AOS 4th Ed. First Impressions
AOS 4 Core Rules - Day 1 FAQ
AOS 4 Analysis - Combat
3 ай бұрын
AOS 4 Analysis - Commands
3 ай бұрын
MATHHAMMER: Evaluate Buffs Better
New Mannfred is actually... good!?
Ivya Volga News
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@theislethjensen1581 5 күн бұрын
I played kruleboyz v khorne and we did'nt know whether the bloodletters, who got strike last, got to fight sooner if the foot hero bloodletters used the "fight imidiatly"
@krooqs 6 күн бұрын
15:15 that's so stupid.. 18:00 yeah that makes sense
@DrLinkFM 6 күн бұрын
In the LRL example you mentioned that the second unit can't be picked because the strikes first unit hadn't fought yet, but the constraint is not that they've fought it's that they've been picked to fight. So with lightning reactions you pick 2, the first being strikes first, and then there are no more strikes first, so you pick a strike normal. I feel if lightning reactions is not intended to do this, there still needs a further FAQ.
@warhammerrulesasintended 6 күн бұрын
I agree that it needs another FAQ. The LRL ability makes you pick em at the same time and there aren't really rules to handle putting that in a sequence.
@ClovisLaRoche 6 күн бұрын
Glad to see a long thread that I started on one of your videos turned into a rules clarification, haha! This is a strong combo hat I saw right when I read the index. this also works with theradons and a myrmidon. And darkoath chief with savagers.
@warhammerrulesasintended 6 күн бұрын
This is where I saw that Belakor combo first. Suprised to see the FAQ land this way because it's such a confusing result.
@jordandevisser 6 күн бұрын
Hey dude really enjoy your videos. Crazy to see that strike last doesn't reset pick order, I wonder if they'll FAQ it. P.s. Can you pump the mic a bit, it is a bit soft.
@warhammerrulesasintended 6 күн бұрын
Absolutely! I really appreciate the video technical feedback because I'm 100% amateur in that area and need all the help I can get.
@WinnerDave99 6 күн бұрын
Opps ive been getting strikes-last wrong, thank you for the clarification.
@maxob2963 16 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for taking the time to make this!
@macuma5533 27 күн бұрын
I still don't understand why you don't like those abilities that allow other units to attack inmediately. It just feels like the hero is embedded on the unit like in fantasy, it's fairly straight forward isn't it?
@nomadcaravantales84 Ай бұрын
I do miss the early edition magic system with cards. Anything new would be welcome, some sort of drafting system perhaps.
@goldmundswelt Ай бұрын
Really like the analysis of your Soulblight Videos. Thanks so much
@WinnerDave99 Ай бұрын
Good video, I'm quite enjoying playing SBGL at the moment. Defo, need to get the decision points established, so I know which tactic I'm doing and what spells I'm casting without dragging the game on too long. Appreciated your comment last time about not worrying too much about buffing the Blood Knights with Vhordrai's ability, that's the kinda trap I'd easily fall into, now I look at it as "if it happens, it happens, but don't go chasing it" Even managed my first win against Mega Gargants yesterday, although it was Scorched Earth, which was good for me and I did win the roll off, but still, that's nothing short of a miracle imho.
@edin6128 Ай бұрын
Nice recap. You could mention your list at the beginning quickly.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
Absolutely! in future I'll take photos and structure the content more.
@StarshipJais Ай бұрын
@rotm4447 Ай бұрын
I think you're harsh on vampire lord, in the vampire formation he's basically 2s 2s -2 rend so he will kill a foot hero. They get isolated a lot in the mid game when their units charge away from them, and he's +1 cast with manifestations which is almost worth his points alone. I think you're undervaluing how much of a bonus the vamp formation is to let you run this vampire stuff, you can get like 3-5 +1 to cast spellcast in this army and just spam manifestations. Cado as well +2 to cast a purple sun,+1 with unleash spell, +1 to unbind. He's expensive but there's a role there for him. Askurgans are good because its strike-last not strike-first they can just hang around something important and make you account for the ability going off when they run their dawnriders or whatever in, if they didn't have efficient bodies it would be bad, but they do. Palanquin I think also is fine, you see lumineth running a lord-regent for basically the same effect and they aren't getting a big control debuff aura. When the BKs go in on some huge target like a glutton blob or a reinforced cav you need to guarantee they lift it.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
I wrote out a huge response to this and when I hit reply it just disappeared into the ether :( I don't think that VLord kills a foothero. He maths out to a less than 50% chance of doing 6 wounds to a 4+. Bad odds for such an expensive hero. I'd much rather have a hero that's so dangerous you're trying to assasinate him with a 160pt vampire. Regent is much better in LRL than palanquin is in SBG. It's hard to find situations where that 1 attack is worth it over just taking more blood knights. Even getting 2 more knights in is more attacks than +1 attack to 5 knights. The trueblades are outmatched by your other chaff and the debuff only comes from the single curseblood model so it's often easy to avoid if you're fighting a unit next to the trueblades. Anyway, thankyou for taking the time to write this out and provide reasoning. I'll definitely try some lists with the palanquin and/or the VLord and see how I go.
