Your Career Grows in Growth Spurts
Hearing Messages From God Part 2
@jasonkatada1583 14 сағат бұрын
@user-wh4em4gr4r 15 сағат бұрын
RISk doesn't worth marriage I will lose 50% of my stuff
@ShawnLicious Күн бұрын
I got same question like u. Haha I been told adult is too late to learn piano. When I was a kid, I tell my parents i want learn piano, but because money too.. can’t afford to buy piano at that time. But now I decide to learn and no regrets.
@TheMainezetetic 2 күн бұрын
“Didn’t have to wait until rich to do it” proceeds to buy a $15k piano. There are many digital pianos (not keyboards) that have key action similar to an acoustic piano (mine cost $700 and is connected to a PA system). Works just fine (organ sounds are a plus) - now I wish I could buy some talent - one soul for sale 😂
@ashleyd7447 3 күн бұрын
I'm going to test it starting tomorrow! 50 jobs everyday for a week🎉🎉
@josejimenaz 4 күн бұрын
Life happens very very fast be diligent about your dreams❤
@josejimenaz 4 күн бұрын
Life really really happens very fast hang in there annie❤
@valdoespana1979 5 күн бұрын
I dont like thin toilet paper it just means I use more so no for me it has to be thick
@birdyb6105 6 күн бұрын
Did anybody else watch this and think they all look exactly like her?
@mwb22341 7 күн бұрын
Bluebird Debit is OK until you have to contact customer service. They are a oversea call center. Poor English skills and virtually no ability to help. I'm having a problem with the card being declined. Talked to 6 people over 3 days. No help, told not to use any service that uses a chip reader! Really, no chip reader, try using a ATM. Use swipe readers only. Tried swipe at Walmart, declined, called from Walmart, on the phone for 45 minutes. They said I needed to go to a different merchant. AmEx is destroying their brand beings associated with these losers.
@mwb22341 7 күн бұрын
Bluebird Debit is OK until you have to contact customer service. They are a oversea call center. Poor English skills and virtually no ability to help. I'm having a problem with the card being declined. Talked to 6 people over 3 days. No help, told not to use any service that uses a chip reader! Really, no chip reader, try using a ATM. Use swipe readers only. Tried swipe at Walmart, declined, called from Walmart, on the phone for 45 minutes. They said I needed to go to a different merchant. AmEx is destroying their brand beings associated with these losers.
@asmrallison 8 күн бұрын
Annie, here is what I think the 5-Day Job Search is all about. This book forces you to face your insecurities, and I think that explains why some people resist your recommendations with every excuse imaginable. If they simply don’t find your book helpful, why do they get so defensive and upset? Because your book is the truth, and some people run away from the truth screaming. When you wrote “70,000 SALARY” on a piece of paper when you needed a $25,000 raise, I was forced to confront my resistance to earning a large amount of money and my low confidence. You explained that in order to have confidence, you must keep your promises to yourself - Responsibility is linked to confidence. Without confidence, you cannot request or accept success. Many of the steps in this book are concrete, practical advice, such as getting a professional headshot, creating a LinkedIn page, and of course your famous strategy of applying to 50 jobs a day. This is the source of the most resistance. Why? Because all of these things require the reader to see themselves as worthy of landing a job in five days. Otherwise, they will react negatively to this advice. As soon as I read your advice about the headshot, I deflated. After all, I’m just me. Why should I pay for someone to take a picture of little old me? That’s when I realized what I was really saying to myself: Why would anyone want to *hire* little old me? You said it yourself in one of the first chapters: “The problem is not my advice. The problem lies in people reading the books without applying the knowledge.” It turns out your step-by-step advice is only half the battle! If you ever give a Ted Talk, make sure you tell your audience why they may be resistant to the advice. I guarantee their confidence is the problem, not the advice! By the way, I want to give you an update about my own job search. I started my new job in June and within one month, I have been promoted into a salary position, despite others having seniority. They even asked me to create my own Indeed job listing to replace myself in my current position. We have a salary negotiation meeting in the first week of August, and I know for a fact I would not be in this situation if not for the transformation of my character that took place after I read your book. I hope I get the chance to see you speak in person one day!
@jasonsdodd 9 күн бұрын
Is 'TED Talk Pitch' used generically similar to how 'Elevator Pitch' is used or have you pitched a talk to TED?
@AnnieMargaritaYang 8 күн бұрын
I’m doing a program right now and last nights homework was to do a TEDx talk pitch for my idea. They will review it and give feedback and if it’s good to go and doesn’t need revision, they will submit it to TEDx talk organizations. So yes it’s an actual pitch.
