try me out for size. He repeatedly asked me forced to have oral in my mouth, I refused him all the time. My mom and the rest of her side the family who themselves are LGBTQ looked thee other way.
@claudiavivarelli7571 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for your testimony
@rodolfobracho8442 14 сағат бұрын
Sikhi are very open minded, all the way back to their founder, guru Nanak. SSPX is in full communion with catholicism and the chair of Peter. We should stop putting lables like "cult", miss used here. They are no more a cult than the Franciscan Third Order or Opus Dei. Fanaticism can exist everywhere. Congratulations for thinking, in essence you are true to Sikhism. Most SSPX members as maintream catholics, are trying to understand our faith in the light of so many, I believe, confusing statements and acts from this papacy
@Texan_USA 15 сағат бұрын
LOL the catholics dumping on the mormons..catholics who changed the commandments, worship mary, and believe thier priest can fogive sins. Look in the mirror dude!
@vikkibowers4301 15 сағат бұрын
I've never listened to 2 carnal minds try to wrap their minds around a subject this simple.
@RoryEwanTan-gv3jx 17 сағат бұрын
Slippery when wet.
@mariocano2767 18 сағат бұрын
NeedGod are you ever going to post in your channel the debate you had with Brian of the channel in KZbin Catholic Truth?
@nicholasmutisya2658 20 сағат бұрын
You have an unenviable task ahead of you because if it has taken you some sixteen minutes to explain the killing of one lady how long is it going to take you to explain a whole genocide? (That is what it is - from the persecution of the Waldensians to the the Huguenots to everyone that dared to question the authority of the pope, they were killed and burned right, left and center) What is more is you are contradicting yourself all through because while you say that you believe in - and encourage people to read the Bible, with the same breath you warn about the dangers of people reading the Bible by themselves, claiming that "church councils" have the authority to interpret it for the people. It was in that kind of spirit that the catholic church did everything in its power to destroy all copies that the "protestants" printed in their effort to make scripture available in the common man's language. Bibles were being burned by orders from the catholic church! The real danger from the pope's point of view was that the people would know the truth and the catholic church would no longer keep people in the dark. If there was "danger" for the people to understand the Bible in different ways, what guarantees that they would understand the councils interpretations in the same way? In the days that Jesus walked the earth the scriptures were out there for everyone to read, in fact in the old Testament they were told to tie them on their hands and write them on their door posts and gates (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 11:18-21) My advice is that if you claim to be the church that Jesus left on earth then do what Jesus did otherwise that would be a collosal lie! The better way would be to acknowledge all those evils instead of these miserable cover-up attempts and repent.
@balomwahlang6992 22 сағат бұрын
I am not a catholic faith not protestan faith, but what is Jesus taught , I Iearn from the Holy Book that is the Bible as Jesus spoken I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Many will come false teaching, false prophets. You always learns and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth, 2Timothy 2:37. Hi brother learn from the Bible not from the others ways. Be wise brother.
@dkeari 22 сағат бұрын
Total lie.. Catholics are Roman pagan worshipping cult..
@UrsulaPainter 22 сағат бұрын
What is "chokey?"
@hugorainer5940 23 сағат бұрын
In Austria the government support exclusively the LGBT COMMUNITY.
@heinmolenaar6750 Күн бұрын
The morality of religion is immoral.
