House Churches & Trauma Survivors
The House Church Model with John Porter
Why the Gospel with Matt Bates
@ericmartini2980 Күн бұрын
I'm so pissed at God and there is no way I can afford the therapy to deal with this God never ever shows up when. I need it fincialy ever
@zacharydewees4000 13 күн бұрын
Ephesians 1 says, "guaranteed inheritance." I teach people God has given us a way we can guarantee and be confident that we have an inheritance (salvation). Like you say, being sealed with the Holy Spirit. Then I go into discipleship and repent and be baptized, etc.
@thevillageofnod 17 күн бұрын
I came to my faith through the 12 Step program and had an amazing heavenly encounter after a tragic auto accident, so I have really worked at my relationship with Jesus and people and glad for my foundation . I found myself at a charismatic organization as an employee where the leader committed sexual clergy abuse and was fired after 2 months, which I was grateful for because it was so toxic and everything was falling apart. This conversation is so helpful, a truly helpful perspective. Thank you!
@MINISTEROFGOD777 17 күн бұрын
This has been an encouraging conversation for me, thank you very much. God bless !🙏🇦🇺
@christinapestana973 17 күн бұрын
Amen and AMEN! Dr. Langberg hits it spot on. So thankful for her leadership and VOICE for soooooooo many people.
@DoorknobHead 22 күн бұрын
___m_/ O o \_m___
@christinpopculture 27 күн бұрын
If God and Jesus were for justice, Christians should be too. I think in our compassion for those hurt and fighting for various justice causes, when we meet them on their turf (protests, marches, other public meetings, etc), I think it creates an opportunity for us to share the love of God with them (if we go in there with the goal to love and not convert them). Side note, Kevin is a great brother-in-the-faith and I got immense respect for him 🙏
@jespublic01 27 күн бұрын
Thank you both! I needed to hear this and experience the joy, excitement and freedom that you both shared . What a beautiful “game changer “ for me and Abba❤
@lisacaravello1086 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for this interview! It really helps my heart as a worship team member. I’m sharing it with the team in KC and look forward to some meaningful conversations about it!
@jeffcrane6101 Ай бұрын
In this video, Dr. Langberg and Kyle Spears discuss the importance of people having a voice and agency. For example, Dr. Langberg says, “I think “voice” is really saying personhood, you know, you’re a human being created in the image of God, who has given you the ability to speak and have an impact in the world.” Yet, later in the video, Dr. Langberg mentions the importance of pastors adequately training to “care for the sheep.” So, on the one hand, she supports people in their religious traditions gaining voice and agency. On the other hand, she thinks of these same people as sheep. Those conceptualizations are at odds with each other. Telling people to grow in agency and then telling them they are sheep is a mixed message that is not beneficial. Saying to someone, “You have agency,” while simultaneously insisting they follow your rules, is gaslighting, an insidious form of manipulation.
@SG1Olympia Ай бұрын
Thanks for this interview. My wife and I have been part of a house church for the last five years, and so much of this interview resonates with our own experience. A house church ought to be, as this brother said, an "ecosystem of grace."
@louseiler8384 Ай бұрын
@TimBunch Ай бұрын
This is the way.
@gregholland8890 Ай бұрын
Sin a byproduct of fear and insecurity? I don’t see that in the scriptures. Fear and insecurity are certainly foundational sins in the subset of sins, but you certainly provide no evidence for that, just a bald assertion to support your ideas in uncertainty. I don’t even disagree with your ideas on that - wrestling, etc…but you should probably provide some scriptural evidence for such an assertion.
@jdkayak7868 Ай бұрын
Great conversation but let's not forget that we can only truly be Christians if we follow the Bible, otherwise churches will just become liberal theology centers like in the early 20th century. While abuse awareness is 100% needed in the church we also need not sway from Biblical teaching. God's spirit leads the Church through the Bible anything else is not true Christianity or just Catholicism.
@Anniebear7f Ай бұрын
You are both shining Souls! Thank you.legacy Burdens…I am Native American and Irish,there are many Legacy burdens and your Work here is phenomenal . Thankfully I was Spirit led to Dicks book :No Bad Parts. It has truly catapulted my Spiritual Growth and Healing. I choose a Deeply Spiritual walking practice that helps me connect to Ancestors and ground my 8 C’sof Inner leadership.i have some Inner parts that are Freaking out that I’m here, listening to Theology of any sort.. I am actively healing with Creator/ great Spirit Inside.i Love ♥️✨that shared Healing always has the Potential to be Exponential 🌎🌍🌏 Thank you both , for sharing this 💎
@marykeith706 Ай бұрын
O M G !!! Priceless 🙌
@marykeith706 Ай бұрын
This is so fantastic! I have needed this wisdom so long.
