After the Assassination Attempt I TWS #2518
@hanzketchup859 Сағат бұрын
These guys are going to get blistered by the deep state if they win, the deep state has over 100 lawsuits prepared to file the day Trump takes the oath. The deep state has shopped around for the proper courts to hear the cases, the deep state is going to cause trouble for anybody in Trumps ‘administration’ by slow walking clearances, accesses, services, the deep state controls everything! 75+ years in the making! So what’s trump’s plan? Trump wants the white house as a trophy, “I really showed them” type thing, but his tiny group of people aren’t ready for this! Well, the RNC will help, uh, no, the RNC has no plan. The heritage foundation will step in, and do what? The deep state isn’t going to allow their own demise, that ain’t gonna happen. The deep state will humiliate trump during his entire time in office and throw turds at him when he goes back to Florida. RFKJR is probably the only guy who has even a remote chance in DC, RFKJR talks like he knows how DC works and wins in court, at this point the ‘plan’ is about negotiating with the deep state, they’re solidly entrenched. They can only be defeated in a court of law and it will take a long time to undo what they have made.
@jasonleveck8546 10 сағат бұрын
All "free speech" is, is the ability to endlessly lie and deceive/propagandize people under color of law. Nobody in gov't should have this "free speech". The legacy media, CIA and every other fucking asshole is just lying to people and doing so in an official capacity. That's called fraud and "free speech" doesn't cover using speech to commit crimes.
@Hedgehog-ji1bm 12 сағат бұрын
As someone who has been to Hungary many times. It is a great country. I was just there again last year.
@MystiqWisdom 15 сағат бұрын
"Hey man, nice to meet you. I'm Tom." "Nice to meet you too. Gladden Pappin." "Did you just make that up? 🤨"
@c1rcamaster 15 сағат бұрын
How is rfk the only guy to stop forever wars when he bends over for tel aviv?
@stephengroton1434 16 сағат бұрын
I would love to see RFK Jr.'s comment on the Lancet's estimation of Palestinian deaths, to date, to be 186,000. RFK Jr is an appealing and tempting political presence, for sure. He's a fighter which we can also respect about Trump. RFK Jr is infinitely better informed than Trump, no doubt. He has taken positions AND taken actions that Trump may have alluded to but never did anything about. RFK Jr has a lot of credibility. His position on Israel confounds me and makes me additionally suspicious of what influence Israel has on the US and the world. I did not hear Stockman refer to Israel. With the seemingly huge level of influence on the US by Israel, I think this is important. If Israel can drive the US into war and complicity with genocide, they certainly have influence on the economy.
@stephengroton1434 17 сағат бұрын
When the terms right, center and left or conservative, centrist, liberal, etc. are used, I am immediately wary and skeptical. They are invented terms of dubious origin with the intent of placing a generality in the minds of the public which they uncritically define subjectively, based on their government education and government influenced propaganda media. Those terms can mean anything to anyone. I suggest we stick to facts. What exactly, demonstrably, tangibly happened. The top of the economic food chain supports whatever gives it an advantage. They do not care which "side" it is on. For instance, capitalists have supported Marxist ideas and revolutions since the inception of Marxism. This is one of many major points of the book Tragedy and Hope by Prof Carroll Quigley. One understands the Uni-party and modern imperialism and the insistence that everyone in the world must be "democratic" better once one understands what happened 1895 - 1960 with influences on modern politics and economy that occurred at a level above the ceiling that is painted by modern academic historians, who are financed and educated and advanced, or not, by the same-said top of the economic food chain.
@isi12345 17 сағат бұрын
Out of many other candidates, this is the best, what a joke. This pick will turn off a percentage of voters who were on the fence.
@samyguerroury8980 18 сағат бұрын
8:27 But... But f... you and your moral code
@michaelgalt388 18 сағат бұрын
Vance is a big boy. He can handle himself.
@provy011 18 сағат бұрын
Judging by his opinion and tone I don't think Dan has ever spent more than 5 minutes with an actual blue collar worker. I doubt there's even .05% of us that will change their vote because they think JD Vance, who most of us never heard of until 2 or 3 months ago, represents blue collar guys. I dont believe in voting but if he had picked Tom Woods for VP then I would have!
