Interview with Emma Bragdon
3 жыл бұрын
Will Parfitt on Death and Dying
Soul midwifery for the dying
4 жыл бұрын
Chapter 07  -  Seeking universal help
Chapter 6  - Synchronicity
7 жыл бұрын
Chapter 4 - The relationship dance
Chapter 3 -  Ego self purpose
7 жыл бұрын
Marie Laywine - The Creative Fire
Tibetan Bowls - Sound Bath
8 жыл бұрын
Dean Interview
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Crystal Bowls -  Pure Tone Soundbath
S03EP01: The Cathars Revisited
10 жыл бұрын
Regression - Dianne Egby Edwards
Franklin Levinson:  Natural Horsemanship
@JJ-hr7dd 13 күн бұрын
I don’t find anything strongly convincing here, not enough detail at all.
@VallaMusic 2 ай бұрын
amazing that the Catholic Church were not only willing to spend all that time and resources to genocide every Cathar that moved and breathed but also had no hesitation taking out a good number of their own Catholic faithful whose only crime was that they happened to be living in the same areas - at any rate, the Catholic Church seems to be doing quite well as they still flourish today and retain significant membership even after getting away with horrific mass murder - imagine if Hitler survived WW2 and everyone just kept quiet and let bygones be bygones
@terezahs77 2 ай бұрын
I have a feeling history is all wrong. It was the other way around - the Good christians, the original pure Christ believers were the original people in that region, catholic church and vatican being the inheritor of the failed roman empire were formed subsequently. Catholic church has tried and unfortunatelly succeeded in erasing Good christian people from this region. Now think about that and apply this same logic everywhere else they lead thier "crusades" which is just a cover name for religious was agianst people much more spiritually elevated than them.
@panacea53 2 ай бұрын
First burnt was Bulgarian Bogomil Vasilij Vrach in 1111 in Constantinopole by the bisantine impere . Bulgarian Bogomil run away , passe Basnia and rich Franch and Italy. They call them albigoi or Cathar . They are now with us . Reborned.
@AgnesC1111 4 ай бұрын
Being a cather isn't the only life I remember!
@asunder6797 5 ай бұрын
Hearing about the Cathars years ago instantaneously overwrote all the teaching I learned in a minister's family without any internal objection; that has never changed and never requires my defense.
@marilynwarbis7224 5 ай бұрын
Even today, beauty, peacefulness and love are persecuted by the worldly-minded who are, subconsciously, jealous of these qualities.
@randolphstephenson 8 ай бұрын
Cathars. Sojourners from the Essenes 🙏😇 On their way back home.
@mikedunningham9614 10 ай бұрын
A pair of dreamers? God seems a top bloke, it’s just you and your bizarre religious ideas. Any way who cares about fantasy. Cheers Mike
@brendantannam499 11 ай бұрын
I'm reading a wonderful book at the moment that researches Cathar thought in Dante's Divine Comedy. The title is Liberta Va Cercando, written by Maria Soresina. The title comes from Virgil's explanation of Dante's presence in Purgatory to Cato, who would have understood the importance of freedom more than anyone. The book is only published in Italian so I'm translating it into English for whoever might have an interest in it. It's on KZbin under the name He Goes In Search Of Freedom.
@staticchair 11 ай бұрын
superb Gentleman
@kavyalakshmi5300 11 ай бұрын
I am not able to speak a single word in front of boys. I does a lots of meditation, exercise, goes for movies, attends psc exams and interviews. I want to stay as a pure soul and wants to talk to everyone confidrntly. Will everything come to normal and will i be able to enjoy my life agsin. Will everything come to normsl and will i be able to enjoy my life again. I want to make memories
@1930miracle Жыл бұрын
Very little data is given by loyd He does not know much
@englishmanvideos Жыл бұрын
My mother's Astrology teacher... fun to see Will online. I remember him as a child. May have to buy this book.
@desireeluciano Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite mediation
@marydavies856 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview. Donna is so very very talented xxx🙏🥰
@franckprudhomme7340 2 жыл бұрын
really enjoying the video. Thanks Donna again on the spot ....
@thomasmartin9596 2 жыл бұрын
big fat lies mixed with truths. like satan
@thehealingnetwork5362 2 жыл бұрын
I think big part of us coming back is Karmic and also learning and evolving. So it is our choice but also bondage through karma and past lives. It’s very hard to understand what unconditional love is here in Earth…
@kristinak1972 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview...I was introduced to this therapy after undergoing my own awakening/alchemical process without therapy but rather a devoted spiritual practice, a great deal of introspection, utilizing my will to effect changes in my life in alignment with my soul and detaching from ideas of emotions and identity. I hope I can find more info here in the US to pursue certification in this.