@marykeith706 Ай бұрын
Amen ❤
@marykeith706 Ай бұрын
Awesome Word !!!
@gregroach5232 Ай бұрын
I feel as if the lord pulled me to this video 💯.
@anneboyle2240 Ай бұрын
Me too!!! ❤
@the10thleper319 5 күн бұрын
Me too.
@Maxandshe Ай бұрын
We were told "unless you come under authority, God will not give you authority". I felt the oppressive impact of this lie, and I cried. We were living as missionaries in Japan, and were subject to terrible authoritarian pastors!!! We didn't understand at the time, but it was indeed abusive.
@Maxandshe Ай бұрын
JESUS..... We're called to Him, by Him, and FOR Him!!
@kmsleyang8972 Ай бұрын
So this guy is basically just trying to sell his book? He didn’t really teach anything.
@hollynoel27 Ай бұрын
This is so so good. ❤ In Acts I’ve always been taught through mainstream COC that there were two different uses of Holy Spirit. There was baptism of Holy Spirit which was only for the apostles. Then they used the Holy Spirit to further the kingdom. However, there’s a stark contrast between the Baptism of John and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I am rereading it and focusing on context because I’ve wrestled with faith only vs. works for 20 years. I’m trying to find the balance because I’m tired. However, some people believe that after the Holy Spirit is poured out (baptism of the Holy Spirit) that that is what baptism means every time it’s referenced. I’ve studied in the past, but took breaks from this. It’s back again though staring me down. I’d really love a video on the spirit especially in acts but also throughout scripture and how it works within the church. The history of the spirit would be great.
@TheExastrologer Ай бұрын
How can Marty Solomon talk about Christ with reverence when he likes heretic Richard Rohr and gave Rohr's book "The Universal Christ" a good review (4 stars). Rohr's book exposes his heresies upfront, such as Jesus and the "universal Christ" are not one and the same; the first incarnatin of Christ was creation; there is no 2nd coming of Jesus Christ; Jesus did not die for sins; man has never been separated from God but has always been in God; Christ is a power in creation drawing it to perfection (and this Christ is not Jesus).
@klearnsmore Ай бұрын
What is the scale for the gifts?
@deb9784 Ай бұрын
For someone who experienced trauma as a child and abuse to include sexual abuse in my marriages, how true is it that my imparements disabled me from being able to see clearly and stand up for myself both in and out of the church?
@bradbrown2168 Ай бұрын
What is your stream? Shalom
@time2pray777 Ай бұрын
This was awesome! Seeing brothers communicate genuinely affirming one another and heart-to-heart is such a beautiful thing, it’s sad how the world would downplay this and yet it’s the very thing that our boys and men need close intimate, meaningful relationships with one another, that encourages us to be all who wants us to be!
@jayjohnston2412 Ай бұрын
Amen! 🙏🏻🙌❤️
@ashleyuyshorts 2 ай бұрын
I have watched this video yet again and I am just in awe of how the Psalms impact my perspective and current views. Although it's a sad fact that I can't be in a church where earthly accomplishments matter more than deep relationships.
@dawnzimmermann2958 2 ай бұрын
After 6 years of extreme sickness, family trauma, broken relationships, I moved into a house with my brother. I started a prayer group in 2019 and it led me to a closer relationship with God. At beginning of 2019 and while I was taking marijuana and strong sleeping tablets, I used to get high as the only way to sleep. It saved my life, but... suddenly I started having very close and personal experiences of God at night and did a very strict routine of meditation and prayer during the day. All the while, God was moving me into a direction of healing. I went into isolation and Over the two years, every kind of trauma came up.. I did ahuasca where I had a very mystical experience and God gave me messages, it was a divine experience for which I have very little explanation. I learned personal emdr, childhood reframing, shadow work and journalling until the end of last year when a spontaneous kundalini awakening started. Since December 2023, I have gotten off all drugs and sleep completely naturally. I am incredibly grateful. I have no understanding of how it all happened or why I was so blessed to achieve healing. Today, I am free of trauma for the first time in my life. My emotional state is completely healed and my life took a new turn where I have now ended up in Indonesia on an entirely new path. I am free of anxiety, trauma, sleep problems, insecurity and the awful broken relationships which followed me my whole life. Praise God. I have no words for how grateful I am. I wish this blessing and healing for every person who has had a traumatic life. 🙏🙏🙏🙏✨
@godschild2432 2 ай бұрын
Amazing Christian counselor
@ric_gatewood 2 ай бұрын
Followers of the Way in Boston are taking this to a new level where everyone in the House Church lives close together like on a block. The Anabaptist have been doing this since the 16th century.
