The Greatest Side Character Ever
What Twister is Really About
iZombie was terrific... briefly
The worst opening sequence ever
The greatest character intro ever
Juno: The Subtle Art of Misdirection
The Biggest Flaw in The Dark Knight
@tavernbard 8 сағат бұрын
I always thought the show should have ended with Dexter being arrested. It would be "justice" in general and pretty dramatic. 'cause even though we 'like' him, it's technically the right thing to do.
@Lazarusart 15 сағат бұрын
The video was going fine utill you used Phebeo Wallerrr Bridgerton upper middle class (doors just opened for me because of who I know) as an example of good writing
@davescripted3796 14 сағат бұрын
Who cares what class she's from? You don't season one of KE was good? You don't think Fleabag was good?
@H4ckerOfSouls 15 сағат бұрын
When i saw this as a kid, Vanessa felt like the villain. After watching this as an adult, its clear that Mark is the bad guy here.
@pressrepeat2000 15 сағат бұрын
The first season was a masterpiece, the second season was bad (mainly because everyone felt like a totally different person?), the third season I stopped watching as the early episodes I saw were cringe inducingly badly written and made no sense. A truly weird journey for a show. From masterpiece to trash in three seasons.
@battokizu 16 сағат бұрын
Bro was saying porco is below spirited, naw. We can all agree on one thing and that spirited away's flaw is the fact that the children in the movie are the detriment. Proco does not suffer this problem nor does it waste any time with its setup and execution, it moves along like a good burbon smooth and an excellen aftertaste. Its really a film that has grown on me, and to me spirited away is the weaker "old" Miyazaki film. In comparison of newer films, ponyo is brighter and cheerful, with the wind tells a very straightforward story, marnie... Isnt available. Sorry her phone number got disconnected a long time ago. It is up there because it doesn't tell a grand story but it gives more life than any of the characters spirited has in its entire 2:15 runtime. If your confusing the quality of the art with the quality of the story (yeah I can see that being the thing that grasp people in) then yeah, you were filtered by porco.
@eXit-mm3zg 20 сағат бұрын
Amazing analysis
@ramizalizada4565 23 сағат бұрын
This was the only movie I don’t agree with you so far. Jokes is supposed to be hazy,fever dream like. The judgement this video essay brings upon this movie does not feel like it is understood, (which isn’t supposed be either way, you are not supposed to empathize with him) before judged
@Em.P14 Күн бұрын
damn the english dub is somewhat fucked. glad the german one is better
Porco Rosso is my favorite ghibli film. What a dream it would be to live in that hidden beach hideaway...
@paleboi Күн бұрын
I think this wasn't a moral dilemma. I think this dilemma was Dexter being the Dark Passenger and keeping that safe, or risk losing this for the reward of being Dexter Morgan. He is so desperate to hold on to the husband, father, brother, friend version of Dexter that he doesn't run away from this situation (the logical/Dark Passenger side) but instead comes up with a dumbass plan to stay where he is (emotional/Dexter Morgan side). Rita's death was so important because she opened up the real Dexter Morgan apart from the Dark Passenger. He starts off using Rita and her family as a cover for the Dark Passenger and through the first 4 seasons develops an emotional openness and a vulnerability he never knew he had.
@superzrod7723 Күн бұрын
Why does it definitely work for Dexter to break his code. The question the writers probably asked themselves was, why would the audience root for a character that is just a killer? At the end of the series I was like sure, Let him die, because he was just toxic for most of season 8.
@MargoWatchesMovies Күн бұрын
For my money, the Mr. Robot character introduction takes the cake
@DAVA653 Күн бұрын
"I'd rather be a pig than a fascist"❤
@tlsgrz6194 Күн бұрын
I agree with the problems with the show, but I am a bit hesitant to blame it all on bad/lazy writers as is so often done. From what I've seen with interviews and bts material, the writers fully intended to have Dexter die in the end, but weren't allowed to by the studio. I wouldn't be surprised if such studio intervention had been a thing in earlier seasons too. A show like Dexter hinges on the protagonist being likeable enough that the audience kind of cheers for them, despite all the horrible stuff they do. In that sense, the Code was protecting the show's viewership as much as it protected the character, because killing innocents is one of the things that risks alienating the audience (I also suspect that audience alienation also was the reason behind the whole "asexuality plotline" from season one being dropped. Remember how one of the reasons he dated Rita in the first place was, that she wasn't expecting physical intimacy, and whe she started to want that, it was a problem? But that's a whole different topic). Personally, I think the whole Doakes-dilemma was set up to early in the show's runtime to have any chance of having it pay off in a satisfactory way. Murdering someone innocent who is just doing their job to protect oneself is the kind of event that signals the beginning of the endgame. They should have done that in Season 7, but Season 2 would have been to early. And once again I am wondering if maybe Dexter was supposed to kill Doakes and that was supposed to be the beginning of the end, until someone decided, that they would rather make a few more seasons.
