Old Yu-Gi-Oh! Games Were Better
Code Lyok-oh no - Casp
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why would you play disgaea 6
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Every Digimon WonderSwan Game - Casp
impossible quick time event
3 жыл бұрын
@fluffdafire157 6 сағат бұрын
Didn't talk about pickle grandma becoming blind after the attack on lindblum
@Caspicum 5 сағат бұрын
I actually had that in the script, it just got cut for some reason. Sometimes I get a little cut-happy, try to tighten stuff up a bit.
@EricFlores-o7d 7 сағат бұрын
I was lucky to have friends that got into this game after I bought it off a kid who hated it. We would trade the cartridge between the three of us raising different digimon to battle while looking after each other's digimon and doing the championships.
@bryantouski8021 Күн бұрын
Can someone explain how to unlock characters, he said you have to spam the start button at the end game? what? I am confused...I played and beat all 30 battles (entire story) but now idk what to do, I got the random battle mode unlocked, but I want to unlock other characters and moves...can someone elaborate clearly please
@Caspicum Күн бұрын
you just gotta use certain characters for certain fights. Gohan unlocks Guldo, Goku unlocks Recoome, Vegeta unlocks Ginyu, etc. There're lists online for everything, but you can only get them on repeat playthroughs. You can do it!
@PringleTheOne Күн бұрын
Only men of culture appreciate FF9. You got it right on the nail casp!
@ew275x Күн бұрын
What we learned from this: - Everyone's happier in the 3D version - Yang and Cecil are idiots
@Caspicum Күн бұрын
Especially Yang like all that juice shrunk his brain
@Top_E_Official 2 күн бұрын
I never thought about this challenge but there is a much better strategy for this. We're skipping straight to adult Ryu since the first part stays the same. First what you wanna do is exploit the infinte zenny glitch. When you duplicate a Thunder Rod/Royal Sword you wanna go and sell the copy. Buy a weaker weapon and repeat it until you're satisfied. After this you want to max out the Fairy village. Just go and spam Thunder rods in Cedar Woods. You want to open a shop for napalm and a shop for Royal Dagger. You need Royal Daggers to cast protect. Once you're done with that open gift shops and put 15 fairies into them. Now every 7 fights return to collect 15 fish heads which increase INT. Repeat this process until Ryu, Nina & Momo have 999 INT. Now that you have max intelligence, you can put everyone under Fahl. This should make the rest of the game easy since your damage will be very good and you will be extremely tanky.
@Caspicum Күн бұрын
damn bro i said beat breath of fire 3 not mutilate it. i think my end-game stats were only 150~ INT or so, possibly even less, so I do wonder what kind of pain a maxed intelligence would cause through the adult section. probably looking at 3-4 digits for everything
@Top_E_Official Күн бұрын
@Caspicum Yeah, I have a habit of doing that. Back when I played the game, I always leveled up to 99 before fighting Myria. 999 INT might sound OP, but it's actually not. I once did it with Nina, and she was super powerful in the mid game, but in the end game, Ryu & Rei outshined her anyway.
@djmike679 3 күн бұрын
26:16 Does, does this say armor of Yore, or armor of Vore? Because if its YORE, then ok cool. But, if its VORE, then, Legend of Dragoon, bro. We dont need to get eaten by dragons, or Visages. God knows, the freaking 4 or 5 phase final boss (i forget how many phases there are actually) didnt get that freaking memo. Also, i am so glad i discovered this channel, you are real funny with your jokes man
@FNoteTheVisionary 3 күн бұрын
At least the soundtrack was good lol 😂
@mauceleste7001 3 күн бұрын
Omg a final fantasy iv video, subscribed
@JoseGarnelo 3 күн бұрын
Mr. Diaz = Indian guy. Soooooo 90s
@cameronsinnett3758 3 күн бұрын
Tactics ogre? Why not final fantasy tactics advanced graphics colors scheme art even are practically identical
@samuelberson8202 3 күн бұрын
I think this guy really played the entire game and never learned that you can rest at the chair in jijimons house and in the centarmon clinic. You absolutely dont have to just wait for the next day if your monster gets tired, in fact you shouldn't wait or power through because it will cost happiness if you ignore it. You can also track how close your digimon is to becoming tired if you figure out how many training sessions you can do before they need rest. You can even rest a little before the bubble pops and keep it from ever becoming an issue.
