So The Rest May Stand In Fear
9 сағат бұрын
Boomers & The Fifth Commandment
14 күн бұрын
Jesus Chooses Blue-Collar Men
14 күн бұрын
Abolitionism & Donald Trump
@dm3949 4 сағат бұрын
3 men sitting around in suits, bashing people, Mike Pence? Really? When there are many words, transgression and offense are unavoidable, But he who controls his lips and keeps thoughtful silence is wise.
@dm3949 4 сағат бұрын
Are you Divine Deterministic Calvinists? If so….This was decreed? Right?
@Bullseyeguy8 5 сағат бұрын
Your title says "Why men fall". Don't they fall because God in His sovereignty ordained that they would?
@tunafish848 5 сағат бұрын
38:20 Matt Walsh speaking in 3rd person
@FabledNarrative 6 сағат бұрын
Why would a Christian want any other religion other than Christ in their society?
@sethsherwood1839 6 сағат бұрын
1:17:06 At first I thought you were going to say “roasted every day by a family of squirrels.” 😂
@RightResponseMinistries 6 сағат бұрын
@@sethsherwood1839 😂
@kayfedrick7985 6 сағат бұрын
Not only did God tell us to go forth and multiply, He also said He's the One who opens and closes the womb.
@kimberlysuzanfletcher3920 7 сағат бұрын
What about Golda Mier and Deborah?
@abhijeetwilliams3225 8 сағат бұрын
First of all... As a pastor you should be humble in front and off front of audience. Pastors shouldn't crossleg anywhere. So had to say so said. Sitting in crossed legged position is not very humble remember people are watching you even if they aren't El ELYON is still watching. And yes from where you got all these luxury? Come on you are a pastor not a commercialist, have you ever tried to understand the condition of those coming in your church? Are they getting the least of the nutrition? GOD gave you a congregation to look after but you are sitting crossleg with luxury tuxedo and all. That's not from GOD.
@tunafish848 9 сағат бұрын
Pangea? Genesis 1:9-10 (KJV) And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 10:25, 31-32 (KJV) And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan. These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. H6389 Peleg The same as peleg; earthquake; Peleg, a son of Shem -- Peleg H6385 Palag to split, divide
@yeshua64 9 сағат бұрын
Y'all need to invite Nick Fuentes.
@R.A.M.1976 11 сағат бұрын
It is also plausible that Jesus preached the gospel to all who never had the chance to hear the gospel during Jesus’s lifetime. That every human being who died before Christ was also given the chance to believe and for redemption. The same as why we also believe that the end will not come until the good news is preached and heard throughout the entire world so that everyone. Every human being has the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel. Just my humble opinion.
@R.A.M.1976 11 сағат бұрын
You also can’t discount the persuasiveness of Satan. Take for example Germany after World War I they were utterly destroyed and they still said hey let’s try it again.
@R.A.M.1976 11 сағат бұрын
You also can’t discount the persuasiveness of Satan. Take for example Germany after World War I they were utterly destroyed and they still said hey let’s try it again.
@Soulja4ChristWeAreAtWar 12 сағат бұрын
One thing i noticed a whole ago is that "AS" in the verse "Satan prowls around AS a roaring lion". In other words, the text never starts that Satan IS a lion, rather that he lies in his roaring and pretends to be a lion. For Only Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Sarah is a copy"cat" liar.
@crackedbrainOG 13 сағат бұрын
The main thing that I see with this belief is you have to add to the Bible by saying it means “spiritual”. Instead of taking it as it is. I’m new to learning about this belief but already to me it’s not making sense.
@Nameless72122 15 сағат бұрын
Never dye your hair blue in that church woman. 😂😂😂 Thanks for the message though pastor.
