Why Are Losing Streaks So Common

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@se-fl 28 күн бұрын
It's notable that when you get to the bottom of your range, you start winning, so the game ends up rewarding you for your worst behavior.
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 28 күн бұрын
6 of my last 9 games on opgg say "team disparity". I lost 7 of those 9 games but in 7 of them I outperformed my counterpart in toplane by a notable margin (CS, Damage, obj damage, etc). It's mostly about the fact that I want to win games I DESERVED to win and lose the games I DESERVE TO LOSE. It's not a nuanced take anymore to say that it's attributed to tilt or outside factors etc when talking about a loss streak. The facts are, 80% of your team are other people not in your control. Sometimes you will play significantly better than your current rank and still lose the game. That's the frustrating part. That is the part that is getting people upset. It's not about how to avoid tilt, If losers queue exists conspiracy, 50% winrate Matchmaking. I understand all of this and some of it I don't like. I understand I need to play significantly better than my current rank at all times (or most) to have a reasonable paced climb up the ladder. Sure, makes sense. For me though, it's the frustration of losing games I simply didn't deserve to lose, or even winning games i didn't deserve to win. I simply want the outcome based upon my performance. League is a team game though so we have to accept our outcomes will in large be based upon our teams decisions. Which are not in our control.
@bshell1731 28 күн бұрын
You don't deserve anything. If you are truly performing better than your rank then you will carry.
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 28 күн бұрын
@@bshell1731 We're talking about a video game. Not real life. I think it's a distinction to be made. You can absolutely lose a game you deserved to win. I think you missed the point. Just because you've performed better does not mean you can or will carry that game. You can also lose those games. It happens a lot. That's the main complaint. That's why people are frustrated. No ones arguing about performing well means you can't climb. We all know this is the way.
@143tg 28 күн бұрын
@@xXG3TPWNEDXxthis is a great comment honestly, you acknowledge just because you outperform doesn’t mean you deserve to win. That’s already huge that most players cannot accept. Usually when I’m in this scenario where I face lose streaks that are genuinely not my fault like the games I’m playing I really perform the best I could and there is no mistake that I made I could’ve cost us the game. It’s really just unlucky and you know you keep telling yourself that you can’t be unlucky forever which is true and you keep on playing and eventually you just win back when you lose if you truly are playing at a rank that you deserve to be. and I’m sure you know this as well it’s just that you know most players I complain about teammates lost streaks etc. they usually just don’t play enough games
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 28 күн бұрын
@@143tg Hey, thanks for the comment. Y'know for me it's just the frustration of getting some unlucky teams and games. Especially when you know you've played exceptionally well but yet you end up on a loss streak or a streak of terrible games in general.
@abogmus8904 28 күн бұрын
​​@@bshell1731it is fundamentally impossible to carry a team game like league due to so many variables being out of your control. also, how should a player learn to play above one's rank? people are hardstuck or go on lose streaks, they have no opportunities to play against people much better than them to make any significant natural progression
@pseudophi 28 күн бұрын
Watching this after a solid 18 game session with 4 wins and 14 losses with default 0-20 botlanes in 70% of the games. Poggers
@fusionxtras 28 күн бұрын
Watched this after a day of mental boomers wanting to be the centerpiece of the game.
@JamesBaleLA 27 күн бұрын
You played 18 games in a session and expect it to go well?
