Pat Stares At FF14 - DAWNTRAIL (Part 4)
Pat Stares At FF14 - DAWNTRAIL (Part 3)
Pat Stares At FF14 - DAWNTRAIL (Part 2)
Pat Stares At FF14 - DAWNTRAIL (Part 1)
Pat Stares At Shadow of The Erdtree (Part FINAL)
Pat Stares At Shadow of The Erdtree (Part 6)
Pat Stares At Shadow of The Erdtree (Part 5)
Pat Stares At Shadow of The Erdtree (Part 4)
Pat Stares At Shadow of The Erdtree (Part 3)
Pat Stares At Nintendo Direct! Metroid?
Pat Stares At FF14 Live Letter!
14 күн бұрын
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Pat Stares At The Indie3 Event!
28 күн бұрын
@imageispower20 14 минут бұрын
...Wuk Lamat can use Limit Breaks a lot? Does that mean she has a really good connection too dynamis?
@thatfunkadeus Сағат бұрын
People applying the real world politics and implications of genocide to fantasy viking gods of battle will never not be hilarious. "Erm idk if I'd ressurect thor as my personal bodyguard cause he like electrocuted people violently and thats pretty messed up. Also he's toxic because he never confronted his father and told him to stop treating women like sex objects so I wouldn't associate with him."
@thatfunkadeus 2 сағат бұрын
This community REALLY underestimates Woolie. Maybe he isn't LMSH broken sword torch only flawless but he's good at souls games, better than most people I'd say, and he's got a completely overlooked skill in his patience to fight a boss as many times as it takes. He's not one of these new age mainstream souls players he's been with it since the beginning and will keep trying until he beats it with the build he finds the most fun to fight with regardless of the difficulty. Changing your entire build for one boss isn't how most people played these games before elden ring, regular respecs and no main build is a pretty new phenomenon that people who aren't really playing for that classic souls brick wall grind like to use to make it easier on themselves. Neither is correct or incorrect, but the way that Woolie interacts with these games is some oldschool shit that is perfectly valid and if you're criticising him for doing it just know there's a whole mob of assholes on the other end criticising you for the opposite. Just let people play video games lol
@MrDannyWright 4 сағат бұрын
"I'm not too OP" Has 50 in every stat.
@lachlank.8270 4 сағат бұрын
1:42:57 Look out! TRAIN!
@thatfunkadeus 7 сағат бұрын
If the base games map forms a ring, what does that make the land of shadow? It's the finger in the middle
@thatfunkadeus 7 сағат бұрын
Finally Pat vs Kid named finger "youre just like Astel" ok Pat cool it with the spacism
@ConorGleeson-uj3zb 8 сағат бұрын
I love how Gaius' armor makes you look like a pinecone, it has meme potential.
@jessicalaplant9306 9 сағат бұрын
Igon is literally just captain ahab
@MagickGOATee 11 сағат бұрын
Yknow, its such a Pat move to pronounce the X'braal (Shebraal) X-Brall despite hearing it said several times by various characters I cant even fucking imagine how Pat would pronounce Kingdom Hearts villians X-emnas X-igbar X-aldin 😂
@brianshuster1773 15 сағат бұрын
I cannot do the messmer fight without summoning the Hornset. His speech in the beginning makes the fight just thematically click for me.
@TheShockVox 15 сағат бұрын
Dude gave Rayleigh One Piece vibes when he showed up
@TheShockVox 20 сағат бұрын
Interesting. Didn’t get that chef line because I’m not a culinary
@dappercrow8138 20 сағат бұрын
The fact that Zoraal ja is just a fucking Elite now killed me
@lolbuster01 23 сағат бұрын
Im with pat. A win is a win. Now I would GREATLY encourage people to try and do things with as little assistance as they can manage for the experience, but if they dont thats on them.
