@volkskrieg8735 39 минут бұрын
rats, sinking ship all that the cope in this whole thing is delicious the longer u deny reality the worse it gets for u but thats okay because it is also really funny
@BillyTheKidLawrence Сағат бұрын
People with eyes, a brain, and good faith: “Nick is looking better. Healthier. Good for him.” People with bad faith, shit for brains, willful blindness: “He’s clearly drinking and on coke! Look how bad he looks! What a scumbag! Felted, buddy! Have fun in prison!”
@thecraftytyke4442 42 минут бұрын
You really are clueless.
@BillyTheKidLawrence Сағат бұрын
Everybody condemning Nick without the full story is actually insane. Lol.
@thecraftytyke4442 38 минут бұрын
The converse is also true. However a 9 year old testing positive for cocaine with over 10 times the test threshold and having 28 grams of the stuff in your bathroom plus many other things makes it clear he is guilty in most people’s eyes. Nice try sweeper.
@Alej0xXx Сағат бұрын
I feel like NIck should do a Show/stream or video addressing the non-case related allegations (or talk baout those in other's people stream), things like the Turkey Tom video, half of it was talking about Nick's life in general before anything of this happened, a lot of things we kinda know they are half truths or plainly incorrect they are also irrelevant to his current case so he can talk about them.
@johncannon3411 2 сағат бұрын
its the government that did it.... grow up nick
@thorsteinnorman7133 2 сағат бұрын
It was good to see Nick back and in good health again
@idahoplantlady 2 сағат бұрын
Nick is looking healthier.
@uncleandy2412 2 сағат бұрын
His 9 year old tested positive for cocaine. Period end of story. He's a drug addict and his kid had cocaine in them. His nonsense trying to pretend it's not the case is DISGUSTING and ANYONE who allows him to spew his garbage without being put in check is also DISGUSTING.
@thecraftytyke4442 35 минут бұрын
Amen brother!
@danishcartoonist545 2 сағат бұрын
Casino people, you realise your god PPP exposed his backside on the internet a few years back? That really your man? As if being that obese and sounding like that wasn’t bad enough…
@markgado8782 56 минут бұрын
@danishcartoonist545 3 сағат бұрын
I’m just surprised you’re allowed to stream with Xia again, Camelot. You being good now?
@jrockjlaw 3 сағат бұрын
Sweep it up Cammy you janny. Also you suck at racing.
@ThePTBRULES 3 сағат бұрын
I don't even watch him racing, but If Camelot really was a bad racist, why did teams hire him.....
@quinn3974 2 сағат бұрын
Going around and around in a loop as fast as you can lol
@rikflare7970 3 сағат бұрын
Damn Cody ya flip flop more than politician . Enjoy losing subs as you defend Nick✌️
@glassvial 4 сағат бұрын
Can't wait to see all your crash videos, lets go!
@reesejabs1895 4 сағат бұрын
In the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the stores have some of the most evil managers I have ever seen. They were mean and vicious! 👿 I don't recommend it unless you have a self loathing fetish.
@Riftmaker17 5 сағат бұрын
The reason why he is on ethan stream is because ethan and dick helped launch nicks livestreaming career.
@enoshore2488 5 сағат бұрын
Used to have friends and then my family lauched a smear campaign against me and i found myself alone. I then unfortunately got into an abusive relationship with a guy. I was also guilted a pressured by my family to be friends with my cousin because she had no friends and she had mental problems. She was able to continue sabotaging good relationships i had with people. When i was finally strong enough to get out of the abusive relationship and move away from my family i guess the damage was done. It used to feel like i could attract people into my life but now i feel broken and it seems like people sense that and dont really want much to do with me. I keep trying to do what i can to heal and hopefully one day ill have the life i want.
@Duvall8769 5 сағат бұрын
Im more on the Steeltoe arc then the Rekieta arc but i know whatever Aaron says take with a grain of salt
@smudgeeee6259 6 сағат бұрын
Crotch lady may be the one with the most self-respect on here
@CatalinaFOIA 3 сағат бұрын
@MrWatchowtnow 6 сағат бұрын
If you fall for this psychopath cheerleader nerds manipulations still , you're a genius.
@VIGirl60 8 сағат бұрын
Nicks Gaslighting and Word Salad🤮
@LizFaith-sv4ng 9 сағат бұрын
If you’re innocent, you’re not worried about the state’s burden.