@MKDietz Ай бұрын
I really like the retrospection. I had watched the first videos and disagreed with some of your points that it seems you come around on, which is cool to see.. if that makes sense :) I still disagree on Radukar, he really doesn't need to charge to be good, the +1 to wound bubble is good, but locking something in with him if he's cleared a screen poses a real problem for your opponent much like deathstench. Also you don't need to move into combat, you can kill a unit and then move onto an objective or get in the way, it's really quite strong. I just don't like that he costs 350 points though for 12 wounds on a 4 up save. Squishy as all heck.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
If Radukar cheaper think he'd be good. I still don't think he's bad, but his kit is a awkward. You want to charge in to get the +1 to wound, but he only moves 8 and doesn't fly. His move at the end of the turn isn't the best timing.
@BronnBlackwater Ай бұрын
You forgot the wilderfiend??
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
I cover it at about 2:32:00. It's meh. :(
@damianone4404 Ай бұрын
No of my armies on your channel but I really like your videos
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
What do you play?
@damianone4404 Ай бұрын
@@warhammerrulesasintended dok & lrl
@AntTornado-p2s Ай бұрын
wind of death on manfredd combos well with his Sword of Unholy Power ability :) (against a good portion of armies, that have weak models to target)
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
I missed this interaction! Every edition before this mannfred had to kill dudes with Ghiestevor specifically and all the stuff like the hunger always said "using a fight ability" so I just assumed he still had to kill things using a fight ability to trigger this. Thanks a million! Mannfred is even better than I thought and definitely wants that +1 to cast.
@sasukeds Ай бұрын
Warscrolls and "endless legions" really carry this army to be viable. The gutted everything else, its sad. Really like the Mortis Engine . I agree on tactics as we have a ton of tactic units (bats, vargs, bloodborn ect) Lots of "teleporting" as well.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
Absolutely Endless Legions carries the army - but it should! It's the key ability that defines the army. It's really powerful and is fun to use (not so fun to play against), am I'm very happy with it. The reliability makes it more than twice as good as before. Not everything was gutted though. Deathly Invocation is better because it happens in both turns. "In the grave" deployement got better because terrain is everywhere. The VLoZDs are much worse. The hunger is worse and you have to be more careful with your big vampire heroes. No ethereal amulet. Neferata can't hit monsters with dark mist. The non-named monsters are bad. :( Mortis Engine looks fun but I think it's a meme. Next to Nagash you can charge it to full every turn so it's possible it'll fit in there somewhow?
@ThePaintingSquirrel Ай бұрын
Really appreciate a lot of your insight. As a player with an army without any real sources of Strikes First/Strikes Last playing against the armies that can manipulate that is very frustrating and it seems like simething GW just kind of forgot to give some factions.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
It's often worth taking a really bad unit if it lets you access Strike-First/Strike-Last stuff and changing your play pattern to access it. If you don't have SF/SL stuff, you can use shooting or debuffs to deal with those units. If your book has none of that - let me know which book it is! It'll help me when it comes time to review it. There should be SOMETHING in your book - it's usually just a question of how easy it is to bring those tools to bear.
@WinnerDave99 Ай бұрын
Good video, thanks for taking the time. What was your list?
@WinnerDave99 Ай бұрын
Also, can I sound you out on a rule that has been an issue for our group. "Can you all-out-defence in response to a covering-fire"?
