@ms.solinvictusmithra5700 4 күн бұрын
Luke and darthvader...end of return of ghe jedi
@lonepheasant3489 6 күн бұрын
People aren't any smarter than their stupid technology and them are their stupid technology won't outlive each other any longer than the boy outlived The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein in the story
@JenHoegeman 9 күн бұрын
How could they NOT have credited Roddy McDowall and Slim Pickens for these roles??
@TheJojozlo 13 күн бұрын
Major Kong
@RealAsaMitaka 26 күн бұрын
one of the most lifechanging movies ive ever watched
@davidhill8565 28 күн бұрын
The 4B movement may lead to this.
@BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers Ай бұрын
This is often interpreted as a happy ending. It isn't. It's an extremely bleak, tragic scene, which has always stuck with me since I first saw it as a 10 year old (although I couldn't explain then why it made me feel so empty).
@nascarplanet9858 Ай бұрын
My favorite part is when david touches statue of blue fairy and it shatters.unable to find good video of it on youtube.the filming is wow!
@MrDougMagill Ай бұрын
Funny how actors/actresses always have "bright ideas" about what their character should do or say... "I'm going to tell the director that my character should..." the actors don't write the script. Not even the director writes the script. The film company bought the script, as it was, for a reason. And you're being paid to play a role in the script. So, play the role in the script. Imagine the producers seeing a proof of the film: Producers: "Why is that character doing/saying that? That's not in the script." Director: "Well, the actor thought it would be a good idea." Producers: "Well, that's not what we paid for. Go back and redo it."
@kevinlarrabee3817 Ай бұрын
I find it interesting seeing this movie and the way it made me feel about the relationship between Vincent and Bob but now that its 2024 and how fast technology is advancing in which robots are becoming closer and closer to being and reality and the threat that potentially can happen with Super AI deciding so its needs to know how all us actually felt that very moment to know what humanity is being about!
@awesomeanimation1974 Ай бұрын
Nooooo booooooob
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Great. The lock of hair is the sap trapped mosquito in Jurassic Park
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
The fear and hate from viewers of this film should come from people who consider empathy towards MACHINES by people who likely care more about the characters in this film than about REAL humans who suffer in our REALITY
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Sorry folks but I have to imagine the WARGAMES link with grieving father Falken (Cabin in woods by lake) and his A.I. son Joshua are inspiration for this film since that storyline also appears along with Pinocchio "no strings" in Avengers films
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Spielberg like the others is a LIAR. He knows that Poltergeist is an Abstract Inversion of Close Encounters... He knows that No Time to Die and Inglorious Basterds both nicked from Saving Private Ryan which is an Abstract Inversion (A.I.) of Fury. He knows that Ellen Page would become ELLIOT based on his E.T. sequence involving frogs, who in Jurassic Park are credited with helping female dinos magically TRANSFORM into males to mate with. Considering Erikia Eleniak played the little girl on a chair who Elliot climbed up to kiss while drunk, she later joined ("Toad") SEAL Casey Rybak (Steven Segal) who magically kissed her on the deck of the Missouri battleship in 'Under Seige'.
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Yeah the upcoming Mission Impossible film is a conclusion to the one titled Dead Reckoning which mentions an A.I. operated super submarine marooned beneath the frozen ocean which Cruise and pals must reach before bad guys to shut down The Entity. So Spielberg did Jurassic Park based on a Michael Crighton book. The same author who wrote Sphere about a team tasked to investigate a deepwater entity of unknown origins. The Abyss anyone? Ugh
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Just now watching the Flesh Fair sequence and I'm shocked to just now notice that Brendan Gleeson (sp?) along with David seems strikingly similar to Ricardo Monteblan and baby Caesar in the original Escape from the Planet of the Apes. Again with the coinciding Title a parallel of David's plight from the Fair and eventual cryonic slumber much as the astronaut apes experienced on their unintentional quest for origin answers while fleeing doom and death. EXACTLY as the REPLICANTS of Blade Runner traveled the Galaxy to obtain answers and a wish from their maker. What was baby Caesar's first word? The same as the "Forbidden Zone" DOLL in the original..."MAMA"
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
FYI the 'Homeworld' of the Autobots and Decepticons was CYBERTRON. More than meets the Eye!
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
One last note regarding movie casting, not only is William Hurt known as the Secretary of Defense who sought to breakup the Avengers but considering the fate of both David (boy) and Teddy (toy) it doesn't surprise me that Hurt is known to most GenX filmgoers for his work in: 'Children of a LESSER GOD' (David?). And, wait for it... 'THE BIG CHILL'. Again folks, NOT a coincidence!
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
"Open the Pod Bay doors HAL..." - (Dave Bowman) '2001: A Space Odyssey'. "Dave's not here!" -Tommy Chong (through a door). "Good morning Dave!" -'Independence Day' laptop, prior to Area 51 hanger doors being opened. Coincidence? No such a thing.
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
So it's understood, Spielberg shows us what happens when man plays God in Jurassic Park just like Cameron did with The Terminator and STANLEY Kubrick did in 2001: A Space Odyssey which has nothing to do with A.I. other than the latter film being released in 2001. "Two thousand zero zero, party over, OOPS, OUT OF TIME..." Who said that Prince or Vision??
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Yes folks the small girl with pigtails dressed in blue while carrying Teddy (Toto) who reports to her dad about the little boy at the Flesh Fair...she is a hybrid of Dorothy AND young JENNY Gump who as an adult passed LITTLE FORREST along to DADDY
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
Oh if anyone doubts my earlier connections between this and other films via casting, please just consider Haley Joel Osment's first major oscreen 'Splash' as "Little Forrest" who carried a Curious George book (not Pinocchio) onto a school bus driven by...'DOROTHY'. Teddy: Run David RUUN!! David: There's no place like home, There's no...
