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@andyhorvath6630 24 күн бұрын
It's not correct that there's no conjugation for lenni in the third person; it's van and vannak, single and plural respectively. Both are often skipped in simple sentences, but not always: ő/Ön magas (he/she is tall) but ő/Ön otthon VAN (he/she is at home) and plural ők/Önök magasak and ők/Önök otthon VANNAK. This video only tells half of the story ...
@liambyrne5285 29 күн бұрын
Bald and bankrupt says grammar slows you down, he has been studying for 2 years but how many hours
@marcgyebnar5302 Ай бұрын
Nagyon szépen köszönöm !
@cpnlsn88 Ай бұрын
Having languages is like having a little family. One atrains a certain level with those languages. Then over time one stops. But one has the ability to add more languages to the fold. For me new languages are lesser languages for particular purposes like reading. Some languages i just want to read a number of texts. At the moment New Testament Greek. Once that is acquired I might be tempted by Hebrew but I'm not at that point yet. I also want to read old German and French. But not yet.... The door hasn't been shut. You can't learn more than one or two languages to near native level in my view. Even for languages I have I narrow down the purpose of the language. So for Latin there are just a few writers I'm interested in and there are specific types of things I want to do with them. I dont need to do everything in the language.
@pozsadavid7523 Ай бұрын
Does anyone have the video? It got deleted sadly? Any help?
@kiyokoan Ай бұрын
Great video!! Thank you.
@KingsleyAmuzu Ай бұрын
Hungry, I have a request for you, could you make a video about why Hungarian sounds like Turkish, or is Hungarian related to Turkish, because people think they're similar, while they're different languages, they have some similarities, they're different from European languages, but I'm not sure if they're related, just because they're different from European languages, they're similar to each other, so could you make a video Hungarian and Turkish?
@JonathanClayton-em1qm Ай бұрын
Wow, This is so helpful! Köszönöm szépen!
@jonahchapman6239 Ай бұрын
I liked the explanation 👍👍 of when to use the verbs for van and vannak. Good job
@Akitlosz Ай бұрын
The Hungarian language has another word(s) for red. Vörös and veres mean also red. The colour piros, vörös, veres is the same. The difference is the mood of the word. The funny things are piros, (car, roulette, card, face of a drunked people, nationalist flags) the serious things are vörös (blood, wine, the face of a shy or angry person, communist flag).
@Akitlosz Ай бұрын
Szerda means third and/or middle and/or hearth. Csütörtök means fourth. Péntek means fifth. Szombat means sixth and/or rest day. All come from the Slavic languages into the Hungarian, but the origin of the szombat is hebrew.
@Akitlosz Ай бұрын
nap = day, Nap = Sun, n != N, on sunday with suffix = vasárnapon. Vasárnap means market day, hétfő means the main day of the week, kedd means second, the other four names were taken from Slavic languages.
@Akitlosz Ай бұрын
But WHY? It is simple. If the verb is clear, it can only be to be, then it is unnecessary to say it. For example "Peter is a teacher." If Peter did not exist, we would not be talking about him. If the verb could be something other than to be, then it must be said so that the message is unambiguous. "The book is on the shelf." Or the book stands, or lies down, or is located or other verbs can also be used.
@zsoltmihalyszilagyi8960 Ай бұрын
Nem nyé, hanem eny.😅
@ClaudiaAzula 2 ай бұрын
Hello and thank you so very much, közönom szepán kyvanok for your channel. I'm struggling with ban van, things like the book is in the library, or I am outside the library. Basically I'm struggling with where in earth I am in Hungarian. No rush, much appreciated. Szia!