@JUBY11RAM 3 жыл бұрын
What about the Pope being indebted for tremendous amounts. He then set his eyes on the Cathars fortune who were rather well off, under the pretext of accusing the Cathars of being heretics. The Church did this also to the Crusaders to claim their wealth and properties. It was always and still is about greed and power. ✌
@yvonnegordon1952 3 жыл бұрын
the outer church (worldly version, manifested version) was not ready to deal with the inner force till enough people experienced the manifested as the WRONG perception: The gnostic (true gnostic) is NOT OF THIS WORLD so the world will always hate them because the world is STILL stuck in the egoistic, six days of creation before they have to GO INWARD because there is no place left to go OUTWARDLY: Come listen to some of my videos because I found the gnosis (knowledge, da'at) of the inner journey 30 years ago but that doesn't mean those in this level of the manifested will hear or even care what I found: it isn't yet their DESIRE and when that desire comes, they will be ready to receive the SOLUTION, the gnosis: Patience dear friends:
@fairyclublove 3 жыл бұрын
Love this ... donna you are so clever 💕💕💕
@BrendaPeddigrew 3 жыл бұрын
this is wonderful! I am lit within by these words...
@TheWhyisthatso 3 жыл бұрын
The Cathars were just one of many Gnostic sects. Gnostic thought is ancient and as old as humanity. TRUE Gnostics trace their lineage to Seth, the first and only son of Adam. We are a "race" of beings that are spiritual by nature and CANNOT be deceived by this world, and it's "God" that created it. The man Jesus was Gnostic and all the apostles were Gnostic as well. And like them, the Cathars were brutally MURDERED by the "powers that be", namely the FALSE "church" of Rome, Because we "know" (GNOSIS) the Truth of our existence and the FALSE "God" that created this evil hell hole called the "WORLD". This is WHY Christ came here from the Father 2000 years ago. To warn us of this place that is not our true home and the "Gods" that keep us eternal spirits enslaved here life after life through reincarnation. This is WHY Jesus was killed. And all those who belong to the Father, like the Cathars. This will soon change, and this world is in for quite a shock. The "beast" will be slain, and the kingdom of the Father will RULE this earth. And every man, woman, and child will live in perfect peace when the true saints reign over all the nations in righteousness.
@rudolfwezolek4339 3 жыл бұрын
Its the evil spirits causing all of these problems..we have to repent and pray
@ryanehlis426 3 жыл бұрын
Cathars was a cult from hell! You don’t have a previous life! This is lies and deception!
@pilgrim.5630 3 жыл бұрын
Open your mind you brainwashed fool.
@kjonnen 3 жыл бұрын
The truth of the matter is that the Catholic Church is a secret Baal/Moloch cult masquerading as a church, why do you think they were so fond of burning their enemies alive? It's human sacrifice and the favored method of Baal/Moloch, Yahweh is just another name for this ancient war and fire god of the levantine area and the highest interests of him and his followers is the complete and utter subjugation of human beings, bound in worship to him and him alone for all eternity, that's why he's so interested in keeping people trapped in this world and why gnostic teachings has been so heavily surpressed at every turn, the true divine power knows no name, no form and no comprehension it is all and everything at once, pure, good and the source of consciousness and love, even the gods and other spiritual beings are intrinsically connected to this divine force, it's why for example you see Odin of the norse pantheon try to attain gnosis at every turn, why he sacrificed himself unto himself, meaning sacrifing his own divinity to the greater divine which his divinity stems from, thus sacrificing himself to himself, thus temporarily returning and touching this divine force and receiving the great wisdom of the runes which he shared with humanity, so that we may know the path to gnosis ourselves, so that we may understand our place in the universe, it's a very similar thing Jesus did many years later, he knew he would be put to death for his teachings but yet as an avatar of the divine he welcomed this, he welcomed his return to source knowing that it would bring wisdom to humanity, thus he rose from the dead confirming the miracle, proving it in the eyes of the people and made his wisdom known to be the truth, but just as soon as this the Baal worshippers saw this threat and moved to corrupt and twist it to a version better suited for servitude to their own master, thus creating the church and compiling the bible, the heavily edited and in some cases completely fabricated teachings of Jesus, but now the Laurel is turning green once more and good men and women are returning to make the truth known once more, to show people the ways to breaking free from this cycle and reuniting with their source and love will be known as the universal language of man as we return in unity and bliss forevermore.