@JayStar-yj9pu Ай бұрын
This piece of crap is another Spielperv vehicle showcasing negligent parents who misprioritize which as usual, leads to traumatic events onscreen unfit for young viewers whose negligent parents as usual are unfit to explain the true meaning of Spielperv films thus five decades after Jaws America is in a truly lost condition as children are more targeted than ever to dominate a consumer market hellbent on self-absorbed self-destruction. BTW: A.I. is just another twisted version of The Wizard of Oz. Anyone who isn't familiar with Hollywood manipulation should pay closer attention to CASTING in films. Donnie Wahlberg known as a Bad Boy in a Boy Band (New Kids on the Block) appears in The Sixth Sense as a troubled man whose traumatized childhood was never properly addressed. That film stars Haley Joel.... This film (A.I.) features Haley Joel as a Artificial Child made to placate broken or would-be parents including the ones responsible for IMPRINTING then DISCARDING both DAVID and Toto. I mean TEDDY. Oh, then MARK Wahlberg (Good VIBRATIONS) appears in a pair of films about a little boy with a TEDDY Ruxpin bear, who makes a wish then receives a friend for life in TED, who's presented as a SOULLESS object manufactured to mimick a living being which then manifests a soul-based personality hellbent on chaotic, vulgar and sinful disregard. Of course, David seeks to fulfill a wish only known to him by a story heard from his MOTHER OF THE YEAR former owner who only sought to educate David with warnings just before dumping he and Toto (Teddy) out in the wilderness of New Jersey? Yeah, just watch Jude Law's two "Dates" then seek to view a sequence from AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR involving Wanda and (Loverbot) Vision in a romantic overseas love nest. Maybe then you'll understand why (Thunderbolt Ross) William Hurt portrays the "Great and Powerful" man behind the curtain (Oz/God) in A.I. (American Ignorance). Gotta love Spielberg showing the FLESH FAIR with a Chris Rock comic-bot being loaded (before 3 cheering black crowd members appear) into a cannon HEADING for DECAPITATION. Nothing like a famous kids film director mocking the public lynchings of historically ENSLAVED humans in here in GREAT America. Perfect Family Entertainment.
@Imjaxxmfckinmercer Ай бұрын
This movie was really ahead of its time considering now we’re living in a timeline of technology and AI is on the rise
@Aviationfan797 2 ай бұрын
The movie Black hole is my 🩶favorite🩶 movie of all time
@haktan7482 2 ай бұрын
i thought they are aliens lol
@MegaEnchik 2 ай бұрын
Pinnoccio copy nothing new
@HBKshowstopper 2 ай бұрын
And with that Bob turns into a trash can. He's like the Star Wars version of the Gonk droid but without legs
@HenryCasillas 2 ай бұрын
@choco-une 2 ай бұрын
a tragedy really, if not THE biggest tragedy that year.
@michaelanderson3096 3 ай бұрын
Teddy Bear 🐻
@joaopedrocavalcante3184 3 ай бұрын
This movie really traumatized me
@syntaxed2 3 ай бұрын
I always thought those unknown beings were aliens...so they are the "children" of human-made androids?
@Gabriel.Blaze12 3 ай бұрын
Why no cameo in ghost rider??
@motaraded-oo6 3 ай бұрын
this movie made me cry especially when the alien meets him in the room and said "we only want for your happiness... you i've had so little of that" that line was so heartbreaking
@derek45auto23 3 ай бұрын
"Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings. Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff."
@spike16965 3 ай бұрын
This movie and Philadelphia were great movies
@TriPham-j3b 3 ай бұрын
Silicon is better less corrosive and more interactive with light like computer not without transistor. Until phototronic come out and analog system if people want to end bioligy faster
@MiserableMovieMan 4 ай бұрын
Make out alright? It redefined the summer blockbuster and Nicholson was laughing all the way to the bank.
@joekerr7975 4 ай бұрын
"Life found a way" for Ian Malcolm to live and "The blood sucking lawyer" to die!
@kissed_by_sunshine_10 4 ай бұрын
Wreck the movie? Oh, no, I absolutely love this movie. Steven Spielberg did a great job.
@EnronnSierra 4 ай бұрын
I just wanted maybe a follow up to understand this new silicon based society.
@4killsfreddy148 4 ай бұрын
would be really dark and funny if this was all a lie and Stanley never wanted that lol
@motaraded-oo6 5 ай бұрын
those creatures are supermechas!!!!? I thought it aliens
@KrazyKortez 3 ай бұрын
I thought the same when I first seen the movie at age 12
@motaraded-oo6 3 ай бұрын
@@KrazyKortez for me they are aliens
@heyheyhey33351 5 ай бұрын
The movie ending with him underwater at the ferris wheel is just too nihilistic, empty, and painful. There's nothing wrong with giving a movie some heart. I love how Spielberg ended it.
@Floridacoastwriter 5 ай бұрын
Spielberg ain't right.
@joliecide 5 ай бұрын
I was surprised to learn Spielberg only wrote 3 screenplays in his lifetime. Close Encounters, AI, and Fabelmans. All deeply personal and considered masterpieces.
@fanbase288 5 ай бұрын
Whelp i like old bob in this scene shows had no choice but is like the energizer bunny kept going till he ran out of energy.😇💯 You heard what he said to Vincent.
@OwenGood-rv3tw 5 ай бұрын
Man, the only thing I can say about seeing movies as a six-year-old back in 1979, boy, girl, teenager, kid, kindergartener, didn't matter. They gave it to you HARD. All the way to the limits of the MPAA rating.