@raven4442 Күн бұрын
People keep equating deatheaters to nazis, but deatheaters don't care about ethnicity, or sexuality, or nationality. When a wizard or witch breeds with a muggle, their magic gets diluted. Humans in that world are violent, awful creatures. Not wanting to become like them is a valid concern.
@CarinBaldyga-u2c 2 күн бұрын
Bashirian Garden
@theecosmetaverse 3 күн бұрын
Pottermore certified Slytherin with a Hippogriff patronus here 💚 We are good people 🤗 I fight against the stigma that us Slytherins are "evil or mean". (If people don't f*ck with us, of course)
@CherryNobel 3 күн бұрын
S(he's) B(ro)ke(n)
@DrewPicklesTheDark 3 күн бұрын
I just straight up couldn't stand Hermione in the movies.
@360shadowmoon 3 күн бұрын
I really liked the tone of the first season and wish they kept it going. It was kind of cringe but kind of worked for what were supposed to be a bunch of high schoolers? I lost interest after the second season, especially after the scene with the floating babies WTF
@FifinatorKlon 4 күн бұрын
I am about 99% sure that over half the students are just plants from the ministry of magic and other three letter equivalents of that universe to keep taps on what is going on while not dispersing all the bad guys into the wide world.
@360shadowmoon 4 күн бұрын
The annoying thing about the movies is that Ron *IS* originally written to be funny, but he's funny in a witty, intelligent way. They didn't have to reach that far to make him The Funny Friend. But they made him even worse!
@InChristWeTrust999 4 күн бұрын
Emma Watson is a bad actor. They could have got somebody much better to play Hermione
@mikecrabtree8200 5 күн бұрын
Read the books and watched the movies. Ron WAS more comic relief in the movie than in the books. Particularly in the last three or four movies. Never lost faith in Ron tho because I knew who his character was (books) and understood that the Ron we saw in the movies was a character rewrite. So I didn’t like the script.
@Eurobeat_fan 5 күн бұрын
When I saw "ABC family" mentioned I knew this video was old ugh it's freeform now
@bomberfox8360 5 күн бұрын
The circumstance of Ron having read a book that Hermione had not was unprecedented. Ron, however, looked bemused by their surprise. “Oh come on! All the old kids’ stories are supposed to be Beedle’s, aren’t they? ‘The Fountain of Fair Fortune’ . . . ‘The Wizard and the Hopping Pot’ . . . ‘Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump’ . . . ” “Excuse me?” said Hermione, giggling. “What was that last one?” “Come off it!” said Ron, looking in disbelief from Harry to Hermione. “You must’ve heard of Bubbitty Rabbitty- ” “Ron, you know full well Harry and I were brought up by Muggles!” said Hermione
@ProtocolDroidHK47 6 күн бұрын
"Welcome to Hogwarts! Allow me to introduce our four houses to you! First is the Brave House, who's members are kinda dicks, but they're willing to look evil in the eye and stand their ground. Next is Wisdom House, who relish in discoveries and learning all the world has to offer. Then there's Loyalty House who, admittedly aren't the most well defined, but I like the cut of their jib. And finally, we have Ultra-Mega-Evil-Shithead House, who...well, they have STRONG opinions about segregation."
@THEMINDCASTLE 7 күн бұрын
@thegoodgeneral 7 күн бұрын
The biggest issue for me was the last book. The battle of Hogwarts, the series-long emphasis on “unity,” and in moment where this comes to a head where *finally* Slytherin house becomes a friend rather than a foe… Rowling completely nonplusses me by having McGonagall commit the entirety of Slytherin house to the dungeons… what the Hell??
@thegoodgeneral 7 күн бұрын
I wrote this comment only being 15 mins in. You later go on to touch on these very issues. Thank you!
@AsuraOkami 8 күн бұрын
It was always so odd when I reread the books and then watch the movies again. So much is changed or left out.
@ericjamesraackf 8 күн бұрын
Crystal Chronicles!
@Saaahdood 8 күн бұрын
Hermione was his favorite character because he wanted to groom
@Saaahdood 8 күн бұрын
"You gotta listen to the people when you're advocating for them" said no liberal advocating for the blacks
@domanskikid 9 күн бұрын
The twins, Arthur, and Molly were about the only Weasleys not butchered, in the films, and even THEY had many great scenes left out.
