The Curse Of Phantasy Star Online...
@KIREEKPSO Күн бұрын
Back on V2 for PC and the dreamcast, HUmar actually had shifta and deband, so for solo gameplay he was a reliable powerhouse, you had the healing, you could use certain upgrades and armor to see traps and heal from conditions, you were essentially a hunter with no obvious downsides and quite a few upsides, namely damage, a necessary stat if you even wanted to beat Ultimate difficulty before you died of old age. Hucast players would ocasionally use a particular build to outclass the humar even in solo play, 3 PB creates and the twins photon blast, while initially you only had access to your base attack stat to kill enemies (which was ok...ish), once you had access to the lvl 21 shifta and deband, your attack would increase substantially, making the game far easier. Ofcourse without element protection on armor slots you were risking a death at falz. But that was the hucast way back in the day, you come in slow and then you just power up later. You could just play in a more balanced way by using other armor slot modifications, but Ultimate isn't a joke on PSO v2, your heart sinks to the floor once you deal damage to the enemies and realize that forest not only takes 1 hour to complete, but that the other areas are far more difficult and you're already at your peak damage output.
@deployablelover Күн бұрын
That’s an awesome insight! I guess as close to the vanilla experience ephinea aims for, you will never truly see those original moments replicated in the Modern day. Sounds like V2 was no laughing matter!
@SectionSkyly Күн бұрын
4:48 Praise Farlla. Also, we might now have a spare team slot after the shade thrown here 😂
@deployablelover Күн бұрын
YOU CAN’T DO ME LIKE THAT?! Who is going to hit the wrong photon blasts at the wrong time for us?!
@travismueller8282 Күн бұрын
If anybody cries about our accuracy, we flash our SMARTLINK and watch 'em weep!
@deployablelover Күн бұрын
Could not have said it better myself! 🌟
@DR4kH1N Күн бұрын
You know it's a terrible guide to HUCast when Harry Botter is not suggested as character name.
@deployablelover Күн бұрын
The legendary Harry botter is yet to make his second appearance on stream haha!
@Koonski Күн бұрын
HUcasts are stupid strong; only way to fuck them up is making one of them a Pinkal.
@deployablelover Күн бұрын
That is a personal attack hahahahahahahaha!
@Koonski Күн бұрын
@@deployablelover You see I am somewhat of a HUcast myself ☻
@NTpspE Күн бұрын
Ahahaha oh my god that was pure amazing! Love it 😂
@deployablelover Күн бұрын
Mate it's reactions like this that make the hours making these so so worth it <3
@Ninjahat 2 күн бұрын
Best MMO ever... been playing since release... 17 years today <3 :D
@OfficiallyCaptured 2 күн бұрын
I think it's about time they remastered PSO and PSU for modern consoles, I would love that! 1:07:07 I feel that exact same way about NGS you are not alone!
@Intotheenight 3 күн бұрын
I've been playing on Ephinea about 2 years now so I can add somethings. 1. Why Forces indeed aren't great to start solo in a group they are ok, and 80+ pop off really well solo. Hunter honestly is in the same boat though most their gear set up is considered a luxury if you try to trade for it. Rangers by far and away best starting classes all around for anyone until you get extra gear for both other classes. basic set of gear for end-game is from Forces > Rangers > Hunters, then the jump skyrockets from there. I started as a Hunter Offline GC, and Ephinea, every time ever grinded or anything I wish I was a Force or Ranger lol. 2.PBs don't worry about too much, unless you have different PBs. There are like 3 good PBs, which most sold mags will commonly have the order in which you also PB does matter. If a PB that is the same goes back-to-back the last person just won't even get the buff or add anything. You can donate PB with GameCube controllers it's Y, I think "End" on keyboards so if you don't have a 4th or not 100 also you can spam it for 20% and get the effect. 3/4. Yes, IDs do matter but fear not you can have I think it was 36-character slots, which is enough for 10 of 3 classes over. and a Force is super good on every ID for tech spamming late game farming. Plus, of note if they ever do change the drop tables, they do hand out free ID changes, but it's been almost 2 years since the last one. I agree with TTF being a trap for leveling when it isn't even the fastest way to level. a lot of Episode 4 quest do it better. I did a write up on leveling and help with guides for it on another channel. 1-80 which is the biggest part people rush after that first time you get down to 1 hour, 2-4 hours, 6-8 hours There are so many different ways to level and fast, between solo, groups and getting power leveled by someone. Just found the channel keep up the good work. Favorite game, cult classic so less people know about it. With everything being subjective on how you play no shame taking it slow. If you end up playing heavy in the endgame it's just a big grind anyways. This is not your 1 sitting or over the night type of game. Best to set realistic goals try to hit them. This game is Super RNG heavy. Mega rare hunt is a trap stay away from them if you're new. Most new players I've watched not get their item on drop rate and burn out. Can't win them all lol.
