How isn't this overpowered? [GW2]
What's warrior's problem in PvP?
@Hvallur 11 минут бұрын
Not gonna lie chief, for someone hating so much on akeem and condi you aren't playing anything else Every time I've seen you in ranked you were some variation of condizerk
@captaincrapface7337 2 минут бұрын
that's how you know I'm not just bitching becouse some condi dude took my lunch money.
@wessredd7237 56 минут бұрын
I play Chrono support. Condition who? A cleanse for you! And you! I'll take a cleanse myself. Why thank you! Everybody gets a cleanse!
@duncanrobertson6472 5 сағат бұрын
Your arguments are missing some very fundamental chains in their logic. One of the most frustrating to me, is the idea that there's something fundamentally imbalanced about power having more counters, and requiring more stats to do its damage. The issue with this argument: balance isn't supposed to exist at the conceptual level. It's supposed to exist in practice. Differences at the conceptual level are what create identity. Clearly, despite all these supposed advantages for condi builds, in practice they remain much weaker than power builds in the context of spvp. Very few condi builds are actually viable, and there tend to be stronger power alternatives, with the current exception of condi reaper. So what's the actual problem? I think there is one, but realistically, I need you to do a better job making that argument before I can properly respond to it. What about the game is unfun? What is it about these mechanics makes the game unfun? Those are the important questions to answer from a balance perspective. Because fundamentally, balance is supposed to serve the experience of playing. There's no brownie points for creating systems that are symmetrical, or superficially "balanced" at a conceptual level. To expand a bit on the idea of identity (and why more symmetry could actually interfere with that) - fundamentally, conditions tend to have an identity of being mean. Roleplay wise, there's something more dirty, cruel, and underhanded about setting someone on fire, or poisoning them as opposed to fighting them head-on. So it actually makes sense for the gameplay to reflect that, as a way of furthering immersion. And it does! Condi damage tends to an easier way to win your 1v1s, requiring less coordination/effort. But it falters when a support cleanses the condis - the classic good guy roleplay. It's a funny thing to say, but unless someone complaining about condi builds raises good and specific points, I often suspect they've actually immersed themself in the identity of a non-condi player. Immersion - in this sense, feeling like you're an upstanding individual fighting against the underhanded - can leak into balance discussions quite easily, and I believe this is one of the reasons condi damage has consistently gotten the most hate, even when it's in a fundamentally weak state.
@captaincrapface7337 14 минут бұрын
Well, condi reaper isn't the only exception, you can tip you rhat to conti berserker, condi druid and a couple others too. However, where I missed the point IMO is; I tried to argue that conditions are to complicated and muli-layered of a system, to be counteracted by a singular mechanic (cleanse) which goes form 0 to 100 with nothing in between. You either cleanse or not. I just apperantly continnue to suck at making my points clear.
@AllinSBlack 5 сағат бұрын
0:40 not even ur condi nor ut tanking could saved u from a GS mirage burst XD
@captaincrapface7337 13 минут бұрын
Yes, I tried to demonstrate that there's more cancer in this game than just one flawed system.
@critical-thinker666 6 сағат бұрын
If only there were classes which completely nagate all enemy condi players.
@captaincrapface7337 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah, that's part of the problem. Cleanse removes either 0 or 100% of a condition with nothing in between, which especially in relation to intensity stacking effects, is hard to not be either completly useless or overpowered. That's basically entire last quarter of the video.
@critical-thinker666 4 сағат бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 well you can its a team game so you can always rotate out of opponent which gives you trouble or ask for +1, or play support, or play duelist, or roamer, decaper..... there's so much things you can do to adjust your gameplay. as they say "rock will always cry about paper being op but scissors find him balanced"
@captaincrapface7337 20 минут бұрын
@@critical-thinker666 Im maining condi zerker for about half a year now, I don't cry about a thing I'm getting destroyed by, I cry about thing I'm destroying other people with. As i said in the video, Cleanse is just forced to handle by itself more than it should. Conditions as a system are fundamentally incapable of being balanced, just becouse they're counteracted by essentially a singular mechanic that goes from 0 to 100 with nothing in between. You'll either have too much cpeanse or not enough, never just enough to make the fight engagind and fair for both parties involved. Cleanse isn't capable of properly balancing all the caviotes and questionable desighn decisions made over last decade in regards to Conditions. They're just objectivly flawed, not overpowered, not underpowered, just flawed.
