10 Gruesome Murder Cases That Remain Unsolved

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@rllewellify 9 ай бұрын
Hoping you become the permanent host, although that means having to present true crime topics. Definitely try to sandwich heavy subjects between lighter ones when you can, rather than recording all of the worst at once. And push them towards the end of the day, so you don't have to work through the funk. And cuddle Snoot when you can.
@omiai 9 ай бұрын
Completely agree! I'm loving him as host. And I'd agree, sandwich between better topics.
@mattdeblassmusic 9 ай бұрын
From when I used to be a news reporter, I found that doing the gloomy stuff early and trying to save something that was not only more cheerful, but spoke to my personal interest later in the day helped. I liked to get absorbed enough that I could leave the heavier stuff behind. Good luck, and you're doing a great job as host!
@artemishallihan8973 9 ай бұрын
Something that helps me after dealing with depressing stories is having similar but happier ending stories... sort of a palate cleanser and reminder there's heros and justice in the world too.
@gaylegoodman9097 9 ай бұрын
I watch 2 channels, Litty Trends & Litty Viral. It features a lot of Karen videos, but between each video, and at the end, he puts in, as see says, “wholesome” videos. I alway know that if I ever get upset by horribleness in the world, I know I will be happy at the end 😊😊.
@artbyjennyray 9 ай бұрын
I suggest sandwiching these types of videos between 2 lighthearted videos. That way you aren't starting or ending the day on a downer.
@Nostripe361 9 ай бұрын
Take care of yourself Karl. Though I do respect you for willing to do videos about topics that you seem to personally dislike talking about. I would say, while either way is better than doing it in the middle of your day, I'd say its better to do it at the end of you workday. That was you can immediately go and do something fun afterwards or talk about it with friends if it hits you particular hard rather than letting it sit in your mind all day while you do the rest of your work.
@Metalkatt 9 ай бұрын
I'd suggest having it in the middle of the day. The old "excrement sandwich" concept--good things in the morning, the horrible after lunch (not a heavy lunch if the topics are gory), and then something that you can go "faith in humanity restored" at the end of the day.
@katdavis3792 8 ай бұрын
Do topics like this in the middle of the day. Sandwich them between more light hearted videos, that way you don’t have to worry about it ruining the rest of your schedule or going home with it still on your mind. Remember that media exposure can be really important for unsolved cases since it can trigger something important or helpful in someone’s memory. You’re doing great!
@SpelCastrMax 9 ай бұрын
Middle of the day! Sandwich it with nice stories
@Zeldahol 9 ай бұрын
Karl. Just think RoboCop Dude. Sometimes it's brutal, other times, "I'd buy that for a dollar!" You're the man Karl.
@PhoenixAscending 9 ай бұрын
You're doing so much better Karl, and I am really starting to warm up to you. Hope you stick around
@multiyapples 8 ай бұрын
Rest in peace to those that passed away.
@kativandermark4179 9 ай бұрын
I find it better to get depressing things done early, so I have the rest of the day to do something more cheerful. Also, you are a good presenter.
@donaldwert7137 9 ай бұрын
Karl, I feel for you and all presenters who deal with topics like this. It might help to watch something wholesome or funny at the start of a day where you know you are going to deal with topics like these, while you have your coffee, then get as many of these out of the way before lunch as you can, a couple after lunch, then more wholesome palate cleansing material before the end of your workday. Or not, if that doesn't work for you.
@ScottieD813 9 ай бұрын
I imagine that doing rough videos at the beginning of your day would work out best. It doesn't make for a great start, but as your day progresses and you present funny lists or something more towards a G rating, you'll be in better spirits in no time!
@gaylegoodman9097 9 ай бұрын
The is a movie called “Gorillas in the Mist” which tells her story. She was a remarkable woman 😢.
@Jyiber 9 ай бұрын
How to best deal with a trauma heavy topics? Simon is still traumatized from the Casual Criminalist episode he did on Pedro Lopez.
@beckyowens2586 9 ай бұрын
This is true. He brings it up fairly often. There was another one recently that was just as bad, but I can't remember the scum bag's name. He was from the same country as Pedro I believe.