@user-nf2if1jb1j 3 күн бұрын
EPHINEA~! Come HOME~!! <3!
@sahiljethwani9781 4 күн бұрын
was really surprised to see someone playing a phantasy star that is not pso2.please play phantasy star portable 2 infinite.its super good
@Draphia 4 күн бұрын
I'd recommend infinite 2, but that level cap is 200. Stil great to see you play an old classic
@deployablelover 4 күн бұрын
Appreciate the comment! This has been recommended a couple of times and is defo on this list for sure!
@KaminaCicada 4 күн бұрын
Oh boy this is a nostalgia hit. I remember this back in my highschool days. The dance lines were a trip
@deployablelover 4 күн бұрын
Without a doubt! I put so many hours into this game it’s insane
@rotothedragonlord7198 5 күн бұрын
Neat series concept
@deployablelover 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@kasairoach1017 5 күн бұрын
how do i get this game again?
@deployablelover 4 күн бұрын
Search for PSU Clementine Wiki and hit download ☺️
@DR4kH1N 5 күн бұрын
Rising Strike is indeed op, wait until you try the other saber pas, they're pretty cool too!
@deployablelover 4 күн бұрын
Oh for sure Drak some of the PA’s are insane!
@NTpspE 5 күн бұрын
Ahahaha oh my god your commentary on each of the story characters in clem camp is hilarious!
@deployablelover 5 күн бұрын
Hahaha thank you mate. I watch bits back when editing and think… why… why do I say these things?
@jessecox 5 күн бұрын
Some solid picks up in here!
@deployablelover 5 күн бұрын
@jessecox holy shit! Huge fan dude. Thank you so so much ❤️
@iceman3317 5 күн бұрын
I guessed almost all of your places haha. Cost A Del Sol was not one I guess but it is a favorite zone. But compared to other zones, graphics aren't great which is why I didn't really count ARR Zones. I also thought about Ruby Sea, but because of the lack of underwater and what was in the benchmark, it made me move away from it. Thavnair was one that I like because of all the colors of rock there and I love the little village and how you can see more villages in the distance. Dravania Hinterlands is also a favorite zone of mine that you didn't say. It was really the only zone that made me stop and just look around.
@deployablelover 5 күн бұрын
Dravania is such a shout! Thank you for the really cool insight and for checking the video out!
@NTpspE 6 күн бұрын
Cool to see some expansion areas (never visited them). It's nice when area/map designers put the extra level of detail in, especially in a game where it's not exactly required. Also whoah there's underwater? Cool!
@deployablelover 6 күн бұрын
Hell yeah dude! I’m all for gameplay but there is something so satisfying about hidden nooks and crannies in these massive games that get completely overlooked!
@Koonski 6 күн бұрын
There is one thing that is certain when you play PSO. You will play it... and it will never let you go.
@iantaran2843 6 күн бұрын
Phantasy Star Online and Diablo 2 were EVERYTHING to me growing up. Along with Arcanum, the Baldur's Gate games, the Icewind Dale Games, Digimon World, ect
@TheMatrixArchitect 8 күн бұрын
Played PSO 2 & NGS and I wasn't really feeling it for multiple reasons but PSO Episode 1,2 & 4 have a special place in our heart but PSO is not MMORPG, it's MORPG. 6:17-6:22 Spoken like an edgy mercenary who care about guns, getting paid to kill moving things, booze, and pr0stitutes.
@IchbinX 8 күн бұрын
Coming from someone who's 42, now. You've seen it all. Nothing surprises you. Nothing thrills you. Only those old titles do you get the wonder and magic, you're yearning for.
@deployablelover 8 күн бұрын
I feel like you have just nailed it
@davemustang8173 8 күн бұрын
I don't own a single game that was made after 2016 with the exception of Warcraft Expansions, and even then the last one I bought was Shadowlands
@deployablelover 8 күн бұрын
I’m so glad I’m not the only one!
