Why Necessary Change Can Feel Wrong
12 сағат бұрын
How Chronic Pain Shapes The Shadow
The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul
Unmasking the Authentic Self
When Projection Goes Wrong
Confronting Psychic Tornadoes
How to Shine Light on Shadow Work
Will AI Take Over The Unconscious?
@christophertodd1980 13 сағат бұрын
Dr Robert Moore did some great lectures on the Dragon now on KZbin, not forgetting his book Facing The Dragon
@Orangecattabby 13 сағат бұрын
I Am Dragon (Он Дракон) is a stunningly beautiful Russian film (basically a tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast). After listening to your podcast I’m excited to re-watch it!
@Morale_Booster 15 сағат бұрын
I have a dragon friend I met in meditation, I named her Banana, because she's yellow with a lighter yellow underbelly. Red eyes and tongue, white whiskers. She represents being a friend to myself and riding/directing my power instead of my power overtaking me. I have met other dragons in meditation, different color schemes. But Banana is a good friend of mine.
@joshuaschmude7187 16 сағат бұрын
I am also reminded of the hero of the mythraic mysteries who slays the bull. The mystery religions were designed to tame this beast within and integrate it into a part of a much larger personality. Unfortunately, traditional religions are increasingly losing sight of this function or taking it to an extreme. I think Psychology, in particular, Analytical Psychology will take up this mantle. We are on the cusp of a universal, empirical mysticism, and Jung laid the groundwork.
@delmonte7816 16 сағат бұрын
I recommend the animated movie, How to Tame Your Dragon. It's really good. It's about a teenage Viking boy who tames a dragon and teaches his community not to fear them. It's symbolic of self-mastery and integration of the fearsome unconscious.
@fricod4396 16 сағат бұрын
*best imitation of scathing Miranda glance over* Joseph, that's not just a "blue" sweater but actually "cerulean". (sorry, couldn't resist ;))
@shucksful 18 сағат бұрын
I have a series on this subject, as well. Thanks.
@harrietbowie444 18 сағат бұрын
No coincidences to address, dragons in the Year of the wood Dragon. Wonderful conversation, Thank you.
@deed3211 18 сағат бұрын
Hail Hermes.
@huguettebourgeois6366 19 сағат бұрын
Hard to find the names of these three Jungian analysts but the guy is definitely more able to analyze in a more broader and more encompassing way.
@bonnyleibowitz3044 19 сағат бұрын
Also... and armoire is a sort of "closet"... referring to the dream and sexuality ... see armoire wardrobe
@gav_mcdougle 19 сағат бұрын
Naga, world serpent, saves buddah. Making an umbrella with his hood over buddah, spread out “like wings” or misinterpreted through translation as “with wings”
@jewels14r 20 сағат бұрын
The movie "Damsel" with Millie Bobby Brown may be worth watching. Seems aligned with this topic.
@professormariarty 21 сағат бұрын
Thank you for a wonderful company. You are brilliant
@Andrea-Rose 21 сағат бұрын
@tmc8195 21 сағат бұрын
“How to Train your Dragon” is the archetypal transformation of a society from western black and white resistance to the dragon (life force, shadow, etc) to the eastern Toaism go with the flow taming and utilizing of the dragons. One of the best movies ever
@nathandouglas624 21 сағат бұрын
In my great need to leave my body broken without chance of repair. During my meditation practice, I offered my deepest prayer. I was taken inside to the abyss, to have my shake with whatever name you need to call it. The Great Dragon, it seems, is more of a Phoenix. Baba Yaga, wisdom is navigating my dream.
@abehemothbeast866 21 сағат бұрын
Because there were so many male heroes/role models 100's/1000's year ago that why they made Jesus look more feminine, so every woman wanted to think they could be him and every man wanted to be him :)
@nathandouglas624 22 сағат бұрын
I can see that deep at scale one dragon could not be killed in any environment. The othe,r the consumer is not content and can consume anything and not die. Together, locked in an attachment relationship that made them 1000 x more powerful than either alone. Mitochondria in all animalistic lives. Humans have been allowed to achieve meta cognition to the point of perception and reason. To perhaps play out the power struggle to a place of coherent relationship. They and all the other microbial life in our bodies develop the energy currents to allow us to be and think.
