Atheists are TIRED of Us
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"God's Love is All Inclusive"
@2ndGCT Сағат бұрын
A real Christian, you wouldn't have to ask them if they are a real Christian because their life represents Christ. With Beyonce, ask does this look like Jesus. Jesus doesn't give lap dances. We need to pray God give decernment. Some things are obvious and needs no questions. The Bible says run from the seductive woman, all her victims are in Hell, even the path to her house leads to Hell. God gives enough warnings. Take heed.
@2ndGCT Сағат бұрын
Demons that possess people like to manifest themselves at times, so when you see certain costumes being worn that demon wants to reveal itself. Also when you see certain tattoos of demons on people, that is the actual demon placing its stamp, it's branding to say it owns that soul. Pray for them in Jesus name. Denounce any agreement you have with these celebrities and ask God to forgive you for listening to their music, watching their movies. Get rid of anything from them to break free from their influence. Satan promised to bless these celebrities with fame and Satan blesses them even more with wealth and fame by how many souls they lead to Hell. They know they are leading their fans to Hell, that's their agreement with Satan for stardom. Stop allowing these celebrities to drain your life essence. Don't forfeit your soul for entertainment. Their entertainment is endoctrination into Satan worship. Beyonce's fans are members of Beyonce's Church of Satan and she sees herself as high priestess. Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. I pray God free Beyonce's prisoners, for that is what her fans are. Satan takes captives, he only comes to kill steal and destroy and know his celebrity workers come to do the same. They are on a mission from Satan. Jesus comes to set the captives free. Come to Jesus. Be infatuated with Jesus, give him your attention worship and praise. Beyonce never claimed she can save you. Why be dedicated to her false church? Come to the true God the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Father in Heaven through Christ. Time is very short. The clock will soon stop and time will be no more. Chose which side of eternity you want to be on. Forever with Jesus or forever apart from him in torment. I pray anyone reading this comment makes the right decision in choosing Jesus. Beyonce will die some day and stand before Jesus, I pray she repent too.
@sugare71 Сағат бұрын
The best thing I’ve heard someone say is “Being a Christian is not hard, it’s impossible without Christ Jesus.” We have to stop trying to rely on our own strength and understanding and lean on God through His word. 👈🏽 focus on that!!
@user-uv9gh6ol7z 2 сағат бұрын
Priscilla Shirer is Tony Evans’ daughter!!!
@user-uv9gh6ol7z 2 сағат бұрын
It’s the spirit ofJEZEBEL!!! She has seduced and taken these once Godly ministers down!!! Ministers don’t usually step down from ministry unless they’ve been tangled up in ADULTERY!!! Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. God is CLEANING HIS HOUSE and bringing judgment on His ministers!
@linegrant4605 5 сағат бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 SELF RIGHTEOUS, church folks. If God spoke to him to step down 👇 and he obey God's voice, its nobody's business 💯 Obedience is better than sacrifice 💯 he did the right thing or God will expose him public 💯 people get your own affairs and house 🏠 in order instead of focusing on Tony Evans, trying to find out what sin he committed 😮 ALL have SINNED and come short of God's glory 💯 it's a wake up call for the body of Christ to get their acts together 💯 or God will expose them in the open 💯 some Christians still dealing with addictions or demons 👿 within themselves and need to be delivered 💯 some have generational curses that's been in their bloodline for generations and need to be broken 💯 do yourself a self examination first.
@MrTwade2006 5 сағат бұрын
In the attached KZbin video with Preston and Jackie Perry interviewing Dr. Eric Mason, Dr. Mason said there would be a lot of pastors stepping down and exposed in the near future. I saw this video about a week before pastor Evans stepped down. Also, right after that we heard that Robert Morris stepped down too. I’m prayerful for all repentance because we all are sinful. But James 3:1 says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we [who are teachers] will be judged by a higher standard.” So pastors leading any congregation should repent and step down if they are not following the things that are in scripture. God sees all even when we as humans don’t and He will deal with all of us who profess salvation but are not living according to His word. Here’s the link to the KZbin interview.