@neiljoseph2330 15 сағат бұрын
It is best to learn from people who know what they are saying. If you believe that those in Israel are not real Jews then you DO NOT understand the Bible. You also don't understand the ways of God. God would not have allowed a nation to be called Israel who are not. Also, God put prophecy clues and passages in the Bible to PROVE prophecy fulfilled. Here is an example of MANY that could be given...... If you take the year that they were punished after defying King Cyrus in 538BC and you take the number of years God said he woud banish them from the land (430 yrs), take their remaining years of judgement after spending 70 years in captivity (360 yrs) and then multiply by 7 as promised in Leviticus for a harsher punishment you get 2520 years. Add it to the 538BC. When you adjust that for the 360 day calendar you get the year 1948. You can actually calculate the year Israel was going to be restored. There are MANY prophecies in the Bible about Israels regathering. For example, In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit. - Isaiah 27:6 Israel is the 7th largest exporter of fruit in the WHOLE WORLD. Just as the prophecy said. There are entire books on this subject by the way so there is MUCH MUCH MUCH more. I suggest that you seek the truth on this subject. Those who curese Israel will be cursed and you will not know in what way you are cursed. That is the danger.... Joel 3:2 speaks a prophecy about God judging the nations for dividing the land. Sadly most Christians sit in churches that don't teach Bible prophecy. If you teach that Israel is not the real Israel you have NO BUSINESS speaking on this matter and will only be cursed to Hell for leading people astray. There are TONS and TONS of Bible passages that prove the people in the land to be true Israel including the fact that Israel has to be back in the land for the End Times.
@quix66hiya22 17 сағат бұрын
Best result, Europeans would’ve stayed at home, didn’t colonized the world, didn’t enslave Africans and kidnapped people to the US, the Caribbean and South America. Voila, no diversity!
@seekaloft 19 сағат бұрын
God is not a Democrat nor Republican. The good news is not Gospel + political affiliation. As a Christian you can vote Democrat with a clear conscience. Democrats are pro-choice (and not pro-abortion) just like God because God does not force morality on people but instead honors people's choices (independent of whether the choices are right or wrong). On the other hand, many can't see how Christians can be Republicans who support a convicted sexual predator and pathological liar who is totally opposite of Christ whom they profess to serve. Some say that God can use an evil leader but the Old Testament shows that after God uses the evil leader he punishes and even destroys the evil leader and followers. The bible does say who you should vote for. You should vote for someone who will give you a "tranquil and quiet life full of godliness and dignity". (1Tim 2:1-2) Who can that be? It is someone who is the most Christ-like. Why? Because integrity and character matters (by their fruits you shall know them) and policies don't matter as much because most candidates once elected don't follow their party, platform, and promised policies.
@TheContemporaryCrusader 22 сағат бұрын
It is unbelievably frustrating that what is being said is remotely controversial. The window is certainly shifting but it'll be a tough road to get these ideals back to being common place again but by God's grace it will happen! God bless you both. 🤙🏻🤙🏻
@SKySWiM 22 сағат бұрын
I used to think that when Jesus said that angels don't marry, that this means that they CANNOT have sexual relations. Humans time and time again prove that they can have sex outside of marriage. We certainly have little to no understanding of the angelic realm, and interestingly enough, the angels seem to have a significant amount of difficulty understanding humans, such as what salvation is, something they seem to want to look into, according to the Scriptures. I used to think demons were simply fallen angels. But angels don't seem to have the need/desire to be indwelling in a living thing, human or animal. There are definite differences in characteristics between demons and angels. As a former occultist, I KNOW what it is like to be demon-possessed, or should I say, when I felt them leave my body upon the moment I believed in Christ as my Savior. I only once KNOWINGLY dealt with an angel. Long story short, back in college, I was in the process of being guilted into being a overly-helpful "friend" to a rather handicapped person, and this strange person (who seemed very odd at the time, too perfect hair, had an unworldly calm about him) got in-between me and this person. When he finally got the FULL attention of this handicapped person off of me and onto me, he said to me, "get out of here kid. I got you out of ANOTHER mess." I felt kind of offended, wondering who this person thought he was. I was carpooling home with a fellow Christian friend, telling him the story. He said he thought I met my guardian angel. It kind of made sense. And in hindsight, I think the helpful guy was actually talking to the other person, and while still talking to her, looked at me, and TELEPATHICALLY said what he said to me! I have a few other angelic-related stories, but that is the only time I was mostly sure I SAW the angel, and at least to some degree, dealt with him. I of course have NO idea how angels procreated with human women. But if you take Scriptures literally as much as I do, the angelic/demonic realm has LOTS of power. My "reformed" church does not believe they have such power, such as procreation, or even working through the Egyptian magicians to match the first couple of plagues supernaturally of Moses.