@TheMsksk 4 жыл бұрын
Its astonishing how much Cathar Gnostic belief system resembles the Indian Vedic Belief system. Especially the philosophy of Advaita (non-duality) first mentioned 800 BCE in Mandukya Upanishad
@TheMsksk 4 жыл бұрын
@ That's so cool! Theme for the info.
@friendoftellus5741 4 жыл бұрын
Very educational. Thank you.
@thinkingallowed6485 4 жыл бұрын
Catholic history is steeped in blood
@baldwintheleper8290 3 жыл бұрын
So is Islamic history
@Paigepensiero 4 жыл бұрын
I loved this so much!!!! It was amazing for me! Thank you.
@nihwa6691 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
@gordonfalconer9108 4 жыл бұрын
I'll try again. Obviously, the Cathars were heretical. However, so we're some of their enemies. Where in the words of Jesus did He ever give us the commandment to kill people who are in error? He never did, nor did Paul or any of the New Testament writers! Christ said to go everywhere and preach the gospel and teach all nations the good news of salvation. He told us to love one another, not slaughter those who disagree with us. It's amazing what power-hungry people will do to promote themselves. Jesus was crucified by His religious enemies, but His words from the cross were filled with Amazing Grace --"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". There's the precedent for us to emulate. He could have called hosts of angels to destroy His enemies, but instead He opted for their forgiveness. Yes, the Cathars were mislead in what they did, but so were those who killed them. The pot dared to call the kettle black. Does God cry?
@gordonfalconer9108 4 жыл бұрын
Obviously the catharsis were heritical
@jdubeau007 3 жыл бұрын
You must be a Trump supporter.
@nadineaernouts8262 4 жыл бұрын
Important subject right now
@nadineaernouts8262 4 жыл бұрын
and always
@naren742 4 жыл бұрын
Will Parfitt’s book "The Something & Nothing of Death” is available from Amazon or via Wills’s website at
@hannahjones8992 4 жыл бұрын
A very interesting talk, thank you. I've only recently come to know of them seriously, but what you say about them fits my own psyche and whole relationship with life. Thank you🙏🙏💖💖
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
I wrote you under your comment at John Loyd video 😌
@hannahjones8992 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mika-El- I have only just seen this response from you🙏🏻 but never did receive anything previously, so not quite sure what to make of your comment🤔🙏🏻💖💖
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
@@hannahjones8992 🙊 I saw your comment in the section to the interview with John Loyd and wrote you this: "Hi friend, Have you heard the version of Lo Boièr by Patrick Lenk? In the commentary section you find us talking about meeting in the Languedoc next year. If it speaks to you, send me a email and I tell you more 🙏🕊️ Mikael"
@hannahjones8992 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mika-El- I have heard the Patrick Lenk version of this piece, its very moving, and after listening to it the first time, I had visionary flash backs of being among the Cathars, as one of them, though had never thought of any such thing, and had barely even heard of them previously🙏🏻It roused my interest in fact and I have since learned and realize more about them, and about my own previous life history🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
@@hannahjones8992 That is beautiful to hear, thank you for telling. For some reason I do not get notifications sometimes when I get answer in these threads, so bear with be if you do not get answer. Have you heard about Arthur Guirdham? I recommend his book 'We are one another'. Best regards
@hannahjones8992 4 жыл бұрын
An old video, new to me, researching because of spiritual messages received, had many, many, over lots of years, but first actual mention of Cathars🙏all very fascinating🌹Have had very numerous insight of past lives, my own and many others, had just heard some Cathar chanting, which haunted me and gave a deep sense of famiarity, then a vision that was more tell and it led me to watch your video! Thank you, very helpful👏👏🙏🙏💖💖💖
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
Hi friend. We are a few people formning a group of interested in the cathars to gather in august 2021 in Languedoc. 🌿
@hannahjones8992 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mika-El- Hello Mika, I saw your message yesterday, and immediately felt that is something I would really love to do🙏🏻 But I am not free, caring for my 97 year old mother on my own, neither young myself, 74,nor in wonderful health, and have never travelled anywhere outside of my own back yard, as I've spent my whole life caring for other members of what had become a very seriously damaged and neglected family. However, I am also visionary, have been so all my life, and greatly more so, ever since Jesus came to me many years ago. Having wondered about visiting there after reading your message, I received a visionary message of no small force, and feel I must share it with you, though I do so in humility🙏🏻. I found myself suddenly transported there, and was way above the region but looking down at its terrain very intensely, while at the same time, an extremely authoritive voice was speaking from around me, while indicating the great importance of that place, and it said. "As above, so below." The message I received altogether, from the experience, was saying....... That ground itself is Holy, profoundly and indelibly stamped with the nature and works of the Cathars who have lived there, even lived as God intended, in very close harmony with His intention for humanity that belongs to Him🙏🏻🙏🏻💖 I have only fairly recently come to know of the Cathars at all, but was made certain through visions and messages, that I have been one among them in another life, even that I almost certainly died in that final fire. I doubt that I will ever be free to make a visit, but feel that it is familiar to me. I've had many experiences of past life memory's, and this contact has recently been added to the list, but maybe the most important of all, and perhaps why Jesus came to reveal Himself to me in the first place🙏🏻 I hope you make your trip and that it proves fruitful🌿 God Bless🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
@@hannahjones8992 Dear Hannah! I deeply appreciate your message/letter. Thank you. I will respond this weekend. Take good care until then and may God bless you and your mother.