@soothingrelaxation8660 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate your contribution. I am Mexican but I am learning Hungarian in honor of my grandmother 😊
@ZadenZane 2 ай бұрын
7:16 I don't think children are any better at getting accents right than adults, except for very small children who are essentially picking up 2 or more mother tongues at once, they will be able to pronounce difficult things like ejective consonants that adult learners rarely master. But as for older children no, definitely not. I find it much easier to make foreign sounds and tones as an adult than I ever did as a child
@balak1 2 ай бұрын
As I Romanian, that made me happy ❤
@YotamPiano 2 ай бұрын
Nice, Meg hasznalom ChatGPT-t nehány idő. It does sometimes makes mistakes like you mentioned unfortunately which is why I don't use it much for story generation. I always ask it to provide English script as well so I could compare/contrast difficult words. One more thing, sometimes I use it to get a table of verb conjugations in past/present for certain verbs, as well as asking it to fix my grammar (definitive/indefinitive forms, which is one of the hardest things to know in Hungarian for me). Even so, I still rely on my grandma as a reliable feedback mechanism, a native speaker, better than A.I :) Szép munka!
@endlessdreamkitchen 3 ай бұрын
@ingriandrey 3 ай бұрын
Can you seriously read all these papers, books without googl translate???? How is it possible? The newspaper has very hight level of language
@Akitlosz 3 ай бұрын
It is not true. If the word is mixed and the last syllable has 'e', ​​ignoring the 'i' and 'í' then both version can be used. For example: in hotel = hotelben or hotelban. In Vaseline = vazelinban or vazelinben. Both are correct. Budapest is compound word from the names of two cities Buda and Pest so we only look at the last word. We use the word Budapest in the same way as the word Pest. If the word is mixed and the last syllable has 'é', ​​or 'i' or 'í' then we use the back version. For example: in a castle = kastélyban.
@hehelen5588 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your video. It would be even better if you could show your face in the video so that we can see how you pronounce the letters.
@hinzuzufugen7358 3 ай бұрын
I read "Babylon", Kato Lomb's professional autobiography, around 2010 in China. It was anathema to almost everything my students (German, English) did. K.L. was living in another time: Few resources, such as a dictionary accompanied by a novel in language x was a treasure, a lot of time (Did she have children, actually?) and thus more propensity to concentrate. The students wasted their time by sitting in courses and not being active users of the target language, Nein! Bu! A big nono to speak the language and listen/read without synchronous translation. At the moment, I teach integration courses (direct, awful transl. from German) for - mostly - refugees, in Germany. They, with few exceptions. waste time in the course room and in their off-time, normal life, don't bother with German. The smartphone abuse is upon us, I haven't seen a dictionary as a book with a student in years. The habit of doing everything in (a) mother tongue and the urge to translate and comment everything in range of comprehension in the mother tongue is, I say now: overwhelming esp. when a course group shares almost exclusively one mother tongue. I am not a polyglot but "live" in 3 languages marriage-wise (G, E, Chin.) and dip into many others frequently. The trend with AI-translation, OCR (for abt 15 years by now for IPhone users) etc. is driving many ppl away from course or personal 1:1 instruction anyway -
@Yohann_Rechter_De-Farge 3 ай бұрын
Köszönöm 👍🏻
@Yohann_Rechter_De-Farge 3 ай бұрын
How are they named?
@Akitlosz Ай бұрын
Vasárnap means market day, hétfő means the main day of the week, kedd means second, the other four names were taken from Slavic languages. Szerda means third and/or middle and/or hearth. Csütörtök means fourth. Péntek means fifth. Szombat means sixth and/or rest day. All four come from the Slavic languages into the Hungarian, but the origin of the szombat is hebrew.
@Yohann_Rechter_De-Farge Ай бұрын
@@Akitlosz köszönöm 👍🏻
@lisk3822 3 ай бұрын
Awesome. He's doing so well. I like watching videos as well because everything helps
@lisk3822 3 ай бұрын
I am learning the past tense and feel overwhelmed by the subtle changes in the endings. I keep trying and have been learning for years but nothing is better than listening and trying to understand. Unfortunately most Hungarians speak at the speed of light.
@shawnmarko7131 4 ай бұрын
Gently you reminded us about jó and jól, good and well, adj vs adv. Thx
@seamus7054 4 ай бұрын
Hi Robert. I'm a native English speaker and you have a very clear and easy to understand accent. Well done! A bit of a tip: It's pronounced, "Pro-NUN-ciation", not "Pro-NOUN-ciation". All the best.
