Electric Buses in Sydney
3 жыл бұрын
Quantum Computing with Andrea Morello
Apollo 50th Honeysuckle Creek Reunion
Apollo 11 50th - CDSCC Speeches
Orroral Valley Control Console
4 жыл бұрын
Australian Synchrotron - How It Works
Analog TV Transmission Facility Tour
Pinging The Voyager 2 Probe (PART 2)
@izawolf8197 6 күн бұрын
Love u both!
@almc8445 17 күн бұрын
That looks like a casting couch XD
@quantum-inc 18 күн бұрын
Nice glad you did the videos
@Slytwinkie 23 күн бұрын
Now dunk it in helium4
@patrickbenjamin9056 24 күн бұрын
This and part one were extremely interesting. Thank you both for doing the video.
@mattewlefty991 Ай бұрын
The NOT operation is accomplished by providing a selected radio frequency to the electron, so that independently of the spin it will start to rotate at a rate dependent on the wave amplitude, right? Are you researching other type of gates? What about making two qbits interact?
@MoneySavingVideos Ай бұрын
I am here to learn how to build a quantum computer in my garage.
@lennon1252 Ай бұрын
Apollo 18 crew Lee Harvey Oswald: Commander Jack Ruby: Lunar module pilot David Ferrie: Command module pilot
@kilianlindberg Ай бұрын
hmm the groq linear architecture for classical computing error correction sounds like promising here
@whatthef911 Ай бұрын
We need the rovers to drive to the sites to give the best perspectives.
@stusue9733 Ай бұрын
@Guitar-free Ай бұрын
Andrea is very good at explaining quantum mechanics to a jazz guitarist like me I hang on every word. What a guy!!! ♥
@randyshell2115 2 ай бұрын
Bullshit bollocks horse manure
@stusue9733 2 ай бұрын
Any change of some evidence?
@SelwynRewes Ай бұрын
@@stusue9733 he was referring to what, surgeons discovered, filled the space between his ears...
@sky173 2 ай бұрын
I dream of a setup like this.
@JohnJones-xj6js 2 ай бұрын
Let's show the love for each other and are would much love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@liminal6823 2 ай бұрын
Excellent talk. Thank you.
@hellrocker1212 2 ай бұрын
0:04 Trying to assign binary to a qubit for its given state in a known comparative field, to then equate a voltage to the wave function of the qubit as it flips state and how that state flip would interact with it quantum linked counterpart?? Field theory state flip interaction, S matrix, Feynman propagators all come to mind.
@davidwilkie9551 2 ай бұрын
Dave, (I've been envious of your technical depth of experience), if you get the message from Mathology that the names put on phenomena are magical-functional concepts in the same categories of sharing sense-in-common, learning by doing Intuition, as in Apprenticeships, then you can apply the interpretation of operating points in Circuitry that is equivalent to Fred Hoyle's Quiescent floating point coordination objectives in Radio Astronomy, ie radio source Astronomical Objects, to Looking Glass Universe analysis of spin=> Superspin @ universal Superposition-point Singularity = Quiescent operating system Circuitry at the Centre of Time Duration Timing Conception, and the radio emitter-receiver log-antilog interference positioning-location condensation modulation cause-effect of phase-locked coherence-cohesion objective-aspects of dimensionality states of pure-math relative-timing ratio-rates understood in heterodyne radio and Wi-Fi reintegration information In-form-ation technologies.., it is not complicated after you "get" the concept alignments for "learning by doing" instruction. Because it's directly applicable to power generation from a matrix of elemental holographic nucleation Singularity-point positioning Circuitry. Australian Students certainly have the capabilities to design and test Nuclear Power sources that UFOs have been waving in our faces to replace weapons with generators.
@MrMa1981 3 ай бұрын
@kaister901 3 ай бұрын
I have zero physics background and yet I feel like I understood like at least 50% of what was said. Mr Morello is such a good explainer that even a layman like me can understand the gist of quantum mechanics.
@Vintage_USA_Tech 3 ай бұрын
You know, when someone is this cool and as smart as this guy, I can totally get past the fact he has a bunny rabbit in his mouth.
@chrizzLanc 3 ай бұрын
You can clearly see the bright in his eyes... Such a great teacher/professional.
@erikalcalasalero3810 4 ай бұрын
This happens whe someone -wants- and likes to teach ! Thank you for such an amazing video !!
