@PROD1GY1202 15 күн бұрын
Great Explanation Ma’am
@BrokenHorn620 Ай бұрын
I think this game really kinda saved my ass recently. I’ve been dealing with many of the struggles shown in Nitw. Many of which I hadn’t really realized before. But most of all it kinda broke me free from my cat god and black goat in a way. I’m still processing, and your video has been great for me right now, so thank you for making it! This game really is a masterpiece.
@memenazi7078 Ай бұрын
Don’t be a perfectionist
@splendidbananaxx8536 Ай бұрын
This video is beautiful. I'm dense to a lot of implicit meanings in games but this video explains Mae's character and the game beautifully, I really enjoyed watching!!
@christinepersak1801 Ай бұрын
A very thought provoking analysis of a film that sensitively portrays a person's loneliness and isolation. The actors and screenwriters are to be commended for taking what could have been a "joke" premise and turning it into something moving. Gosling deserves credit for being in this movie and playing Lars so well.
@hckr_ 2 ай бұрын
RIP Alec and thanks for this masterpiece
@vanessaortiz1068 2 ай бұрын
As a person dealing with DP/DR, playing this game blindly, the theme of the game took me by surprise and made me tear up, it was such a relief to see my view of the world and struggles represented in such a caring and compassionate way
@desmondjefferson2127 2 ай бұрын
If they wanted us to care about that psycho, maybe not make her an unlikeable psycho POS in the first hour!!! When i had to play as her to play at the character i want to KILL!!! It was stupid AF!! 8:23 I UNINSTALLED rather than water my time on this horrible writing!!!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@CmoMgail 5 күн бұрын
I agree :(
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brilliant!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brillian!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brillian!
@christosmatkaris8697 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come back with a video about Outer Wilds!! We miss your essay full of amazingly amazing amazigness. You are greatly brillian!
@ravensthatflywiththenightm7319 2 ай бұрын
I've been searching for a video like this for years! 😻🦊🙀🐊🐻🦜
@TheStoriesWeTell303 2 ай бұрын
very well written and poignant. I am working on a Parasite video and this is very helpful!
@Baba_Yaga_123 3 ай бұрын
No group of nice people exist and rarely are there women like her who are single for long
@BrickDanger-er8dw 3 ай бұрын
I wanted to meet Chris Hemsworth from Luigi's Mansion, but 2 minutes of Ryan Gosling showing me that Bianca was raped is enough. Very sad and dickish (gisolfi) how the service saber wings 'yo-yo' really scares good looking people away from missions
@LegitBabySnuts 4 ай бұрын
My brain: Emotional damage - initiated.
@DivineFeminine99 4 ай бұрын
This was extremely therapeutic to watch and your voice and diction very soothing. Thank you. Great work on this channel , even though you don't post as much ! Have you ever taken the Meyers-Briggs personality test ? What are you , I wonder ?
@olliepoplol5894 4 ай бұрын
I just watched this movie for the first time. Something I instantly picked up on, that you mentioned in this video - is how real it feels. The way he projects his own feelings onto Bianca, the way his social anxiety and awkwardness feels (especially in the first half), and even when he is having a panic attack and feels like he is going to pass out - how the therapist had him stick his head between his legs (what you actually do when you’re going to pass out) There are so many details that make his character feel real, and feel genuine and sympathetic. It’s a very accurate portrayal of mental health, and unfortunately not one that you see often. But it’s done really well in this movie :)
@lifestylelines 5 ай бұрын
this was very inspiring!
@MOUNTAINOUS 5 ай бұрын
i have the same doll lars has in the movie. she is a love doll. not a sex doll. i hate the phrase sex doll. i have 5 dolls but one of the ones i have is this exact doll that is in this movie. made by abyss realdoll.
@silly_fellow525 5 ай бұрын
This game makes me so emotional, just thinking of it makes me cry a mix of sadness because its over and happiness becasuse i was lucky enough to know this exist
@nowlwane9623 6 ай бұрын
It’s sad that there are very few videos about the mental health of a war veteran that constantly throws himself into hell. Even when he can get out of despair, he throws himself back into it for sense of honor and duty only to save the world and be thrown back into darkness.
@Poydflink 6 ай бұрын
This is such a great video and channel, I love hearing these psychological analysis. Are you doing something else related to this? I am sad this seems to have stopped and would like to contribute.
@gianz73 6 ай бұрын
KZbin Is watching me and suggested two of your videos: The Longing and A Night in the Woods. Exactly what I'm going through! You got a new subscriber!