@theadventuresofzoomandbettie Күн бұрын
me watching as a teenager/young adult - oh mark and her are just friends, this is totally fine with context. me as an adult - "that man should NOT be befriending a young girl like that". I also didnt like Vanessa when I was young, and as an adult I feel so sorry for her.
@poogle9368 Күн бұрын
Porco rosso is about more than him being against fascism. The movie is literally “red pig”. Miyazaki was a communist who designed airplanes for a country he loved and watched fall into fascism. Porco is in a similar situation being pre war Italy. Fascists hate communists more than any other group. They are the first group the Nazis went after.
@rohanjomon7064 Күн бұрын
They murdered the show .
@KyleDevy 2 күн бұрын
Avatar is not good...
@upraviteljvicar8607 2 күн бұрын
In books Dexter is a much darker character, who likes to "play" with his victims for hours and not just stab them in the heart...
@davescripted3796 Күн бұрын
Yeah I noticed that as well. I haven't read the books aside from the first. But on the show he becomes less gruesome as time goes on. Once again, he's a serial killer!
@silvialimeme3706 2 күн бұрын
I stopped watching when Debra killed Laguerta!
@dandanz7877 2 күн бұрын
the doakes dilemma was a breaking point
@sayresrudy2644 2 күн бұрын
best opening credits: Dexter
@nadagabri5783 3 күн бұрын
Given the sellout the huge sellout of Dexter on the last season, I don’t care
@iRazenrak 3 күн бұрын
I think what's most likely is if Dexter kills Doakes, he might get over it too easily. I think Dexter suspects this and fears it because it may be true. He only kills bad guys because his father told him to, but at his core, he can kill without feeling guilty.
@terencemccormick8178 3 күн бұрын
As one familiar with the books, I'd say the only problem with the movie was its editing/pacing. If Stanton had been allowed the cut he wanted, there would have been adequate space in which to better appreciate the characters and the conflict. Of this I have zero doubt. As it is, knowing the books is a help but shouldn't have been necessary. I loved the movie version.
@tony53089123 3 күн бұрын
Ellen will never ever be a man. FACT!
@Kohanman 4 күн бұрын
Love how everyone thinks V is a psycopath when she obviously isn't: hannibal is psychopath, villannelle is a sociopath. Quick temper, easily offended and low self control are a couple of the obvious external signifiers.
@archinsoni1254 4 күн бұрын
It successively got worse.
@Murofly 4 күн бұрын
Phoebe wrote 4 episodes only and would have worked on them with a team of writers who basically did all the work in terms of plot and she just wrote the scenes out with her comedy style. She's decently funny but no where near good enough as a writer to get credit for the whole show.
@rfdsdf1 4 күн бұрын
OMG I never knew the dubbed version of this was such trash.
@jackbrady9738 4 күн бұрын
Subbed after ten minutes of watching this video. Poor writing (no offence I’m sure it was just to pump it out quick) but the essence, the idea, the premise, the editing, but most importantly: **the philosophy** absolutely apex. Well done
@lw8882 5 күн бұрын
I disagree that the main reason the action didn't work in extraction 2 is idiot plot. That's only part of it. The main reason is actually that the action sequence in the first was positively motivated by character and consequence. Getting the kid to trust him, navigating an action sequence and car chase with a dependent, fighting the guy who's supposed to be his equal, etc. all of it a means to show positive character growth and interaction. Then take the sequences from the second movie, and it's more just an excuse for action to happen. Why didn't the kid trust him in the first one? Because who the hell would trust a guy like that who just shows up out of nowhere after being kidnapped in the first place. He has no reason to believe he isn't being kidnapped again. Whereas, why did the kid in the second movie blindly idolise his father? So the action could happen. The dude repeatedly beat on him and his mother, and his adoration for his father is explained how? Well it's not, really. He just idolizes his father because that's what is necessary to create conflict. There's no reason for any of it. I think the dumb decisions are a symptom of the same problem - there's no character motivation for anything that happens. It only happens because it results in a cool action sequence. That leaves the whole movie feeling like a disconnected and frustrating mess. The first movie is characters reacting to a situation and forcing their will on the plot. The second movie is the plot forcing characters into circumstances that don't make sense.