@douglasmijangos3327 9 ай бұрын
Every time I see JonBenet Ramsey she reminds me of that Eminem lyric when he sees “they’re trying to JonBenet me” 😂 what an insane and insensitive way to say that 😂
@vintageretro83 9 ай бұрын
1996 not 1966. Get the hard stuff out of the way first. Save the best for last.
@shyfangirl 9 ай бұрын
Nothing will help make this better and the fact these subjects disturb you means your a human with empathy. Just treat yourself a little and tell the ones who matter ❤.
@bdgamble7 9 ай бұрын
I think Jon Benet was killed by her brother, and parents covered it up
@loydwalters4334 9 ай бұрын
She was struck in the head by a hammer, however she was killed with a makeshift garrote, used to strangle her. No child would ever use that method to kill. Also, the ransom note was written in Patsy’s handwriting and using her known verbiage.
@Ma3Laura-vinyl 9 ай бұрын
I think you're doing a great job. I hope you become the permanent host. When it comes to talking about traumatic stuff, what I do is whenever there's stuff that starts to feel feel-y, it's ok to stop and recognize it for what it is. "Yes, that was a murder, etc. That's terrible. We should all feel terrible for it. But take that moment to also say "it happened a long time ago. It didn't happen to me. I'm safe. My loved ones are safe." And take a moment to taste some tea, feel the texture of the fabric of the cushion we're sitting on, etc. and re-ground ourself in the reality of the moment right now that's separate from that traumatic thing that happened to someone else. were it me, i'd probably do it at the end of the day, but not until I've practiced a few times. Not "detatching," because that's not fair to the victims. But practiced separating the idea that that the trauma happened to THEM, and not ME.
@pamelamays4186 9 ай бұрын
I think presenting tough subjects would be better done in the evening. That way you'll have all night to recover.
@Baldevi 9 ай бұрын
Ah Karl, I'd certainly not put these distressing topics off like you've done. Perosnally, I'd mix them in the filming schedule with lighter, even silly topics, and I'd have the big heavy second to last for the day. A lighter topic can help cheer or at least relax you, and then you can decompress after the filming is finished for the day. Dunno if you enjoy a tipple now and then, but I'd have a very fine beverage set aside for a shot/glass/pint at the end of the day as well. Last, I know this seems odd, but I'd also take a few moments to vent, comment, release feels DURING the filming. Pause the camera if you must, but maybe, don't pause. get the tension and horror out with your words, and use the camera as a witness. I've had to write about disturbing topics and letting my anger and frustration, my horror and compassion out as I worked, rather than bottling the feelings up for later, helped me finish and not end up carrying victims and victimizes around with me for days. I really hope you stay on as the Hot Proper, as I have said before. You're a charming fellow, who handles these reads so well, and I think you're relatable and entertaining. Love your filming set up too, so, I do hope to see you presenting this channel for a long time in the future.
@flushedphoenix81 9 ай бұрын
I would record the hard topics as your 3rd or 4th thing of the day or around lunch time. Start before lunch take a break for lunch or just a coffee and once round the garden come back finish then do a non serious or funny one straight after example geographics, wiki weekends, true crime/horrible content, fun biographics or fact fiend. True crime content and seriously nasty pieces of work from history can be soul sapping so middle of the day with something light hearted even just a few shorts after. You are doing a wonderful job Karl and I look forward to your videos as much as I do Simon's yes your style is your own but your tone is still good serious when needed inserting fun to lift a dower mood in the right way. Keep up the great work long may you continue as top tens, biographics and geographics presenter
@carolyncasner4806 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing facts from your fact collection.
@jobymahon2871 9 ай бұрын
Mr.Karl I know these can be tough and I love listening to them but you're a good man so if I were you when I do these I'd do them early then take a break with happy things. Get your mind off them... You don't want to get in the habit of doing bad things before bed. It makes your sleep not very good. In Baghdad we did most of our work late at night and it always made me sleep bad.
@jobymahon2871 9 ай бұрын
And if death is frequently a topic you need to cover id set a day where you cover the darkness and start it with nothing but black coffee and water (if your stomach is weak) and then take a full day off. No one needs to deal with this every day. It destroys people, and relationships.