@RidingwithDRod 2 ай бұрын
I'm 50/50 on these thoughts.. in the early biblical church days, people gather in home of course, but only because early Christians were being persecuted by the various kings, etc during that time because they saw Christianity as a new threat. Eventually this "assembly" evolved over the years into a formal Church building where all were welcome to share and learn about the gospel and Jesus Christ. So I understand the reasons for having Church buildings.. It's no different than any other educational facility. People come to learn, and you can't grow your audience in someone's house. Ultimately you will need to expand if you want to spread the gospel. Today, these newer Churches are also looking to focus on the younger generations who also need Christ in their lives, and will ultimately become our future leaders when us old folks leave the planet. That means the tempo and type of music may need to evolve, as well as the message and how it is delivered. Churches need to be more welcoming to these younger folks but without distorting the truth. When I was very young, as a kid I felt like I was obligated to go to Church because my parents did. I would sit there not knowing what to do while my parents read and sang songs for two hours. There were no activities for me and the music seemed boring. Fast forward today, and the kids now have a whole new experience. The music and tempo matches more with modern times, but the message remains the same. They also have classrooms for kids learning the bible with cartoon characters, and biblical movies that everyone could enjoy. I would rather have my teenage children go to these "movie" nights than spend the evening at the local strip mall. This is what we need to support the next generation. Obviously, let's not "institutionalize" it by turning Churches into businesses.. It's about teaching and spreading the gospel, not about generating revenue. A "House Church" environment could be more personal, and potentially a great alternative but a place that can only support 10-30 people could becoming a limiting factor. Once you hit that limit, others who may want to participate will be discouraged and thus find themselves with no place to go.. Those are the ones we need to focus on .
@jespublic01 2 ай бұрын
Such a good subject for us as believers to stay connected to Abba and to each other. Thank you both for using your gifts to help deepen my trust and understanding of the Creator.
@jespublic01 2 ай бұрын
I’m listening again today and looking through the scriptures… I needed this soo much . I see the truth in the quote: “shame is all through the Bible”. I’m experiencing so much healing bc toxic shame has been such a handicap in my life. Thank you both!!!!
@shawnalandazuri2289 2 ай бұрын
Incredibly powerful!! ❤️‍🩹
@janeivey8483 2 ай бұрын
I am interested in the survey of the gifts that was mentioned. Where can that be found?
@jolyh558 2 ай бұрын
I really liked it!! Thanks for having her on your show and thank you for sharing it with me.
@ConfusedCorgiPuppy-lh8nc 2 ай бұрын
For a lot of people, just having a relationship with God is enough. Not everyone feels the need to belong to a church
@laurapl249123 2 ай бұрын
I love this!😍 Thank you so much. Covenant and integrity based relationships is a completely different type of security. Studying to become a therapist, I realize more and more that so many of the answers we need just CANNOT be found without God being involved. It just doesn’t make sense trying to solve our problems without going through him. I am likewise glad I found your channel. Thank you
@user-pe7oy9es5b 2 ай бұрын
At the end of the day, you are two therapists that are in a cult. Why be part of an organization that has caused a significant amount of abuse to thousands of people.
@user-pe7oy9es5b 2 ай бұрын
@Goldennuggets62 2 ай бұрын
Very useful information. Thank you?
@sarahtushemereirwetwine3722 2 ай бұрын
How do we find our voice with God? How do I have a voice with God?
@sarahtushemereirwetwine3722 2 ай бұрын
🎉❤thank you for sharing. How does one handle spiritual principles of faith, confession of Jesus finished work and being authentic, valnurable talking about pain, trauma responses.
@unaconnelly1991 2 ай бұрын
@s.ramirez2148 2 ай бұрын
As a fearful avoidant, this is huge! Because I struggle everyday with my relationship with God, to the degree that sometimes. I just want to give up.
@stevenmiller3483 3 ай бұрын
Look at you two! Looking pro! 😊