@lw8882 5 күн бұрын
As someone who adored the first two seasons of Dexter but never finished the show, I think there's a third option here. Change the code. Dexter gets by on a strict set of minimal rules because that makes decisions easy for him. The best way to show the mounting complexity of his life and emotional attachments is for him to try changing his code on his own, without Harry's influence. It gives him a chance to try to adapt to the situation, rather than only making one of a few decisions. He realises that Doakes presents a singular exception to his rules, and he needs a third rule. He's already 'caught' in a sense because there's someone out there who knows the truth, so he can't apply that rule. He has to either make up a new one, or decide whether killing someone who is innocent is actually justified if it means he can keep doing what he's doing ridding the world of awful people. That's how you create the moral dilemma. He knows what he 'should' do, which is release Doakes, but he knows that he also 'should' continue killing serial killers, because it provides a practical solution to an otherwise unsolvable problem. Practical being the key word. Instead of killing Doakes, he finds a practical solution, because that's how his brain works. He doesn't see the grey area, because that's too complicated for him in season 2, so he decides to force Doakes' hand by implicating him in the crimes. Doakes' decision then is to either go on the run himself, or join dexter. Season 3 becomes less of a game of cat and mouse, and more about what it takes to make a good man turn into someone like dexter. Doakes could have served as an insight into the things that would justify a staunch moralist like him becoming just like Dexter. Instead we got 'rocks fall, everyone dies.'
@lw8882 5 күн бұрын
One small criticism - the text on screen needs space to be read and processed. If you put up an editor's note while talking at your usual pace, it can sometimes mean viewers need to rewind to read it, or rewind to listen back to the part of your video it distracted them from. Maybe that's just a me/ADHD/attention span problem, but it's possible it affects others, too.
@DrHDoofenshmirtzphd 5 күн бұрын
I don't know that I'd call it a moral dilemma to be honest. The whole point of the character was that he didn't have morals or feelings and instead imitated morals/feelings to fit in. The code was an extension of that in some ways, but also to make it less likely for him to get caught. Targeting the people he targeted was less for moral reasons and more for not getting caught reasons. Similar to how many serial killers with high body counts targeted people that society doesn't care about like the homeless.
@EdgarTheOgre 5 күн бұрын
It is my favourite Miyazaki movie because I also cursed myself more than 20 years ago.
@FizzleFX 5 күн бұрын
OH OH ~ *if you want a masterpiec revolving around guilt* - WATCH 'FRIEREN' ... my god~ it hits gently but it leaves a mark
@FizzleFX 5 күн бұрын
4:36 was that the original englisch line?! please tell me it was you dubbing Oo (she sounds fine though The german version sounds just right. Deep, manly, sorrowful... - it really has a Clark Cable feel. 8:25 okay now that sounds much better. not unlike the german I brought up. it has gravity
@FizzleFX 5 күн бұрын
One of my favorites too. It brims with atmosphere and character. Its not whimsical. Its silly. but the details it gets right it nails well. I am also a fan of detailed machines the likes we don't see often in animes these days
@MinimiMax 5 күн бұрын
I honestly think that the show would have worked better if season 1 was not season 1. There should have been kind of a prequel to that which lets the audience know the character and what he's about. Then hit you with the Ice Truck Killer that knows him as well as the audience does. This really has nothing to do with the subject of the video but you know.... Also, the show should have ended with Rita's death. I'm not saying this because the show went downhill after that, I'm saying this because it is the perfect ending. Full circle for the character. Finally his actions had consequences that bit him in the ass on a personal level and he literally put his own son in the same situation that fucked him up in the first place, all because he was trying to prevent that from happening.
@JorgeLopez-gy7bz 5 күн бұрын
U could have spared the spoilers of the tv shows u mentioned asshole
@Otacult 6 күн бұрын
When I first watched this movie when it was released I had the exact same opinion that about an hour could be cut out of it. After 10 years it's great to have some validation. Just discovered your channel, congrats and thank you for the good work.
@keenanvil 6 күн бұрын
Hans Landa was better
@thedudeabides3138 6 күн бұрын
The greatest character intro ever (imo) is Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds. He’s utterly charming, cunning, erudite and menacing throughout, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.
@Threetails 6 күн бұрын
Hayao Miyazaki often draws himself as a pig so Marco might well be a bit of a self-insert. It was obvious to me watching this movie that this project was dear to his heart.
@tarynrooks2433 7 күн бұрын
my phone is so creepy. i just switched apps from hulu watching this….
@adalbertoruize 7 күн бұрын
Beautifully done ❤
@wesjturnerturner2161 7 күн бұрын
I dug up this movie once when I had covid, it was a scratched DVD and didn't play. Really cool to see that it has layers of nuance though. I like that the title easily wraps up not only the movie's themes, but the thesis of the video. June is a good movie not because it is linear but because it upholds inevitability and surprise. Cool.
@KatWoodland 4 күн бұрын
She didn’t experience breast pain though, which is when the breasts become engorged with milk after giving birth. Her nonchalance was BS.
@sideshowdave491 7 күн бұрын
Dexter pissed me off so much. He became so selfish that I just hated every time he was in the screen tbh
@yoursleepparalysisdemon3405 7 күн бұрын
I fucking hate lyla's accent