@EfAchYou 10 күн бұрын
Ma’am, I stumbled across your channel and scroll through your videos. I just want to say thank you for all of your hard work in dropping all this wealth of wisdom. Also, I hope and pray that your better half is able to find fulfilling employment right away. Much respect!
@AnnieMargaritaYang 9 күн бұрын
He got an offer on Thursday! So 19 days after I applied to jobs on his behalf on June 30.
@EfAchYou 10 күн бұрын
I stubbles across your channel. Wanna say thanks for all the knowledge. Much respect!
@KaYungCalebLai 10 күн бұрын
if I'm broke then yea, marry or not doesn't matter much. different story if you're the rich one entering a marriage.
@susanna8612 13 күн бұрын
I hate working for others. Its been allways like that, even if I like the job. I need to start my own small business as soon as possible. I allways knew, its the only option for me. And Im not motivated much by money either, I want freedom and working towards my own goals. Also, Im not afraid of uncertainty like most people, I have allways lived kind of in uncertainty and understand that in life nothing is certain or lasting.
@DubaiiMakavelii 13 күн бұрын
This is true
@Hairextensionsbydenise 13 күн бұрын
what do you do if you purchase sonething but dont get a paper reciept?
@farhansyed4144 15 күн бұрын
Can you pay credit card bills with these?
@rickysandhu3620 16 күн бұрын
you really don't know how to use their website do you. those photos you looked at, there is 2 of every style and the one on the left is the refined version. your looking at the non refined ones which just serve as a rough base for your actual fixed photo which is on the left, you didn't click any of the refined ones and instead just looked at the corrupted pictures only when the fixed version of it is right next to it
@rickysandhu3620 17 күн бұрын
they are ok...they all have the same zoomed in style where most of the focus is on your face which is good but it should give you more varieties of styles. all the pics look the same so its not really worth getting like a hundred of them
@ProphetYoda 18 күн бұрын
I get what you’re saying…but to a degree. My only critique to any of this would be the humility factor. It seems that you don’t have a very good *balance* between acknowledging “personal gifts” and real genuine humility. Humble bragging or grand standing is a sign of arrogance and flawed character…it could lead to narcissistic tendencies and that can be dangerous. Pride is not something good. It’s something very bad, dare I say an evil. But that’s just my view…if you’re good at something or multiple things, that’s great! But people need to learn what *real genuine humility* is. Edit: Actually there is another thing I’ll add to this…you mentioned repeatedly that your husband is “sooo amazingly gifted” and “soooo academically brilliant” and that US born Americans struggle, but he was “so brilliant that he got a full scholarship as an immigrant.” That was a bit of a slight to Americans. Do you not realize how many undeserved hand outs immigrants get? He’s not unique in that regard. Democrats care more about immigrants than their own US American citizens. Not only that, but is your husband even a legal immigrant? If not he’s breaking the law and has absolutely no right to be in my country. I say this as a grateful American born citizen who respects the US and it’s lawful people. Immigrants like to come here steal our benefits and our tax money all while cursing America and especially white Americans in particular. Immigrants wear the term “iMmIgRaNt” like a badge of entitlement that makes them feel more superior or harder working than others. But that’s a lie. Many immigrants or “minorities” as they inaccurately love to call themselves, have it far too easy compared to real lawful Americans. That goes double if you’re a white American. This fact isn’t even arguable. I sincerely hope your husband (and you for that matter) do not fall into this category because that is a hypocritical poison that’s promoted in America today. Handrio studies sociocultural anthropology…no offense, but…seriously? All he’s going to be is a professional useless person. I wouldn’t call him a “scholar.” They are probably teaching him anti-American woke propaganda bs on top of everything else…I mean this is Boston University we’re talking about, a VERY leftist school. Which means he’ll become a problem in society and destroy traditional American values with his liberal agendas. You mentioned he “doesn’t like capitalism.” I mean he’s more than welcome to permanently leave. I’m sure all rightfully born LEGAL Americans would appreciate that. I like some of your stuff Mrs. Yang, but the problem is though you have some good financial information…you love to humble brag about yourself quite a bit. Like about how “smart” you believe yourself to be and how sooo many people say “you’re sooo smart” or “Annie, you’re sooo intelligent” etc. You attempt to disguise this humble bragging by mixing it with financial info or life advice and then calling it “service.” It’s just kinda nauseating. And before you try to put a bandage over your ego and say I’m “jealous”, that’s nonsense. Because I’m not. Criticism doesn’t = jealousy. Only arrogant fools think that way. I like most of your vids actually. But the arrogance shows in them quite a bit unfortunately and it hinders your likability, your channel, & your books…which honestly feel more like long winded memoirs than actual self help books. That’s my take.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 9 күн бұрын
My husband came here on F1 visa as international student. He is legal and is now a citizen.