@lilit384 6 сағат бұрын
A few YT searches into Robert Morris's heretical teachings, like denying Jesus as God, saying those who don’t tithe have demons, and prioritizing spouse over God, will raise questions about he and his family’s close relationship with Dr. Evans. Surely, Dr. Evans knows scripture tells us not to associate or even eat with them! I pray that people’s eyes will be opened.
@greatscott-in5xn 6 сағат бұрын
This appears to be a situation where the elders made him step away- a send sometime ago should have really been addressed back then- so this is something that was ongoing and probably became enough is enough
@alessiajoy2906 6 сағат бұрын
I wonder if its due to PPPloan fraud? Some ministries have been found guilty.
@NewCreationInChrist896 7 сағат бұрын
Repent the Kingdom is near. 1 John 1:9
@NewCreationInChrist896 7 сағат бұрын
Repent the Kingdom is near. 1 John 1:9
@NewCreationInChrist896 7 сағат бұрын
Repent the Kingdom is near. 1 John 1:9
@dwayneford9213 8 сағат бұрын
Sad, we're all called to minister, which is to serve, and we've all fallen short, but where in the scriptures does it say sin and then step down. There are more than pastors in the body of Christ. If you sin, confess your sins one to another, bleed the blood, and get back out there. Your sin and your repentance is now a part of your testimony. So stand up and go testify about Jesus.
@reginadykes7058 8 сағат бұрын
No, I was gonna happen this anything happens to your city your state the other churches are going to join in and let their music department their choir or praise team go to those special vets because now you’re on the hit list now that your church doesn’t believe in all that and you won’t let them get done at the credits. So if they come to audition for music background, singer or drums guitar or whatever and they ask your people who church you go to just by mention your name of your church they could be disqualified, so I hope later on you find out the truth. Later on some people have to do R&B some people have to do rock ‘n’ roll for back up singers before they get into what they really want to do because they need those extra credits so Your name probably on the hit list not to use any of your music department, praise team or choir and they probably sneaking around your back doing the events and when they go on tour what these secular singers is a whole year that they’re gone. And sometimes they pick them up all automatically because of their character and then they want to donate to the church. I had a lot of people donate to a lot to the church after they found out what church I went to, and realize who the pastor was now his destiny helpers is more than he expected because of our characteristic in Christ Jesus, not because of the pastors they are logical degree and what he stands in. So you can really miss a lot of things that is for your people and I hope that you don’t block their blessings in the music department or block. Their blessings for singing behind singers that are not Christians or some of them are Christian and some of them are Muslims and they don’t want to say anything and they’re mostly looking at us to see how we acting and everything else.. so God bless you and thank you so much we’re not They say you’re going to find out the hard way you gonna need those people it’s not about a big crowd it’s about getting life events for ministry and sometimes you need that type of help. Some people have to go back up singers to do gos
@reginadykes7058 8 сағат бұрын
But you was the only one that says something everybody else came up against you because you don’t understand And this is the reason you don’t understand your pastor When it comes down to an event will say like Kobe Bryant’s funeral in Los Angeles California did you know that? Secular music, musicians and artists will ask a church or the community of churches and select people for singing and they go to tryouts or an emergency event they grab those stats are evitable for the singing. And also for BET., or any other kind of awards, you get a life event for that So what’s gonna happen to you Pastor when it’s time for any kind of event, special event, your choir or music department probably not gonna let you know or go ahead and do the event, but will never tell you anything about it because you’re trying to be in control of it . So what happens the magician or music production, or the production, artist, or producer artist, or anything with music movie or entertainment, or the mayor of the city has favor pretty much was going to happen Is your church your music department that in your church are not going to be a part of that event . Because you know what our pastor said, and department . about stop. well she’s going to find out the long way. She’s going to find out the hard way. How do these magicians are supposed to have this life event credit for ministry. and you so worried about your members doing it the right way that is the right way go look at your black history first Ray Charles used to sing R&B music and turn it around and made it to be a gospel song