@danielash1704 4 ай бұрын
Different types of energy and gases each have a different resonance structure atoms a spin of spirals within it together i do know that gases have residual effects on switching from one frequency to another to pulse and or super fast pulses each formation in frequency in gases forming a signal of it's entanglement in energy
@skendergjergji4262 4 ай бұрын
Amazing interview
@roelrovira5148 4 ай бұрын
Andrea, the key to real Quantum Supremacy on Quantum Computers is the God Theory/Equation that is real. I have discovered the God Equation and Theory in the course of my over 30 years of basic research on Quantum Gravity in my home country Singapore. The God Theory and Equation are deeply hidden in plain sight and manifested by Quantum Gravitation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Gravitational Quantum Computation. Also, Quantum Gravity is the key to unification of Gravity ang Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Gravity and the theory, mathematics, laws, reproducible experiments and observations that underpinned it, is crucial for an empirical real true Quantum Theory of Gravity that would finish Einstein's Revolution in physics. Problem is that, since the 17th century up to the present, the Mathematics that we have so far cannot solve the problem of quantum gravitation. Mathematics is invented and discovered. That's my personal experience. I've invented/discovered a completely new mathematics in the course of my 30-year-long basic research on Quantum Gravity in Singapore. I called it Majulah Matematika in honour of my home country Singapore. I use it to solve one of the most difficult conundrums in physics- the True Nature of Gravity. In addition, I also have invented/discovered the elusive Magnetic Monopole and the Gravitational Computation Language and Codes that program and run the Quantum Gravitation and the Universe itself as the Ultimate Massive Cosmic Computer System covering the entire observable Universe. Here is one of the many solutions that we can derive from my new mathematics: A Computer Universe that is real. It is run by Quantum Gravitational Computation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Quantum Gravitation covering the entire Universe. An empirical Theory of Quantum Gravity is the key. And it will led us to understanding of how and why Gravity works. It will also at the same time, debunk and invalidate String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, M Theory, Theory of General Relativity and all failed and wrong theories of gravity. But it will proved and validate Einstein's Hidden Variables and EPR's authors Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen correct. The Hidden variables are: Quantum Gravity, Quantum Anti-Gravity, Quantum Neutral Gravity, the macroscopic cosmic scale Gravitational Quantum Entanglement and Gravitational Quantum Computation. All these would complete the Quantum Foundation, Unification of Gravity with Quantum Mechanics and the realization of Theory of Everything in Physics. I have discovered and cracked the code of the true nature of Gravity in my over 30 years of basic research works in Singapore. This discovery/invention/theory of mine include THE GOD EQUATION - THE TRINITY Equations, Laws and Codes For QUANTUM GRAVITATION , QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL ENTANGLE MENT and GRAVITATIONAL QUANTUM COMPUTATION that pave the way for Theory of Everything in Physics: - THE 3-in-1 HOLY GRAILS of Physics: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity/Spin Up Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/0 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QAG = ∆QGOρ < ∆QGFρ = ↑α 2. Quantum Gravity/Spin Down Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/1 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QG = ∆QGOρ > ∆QGFρ = ↓α 3. Quantum Neutral Gravity/Superposition Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/01 and/or 10 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QNG = ∆QGOρ = ∆QGFρ = ↑↓α We now have a working Quantum Theory of Gravity that is testable and complete with reproducible empirical experiments with the same results if repeated over and over again and again, confirmed by empirical observations in nature with 7-Sigma level results, guided by empirical Laws, Cosmic/Universal Computation and physical/mathematical Trinity God Equations that are predictive, precise and does no collapse even in high energies of Big Bang and singularity of Black Hole. FYI: Quantum Gravity or Quantum Gravitation have three types that are equivalent to and manifested by Quantum Computational Gravitation- the biggest and most powerful Computer Software Program and Hardware in the Universe and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement - a Quantum Entanglement at Macroscopic Cosmic Scale namely: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity = Spin Up Quantum Entanglement State; 2. Quantum Neutral Gravity = Superposition Quantum Entanglement State; and 3. Quantum Gravity = Spin Down Quantum Entanglement State. More detailed information could be found on the published papers 2 years ago in London, Paris, and Zurich, online and at the two scientific Journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE. Alternatively, you can google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA to arrive at the published paper on Quantum Gravity. Most recently, additional two well respected scientific journals namely NATURE and the AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY APS Physical Review Journals have officially invited this author to submit manuscripts on his Research on Quantum Gravity for publication for PRX QUANTUM in