@blastmanutz7798 7 сағат бұрын
I am very annoyed that mesmer GS hits don't count as projectiles. Like wtf.
@zentzu4003 7 сағат бұрын
they could add some ‘true damage’ to all classes, where you can toggle between true damage or normal damage (if your condi damage is below a threshold) and only on certain abilities, and such abilities will be ‘skillshots’, skills that can be ‘juked’ and ‘kited’, so for example pole vault on daredevil deals 5000 damage (or 25% of their max hp) regardless of the opponents toughness or your own stats that way you get tankier power builds, that don’t have to spec as much into damage through build, utilities, runes etc which would allow you to run more condi removal it will be hard to change anything without causing huge upset 😵 for me personally i like fast paced gameplay so condi is flawed from the perspective that fights go on for far too long anyway
@HKRazieL 9 сағат бұрын
this was so biased i stopped watching... - "power builds needs 3 stats while condi just 2 stats" yeah and expertise caps at 100% while ferocity can stack infinitely from all kinds of modifiers helping some builds crit over 10 k... - "dodge and block work better against power because you can't dodge or block already applied conditions" the thing about defensives is that you can dodge a power hit and not get hit, you can also dodge a condi hit and not get hit... but if you get hit by the power hit you lose 10k health and if you get hit by the condi hit you get a condi applied to you that you then often passively cleanse by weapon swapping or something so even though the ability hit you it still does 0 damage the only thing that help against the power hit that hit you is healing which hey, it also works against the condi damage too... shocking...
@captaincrapface7337 7 сағат бұрын
Another person didn't make it ti the point where video loops around cleanse and comes to the conclusion that conditions themselves aren't the problem, but the game at large is fucked. To be honest, I wanted to make video about both kinds of damage and hkw fucked everything is at large, but culdn't due to time constraints. - this therefore came out more shit than usual.
@MajorHuck 10 сағат бұрын
Oh vengeance did you dirty several times, especially when you stomped the reaper. If you get a Stomp it should 100% revive you. Also, agree that something needs to be done about condis and duration (looking at harbinger especially). Dodging condi ticks might be too powerful, just thinking about daredevils, mirages and vindicators. Maybe nerfing the anus off expertise, so cleanses can be saved if you have health to wait it out? It's a tough one, but you're right it's not balanced.
@rexxa1232 12 сағат бұрын
I enjoy your content.
@vukkulvar9769 12 сағат бұрын
There are some disingenuous take in this video. Conditions deal damage over time, which is a huge downside. You can negate way more condition damage with cleansing than you can heal strike damage. Should cleanses mitigate strike damage next? You mention strike damage having 3 attributes and condition damage having 2 attributes, so strike damage is advantaged by scaling exponentially even higher? After all, current top DPS in PvE are two power builds! With toughness only mitigating strike damage, people are disincentivized to take more of it as it won't help them against condition builds, so they don't and it open the door to strike builds doing big bursts. You're disregarding the scaling of strike abilities and conditions which make 1000 Power and 1000 Condition Damage not add the same damage, and the baseline damage not being equivalent either. When you dodge, yes you still take damage from already applied condition. But that's similar to how you don't heal back already taken strike damage. The only valid conclusion is that ANet need to refine the balance but the base is sturdy.
@captaincrapface7337 12 сағат бұрын
"The only valid conclusion is that ANet need to refine the balance but the base is sturdy." - so in the end we came to almost exactly the same conclusion. GW2 is poorely balanced in general, and i cincirely doubt there'll ever be a point of balance that satysfies everyone, however I think we can agree on one thing. When TTK with DOT's is similair to TTk with crits something, somewhere is fucked balancewise.
@IRedpunk 12 сағат бұрын
​@@captaincrapface7337 hopefully in GW3 if it ever comes out, they will stop with the stupid condi/power divide and go back to GW1 roots with multiple weaponskill choices and the fact weapons could deal both DoT and raw damage in equal measure. It would simplify the balance design, since they still can't figure out shite after a decade+
@captaincrapface7337 11 сағат бұрын
@@IRedpunk im pretty sure game being basicaly a vegetable wasn't helping.