@troycarpenter3675 23 сағат бұрын
Arminianism and Calvinism are both heretical in my opinion. But again, everyone thinks they’re right.
@ronaldtrask3444 Күн бұрын
Either be governed by God or by God you will be Governed......We are in the find out portion of that cycle.
@pczrvp Күн бұрын
By episode 10 do you pronounce occult properly?
@RevolutionarySeth Күн бұрын
Outstanding episode. I live in Idaho and we have a lot of Mormons here. Can't wait to have my wife listen to this.
@RightResponseMinistries Күн бұрын
@@RevolutionarySeth thanks!
@KNYHT.FIRE-1 Күн бұрын
I wish they wouldnt talk over each other. Frustrating... but this video is fascinating!
@MrBattlestar10 Күн бұрын
Multicultural nations aren’t new. The Austria Hungarian empire, the Persian empire, the Muslim caliphates, Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Russian empire. Each of these at times persecuted ethnic and religious groups within them of course. But these nations weren’t mono cultural, religious, linguistic, or ethnic.
@genovayork2468 Күн бұрын
Christianity isn't 6000 years old, boso.😂🤣
@yerkodifonis3019 Күн бұрын
Yes, the Bible does prescribe at least the general characteristics of a form of government, and it is not necessarily a republic. It could be a representative republic with the right kind of people, but it could also be a representative monarchy. That is what they had with Moses and Joshua, that is what they were meant to have under David, and that is what the West had in the Middle Ages, for example. Moses and Joshua had essentially the authority of kings under God; they were not elected presidents who served for a certain numbers of years.
@joetamburro1958 Күн бұрын
Wonderfully put
@CoffeeCoffeeCoffee86 Күн бұрын
Stop the conferences and parchurch ministries. Stay in the local church because you will be held accountable.
@pigdaddy95 Күн бұрын
Anyone!!! Point to one single instance of an implementation of diversity that yielded EVEN THE SLIGHTEST positive results for the city/town/state that was victimized by the implementation.
@aallen5256 9 сағат бұрын
Think about what a terrible selection of takeaway / restaurants there’d be without diversity ! Also, music.
@pigdaddy95 8 сағат бұрын
@@aallen5256 having an option of grabbing some steamed dumplings, falafel, tamales or jambalaya while listening to the latest version of an R&B classic performed by a cross dressing Lebanese reggae death metal marching band has nothing to do with cultural diversity. You can't dump one group of ideologies in the laps of other ideologies and not expect conflict. People are instinctively tribal. Tribes can exist as neighbors and always have. It's that overlap. Whether or not the overlap is brought on by force/disaster/government policy, it never garners anything that positively ADDS to the advancement of the community that serves as host. Oil and water do not mix. It just makes a mess. Things are better today than they were but we'll never be as well off as we think we ought to be. We are only human.
@aallen5256 8 сағат бұрын
@@pigdaddy95 the overlap between cultures lead to rock and roll ! And the availability, indeed even the fact you can name those foods, is also a direct result of cultural diversity.
@pigdaddy95 5 сағат бұрын
@@aallen5256 brother everything that you are referencing is the product of very few people of different cultures creating a ontrolled environment to produce/provide something relatively superficial. If multiculturalism is so fantastic then why do people NATURALLY flock together in communities with other people who look, at, eat, worship and play like they do?
@patrickc3419 4 сағат бұрын
I don’t think I follow…the word diversity can mean different things to different people. What specific type(s) of diversity negatively impacts the city/town/city of which you speak? If you infer to feminism, wokeism, socialism; yes, those are all destructive, damaging and unbiblical.