@ghenulo 4 ай бұрын
Whoa, the first-person "mi" and second person "te"/"ti" might lend credence to the theory that the Uralic and Indo-European languages are related.
@ElijahBortnikov 4 ай бұрын
It seems like there are two dialects in Hungary or two groups of people. O-speaking and A-speaking. I mean, sometimes they say "teacher" tanár as [ta-naar] but sometimes as [to-naar].
@hopparezimi4155 4 ай бұрын
ur gr8!
@hopparezimi4155 4 ай бұрын
Szuper aranyosak vagytok, ok?? Engem tisztára feltöltenek az ilyen beszélgetések! Klassz! Klafa! Szupé! Ott van! Odatettétek Magatokat! Csak így tovább!! Cuki-mukik vagytok, ok??
@DiamondMcNamara 4 ай бұрын
irrron??? ayen!
@rnanerd6505 4 ай бұрын
I also find it hard to learn vocabulary, especially as I’m not a spring chicken any more. But a few simple things help me - repetition of course, but most of all putting words in context, hearing and recognising the words in subtitled films or videoclips etc. Also, writing down lists of related words, antonyms etc
@rnanerd6505 4 ай бұрын
I'm Aussie, origins half italian half Hungarian. My Hungarian father recently passed away at 89. So I'm learning Hungarian to honour his memory. Thank you for this video..its highly motivating😊
@hopparezimi4155 4 ай бұрын
Helló Aussie! Nagyon szép Tőled, hogy így tisztelegsz magyar apukád emléke előtt!
@rnanerd6505 4 ай бұрын
@@hopparezimi4155 thank you! The funny thing is that as I learn words and grammar, I can hear his voice trying to teach me! I had picked up lots of words over many years, as well as the pronunciation which is easy for me, but never studied the grammar. I must say the grammatical constructions of Hungarian is pretty logical. For me the challenge is to remember words. Listening to interviews like these, with subtitles, is very helpful. Learning languages is great mental gymnastics, fun, and very fulfilling.
@Yohann_Rechter_De-Farge 4 ай бұрын
Köszönöm 👍
@Yohann_Rechter_De-Farge 4 ай бұрын
Köszönöm 🌹🌷🌺
@Rozerboy. 4 ай бұрын
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
@Rozerboy. 4 ай бұрын
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩.Bangladesből nézem
@conradsylwester4621 4 ай бұрын
Hey, I hope everything is alright for you. Will you be posting more videos on your channel soon? I would be excited to see some new ones.
@PabloDozai 5 ай бұрын
thank you duolingo didnt explain this apsolute incompetence
@PabloDozai 5 ай бұрын
get a better mic
@staraskola9118 5 ай бұрын
Ја учим српски и после учићу српски добро, желим да учим и руски. Привет из Румынии. 🙂
@Akitlosz 5 ай бұрын
Nem megyek be. = I am not going in. Nem bemegyek. = I am not going in. (but I am going somewhere just not in.) Be nem megyek. = I am not going in. (or somewhere else, but not in at all).
@Akitlosz 5 ай бұрын
The word order in Hungarian is almost free. The article and adjective must come before the noun to which they belong. Everything else depends on the importance of the message. The first term in the sentence is the most important, the last term is the least important. For example, if the object is the most important word in the sentence, then it will be the first word, if it is not essential, then the last word, so the object can be anywhere in the sentence. So how do you know which word is the object in the sentence? From the fact that the word is in the accustive case. This ensures that the speaker can speak freely and can express nuanced differences with the same words that a fixed word order would make impossible. This makes the language expressive. So the Hungarian word order: First most important phrase in the sentence, second most important phrase in the sentence, third most important phrase in the sentence, ... , least important phrase in the sentence.
@user-nk2oo1yo8r 5 ай бұрын
Köszönöm szépen nagyon 😊
@nvcnyc4298 5 ай бұрын
Ó csak kezdő szinten beszél magyarul.
@monikaherath7505 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely astonishing. They say to become truly fluent in Hungarian you need at least 8 years.
@ingriandrey 3 ай бұрын
What? Even if you live with Hungarian girl together?