@qienna6677 9 ай бұрын
Don't beat yourself up, Karl, you're doing a good job with presenting. I would be more worried if recording these scripts DIDN'T upset you. Perhaps schedule 10 minute mental health breaks immediately after each of these scripts to reset? You could use this time to do anything that can occupy you without doing any heavy thinking. Also, I'm hoping/looking forward to the day when you don't have to say 'interim host'
@jmcahron368 9 ай бұрын
Do it in the morning, and then research a top 10 on humor. BTW - What fascinates me is the lack of justice for these victims. The truth is out there.
@kortezkrimzun4710 9 ай бұрын
Start of the day... spend the rest of the day decomposing. Get all of the work out the way. Have some tea relax and do something you enjoy. I'd also suggest journaling as well. Get everything out on paper. Actually writing your thoughts down helps immensely.
@alibobee8911 8 ай бұрын
Lunch time... like do something good in the morning something bad in the middle and something you love after ... hope this helps, well if you see it
@thehomeschoolinglibrarian 8 ай бұрын
You are doing great Karl. As to the videos procrastinating is not your friend as it is best to just get them done as they come up so you don't have to cram them into one day. I would do the first thing and only do one a day and then follow it by fun light stuff. I do feel for you as I did book reviews for The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney and they are very dark. I ended up following them with The Princess Diaries something very light and silly.
@dingleberryhandpump802 9 ай бұрын
There's also a fantastic death metal band called The Black Dahlia Murder.
@Dopecheetah 9 ай бұрын
I would start my day with a fun video, then not a fun video. I rotate fun to not so fun. Just make sure you end with a fun one. Start with a fun one, end with a fun one. You got this yo👍🏾
@gregorymeyer1798 9 ай бұрын
Karl, my best suggestion would be to knock this type of content earlier in the day, since you mentioned several times either way it's going to stick with you a bit and if you do it first at least you'll be able to continue working after and the effects from this content will likely work itself out of your mind even if only a little. My best suggestion one step further is to schedule (if possible) a more feel good or lighter video(s) directly after and by the end of the day there will be some distance between you and the down feelings, especially by the time you're alone at night with your thoughts.
@HanRMurph 9 ай бұрын
Really felt for you there Karl! You're doing a great job man, thanks for your honesty! Genuinely love some good cheery facts too, don't forget those happy scamps! Good on ya for doing what you're doing! :)
@dtpugliese318 8 ай бұрын
Oof, I must be becoming sensitive in my older age because I just noped out of this video after the first one. How anyone could do that to a child is inconceivable.
@branditemple8954 9 ай бұрын
I am not a wine mom, lol, but I do enjoy SOME true crime. I cannot watch it all day every day and I can't take anything involving too many (irrelevant) details or especially crimes where the victims are kids. I definitely don't think I could be a detective or deep delve into things...BUT my reason for getting into it was always...trying to understand what makes people tick, what makes a person go bad. I focus on the why, instead of the event itself. It's one reason why I might 'enjoy' a strange disappearance over a murder mystery...like the why and the speculation around it, and not so many gruesome details. Regardless I think it's important we learn to understand a criminal, to prevent violent crimes, as many as we can, and no matter how much rubber necking and fan girls these stories attract, I think it's important to look at all crimes during all generations to get a good picture of how society affects crime in order to properly prevent it. Historical cases are some of the most interesting in that way, especially where we do have context in solved cases....even if historical unsolved cases are interesting. I know some people come out of these stories miffed, but as far as I am concerned I think they are cases where something has failed...somewhere we could have done better (like poor Amber), and luckily for thousands of other kids a real remedy was put into effect. MORE real remedies need to be put into effect, and the only way it will happen is to advocate...true crime documentaries is one way to do it. Maybe find a true crime cause they will let you advocate and you won't feel so badly about covering these cases. Best of luck!
@jessgunn6639 9 ай бұрын
@introvertsrock9843 9 ай бұрын
100s? More like unlimited I can think of 10 in my city
@Shadowsword12 9 ай бұрын
I remember being a kid when the Ramsey case was all over on TV. I think the best time is before a long break mid day, if you are able to time it out right. That way you will be able to decompress a bit. If not then the end of the day seems ideal, these are really heavy subjects.