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
List was: -Mannfred 10 Black Knights -Vhodrai 10 Deathrattle Skeletons 5 Blood Knights -Necromancer (Lash, Amulet) 20 Grave Guard Morbid Conjuration. It's a greedy list that probably needs more chaff. Performed well though. I think the Grave Guard and Black Knights are mostly doing the same job. I could probably drop the GG or Blood Knights for more chaff. Honestly, 12" move Blood Knights are really useful for clearing up opponent chaff/BT getters.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
RE: "Can you all-out-defence in response to a covering-fire"? I had this question argued at the local club. I think the "no" argument is that covering fire doesn't talk about targetting in the declare instructions so it doesn't meet the AOD requirement to be targetted in it's timing window of "Opponent declared an Attack ability". I think you can. 16.0 "Picking Targets" says that "When declaring an attack ability for a unit, you must pick the target unit(s) for it's attacks." Covering Fire is an ATTACK ability so you have to pick the targets when you declare it, therefore it meets the AOD reaction definition. So yes! I'd say you can use All Out Defence against Covering Fire.
@WinnerDave99 Ай бұрын
@warhammerrulesasintended see I knew you'd be able to explain it. Cheers buddy. Would be good if they cleared it up in an FAQ
@Jesyce86 Ай бұрын
Great video, Deathstench Drove is surprisingly good - that extra pile-in at the end of every turn will sometimes allow you to engage other enemy units which in some games has really messed up my opponents game plan.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
Cheers! It's a difficult ability to evaluate on paper so I'm happy to have some more accurate info :D I mostly missed the pile-in here which is definitely a useful tool.
@masver2424 Ай бұрын
Sweet video, Can't wait for part 2. SBGL are looking great
@randykeeling1916 Ай бұрын
The stormcast folks are saying FEC are one of the worst armies in the game but I don't see it. But then again I'm not abusing Longstrikes. FEC has so much stacked stuff that by the time my opponent is done with their hero phase I'm ready to pack up. It's so frustrating seeing an army with all the tools they need to play the game when other factions are like clunking half powered obtuse machines that barely function. Also to your point about damage wiping units, yea I agree. In stormcast your battleline option is just 10 Vanquishers. SCE is the "elite" faction but every single time I put 10 Vanqs on the line I'm 100% guaranteed to lose at least 8-9 of them on the enemy's activation if they get charged. If they get to swing first into their ideal target they maybe kill 6-9 models because everything in the game except SCE either has a bucket of wounds on their infantry or ward saves everywhere. If they charge you you're likely just giving the opponent 220 points of your army for literally nothing in return. SCE are not elite, a 3+ save and 2 wounds is nothing compared to the dps every army is putting out. Trolls swinging -3s, Kroxes too, Bone Reapers just go right through SCE like they aren't even there. It's practically unplayable for SCE if you aren't using specific, arguably busted, units and hiding behind Morbid. I'm sure other armies are in the same boat. Sylvaneth looks like it doesn't even function on paper. KO can't even interact with Endless Spells without sacrificing vital, required resources. StD feels like an army composed entirely of blank warscrolls with statlines. I really like how 4th edition plays and I think it's a good baseline but it feels really really terrible to play right now, likely because I happen to have the wrong armies?
@rotm4447 Ай бұрын
you would think any other army was unplayably terrible if you had it.
@randykeeling1916 Ай бұрын
@@rotm4447 Cool good talk, good feedback
@rotm4447 Ай бұрын
@@randykeeling1916 your whining about a reinforced deluxe chaff unit dying to high rend hammers, what feedback do you want. Go stick 6 annihilators on the line to get charged then.
@Basscannon90 Ай бұрын
What army are you running for Stormcast? I don't use Longstrikes either, but I use Stormdrakes as my main hammers, and Annihilators as my anvils. To your point about Vanquishers, they're chaff. They, along with Vindictors and Liberators are meant to be used as a cheap screen, or a cheap objective grabber for a turn, and then they die. I agree with you about Endless Spells though. Everyone is running Morbid and it's boring and tiresome. Whoever had the idea to make them free wasn't thinking straight imo, they're broken and they warp the game around them.
@randykeeling1916 Ай бұрын
@@Basscannon90 I've been really trying with Yndrasta and SDG. The SDG are wildly expensive for hitting slightly harder than the Questors especially since their abilities work on a 3+. Yndrasta had her final try with me last week when she got hit with Ushoran's spell and one shot a SDG lol She's been more helpful for the enemy than for me over 5 games with her. She's just too expensive, requires your general slot, and if she wiffs (which she has 5/5 times for me into isolated monster) she just gives up a Slay tactic. Now that I've put her back in the box the plan is as many bodies as I can fit, Vanqs, libs, vindicators and vigilors. I'm hopeful that'll feel more reliable but I've not gotten a chance to play that list yet. I hear people like Karazai and Krondys as well so those are on my list to try as well but you only get so many games a week.
