GLOW: Subject Over Subject Matter
@JustinProper 3 күн бұрын
OMG HE LEFT HIS NAME ON THE TRUCK 🤣🤣🤣 I wasn't sure where this video was going when I clicked on it, but man you already won me over!
@wp6007 3 күн бұрын
Most of the examples of film grain preserved footage you show clearly look worse than the film grain removed footage. Also vinyl noise is not good.
@JohnWildeFF 5 күн бұрын
1:00:43 Totally normal. I do that once a week. Including the accident
@catcalculator559 5 күн бұрын
People of Any decade at the Very least beginning from the 70 want to Go back but i dont think its wrong because there were Surely things that were better
@EvocativeNine 5 күн бұрын
In a world where people are creating film critic and reviewer businesses based off of bashing films, it is always nice to hear people talk about how the feel about films without any agendas or forced negativity.
@NicheCaesar 5 күн бұрын
Hey, thank you for the kind words. That’s what this channel is all about! Just appreciating and chatting about films that resonate with me
@user-dw6xh6rt9n Күн бұрын
Do note he went all the way to the 90's to find a decent movie. The reason those channels exist is based on the state of modern media which is absolute trash. I haven't seen one good film this decade. Pure trash. TV is worse than ever and games are being taken over by activists pushing a message no one wants.
@TheBeird 7 күн бұрын
I had the whole film spoiled for me in film school. Out of the blue, the lecturer just went through it and offered up the dream interpretation. Didn’t see it then until 20 years later and while I couldn’t shake off that take, I enjoyed it very much. I love Lynch’s insistence on not giving solid answers to his work. It’s what you bring to it yourself that matters. And I really related to Naomi Watts characters heartbreak a lot. I think the story is about heartbreak and disappointment. In love, ambition and the self loathing it leads to. That’s what I took from it.
@NicheCaesar 6 күн бұрын
Oof that is rough. How dare your lecturer do that! And I think that’s a great read of it. Disappointment plays such a huge part in the movie, and I think it’s one of the films largest themes. It’s the basis of what I pulled from my most recent screening of it, which is that the Naomi Watts character is grappling with guilt after making a rash decision.
@MisterWessells 7 күн бұрын
cia and fbi would b on biff top lol b4 he bought them out files would b available
@NicheCaesar 7 күн бұрын
Hope you enjoyed the latest Glaring Admissions! Fun fact about this episode: it’s working title was “The One Where Nick suffers from an increasingly bad hair day for two hours while he recorded it” lol. Be sure to drop your thoughts on Mulholland Drive over in the comments, as well as a Glaring Admission or two you’d love to see on the show sometime!
@internettrash5120 12 күн бұрын
One of my least favorite transfers is for Scary Movie (2000) from the 2007 blu-ray. The DNR makes the film look really weird. There's a more recent transfer used for streaming services, with much less DNR and more film grain in tact, and the addition of it being an open matte version (2: 35:1 expanded to 16:9) it's a shame that this version hasn't made it to a new blu-ray release. I can't say the same for the second film, Lionsgate did a great job on that transfer. It's for sure the definitive version of that film
@Hocotate589 12 күн бұрын
The movie kinda feels like the merchandise and not the show it's based on.
@johnjay370 12 күн бұрын
As a guy that can not feal nostalgia. I can not relate.
@hardcore_jew 12 күн бұрын
1:21 What movie is that?
@etasjo 13 күн бұрын
please get a worse camera
@sonictimm 13 күн бұрын
Great video! Makes me want to do a similar deep dive into games. Textures and assets aside, it's flabbergasting how many games change their color palettes for remasters, and I have started becoming very averse to it. At best, the original vibe is preserved. At worst, formerly dark creepy areas are rendered bright as day and everything is oversaturated.
@NicheCaesar 13 күн бұрын
It’s an interesting subject for sure (could t help but notice Sonic the hedgeboy in your pfp and think about how Sonic Adventure is a great example of changes to lighting and character models.
@sonictimm 13 күн бұрын
@@NicheCaesar Great example! Much older than the examples I had in mind. That one is especially pertinent because each new re-release seems to introduce new issues--even some physics issues which weren't present in the original. Much of the cause was technical though, rather than stylistic. Cybershell did a great video covering that one in detail - "Why Sonic Adventure DX is a Bad Port"
@sonictimm 13 күн бұрын
@@NicheCaesar Much simpler example: Look up Spyro original vs Remastered. By all accounts, a good remaster... But it really bugs me that they replaced the cozy Watercolor palette with a hyper-bright hyper-saturated one.