@codysimmons658 19 сағат бұрын
Daniel McCarthy fast becoming my favorite guest
@orangesox915 19 сағат бұрын
@trevorcraft9984 23 сағат бұрын
Vivek would've been better by a wide margin but not sure he was being seriously considered. Not much discussion of Vances policy flaws, of which there are many
@Wonderwall627 Күн бұрын
Trump said he wants to lower interest rates. How is that going to solve the inflation crisis?
@Holt817 Күн бұрын
The Ukraine was peaceful until 2022? ....mmm.... This guy is as bad as the US government in his interpretation of events leading up to 2022. It is good entertainment though.
@Freddy-Da-Freeloadah Күн бұрын
@9:00 JD Vance was not just a "Never Trumper" Vance compared Trump to Hitler! And I don't think he ever apologized for 1.His Lack of CLASS, 2. for the insult, 3. For the ideological content of such a smear IMHO
@johnl5316 Күн бұрын
It is important to realize that LGBTQ is overtly anti-homosexual
@LordNihilus98 Күн бұрын
Whilst Hungary is nowhere near the "fascistic hellscape" the mainstream media likes to portray it as, it is also not a good way to gauge the situation by interviewing statist shills funded by the Hungarian government. Orbán is a socialist that managed to ruin the Hungarian economy to the point where we are slowly becoming the poorest country in the EU. They locked down the economy hard in 2020 and then proceeded to increase the money supply by 40% until 2022 and government spending is still completely out of control to this day. We are only in July but the government already had to adjust it's deficit target this year twice because they exceeded it (or in other words they ran out of money). All of this resulted in the highest rate of inflation in the entire EU (25% officially a lot more than that in reality). When that became apparent the government blamed it on everything under the sun from the war in Ukraine to Soros speculators, to greedy corporations "price gauging" and tried to bring inflation down with price controls. Yes you heard that right price controls on food and gasoline which of course made everything worse and resulted in shortages and a contraction of the market. At the moment we have some of the highest gas prices in the region and foodstuffs are as expensive as they are in Germany where wages are three times higher than here on average. When the war in Ukraine began energy prices soared in the entire EU but what Orbán shills will never tell you is that these energy prices went back down relatively quickly afterwards everywhere except: here in Hungary because the government is heavily involved in the energy market through a "social benefit" scheme. They have also created this "conservative" social benefit system where the government essentially doles out free money for people to make children. As usual of course socialism doesn't work, it managed to edge fertility rates up slightly and then they collapsed back down and the population is shrinking at a higher rate than before. With the notable exception of Serbia and Ukraine every one of our neighbors have a better fertility rate all without such a social scheme and as Pappin said this is exactly what they want to export to you to the US and they already have their shills in the Trump campaign so there is a good chance you will get it. Hungary also likes to advertise itself as a low tax country which is only true when you look at corporate tax rates. The reality on the ground is that we have a world record 27% VAT along with a bunch of hidden taxes on just about everything. It is difficult to calculate but I'd estimate the actual tax burden of your average Joe at around 50-70% which makes us one of the most heavily taxed people in the EU. And speaking of the EU, while it regulates a lot somehow Hungary always finds a way to regulate even more. Our heavy bureaucracy is the fundamental reason why the economy is completely dominated by either big multinational companies from abroad or government cronies on corporate welfare. So in short Americans please be wary of these statists that shill for Orbán and his policies in your neighborhood, they will usher in an amount of socialism that you will wish Joe Biden back.
@tarstarkusz Күн бұрын
Why are your videos full of ads from you? Like the youtube ads aren't enough. Factor is a ripoff.
@shaft9000 Күн бұрын
I visited Budapest for a week in 1995; truly a wondrous city unlike any other I've been to. At the time many of the city streets still had leftover Eastern Bloc signage. That contrast amidst the city's ancient history and bifurcation of Buda + Pest being more or less two distinct cities on either side of the Danube.
@tarstarkusz Күн бұрын
The right in europe is just completely different to the right in the US. Hopefully a lot better than the US right, which is centrist at best.
@jasonleveck8546 10 сағат бұрын
We've got marxists and their little cousins the socialists.
@vknight7497 9 сағат бұрын
Conservativism is progressivism driving the speed limit
@austintrees Күн бұрын
Maybe our country is poor because we keep trying to give a shit about what's going on in the other side of the world... Who cares?