@emerson23946 9 күн бұрын
Here’s my thing. As long as JK is a transphobic dipshit, I’ll rewrite her poorly written story how I want
@danypoa8474 9 күн бұрын
watching this after the last season is pretty funny
@theravenman 10 күн бұрын
So basically the Harry Potter movies were about empowering young girls at the expense of treating young boys like jokes/idiots to be laughed at
@Hamilton-TheMusical 10 күн бұрын
I'm glad my brother didn't let me watch the movies 😃 I mean I hate to admit it, but I've never watched a movie adaptation of a book that was *better.* Most adaptations of original works have been worse, even if it's just a new movie of an original movie. Sometimes I, like others, have only watched the movies and so cannot make this comparisons between the movies and the books. But this time, I've only read the original and watched three of the movies. From my experience with the books being monumental to little me and the movies just being "fun to watch," and with adaptations never really living up to their predecessors, and with everyone harping on how the movies missed so much, and with friends of mine who have only watched the movie missing important details that I'm still bent on years after reading the series through and through, I've really just come to hate the movies. They're good, fun to watch, nice writing and acting, but they don't do the books justice at all, and for that I hate them. I do have more I want to say but I feel I've written too much. I'm writing this like a school essay 😭
@sammann3577 10 күн бұрын
I never got the forced women empowerment Mary sue bs from Hermione. She was smart as she focused in school.
@mock1999 11 күн бұрын
this is my favorite video essay of all time, and i've never sat down and watched even an episode of umbrella academy. i tried and got bored halfway thru the first ep. but this analysis is good enough that i wanted to try, might even try again someday! real bummer you stopped uploading. 5/5 stars
@olaf235 11 күн бұрын
please please share the 365 days link!
@Altoclarinets 11 күн бұрын
IMO part of the problem with Slytherin actually goes back to JKR being bad at math. She, I think unintentionally, made Hogwarts very VERY small - only about 10 students per house per grade, for a total of like 280 kids in the entire school. (My highschool, which only had four grades not seven, was literally ten times that size.) And that's supposed to be ALL of the children of ALL of the magical folk in the ENTIRETY of Britain and Ireland? What does that imply about the overall size of the magical community? With so few Slytherins to work with, of course there's nobody who has any nuance; they're all already used filling various villain archetype roles. (Although I will gladly admit that if aspects of the story had been written more carefully JKR might have made it out of this corner regardless. The fact that Sorcerer's Stone was originally written as a stand-alone boarding school mystery with magical elements and the rest of the series with its larger plot elements didn't develop until later really shows sometimes)
@Scrubs4Life 11 күн бұрын
I know Delores Umbridge. She works in our HR department.
@alexbell3791 12 күн бұрын
Book 5, Slytherin in DA. I could see members distrusting, will they betray us? And they become very loyal to the cause.
@thechozenone6471 12 күн бұрын
I definitely think JK rowing should have added more actually good characters in Slytherin when Harry was at hogwarts. Houses are not supposed to define who's good or bad we see that with some characters that are in the series like Professor Lockhart who was in Ravenclaw but is as dumb as a brick and quite a bad and manipulative person. Barty Crouch jr was actually a Ravenclaw who was still incredibly smart (scored higher than hermionie in his exams) but he became a death eater nonetheless and helped come up with the master plan to bring Voldemort back (he was also the first person to ever escape from azkaban but nobody knew bc his mother took his place willingly) And there is Regulus Black and Severus Snape who both were Slytherins and both death eaters until they both betrayed him and became heroes. Daphne Greengrass was also a Slytherin that helped the order hide harry during the battle of seven potters (i think) and was tortured to death on his whereabouts afterwards but never gave up Harry's location. Malfoy (even though he was a bully) wasn't evil and couldn't bring himself to kill Dumbledore in person and helped Harry during the final battle of Hogwarts. Slughorn was a Slytherin and he wasn't prejudice and he gave Harry his most shameful memory willingly realising the greater good it would do. Peter pettigrew was a Gryffindor and he was an absolute coward who betrayed his best friends and went into hiding as a rat for thirteen years. The only slightly redeeming moment he had was when he didn't want to kill Harry and his friends which led to his death by his own hand. (the hand voldemort gave him that was actually cursed)
@nicholasfasano7874 12 күн бұрын
Also the entire POV is from a child whos attempted murder was perpetrated by a descendant of the founder of that house. Kind of an unreliable narrator but not sure if it was intentional
@paolasoto9261 13 күн бұрын
Can we all just agree that Hogwarts has a forked up system and it should be closed by whatever child services is in UK?