@nerdicusdorkum2923 13 сағат бұрын
There's one more counter to conditions, though it's pretty much a necromancer exclusive: Taking conditions, and returning it to sender! I wouldn't consider it a serious check against condition damage, given it's exclusivity, but it is bloody hilarious when you do get dumped on, but just send it to an enemy and watch them melt instead. XD
@captaincrapface7337 12 сағат бұрын
Condi transfer is basically condi cleanse that fucks your opponent twice. Not really yhat different from self-preservation only perspective.
@skynet8574 13 сағат бұрын
As a warrior main i will take condi damge over power damage. We have crazy condi clear.
@hanneskarlbom6644 13 сағат бұрын
On the other hand using condi against certain builds may leave you entirely useless for the entire match, like builds with constant aoe cleanses.
@Kaltsukka 14 сағат бұрын
Remove cele \ o / Remove condi \ o / Remove boon \ o / Only glasscannon o7 #makepvpgreatagain
@MajorHuck 10 сағат бұрын
It would be chaos 😂
@sanguin3 9 сағат бұрын
While we're at it, let's also remove healing, dodge, evade, invul, block, projectile destruction, reflect and stealth too 🤣
@HKRazieL 8 сағат бұрын
@@sanguin3 but that's... counter-strike...
@MajorHuck 3 сағат бұрын
@@sanguin3 I'd be ok with no stealth and reflects xD
@arianekunzli9903 15 сағат бұрын
Captain Crapface - great to hear yet another solid game analytic video - I have been somehow more comfortable with condi dps builds in PVE for a while. Now I have a better understanding why ;)
@TheDetectiveJ 15 сағат бұрын
The sentiment is there, but I'd do quite a bit more research and then tackle this video again when you have a better understanding of all of the options available to counter power and condition strategies.
@captaincrapface7337 15 сағат бұрын
Its an 18 min video already. Only thing I can do to discuss the topic in greater detail is going overe every build/skill/interaction case by case, which would last days....
@TheDetectiveJ 13 сағат бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 Less about quantity and more about quality. There is a lot more to this topic both on technical and psychological level. The later being why things were pushed to where condition builds are actually weaker overall in spvp than power builds, especially when you have supports on each team to trivialize them further. The main crux for condition builds is that, outside of a few exceptions, they have to wait for their damage to take effect. This essentially means that in a brawl, they are relegated to supportive dps through stacking non damaging conditions that they need to apply generally to survive waiting for their damage to kill because their damaging conditions are fewer in number and are continously being healed and cleansed away. The slow nature of conditions gives supports more time to take care of them vs the sudden death applied by the typical fast and bursty power builds that are the dominating dps picks for that reason. In reality condition builds rely on their team to fully or almost entirely fully focus on condition damage to be able to actually overwhelm the supports and kill but even then, its slower than fast power burst builds both in damage dealing and often in map maneuverability as well.
@IRedpunk 12 сағат бұрын
​@@TheDetectiveJ You're totally right about the build up time. It's kind of the major issue with condi. Fire works faster but it is such a pain to see your damage nullified so quickly while it requires a bit of time to do serious damage. In high end fractals, people will switch to power because it's both faster and more efficient. Worse, despite a longer build up, the damage difference between condi and power is more or less the same. So while it has some usefulness, power is still more efficient across the board. They should either make some condi builds have shorter build up or increase the damage significantly to make up for it. Because as it is, unless you're a nasty necro, power will be more desirable. That's my 2 cents after trying out condi Weaver and condi Warrior (condi Warrior is so much better than Weaver too lol).
@RMeitzen 5 сағат бұрын
@@TheDetectiveJ ☝🤓
@blastmanutz7798 5 сағат бұрын
@@IRedpunk condi damage is too high for what it is and it would be better served to tone condi dmg down but also decrease the amount of cleanses classes have atm. Because if cleanse is the true counter to condis then we're doing something wrong. Edit: to further expand on the argument - dot dps in mmos was always typically very slow but also very punishing if you chose to fuck around and find out. So best way to defeat dot classes was to kite them away and not let them stack you up to hell and back. Because what cleansing does atm is cleansing too much in a team fight with supports but cleansing too little in a 1v1 situation or at least, for many classes, requires to spec in condi cleanse so much to the point where you become totally inadequate for power matchups. Ideally I would like to have close to equal chances of winning a condi or power fight, without needing to decide or gamble what spec the enemy is going to play, especially since builds and utilities are locked after match starts in spvp.