@ebokobi1655 Күн бұрын
I love your defense but it is not strong enough and your defense is indefensible. Remember that a statement of truth has a converse statement which is always true and Pope never gave a converse statement. So I don't know what you are defending. Let me give you a typical example from the Bible. When the angel told Mary that she will conceive in her womb, Mary was surprised and said that how can this be since she knew no man. The angel showed her how it will happen and concluded that with GOD nothing shall be impossible(Luke1:37) Thus, as Mary was thinking of the impossibility from human perspective the angel converse it with possibility from GOD. A similar thing happened when JESUS was teaching on marriage (Matt.19:26) and the disciples were shocked and realized the impossibility of marriage, JESUS said that with men this is impossible but with GOD all things are possible. This is what is meant by statement of truth, the opposite of that statement is always true. So the Pope saying that humanly speaking, the cross was a failure is not the problem because he was saying that when we view the cross from human perspective. However, he failed to balance his statement with the converse statement before the clapping. He never placed emphasis on the victory of the cross in the same speech and so if in another speech he talks about the victory of the cross, then the Pope is inconsistent with his speech, he says something here and say another thing somewhere. Inconsistent speech gives room for all interpretations. In your defense, you were trying to give an implication statement trying to say what the Pope implies, but since the Pope himself never implied what you are implying for his speech, your defense is unfounded, not factual, untrue and baseless. Let the Pope do better than this. Remember, the Pope is making so many statements which are inconsistent with the Christian faith. Statement like brother sun (as compared to the Mexican female president oath in father sun), all roads/religion lead to salvation/GOD and many more
@supra8544 Күн бұрын
I’ve heard this before from Pastor John MacArthur many years ago.
@jenniferwhiten1884 Күн бұрын
Immigration concerns ??? He should be concerned - gangs are coming in killing people - raping , and doing it with a welcome package …. I hope that’s what you mean when you say the pope is concerned about immigration. 😭😭 I think we all know that this country will help people in need however there has to be order as in to come in legally and orderly or else you have open borders with a chaotic mess and loss of life
@jenniferwhiten1884 Күн бұрын
I’d rather obey Billy Graham Godly teaching s than the crazy heretical Pope you all have - please … He is a liar, and a liberal heretic. There is NOT many ways to God there is only one way and it is through Jesus Christ his son . I could go on and on about his ““ authority “ I pray hard people are not listening to anything he says . 😭 When he stands in front of the Almighty, the most high, he will be accountable and he will be judged more severely than people not in positions . Why don’t you all do a video where you have to answer questions about the Pope and the Papacy throughout the times and why do you think these men are infallible . If this Pope is infallible - Catholics are in trouble . … or are only certain popes infallible??? Make it make sense Please !
@josephb4086 Күн бұрын
Isaiah 45:6-7 in the Bible contains a verse that says, "I am the Lord, there is none else; I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil". Nuff said.
@samuelgarcia9065 Күн бұрын
You should do a debate with @truthunites
@mariateriefelalcover9741 Күн бұрын
Praise God, welcome home brod and sis. ❤
@amishdetroit Күн бұрын
I identity as queer as I have no interest in a heteronormative relationship 😅
@MyRhudz Күн бұрын
you are wrong he speaks like a dragon rev.13:11. in another interview he do not know why jesus died on the cross, he deny's jesus death on the cross because he said it was a failure. But because you do not knew also the prophecy of john in rev..13:11 that is why you protected him. judas is the traitor of the apostles while in rev. 13:11, the line of the pope there will be also 1 that will speaks like a dragon and the prophecy of the book of rev.13, the whole chapter was fullfilled.
@heinmolenaar6750 Күн бұрын
99% of all sex crimes are committed by heterosexuals. Many sex crimes are even 100% committed only by heterosexuals. Sex crimes as trafficking in women, female circumcision, abortion ( legal but forbidden by religions) rape, incest, gang rape, sexual harassment, heterosexual pedophilia, murdering of homosexuals in islamic countries. Violence, discrimination and contempt against homosexuals in all countries. Heterosexuals don't mind all these sex crimes as much as a gay pride parade. Their neurotic and bigoted religious beliefs are more important to them than people. Do heterosexuals use their sexuality as god intended? What a joke. Heterosexuals should be more concerned about their own sexual behavior and leave homosexuals alone.
@InvestInGodBlog Күн бұрын
Which ones are on audiobook on KZbin? God bless you! 💋 The best books that I know of, so far, after The Bible, of course, are Walter Russell’s books like The Message of the Divine Iliad. He had a medical issue and God gave him massive enlightening downloads. He married a Rockefeller who put all of that New Age garbage, plus inaccurate nuclear gaslighting psyop in his books that you have to disregard. I read The Bible cover to cover decades ago.
@BestillintheLord Күн бұрын
Ryan did awesome. I will never be a Catholic again. Idolaters
@kevinburke1325 Күн бұрын
I have tried to have conversations with atheists but they keep calling everything a coincidence smh.