preparation for a celebration for International Year of Quantum IYQ 2025 to showcase the best papers of the year. Quantum Gravitation is governed by and follow the Trinity Laws, Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Gravitation, Gravitational Quantum Computation and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement. We now have a new Laws of Physics and two newly discovered Fundamental Forces of Nature - The Quantum Neutral Gravity and Quantum Anti-Gravity which completed the heart of the Quantum Theory of Gravity published in London. Paris and Zurich last December 2022 as follows: 1. First Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Universal Law of Quantum Gravitation: “The greater mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects than the Quantum Gravitational Field causes a downward acceleration of the Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational Field instantaneously mediated by Graviton.” - Roel Real Rovira Equation for Quantum Gravity, and Spin Down Quantum Gravitational Entanglement: QG = ∆QGOρ > ∆QGFρ = ↓α Where: QG is Quantum Gravity in Rovira (value of downward acceleration force due to quantum gravity) in kg. ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in greater mass density of Quantum Gravitating Objects than the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ↓α is the Resultant Downward Acceleration of Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec. 2. Second Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Universal Law of Quantum Anti-Gravity. “The lesser mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects than the Quantum Gravitational Field causes an upward acceleration of the Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational Field instantaneously mediated by Graviton.” -Roel Real Rovira Equation for Quantum Anti-Gravity/Spin Up Quantum Gravitational Entanglement: QAG = ∆QGOρ < ∆QGFρ = ↑α Where: QAG is Quantum Anti-Gravity in Rovira (value of upward acceleration force due to quantum anti-gravity) in kg. ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in lesser mass density of Quantum Anti-Gravitating Objects than the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ↑α is the Resultant Upward Acceleration of Anti-Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec. 3. Third Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Law of Quantum Neutral Gravitation. “The equal mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects and the Quantum Gravitational Field causes a zero acceleration or floating or hoovering of the gravitating Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational Field, instantaneously mediated by Graviton.” - Roel real Rovira Equation for Quantum Neutral Gravity and Superposition Quantum Gravitational Entanglement: QNG = ∆QGOρ = ∆QGFρ = ↑↓α Where: QNG is Quantum Neutral Gravity in Rovira (value of zero acceleration force due to quantum neutral gravity) in kg. ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in equal mass density of Quantum Neutral Gravitating Objects to the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ↑↓0α is the Resultant zero acceleration or non-acceleration of Neutral Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec. For more detailed information on these 3-in-1 Trinity Laws and Equations for Quantum Gravitation, Gravitational Quantum Computation, and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement - The Real True Nature of Quantum Gravitation, look it up at the two scientific journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE or google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA. Copyright 2022 ROEL REAL ROVIRA. All Rights Reserved.
@michaelgonzalez9058 4 ай бұрын
U should be very wealth minded
@michaelgonzalez9058 4 ай бұрын
U know that diamond is made of carbon whitch comes from phosphorus which also hasthe property of red and black ,and u have blue by lasor too give a variable of calculus to perform the outcome
@michaelgonzalez9058 4 ай бұрын
Also,by lasor pjcture u can make Freaquency power
@michaelgonzalez9058 4 ай бұрын
The adoptation of stashing on photo computer analyzation ,by recording photographically by both computers as a quantum computer and a ,use of a computer u get the spectrum of the answer by proof
@SheSweetLikSugarNSavage 4 ай бұрын
Okay wait, lost in time. 😖Gotta retract my star steps to figure out how did I land here...? 😆 Sooo... wait first Neil said walked up to Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. Then Subrahmanyan said take this science portal into The Members of the Academy in 1667 with Louis XIV. Then King Louis showed me a photo of their future. I crawled down into his photo of the Australian Synchrotron, where I fell into another time portal from his future, but 6 years old from mine. Then I pressed a red play button....whew...okay got it now....Geaux! FYI: Neil brought me here. ❤
@fleachamberlain1905 4 ай бұрын
This is all very informative and interesting. Please come over to Melbourne and make the same sort of video for our electric buses. I haven't found any videos of this quality regarding our Melbourne ones.
@engineer0111 4 ай бұрын
Grazie Professore,le tue mani mi hanno detto tutto.
@Leonardo-ql1qu 4 ай бұрын
Generic name: QUMPUTER - From now on, let's call them QUMPUTERS. Much better than the tongue twister 'Quantum Computers'!
@keisimo 4 ай бұрын
I see Andrea Morello, I upvote
@injesusname3732 4 ай бұрын
too much interrupting
@josef5319 4 ай бұрын
I love this person
@Leonardo-ql1qu 4 ай бұрын
From now on, let's call them QUMPUTERS. Much better than the tongue twister 'Quantum Computers'!
@yatesexley2647 4 ай бұрын
Wow. This is a very confident person. He is so forthright and candid.
