The Future of Ukraine: A Debate
Prof. Steve Hanke: Did Lockdowns Work?
David Satter: The Legacy of Gorbachev
What is the State of America?
@roadtoll5609 2 күн бұрын
When I heard that Karen say that Muhammad was the Gandhi of the 7th century, I laughed out loud, it was so comical.
@kennbmondo 2 күн бұрын
Say what you want about Robert... history has proven him correct again and again. Here we are 6 years later and everything he focused on here is as relevent as it was the day it was written.
@wongwong3514 2 күн бұрын
Islam us the nost misunderstood religion
@Sioux-free 7 күн бұрын
Spencer discussing Islam is like a street tart fancying herself a learned intellectual theologian and discussing trinity and the Council of Nicea 😂😂😂
@Sioux-free 7 күн бұрын
I doubt that you are any of those things . Honesty and integrity has never been your lot’s strongest assets.
@nurkkr 11 күн бұрын
the Man the Legend I'd still watch if he wasn't so funny and charming
@enshrinehd 12 күн бұрын
Finding Cynthia in May 2024. I have been a disengaged American Jew who is no longer.
@BarryBull-mv5no 14 күн бұрын
Em.a has sckttish twang in her voice wonder studied in scotland back day ??
@ktyayan 16 күн бұрын
The man is legend, calling spade a spade
@philippenissim 19 күн бұрын
This man is unbelievable, one rare case of someone, bringing true, thanks for your lightening mr Spenser!
@julianp8995 22 күн бұрын
I bought the book ''the complete idiot's guide to ISIS'' Robert I want my money back. You failed to mention that ISIS was funded and propped up the CIA and Israel.?? The #1 cause of terrorism is united states foreign policy.. Don't you think when you overthrow a goverment. displace millions of people, steal their oil. And implement sanctions. That's what causes terrorism. !!!
@gill2262 23 күн бұрын
@caroliner2029 25 күн бұрын
An outstanding and informative presentation from Robert Spencer. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
@kenlim4204 25 күн бұрын
The USA can continue to print more money. Best secret for success.
@Fernguy3.0 28 күн бұрын
@ElficGuy Ай бұрын
I'm Spanish, to this day, instead of saying "the coast is clear!" It's said "there are no Moores in the coast!"
@SialfWaza Ай бұрын
Ukraine is doomed because of the collective west !! Dr Bryen sounds honest in his analysis !
@yusuplifire2240 Ай бұрын
As someone who lives in a muslim majority country and see the ignorant of ppl in the west about Islam, finally I hear someone who speaks historical truth about Islam. Wake up before it is too late.
@mihaivesa7719 Ай бұрын
Thank you Robert Spencer
@DanHowardMtl Ай бұрын
All these same issues are happening in the US as well with the Democrats. They need to lose.
@soumiyael154 Ай бұрын
تحية خالصة الاستاد حسن منمنة
@jamesb.9155 Ай бұрын
He's doing such important work and with so many qualifications too . . .
@yunzhang9471 2 ай бұрын
He is implying Chinese has brain but not heart and are cruel and ruthless and the Great Jewish culture must use all resort to prevent China raise
@user-hp8yb5sm4y 2 ай бұрын
This debate is now six months old. Let’s look at the situation. 1.) Dr. Bryen’s offhanded accusation by innuendo that President Zelenskyy indulged in assassination is frankly unconscionable. Perhaps Stephen thinks Ukraine suffers from the same corruption it endured under Russian puppets, but it does not. Dr. Byren’s ‘some people say’ preface to this aside is, to be charitable dishonest and vague. The only assassination here is character assassination conducted by Dr. Byren. 2.) I would point out Dr. Byren’s penchant for sweeping statements regarding Ukrainian vs. Russian abilities. His use of the phrase “I just don’t see it” and his sweeping aside of the opinions held by senior American military officials demonstrates a closed minded assessment of a highly dynamic war. 3.) Ukrainian innovation continues to significantly outstrip the Russians. In spite of their lack of deep water ships, Ukraine has to date destroyed 27 Black Sea Fleet vessels, including a nuclear submarine. This is a third of that fleet. Ukraine also has pushed the Russian navy out of the Sevastopol deep water harbor. And continues to successfully attack even at great distances. 4.) Even without a air superiority, Ukraine has destroyed ~350 Russian aircraft and ~325 helicopters. Just days ago Ukrainian drones destroyed six Russian aircraft at the Morozovsk airfield. This comes on the heels of Ukraine shooting down 13 Russian aircraft in two weeks. Before that Russia lost two of their ~six Ilyushin Il-22 airborne command post aircraft. A contingent of Ukraine’s best pilots have been trained on F16 fighters that will be coming on line soon. 5.) Of course Ukraine has taken losses of troops, which is terrible, yet Russian troop losses have been devastating. Russians have been losing 700 - 1000 men a day. Their current total is in the mid four hundred thousands and is steadily moving toward half a million. 