@uraigroves7898 8 сағат бұрын
Exactly! If you're innocent you don't worry about what you're saying about your case ...the truth shouldnt be something you can't talk about. He's a sleazy lawyer to the end. Or just don't talk about it at all.
@Kanshin 7 сағат бұрын
Yes because innocent people never go to jail 😂 If you ever get falsely accused I hope this isn’t your thought process…..
@thecraftytyke4442 7 сағат бұрын
@@Kanshinwhatever sweeper.
@Kanshin 6 сағат бұрын
@@thecraftytyke4442 I’m not defending nick because I don’t know what to believe But that doesn’t change that innocent people get railroaded by the system every day But maybe your to slow to be able to separate things and everything must be black and white. In that case 🧹🧹 I guess whatever
@thecraftytyke4442 5 сағат бұрын
@@Kanshin is this your alt account Nick? Haha
@AzSunshine 9 сағат бұрын
Great show! Continued prayers for Nick & family. Sometimes, the worst day of our life & the best day of our life are both the same day. ❤️‍🔥
@thecraftytyke4442 7 сағат бұрын
That’s one of the stupidest things I have ever heard
@LizFaith-sv4ng 9 сағат бұрын
So according to Nick, the CPS family plan/safety plan is set up so parents can fail and the state can take your kids…wow. This is coming from not only a father of 5, but someone who was a foster parent too.
@ThePTBRULES 3 сағат бұрын
But hasn't he always had a dislike of CPS? Is that really a surprise?
@LizFaith-sv4ng 23 минут бұрын
@@ThePTBRULES The hoops you have to go through and maintain to be a foster parent and have the Dept of Children and Families would not suggest he was always against them. Did his distain start after his foster care experience?
@holocronlibraryfox1187 9 сағат бұрын
Good to see Nick hanging out with his friend again. ❤
@LizFaith-sv4ng 9 сағат бұрын
The government is against him, however he’s using the government policies, procedures, and laws to fight and suppress evidence.
@ThePTBRULES 3 сағат бұрын
I mean, it would be retarded not to fight back. It might be slightly hypocritical, but wouldn't you?
@LizFaith-sv4ng 9 сағат бұрын
Camelot is probably placating Nick so he can stay in the loop and get info to keep making content.
@LizFaith-sv4ng 9 сағат бұрын
Kid tests positive for coke…Nick, “you think I’m giving my kid coke? Really? If you want to think that…” This dude is a classic manipulator and gaslighter lol. I’m so glad he is talking online so everyone can see it.
@ThePTBRULES 8 сағат бұрын
But seriously, do you think he was purposely giving the kid Coke?
@VandalAudi 3 сағат бұрын
​​@@ThePTBRULEShim purposely giving the kid drugs is too wild of a theory (despite Rekieta himself has been recorded saying that he's all for hard drugs to control misbehaving kids), personally I'm more on the environment he created in his home made it possible for the kid to came in contact with it.
@danishcartoonist545 3 сағат бұрын
Why the hell would an addict be giving their children drugs? An addict would keep all the drugs for themselves. Think, man, think!
@ThePTBRULES 2 сағат бұрын
​@@VandalAudiI agree, I definitely thought Nick was going a bit crazy listening to the show over the last few months, but since I only listen, I never really paid attention to his physical condition, and confirmation of the leaving of the Nanny + Depression caused him to turn to drugs that quickly took over his life.
@LizFaith-sv4ng 30 минут бұрын
It’s that he completely skips being negligent as a parent to the point where a 9 year old has coke in their system and goes straight to the worst case scenario. It’s a manipulation tactic.
@LizFaith-sv4ng 9 сағат бұрын
Translation… Officials ignored calls because of Nick being who he is so he felt invincible. However, when you start showing up on stream looking like an Ethiopian kid with booger sugar on your nose and literally yanking the chain for all to see…officials start to pay attention. Especially when people who actually have access to the children are reporting. CPS won’t listen to reports from people who can’t prove they have access to the children enough to make allegations.
@ZooBox1 9 сағат бұрын
The dude needs to log off.