@pascalbro7524 6 ай бұрын
I learned a lot regarding the components that make for a good media experience. One thing I appreciate about this video game is that it's extremely low-fomo. The game designer's intent wasn't to try to extract engagement or get you to keep purchasing content. He just updates it and rewards people for having engaged with his product. Tasks that you invest time in, come with rewards and little risk to one's experience which the worst would be starting the day over or having to wait until it cycles back to a specific season or day for cooking recipes. This channel is something else. What an interesting approach to assessing video games.
@AbbyAnderson789 6 ай бұрын
Right at the early stages of the game you see Manny ( who btw looks a lot like Neil Druckmann ) He has a little talk with his dad before they all leave into the open world. It kind of gives off a vibe like I'm gonna make you proud daddy! You know somethings up and the shit is gonna hit the fan! It's basically Neil flipping you the finger and saying: Well you like violent games? Welcome to my world of pain and sorrow! * Spoiler Alert * ( you still here? Play the game first ;) What Abby did to Joel >>> Neil did to the player base ( gaming experience ) But come on wtf did you expect? Look at Neil's background, his childhood etc, also there is a video floating around here on KZbin somewhere explaining how many times he got cancelled not realizing his vision before he got famous. So it's safe to assume the " Gulf " club scene is symbolic and a reference to the " Gulf War " You will probably find an interview on Reddit him saying he was hit by a golf club on his head or something like that and that's why he picked that object. Sure bud. You could argue that this was probably premeditated because the scene with Abby & Joel repeats it self later on in the game and you are not given an option to walk another path either. Just bluntly do it or turn off the game an walk away. That right there is a wake up call telling you this isn't a game anymore but a " Pain simulator " which in turn is also a big fuck you statement saying to the player base: You guys care more about violent games then the millions of innocent people who get slaughtered everyday irl ( ironic how this is very relevant 2day ) Hell I could talk about this on and on and in the end it doesn't really matter ... Someone else said it beautifully :) " It’s a story about right and wrong written by people who think they’re always right.” This was said by a Japanese fan and it puts it perfectly.
@area52ron 6 ай бұрын
I disagree with most of your statement about Chara
@fredrick136 6 ай бұрын
Celeste for life ❤️
@juliane2595 8 ай бұрын
I think Lars creates this person for himself that can make him feel to feel loved and understood as he wasn't able to receive and accept those qualities from his community. Which probably comes from the lack of love he didn't get from his depressed father and growing up without a mother left a lot o trauma. So in a way Bianca helps Lars reconnect with the people around him and finding his way back into society. I also think that through Bianca Lars communicates his struggles and traumas for everyone to see as he says that they are very similar to eachother. And once he's feeling welcommed and save again with the people he realises that he doesn't need Bianca anymore and lets her go.
@InkyGhoul 8 ай бұрын
Minecraft is not hedonic media that game makes me wanna throw my keyboard into the sun
@EricGranata 8 ай бұрын
Might I recommend Everhood? So good. Banger soundtrack too.
@lilmayita9466 8 ай бұрын
I struggled with MDD during my adolescence. I used to go to a therapy program from 9-3 each weekday for 3 months, which left me drained by the end of the day. Playing Stardew Valley not only gave me a sanctuary, but taught me that socializing rather than isolating myself would be life-changing.
@EricGranata 8 ай бұрын
Just found your channel! So pumped to get in to your videos. Hope you’re doing well and make more sometime!
@raph2550 8 ай бұрын
Very valuable video!
@kittypawXD 8 ай бұрын
I was watching this while terraforming my island, i noticed how i always thought that i HAD to have one of those "aesthetic" or fairy core type of islands, i realised i shouldnt care about what other people would think of it, the reason why im so stressed about everything with my island because i mainly play at night and night is more of stressful for me, and this video really helped me! thank you so muchh 💓 🙂
@moniquevandijkadema4053 9 ай бұрын
15:14 im really curious what your world view is now and what conclusions you have come to on your journy. :) it was a really good video
@chazdomingo475 9 ай бұрын
The movie is too idealized. In real life, no one will bend over backwards to help you, much less a whole town. In real life, people with trauma are not likeable. They often have deep character flaws that keep them isolated from others.
@scribblecloud 9 ай бұрын
hey whats the ost used around 16:20?
@petrichorrrr 7 ай бұрын
idk if u still need it but im pretty sure it's mallard's tomb ^^
@MayWoods_Noise 10 ай бұрын
nitw was a game I played with my ex-best friend the night before he raped me, I started talking about this game through therapy because I found it really weird that I was so deeply connected to this game regardless of what happened in relation to this game. At first, I thought it was maybe an autism thing, but I found through having a lot of different sessions that nitw itself is what I was connected to. the game is so complex emotionally, as someone living in a small town alone and struggling with mental health issues this game has become a deep part of not only myself but my healing. ๋࣭ ⋆。 °✩
@mushroomgodalt9643 10 ай бұрын
This game saved me