@pseudophi 27 күн бұрын
@@JamesBaleLA it was on my 4fun plat elo smurf. I don't expect it to go well *in general* unless i hop on my main champs and go 20-0 every game anyway. People suck in this elo
@wuuwuu6727 28 күн бұрын
12:00 The chance of winning 10 games in a row with a 60% winrate is 0,6%, not 6%. Your point is still valid. Chance of winningstreak/loosingstreak is immensely higher the further youre away from 50% winrate
@TheArccam 27 күн бұрын
You’re right to say winning streaks and losing streaks are demonstrative of how much of an influence we have over our games. As someone said already and as we’ve been saying as a community for years now. We are not saying we deserve to rank up when we play well and lose. I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s extremely tilting to play well and lose. Worse is the fact that it’s equal punishment. Everyone loses -25 even though you literally played what is possible the best game you’ve ever played. You still can’t do anything 1v5. There’s a video of Karasmai (Challenger Talon main) playing in bronze. He got I believe 30+ kills but he couldn’t end. Why, his teammates didn’t have a clue and he had all the kills. Literally he lost that game even though he did 3x the damage of anyone else. Now I am not a challenger player. Most of us aren’t good enough to be in challenger. Fact! I just want my games, the games where I am a challenger level player if only for a few minutes to matter. Playing that well and losing that much LP because their other roles inted their asses off sucks. It’s demoralizing and demotivating. I have been the guy who was inting, I will admit that too. I knew I was tilted but it was probably because last game something tragic happened and I didn’t care anymore. Inters don’t just appear from nowhere, it’s a team game. We rely on our teammates and since more solo concepts like split pushing and funnelling have died. This reliance can get pretty frustrating when it’s clear other people aren’t trying to win. We need to work together, and since you talked about Riot incorporating a skill:win based MMR system. It cannot come soon enough because we all need some ramifications for poor performances and rewards for good ones. Maybe similar to Loss mitigation that you get for AFKs, because whats the difference between an AFK and an Inter. There’s almost none really, enemy still gets fed. Loss streaks are not supposed to be uncommon, they should exist actually. It’s the bouncing from Masters to D4 that should never happen. This is literally like if Man City (Football) were midtable last season and champions the next. It doesn’t happen, and when it does then big changes need to occur.
@JamesBaleLA 27 күн бұрын
I think the big thing that makes people have a perception of soloqueue being rigged (losersqueue) is that they don't know what they don't know. Like one of the commenters below me discussing how he lost so many games despite "outperforming" his lane opponent in all those matches - we don't have enough information based on stats alone to actually say if you performed better. How many times have you seen someone get fed in laning phase only to donate 1k gold to the enemy hypercarry and throw the game? That player probably thinks "oh look at my KDA i did good this game. I did my job. I won lane. Team diff GG" meanwhile this one major mistake can be the turning point that swings the game back in the enemy favor. League is a game where mistakes can have a compounding effect in subtle ways that ripple out and influence the future trajectory of a game.
@WillToWinvlog 28 күн бұрын
The fact that Riot won't release the algorithm, and the fact that they constantly tweak it leaves me very skeptical. I can definitely imagine them subtly favoring players with fewer reports, who spend more $$$, and who use play-styles that mirror their archetypal roles.
@wrbk19 28 күн бұрын
I haven't played ranked in years, but I do play ARAM religiously, and I know there's definitely an MMR system in ARAM. What I have noticed is during the beginning of a new battle pass, I tend to lose more than I win. Once I finish the battle pass and pay to unlock the complete track, my games become easier.
@coolbrotherf127 28 күн бұрын
Despite how much the playerbase complains about Riot, they take the competitive nature of their game very seriously and don't seem like the kind of developers who would rig games to squeeze out a bit more money. They already make plenty without resorting to dishonest business practices. As someone who works as a video game developer myself, I see very little evidence that anything like that happens in any of the Riot titles.
@someguy-zg2qf 28 күн бұрын
idk but match making is fucking rigged. i just cant understand how my teams constantly perform like they are first time league and enemy team are making plays like they are a 5 man team. Is it really so much to ask for a person to stop dying a million times? No, theyll say its my fault I cant win. I just returned to ranked and like 3 of my last 4 games was open mid, even when i pinged danger they went in and died. Yeah, my fault I cant climb.
@kel1770 27 күн бұрын
Why would they do that? Studies on matchmaking have a clear consensus that the best way to keep players playing is to give them the most fair games possible. Giving a player that spends money easier games would make them more likely to stop playing and spending money.
@robertg420 27 күн бұрын
​​@@kel1770 engagement optimized matchmaking systems are not designed for perfect parity, which is boring. This is not new information. For years developers have known that providing a varied experience is far better for player engagement, not sure what "studies" you think to heard about
@Mo11usq 28 күн бұрын
I am bronze EUW. I started maining support in ranked this split (previously mained jungle in ranked, but have mained support in norms with mates for several years, and climbed to silver as support in ranked casually a few times over this period). I post every single ranked game I play on YT so I can review them on commute/breaks etc. The playlist also somewhat captures the psychology of the process. I mention it in case of interest to your community to see the experience of average joe low elo (as opposed to endless challenger content) to give a balance of perspective to their own journeys. FYI, I have been losing my mind - out of game, never in game (manifests as champ swapping to find something I can have high enough impact on). Personally, I don't see a change in my general level of play relating to win/loss streaks (mostly loss, lets be honest). The game is very noisy. I am 20% of the team and not good enough to make up for deficiencies in the other 80% beyond a certain, small, margin. Although league is clearly a skill based game, there seems to be skill thresholds below/above which the role of chance is greatly increased/reduced as small differences in skill are not significant over noise in any reasonable quantity of games. I will concede, losing games makes one search for alternatives, and changing champ surely alters my capacities, so in my case there is that basis for loss streaks being self promoting. However, though my winrate on Swain (played for years, previously one of my best) and Zyra (new desperation pick) is awful, in watching back those games I don't think I could have won them on any other champ, negating this as a factor. The beauty is, anyone can go assess this claim for themselves. Happy to be proven wrong.