6.) For Dr. Byren to imply that somehow the disagreement between the President and his then Commander in Chief somehow represents an old style Russian power struggle complete with assassination, rather than a legitimate tension between two strategies, is to denigrate the Ukrainian people. The strategy of degrading Russian manpower, tanks, IFVs, and supporting infrastructure is not unreasonable. Ukraine has chosen to tenaciously defend territory where they hold a significant tactical advantage. This has resulted in huge Russian losses. I will remind Dr. Bryen that Ukraine did attempt an American style single point attack and met with failure, primarily because NATO and the U.S. hadn’t supplied the necessary training and planes for Ukraine to achieve air superiority. Actually, the fact that the Russians have been unable to establish air superiority and have been forced to stand back their attack aircraft is indicative of their deep vulnerabilities. 7.) Ukraine recently has undertaken very effective attacks on Russian oil refineries, production capabilities, and command structures. These are not the actions of a country on the verge of collapse. 8.) Dr. Bryen’s glib brushing off of Russia’s history of abrogating treaties and promises is beyond strange. The idea that negotiation with this megalomanic, who is on record both in word and action as pursuing Ukrainian genocide and the destruction of their nascent democracy, is beyond naive. This notion that Russia was somehow pushed into invading a nation whose territory it pledged to respect is also threadbare. And the push started in part by Richard Haass’ article in Foreign Affairs months ago in which he advocated “ushering” Ukraine to the negotiating table “after this fighting season has ended”, is reprehensible. This campaign to undercut Ukraine started subtly, with lots of water-testing, slowly broke the surface, and found voice in the mouths of clowns like Ramaswamy, and Mike Johnson. Cut-and run advocates such as Dr. Bryen have given only lipservice to the very real possibility that negotiations will encourage Kim, Xi, and other totalitarian states to invade their neighbors e.g. Taiwan, S. Korea et al. They evince little understanding of how their very words may well draw American troops into battle. The notion that we have any right to “usher” Ukraine again into a deal against their self interest smacks of the sort of Realpolitik practiced by the likes of the ethically devoid Kissinger. Such a world view has undermined American credibility and repeatedly served despots. It would be sheer idiocy to continue to pursue such arrogance. 9.) Next, I would remind Dr. Bryen that his position is directly in line with Putin’s strategy of outlasting the determination of the West. Making sweeping statements about the supposed paucity of armaments the West can supply is to sidestep the reality that we could have and still can supply much more. Patriot missiles, for example, would very effectively defend more of Ukrainian civilians from the Russian systematic war crime attacks. Patriot missiles also have proven very effective against Russian fixed wing craft. We can and should do more. 10.) Finally, I would remind everyone and Dr. Bryen particularly, of the sever underestimation of the Ukrainian people by supposed experts like him. We now are more than 770 days into a war that he and his ilk projected would last for about 3. It would be helpful if Dr. Bryen would adopt a position of much greater humility and be less in the thrall of his own supposed expertise. Hi to you, Bob, from a Georgetown acquaintance. I remember well your performance in Richard III. Allen
@eternalprep9125 2 ай бұрын
The parallels to todays governmental behavior.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 ай бұрын
intellectual property theft, invasion of privacy, harassment,rape by lesbianism, vandalism, death threats. NO TRESPASSING, NO CONTACT. I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY. SUPREMACISTS, CULTS, TERRORISTS AND COMMUNISTS.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 ай бұрын
intellectual property theft, invasion of privacy, harassment,rape by lesbianism, vandalism, death threats. NO TRESPASSING, NO CONTACT. I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY. SUPREMACISTS, CULTS, TERRORISTS AND COMMUNISTS.
@adriandocherty778 2 ай бұрын
Bro. No way Obama was gonna start teaching Islam. People still call him Osama and call him a Muslim!!🤦🏽‍♀️
@danielgent6035 2 ай бұрын
This guy is the Jordan Peterson of anti-islam. I carne here for a history lesson but it's so peppered with nauseating statements Meanwhile the US gives more bombs to Israel to bomb Palestinian civilians but IT'S MUSLIMS THAT THREATEN US!