@Caspicum 3 күн бұрын
If I recall correctly, resting only gives you back your HP and if it affects tiredness at all, it's so minor you'd only get one extra training sesh out of it. I specifically remember it not affecting it, but it may have just been so minor that it didn't matter.
@samuelberson8202 3 күн бұрын
@@Caspicum Nah dude, it straight up eliminates tiredness. You probably wore out your digimon so much that you would have required multiple rests. By the time the rest bubble shows up your digimon is extremely exhausted which is why it's good to find out how many training sessions you can do before it pops up and rest before then. If you rest at the clinic centarmons dialogue even changes as you rest more and he notes the varying levels of tiredness.
@Caspicum 3 күн бұрын
Generally what I found was that I'd hit the squirt emoji and by the time I'd rested once or twice, enough for another training session, my Digman would want to sleep for the night anyway. I don't remember how I said it in the video, but I knew about resting, I just know that it's definitely not a way around tiredness, and barely offset it to a useable degree. That said, I didn't know you could rest in the Clinic, that's new to me.
@samuelberson8202 3 күн бұрын
@@Caspicum Ah, yes it is true that they're usually close to bedtime by the time you need to rest. It is helpful for maintaining high happiness and discipline though. Yes, if I remember correctly towards the end the house gets remodeled and you lose the sleep chair so you have to use the clinic. you can also get free treatment if your monster is sick or hurt and you don't have enough bits to pay.
@Curseius 3 күн бұрын
dare you to do legend of legaia that game gives me bad flashbacks
@Caspicum 17 сағат бұрын
if it has items, I will do it.
@Curseius 16 сағат бұрын
@@Caspicum i dont remember if that game has combat items XD
@AlyssaMcNeil 4 күн бұрын
I tried some months ago playing Phantom Brave (Steam release) after like 15+ years since I played the original PS2 release.... still like the story, and that's alone, but the mechanics? I hate it, couldn't even finish the game, I got too bored with the combat system and unistalled after a couple of weeks... I much prefer the much more "Plain" combat system of the original Disgaea without the 9999 added mechanics of the sequels.
@Caspicum 17 сағат бұрын
That's a bummer, but it's not for everyone. There's a certain point where it crosses from being a standard rush of enemies, and moves to enemies stealing your weapons and either becoming hyper-powered, or O.B.ing it off the edge, leaving you to think on your feet. That point probably comes a bit later than it should, but there's actual challenge there, which can't be stomped with stats. It forces you out fo your comfort zone, which is definitely antithetical to Disgaea
@kanrakucheese 4 күн бұрын
3D Dot Game Heroes likely hasn’t been ported because Silicon Studio is now exclusively a middleware developer and openly says they aren’t doing games any more. Otherwise, in the two years since this video ZERO have gotten that “inevitable” PC release, though a retailer listing for Xillia was leaked and Graces f Remastered trailer mentions a “Tales of Series 30th Anniversary Remaster Project”. Related games news is a bit better: The actually good PS2 game Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll is a prequel to got a fan translation, but its obviously ESL. Atelier Marie, whose main character appeared in one of the crossover titles, got both a fan translation for its PS2 port and a remake with official translation. Folklore is basiclly a slightly more refined Form Software’s Lost Kingdoms (II), so something-something Soullikes.
@kanrakucheese 4 күн бұрын
Eternal Poison is actually a pretty decent 4/5 strategy RPG (with some filler issues). No idea why it got translated over Summon Night 3 though (short of maybe text/VA quantity) since that was a prequel.