@Anxious_McStabby 14 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot man, this was packed full of information I had always made assumptions about but honestly didn't know enough about the formats and processes to truly grasp. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into the research for this. How on earth did they miss the car hardtop in American Graffiti? That thing makes a sore thumb look positively stealthy.
@adamsteinbacher2629 14 күн бұрын
Not holding my breath for a T2 4k that doesn't look like it was processed through the A.I. slaughterhouse. I doubt Cameron will be accepting of film grain ever again. I have no hope for Terminator 1 either. Seeing what he did to Aliens, The Abyss & True Lies crushed any expectations.
@adamsteinbacher2629 14 күн бұрын
Seeing Jurassic Park on release day in theaters was a formative experience for sure. I was 12 & had been fed a heavy diet of marketing for the film all spring & early summer (trailers, the book, Starlog magazines, McDonald's cups and packaging tie-ins, etc.) & was made dino-obsessed. It was the most incredible thing I'd seen since probably Batman in '89 or TMNT in '90. Has to be my most re-watched Spielberg movie, & overall under the Star Wars OT. Been chasing that theatrical experience dragon ever since.
@theghostsofgiants 14 күн бұрын
Funny that you mention Criterion Collection (which I love) when even they have had their controversies over the past few years (the Wong Kar-Wai restorations and the pink sky in Tarkovsky's Mirror). Controversial restoration choices are inescapable lol.
@mdmn-ARCA 14 күн бұрын
I'm glad ypu mentioned The Matrix here. I never saw it at the cinema but watched the DVD I had of it religiously, and in the DVD the scenes set in the Matrix were barely green at all, they had a more brown tint to them than anything. For _years_ I assumed that must've been how it really was, and that any changes to that were made retroactively... but it turns out the green had been colour corrected out of it all along and I only found that out like 20 years later...
@BuccoBruceCh 15 күн бұрын
I'd like to offer a counterpoint, that sometimes *some* amount of grain removal is absolutely necessary. Warner Bros. released several (otherwise very nice) Blu-Rays of Looney Tunes. This is 50-100 year old film. A little over *90 year old* film stock at the oldest end...and a lot of it was poorly preserved. They applied no grain reduction whatsoever, and slapped it all onto Blu-Ray at ~15 Mbps. The end result is a mess where the extremely high level of grain actually gives way to macroblocking and color smearing. A light amount of DNR would've done miles for those discs. It's a bit of a moot point since they completely stopped the physical releases when they realized they could lock the continued releases of those older shorts behind MAX and Boomerang... And I say this as someone who hates the Madame Tussauds look of the newer T2 master, owns both "Level" Blu-Ray discs of Dragon Ball Z (and "obtained" the streaming versions of the two unreleased Level discs), and has also gone as far as hunting down 35mm film scans of movies.
@NicheCaesar 15 күн бұрын
Very well said (but worth mentioning that I actually say something along those lines at some point - DNR is a tool that is absolutely worth using. It just gets abused a lot.)
@BuccoBruceCh 15 күн бұрын
@@NicheCaesar the example you showed of grain + extra compression + KZbin compression immediately reminded me of those Blu-Rays :) it's sad, because if the hypothetical adventurous or technically savvy viewer wants to do something once "too much grain compressed way too much" has happened, you have to resort to nearly the same level of destructive filtering as the bad examples you showed
@Spikeland 15 күн бұрын
I was not a fan of The Terminator on Blu-ray the scene that killed it for me is when the T-800 was in the police station and the power is out and you only see the shadow of Kyle not knowing if it was T-800 or Kyle the light is way to bright seeing him right away... which I'm sorry if I'm passionate about this but that was the point of the movie not knowing if its The Terminator or Kyle
@ldbjr 15 күн бұрын
Watched this on a double feature with Blue Velvet in 86, at a local Richmond, VA theater. What a memorable long afternoon at the theater that one was.