@valkarkauskas9488 Күн бұрын
That dream was powerful! I see the Mother as fighting those dragons as a way to "protect" her son from transition into a new phase in life. New Phase where he is no longer under her roof and control. She cannot accept that the time has come for the dragons to initiate her son and give him wings. She wants those wings clipped and son to stay uninitiated. Whats good for the son is seen as a threat to the mother. Then potentially both brothers have this war raging within - do i ride the dragon, which is their birthright, or do we appease, and not betray the Mother. Choose wisely boys!
@IsisOccultus Күн бұрын
Dragon is a Kundalini rising - snake with wings - kundalini awakening is known to be a 'dangerous' experience - dark night of the soul etc... Kundalini rising and realization is the mastery of the Dragon energy - symbolized by becoming a Dragon or riding it, also giving birth to Dragons - mastery of Dragon is enlightenment - tantric union with the divine. The symbology of noble virgin being taken by the Dragon symbolizes the transcendence of taboo around primal sexual energy trough unconditional love (innocence or unconditional acceptence) where love and sex/creative power become a divine aspect of psyche. Tantric union with the divine manifests as having a romance with life - being in love with life or feeling that divine or spirit is our eternal lover manifesting through various forms and states. Cheers
@phantasiaesoteric 21 сағат бұрын
Why does everybody who talks about kundalini write like this
@Higirlys-m4f Күн бұрын
Amazing as always x
@Ykpaina988 Күн бұрын
Dragons Horde Gold , that is exactly where you least want to look for treasure because the dragon can burn and eat you but you need to continually confront the dragon and get stronger in the process. Dragons are also a combination of predator species :Snakes, birds of prey, and cats. Dragons are an amalgamation of that which humans feared most. Dragons symbolically represent that which made us frozen in flight mode what the HERO must do is master the fear and FIGHT THE FEAR the dragon is secondary we must become capable of a dragons monstrousness and become what the Dragon fears which is someone who is not afraid of it and transcend integrate and become master. Glory to the heroes
@Shalien333 Күн бұрын
The Dragon of Grandiosity Dr. Robert Moore. The Real Depth Teaching... kzbin.info/www/bejne/iJOmoZJpbNyUsK8si=PNelb642thxNOchF
@AurielArizola 16 сағат бұрын
Am in love with Dr. Robert L. Moore (RIP) YT lectures. He got me into Mircea Eliade and that changed my life forever when I read Rites & Symbols of initiation. From there on I think you ask yourself are you jumping in the mythological hero's journey Yes or No, and the journey began.
@HollyLiana Күн бұрын
So we're speaking of the HUMAN machinated mythology of Dragons and ignoring their literal existence because we're not able to see dinosaurs were recorded and modern man misinterprets! A record of the feathered dinosaur as a mythological creature is exemplary of how much human history has been lost to this ego of man and our (educated) assumptions?
@jeffwhite2511 Күн бұрын
My 19 year old son is firmly in the grasp of the dragon of Australian culture which highly toxic, non-reflective, repressive and soulless. I'm an American that moved here when he was two and I've had an emotionally deadening experience here which has been the norm for my son who lives with his caring but emotionally detached Aussie mother. He was recently in car accident which nearly killed him, he was drunk and high on drugs and hit another car head on. He has been laid up with a broken leg and foot for two months and being attacked by his dragons of addiction, insecurity and denial. He never speaks of his feelings and is closed to all adults, myself included, and he just wants his mates who are all the same as him. He is two years into a carpentry apprenticeship but may not be able to continue. It has been the most painful experience to watch him struggle with his dragons which have largely been fed by the collective dragon of soulless Aussie culture.