@Ninjalo2169 13 күн бұрын
6:58 I have to disagree only by stating one fact that Hagrid was a Slytherin when he was a student at hogwarts. Hagrid was never an inherently bad or evil person
@christopherrice6553 13 күн бұрын
when you need the right blood to get into school
@barborapanakova6366 14 күн бұрын
I always thought that Draco's life was an allegory on growing up in a sect like church (heavily inspired by my own life). He grew up with loving parents, who took good care of him and also taught him of their faith and took him to church (took him to interact with people who have the same believes). Not necessarily a bad thing to do. But if the church is toxic, the toxic will seep into you and fuck your life over. Unfortunately for you, you will do most of the fucking over yourself with your own hands in the naïve believe that you are doing good stuff for yourself. And once you finally get out, you find out how much you have fucked yourself over. So, you isolate yourself because you don’t know how to deal with it.
@ItsChevnotJeff 14 күн бұрын
Tbh tho, do you know how much more interesting it would be if we all had a friend group who were from each of the four houses except for, idk, pretty much all of them being Gryffindor?
@ItsChevnotJeff 14 күн бұрын
I know its kinda unrelated but I always loved how compared to Hermione being this perfect top student in the movies, she was actually a lowkey menace in the books, where Harry and Ron broke the rules either for fun or important matters, Hermione took it a step further and outright did EXPULSION worthy tricks that would be common in a bully ridden boarding school, like making Polyjuice potion, a known restricted or outright banned potion, or cursing a list with the names of the DA, which when someone snitches on them will engrave the word SNEAK on the perpetrator's face PERMANENTLY, and WITHOUT anyone but her knowing about it, including her two best friends, and she is still pretty adamant about following school rules, but I guess being a Muggle Born she was also kinda pressured into being the best to prove her worth and mask her insecurities, but still
@Badookum 14 күн бұрын
As a Gryffindor, Slytherin's the best house, i like my edgy boys.
@ZomBeeNature 14 күн бұрын
I always had a hard time thinking of Draco as actually evil. And later I read far worse things into the story happening to him before and around the time he was in the washroom crying. And I think the Malfoys realized the theoretical idea of Voldemort being tough and right was a pale delusion of the massive horror that was the reality of Voldemort in life.
@mariad_arte 14 күн бұрын
Ron was always One of my favorite characters
@PatricksCrazyPlace 15 күн бұрын
What slays me is that Ginny is actually funny in the books. Not sure why they made her a plank of wood in the movies, but hey.
@TMDTheMaskDirector-ye5oe 15 күн бұрын
A dark fan theory I have concerning Luna is she was a lab rat like Whitey from Flushed Away.
@georgeoldsterd8994 15 күн бұрын
Ironically, of the lead trio, Rupert is actually the one with all the talent.
@Swamp_Thing_4487 15 күн бұрын
The same reason why the joker never dies, he and batman are complete so, the world needs Slytherin to help balance out the chaos and the calm between them all, all the classes exist due to imagination and an idea so we should keep it and leave ot the way it should be, we need them as much as fhey need us
@PrinsessePeach 16 күн бұрын
Need more Harry Potter genius analysis! 👑
@benoitmarc-andre1733 16 күн бұрын
Draco Malfoy in the book in French last name mean bad fate
@virginiafernandez6846 16 күн бұрын
I know I'm late to the discussion, but something to take into account is that the Sorting Hat takes preference into account. This means that if your family takes pride in coming form a certain house (both Wesleys and Malfoys) or if you have a bad experience before being sorted (as in, a guy in green calls you a slur when you're an eleven year old in the train), that is going to affect what house you end up on.
@jakke6691 16 күн бұрын
"Snakes can't stand, or are they always standing?" Probably the most important question of this video and it still goes unanswered...
@YungVato714 16 күн бұрын
I like movie ron he's a good character flaws and all and his response when professor Said what he said was light hearted and funny only feminist wouldn't like movie ron