@NicheCaesar 15 күн бұрын
That had to be a hell of a good time. They feel like they would compliment each other well
@5stardave 16 күн бұрын
Give me a wide screen CRT and a VHS and I'm happy.
@datguyrahul 16 күн бұрын
Nothing Beats Original 35mm Film Look in case of most movies.
@petevaldezbc1 16 күн бұрын
Dumb liberals always think MAGA is about "rolling the clocks back to a simpler time." No, idiot, it's about American politicians actually putting America and its citizens first on the world stage. We have the leverage and the resources, and we should use that to better our lot, just like every other country does for themselves
@seanelstob5922 17 күн бұрын
Even if ppl had photographic memories of movies they watched in theatres in their childhoods, why would you want to replicate the duped release prints that you inevitably saw back then. Very few ppl saw original neg or show prints. I can attest to the fact that, having worked as a projectionist on the UK premiere of Eyes Wide Shut, and handled/rehearsed the various 35mm prints, the orig neg was night and day different to the release prints. The orig neg showed all the original intent with the grain while the release prints were muddy, hazy facsimiles by comparison.
@justinsayin3979 17 күн бұрын
17:34 _"By shifting the look of a movie with little regard for the context behind it, you're basically communicating to me that you look at a film as being less a piece of work with a thesis and deliberate choices put into it and more as content."_ Précisement! Don't expect us to treat you seriously if you can't treat yourself seriously.
@TheRyanandRachael 18 күн бұрын
The end of sleep away camp.
@cash.and.mouse666 19 күн бұрын
aww this is such a sweet deconstruction, just watched Before Sunrise for the first time
@bobafettjr85 19 күн бұрын
My thought process is artistic intent vs limitation of the time. Eyes Wide Shut was intentionally made to look grainy. T2 wasn't intended to look grainy but was grainy because of the limitations. So cleaning up grain in T2 is less annoying than cleaning up Eyes Wide Shut. So whoever is working on the cleanup process should be knowledgeable of the original artistic intent. Is it meant to look green like The Matrix? Is it just a fun action movie like True Lies? Also with old film in theaters was the grain you saw from the master or was it grain from that theater's actual copy? I'm perfectly fine with cleaning up old films to make them clearer as long as it's done with care and passion for the original intent. This thought process also applies sound mixing. So many theater mixes being downmixed to stereo with algorithms instead of care annoys me more than the way it looks.
@MrSnaztastic 19 күн бұрын
Honestly the worry a lot of cinephiles have these days is that 4K blu ray feels like the "ultimate" format, with it being unlikely there's ever a successor in the physical space to UHD and streaming services having no real incentive to offer better. With these awful AI algorithms popping up now, it feels like the releases we've been getting may be the last chance to get a good version of these movies for posterity before it all becomes automated slop.
@FauxRomano 19 күн бұрын
Bless Criterion
@SITSIndustries 20 күн бұрын
Came here to learn something, got tired of listening to this guy talk about his opinion. Couldn't finish this video.
@susangurnoe9611 20 күн бұрын
In 2007, I ended up running a website with pirated movies converted into a format to play on the Nintendo DS. I'm pretty sure I ended up removing any film grain. Lol.
@cyxceven 21 күн бұрын
I blame rampant drug use in Hollywood. Can't even keep their edit bays sound levelled and color calibrated.
@TheBeird 21 күн бұрын
It's got a great premise, and I do love that it takes it out of the ring. Not a movie without merit at all but I wish it dwelt on its themes a little more than it does, and get them back onto the streets without such contrivances. Mind you, who can hate this film now? It laid groundwork for Rocky Balboa and the Creed films. I love it when a mythos does that instead of course correct. They did the same for Karate Kid 3 and Cobra Kai, and it was great! Rocky 4 is my favourite though. Original version. The gall of Stallone to think that Rocky could punch the Cold War out, amazing. And it gave us gems like this;
@NicheCaesar 21 күн бұрын
I still love Rocky IV to bits lol. Sure, it’s mostly for the wrong reasons, but it’s insanely rewatchable. Speaking of Cobra Kai, July cannot get here soon enough 👀 gonna need to pick up the 4K Karate Kid set and rewatch those ahead of it!