@BrianQuest64 5 күн бұрын
All the changes make you way stronger. Melee weapon range and weapon hits counting during magic animations are 2 examples. If you have sprite and girl both cast attack spells and the MC keep striking: all the damage will count
@alicevioleta3184 5 күн бұрын
such a great game. just finished it, i love it. i think i might like it more than my childhood game, the sequel
@kanrakucheese 5 күн бұрын
Back in February this year Capcom had a survey on what titles people wanted to see remade (among any other things) and released the results for the quarter million responses back in June. “Breath of Fire I, II, and III” actually placed third (with 32,006 votes) behind “other” (87,706) and Onimusha 1-3 (36895). No idea why anyone would want half the games that were options though: Remaking Final Fight (7th) or Commando (10th) is 90+% of making a new Final Fight game and you might as well just make original levels with new enemies and have it be a new game. Also had stuff like Ace Attorney 1-3 (6) which has been remade twice, and Mega Man 1-3 (4) which already got Powered Up and Wily Wars. (Rival Schools (5) had a huge chunk of its home console release cut outside of Japan because of lazy translators and would benefit from all that fancy rollback netcode online multiplayer stuff, so that one at least makes sense to pick.)
@kanrakucheese 5 күн бұрын
👺: Dohoho! You should have kept your kyoukashyo out, as it would answer your question on Mysidia’s pronunciation! The Japanese name is “ミシディア” so it’s “mi-shi-di-a” meaning the intended English pronunciation would be something like “Mys” as in “mystery”, “id” as in “idiom” and “ia” as in “India” or lots of other place names (it's a Latin and Greek suffix).
@Caspicum 5 күн бұрын
NO, IT'S MY SIDIA YOU CAN'T HAVE IT. I had a feeling as I was saying it. You know when you say those obviously Japanese phonetic words and you catch yourself in real time? That was ya boi. ty brokashyo
@Talore-Evans 6 күн бұрын
T edition is great, though I got caught in an insanely hard monster in the last dungeon. Even loaded game genie codes wouldn’t work to beat it. I ended up just loading KZbin and watching someone else beat the game after that monster.
@ColonelKurtz772 6 күн бұрын
That hidden audio track you ripped from the CD is a crazy find!
@Caspicum 6 күн бұрын
I wouldn't've been the first for sure, but I found maybe two other mentions of it, both of which were joked about 15~ years ago. It speaks to how buried this series became, and how nobody really cares about it. Damn shame too, there's probably a horde of stuff like this.
@anusperfecto4786 6 күн бұрын
That subtitle message at the beginning was classy of you. I got twilight of spirits when I was like 10 and still think Darc is way to fuckin cool. Thank you for acknowledging how interesting the story is. Made me feel less like a nerd for thinking it has been a slapper all these years.
@aw8646 7 күн бұрын
I remember liking this game I guess I have 2 play it again 2 see if I still do
@Skottomania 7 күн бұрын
10:30 Bossmanjack?? Bro I just lost it all bro it's gone it's all gone dude I need some juice I hate my life so much bro it's not even funny. It's RIGGED bro it's so fuckin rigged you have no idea they're just back there rigging it, flipping the switch they're all a bunch of RATS
@Caspicum 6 күн бұрын
@meledisu 7 күн бұрын
"Harpie Lad".
@Melkac 8 күн бұрын
You bring up some good points, but some other are pretty stupid which makes this an overall bad review. "Some line of code is changed and now Agumon can't become bigger, it's strange" How is that strange??? Sounds pretty logical to me.
@Caspicum 7 күн бұрын
If you leave out what I said before and after, sure it doesn't make a lot of sense. If it's sandwiched between me saying "I guess it's data, so it makes sense, it just seems a little too abstract to concretely effect." then I don't see an issue. My gripe was less that you can change code to make programs do different things, and more that the Digivolution tree is a concept. Does it apply to every monster, or just tamers/ours? Why aren't other tamers fixing it? Why did they only cut off select routes and not all Digivolution? How am I seeing monsters Digivolve before my eyes and higher-stages exist? Does it only destroy the bridge to becoming the monster, or is the monster itself affected? It just seems like a backwards story inclusion to justify the new gimmick mechanic is what I was saying. If a 10-second sentence, reliant on what comes before and after it makes the entire 16-minute video bad, I'd say that's a non-issue.