@wilddanny5584 28 күн бұрын
I think riot needs to pair the mmr better after 10 win streak cuz I get sack of potato's after and have to 1v9 even harder
@particle3257 28 күн бұрын
Real question. Why do I ace 90% of my games, having the highest KDA, the most amount of KP, the most Objectives, the most cs, the most gold, the most exp, just overall the best performance, but I can’t climb on my account which is gold with 48% wr. Another question. Why can I under perform on my diamond alt but win 60% of my games?
@sdoifjj 28 күн бұрын
link ur both accounts
@tupacshakur5868 28 күн бұрын
i have a similiar problem xD i have like 5 accounts in emerald with 70-80% winrate, yet my main is stuck in platin with 40 ish % wr.
@MrEccentricities 28 күн бұрын
Because you're not as good as you think you all of those are very specific but every game in this keys to wing are very different you might think you made the right decision but you didn't because if you did you would have won like recalling when you shouldn't have even though it seems like you should have I just think of it like this if you were to play in an iron lobby you will go on a massive win streak and there is nothing the game could do to stop you from beating your way out of our I think the same goes for every ring except the only difference is people are more aware of how to play the game which means it's not going to be as easy for you to win every game's not gonna be a coin flip in such a way for me at least I would say if that is something you consistently brought into I would just say keep it up at least for me that was a sign that I was coming up out of my elo if you're always the one with the most CS killing people like their iron then you're on your way up
@Miles168 28 күн бұрын
You have to learn how to actually win games. Everything you listed shows that you know how to outperform the other players in your games which is great because it means you're consistently building advantages but you still need to convert those advantages into wins
@coolbrotherf127 28 күн бұрын
It means you have better mechanics than gold players but bad macro game sense. You generate leads then throw the game because you don't know what to do with a lead in the mid game. On your diamond account, your better teammates are just carrying you.
@Jferrell08 27 күн бұрын
The math is pretty simple, if red team has a gold player last season 57% win rate (any position) vs a blue team bronze last season 33% win rate (any position) your odds of winning are slim and they are going to get stomped. I’ve seen a lot of lopsided games recently win rates don’t lie. Once the deed is done and they are fed you have to wait for them to make a mistake if they don’t oh well.
@64Talon 28 күн бұрын
I haven't watched this video yet, but it can't be a coincidence that I almost hit masters for the first time (D1 60 LP) and now I'm on the brink of being demoted to D3 after a 6 game loss streak. The world is a simulation. But in all seriousness I'm excited to see what you have to say. Edit: okay I never really thought about it in the way you explained... Loss-streaks after win streak days because I wasn't cracked that day... But how would you explain this for players who are consistently challenger? Like Tyler1 for example is probably the most out-spoken when it comes to "losers que", and he managed to hit challenger on all 5-roles. So when hes sitting in low master or GM saying "losers que!" I don't believe that he's just at the rank he deserves for the most part. Maybe he has a few bad days similar to how I play too, but sometimes it really feels terrible. Could just be confirmation bias especially being in a more negative mindset after a loss streak... Very interesting topic that I think could be explored further. There's definitely a much heavier psychological element here too in my opinion.
@kel1770 27 күн бұрын
Yes, Tyler is usually just really tilted, spam queueing, and blaming matchmaking because hes frustrated. If you compare his top lane gameplay during the time he was stuck in diamond with more recently in challenger, the gap in skill is obvious. Part of the reason you see him lose streak so often is because he streams so much, so he is forced to continue playing even when tilted and with chat harassing him about it. This stress explains why he feels the need to cope.