@AnnaAnna-uc2ff 9 ай бұрын
@shlomster6256 9 ай бұрын
Start of day with a walk outside afterward. Also, have enough agency not to do multiple horror videos in one day.
@LikeTheBuffalo 9 ай бұрын
I think you should do a bit of a trauma sandwich. If you know you have an unpleasant topic to cover, put it in between two subjects that are less taxing on your psyche, a sort of yaaay-noooo-yaaay effect
@TheForrest05 9 ай бұрын
I'd say mid. So it can be lost in the shuffle of the day.
@anothersquid 9 ай бұрын
Great episode but... "arspickles" ? That did lighten the mood a bit :)
@RealSaintB 9 ай бұрын
Karl, I'm a newscaster and there is no good time, at the start, end, or middle of the day to talk about murder. It's just something you have to do.
@douglasw9624 9 ай бұрын
Have a lot of weird stuff in the family history...Harold Oilar murders, a great uncle was questioned in the black dahlia murder, same great uncle had disappeared in the 1930s and his mother happened to find him working at a drug store in Los Angeles under an assumed name, and a step uncle who disappeared from a home for problem youths in the 1940s never to be found. And that is only the recent stuff. Other than that the family is pretty normal ha ha
@CanadianDani 9 ай бұрын
Have you tried doing a fun or positive video right after? I find with heavier topics that having a more light hearted video play after helps. I hope you become the permanent host!
@remyw.4959 9 ай бұрын
Ramsey was not 1966
@Freddles279 9 ай бұрын
No offense, Karl but you said Jonbenet was found in 1966. It was 1996 as all your text claimed. Just a slip of the tongue, I'm sure. BTW, I think you'd make a FANTASTIC permanent host for the channel!
@katiebonner4211 9 ай бұрын
Jon benet wasn't killed in 1966...was 1996.
@thechosenproductions5821 9 ай бұрын
I'd say sandwich it between two good or funny scripts even of those scripts are shorter so you don't have to start your day off bad nor end it in a bad way. I think you'll still feel down due to the sad content but it might help lighten the load.
@Zackaria_sMax 9 ай бұрын
5:52 Do it in the middle of the day...
@FrankieInParadisco 9 ай бұрын
Karl, If I were you I would take care of these types of videos at the end of the recording day. This way I think, would be easier for you to just detach from it all and decompress way better. This might help you to see the new scripts with a much better attitude. Don't let the darker topics bring you down, as someone mentioned in a comment below, when you tell the victim's stories you help them to keep their memories alive. Who knows? Maybe somebody out there sees somenthing that the police and dectives missed at first, so that such cases can be solved and bring the needed closure for their loved ones.
@historysmith9597 9 ай бұрын
Have some drinks 🍸 and you won't care or remember what you are talking about.😮
@bubbiesdad 9 ай бұрын
Jonbenet was 1996, not 1966.
@UnicornOfDepression 9 ай бұрын
Karl, you get my 🦭 of approval! Always knock out the hard work first, and from there, your day just gets easier.
@snoparts3146 9 ай бұрын
Who the hell is this guy did Simone grow hair😂
@ToptenzNettop10 9 ай бұрын
He's the Fact Goblin. Watch Today I Found Out's video on how they and we got started. kzbin.info/www/bejne/bWeVhXethr6Bp5o&pp=ygUjVG9kYXkgSSBGb3VuZCBPdXQgaG93IHdlIGNhbWUgdG8gYmU%3D
@theavandenberg6876 9 ай бұрын
Well my advice would be to schedule filming a topic you are really into and a (to you) less interesting topic on the same day. Than, do the topic you least enjoy first ( early). Than enjoy the next topic .
@Wicked_Knight 9 ай бұрын
Harden your heart.
@russelllomando8460 9 ай бұрын
start with the worst...the day 'should' get better. good but sad report. i can't believe you didn't mention 'Jack the Ripper'...