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
@@hannahjones8992 If you wish to join the group anyway you are more than welcome. Would be an honor. So far, we are few people and it is not so much activity, but I have the feeling it will grow and be a good place for communication and sharing. Just email me and you get a LINK 🌿 mikael_west AT
@Mika-El- 3 жыл бұрын
@dustinmiller5814 4 жыл бұрын
Get the hell out of this church at once she is talking to evil spirits demons read your bible look up verses on divination and mediums
@WhitneyDahlin 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting! I am an in-home nurse to the elderly and dying and I just adore my job! There is something so spiritual about end of life care. Thank you!
@LM-asAboveSoBelow-... 4 жыл бұрын
No judgment bit I do not like hugging puffing like about to pass out or fall over then statement changes so fast so immediate then next second very calm normal tone and when drawn back then again sucking in air like can't breath really annoys me them style performances I don't like
@sally-annelorenzo3691 4 жыл бұрын
'Banging the crap out of him'! ha ha…. I love you Franklin! Truly awesome!
@danaeshaw 4 жыл бұрын
The Laurel has blossomed and turned green after 700 years. The Cathars do exist again. You can look at There is also a new community forming in Kansas City, Kansas. The first in America. This man does understand who the Cathars are and the history.
@Lenasmummy08 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this video and I'm so grateful you shared.
@leovandijk2619 4 жыл бұрын
I Macedonia there is village call " Bogomila " a prist call "Bogomil " the name meanig dear to God. They established strong movement wich spread throughout Balkans. King Samoil of Macedonia tolerate there movement , king Samoil ask the Byzantine Empire to recognise him as king, after decades of war he was offered a crown from Vatican. Soon after he was ask to stop the Bogomils, he didn't want to start a war, but he ask them to leave his kingdom? Soon after Byzantine attack and he lost his kids kingdom!!!!!! Becoming stay in the mountains region of today Bosnia. They stay till the arrival of the Turkish occupation, some move nord in Europe the one who stayed slowly except Islam. The village of Bogomila still exist now in Macedonia.
@flyby2300 4 жыл бұрын
There is 'thought-transference' in this video! Mambo-jambo! At the end, you will be paying for the attendance of their sessions!
@cozicoops 3 ай бұрын
Mumbo jumbo I think you mean.. disagree entirely but just thought you’d like to know!
@shirleybattie5723 4 жыл бұрын
Lovely to hear you talk about your excellent work
@wildandwonderful7069 4 жыл бұрын
Some facts and context are omitted here. From the Catholic Encyclopedia: --------------- Mr. H.C. Lea, who cannot be suspected of partiality towards the Catholic Church, writes: "However much we may deprecate the means used for its (Catharism) suppression and commiserate those who suffered for conscience' sake, we cannot but admit that the cause of orthodoxy was in this case the cause of progress and civilization. Had Catharism become dominant, or even had it been allowed to exist on equal terms, its influence could not have failed to prove disastrous." ---------------- The Pope first attempted to engage the growing Cathar sect then the Pope's Legate was assassinated by the Cathars. The growing Cathars were troubling to the stability of Europe during a time of defense against outside forces, there were several wars against invading Muslims during the Cathar growth. For example Cathars believed you had to renounce marriage before going to heaven.
@tessjones5987 4 жыл бұрын
I have relatives that are in the Catholic Clergy. The woman are slaves nun=none. The whole ecomomy is based on this slave labor. They work 90 hour/weeks and have a vow of poverty. They did not want equality of the sexes and the ablitity to commune with God without going to a male priest who did not work. Priest live a much affluent life.