@jasonleveck8546 10 сағат бұрын
I wonder what we could've done for ourselves with the trillions wasted since 9/11 and "covid"?
@vknight7497 9 сағат бұрын
Poor? As compared to who? Sure standards of living have dropped but we’re still extraordinarily wealthy compared to everyone else.
@johnthompson6656 Күн бұрын
Double standards are the Uniparty's specialty !!!
@JonathanG94 Күн бұрын
The Ohio commenter’s concerns about the Senate seat are overblown somewhat. For one thing Sherrod Brown isn’t politically invincible anymore especially with Trump dominating on the top of the ballot but with JD Vance as VP that only weakens Sherrod Brown even further. Bernie Moreno will be the next Senator for that seat. As for who replaces JD Vance people are concerned the loser corrupt governor Mike DeWine will just appoint a RINO hack but a Vice-President-elect JD Vance will hold a lot of sway over who replaces him. Barnes has hinted that there are several really good replacement candidates in Ohio with Vivek being one of those options.
@ozowen904 Күн бұрын
There is no question but that there is a limitation on freedom of speech in Hungary, and Orban participates in that. He can claim that it’s in the interest of limiting gay propaganda and for the benefit of classical family values- yet this does not change the nature of the issue. The post-liberals are not friends of liberty, and it is unfortunate that their only antagonists are the disintegrating nihilists on the Left.
@shaft9000 Күн бұрын
This is the classical liberal's fatal flaw - false tolerance. Everyone has their limits of what is acceptable, but an "open" society presumably "doesn't". This feature of a society is used by those with fewer scruples - in order to gain, esoterically. This certainly requires some "unpacking" (i.e. hundreds of hours of study, on average) . The true history and nature of empires and nations - today and throughout history - cannot be understood without a comprehensive study of Occult (Old) powers. _Hiding this is how "they" keep "us" down, and the taboo of even mentioning this topic confirms this observation..._ In the end (and throughout), power is a game of leverage. _ALWAYS._
@ozowen904 Күн бұрын
@@shaft9000 I’m not sure I see your point, but I am not a tolerant person; I simply don’t resort to violence and force to suppress my enemies nor subsidize my “allies” (which is the same). There is more opportunity for esoteric, occult, hidden powers to manipulate levers when there is less freedom of speech, so I will assume you are agreeing with me.
@MrLachlan1903 Күн бұрын
@@shaft9000 Go touch grass lmao.
@vknight7497 9 сағат бұрын
@@ozowen904well you should because if you don’t your enemies use subversive propaganda to destroy you. Liberalism is a pipe dream and will not last. You have to have a means to stop subversive propaganda because IT WORKS and it works well. Good luck standing on your principles all the way up to the point where communists drive a blade into your back.
@vknight7497 9 сағат бұрын
Post-liberals are the only people capable of preserving a high degree of freedom.
@shellbanger1210 Күн бұрын
Good episode
@MrLachlan1903 Күн бұрын
This feels like a pretty surface level discussion of Hungary. Orban has turned his Judiciary into a rubber stamp, the guy is corrupt, flat-out. He's centrilised power to a large degree, the exact opposite of what we, as libertarians, should support.
@13StJimmy Күн бұрын
Going to visit Hungary in a couple months. Central Europe is secretly one of the best places to go. It’s not over priced . The cities like Budapest, Vienna, and of course Prague are rich in culture and clean and safe. Can’t recommend visiting there enough
@jasonleveck8546 10 сағат бұрын
I'd love to see the Charles bridge at Christmas time! You're right, so many beautiful areas and culture to take in. I regret that in America we're such a disconnected people. I don't know what i'd call our culture or if we even have one? America is very strange place and sometimes I believe, because we're in the middle of it, that we don't see the whole picture of the mess we're in.
@lukepeterson3215 Күн бұрын
Orban is a great patriot that loves his country
@ulikunkel Күн бұрын
Okay, now do a show about Vance's actual policies and his ideology and how that jives with libertarianism. Cause from what I looked at (american compass think tank): I am not a fan.
@johnwilhelm385 Күн бұрын
Dan McCarthy is great! Keep inviting him on your program Tom......Cheers!
