@GregoryGilmore-u1b 2 күн бұрын
You guys completely missed the point.
@user-dm8jl7kr6z 3 күн бұрын
Nobody cares of Mozart's
@EVERYDAYGames00 7 күн бұрын
This isn't a movie reaction just shut up
@JaseFace1985 7 күн бұрын
I have to say, this was a really frustrating and disappointing reaction, especially from teachers. Yes it's over dramatised, but it just came across like two sarcastic teachers, who've not really had to deal with extremely tough kids/schools sitting and bitching over a beer. Hardly any attempt to empathise or understand what the kids needed. Yes, he wasn't perfect and his methods were far from ideal. But it was it was of its time in the 80's and it took steps one at a time, like having a sense of belonging, etc. The bit after he praised the change in the school song and you called it Stockholm syndrome and said he was like a terrorist really annoyed me. There was a change, the kids didn't believe in themselves, like no one cared for them, expected anything of themselves. He stood up to those others were not, showed them what was acceptable. Tbh, I think this reaction just made teachers come across badly.
@Dylvente 7 күн бұрын
I agree with you that he did some things wrong, very wrong, but I would like you to have acknowledged the way he learned from his mistakes, like he did after the vice principal confronted him and when he admitted that Mr. Darnell was right in saying he shouldn't have fired him. I would also consider the context. Business as usual wasn't working, and changing it was going to take not just a lot of hard work but also a lot of risk. I'd love to see someone who could come in and make transformative change while also being empathetic and sensitive and meeting everyone's needs all the way, but if we found such a person I'm not sure we could replicate that very much. I am a high school teacher, and we have choices, so if I found a principal like that offensive or abusive, I could leave and probably find a position at another school. (And I would think carefully before I did--plenty of schools have kinder, gentler administrations who can't keep order, and people end up suffering at least as much as the people who suffered at Clark's hands.) The children don't have that choice. Most of what Clark did that was wrong was against the teachers. To the extent that the film is accurate, most of what he did for the students was positive.
@nikolatesla5553 8 күн бұрын
I was intrigued by teachers reacting to a film about teaching. But you two made this a non-stop gabfest. There wasn't a moment in the movie that you two weren't laughing and talking over the film. Your good nature is appealing if it didn’t overwhelm the movie.
@arthurdent1045 10 күн бұрын
one of the most revolutionary and brilliant teachers of all time... if you do not understand this and give it respect.... I suggest you Quit NOW... you are obviously a very poor teacher.... Ignorant. foolish. incompetent. do the children a favour and find a new profession
@ScorpioSaurus-Rex 10 күн бұрын
Click the video and remembered who they were. These folks came across my TL for lean on me and pissed me off during that video. They are very Culturally ignorant and talk over the movie missing key points while being cynical. I need king Leopold’s grandkids to stick to the rivers and lakes that they’re used too
@zalaathrun20 11 күн бұрын
That song and movie (To Sir With Love) has had as very special place in my life, while I’m not a teacher, both my parents are, and one of them even ended up being my teacher on 3rd, 5th and 6th grade, so I think a had a special privilege to see first hand how hard a teacher job can be a times, (from both sides of the curtain), and the impact and difference a person in that position can make on a kid or teen when both sides meet on common ground.
@zalaathrun20 11 күн бұрын
The flick is very similar to movies like “Dangerous Minds” and “Stand & Deliver”, with that history of troubled kids that are given and opportunity that were never before until meeting a new teacher that even though while with problems get to them at first both sides start to grow closer to each other, by respecting both ways, and talk down to the kids without putting them down, but being honest with them making them realized no matter how they are in the school the real world is gonna hit them hard and to the ground if they do not get ready better themselves. Like in Sister Act II (a similar movie to these ones) “If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention.”
@angellovely1914 16 күн бұрын
i have watched this movie dozens of times and never thought of it as any type of harassment. as a female, i think that harassment shit is going bit too far. theres a difference between harassing and flirting/shooting (your) shot. and usually with REAL harassment, you can tell the women is uncomfortable which you dont see from her at all during this entirety of this film . but yeah the American school system here sucks to hell n back. outside of academics schools only care about sports. the music and arts programs are also the first to get budget cuts/gotten rid of. i honestly loved the lesson with the diagram. he was engaging the students and using analogies that they could understand better. he even got the quiet kid to actually participate. i loved when my teachers had an interactive lesson, even if i always had difficulties with the subject and dreaded the class, if they made the lesson fun to learn, it was easier to grasp finally, there was a lot of talking over certain scenes that were important to understand the progression of the plot points.