@jeffwhite2511 Күн бұрын
Interesting parallels between dragon caves and Plato's cave
@merichase2033 Күн бұрын
Wow, what a dream! I was gasping out loud listening to it, thanks for the dreamer for sharing that amazing experience! Dragons truly inspire awe. A vision of a beautiful dragon in a starry night sky has been the most amazing, enlivening dreamlike experience I've ever had.🐉
@jazw4649 Күн бұрын
Mass manipulation and fear mongering through news and social media has worn people down, its not mass trauma but a mass exhaustion presently. I feel like it's designed to keep people feeling weak and powerless so they don't challenge the corruption in the system. Naomi Klein book The Shock Doctrine talks, among other ideas, about how the US govt is creating many smaller shockwaves of stress thru the population. It's a great book, there's also an hour long documentary out there on KZbin somewhere. I really find European art in and around WW1 and WW2 an interesting place to see the mass trauma and psychosis effect on people of the time. The Weimar era was free and easy, it was OK to be gay and flaunt it in Germany. Morals got really too lax for some people and the pendulum went the other way to conservatism, for which you can draw whatever parallels to modern society that you want. Then all of a sudden the German scientists moved the awful practice of experimenting on human from Africa to German soil probably because of funding during war time. There was so much learned between WW1 and WW2 about how absolutely divided, awful and uncaring people can be to one another. And this generation coming up is the first to not have heard the horrors first hand from survivors. Lest we forget.
@ninga3147 Күн бұрын
As for dragon-taming in western tradition: look up St. Martha! Her dragon was the Tarasque that terrorized the inhabitants of the French town of Tarascon. Martha tamed the dragon and it became docile, but the inhabitants killed it anyway. Today Martha’s deed is memorized by a festival at the time of Pentecost
@evenmorerrealfahadameen Күн бұрын
12:46 Tiamat was also mad because the younger gods killed their father.
@SleepyLeeeee Күн бұрын
Reduce, Regrow. Wash, rinse, repeat. This life thing can make you tired lol. Joseph's theatrical side was coming out during the dream reading lol. Interesting dream. It was written well, I agree. It's strange I can feel how intense this dreamer experienced this. I watch (well, mostly listen) to a channel called Dragon Soul Energy while I sleep. I listen to it mainly for the music but the graphics are GORGEOUS and very meaningful. Thanks for the video!
@patikrysiuk6683 Күн бұрын
I recall my favorite childhood dream, in which I was standing with a friend on top of a skyscraper, and the world around us was burning. All the other buildings were burning and collapsing, but our skyscraper wasn't. Two huge black dragons were flying around us. My friend told me with great fear that we would soon burn too and that these dragons would eat us. And I calmly replied, no, they don't attack us, they protect us from chaos. Then she calmed down and I woke up.
@cattenborrow Күн бұрын
Armoires were historically used to store weapons and armour.
@hn6187 Күн бұрын
Would you consider a discussion that focuses on software agents / the tools people make / sell. What would Jung make of Twitter for example, the people who made it, and the people profiting from its use ( financially / politically ). How do tools change us, when are they pro individuation, when more Faustian. Yesterday I watched a documentary about Jung that described how he sculpted a stone cube in his lake side retreat...a highly symbolic tool made by him. Is Twitter the opposite - tool that affords knee jerk stunted dialogue into the void, the opposite of depth psychology. In another discussion Joseph mentioned how sadistic types can be aroused by the opportunities anti social media offers. I ask with a sense of hope... Maybe Americans aren't actually polarised, just high on crap technology. Just an idea. Thank you for your content, really appreciated.
@joshuaschmude7187 Күн бұрын
I have noticed that when the unconscious thrusts a mission or task upon the ego, one, it is usually not what the ego wants, and two, any attempts at running from it will only ensure you run into it. Our myths are full of stories of heroes who ran from their calling only to run headfirst into at as fate. Johna and the Whale, Joseph and the Pharoah, Moses, Odessius, etc. What one can embrace as destiny can also be expierenced as a bondage to fate if the call is not consciously recognized and integrated.