@dustinseth1 Күн бұрын
Wait, as per his initial comments - does Dan actually believe 2020 election was legit? There is no way an intelligent person can conclude this
@tarstarkusz Күн бұрын
JD Vance has no clue. The underclass will always exist. But that's not what this is, at least not entirely. JD grew up under the meth epidemic, which itself was at least partially the cause of the economic collapse in manufacturing and mining. He was born in 1984 and can really only remember the 1990s. Things are even worse now with opiates. The main cause is hopelessness, idleness, lack of opportunity, especially for people who are below average.
@paulaswaim8434 Күн бұрын
Great episode thanks guys!
@jimlahey8312 Күн бұрын
Rfk is right on maybe 2 things that’s it. He is terrible on everything but war and the vax stuff
@Montanacellist Күн бұрын
Is this even a libertarian show anymore? Trump is a socialist. Vance is on record to go against the constitution if he faced a similar situation regarding Jan 6th.
@m.iramiles9310 Күн бұрын
Vance is TERRIBLE on economics. He's against free trade and wants industrial policy. He doesn't even understand how the economy works.
@tsechejak7598 Күн бұрын
RFKjr 2024!
@tsechejak7598 Күн бұрын
MSM will call RFKjr the most fascist by a thousand percent more then Trump, because RFKjr is the true anti fascist, pro Constitutional liberal since, George Washington
@JohnMVella Күн бұрын
Dan is wise and right on most things. However, in the case of 2020, Trump expanded his base across demographics. We know what happened, just can't discuss it on this platform. Good work, Dan.
@David.Isaac.147 Күн бұрын
Tom, have you done an episode on the PayPal mafia? I'm surprised you didn't bring up Vance's connections to Peter Thiel
@restonthewind Күн бұрын
I don't know much about Vance's politics or what Kristol dislikes about him, but Vance is rabidly pro-Israel and wants to "punch Iran hard". He also wants to shift the focus on the military-industrial complex from Ukraine and NATO to Chyna. So what? Like Trump, he seems to want to back out of Ukraine, but I'm not sure what Ukraine has to do with the neocon agenda per se. As Bush I explained to Bush II when asked "what's a neocon", neocons are rabidly pro-Israel first and foremost. If Vance checks that box and will support the military-industrial complex only redirected toward Chyna, he's neocon enough for me, and I'm not the slightest bit encouraged.
@agbook Күн бұрын
When will Tom start talking about and advancing free market economics with Dan? It is really, really weird.
@danielrice3047 Күн бұрын
No mention of his Israel/Palestine views? Isn't he also China & Iran hawk? Sometimes it feels like the forces behind the Neocons are switching horses according to the circumstances.
@DoctorMandible Күн бұрын
Why isn't Vivek considered as the next Ohio senator? He was born there and still lives there.
@hoppeanofasgard1365 Күн бұрын
Probably for the same reason Trump didn't pick him for VP, he's just to libertarian to get along with anyone in the establishment. I mean the dude is literally like 2 parts Ron Paul 1 part Trump, government types despise him.
@kmg501 Күн бұрын
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Which is why Trump should have picked him.
@hoppeanofasgard1365 Күн бұрын
@@kmg501 I agree, but if there's one thing I know about trump from his last run is that he's lousy at picking cabinet choices.
@kmg501 Күн бұрын
@@hoppeanofasgard1365 Well we're going to see what if anything he has learned over the years. I'd say more but this platform has an extremely aggressive post deletion mechanism...
@Oatriumph Күн бұрын
The good money has to be on "learned nothing." Maybe learned how to be defiantly conventional better.
@ItsTheStateVsYou Күн бұрын
JD Vance is just another swamp neocon who wants more wars in the middle east. He takes money from AIPAC & Peter Thiel. He's Peter Thiel's protege. He also invests in gene therapy and biotech companies. Works with the US intelligence agencies.
@markmachey9508 Күн бұрын
I hope that you all realize this planned event last Saturday and that Vance has been funded by Peter Thiel. This is all a show and we must ignore all this theatre coming from these three candidates.
@benmeltzer 2 күн бұрын
To the contrast with Biden, for YEARS Dennis Prager has been playing (and citing as evidence Biden is a wimp) a clip of Biden (from when he was VP) saying, during bird flu, that he would not go into confined spaces.
@ChimpOnComputer 2 күн бұрын
McIntyre is a peer away from JD Vance.