@latenighter1965 8 ай бұрын
Jonbenet 1966???? Um, no. 1996 at the age of 6.
@Anglomachian 9 ай бұрын
You’ve been here for a long time despite being an “interim” host.
@phineas117 9 ай бұрын
doing fine, Karl. but Jon Benet was 1996. not 1966
@conradmsnyman2951 9 ай бұрын
Definitely the end of the day.
@DrT0705 9 ай бұрын
I haven't watched Top Tenz for a while. I don't think true crime fits with this format. It comes across as a bit insensitive, and I say this as someone who does consume true crime content regularly.
@RobertBernard-s8m 9 ай бұрын
sorry i can't watch this
@kimbimberley 9 ай бұрын
Oh Karl, you are such a sweet guy. I'd love to buy you a pint. I'm from Durham, if you're ever up! :)
@Parasiteve 9 ай бұрын
with the ramsey case no one else around that area was off'd so if you ask me if was either an accidental death or an inside job aka family did it. more so, the brother. a serial killer doesn't just kill one kid and then stops, there would be more murders after that or before that. there would be some pattern and there wasn't. it seemed like a random one off murder which again doesn't really happen.
@loydwalters4334 9 ай бұрын
It’s was believed by the lead detective, that the brother may have struck Jonbenet with a hammer, however in a panic to protect her son from the ridicule of being labeled a murderer, Patsy Ramsey strangled her to death, with a makeshift garrote. No child would have ever used such a method, also, after the first couple of lines written in the ransom note, the rest of it was all in Patsy’s handwriting. Furthermore, the note included information that only her and her husband knew of. Money is power, and they had a lot of it. If you really look into it, there’s a ton of evidence against her being the killer. But it’s too late for justice, because Patsy died 06/24/2006. John did help cover up the crime, but he was just trying not to lose the rest of his family. His punishment will always be of guilt and eternal shame.
@8bitpix 9 ай бұрын
when you going to stop going by "interim"? you're already a great host, just go permanent
@DMRaptorJesus 9 ай бұрын
@MagdaleneDivine 9 ай бұрын
This host has won me over. Sorry Simon
@MagdaleneDivine 9 ай бұрын
He is a hard act to follow but you are doing it as daunting as it may well be
@dominicwaghorn6459 9 ай бұрын
Not 1966 fgs
@Tomdabomb86 9 ай бұрын
Can it's just go back to a voice over please
@thighmaster4000 9 ай бұрын
Could we get a host that doesn't complain so much and make me feel gross for enjoying this content?
@annahalson5535 9 ай бұрын
Agree, one comment about it fine, humanising but regular rants or interjections of complaints is really off putting
@Nylak-Otter 9 ай бұрын
Right? I'm a search and rescue worker, and my K9s and I specialize in human remains detection and recovery. All I experience in that line of work is the gruesome bits; I never know the story at the time, and there's no highlight or resolution for me. So unsolved crimes are the norm for me, and it feels weird to see others get all choked up about it. Like, am I a psychopath? I don't feel like a psychopath. 😂
@FoxNewsChannelSux 9 ай бұрын
You should do the dark stories in the morning, that way you can schedule the rest of your day to do things that make you happier. If you do them late, then you just have to lay with it all night, while you're trying to go to sleep.
@earlofthecarolinas6250 8 ай бұрын
I think you'll mellow to it after a bit. You just don't stomach the genre well... I'd follow @coldcasedetective an thier conversion of content myself! Those guys are like KZbin's True Crime Pinnacles of presentators, man.
@somejerkbag 9 ай бұрын
Not planning on starting up a true crime channel then Karl? I'd say end of the day; then have a bevy, play some video games and maybe talk about it to chat 😊
@emom358 9 ай бұрын
Karl, you are doing fine. These cases are hard but the victims deserve to be remembered. Find your happy place before or after.