@scoobystifffordays 15 сағат бұрын
your intel HD card is taking that fps
@captaincrapface7337 15 сағат бұрын
Yeah, unfortunatly I play, record and edit on a bastard child of a toaster and a waffle iron which remembers the siege of Vienna. I can't push this pile of junk any further, and can't afford anything better :(. Gotta deal with sub20 fps for a while.
@MajorHuck 3 сағат бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 haha love that description "The Waffster of Danube"
@Justacheese 3 сағат бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 A WAFFLE IRON! 😂
@IRedpunk 2 күн бұрын
something that always bothered me with warrior is how in GW1 you could make Sword rival Axe by using the proper skills but in GW2, Sword mainhand is so lackluster and dull, it's genuinely sad.
@captaincrapface7337 2 күн бұрын
In what context is Sword MH lackluster? Its good in pvp, ok in WvW and evn has DPS builds for berserker in PVE, i don't understand what you mean...
@IRedpunk Күн бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 Sorry I was talking more on a PvE pov... basically I always wanted a strong power sword for warrior (I prefer Warrior's colors and VFX). Revenant has it of course but it feels meh. While using Sword in a power build you'll be a thousand time better off with an axe instead of waiting for that 50% hp. Hell even as Condizerk I'm mostly using the bow and its burst because the skills and the burst do a lot more damage. Sword MH has a leap, okay... but Final Thrust is too situational and cannot be used frequently (say like Hundred Blades or another more reliable damage skill). That is why I feel it's lackluster because even in it's supposed condition domain, it's not really your main weaponset but a secondary one. Tried Elementalist but they're worst off with much less HP for no real valid reason nowadays. 😂
@captaincrapface7337 Күн бұрын
@@IRedpunk yeah in PvE there's no place for other conversation than just "X deals more damage" doubly sucks knowing that in PvP/WvW sword can be run on both power and condi, even hybrid builds no problem.
@IRedpunk Күн бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 I'll try to give it a shot someday, I'm a disgusting savage and go in WvW with my PvE build & gear but it's funny to see thieves getting burnt and die 😂🔥 great videos btw !
@tristanjonas6343 3 күн бұрын
I think they wanted a ranged version to create a paragon feeling but they failed so hard doing so. If they make spear ranged then imo it should be a supportive weapon made to share boons etc maybe even through shout etc but not like this useless crap
@themutedflag 5 күн бұрын
Sadly, the Warrior spear is in no way ready to actually be played. It reminds me of the state of Engineer Short-bow in the beta. Hopefully they will make some change, but it probably won’t be enough. Why couldn’t they give it an actual mechanic? Make it interact with adrenaline or something. But it had no unique mechanics AT ALL as of the beta, and certainly nothing usable. As it stands, Warrior spear has no place in any game mode except mindless open world mob tagging.
@nicolettakrzaczek3726 7 күн бұрын
I'm here for administrating wpierdol
@ZombiesAteMyChannel 8 күн бұрын
Wouldn't it make more sense to run Energy over transference on Mace since the vast majority of your healing is on staff? So transference is kinda wasted on Mace. And on Staff maybe escape instead of Cleansing since Cleansing as a 9s ICD and you'd be swapping back to Staff ASAP whenever you swap to mace mid-combat?
@Ceimash 10 күн бұрын
You know that build that the guy on the forum posted about Fears being his new Bull's charge? I tried it with Rifle. I was pleasantly surprised. Literally slapped both a CondiZerker and a SpB. But, they were in Gold 2/3 so may be they need to improve. That said, it was fun to finally slap them silly.