@ben31uk 9 сағат бұрын
Flip flop Coomalot. Pick a side and stick with it
@Critter145 9 сағат бұрын
@KaptainChaos999 9 сағат бұрын
Was waiting for u to start sweeping for him 😂😂😂 he neglected his kids and not the first time it goes back to 2009 and 2013 fuck him
@Critter145 9 сағат бұрын
Corrupt local officials in Minnesota are persecuting Rekieta.
@thecraftytyke4442 6 сағат бұрын
We know you’re special and have needs but put the internet down. It doesn’t want you anymore
@Critter145 6 сағат бұрын
@@thecraftytyke4442 nice try, bot.
@ben31uk 10 сағат бұрын
Coomalot back to sweeping mode I see
@ben31uk 10 сағат бұрын
@swiftfoxmark2 10 сағат бұрын
I love how everyone believes the government. You know, the same assholes who told us that six feet apart will stop a pandemic? I'll give Nick the benefit of the doubt until his side of the story is out. I'm not going to defend him but I'm not going to condemn him. For now. I'm sure he really cares about what I think too.
@silverstem2964 10 сағат бұрын
The only people I ever get to talk to work behind a cash register. That's it. I just turned 69.
@Anthony-kn8cn 10 сағат бұрын
Sad that animals in an animal shelter are treated better than most humans. Corporate greed and corruption is a serious issue in the U.S. Everyone needs to fight for their fellow man and woman co workers. Health insurance being reasonable is a great place to start.
@LawNerd23 10 сағат бұрын
Never seen anyone sip tea Nick. We know you are now just drinking from a huge cup of whiskey. Failure.
@Saturn-f7y 10 сағат бұрын
Now Camelot will be doing crack since he rekindled his Nick relationship.
@ZombieLicorice 11 сағат бұрын
The idea that he thinks he can lie his way out of this is insane. So what, we are supposed to think the coke was fake or planted, and that your drug addled behavior was 20-day sickness, despite going on for over a year? I can believe you didn't mean to give your kid coke, but, when you're high and mixing coke with alcohol and ketamine, who knows what can happen? Also your talk about drug tests is extremely misleading. You have the ability to prove you haven't done coke for months by taking a hair follicle test, but you refuse that test and opt for the short half-life pee test and wave that around like it means anything. Being sober since your arrest is good but insufficient, we need to know you weren't doing coke in the house with your kids around in the first place
@ZombieLicorice 11 сағат бұрын
There's this saying that you become the average of the people you associate with. Who did nick associate with? Dick masteron (and gang), Ethan ralph, coomalot, drexel, and a couple drugged up swingers. It's really not surprising things went the way they did.
@GliderZz-ty2vz 12 сағат бұрын
Did Rekieta use this channel to do, what he considers, damagecontrol? Sometimes the line between being used- or being an enabler is difficult. Not easy when you want to be a good friend. With time, the full truth will come out.
@jcdenton1310 12 сағат бұрын
Copium stop lying Nick
@BasedTexans 13 сағат бұрын
Can't tell whose trashier the Onlyfans old lady or the old man giving his kids cocaine
@flissory9268 13 сағат бұрын
I honestly wish Nick well, like I believe most people do. BUT it feels like he's trying to talk himself out of this. The reason why people are so suspicious has to do with how he presented himself, basically a drunk c-unt and the horrifying report. He was that person. Own it. Neglect & abuse for which the government is NOT guilty of. He's too nonchalant and distanced to the situation. Like he's defending a client? He has F up. Majorly. It's difficult to listen to him. Deluded? A rightfighter? It's at a level he becomes offensive considering what he did, IMO. Also has he hit rock bottom? Can you grow without ownership? No one wants to punish him more, but maybe be a little bit more humble & understanding? He speaks like he got this, but does he? If it was so easy to stop the rockstar life, why did it get out of hand? "It's easy to be clean.. " "Alcohol was never the concern". What!! He was drunk Fn up his and the children's lives? It's like he's got no common sense or awareness? He should not talk about this. His behavior will be held against him. It's like he doesn't understand? Court will wonder the same. When he spoke about people admitting to guilt, while innocent, was that preparation? That man will never be accountable. No. It's like he doesn't believe he has done anything wrong? Could it be that HE has different boundaries?? But let's ask the children when they grow up? Or the viewers abt when he got that visit at the desk...? I love that he isn't hiding. That life moves on, but his attitude?