@4504595 11 күн бұрын
I thought the thumbnail said “Hems Only”
@Caspicum 10 күн бұрын
Welcome to the society of secret sewers. The name might need a rework. Secret sewing society doesn't have the right flare
@zethstar3475 11 күн бұрын
"just generic anime shit" ngl, i was playing this in vc with friends and we all went YOOOOOOOOO when it became bleach for some fuckin reason in the last segment of the last fight
@Yoloman147 11 күн бұрын
You can't. Last fight with Sepiroth will be either limit break or counter attack.
@UsaSatsui 12 күн бұрын
I think it's a little funny that you failed in the version where you can break the game wide open with expoits, but in the remake version, you succeeded without any exploits at all.
@Caspicum 11 күн бұрын
classic boomer hubris. that said, NDS is officially boomer-tier now too
@RollingWithNat20 12 күн бұрын
I love this game so much. The Ps2 version has alot of interesting stuff in it thats not in the wii version, so i assume all versions have some unique properties.
@RPGtourguide 13 күн бұрын
There are people who don’t like Vivi?!… Glad I don’t know any of those heathens. 😝 From your playlist page, it looks like you were working on a name for this series. If it’s going to be about going through the little seen dialogue in games, what about calling them Talkthroughs, as opposed to walkthroughs? 🤔
@RPGtourguide 13 күн бұрын
Or, going off the rule of having to walk, maybe “A Literal Walk Through… (insert game title)”?
@terryechoes3192 13 күн бұрын
That faulty hit detection on the underwater spikes in Demon's Crest is a no-go for me. Final Fantasy IV Ultima was awesome, but it's a shame no rom hack has ever figured out how to fix FFIV's flawed item list limitations completely. There are a lot of Final Fantasy VI rom hacks; I haven't yet tried any because of this. I'd like to get into Suikoden, but I fear it's the sort of game where you need to be following a guide at every turn to avoid missing content. There ought to be rom hacks which alert players to missable content. I don't have the time anymore to play through these vast games over and over to experiment. Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis has a similar issue--doing certain things in battle can actually *prevent* access to certain job classes, which is just ridiculous.
@JP-lr8rr 13 күн бұрын
There could be self healing bosses here, he thought. I hate self healing bosses. With an airship you can go anywhere you like
@Pompadour_Pug 15 күн бұрын
I'm S ranking the Dream Team Skillathon specials so this is the perfect background autist vid to zone out with.
@nealreiersen6823 16 күн бұрын
I love your take on the narrative with this game.
@PropiaPersona 16 күн бұрын
The board game is rough
@westonmeyer3110 16 күн бұрын
I want a 3rd Yugioh RPG game like Sacred Cards and Reshef of Destruction
@Caspicum 16 күн бұрын
There was *kinda* one, but not really. 7 Trials to Glory had the world map like those games, but more of the World Championship systems for duels. It's not as good, but if you're desperate for a similar experience, it's kinda there.
@westonmeyer3110 16 күн бұрын
@@Caspicum That wasn’t the same
@westonmeyer3110 16 күн бұрын
They should have made La Pucelle 2 instead
@Madlad000 16 күн бұрын
Dude how many pretzels did you eat to be this thirsty
@Caspicum 13 күн бұрын
i've never thirsted over anything other than pure, fluoride and plastic-infested water, like god intended
@RPGtourguide 16 күн бұрын
The unease of hope - yeah, I feel that. 😅 Definitely didn’t see a Phantom Brave sequel coming, but I’ll give this a shot. Does that also make me part of the problem?… Yes, but I’ve learned to accept that. I give too many RPGs the benefit of the doubt unearned. 😝