אני מתפלל שאנשים באזור DC יוכלו לחוות חוויות טובות עם קנאביס שיביאו להם חוכמה I pray that people in the DC area can have good experiences with cannabis that bring them wisdom אני מתפלל אֲלִילָה המריחואנה תביא חזיונות ותובנות של חוכמה לליברלים ב-DC שעוזרים בעיקר לאמריקה I pray the marijuana goddess will bring visions and insights of wisdom to liberals in DC that help America greatly אני מתפלל שיותר קונגרס יצביע ליברל וילבש ראסטות בגלל החוויות החדשות שלהם עם מריחואנה חזקה ב DC I pray that more Congress will vote liberal and wear dreadlocks because of their new experiences with strong marijuana in DC אני מתפלל אֲלִילָה החשיש תשאיר את ה-DC לא מסחרי ותמנע שחיתות, כי אנחנו מכבדים אותה משטר רפובליקני פשיסטי לא יגיע I pray the hash goddess will keep DC non-commercial and prevent corruption, because we respect it a fascist republican regime will not come אני מתפלל שהשימוש בחשיש יהיה מכבד I pray that the use of hashish is respectful חשיש עלול לגרום לאנשים הפחות ראויים לעזוב את DC ולמשוך אמריקאים כנים עם דעות ליברליות וסביבתיות Weed may make the less worthy people leave DC and attract honest Americans with liberal and environmental views למרות שהם ליברליים, אני מתפלל שהם ילבשו חליפות נקיות ב-DC ויישארו באמריקה Even though they are liberal, I pray they wear clean suits in DC and stay in America אני מתפלל שהחשיש חזק ושהוא יעזור לנו לחיות חיים חכמים יותר I pray that the hashish is strong and that it will help us live smarter lives
@laxinitup2659010 сағат бұрын
Great tips!
@احمدمنصر-ث2ع22 сағат бұрын
:اللهم ان كان لي من عمل قد قبلته ورضيته فبه اتوسل اليك ان تفرج عني ما انا فيه وان لم يكن لي من عمل رضيته او قبلته فرحمتك اوسع لي ففرج عني ما انا فيه
@名誉ために日本人天の祖先23 сағат бұрын
I am grateful for the police for keeping order and egoless justice, I am grateful noticing a trend of american police describing that they cannot certify the rule of Mr Trump because it is not in line with the constitution nor with the state codes. A good number of officers have expressed that what the media tells about Mr Trump is that he betrays the US principles and rules and so cannot be served by its kaw enforcement but defended against by american law. We don't have to worry about damage of another insurrection riot to take power because police in america are too intelligent and too justified by the people and ready. It's especially chief when special buildings to the US government are involved. I am grateful for the legal perspectives and advice of these police who are saying that Biden can continue to sit in the White House as President and who are producing authentification and confirmation of these claims, I am thankful for moments like this when we realize some of the law foundation of this country the USA is very very good. Thank you, police, and thank you VP Kamala Harris for your selfless encouragement and endeavoring to get these legal opinions in the light to please the appetite of the american people have faith in your government but also question it
@nikmuhammadhafiezimohdarif227Күн бұрын
very informative. thank youuu!
@nikmuhammadhafiezimohdarif227Күн бұрын
very informative. thank youuu!
@KeyserTheRedBeard2 күн бұрын
Impressive content, Sharing the Road. Looking forward to your next upload! I smashed that thumbs up button on your video. Keep up the amazing work. Your insights on transportation options in Santorini are invaluable! How do you think the recent changes in tourism patterns will affect the local economy in the coming years?
@Angelopithecus3 күн бұрын
As a Peruvian I have to admit you made one of the mos helpful videos of that amazing cultural site. Kudos
@carligirrl3 күн бұрын
As a Native Seattleite, I think this is one of the most accurate ones of these types of videos I've seen! The only thing I'd add is you should have some salmon. But Dick's, Piroshky Piroshky, Beacher's, a Seattle Dog, and chowder are all absolutely top 5 Seattle foods! Nice job! Well done!