@tyburkulosis8799 11 күн бұрын
I think the backstep/knockback ability should have a flipover skill that dashes back into the target. Seems kinda silly to deal more damage the closer you are and have an ability that puts you farther away. I also think the auto should have a melee chain like ranger, and I think it'd be really cool if warr spear was condi at range and power in melee. Maybe they could change the range damage loss to exchange power for more condi's instead?
@captaincrapface7337 8 күн бұрын
That hybrid power-condi thing is very interesting idea.
@ZombiesAteMyChannel 12 күн бұрын
What about running Sword or Dagger instead of Mace? You'd lose a block and CC but gain an additional movement skill and burst skills that actually do damage. Maybe with the new Heretic amulet a Damage/Support hybrid could be possible?
@gewreid5946 16 күн бұрын
Discipline is as boring as it is OP, the worst cobination anything can be in any game. And somehow i feel like it manages to both be what is keeping Warrior afloat and what drags it down, leaving it awkwardly floating.
@tripode2394 16 күн бұрын
He, Fable music
@GW2Pseudo 19 күн бұрын
Don't worry: Spear Zerk F1 being a worse version of [Flaming Flurry] will fix this ... somehow .. 😂 Joke's aside, I've been saying since my first Warrior Video: The Good stuff on Warrior is REALLY Good, but the rest of the Jank stuff is REALLY Jank. So the logical thing would be to nerf the over performing crap and go from there. | Problem is I don't see any creative warrior passion for an appropriate followup *Buff-Patch* rn. (See above ^ first comment.) 109% Open to being proven wrong in this regard ofc. 😁
@Jyotishjyo 21 күн бұрын
As a thief I can confirm, I always keep an end to these warriors 😂, I make sure to chase that warrior
@droganovic6879 21 күн бұрын
"i have committed the grave sin of being mildly optimistic, and suffered greatly for it" Yeah... yeah you did. You mentioned that in replies a few times. All i can say is "thank you". Thank you for being such a masochist that you are optimistic. Because it saves _me_ from having to be optimistic, and then be let down. 😅
@captaincrapface7337 21 күн бұрын
@@droganovic6879 you're welcome.
@jerod4036 22 күн бұрын
Did you say that you had a 1v1 for 4 minutes? pfft, those are rookie numbers. I once had a 1v1 on my home node that lasted the entire match. Only reason I even had a single kill that match was because my team came in to 5v1 the person in the last 20 seconds of the match.
@VendettaPSC 22 күн бұрын
Yeah Ive had a few match long 1v1s with the other Warrior. its..... not fun.
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
Yeah, I had slightly more active on map teammates entire last week. for better or worse.
@MajorHuck 22 күн бұрын
I can at least stand a chance against berserker, I think the spellbreaker is gross with the full counter on such a quick cooldown and in wvw its just a cast and forget skill
@mezzohmix2026 22 күн бұрын
Brother did you litteraly have to use exclusively clips of me vs you there? I was legit firsttiming staff, as i usually exclusively run GS instead man, wich is why i am knotting my hands half the time in there Edit. But ur absolutely right warr meta build feels cringe ngl
@mezzohmix2026 22 күн бұрын
Ur speed is crazy tho, wasn't this like yesterday?
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
I used the clips that portrayed the problem being; neither of us could relistically kill the other, withaout at least +1 from the team. I usually mix footage of multiple different games, but in this case i wanted to showcase our combined misery in that matchup. It was a time i think you summarized well enough there.
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
I have more free time lately, which means i can sit down and make vidoe uninterrupted for several hours, which helps a tone. Anyway, better games in the future.
@D942100 22 күн бұрын
I've been saying the same thing about full counter forever, it could have some fun counter-play... if the cd wasn't 8.75s. As is any ground pulsing aoe makes the spellbreaker basically invincible. It really worries me about the spear/staff bunker spellbreaker that was starting to evolve in the beta.
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
In PvP in WvW as according to wiki Counter has the base cooldown of 12 seconds, which means the 15% reduction from Versitile power gets it down to roughly 10.5, whilst in PvE base cooldown is 8 seconds, mening it gies down to roughly 7. Where did you got 8.75 from? Im genuenly curious what ability you mixed it up with.