@yuumijungle548 28 күн бұрын
i view this a bit differently, you can win 10 in a row and still get unlucky every game, i have had winstreaks while smurfing where 10 times in a row, ive had a rating of 10 with mvp and my teammates were 7th 8th 9th 10th, every time, so if this isnt bad luck what is it then? you cant just look at the result of a game and then tell if you were unlucky or not, you can tell if you were unlucky or not during loading screen by using porofessor, the actual outcome of the game is completely irrelevant in this discussion. or in other words: if i wasnt hardsmurfing, for a player who was just playing at a level 4 divisions above their rank, that wouldve been a guaranteed 10 game loss streak, 100%. thats when people get tilted, they are playing above their level clearly, and still lose 10 in a row, because to actually climb you need to be way way way above your level not just a little bit. also this goes against your argument as well, you are saying the chance to lose 10 in a row should be 1 in 1024, but you were also saying that this isnt true because you can play below your level so that makes the chance higher? in this case you can play significantly above your level and still lose 10 in a row, the chance of that happening should be more close to 1 in 10000, how likely is that if you have only played 50 games this season? also let me get this clear, this is the reason why league is not a coinflip, basically to debunk an argument like this you need to just find 1 example where the numbers dont match up remotely, and with this one example i have basically already debunked without reasonable doubt that there have to be other metrics in matchmaking and teams are not just chosen at random, the matchmaking algorithm 100% will make it so the outcome of a game is alread largely pre determined, if that wasnt the case stuff like this wouldnt happen ever, not even once in a billion games.
@nicelypenn 28 күн бұрын
does porofessor only show data when in loading screen, or does it still show your teammates acc info during champ select? looking for something to give me information about whether or not i should dodge my teammates like how it was in the past. i'd much rather not have to deal with 4 40% wr over 500 games 2 guys on a loss streak after playing 8 games on the day... they're obviously tilt queueing and that's almost a guaranteed loss. would rather not waste my time with those games.
@jendrektl5733 28 күн бұрын
I agree with you mate. I am shitting myself when i see ppl talking about skill issue when u cant climb out of your league, but to do so u need to be significantly better then your rank, not like 1 rank better. For example i am emerald 4, but i play like high diamond and i would still sit in emerald cuase this gap in skill isnt that huge and riot system makes ne lose.
@jendrektl5733 28 күн бұрын
​@@nicelypennu dont have names of taleammates so it cant show pre game data
@yuumijungle548 28 күн бұрын
@@nicelypenn porofessor only works during loading screen, but i only use the web app not the desktop app, supposedly you can still check your teammates during lobby, but i dont know how sorry. and maybe the desktop app of porofessor still shows teammates during the lobby, you have to test that, i dont use it because ever since vanguard came out i have performance issues with my game.
@Miles168 28 күн бұрын
You're cherry picking scenarios and looking at small sample sizes to prove a point. There are factors discussed in this video that can lead an individual player to impact their games enough to go on a loss streak or a win streak, but sometimes you just get unlucky like in the example you gave A player only needs to play significantly better than their current rank to climb quickly. If you wanted to climb from gold to plat with a 65% win rate then yes, you would likely have to play at an emerald level. However, if you put a plat level player in gold, on average they will still win more games than they lose and over the course of a season will climb back to plat
@vagabondeu5 28 күн бұрын
names weren't hidden to avoid toxicity, names were hidden so you wouldnt dodge the games where 3 of your team mates average 10 to 15 deaths every match, are lose streakers, autofilled, and hover in their ranks because a Smurf comes and carries them a few games, If riot can randomly admit smurf queue exists, because of how obvious it is with streamers doing iron to maste / challenger runs, best believe it's entirely possible to rig a loser's queue, to keep players in an artificial grind, constantly chasing carrot on a stick, so maybe they'll stick around and buy the new skin for their favorite champ, and riot can also show other companies and investors their player base ( that last reason is very likely why the " smurf situation " is never " fixed " as well ) use your heads people, stop regurgitating the bs you hear from damage control riot employees and players with Stockholm syndrome not wanting to admit they wasted time in a rigged game, I'm sure a gambling addict will tell you they win on their own pure skill and luck, and their losses / wins are NEVER from rigged systems,
@DamianSzajnowski 27 күн бұрын
Like I can be arsed to spy my team's names before playing xD just play, it's not that deep
@vagabondeu5 27 күн бұрын
@@DamianSzajnowski No one said I used such to dodge, there's no point, unless you're a challenger smurf you will lose when the game wants you to lose, unless the enemy's are trolling. Even then, there's plenty times we see challenger smurfs lose platinum and emerald games which should NEVER happen. Get riots meat out your jaw,
@robertg420 27 күн бұрын
​@@DamianSzajnowskiso you can spend hours learning different champions or roles in a complex team game but you cant take 3 seconds to type a name into a box? Pretty weird.