@danielgent6035 2 ай бұрын
Muslim Spain was so bad for minorities meanwhile Christian Spain was amazing apart from it being the first ethnic cleansing in history with non Christians gone in a few decades All this history from someone in a country where they wiped out 99% of the natives
@danielgent6035 2 ай бұрын
The US backed Ibn Saud through Chevron. Britain had power in its protectorates on the coast. You're not even trying to follow history here
@danielgent6035 2 ай бұрын
Wow I just Googled the guy my initial comment was correct I remember when he was banned from entering the UK because he was going to speak at a fascist rally Any slight reading of European history will inform you that fascists like him are the real threat
@danielgent6035 2 ай бұрын
An orthodox Christian thinks Catholics and protestants are his friends? LOL. maybe that's why needs a Muslim enemy
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 ай бұрын
God does not Lie. Period.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 ай бұрын
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 days ago Cease and desist malicious use of AI, intellectual property theft, invasion of privacy, harassment,rape by lesbianism, vandalism, death threats. NO TRESPASSING, NO CONTACT. I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY. SUPREMACISTS, CULTS, TERRORISTS AND COMMUNISTS.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 ай бұрын
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 2 days ago Cease and desist malicious use of AI, intellectual property theft, invasion of privacy, harassment,rape by lesbianism, vandalism, death threats. NO TRESPASSING, NO CONTACT. I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY. SUPREMACISTS, CULTS, TERRORISTS AND COMMUNISTS.
@markregulus556 2 ай бұрын
I had the unfortunate experience of having Ilan Berman as a Professor. Without question, he is the laziest most unethical individual I have ever met.
@markregulus556 2 ай бұрын
I had the unfortunate experience of having Ilan Berman as a Professor. Without question, he is the laziest most unethical individual I have ever met.
@manoochehrghanbari2325 2 ай бұрын
@greencat8949 2 ай бұрын
Patrick Clawson is neocon Psychopath- I cannot believe he still around in government. He is liar that bragging about doing a false flag to get USA involved in a war with Iran.He’s disgusting. This guy is dangerous and scary.
@miri-dz9oy 2 ай бұрын
As a German, I'm impressed with David Goldman's detailed understanding of the situation in Germany. Thank you, Westminster Institute, for providing high-quality content throughout your videos. Your videos surely deserve more views. I'm very happy I came across your channel by pure chance here on KZbin.
@Westminsterinstitute 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words!
@davidmcclellan1920 2 ай бұрын
Shared numerous times.
@Westminsterinstitute 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@southernmostrebel 2 ай бұрын
"Most reliable partner" was not the people that let Isis go! Of course, it was the natural enemy to the SUNNI Muslims, which is the SHIA Muslims! 30:50 - 34:45 I wonder if David Eubank is speaking of a fake "Fatwa" because he lies about so many things it's hard to know. Also noticed that he admits that it is the SHIA Iraqi, central government that mostly fought against Isis, but then he flips the whole narrative to "the Kurds" BY WHICH HE USUALLY MEANS THE PKK TERRORIST ORGANIZATION THAT HE SUPPORTS! EVEN THOUGH THE PKK, TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, PROLIFICALLY, KILL KURDISH CIVILIANS, AND KURDISH CHILDREN ARE ENDLESSLY KIDNAPPED BY THEM. HE STILL DOES PROPAGANDA FOR THIS GROUP AND CLAIMS THAT HE IS SUPPORTING "THE KURDS" BY SUPPORTING A GROUP THAT MURDERS AND KIDNAPS KURDS! Beware of people that like to hide terrorist organizations, under the guise of ethnicity!
@atheistgenocideinthebible1102 2 ай бұрын
How US Traders cooperated with Stalin?
@mikeliu5201 2 ай бұрын
Andrew: regarding the career location of Chinese student in US, my observation is most of STEM students will go back to China. In your particular field, they may not. The reason is obvious.
@aln2790 3 ай бұрын
@mathematica7531 3 ай бұрын
He is doing a comparative study, he must include World War I and World War II in his studies. In fact he is just an Islamo- phobic
@VanessaD-wg2pl 3 ай бұрын
It's like that, no matter if you’re 40 or whatever, after reading Dobbie Nerkstrol's guide, I ended up pleasantly surprised. Within 60 days anyone can get pregnant, feeling the changes in your body the first few weeks. After go’ogling her I understood it's not a miracle kind of thing like the title suggests, but you can bet you'll boost your chances.
@rkrw576 3 ай бұрын
What he neglects to honestly consider is that in its early centuries, Islam was far more tolerant of religious diversity than Christianity. Instead, what you get is a manichaean Islamophobia that verges on racism. It is ridiculous and ignorant. If you looked selectively at the behavior of Christians during the 30 Years War, you could condemn it as a flawed religion in the same terms. Religions evolve, Islam is in crisis for many reasons, hence it spawns extremists that are rightly condemned. But we should NOT tar all Muslims as fundamentally irredeemable.
@KrwiomoczBogurodzicy 3 ай бұрын
@carolinashore7525 3 ай бұрын
It is Feb 2024. Anyone watching this after the invasion of Ukraine can see that he knew what he was talking about.