@Angelopithecus3 күн бұрын
The views in Lima, just amazing
@michaelwiebe42823 күн бұрын
Amazing video & scenery!
@opiokapi44183 күн бұрын
@joshuadominictoling53103 күн бұрын
I like visiting Athens in the Spring or Summer! I fly by Lufthansa or Swiss with Star Alliance Member!
@ScottWiberg4 күн бұрын
I love this video. I tried Ceviche several times. It is now my favorite dish and I am learning to make in the USA. Some of the other stuff you showed, I didn't get the chance to try while I was in Chile, and now I want to back again!!
@ScottWiberg4 күн бұрын
I would recommend visit a location called "Patio Bella Vista". It is a wonderful oasis of restaurants and shops in the Providencia neighborhood on the North side of the Mapocho River and North of the Baquedano Station on the Metro #1 subway.
@walkaboutus4 күн бұрын
Charleston transforms into a magical place during Christmas!
@CARS-t9d4 күн бұрын
Why didn’t you use spray paint??
@brankovisnjovic24386 күн бұрын
Dubrovnik ist NICHT Balkan😡,auch Kroatien ist nicht Balkan!!
@cathysmith15558 күн бұрын
As a Yooper I’m proud of our UP. WE LIVE IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE
@veritymurray60088 күн бұрын
Much more sophisticated than it was almost thirty years ago when I went. It was just after an earthquake and there were huge splits in the roads and paths. The hotels and eateries were basic to say the least but it was a relaxing place to be after Cusco. A little kid dressed as an Inca used to run down the hillside between here and Machu Picchu and would be waiting for the tourist bus on each level as it zig-zagged down the road. He was a bit of a highwayman, collecting money from us while on the bus.
@aidano1o8 күн бұрын
Afraid to try raw fish! what about sushi?
@TyreesLittle9 күн бұрын
I’m going on a date there this weekend hopefully it goes well
@tounisiyasser9 күн бұрын
nice country
@outtlierr798310 күн бұрын
@leonidesbeltran942310 күн бұрын
Who has an americano and croissant in Lima? Might as well stay in the U.S. for that.
@SunnyEscapades10 күн бұрын
The food looks good! Already miss Slovenia, hope I can visit it again next year 😁
@MichaelHowes11 күн бұрын
excellent video
@rodrigoalfredotapiaescobar300511 күн бұрын
Por favor no pongan esa musica bananera no representa al conosur que es Chile Argentina y uruguay. De hecho migrantes de venezuela , Colombia , peru y haiti estan destruyendo a Chile mas aun con un lamentable gobierno comunista.
@Harun-IT11 күн бұрын
● Hello, how are you? I am a regular viewer of your KZbin channel. I came here to say that- "I appreciate how well-researched and insightful your content is!" Good Luck
@trav3ll3r12 күн бұрын
This was such a thorough video! Thank you!
@rafaellorentealonso978712 күн бұрын
Hei, grate, this is Mexico, isn't it?