@roelrovira5148 4 ай бұрын
Andrea, in today's Quantum Computer on-going developments, the so called Quantum Supremacy by Quantum Computers of Google, IBM and others is far from real. The Real True Supreme Quantum Computer is based on Quantum Gravitational Computation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Quantum Gravitation discovered/invented in Singapore- the QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL COMPUTER that is the biggest, most simplest, most efficient, most effective and most powerful Quantum Computer that runs, powers, programs and controls the entire observable Universe and everything in it. The key is empirical Quantum Theory of Gravity or Gravitation. Fortunately, we now have a working Quantum Theory of Gravity that paves the way for the Theory of Everything in Physics, that is testable and complete with reproducible empirical experiments with the same results if repeated over and over again and again, confirmed by empirical observations in nature with 7-Sigma level results, guided by empirical laws and physical/mathematical Trinity God Equations that are predictive, precise, quantum computational and does no collapse even in high energies of Big Bang and singularity of Black Hole. FYI: Quantum Gravity or Quantum Gravitation have three types that are equivalent to and manifested by Quantum Computational Gravitation- the biggest and most powerful Computer Software Program and Hardware in the Universe and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement - a Quantum Entanglement in Macroscopic Cosmic Scale namely: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity = Spin Up Quantum Entanglement State; 2. Quantum Neutral Gravity = Superposition Quantum Entanglement State; and 3. Quantum Gravity = Spin Down Quantum Entanglement State. More detailed information could be found on the published papers 2 years ago in London, Paris, and Zurich, online and at the two scientific Journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE. Alternatively, you can google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA to arrive at the published paper on Quantum Gravity. Most recently, additional two well respected scientific journals namely NATURE and the AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY APS Physical Review Journals have officially invited this author to submit manuscripts on his Research on Quantum Gravity for publication for PRX QUANTUM in preparation for a celebration for International Year of Quantum IYQ 2025 to showcase the best papers of the year.
@roelrovira5148 4 ай бұрын
Andrea, in Quantum Computing and Quantum Computers, the so called Quantum Supremacy by Quantum Computers of Google, IBM and others is far from real. The Real True Supreme Quantum Computer is based on Quantum Gravitational Computation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Quantum Gravitation discovered/invented in Singapore- the QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL COMPUTER that is the biggest, most simplest, most efficient, most effective and most powerful Quantum Computer that runs, powers, programs and controls the entire observable Universe and everything in it. The key is empirical Quantum Theory of Gravity or Gravitation. Fortunately, we now have a working Quantum Theory of Gravity that paves the way for the Theory of Everything in Physics, that is testable and complete with reproducible empirical experiments with the same results if repeated over and over again and again, confirmed by empirical observations in nature with 7-Sigma level results, guided by empirical laws and physical/mathematical Trinity God Equations that are predictive, precise, quantum computational and does no collapse even in high energies of Big Bang and singularity of Black Hole. FYI: Quantum Gravity or Quantum Gravitation have three types that are equivalent to and manifested by Quantum Computational Gravitation- the biggest and most powerful Computer Software Program and Hardware in the Universe and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement - a Quantum Entanglement in Macroscopic Cosmic Scale namely: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity = Spin Up Quantum Entanglement State; 2. Quantum Neutral Gravity = Superposition Quantum Entanglement State; and 3. Quantum Gravity = Spin Down Quantum Entanglement State. More detailed information could be found on the published papers 2 years ago in London, Paris, and Zurich, online and at the two scientific Journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE. Alternatively, you can google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA to arrive at the published paper on Quantum Gravity. Most recently, additional two well respected scientific journals namely NATURE and the AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY APS Physical Review Journals have officially invited this author to submit manuscripts on his Research on Quantum Gravity for publication for PRX QUANTUM in preparation for a celebration for International Year of Quantum IYQ 2025 to showcase the best papers of the year.
@scott32714keiser 4 ай бұрын
from my understanding of a quantum bit it uses a mechanical input and outputs to a analog to digital chip and that chip can be as many bits as they can put in it cheap ones are 16bit and you can have two per axis so 1qbit is equivalent to 64bits in data storage but its like how gears do math i been studding it for a long time and im trying to build one. like a cars speed gauge thats got one magnet and two wires but can be in any direction with accuracy you can also add another axis just 1 more wire. and a analog to digital chip i just need to find a way to get two of them motors to act like gears without the magnet moving inside it. its just doing computer calculations using analog ways using magnetic fields rather than gears but its kinda like a magnetic transmission
@ben_spiller 4 ай бұрын
Quantum scientist by day, death metal musician by night.
@jimw7916 4 ай бұрын
Why does an intelligent man like you entertain a "NWO lacky" like that?
@thecyborg6718 5 ай бұрын
Bs 🤣🤣😂😆, there is no quantum computer.
@GammaFields 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this and the other great videos! They are very concise and explained in ways where one such as I can understand. Making this information accessible and understandable to the young masses is doing the world a favor.
@cinemoriahFPV 5 ай бұрын
Looks like a way to share a photon between the quantum state and the observer without collapsing the the state.
@jansveen 5 ай бұрын
THis would have been so much better without that guy wearing glasses on his forhead. He should just keep silent and listen. The quaestion about how they know the temperatur inside the cooling system just shows his ignorance.
@AcesseAcessoVip 5 ай бұрын
I like the PCB shirt
@jamesfrancom8100 5 ай бұрын
would it be too much to ask for this guy to point stuff out with a laser pointer??
@davidpe76 5 ай бұрын
Dave, you should add link to this in your latest discussion as an into for those who find these ideas challenging 😀