@reginadykes7058 8 сағат бұрын
And let me also tell you a music production they don’t have the right to write all that stuff. It’s other artist that’s writing that’s music songs it’s not just the artist they buy those copies and write it in the back of the CDs, who wrote it and they sing itso it’s better to pay the person and then you collect the rates from it
@reginadykes7058 8 сағат бұрын
But you’re not saying anything about Ray Charles, I’ll leave the Frank, the commodores, met Motown, white musicians, and singers that were doing the stuff. But for me, I was raped since I was three years old all the way up till I got about 20 . and if any demonic music that’s going to come out of these professional singers, so why the guy created them to draw their talents that’ll make any sense now they’re saying that the God gift talent is only for people that are Christian Christian people so let me ask you a question what do you do for marital sex with your husband do you put on gospel music? No you don’t. I’m not sticking up for anysecular music, but thank God she’s African-American woman thank God she’s a white woman thank God she’s a Indian woman, appreciate that God gave Individuals these gifts of entertainment because nobody never says what goes on behind closed doors. I went to her concert and you know what I’m tell you what the Lord said to me all the hell that you went through since she was a little girl you’d be the first one to acknowledge that the demon spirits are there and they said you should be able to understand what I tell you when you sit there. What the hell Regina so if there’s going to be a portal at least I already know the way of escape because I’ve been through it a man
@reginadykes7058 8 сағат бұрын
But you’re not saying anything about Ray Charles, I’ll leave the Frank, the commodores, met Motown, white musicians, and singers that were doing the stuff. But for me, I was raped since I was three years old all the way up till I got about 20 . and if any demonic music that’s going to come out of these professional singers, so why the guy created them to draw their talents that’ll make any sense now they’re saying that the God gift talent is only for people that are Christian Christian people so let me ask you a question what do you do for marital sex with your husband do you put on gospel music? No you don’t. I’m not sticking up for anysecular music, but thank God she’s African-American woman thank God she’s a white woman thank God she’s a Indian woman, appreciate that God gave Individuals these gifts of entertainment because nobody never says what goes on behind closed doors. I went to her concert and you know what I’m tell you what the Lord said to me all the hell that you went through since she was a little girl you’d be the first one to acknowledge that the demon spirits are there and they said you should be able to understand what I tell you when you sit there. What the hell Regina so if there’s going to be a portal at least I already know the way of escape because I’ve been through it a man
@robertgriffin8572 9 сағат бұрын
Stop with he's not perfect and we come short of the glory of God. Something is wrong with this situation It seems like there's more involved than we know . Church people are programmed or trained by their Leaders to except everything that they say and not use reasoning good common sense. It's God's time now to reveal everything under the sun.
@anitahall3340 10 сағат бұрын
Black ppl need to get a life, I have never seen my dad do thing like this, set up and talk about other men to men, guys we at are lowest
@driggs20 11 сағат бұрын
Wow 😮
@realitycheck4092 11 сағат бұрын
One of the best rappers I ever heard
@luckylibra6131 11 сағат бұрын
The problem is, people keep asking regular people to explain or demonstrate the super hero's powers, go to God himself. It's because those people aren't looking for the truth they're looking to be proven right that God can't possibly exist because their brains can't wrap around that belief, so they keep getting into discussions with believers and believers use scriptures that non believers already don't believe in, so they are just looking for holes in the logic, not open to anything. When all you need to say is if you truly want to know the truth go to the source. God is not people. He is the only one who can demonstrate his true power to a non believer so tell them to humble themselves and give him a real shot without going to him with your preconceived doubts, clear your heart and ask him to show you what you need to see to believe. Because if you are just arguing just to be right, what's the point? you're not interested in being saved you just want to prove you cannot be. Your salvation is between you and God and if you really cared to know you would ask him yourself. Basically I can tell you that stars exist all day but it means nothing if you never turn your own neck to look up at them.- ME
@user-ul4du7gl3i 11 сағат бұрын
Every event that the elites have is a rituals witches and warlocks some times sacrifices from the darkness.