@名誉ために日本人天の祖先12 күн бұрын
AMERICAN Spy Museum Technically it's less about the Russian pedo arrests although that's essential It's moe about the narrative choice When you ask much as mention Russian it can no longer be a Confederate story If I mention other elements it can't be southern Landscapers are gearing for modern Jewish stories Not civ. War reenactments This prospect excited America So they're backing it up like woah.. we might have down historic St Mary style for this, essentially visibly some of it actually will remain that (we're talking old Maryland forests etc) with the shadows removed, but noticeably it's imbued with more of a tech savvy world, (most of it remains suburb none of it goes artsy nauveaux) without an openly tech savvy interface (no sci Fi visuals- but undeniably the tech is there) So they're just admitting the roots asking me to post this conversation exactly on Maryland's KZbin channels and that's that Specifically this is the remedy to Russian influence and it's also the agreed ground... See it as, even potential rival CIAs were actually confused about the actual agreed setting, IN REAL LIFE, they were thinking a challenge intuitively, what they've seen is more like giving up and it having fruited much that's actually real so even they're being shocked by the integrity factor... They are spies.. they haven't really been able to get things done because there's no agreement on what is reality or not yet, Finally us CIA writes back to them, "we have an agreed setting style, you guys agree, in your hearts it's more a realistic attempt not just a give up on matters that then seem too cheap to be real," So there's some breakthrough So they're just showing yashar isn't really at hick level, but the reality was that's what world CIAs were responding to as their understanding, with a highly interactive us CIA.. despite that modernity yashar thinks that I fly unhindered and difficult to track, all of it a basic initial ground for what will evolve as a slightly improved more active CIA, but not foreign missons $50 - they just see that as a major pillar, even the spy museum has mentioned (this is only a decade or so outdated to the real truly classifieds). They just say the agreed setting is important and will be respected. There's no gender bias with that setting and also; it properly honors the area You have your excited (but not TOO excited) cleared citizens in awe, "oh this is how clean and crystal clear federal dc is, this is exactly the story i want to tell distant American relatives, (not capital region residents or employees) oh yes the fed are sophisticated and enlightened but it's not a sci Fi show, more zen than that ... Respect and fear the federal and the mind games they can play etc, classic"
@Nara.Fagundes12 күн бұрын
It's definitly a helpful video. Thank you!
@Noneyabsnis14 күн бұрын
Stop going to these mainstream restaurants. They are crap compared to the small kitchens you can find. Im telling you now you ae missing out!!! And a Crepe WTF!!! Do better or go home!
@Noneyabsnis14 күн бұрын
As an avid traveler and married to a Peruvian I have never seen my wife so agitated and disrespected in my life after hearing your pronunciations of the dishes is and the lack of research and information you had on the dishes stating that these were authentic when they were clearly not. for the love of God please do your research and learn the pronunciations before posting your videos because it does disrespect and agitate the locals. And her mother was even agitated even more and she's old school Peruvian. the words that came out of her mouth was Uneducated and clearly should not be giving information on history When clearly you had none. her words were you need to do better you look silly.
@traveling_everywhere14 күн бұрын
Congrats on marriage!!! Many years of happiness!
@KhushiKhan-r7o14 күн бұрын
Hello Ma'am, I have visited your KZbin channel, Your videos are amazing and I love every one of your videos But I found some problems. If you solve all these problems in your channel then you will get double views, double subscribers and you can earn double money from your channel. Do you want to talk about problems for a while?
@ashikislam837014 күн бұрын
i enjoyed your video. it was beautiful video. i wanting invite you for travel our country. but, i will not invite you right now. our political situation isn't good now. i expect from you. one day you will visit our country. take love from Bangladesh. thanx for sharing videos.
@ashikislam837014 күн бұрын
you should speak slowley. because, English is not mother language for all human. if you told slow. everyone can easily understand english. fast voice makes me problem to understand. by the way, dubrovik was beautiful city. nice balcony. nice museum. nice wall
@marissab770915 күн бұрын
Thanks so much helped a lot :-)
@anrn530315 күн бұрын
can't wait, will be there in Spring... :)
@M.C.K.11115 күн бұрын
To go to Miramare take the boat from molo audace , opposite Piazza Unità Italia, to Grignano , that's just next to Miramare Park..
@marvinaviles259315 күн бұрын
Very informative video without unnecessary fluff.
@jeanea870916 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@David-y2b16 күн бұрын
Anyone know how much are the umbrellas and beach chair rentals?
@serdar21316 күн бұрын
0:46 Marketing aprox 10 old houses after pastel paint is a true American Commercial Success.
@AmyAlves370016 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info!
@chulangaaverilhettiarachch326717 күн бұрын
To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer ❤
@Sunflowermeadows7775 күн бұрын
What a sweet message. I wish you the exact same thing. ❤
@名誉ために日本人天の祖先17 күн бұрын
Gratitude for the USA Senate for holding allegiance to the checks and balances of the constitution through thick and thin not submitting to DT