@thelostadventurer4684 Күн бұрын
wait i can go back to old dreams and memories with a different archtype?
@randytaylor-if2vz Күн бұрын
talk about incels i would love a jungian perspective on it
@lizbethclay1177 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video and topic. I've just recently found your videos. I was trying to search what Marion Woodman described about ego syntonic and ego dystonic yet could not recall the phrases. Your video came into my feed. Very timely :-)
@neeta103 2 күн бұрын
I enjoy listening to your podcast. How do I send my dream for interpretation? Thanks.
@jesswoodhere 2 күн бұрын
Incredibly enlightening! Thank you!
@MysticReview 2 күн бұрын
I've thought about the influence of my parents' actions, but not the influence of their complexes. So this was very helpful! 😊
@kingfisher9553 2 күн бұрын
My grandfather was a selfish and angry man, also a man who had worked very wisely and hard for 50 years and then lost it all through no fault of his own -- so deeply resentful and negative about life. He was cruel. I hated him as a child. He was also a boxer and I had begun to study boxing in an attempt to understand the lesson in the sport. This was 50 years after his death. One day, I had an insight about him, an empathy. I felt the need for a Reiki session (I always have visions during a Reiki session). I went to see my Reiki gal and during the treatment I again felt empathy for my grandfather and also felt he was somehow there, hearing what I was thinking and feeling, and was grateful for the communication. My Reiki gal suddenly stopped and said, "I don't know how you feel about this sort of thing, but I just saw an older man standing at the head of the table." I said, "It's okay. I know him. Did he tell you his name?" She said, "it began with an R." My grandfather's name was Robert. I nodded. "That's him, I said." At that moment there was the sound of a very loud crack, as if a timber in the wall had cracked. It was not unusual for us to hear such sounds during a session. We both accepted it as an indication that the communication between me and my grandfather had taken place. He had realized that he had been cruel and selfish. And it mattered to him that I had understood and forgiven. He had come to say "thank you."
@hn6187 2 күн бұрын
I've wanted the way you discuss these topics my whole life. Which makes me wonder what was wrong with the culture i grew up in that seemed to get it almost exactly wrong... Maybe fertile ground for another topic - what was Jung reacting against, and why are his ideas seemingly so relevant today. I wonder whether it was the private sectors appropriation of fraud ( oops Freudian slip ) via Bernays...
@noellecuisine8912 2 күн бұрын
❤ thank you again for this lovely theme, I say lovely, but actually, it is profound and shaking sometimes…. The numinous asks for us to come out of our own way, or at least so it has been in my life, especially as sometimes we have kind of crystallized too much and have lost our softness and flexibility, qualities that maybe would allow us to grow, live or evolve with more ease and grace …. It calls for humility…. Surrendering on some levels….. I’ve had persistent and mysterious pains going away from one moment to another almost like my magic as something in me gave…. As I surrendered to my fragile existence and state….. surrendered to the ‘more’…..
@Liyah-encyclopedia333 3 күн бұрын
Wow, I can resonate so much with Joseph ‘s mentioning of the Jupiter overspending archetype,because I feel my parents’ stingy life style is so traumatizing
@jeffwhite2511 3 күн бұрын
Most people, myself included, are not stuck in the 'comfort' zone but rather we are in limbo in the 'familiar' zone which is anything comfortable for most of us, largely because of the uncertainty and insanity of the world 'out there'
@MysticReview 3 күн бұрын
I loved this interview and have just started Jung's Map of the Soul. The idea of a synchronicity as a creation in time was a revelation to me and other parts of the podcast were very meaningful too. As I was listening, I was thinking how lovely it would be if Murray Stein could interpret an aspect of a dream I had. Then he started talking about infrared and ultraviolet and there it was. This is my new favorite podcast. Thank you!
@victoriajimenez7769 3 күн бұрын
I feel seen!
@TheQuigg11 3 күн бұрын
I'm starting Jungian analysis this coming thursday and really looking forward to it, this is a great primer.