@chadparris8892 27 күн бұрын
Short way to fix this... make the MMR of the teams actually match the visible rank and put people of the same rank all in the same game. Also... the ten game winstreak is apparently luck but the ten game lose streak is always 'your' fault lol.
@agentbuzz0 15 күн бұрын
I went on a 9 game losing streak over the last 2 days. Stopped losing LP because I hit iron 4 0LP 6 games in
@InstancesKMS 27 күн бұрын
why do i get blue side and offrole 5+ games in a row then?
@Tempelers 28 күн бұрын
People fail to understand that the higher you are and the better rank you have will make you face better enemies. As you go up, everyone is better, friends and enemies. People believe that Riot is fucking them over, but they forget that Riot isn't playing every other character on their team. They can't accept that they have a huge impact on whether or not they win. Impact, sometimes games will be lost no matter what and that's just the fact due to your team being worse or enemies being significantly better. League has an equal skill expression on the impact of the game where you are 1/5th of the pie. Dota is different with P1s having a higher contribution to the game. League is a hard game that favors mechanical skill more than DOTA.
@AsterOathbreaker 27 күн бұрын
Because if you win you feel good and likely win another while if you feel bad your focus is worse casuing you to likely lose more then one game in a row
@jalalal8056 28 күн бұрын
Love your channel. Keep up the good analytical videos
@archonofvoid 26 күн бұрын
Losing after many wins tilts you, you start typing. When you type you get put with other typers into loserq Everyone knows even ls said it
@johnwick9367 12 күн бұрын
I dont think Riot matchmaking is putting us in losers que but i do see a trend where some games my tram gets alot more autofills than the opposite team, and already in champ selecr you can already feel if you will have the advantage or not
@edt49er 27 күн бұрын
I think one thing that people domt take into account is that you cant play the same way in each elo. Like im learning alot about macro amd even good micro by watching higher level players and practicing it, but wgen youre below gold it seems like even if you find these perfect angles or perfect plays, your team doesnt always know how to capitalize on it even if they win the team fight
@VaevictisAsmadi 28 күн бұрын
I love when the 1% of players who benefit the most from these systems explain to everyone why the system is good. Especially after we learned about how bad the red side blue side discrepancy was. If someone has a main account that never climbs out of silver but creates a new account and is placed gold/platinum then how can we ever say it’s working well?
@magdaadrian-sabin1699 28 күн бұрын
Insane cope
@mathi2894 28 күн бұрын
Placing in a rank and being a rank are not the same thing
@kel1770 27 күн бұрын
You are the 1% that believe in this weird conspiracy. You just see this 1% commonly because they tend to type long stories that you find agreeable and you are seeking it out.
@edgybravo4287 27 күн бұрын
Play both accounts to 200+ ranked games id bet you're around the same rank on both accounts. The rank system doesn't work unless you play a lot then everything balances out like for example you'll get 5 trolls on your team that makes it unplayable then you'll play against 5 trolls who give you auto wins. You'll be at your deserved rank with enough games played. I've played league for over a decade it's always been that way.
@someguy-zg2qf 20 күн бұрын
@@edgybravo4287 idk man. I migrated my account and I know how to play better than the average player, I got put into some easy as fuck games in lower bronze, won those too hard because I understand how to play, then got blood sacrificed to smurfs in the higher end of bronze. And if you go through that its so noticeable that something has changed. I wouldnt mind if my team displayed some decent/comparable skills but usually my team play like actual bronze players and the enemy is going absolutely crazy on them. The worst part about it is, I'm not a smurf! I've never even reached gold in soloq and now I cant even escape bronze. RN im 42% WR in bronze, WHAT THE FUCK?! Usually at minimum I'm 60% WR going through bronze. I cant understand it because everyone got shifted upwards after emerald, and I'm going backwards but the game wont even let me fall to iron since I'm such a shit player apparently.
@TheMilchBroetchen 28 күн бұрын
The average silver/gold guy doesnt have so much impact on his games compared to a master or challenger player, who will always make the right decisions starting from champ select, skill and makro play. The standard gold and silver player, will loose a lot of games just of one bad teamfight or simply two other lanes feeding. Which in assumption mean you dont have any impact on most of your games and that they are coinflips in terms of matchmaking and not on skill, except for really high tier players.
@badguy8604 28 күн бұрын
so when i get autofilled top, which is my worst lane, and i have to fight a toplaner who's a higher rank than me and on his main champ, that's not the game trying to make me lose? ok
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 28 күн бұрын
I watch on 2x speed now.