@iluvrolaz 18 күн бұрын
Ok, glad i read the comments early on, to find out if the incessant talkin was gonna be throughout the entire "reaction", which, can it even be called a reaction if youre too busy stroking each others egos n what ever else, to even pay attention to the movie in the first place??? EPIC FAIL. People dont come to reactions to watch people who refuse to even actually watch the video, shit on it the whole way thru... the irony of two self proclaimed teachers epicly failing at simply watching n reacting to a movie about students in a school being taught n helped to turn their lives around, is just off the charts absurdity on a whole other level!!!! If youre not even gonna bother to try to be decent at something, why even bother at all??? I sincerely hope your horrible attitudes n dismissal of literally every student, teacher, moment, isnt how you go about in your schools with your students... this world n its kids do NOT need more teachers like yall, phoning it in, doin the bare minimum to collect checks... they need more like the nuns/teachers in this movie, pouring their hearts n souls into their students!!! Do better, guys, geez...
@iluvrolaz 18 күн бұрын
Ok im 5.5 minutes in n SERIOUSLY hoping yall dont talk this dang much the whole way thru!! Whats the point of watching a movie youre not even paying attention to n are missing so much of???
@shantellvialva1972 19 күн бұрын
this wasnt a reaction it was talk
@Alphasnowbordergirl 20 күн бұрын
My mom went to a school like this. A catholic private school and taught by nuns. It was better and usually safer than the public schools in the urban areas.
@Paritan164 21 күн бұрын
So happy I read the comments before watching. Thumbs down, moving on.
@splockhart 22 күн бұрын
I like your reaction but you guys were talking through very crucial conversations to help you better understand the perspective of someone from that community and why his methods needed to be severe
@guidoeuler6719 22 күн бұрын
its a good remark, "you are not the psychologist", thing is most of the kids worldwide dont have acces to such, what you do then as a teacher, in a situation, where you know if you dont take responsibility, nobody does?
@eileentaylor1691 22 күн бұрын
too much talking and not enough listening...... you know thats what you tell your students!!!!!
@ede91311 23 күн бұрын
Too much side conversations n missed the turning point of the movie w the fight scene
@SSJ2Phenom 25 күн бұрын
Good grief, watching your reaction was unbearable. You quite literally ignored or apoke through the most important parts of the movie. I guess qe now understand why your take at the end was so horrible.
@JP-vy7ez 28 күн бұрын
These two guys wouldn’t have lasted one week in my school lol. They weren’t comfortable discussing the fight scene lol
@lancescott7889 Ай бұрын
This reaction was not it
@davidjohnston351 Ай бұрын
I think if y'all would shut up and watch the whole movie you will catch a whole different meaning of the movie
@demetriahenderson1554 Ай бұрын
To much talking
@RawTimee Ай бұрын
I never had a teacher like this but i did have a teacher who actually taught us stuff. He would tell stories about how the school sucks and how some of the teachers he hates and he was REAL. Sooo real. But he also taught us that these things lead into real world situations and problems. We did homework but most of the class was him talking to us about LIFE. Not just whatever the school wanted us to know. He was the best teacher i ever had and we need a teacher like that in ever school.
@TheShadow8771 Ай бұрын
My absolute favorite kevin James movie hands down i watch it all the time
@vickyzamor6009 Ай бұрын
If you guys want to know what HNIC means, it means the ''Head Ni**er In Charge''. Used when describing you're boss's boss. Or some other ridiculously important person.
@cy2027 Ай бұрын
This was a horrible reaction. Seriously like watching two jackasses trying to outdick one another. Yikes.
@marklensinger4273 Ай бұрын
Overlays and transparent video of what u are reacting to prevents me from seeing what you are reacting to .... no one else does that unless u afraid of copyrights which other reveiwers dont do ... or blurred out video ... or teeny tiny sceen of video that I cannot see in full ...horrible review... i was out in 10 seconds ... why even bother ? do better next time.