@charlesmoore9364 9 ай бұрын
@PhoenixAscending 9 ай бұрын
It's pretty well known who killed the black dahlia...the doctor. But knowing and proving are 2 different things. He also had very powerful friends
@tonysolino3131 9 ай бұрын
Your doing great Karl. Keep your head up and keep up the great work. As for when to do these downer videos I would get it out of the way first thing then have coffee and finish the day with an inspirational bio. Happy New year 🎉
@nextgentroll776 9 ай бұрын
Off-brand diet Simon
@rabbitdawg7964 9 ай бұрын
Karl, I ditto the "you're doing fine" comments. I find it a bit uplifting to hear you say you have trouble with the blood and gore stuff; it shows you have a conscience. This world desperately needs more of that.
@ToptenzNettop10 9 ай бұрын
Right, Karl's awesome, and I love his humanity. I have a stronger stomach for that stuff (I love horror and write cosmic horror, so, you know) but it if I consume too much of it, it can definitely weigh me down.
@danielsantiagourtado3430 9 ай бұрын
Hope you had an amazing Christmas karl! Love your content! Suggestion: top 10 meals to enjoy in holidays
@beckyowens2586 9 ай бұрын
You're doing a great job Karl! You keep saying you're not good at presenting, but I personally love your mini tangent style. Not quite as long as Fact Boi's tangents, but I love the tidbits and facts you add in. It spices it up a little. Stop looking at Simon as the example of how you should be presenting. You're doing your own thing and I'm sure I'm not the only one who really enjoys it. As for the grim videos. Maybe do a grim one, then follow it up with something fun and lighthearted? Schedule them that way, so you know you've got something to perk you up after.
@SentencedToBeth 9 ай бұрын
We like the videos to show support for the creator, not because we like murder.
@melissapoore7161 9 ай бұрын
Karl, I like how well you have taken over as host of this show and I hope you remain not just as the interim host but as the host. The sandwich method might work well for the harder videos, do lighter video then a more serious/ difficult topic next and so on ending on a positive one.
@DarthDoodie 9 ай бұрын
love Karl as host
@AzgarSilverforge 9 ай бұрын
Maybe start a channel where you talk about behind the scenes aspects of making these videos, kind of like bonus content on a dvd for people interested in tangential topics.
@ToptenzNettop10 9 ай бұрын
Shhh, stop revealing our secret plans!
@carolyncasner4806 9 ай бұрын
No worries about details. I think Cas Crim has covered most if not all of these cases. Take care of yourself
@dereks1264 5 күн бұрын
What I find most depressing about this list is that five out of the ten cases involve the murders of children. I simply can't fathom the depravity of somebody who can kill a child. The writer P.D. James wrote "All the motives for murder are covered by four Ls: Love, Lust, Lucre and Loathing". To this I would add "Leave No Witnesses". Of these motives the ones I can see applying to the murders of these children are a perverted form of "Lust" and, in the case of the Villisca murders, "Leave No Witnesses". To me these motives make the crimes doubly heinous. I think Dante should have added a tenth circle of Hell for child murderers.
@christopherleadholm6677 9 ай бұрын
Tough it out Karl.
@stephaniec9539 7 ай бұрын
Such a depressing topic.. you did well though.
@Noblemiss 9 ай бұрын
My advice...1) dinner 2) video, then 3) and most importantly, WHISKEY...then go watch a Disney movie or something 😅
@danielwolf6875 9 ай бұрын
Bad news/heavy stuff right off the bat.........
@mayflowerpdx5706 9 ай бұрын
I'm having some difficulty understanding some of your words, like the pronunciations or maybe talking too fast at times. Or maybe I'm just old😂
@bilgebeast1 9 ай бұрын
Everyone knows who killed ramsey
@dianecripps204 9 ай бұрын
I recommend a cat. Your cat will let you get into a peaceful state. I must go pet Garfield, my orange cat, after thoughtlessly clicking on this video.
@nanananatalied 9 ай бұрын
Do the worst first, in the mid day. Follow with something light. Hopefully the richness of the 2nd helps. If you do it at night you won't sleep. Bailey Sarion had to take a break because it wore on her. Maybe ask her?
@d.b.andrew3663 9 ай бұрын
Random advice from a non-KZbinr: 1. Don't do all miserable ones in one day 2. Do the worst one in the middle, so you can ease into it 3. Save a "nice" one for last for something to look forward to and 4. Drink a celebratory beverage when done
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