@moogleboy Күн бұрын
Mamool Provincials kekw
@thatfunkadeus Күн бұрын
Gotta love the wannabe lore scholars in the chat just shutting down every single little thing Pat speculates about
@AntiNihilist Күн бұрын
I was just playing Wanderer's Palace Hard for leveling and didn't realize the Mamool Ja have been around and even shown off a 2 heads before. tbf, if I don't hear a race get regularly voiced, they aren't sentient to me in FF14. Which is what makes Roegadyn and Amalj'aa only barely register as reasonable species. Tbf Roegadyn's flip flop between looking like big humans and inhuman hell demons so their appearances often throw me off.
@Avengedtenfold 23 сағат бұрын
I understood what you were talking about until you threw in Roegadyn. Plenty of Roes speak...Depending on your starting class, they are one of the first races you hear speak iirc. Unless you mean actually voice acted in which they aren't in the story a ton but to not think of them as sentient/sapient for that reason is weird.
@Jumungous 9 сағат бұрын
"To be fair" is a strange, deeply uncomfortable way to frame a discussion of what someone considers "reasonable races." It sounds bigoted, which is a strange thing to be at a game like FF14, when every "beast tribe" demonstrates a distinct culture.
@thehulk86 Күн бұрын
I just realized, the entire Bayle arena is COVERED with those flowers that only bloom when a drake warrior dies in battle
@FalseGryphon Күн бұрын
Why is pat so xenophobic towards england? Has he ever even been there?
@Jumungous 8 сағат бұрын
Crack a history book
@FalseGryphon 8 сағат бұрын
@@Jumungous what relevancy is that to anything said here?
@castform57 Күн бұрын
Just beat everything by myself too. That sekiro tear is pretty huge with how busted guard counters can be against the enemy's stamina. I ended up relying on my good old heavy great stars with raptor of the mist ash on it, along with sekiro and summon boost tears abusing mimic tear. With those I could just hug Radahn's face and block everything until phase two, where raptor just noclips through all the big explosions and things. Then after all that I took it through the base game end bosses. 1st try Maliketh, 2 for Gideon, 1 for Godfrey, and Radagon was a pushover with sekiro tear.
@markr7660 Күн бұрын
Pat celebrating beating Elden Beast as if he wasnt carried by his mimic tear the whole time. smh.
@Jumungous Күн бұрын
The WoL clowning on Bakool with the Miguel taunt-walk is perfect characterization after all these huge cosmic arcs "This poor lizard hasn't even fought ONE angel."
@TheJumpinJr Күн бұрын
I had such problems with Frey/Sir Anbach's quest. Gave him the secret rite right away. Lost server connection when helping him during Leda's invasion. Died during Leda's invasion because my ash of war threw me over the railing, but he killed Leda at that moment, so I got the rewards without the dialog.
@Nervjc Күн бұрын
That time I managed to get to the top of Shirogane only to completely miss the jump on the little kiosk below still haunts my dreams
@haji667 Күн бұрын
What is that awesome drk sword pat has?!
@feelyourlines 6 сағат бұрын
hello, i believe that is Xiphias, from the Stormblood relic series (Eureka)
@risingdawn6393 Күн бұрын
So happy BunPat returned
@phoenixsplash135 Күн бұрын
Oof I got 68%. Canada has a few different laws to Australia regarding emergency vehicles, and the 2 different signs got me. I got that cyclist question that I think is bullshit and poorly explained. EDIT: OMFG I'm one question in to the video and wtf is this test. MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH CYCLISTS?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?! Fuck this test.
@thatfunkadeus Күн бұрын
The lightning aura is just to throw on before a big blue beam to complete your goku cosplay
@fpejanovic Күн бұрын
is mesmer really that difficult? i beat him on 2nd try with mimic + hornset. just big bleedy hammer and he basically got perma stunned. idk what everyone was complaining about.
@stevenclark5173 Күн бұрын
Playing this game now with current DLC I would recommend a guide because it's very easy to lock yourself out of the "true" ending.
@isaiah2696 Күн бұрын
Dawntrail wombo combo!