@uraigroves7898 8 сағат бұрын
Yeah if CPS has my kids I wouldn't be joking about it on youtube. I think he likes the kids being gone. He seems to resent driving them around all the time.
@ScripticMind 13 сағат бұрын
Would like to hear his thoughts on YellowFlash’s sudden hate boner he has for Nick.
@konradcurze8176 13 сағат бұрын
Yeah. It’s not like Nick was a coke addiction around his kids or anything. Odd behavior from Flash.
@Shrike1988 12 сағат бұрын
pretty sure the hate comes from the child abuse. not "sudden" at all.
@swiftfoxmark2 10 сағат бұрын
Yellowflash, the defender of Dr Disrespect?
@valentinegonsalves7322 9 сағат бұрын
Flash is a single dad. The hate is for Nick being reckless and throwing away his life while stuff about child neglect came out. Can we please fucking stop being "Team Nick" or "Team Camelot" or "Team YellowFlash" or "Team EVS"? This isn't bs movies and media and comic book drama. Nick projected an image of being a family man, first. He has said multiple times that his wife and kids are the reason he keeps going. Then he threw his life away and is now an addict in denial. I think he deserves hate for that. Flash is a friend, unlike you and me, who only watch his content. Flash was worried Nick cut communication with friends and then the streams got worse and Nick would end up dead if he continued on. "Think of your kids, Nick," was all Flash said.
@swiftfoxmark2 8 сағат бұрын
@@valentinegonsalves7322 and then Flash defended a pedophile.
@LadieKadie 13 сағат бұрын
Sounds like the biggest problem Nick & his wife had was their life was managing them, they weren’t managing their life. I hope it all works out well for that family and soon.
@ThePTBRULES 7 сағат бұрын
Yeah, the drugs probably came in slowly and then suddenly accelerated. And yes. Let's hope for the best.
@fiskblack1737 13 сағат бұрын
So to recap if you don't want to listen to all of this a** eating: -The goverment has it out for me. -The goverment is going to have to prove it's burden and they're going to have a hard time to prove it because I'm a lawyer and I'm going to be a c*nt as hard as I can. -The goverment lied about me giving acess to my results to a test I took myself and I just didn't want to share that info because outcomes of one can influence the other. -When I said that an outcome of one influences the other. It's still a govermental conspiracy to get information out of me to use it against me. So I chose not to work with the goverment to see my kids, to hopefully in the long run get them back. -When I withdrew access to my test results because the goverment is trying to trick me into admitting to things. I've been clean for the rest of this month now. But I want the goverment to work for it to prove that, it's unfortunately going to take longer to get my kids back because I refuse to work with the goverment. -We were shocked my 8-9 year old tested positive for cocain from a hair follicle test. It must be wrong. -When my child of 8-9 tested positive to a hair follicle test that shows exposed duration and usage. And I said this was false and were shocked. There's a way that maybe Aaron gave it to my child without me knowing. -I was never a man of the faith. Nor ever lived a "straight edge lifestyle". So that entire spiel about being a normal family man that quit his job for youtube was just a mask for my degenaracy. -I enjoy pounding younger pu**y while my wife is getting carved out by another man, but I've always been edgy bros. I just quote the bible everyonce in awhile for my personal enjoyment. -Anything you're thinking is wrong because Aaron is being a liar and is off the hook. I'm not and therefore I can't speak. -Me and the other 2 people on this show are of the belief that you're an idiot and don't understand the story you can craft from the outcomes and the paperwork that's being submitted. "I'm baffled how you get to these conclusions, it must be confirmation bias". -There's no more alcohol in the house because I was stressed ok? Yes I took way too much of it. But you don't know me outside of the stream so it's ok. -It's not depression though, but let me pull a boogie self yeet line out there for the sympathy. -My life is a constant questionmark because I refuse to acknowledge that the drugs found in my house were my problem. But it's the goverment that's doing it for their personal enjoyment. -Our nanny left halfway through the schoolyear(Because of your degenaracy btw). And that's why I'm so stressed. It's not my fault the new one was so good in bed with a line up her nose. -All the other people that I was good with before that have come out objectively saying Nick is fucked. I now have a problem with. Because they're not stanning hard enough.
@tinafolga7665 13 сағат бұрын
Thanks for a great stream prayers for Nick and family! He seems good !