@ProphetYoda 9 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYangyou cannot enter the US on an F1 visa with the intent to gain lawful permanent residency. So no he is not. You also seem to have missed the point of the rest of my message. Though not really surprising.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 9 күн бұрын
@@ProphetYodahe did not enter the United States on an F1 visa with the intent to gain permanent residency. The intent was not there. He met me and we married and I got him a green card. It’s completely legal. I am not sure why you are upset? We filed our application fees and paid thousands of dollars and had to wait several years. He is not a migrant so, I’m not sure what is the issue here.
@ProphetYoda 18 күн бұрын
Bullies suck, especially when they’re an authority figure. Super unforgivable imo. Also I’m considering purchasing your book. - ProphetYoda
@marieliseme8092 18 күн бұрын
He’s so gifted
@JoshGodwinArt 18 күн бұрын
part of the problem with translation work is the one thing AI is really, really good at is language. So less demand for that work now overall.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 15 күн бұрын
Yes it is true but he can do live interpretation work
@richardc020 19 күн бұрын
Defend your pay I say!
@dylanbarreto6529 20 күн бұрын
The serve card is HORRIBLE in 2024
@AnnieMargaritaYang 15 күн бұрын
@aniyadavila-smith852 20 күн бұрын
Thank you so much Annie for the encouragement and advice! I think it is very easy for many people including myself to down play or be in denial of the talents and skills we do have. We may not even notice for ourselves how talented we truly are or may not even know what our skillsets are. Sometimes it takes having others, such as those who are close to us, like family, friends, and colleagues to point out how gifted we are!
@lilliamariee4621 21 күн бұрын
I really hope I dont have to take it to legal action with her but its been weeks and I gave her till the 11th to pay be back and its the 9th.....wish me luck
@iyasugames 21 күн бұрын
Really heartwarming hearing you talk so highly of your husband. Translation companies can be kind of elitist so I think I understand his concern. Years ago I applied for a translation position and the guy started screaming at me on the phone because I couldn't translate a specific word he asked me, saying I was basically lying about my skill level. Strange experience
@AnnieMargaritaYang 15 күн бұрын
That guy was fucked up. There are elitists in every field, not just translation.
@snotrohmitabc123 21 күн бұрын
Your husband is weak-minded but the solution is simple. He needs to become more masculine in every way. Physically and mentally.
@asmrallison 21 күн бұрын
I am very excited to see you back!!!! Thank you for this video. I'm so motivated and inspired now. We really can have anything if we believe in ourselves enough to ask for it. Your husband's catastrophizing is very interesting. I wonder if there is a mental block or a part of him that is resistant to success.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 15 күн бұрын
Grad school imposter syndrome. Apparently it's common.
@chelseashurmantine8153 21 күн бұрын
Lol I get it, I'm a rule follower. But this kind of stuff is like seinfeld level neurotic lol. Gotta be a boss mindset not an employee mindset scared of a boss
@brucecollins7424 21 күн бұрын
I think the resume was honest, I think most resumes are full of 'embellishments' for lack of a better term. I think employers are aware of this LOL. I am looking at taking an early retirement next year in my mid- fifties so I am done with the rat race and happy to pursue my passions, so don't take my opinion as gospel LOL
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
I liked your word, "embellishments." I am going to say that from now on. And congrats on being on track to early retirement. Have you heard of this guy?
@aniyadavila-smith852 20 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYang I've heard of him!
@pauljandourek3260 21 күн бұрын
Go Anne go.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
Thank you
@richardc020 21 күн бұрын
So so so wise, those who did wrong to us in the past still educate us and thus we are better regardless of their horrid selves.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
That is exactly the point
@SunblaKhan-lk6ol 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for this insightful video on reducing ACH fees compared to QuickBooks Online Payments. Efficient financial management tools like InvoiceBerry can further enhance savings by optimizing invoicing processes, ensuring smoother operations for businesses.
@jersonodiir1470 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for do it!