@hsn971 Күн бұрын
Everything from 1:17:00 in the Sujimon section is my favourite Pat reaction ever
@chrisdaughen5257 Күн бұрын
I'm more upset that nothing was done with Godwyn. You'd think he'd be the one Miquella chose for his consort. They could have written that his soul went to the Land of Shadow when he was assassinated and Miquella and Malenia worked to constructed his new body from Mogh and Radahn's.
@HalfAluminumChemist Күн бұрын
Im confused about how the semantics of walking around with a dead head would work. Like would it decay on your body or is it just totally fresh since the rest of your body is still ticking?
@TheLordMagmar Күн бұрын
The inplication is that the other head is braindead/suffered a stroke.
@BoxcarPhill Күн бұрын
The body still probably supplies blood and everything to the other head, but its brain dead for all intents and purposes. Gulool also most likely tends and takes care of the other head in private. Cleaning it and making sure it isnt too obvious to everyone else.
@TheMexRAGE Күн бұрын
I guess brain dead like being on a coma
@rickkiller2000 Күн бұрын
I think it's just like, brain death
@TheShockVox 3 сағат бұрын
@@rickkiller2000that was my assumption. I’m more worried about the mental anguish of carrying your sibling with you after their passing.
@manwiththemachinegun Күн бұрын
You never escape a Realm Reborn filler quests.
@tylerharris3416 Күн бұрын
literally doing sparta katas with that thing
@JesseAnderson Күн бұрын
I need to stop trying to figure out how they're going to tell these stories because they keep making me think midexpansion story content is going to be endgame shit
@rdoggo9801 Күн бұрын
is really weird how people's comments made Pat play content of the shadow keep near the endgame, where I just go straight into it right after Rellana. The challenge seem tune for it.
@Harmor77mo Күн бұрын
Does anyone think that this might all be Jenova and Sephiroth is still locked away? I like the idea that Jenova a crazy alien may be manipulating the life stream more than Sephiroth is. Either way I loved the game and am looking forward to the next one
@fien111 Күн бұрын
@JesseAnderson Күн бұрын
I already thought the expansion was pretty great before this shit started to go down, and it's still great as I reach the end
@dappercrow8138 20 сағат бұрын
Moment we hit cheeseburger Tural the game just shot the fuck up in quality for me. Even though it was pretty great before
@GreedAndSelfishness Күн бұрын
Lord of Frenzy is also nice reference to King in Yellow, the madness and his appearance.
@Jesuslizard561 Күн бұрын
Bro pat a furry 😂
@markr7660 Күн бұрын
Pat getting destroyed by the Draconic Tree Sentinel right before Maliketh proves he's nothing without his summons lol.
@markr7660 Күн бұрын
3:18:25 Celebrating broken AI while summoning mimic tear for an easy kill on Placidusax. How can one man be so bad at video games?
@godsplayingfield Күн бұрын
i like the chill atmosphere of DT. like, after EW where we cleaned up the last of the WORLD SPANNING, THOUSANDS OF YEARS IN THE MAKING super evil, having what is essentially a holiday with a (not so) friendly competition honestly feels rather refreshing. sure there are some grating things, and some parts that could be sped up (i know it's an RPG/MMO thing, but can we please have less "go here, come back to report, go another spot, come back to report, now go here, now return to report, now we can continue" parts? we have linkpearls for this exact reason. tell them on the phone dammit) but so far it's been nice.
@godsplayingfield 2 күн бұрын
a spell i found outstandingly useful against Radahn and basically every fight in the DLC (NG+) is black flame. the fact it does % damage on it means it melts healthbars pretty damn fast. and with me and mimic going at it, dear LORD does the damage rocket.
@CarmeloSantosF 2 күн бұрын
of course the twink was the scariest of them all
@goldlight1322 2 күн бұрын
Spent the last couple of days catching up on this one. It's been a hell of a ride! If there's one lesson to take away from all of this, it is that space is, indeed, super cursed (but also cool af.)