@leaguefixesyourmatches8259 28 күн бұрын
league is why NA is pu$$ified. It's rigged more than ever and they continually take it up the @ss.
@jackdaniel3135 28 күн бұрын
Contentmaxing by completing content as fast as possible so I can consume even more content faster.
@sicarius12886 28 күн бұрын
Love the content keep up the great work! Brand new to League and you are by far the best creator in my opinion. I wish all the best and can't wait to see your community grow.
@delvegameguides 27 күн бұрын
OK, so I thought about TrueSkill 2 and, if I'm not mistaken, they're rather purposefully vague on how it functions. I'll take a quick stab at it, based on how I would design it, assuming that was something I was instructed to do. The issue with League games from a statistical perspective, is that the sample sizes are way low. Take for instance coin flipping, let's say I have a coin in my hand. IIRC, + or - 5 heads or tails might be a little unlikely, but it's hardly impossible. That's because the sample size is actually fairly small. So then how do I know the coin is fair? Let's say, hypothetically, that somehow a coin was weighted such that it actually has a 52% chance to come up heads. It would take way more coinflips to be certain that such a thing was the case, although I suspect fewer coinflips than you might think to be reasonable certain, if memory serves. now obviously, league is not a coinflip. But the sample sizes are so low, how do you come up with a system that more accurately places people? Probably, it takes a variety of performance factors into play, and then somehow derives a statistical assessment that a player is almost certainly at a certain level. So for example, it says, "ok, over these 1-5 games, this player accumulated these many kills, this much farm, this much vision score, etc. So, if we pit him against this guy with these stats, he should win the game in 70%+ of scenarios." And then if that player succeeds at doing that above a certain number of times, (again, probably fewer than you think, although it may be up for debate) then he gets placed much higher. Now the question of course is: who is it comparing you to? Is it checking you against the entire enemy team for a massive statistical edge, or is specifically comparing you to your lane opponent? Does it just check to see if you have a massive gap against your opponent, and then whether or not you lose? I can imagine that for a game like Halo, all it would really look for is KDA. I mean that seems pretty obvious to me, probably a really good player is obviously just walking around fragging like a madman, it doesn't require much more thought than that. Or does it? I mean, they've been fairly tight lipped about it, which could imply it factors in something as esoteric as movement inputs. And that's really where it becomes interesting as an idea, because maybe the stats like kills etc. simply don't matter, or maybe the system really is that simple. Like yeah, it probably doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that some guy with an insane KDA in a CoD lobby is maybe pretty good at it. But even I pop off in some lol games, that doesn't mean I rocket up the ladder. Maybe that's why they haven't been transparent, because it's actually something kinda lowkey crazy and if people figure it out it'll be a huge mess, since people could then try to emulate it. Like at what interval you make button inputs, how quickly or in what way you respond to new information or skillshots, etc. The problem with this theory of course, is that it seems like that would be difficult to determine, much less implement. And therefore this theory ascribes a level of creativity and genius on the parts of the developers that may not even exist. Maybe it really is as simple as basically just checking your KDA, and the trueskill 1 to 2 shift really is just about accounting for supps and so forth, taking more of the league specific data into account. Maybe they're not transparent because they don't want people to come up with dumb strats like buying lens as every champ. But math is a crazy field and you never know, maybe behind the scenes better players have really clear signs in terms of their inputs, in other games APM is something people talk about. You can perhaps glean a lot about a players' skill level by looking at APM, E.G. for Starcraft smurfs or something. If that is the case though, how the entire industry has managed to be so tight lipped is interesting though, you'd think there'd be a leaker somewhere giving us the short version. So perhaps it really isn't quite as smart as we think, who knows? As it relates to the topic at hand, these exploratory prods of placing you against opponents you "should" win or lose against to determine your actual skill level could explain these streaks. It doesn't mean the ranked system isn't fair, but the matchmaking could in fact be creating these as a way of assessing your probable rank within a degree of certainty.
@robertg420 27 күн бұрын
It assembles two teams based on matchmaking factors (server, ping, role, rank) whose average team MMR is even +/- a couple hundred points. Individual lane matchups are not picked to be equal in LP or MMR but wont exceed a few hundred points difference. If you were so inclined you could record the LP of every player in a game across many games and confirm for yourself. Obviously, lane matchups with preselected disparities result in skewed but predictable outcomes (roughly speaking), which ties into the engagement part of engagement optimized matchmaking systems. Modern matchmaking systems are a hybrid of skill and engagement focused and arent designed to provide a perfect 1-1 competition every match as this actually lowers engagement. People are more likely to continue playing games if they are given a varied experience of some easy medium and hard games.