@brathmusnunh86 8 күн бұрын
I never even touched any Phantasy Star games, but watching this was super fun. The music and the commentary was super relaxing, thanks for the cool video!
@deployablelover 8 күн бұрын
Absolute pleasure, thank you for the comment! More coming soon!
@Syrenos183 9 күн бұрын
I kinda have this with FFXIV, granted I wasn't that young when I started playing it but I did get into it at the start of 2.0. I had gotten a random invite to an FC in Limsa one day that I accepted not thinking much about it. It would later lead to me becoming an officer of said FC, leading a static group, and even having me being mentioned as the go to person to talk to to join the FC in someone's IRL conversation. I know the game is still running and is super successful, but I just don't get the same enjoyment that I used to. I think I really lucked out with the timeframe that I played and where I ended up at the time, a lot of the people I hung out with outside of FFXIV I directly met through it, some I still talk to till this day. But out FC had a rough collapse and even after joining other FC's later on down the line, it just didn't capture that same feeling. Now I have odd bouts of nostalgia for ARR jank/quirks and reminisce about wiping in Aurum Vale. I also miss climbing onto our FC house and spamming Holy for screenshots....or doing that to our neighbors to annoy them. A thing that I think that's pulled some of that chill and chat motif from newer games, mmo or otherwise, is a combination of the drastic change of pace in the gameplay and even Discord. Developers have been constantly trying to appease the apm some gamers expect modern games to demand of its players, which obviously leaves little to no time to really sit and chat about stuff if you're actively playing the game. It seems games now kinda expect you to be using voice chat, which is hardly used through in-game means nowadays. And as much as I love what Discord offers for communities of all sizes to accomplish, it has for sure drained some of the needing to talk to people directly in-game that was present prior. In all fairness it's not JUST Discord that has had that impact, Reddit alone could lead you to multiple different subreddits for the EXACT same game, just random different branches for it, which lessens the overall interactivity you could've found years past. Random tangents aside, finding moments like this in games or w/e are something I would consider to be pretty important. It can be very bittersweet at times, but I feel more often than not it just an immediate dosage of "Hell yeah!" which can be a great motivator for things randomly.
@sonicboom53 9 күн бұрын
Old games have this way of enforcing your imagination. What is beyond the immediate, and sometimes interpretation, is really up to you to fill in the gaps. Even if those gaps are small there's this process of comprehending your environment that is unique to games made with limited artistic resources. Newer games tend to spell these things out for you very intently because they can. And it can often feel like you're just there along for the ride. Comprehending artistic intent is a quiet yet very engaging thing. Older games just have this way of making you naturally do that without you really knowing.
@Gl0wStickss 9 күн бұрын
These graphics still hold up.. It gives me no eye strain at all like some of the newer games do tbh.
@DR4kH1N 9 күн бұрын
5:00 I'm just standing there. Menacingly.🧍
@NTpspE 9 күн бұрын
I think part of the magic of these older games is that they're from a time when the Internet was a magical new(ish) technology for the purpose of connecting people and communities. Similarly older games focused on delivering a more complete experience. Nowadays, the Internet is one big commercial for big corporations, trying to nickel and dime everyone for money or data. And games are now based around "what's the minimum we can provide for the biggest profit" But it's been great playing with you and the gang! ❤
@deployablelover 9 күн бұрын
I think you have summed it up perfectly dude! Could not have said it better. I second that it is nothing but a blast connecting with you all and making memories!
@r7220277 10 күн бұрын
Time or Money.
@krisrowland2006 10 күн бұрын
omg is that phantasy star universe?"??
@deployablelover 10 күн бұрын
It is it is!
@krisrowland2006 10 күн бұрын
@@deployablelover how are you playing it... i used to play it all the time when i was younger i actually asked sony if they were planning on releasing a remaster and they said rhey would look into it
@deployablelover 9 күн бұрын
@@krisrowland2006 it’s on the clementine private server of phantasy star universe. Accessible on the pc ☺️
@krisrowland2006 8 күн бұрын
ive tried many times to get that to work... i never succeeded
@darcy7257 10 күн бұрын
I play on sylverant, it’s a bit more lowkey and suits my tastes
@darcy7257 11 күн бұрын
I have watched his videos talking about PSO almost 10 times
@deployablelover 11 күн бұрын
They are just contagious I swear! So good!