@AntTornado-p2s Ай бұрын
keen on the SBGL vid(s?) coming out! great stuff
@BenedettoMattiaDibello Ай бұрын
had a game against kb, played archie, abraxia, 6 vg, csl + nexus and malevolence manifestations. the first three units mentioned formed a pretty dangerous deathstar. it was our first game and my opponent didn't really think about running from it, i could say when the deathstar reached his main heroes block it was a massacre
@AntTornado-p2s Ай бұрын
*kbz can use the ability if it is infantry, has 10 or less models, is not in combat, and all must be set up wholly within 3" of terrain, outside of 9" of any enemy model, including manifestations. great analysis though dude! manifestations being so easy to pull off and interacting with so many rules in so many different ways under such an abstract and arbituary framework sure is something. imo, the distribution of quantity and quality of casters across different armies is a bit bonkers. how have you been manifestations since making this video? have you been finding that a lot of games end up being just a bit brawl in the middle, or have your games been reaching the end of the 5th turn more often than not? would love a vid on kruleboyz sometime :)
@dildoswaggins2907 2 ай бұрын
Saw the first win rates. Holy crap lol. SCE like %37
@lukebooth7412 2 ай бұрын
Just started this hobby and was vaguely familiar with 3rd edition, thank you for your perspective. What would you say are the absolute must have units that i could field and have an answer to most other lists do you think?
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
4 Concussors are a decent hammer. Annihilators and reclusians look okay - but they're hard to get to the right place. You'll want 2 to 3 units of Liberators/Vanquishers/Vindictors as chaff. I think Prosectuors are neat to snag BTs but might be a bit expensive. Having units for take the flanks, take their lands, and the order thing for having a unit in each quarter is a box worth checking - aetherwings could be okay if you're low on points. You probably want Ionus because your prayers are good and maybe an arcanum because manifestations are bent atm and this is what you've got to deal with them. 6 Longstrikes gives you some ranged power and are a good unit to use covering fire on. All up, this is about 2000pts. Real damage units. like, 5 chaff/scoring units. 2 drops. Lots of things you can swap for other things though. I haven't played much SCE so take all this with a big grain of salt.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
I'm not sure SCE has "must haves". They have like 4 options for each role and a bunch a ways to build their army.
@ClovisLaRoche 2 ай бұрын
I think you're overlooking a very important synergy with the units that bring other units in to fight after them. Be'lakor. If the Chaos Lord on foot and Chosen are both within 3" of Be'lakor, the Chosen basically have double the chance at fighting first. Same with Ogroids and a Myrmidon. AKA - COME AT ME BRO!
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for the comment. Unfortunately that dog don't hunt. Check the sidebar on pg 23 - it basically says that the Chaos Lord type abilities don't let you override the strike-order. There's an extreme edge case you can argue where the ChLord goes first, then there are no more strikes first guys so you're technically not overriding the strike-first restriction by then 'immediately' activating your other unit, but I doubt that works.
@ClovisLaRoche Ай бұрын
@@warhammerrulesasintended I feel like double strikes first cases are the edge cases. Not the normal way this would happen. example: A unit of Freeguild cavaliers charge into Be'lakor+chosen+chaos lord on foot- all within 3" of eachother. Be'lakor rolls his 4+ to see if he strikes first. he does NOT get it. the Chosen try, they fail too. Then the Chaos lord tries and gets it. He is the only unit in the strike first order of this phase. So he strikes first, then he allows the chosen to strike using his ability. Then the attacking player can strike. Am I wrong?
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
​@@ClovisLaRoche it's just not super clear - but I'd say it doesn't work like you've said. 19.0 says that after all the units with strike first have fought the active player picks the next unit to fight. Is that a "strikes-first constraint"? If yes, you can't override that with the Chaos Lord (becuase the sidebar says so). If no, you then you can do this - but only in situations where there are no other SF units. It definitley feels like you're using a loophole. That sidebar definitely looks like it's trying to stop you doing exactly this.
@ClovisLaRoche Ай бұрын
@@warhammerrulesasintended isn’t that the whole point of abilities like these? To bend the rules?
@ClovisLaRoche Ай бұрын
Look at the darkoath Chieftain as an example. If he completes his oath, What would be the point at all of letting him strikes first while he has the ability to bring in other units to strike if that’s not even possible?