@AnnieMargaritaYang 22 күн бұрын
@rodferruz 22 күн бұрын
It's been a long time since I last logged into KZbin, and it makes me very happy that the first video I see is one of yours. I miss you a lot! I hope you're doing well.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 22 күн бұрын
Yeah I’ve been well. I’ve been rather busy. Someone crashed my car. Long story. Share about it next time.
@chelseashurmantine8153 22 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYangoh no! That’s horrible!
@asmrallison 21 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYangI’m so sorry that happened! I’m glad you are okay.
@Mlogan11 22 күн бұрын
Many folks waste time drifting in college not sure of what they want to major in or what jobs they desire. Deciding to to go straight to work after HS let's someone see directly what full time working life is and what pay rates they can get. If they are satisfied, fine, and if not, they now have much more incentive and drive to go to college with more insight and focus.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 22 күн бұрын
Yes, and after they get to work and understand how far a certain $ wage / salary can go in terms of living costs, they’re smarter about their choice of major as well. I saw a KZbin video yesterday someone graduated with a drama degree and 100k debt and didn’t realize her monthly payments would be $700.
@ladygypsysoul122 22 күн бұрын
Great video Annie. Yeah I too am low salary bcz I am semi retired. And I took plan to save $500 per month. 🤞
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
This video is like 5-6 years old. With all this inflation, $500 is more like you'd need to save $1000 a month today.
@ladygypsysoul122 21 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYang oh no. My month salary IS $800-$1,000 per month..
@Tahany 24 күн бұрын
Finally a woman with a perspective on this 👏🏽
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
Oh yeah? My friend texted me last week saying she couldn't find any youtube videos on the financial benefits of marriage and that everything is simply about the worst consequences of getting married
@rupertllavore1731 27 күн бұрын
So far Dreamwave has provided you with the best results right?
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
Yes sir!
@danielcarvalho1453 27 күн бұрын
I get insecure by others who call me gay and ugly but honestly I appreciate the wake-up call because sometimes they're right and I should actually work on appearing conventionally attractive and masculine because it helps a lot in life. I know they're being provocative but I try to take it as tough love.
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
Good you are taking this message well
@Lea-g9l Ай бұрын
I've had problems deposit as well
@lissyquezada2668 Ай бұрын
Another different is you have to pay to reload and 2 it has limit on reloading oh 3 not stable monthly fees
@lissyquezada2668 Ай бұрын
Can i get a prepaid DC with out provided my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ?
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
Look at all these migrants entering the USA without a social security number and getting prepaid debit cards from the government. Apparently you can.
@ProphetYoda 18 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYangI’m brand new to your channel and find some things that you say rather interesting. You don’t strike me as a very left wing type of person really from what I’ve seen so far.…you don’t support *illegal* immigration do you?? Also do you like Americans and America in general? Or at least what America’s original core values used to be in the distant past…
@wesbrown738 Ай бұрын
Im a 27M my question is why take on a big upfront expense (wedding) and risk of divorce when i could just have a long term girlfriend. Both could fail, and while there are some benefits like a tax break just seems like the risk reward tradeoff sucks
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
Why have a big wedding? My husband got married at city hall for $125 in 2016 and had dinner with immediate family only at some Italian restaurant in Manhattan. Marriage and wedding are not the same thing. We threw the wedding party/celebration three years later in Indonesia--whole different story. There, you pay for the wedding but all the guests give you money, so the financial gifts pay off the wedding.
@wesbrown738 20 күн бұрын
@@AnnieMargaritaYang in my experience and sure this may be anecdotal but it's hard to find a woman who's down to get married at city hall or do something that small. But yeah if I could do that id be more open to marriage
@4nickdarealone580 Ай бұрын
I’m a truck driver i make a lot of good money my best friend owns his own company so I don’t get paid like a worker but I just started saving and it’s still hard but I’m at $5,000 so far when I say I made over 66,000in a year and don’t have nothing to show for it lol I was buying whatever I wanted then looking back and like damn I ain’t got no money but that’s all in the past if u pick a goal and just put up something don’t look at it like you have it you will be just fine I seen some people saying saving 10,000 in two years and I humbly say this that is too far fetch I get it if that’s what your income require things happen In life we have to re strategize are life hope all that are saving will be able
@AnnieMargaritaYang 21 күн бұрын
My friend is a full-time truck driver. Independent operator. Lives in his truck and showers at travel stops. He told me his personal expenses for all of 2023 was $9,000. He didn't save much though because he said the bids right now don't pay well.
@chris73brown Ай бұрын
TYVM. I love prepaid debit cards.