@diacatx 12 сағат бұрын
‭2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV‬ [11] lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Praise to the MOST HIGH for HIS divine gifts of deliverance, redemption, and repentance from celebrity worship and all matters of sin through the life death and resurrection of my Mashiach Yeshua. (The world calls Him Jesus Christ) HE my everything!
@cnote3580 12 сағат бұрын
What's the name of the song tho?
@bruciehibma6498 13 сағат бұрын
I am so glad you have the heart of God in your conversation that the word is preeminent in your conversation. I believe God has a plan for this land and He will give us a way out. We listen to God and always act on his direction.
@elyseking7419 13 сағат бұрын
What’s funny to me is everyone thinks he owes them an explanation, we are not GOD and will not stand before GOD with him so as believers pray for him and stop being nosey it’s none of our business NONE!
@ivraporter6940 13 сағат бұрын
My first reaction was WOW, if the sin happened some years ago WHY come fort NOW with the sin??? WHY didn't he come fort after he had commented the sin?????????
@user-my6qh1hj2b 13 сағат бұрын
Guys. No offense. But beyonce herself said she is not christian but more spiritual. Spirituslity is no religion. It encompasses everything. god as the universal source still exists as all cosmic laws do. Of course then it is not christian, and yes witchcraft (there are different ones) is esoteric as well. But to idolize sm is everyones own responsibility or not to do that. I also recognised all the evolution and the way she kind of naturally lets all energy flow through her But truth is everything in this world is dual and we all are multidimensional spiritual beings no matter what religion. That is simply true and science backs up what yogis knew thousands of years ago. Using witchcraft is nor necessarily bad. But of course beyonce also has a dark side, but truly we all have this. But i really dont think she is completely evil.
@Joankc119 13 сағат бұрын
I need Jesus like air…that’s good!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@Joankc119 14 сағат бұрын
Tony Evans elders advised him to step down, it wasn’t his decision 😮😮
@CoderDiva17821 14 сағат бұрын
I’m glad you woke up! Jamal has been a crazy immoral heretic
@jeffreygrogers5826 15 сағат бұрын
BE a student of THE BOOK and the SPIRIT
@soldiernumber14 15 сағат бұрын
Nope to Kendrick, Starts with repentance and confession. Then the actions follow.
@mariawilliams558 15 сағат бұрын
I, too, could hear the anxiety in her voice, and I also could hear her plea for answers. Also, I believe the people she sought questions from did not have the answers she needed. We need people trained in Apolegitcs in our churches. I also believe that because God is the reader of man's heart He knows that she really doesn't believe what she is saying. Let's all pray she gets the answers she needs or the faith that is needed to simply Trust the creator of us ALL!!!
@Rosefromtheconcrete 16 сағат бұрын
Psalm 32:7 you have to test the spirit cursed songs and blessed songs are real
@leslieblackmon6379 17 сағат бұрын
Speak the Truth! Cry loud and spare not! “My people are destroyed because of their lack of knowledge.”
@REVELATION1412 17 сағат бұрын
Peoples keep saying it doesn’t matter what he did but if and I do say IF, you find out he has Masonic ties, as many pastors do, will it still be ok? Check out that ring on his finger. Also Google how he feels about fraternities and sororities, being that his family pledges. Look up 501c3 and IHS pastors. You’ll be intrigued.
@JaiClaire880 17 сағат бұрын
It’s disappointing that he didn’t say what it is. It’s hard to respect Christian leaders with secrecy.
@solomonlubega8337 23 сағат бұрын
Pastor Jamal Bryant used to do that, quote verses from rap songs but see where it got him!!