@paulb7974 Күн бұрын
Marking 1:18:15 for myself
@dietlindvonhohenwald448 Күн бұрын
For anybody who says multi cultural is so great, try living and working with ppl of vastly different habits and ideas of cleanliness, noise level, punctuality, accountability etc. 😖 Try living next to ppl who are in and out all hours of day and night right next door, gathering in large groups, fighting and arguing loudly, drop trash right where they live, throw full trash bags off balconies, 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t wipe down counters and equipment at work that everyone used, have vastly different ideas of cleanliness and order in shared workplaces and try to work efficiently in the middle of chaos. I’ve been there and things got so bad, the company had to bring in professionals from the outside to take control and try to fix a completely broken and festering system.
@johnnyteekell1348 Күн бұрын
Brother, reformed bap are merely 3 point Calvinist and not 5.
@timeisshortpeople411 Күн бұрын
You guys talk like you're almost believers in God in the Bible yet all your theories are based on a globe... The earth is not a globe in the Bible tells us as much. If you don't believe every word in the King James Bible then you're not a Christian... If you're not a Christian then you're not a believer in God. He who has the sun has the Father but he who has not the son also has not the father
@kellb9283 Күн бұрын
I heard this guy talking with Mike Winger about theonomy. He is basically pedaling the Christian version of Sharia law. His Calvinsim is extreme and just as heretical. I have heard both of these guys in other videos before, so don't @ me like I don't know what they are talking about and what's really going on. So far, I have found no church that is perfect and no doctrine infallible. Why? Because man has done what man does best, corrupted the holy. I see nothing but the Pharisees and Sadducees when I look at church leaders across the board. From right wing Evangelicals, to woke New Age inspired Christianity to Catholicism and Orthodoxy. WWJD? Start flipping tables.
@shirleyparks3086 Күн бұрын
Happened upon this ministry this morning and so glad I did! Truth and fresh air listening to this conversation!
@shirleyparks3086 Күн бұрын
BTW I am the 13%
@RightResponseMinistries Күн бұрын
@@shirleyparks3086 welcome!
@Jo-anna-Q Күн бұрын
What a great sermon. Praise God for giving Pastor Joel the courage to preach the Truth we all need to hear
@TheChristPillFlock Күн бұрын
Cant wait for this guy to become Orthodox. Protestantism is the reason we are where we are in society.
@manuelpitman Күн бұрын
I recently called Michael Spangler to repentance for his kinisim. He said his was a friend of Mr. Wolfe. Is this true? Does Wolfe hold to this?
@mariekatherine5238 Күн бұрын
No, Roman Catholics don’t believe the Nephilim were possessed souls.
@chaddonal4331 Күн бұрын
There are SO MANY problems (biblical interpretation, research, and cultural examples) here that vastly overwhelm the moments of good insight. When he describes bears as both fierce and unable to nurture children - as if all bears are male! As if mother bears aren’t fierce! As if female bears cannot both fight and nurture - it is clear that he is not only beyond the pale, but that he is completely self-unaware.
@The_Jagerbomb Күн бұрын
There's giants in Greek mythology too.... They had to have got these ideas somewhere 🤔
@chaddonal4331 Күн бұрын
If there is any partial value to Webbon’s over-correction, it is that he has properly re-owned for himself the pre-modern label of “patriarchy” (which sees women as second class and subservient to their honorable men); rather than ruin the better term and category of complementarianism which arose specifically to overcome the problematic abuse and chauvinism within patriarchy. At least he sees the difference. Sadly, he is throwing away all the advantages as he moves backwards.
@rossalynmoore5407 Күн бұрын
The Bible says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. People should be proud of how God made them. If you are Anglo be proud of that but others should be proud of their heritage also. God is no respecter of persons. It doesn't make sense to try to be like someone else.
@CharlesLee-es8jr Күн бұрын
FIRST CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT JOHN JAY! "With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people-a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence." Federalist 2 by John Jay & Publius October 31, 1787
@buddyduddyful Күн бұрын
Multiracialism destroys unity. Culturally assimilating non-whites into Western Civilization is a pipe dream and a waste of brain cells because Western Civilization soley exists within Westernkind.
@keithfuson7694 Күн бұрын
Diversity, pluralism, multiculturalism is evil and destructive to any nation which practices it.