@delvegameguides 27 күн бұрын
@@robertg420 Are you speaking with 100% confidence that you conclusively understand the backend of matchmaking, or is this purely speculative on your part?
@robertg420 26 күн бұрын
@@delvegameguides I don't work at Riot, if that's what you're asking
@delvegameguides 26 күн бұрын
@@robertg420 OK. But do you have comprehensive knowledge of matchmaking backends to the point that you can conclusively state within a degree of certainty that Riot uses engagement based matchmaking?
@robertg420 26 күн бұрын
@@delvegameguides Leagues matchmaking algorithm is proprietary and not available for public review. Any statement observation or inference would technically be speculation, I suppose
@kostasbudginas6852 26 күн бұрын
after wathcing this video i went on a 7 game winstreak
@snm8183 28 күн бұрын
but then why streamers can climb from unranked to challenger with insanely high WR?
@realmimak 28 күн бұрын
skill issue
@vroomzoom4206 28 күн бұрын
Cause they are good
@Miles168 28 күн бұрын
Because they're Challenger players playing at a Challenger level consistently in lower skill brackets. Obviously they're going to blow their competition out of the water and perform at such a high level that they overpower the variance introduced by the 9 other players in the game who are playing far below a Challenger level The fact that a Challenger player can climb with an unranked account with a high winrate is just more evidence that League of Legends is a skill based game and that your individual performance can drastically impact the outcome of the game
@Kalsimir 28 күн бұрын
I mean he explains why pretty well in this video, if you perform well you get better win streaks
@SaSo-mk6yh 28 күн бұрын
Riot accounts.
@leaguefixesyourmatches8259 28 күн бұрын
Hilarious. The whole world is filled with EOMM and this man still tries to deny. Every popular game uses EOMM but RIOT doesn't? ok......
@FlawleZ31 28 күн бұрын
What's eomm?
@leaguefixesyourmatches8259 28 күн бұрын
@@FlawleZ31 forced loser's queue/rigging
@MrEccentricities 28 күн бұрын
to put it simple it's are you winning well let's make you lose so you can keep playing are you losing well to make you win so you can keep playing
@MrEccentricities 28 күн бұрын
These videos are insane I don't know why people posted not just this person but all of them if there are people who are consistently reaching the highest rank and not only that but 1000 more LP in the second highest person then you can't be complaining about some fake system that doesn't exist like literally just skill issue LOL
@vagabondeu5 28 күн бұрын
​@@FlawleZ31It's a system designed to make sure you don't get too bored of the game, to keep you constantly chasing that carrot on the stick
@octag8nn 27 күн бұрын
I’m losing because I’m 🗑️.
@BaxKaTie 28 күн бұрын
you look a bit like David Corenswet, might as well be the Superman of league
@demonderpz7937 28 күн бұрын
It feels like I am always on a losing streak
@mathi2894 28 күн бұрын
Yeah it's easier to see the negative moments over the positives because anger is a much stronger emmotion
@wc7779 22 күн бұрын
the elo slingshot 😏
@Crogge-rp7kh 28 күн бұрын
is the EOMM system, trying to send you back to 50% winrate, look in which team the worst player in the game is 😉
@DKwildrift 27 күн бұрын
Wish this was all true for wild rift.
@realmimak 28 күн бұрын
.006 = .6%
@JetLagRecords 28 күн бұрын
BenTbeyondrepair, nice content dude
@Miles168 28 күн бұрын
Genuine question to the copers who believe Riot is determining the outcome of their games through matchmaking: why do you still play? Like if you genuinely believe that the ranked ladder isn't a meritocracy and that Riot is grabbing bad players from some pool of designated losers like pawns to keep you from climbing, why would you still try to climb? Like if I joined a bowling league and then found out that one of the owners of the league would run out into the lane and push the ball into the gutter to keep my scores at a skill level below my actual skill level, I would not continue to bowl in that league
@spidermanlift4527 28 күн бұрын
my winrate ranges from 20% to 90% depending on the day, most inconsistant player here
@lobobanguela6349 28 күн бұрын
50% winrate. That is killing the online competitive gaming. Even long time Dota players are complaining about this.
@sdoifjj 28 күн бұрын
ermmmm... How do you think it should work?..