@D942100 22 күн бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 I just looked at the tooltip. Maybe its counting something twice. Edit: Just logged in and tested, cd is 8.75s in spvp wiki is either wrong or its bugged and getting the cd reduction multiple times. Edit 2: Def bugged, base cd with no discipline is 12s, with it goes down to 8.75s, even counted the cd myself its not 10.5s.
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
@@D942100What in the Hydrated One's Pisss is that? Does it reduce by 20% instead of 15% or is it just fucked? I gotta investigate.
@D942100 21 күн бұрын
@@captaincrapface7337 I'm 90% sure its applying the reduction twice, for two reasons, 1- if you multiply the base cd of 12 by 0.85 twice you end up with 8.67 which would be rounded to 8.75 on the tooltip, and 2- the first minor spellbreaker trait tooltip has the correct cd making me think its been applied to the trait, and then once it becomes an ability the game goes "Hey look a burst skill I gotta lower the cooldown on that."
@TheEzaster 22 күн бұрын
I am so glad to hear that there is at least 1 warrior that thinks current warrior meta is toxic for the game and overall boring to play as/against. Anet always tried to cut off all the bunkers in the game, yet warrior is going unnoticed for way too long.
@djdontgetcooked 22 күн бұрын
I’ve been back on guild wars 2 for a year now after 11 year break. I haven’t seen such careless developer when it comes to balance. This Cal 🤡 is busy theory crafting and not playing the game. I was super optimistic about the current patch until I saw the preview. Literally handful of changes that even help the iron cannon meta. Thief has 4 trait lines trickery, shadow arts, daredevil and deadeye. This means that If you god forbid do not have trickery or shadow arts you are completely useless. In the current meta when I play power build I feel like I’m constantly waiting for my turn to be allowed to deal dmg to the landfill of dagger dagger tempests, vindicators that can make me explode at any moment, condi druids, spellbreakers and dragonhunters.
@djdontgetcooked 22 күн бұрын
Ps I tried your less glass cannon rifle berserker and I really tried to make it to work. Guess what despite being fun to play it’s probably 40/60 at best vs meta. And despite all of the sabotages and lack of care to sPVP somehow world vs world is even worse with so many celestial wheelchair builds. I think adding celestial amulet is going to be the last nail in the sPVP coffin
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
@@djdontgetcooked celestial gets the bad rep but most often ppl accused of running cele are playing something like Marshal's or Trailblazer's. Very few builds can legitemately utilize cele gear.
@leoap87 22 күн бұрын
As someone who likes to run as non-support core warrior, this is my main problem with the game. Core warrior needs buffs, but you can't buff core warrior because it'll just make SB even stronger. Hundred Blades has needed change for years, but imagine SBs running around with the firepower of a 2 second HB cast time or an unrooted one. And you nailed it with the Full Counter criticism.
@acquydongnai8418 22 күн бұрын
I think it's rather simple. Buff core stuffs, nerf elite stuffs. Make the trade off of the 3rd core trait weight more instead of just swapping a trait for a BETTER one.
@mrbuster3106 22 күн бұрын
Honestly Captain i think you have no idea of the good life you live there. In my spvp experience (core warr support) Full Counter is at best 2nd worst problem with SB. The first is that instead of teammates I get 4 missing links that were unfortunately made aware of enemy SB's existence. Enemy SB caps a node - some Rambo or two run there to waste time, instead of just letting it rot there and storming the other two nodes. Or better yet - i hold our home node against the SB, basically making it useless. It can't kill me, it can't decap me. Few baboon screeches later and my teammate knuckle-runs into my node which is doing fine leaving rest of team 3v4... Not that he'll kill the SB or do anything remotely useful.
@captaincrapface7337 22 күн бұрын
unfortunatly that problem you describe can't be fixed by nerfing spellbreaker. Lead poisoning from lead petrol fumes does have its lasting consequences :(
@Hvallur 22 күн бұрын
This is more of a matchmaking and over all playerbase skill and understanding of basic pvp mechanics, can't buff not nerf any of those:(
@100plusRG 9 күн бұрын
As a new PvP player let me tell you it takes a while to learn these things. Next time (if they are not braindead and can take fair criticisms of course) just explain to them why they are misplaying and they'll be better off for it (and you too in case you ever match with them again). I know sarcasm & witty piques are cool but when you don't know because you're new... you don't know.