@shinraco 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate the summary! Now would you sum up that masssssssive Stormcast videos? 😅
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
I'll see what I can do. I definitley don't know SCE that well and they have SO many scrolls that my opinion won't be very accurate.
@woofergranade2044 2 ай бұрын
Your assessment of how important manifestations are was way off. Hopefully they get a bit of a nerf. They are essentially free units every turn for 1 cast per manifestation. Knight arcanum is probably the second best wizard you can take right now just for the plus 1 for cast and banish summons.
@warhammerrulesasintended Ай бұрын
Yep! I was definitely wrong about manifestations. I'm still not sure this guy is good enough but that +1 to banish is neat. Mostly, he's your only foot-wizard (after the squats anyway) do if you want one he's it regardless. I wouldn't be taking him for any of the anti-manifestation stuff on his scroll. Before it goes to legends the Incantor is probably more useful because of the auto-unbind.
@woofergranade2044 Ай бұрын
@@warhammerrulesasintended true, I also like the combo with the disc. Giving you a level 2 wizard with +1 to cast and banish manifestations and a bit more survivability. Not sure if it’s worth it but pretty neat.
@taintedchungus 2 ай бұрын
Can you pls do this for Khorne?
@mypointofview777 2 ай бұрын
Do FEC!! I don’t play them but I want to know how they win apart from the obvious
@gammafighter 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I have to agree. It's probably best to build around Archaon, Abraxia or Belakor or go max Varanguard. I like the CL on Daemonic Mount, but mostly because I think it looks good. I collect for fun, so my list will probably end up as Knights, Varanguard, Warriors, CL on Karakdrak, CSL or Gaunt Summoner, and maybe Chosen. I also like Sylvaneth, and mostly every unit is viable, imo. I'm not interested in the upcoming Twistweald unit, so I don't count them. Drycha is the only one I totally write off, which is sad because I considered her auto-include last edition. But her shooting and combat have been neutered hard and her support doesn't make up for it at all. She would need to be like 30-40% points less for me to consider her. The Manifestations are also way underpowered compared to the generic ones. There are a few borderline units. Branchwych is a cheap caster and has a fights-first trick but probably isn't worth the hero slot in most builds. Spite Revenants aren't good, but they are really efficient in terms of damage. Revenants Seekers give you extra rally dice, which are usually useless, but might matter in Sylvaneth's more defensive playstyle in 4th. But even if it isn't that helpful, they have good durability, mobility and OK damage for their cost. I personally don't like Arch Revenant since she is basically 170 points to give one unit of Kurnoth's +1 to wound in combat, but there is a point cost where she will be worth taking.
@gammafighter 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate the insights. I'm still working on my main army, but StD is my second favorite faction and I'm familiar with the 3rd ed rules. My problem with Chosen is that they don't really do anything the best. Warriors are more durable and have better control. And Knights are almost always better in every metric- most notably mobility- for the exact same points cost. I collect for aesthetics, so I like the idea of having an army with Warriors, Chosen, Knights and Varanguard, but I don't see a use for the Chosen in 4th. A point-holder that's more deadly than Warriors, but less durable? Is that really a valuable role? Also, there's a few times where you referenced that a hero takes up a regiment slot. In some armies, that might be a consideration, but it's exceedingly easy to get by with just two heroes in StD. Other than the centerpiece heroes, there really aren't super-powerful options competing for hero slots. If you're running, Abraxia, for example do you really care about the second hero? Honestly, a Sorc Lord or Gaunt Summoner just being a wizard is definitely good enough. Am I gonna be sad that now I don't have room for a sub-par combat hero like a daemon prince? No, not really. I'd rather have a unit of Knights anyways for 30 points less. I know you didn't do this with Stormcast, but it would be cool to see you brainstorm some lists and how you think the units best fit together.
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to write this response :D. I agree about the chosen. All of Slaves core units kinda do the same thing so any overpointed unit becomes kinda irrelevant. Chosen definitely hit harder than knights with the fights twice but 250 for dudes that waddle around 5" at a time is steep. I collect for aesthetics too - so my 10 Chosen are seeing the board regardless! You're definitely right about the 2 drop lists and the combat heroes. A sorc lord or gaunt summ is a great second drop but all the combat guys can be replaced by non-hero units. I'll definitely want to come back and do more slaves content, so list stuff is in the mix. I've got like 22 factions to get through so it might be a bit haha.