@churchhillchick3895 Ай бұрын
This was the worst reaction I’ve ever seen. Way too much talking about absolutely nothing, you watched to make dad jokes instead of for entertainment & acted like y’all didn’t know it’s a movie- we ALL know it’s a movie set 🤦🏾‍♀️ I wish I could take my view back 🥴
@MisterR82 Ай бұрын
Too much talking through this movie…. Not the best review
@ProkNo5 Ай бұрын
OMG you two clearly don't know much about schools in the US. 1) Teachers can absolutely kick students out and do it all the time. 2) there are massive areas in cities across the country where there aren't public schools and private parochial schools fill those deserts. 3) they're always changing the curriculum in US districts and it really does seem like there's "new math" being taught every five years. 4) Many Catholic schools require nuns and habits, but its different everywhere. The four Catholic high schools in my city were VERY different. My school didn't have those requirements, but we did have the weird stuff that you two seem to think only exist in sets. We had our music room in a former gym located on the sixth level of our school. There were classrooms buried in the basement with no finishes like that, and we had weird ramps all over because half of our building was four levels and built in a different area where the ceiling heights were different so every hallway had random steps and ramps in the middle. Also, we had those newspaper boxes on our streets until 2010. This movie wasn't supposed to be realistic, it was supposed to be fun...but it was far more realistic that the two of you seem to think.
@iosgaming2824 2 ай бұрын
7:04 you calling her the overly enthusiastic/ probably mental teacher was so relatable to me because at every job I’ve worked where I guessed that person was on medication whether it was prescribed or not they were lol
@highschoolhockeyminnesota 2 ай бұрын
I teach in Korea. Girls have been wearing rollers in their bangs a lot recently. Not sure who gave them the okay.
@fire12wife 2 ай бұрын
I have an aunt that's a Catholic nun! She's been a 3rd-grade teacher for nearly 50 years! She has worked extremely hard all of these years and deserves more respect than what the two of you were dishing out! Not all Catholic schools have teachers who aren't nuns. It depends on the convent and the church. I really didn't appreciate the two of you rattling off insults, especially about nuns, when you really had no idea what you were talking about! I, myself am a musician and singer and have 7 relatives that are music teachers of all different grades and ages. It's not a job, it's a passion. I didn't see any evidence of that with you two. I feel sorry for your students who miss out on having a teacher who cares about them and their education. You didn't pay enough attention to the movie to even know what you were making fun of! Your reaction is the worst I've ever seen! You won't be getting any other views from me!
@phoenixrising8231 2 ай бұрын
Either watch & react to the movie or don't. People aren't interested in your side chatter.
@NightStalker63 2 ай бұрын
Hard to react when they don't even pay attention.
@glazanis24 2 ай бұрын
Wow you two are soft
@benchase5797 2 ай бұрын
Yall are soft as charmin lol the trainer is Bas Rutten, he’s a legend in mma and all but 3 of the guys he fought are real fighters
@KimberlysCreative 2 ай бұрын
Her name is Glenne Headly
@MathGPT 2 ай бұрын
In the US, it’s become quite common (especially in charter schools) for the principal to spend almost the entire day going between classrooms offering support
@FlamesCagney 2 ай бұрын
Who cares if the administrators checked his ID. Stop picking it apart and enjoy the ride. Maybe next time a few less cold ones before the recording the video.
@taylorhenderson7674 2 ай бұрын
Damn… Sister Act just resurface because it’s anniversary. The algorithm lead me to this …. Judging by old comment I’ll just head out before I get pissed off. 😇😂😂
@katieflennery7662 2 ай бұрын
Louann Johnson was a real teacher and this movie is based on her books about teaching.
@MysticNic 3 ай бұрын
Hey fyi y’all are getting slammed in these comments idk if you saw
This reaction was to cringe...
@nikkos34 3 ай бұрын
Stop talking that much it's annooooying !
@artbylisa1031 3 ай бұрын
Clicked off halfway 😬
@justfornow9652 3 ай бұрын
Worst reaction I have ever seen; I couldn't watch the whole video. I've never seen anyone criticize literally every line and movement of a movie. Also, these guys are very uncomfortable with heart felt and emotional scenes. They either skip through the emotional scenes or laugh. I wonder how they are in their relationships.
@JennHayden 3 ай бұрын
As the previous person said, this is why you read the comments first. the recent sister act 2 reunion on the view has brought this movie back to the forefront. it's unfortunate it led me to you. 28 seconds of this was too much.