@SuperMarioBrosIII 21 күн бұрын
In the director's cut it shows Rocky aiding Tommy after he loses the fight!🥊🤼‍♂🔔🎥
@BKopps 21 күн бұрын
liked that you touched on the recent Rocky IV director's cut in this one in comparison! also, I stumbled across your channel recently and have been enjoying all of your analysis content. keep up the great work!
@NicheCaesar 21 күн бұрын
Glad you’re enjoying it! And for all its faults, Rocky V Drago is such a fascinating film. I’m really curious to see what’s different about the new Balboa cut (though I’m guessing it’s mostly just some of the deleted scenes for Paulie that are already available online).
@BKopps 21 күн бұрын
@@NicheCaesar had no idea that Balboa had a director's cut too, def gonna have to check that one out!
@SuperMarioBrosIII 21 күн бұрын
F1RST! Great video!🥊🔔🤼‍♂🎥
@NicheCaesar 21 күн бұрын
Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this video! Feel free to tell me about your favorite Rocky movie over in the comments! Additionally, be sure to subscribe and stick around if you enjoyed this video essay and wanna see what else I put out in the future. You can also stalk me on Letterboxd or Twitter via the links in the description, or check out my podcasts Media Obscura/Glaring Admissions from the Media Obscura RSS feed on your favorite podcast player (or by checking out their video uploads on my channel).
@theroguerider 22 күн бұрын
Technology not only helps film but also hurts it. Truth is that even when presented in theaters at the time they weren’t EXACTLY seen how the director envisioned. Lens issues, build variation, projection screen age all manipulated the look, and that’s completely ignoring sound. Today we have 75” televisions on our walls and you can go to websites to get EXTREMELY specific settings to give you the “best image possible’. If you are an Apple fan, the shows and movies they make for Apple TV are created in such a way that if you use your phones camera it can make adjustments to give you more accurately what was intended by the creator. The thing is that there are people who think the best way to listen to music is via album/record which is objectionally wrong, but it MIGHT be the way THEY like it most. For all we know Sydney Pollack might have HATED grain but his only experience in filmmaking is that you always have it. They are mutually exclusive. The key to film is if YOU enjoy it. Yes, to preserve these movies for eternity as they were would be the goal, but what it all comes down to is if it still stirs the soul of the viewer. Inspire a tear, cause you to drift to anger, or leap to forgiveness. They made these stories to make you feel something and that will always be the most important aspect of film.
@1marcelfilms 22 күн бұрын
oh boy another boring video essay with drawn out script and stock footage. Will youtube never stop recommending this crap to me
@DOMDED1 22 күн бұрын
oh yes, i've also noticed this when first watched Risky Business a month ago
@mattp6089 23 күн бұрын
Is one of the categories 'When George Lucas goes back and breaks the iconic movies he made correctly the first time'?
@IHJello 24 күн бұрын
Digital is inferior to film and thats what David Lynch is ultimately upset at. Its not a true capture.
@Skrenja 15 күн бұрын
It's not inferior, it just harder to get right and takes way more work in post.
@padraigwastaken 25 күн бұрын
In fairness to Lynch his films are much more about immersion than visual fidelity; a VHS on a 13" TV/VCR combo 30 years ago with no interruptions is gonna be much better than a similarly sized OLED tablet/laptop with notifications from other things interrupting it
@NicheCaesar 25 күн бұрын
But isn’t the example you’re sharing a false equivalence? Like not every way of playing a Lynch flick on such an OLED would necessarily have notifications everywhere.
@padraigwastaken 24 күн бұрын
​@@NicheCaesar I mean that the general environment was a lot more controlled, it was a bit silly to limit it to specific devices. The device itself mightn't have notifications everywhere but the one that's in your hand at the same time probably will, and you covered how the range of settings on modern devices can have a negative impact too (motion smoothing specifically). I don't think the frustration is inherently about the technical limitations of a phone but the kind of viewing experience it encourages and how hard it is to optimise things for such an experience when it runs so contrary to the original setting.
@AllieRX 26 күн бұрын
Another example of color changes and quality loss is Super Sentai (the Japanese source footage for Power Rangers). Home video releases of the late 90s-early 2000s Sentai shows had their colors washed out due to the fact that Toei used old analog tape masters on the DVDs instead of the original 16mm film masters.
@BrianBridges 26 күн бұрын
I was not expecting a cameo appearance by Rich Evans on the big screen. 🤩