@BroBdoubleE 28 күн бұрын
Agreed... it should be random based on your visible rank. Instead of using a hidden rank metric... I've seen emerald jg take dorans item... I viewed a masters friend and they had 2wins and 18losses... mean while I'm in low elo try harding on an account with 10k+ games hard stuck... just trying to get gold for victorious skin.
@bshell1731 28 күн бұрын
This comment doesn't make any sense.
@Miles168 28 күн бұрын
Fun fact: if you took the average win rate of all players it would be 50% (technically slightly lower because in a game where someone afked but their team still won there would be 6 losers and 4 winners) How is a 50% win rate a problem? If your winrate is 50% that means you're playing at the rank you deserve to be at, meaning the system is working as intended. Would you prefer it if Riot didn't implement skill based matchmaking and instead just grabbed 10 random players for every match?
@coolbrotherf127 28 күн бұрын
Ranked is there to give people other people of their same skill level for fair games. No one deserves to climb unless they are better on average than the other people in their games. If someone doesn't improve at all and plays exactly the same every day, then they'll hold 50%. It's just how math works, and not specific to video games. It works in other games like chess.
@MrEccentricities 28 күн бұрын
This is the first video of yours i've seen where you spoke reason and didn't speak to some crazy systems screwing you over keeping you hard and stuff which is why your comments are crazy right now LOL your videos usually sound like it's not your fault your heart stuck
@BroBdoubleE 28 күн бұрын
Im in iron, i play adc, and it's very noticeable when other players under perform in my team. It actively makes the game harder due to forced plays and bad fights.
@MrEccentricities 28 күн бұрын
You need to get better at the game to get better teaming you're at the bottom of the barrel if you can't win those games I don't know what to tell you chief Those games literally gone lower than 30 minutes 90% of the time I don't understand how anyone could be an art even if they did suck you always get to have full build
@Miles168 28 күн бұрын
Is it noticeable when your enemies under perform? Is it noticeable when you yourself under perform? You're all in Iron for a reason. Focus on your own mistakes as they're the only ones you can control and identifying them and addressing them is how you grow as a player
@96Logan 28 күн бұрын
@@Miles168 100%. The most reliable person in the game is yourself. You can't puppet your allies into doing everything you want. You can suggest things with chat and pings, but that doesn't mean they will do it, just like you shouldn't always agree with what your allies are pinging/typing. If you start blaming your random teammates, you can turn yourself into a tilt tornado. Stop pointing the finger at a person you probably will never see again. Get introspective and focus on your own improvement goals like wave states, last hitting, item spikes, efficient recalls, tempo, threat assessment, ect. Find your pit falls and flaws, acknowledge them, and fix them. Like they tell you in school, "Eyes on your own paper."
28 күн бұрын
Loosing streaks and winning streaks are simple Riot keepin their players to 50% WR so you can keep playing more and more and more
@HappyArchipelago 28 күн бұрын
I think it would be nice if you focused on intellectually deeper concepts, rather than self evident videos about league conspiracy theories. For example - how to actually train reflexes and micro efficiently when you play a champ and role that may only participate in 3 meaningful team fights per 45 min game.
@AdditiveOutlier 28 күн бұрын
my brother in Christ, have you seen the other comments
@karthusaddict 28 күн бұрын
@bshell1731 28 күн бұрын
Training reflexes and micro isn't intellectually deep.
@thomasmitchell7815 27 күн бұрын
If youre newer to league, like 5 years or less im going to save you alot of time speculating. League employs engagement based matchmaking. You get amoeba as team mates after winning 10 in a row because riot is trying to mmr fix you. Youre mmr and performance dont match and theyre trying to settle you back to a mid point. They also want to drag the experience of climbing out so you keep playing. We used to have promo games. Which is where you had to win 3 out 5 or 2 out of 3 to promote between tiers and divisions. Anyone who around back then will tell you how potatoe your team would be in those series. Youd be playing with people who were in their placement matches still, riot didnt give a fuck. They later admitted something to the affect of trying to create memorable moments in your "league of legends career". Although they have vehemently denied engagment based matchmaking its is hilariously obvious to anyone whos been around this game long enough to actually improve and climb over time that matchmaking is designed to keep you in a range. If you lose too much youll accumlate free wins, if you win too much get ready to play with 3 guys in a chat restriction who have a 38% win rate and a guy who just sat through 30 min low priority queue for rage quitting his last 5 games and hes lost 19 of his last 20
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