@chilumarshall1049 23 сағат бұрын
Big up to the hommie steph curry, big up to Lecrae and Andy Mineo from the 116
@solomonlubega8337 Күн бұрын
This episode doesn’t sit down well cause you’ve spent all the time condemning a man who did not even claim his past was perfect. I don’t think any of you can claim he has never sinned!! So don’t cast stones if you know you haven’t been perfect yourself.
@jeaninerichardson7179 Күн бұрын
What's actually concerning is that 🤔 SURPRISE he's an imperfect fallible human being just like we are??? I'm in no way implying that Sin isn't Sin because it most definitely is. However, we've got to STOP ✋ 🚨 making idols out of our leaders out of our leaders, they absolutely cannot manifest perfection anymore than we can. But what we should be focusing on is to intercede for our leaders because they need covering just like we do. You've gotta get this whatever Prophetic office, mantle, and/or gift that an individual walks in The LORD JESUS CHRIST commissioned it to be so, not we ourselves. I have to say that if we would apply all this extra energy into praying for our leaders as we should then I'm sure that the LORD has certain individuals with humility, integrity, and transparency speak with them from whatever was revealed to them, and to wisely approach. The Grace and Mercy which the LORD extends to us actually none of us deserve it. And with that being said they're lives are on front street under a Major Magnifying Glass 🔎 😳, whereas ours isn't so it'll behoove us to say less, pray more, and stay humble 🙏 🙌
@Shearose88 Күн бұрын
Mark my word. He messed up, and he messed up big. No big pastor with the level of influence, wealth and dare I say ego like Tony Evans has, is going to just sit down after 40+ yrs. Ive never seen it. It doesn't happen. God forgives, so he's not quitting for fear of God. He's afraid of the back lash his church will recieve, when whatever he did is exposed.
@Joankc119 13 сағат бұрын
@EmeraldDove1743 Күн бұрын
This is so sad! Our daily lives are put on social media and a profit is being made from it. Nothing is private anymore and most things are speculated. We don’t talk to one another anymore about our problems , we instead make a post or a video about our business. People’s lives have been made a gold mine and no once seems to care. Folks bills are being paid by other people’s downfalls! 😢
@linegrant4605 5 сағат бұрын
Absolutely 💯 and for Christians to keep on discussing/ debating on this, is a mind boggling. It's sad, sad😮 SELF RIGHTEOUS church folks💯
@EmeraldDove1743 4 сағат бұрын
@@linegrant4605 AMEN! Why can’t people let others heal in peace? Busy-bodies until they become the talk of the internet. We reap what we sow!
@user-tm3ub2hd4u Күн бұрын
Truth of the fact is, Mr. Evans is still just a man. I feel that oftentimes we place our Pastors/leaders on a platform and forget that they too can fall short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23). I hate this for Mr. Evans, the sin (whatever/whomever) it may be, his family, the church, the congregation, and for the blemish it gives to Christianity. It also saddens my heart for the unbelievers that look at the Christian community as just another reason not to believe and have faith. I'm sure whatever the situation it will be exposed in do time, it always has a way of coming out. Then we get to see yet again how ugly and quick people will be ready to throw stones, please people look to scripture (John 8:7-11). I truly believe and hope WE ALL can and need to come together and pray for all parties involved in this sad situation😞.
@linegrant4605 5 сағат бұрын
I do believe he heard the voice of God to step down or he'll be exposed publicly 💯 obedience is than sacrifice.
@Sew-Ronica Күн бұрын
Everyone wants the favor and benefits, but NOBODY wants to deny themselves and pick up their cross. I'm coming out of a backsliding season so I know what it's like to have a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof.
@JdEllis-ec6yy Күн бұрын
He covered for the raped Robert Morris and didn't turn him in . He talked the family, the victim out of involving the police 🚓🚓🚓🚓. Watch !!!