@NTpspE 12 күн бұрын
The most ultimate of caves! And the dynamic duo! Need to get Skyly to teach you how to play Monster Hunter ;)
@deployablelover 12 күн бұрын
To be fair monster hunter does seem like a blast for sure dude!
@Morgothlord47 13 күн бұрын
But you're not. Youre pretending to eat cake. AT LEAST BUY A CAKE SO IT FEELS MORE IMMERSIVE
@deployablelover 13 күн бұрын
Noted, needs more cake.
@15kalas15 13 күн бұрын
I still have to give this one a go someday
@deployablelover 13 күн бұрын
It’s an absolute gem! ☺️
@WitchDimension 13 күн бұрын
Meh thi sgam elooks dog water, its just a ba as a lot of games that are out now, and alot of games opied this game and world of war craft instead of making a real game
@deployablelover 13 күн бұрын
This hurt my brain to read.
@TheRealNgsGamer 13 күн бұрын
Not many ppl know about the story in the game, i also don't know i m a "R" enjoyer, but i would say just try the new expansion "Land of the Morning Light" everyone seems to like the lore there.
@Gl0wStickss 13 күн бұрын
New worlds combat is the best, jokes aside I've never come across anything like it. 6k hours on it, the pvp is (while unbalanced usually) is just amazing. Aside from all the shit that game took, I'm still looking for a game with the combat of it, with not 1000000000 skill bars. It's not immersive at all.
@Gl0wStickss 14 күн бұрын
1:48:05 Couldn't agree more.. It's cringe.
@Gl0wStickss 14 күн бұрын
I think these devs of clementine can add additional / interesting layers to the game with the correct support. Hope they get it. I hope they get a big time nerd in there, so it's easier to access for common folk. Accessibility is huge. Full screen issues, having to use scripts for mouse and keyboard playing(not a natural M&K game) but needs implementation. They will probably say it can't, but you get the right nerd in there with proper access, it can be changed.
@deployablelover 13 күн бұрын
Genuinely could not agree with this statement more. The game does need to be a little more accessible however I understand that any game this age can’t be easy to take care of and work with. I do also fully appreciate the effort that has been put in by the clementine team already, it must be a back breaking amount of work.
@thecabrera3963 14 күн бұрын
then you get slapped with the most insane grind for ever mechanics or slide the credit card to grind way less, a shame i wasted so much on skins before knowing the hella grinding this game demands
@duraeusentenu 14 күн бұрын
This is weird for me because I remember first playing this game on my PS2, rented it from a video rental store back when those existed. I knew at the time it was based on the online games in terms of style and design structure, not the original games from decades ago, but I had no idea PSU was also online capable! :O I guess because at that time I didn't have online function for my PS2, that and the PS2 just wasn't really known for it's online gaming, so I was used to offline games with RPG stories. I mean, I liked PSU, still do, but had no idea it even had an online side XD
@deployablelover 14 күн бұрын
Oh for sure! I spent years playing its predecessor PSO offline on the Dreamcast without ever knowing the grand scope of the online capabilities so I feel you there. PSU was even more different due to the offline gameplay being a linear story driven campaign versus the online player driven experience
@Nushima96 14 күн бұрын
This game is great and the QoL changes made by the devs who revived it make the game so much better. Been playing on and off since the revival happened a few years ago.
@deployablelover 14 күн бұрын
Couldn’t agree more! Just finished streaming it tonight too. Looking forward to continuing the series!
@kasairoach1017 5 күн бұрын
how do i get the game again?
@OfficiallyCaptured 14 күн бұрын
I've seen this game but not yet tried it, not sure if it will be my cup of tea.
@OfficiallyCaptured 14 күн бұрын
I love this I got a copy of a official strategy guide for the final fantasy 7 on the ps1! oh wow I have that pso guide as well with the poster nice!
@OfficiallyCaptured 14 күн бұрын
This game looks cool but very overwhelming.
@deployablelover 14 күн бұрын
It’s really great once you get over the UI but it’s very in your face right of the bat
@OfficiallyCaptured 14 күн бұрын
I still play this on Xbox 360 I will love this series!
@deployablelover 14 күн бұрын
Hell yeah that's so awesome!
@OfficiallyCaptured 14 күн бұрын
@@deployablelover I do miss online, I've just finished watching your Black Desert Online But I DON’T Just Call It PAY TO WIN... the game looks cool.