@stuartrussell8635 2 ай бұрын
At 34:47 you mention your opponent rolled for a charge, failed the charge then used a CP to re-roll the charge. You have to use your CP command before you roll the charge now. It doesn't change the outcome of dark master ruining his BT in your retelling though!
@igorcomedyman3160 2 ай бұрын
That's not true (I was confused too). You declare a charge ability, and than roll a charge in a Declare step. Only after that there is a Reaction step, where you can use reroll
@igorcomedyman3160 2 ай бұрын
Check 5.2 Using Abilites And 14.3 Charge phase
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
​@@igorcomedyman3160 You're right - but I think I may have handled this wrong in my example too. I think my opp rolls his charge, then he gets to decide to use the re-roll reaction or not BEFORE I get to use my dark master reaction. (because active player uses all their stuff first?) So I'd only get one dark master roll after the charge re-roll window.
@Questioningbasics 2 ай бұрын
Very useful info. Thanks for this
@randykeeling1916 2 ай бұрын
Really wish Demon Prince could be a wizard. I wanna use him but I dont think theres space
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Yep! He's definitely missing something. At the moment he slowly hands out buffs and it okay in combat. He doesn't have any 'tech' or break any rules so you're really just buying ~3 rolls on the EOTG table over the course of 5 turns taped onto a middling combat unit. 3 Varanguard cost 30pts more and come 'pre-loaded' by comparison. They don't need to wait to build up the buffs, they're immediately awesome.
@joshuaparks9274 2 ай бұрын
The gaunt summoner on foot is a two cast wizard for 170 points and can take any slaves to darkness in his regiment. Not a bad choice to bring chaff
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
I did notice this - but forgot to mention it (DOH!). I'll definitely bring it up in the warscroll section. Sadly, it doesn't exactly fix the battle profile issue because you'll often still want one of those heroes that's locked to "Warriors of Chaos" - but it's certainly a nice alternative to a Deamon Prince.
@randykeeling1916 2 ай бұрын
Fantastic breakdown, thank you.
@Basscannon90 2 ай бұрын
Quick question. How would you cast translocation in your opponents turn? Can you do it as a reaction in their hero phase even though the scroll says "Your Hero Phase"? Edit: oh shit the magical intervention command! Nice 👍
@mikeaustin6497 2 ай бұрын
Too many errors
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Please let me know what they are so can correct them :D
@000NULL 2 ай бұрын
@@warhammerrulesasintendedKnight Vex is an Exemplar. Or was on release. Still is. The PDF release sucked as everything was scattered.
@lukebooth7412 2 ай бұрын
This dude literally spent 4 hours on this and 99% of it is correct, honestly just getting into this hobby and this attitude is so off-putting
@RAWxxx07 Ай бұрын
@@lukebooth7412totally agree. Spend a lot of his time to give us his thoughts its totally normal to have a very few slight slips.
@cropcirclesin6201 2 ай бұрын
Knight Vexillor is also a stormcast exemplar.
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Cheers! After building some lists and playing a few games I'm seeing how important the regiment restrictions are and I'll definitely be paying more attention to them in future.
@MrsteaIyourcat 2 ай бұрын
Could you upload your notes as a pdf or sth would be great
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
I'll find a way to do this and then add a link to the description. I've still got a few changes to make on the SCE one so I'll upload it then (or I'll find a way to have a live link).
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Just added a PDF to the description. SCE will be a little different to future ones. Mostly the notes are just to help me remember what they do and to help me can compare the faction packs to the eventual battletomes. Hope they help! Let me know if there are any issues accessing them.
@YouLARP 2 ай бұрын
Great video! Good points to think about and sound advice. Keep the content coming!
@aossi6738 2 ай бұрын
Really good video. Thank you.
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Missed that Shock and Awe lasts until the end of the battle round. Much stronger rule as a result - but the timing is super weird. If you go second the rule is much weaker. Why doesn't last until the end of the next turn?
@acidnine3692 2 ай бұрын
Is it just me or are GW's rules just word salad? I been in the game since 5th and I'm finding the rules are becoming way more worry than it used to be
@warhammerrulesasintended 2 ай бұрын
Some of the rules definitely are. The Order of Effects stuff in particular is hard to parse - but you don't really need to use those rules to play the game. I've focussed on the stuff that doesn't make sense, but most of it is pretty solid.
@WinnerDave99 3 ай бұрын
Great video buddy, looking forward to more.