10 Things Bartenders Hate | ThePrenti

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@Tool4APC2012 7 жыл бұрын
Girl at the bar: What's the cheapest thing you have? Bartender: Customers.
@andrewkreklow8218 9 жыл бұрын
So when someone you don't know asks for a recommendation you just fuck them over?
@StickSkits 8 жыл бұрын
+ThePrenti you're* still some of your arguments were poorly put in to words.
@storm01231 9 жыл бұрын
should have called this video "10 things bartenders FUCKIN hate"
@itsbarclay9613 10 жыл бұрын
You should definitely do more of this kind of thing! It's naturally entertaining when you can evidently see somebody is passionate about something. Maybe a few more quirky edits to throw a spanner in the works? Just a thought. Awesome video Alex!
@8elionadvancing884 9 жыл бұрын
if you have no respect for your customers they will have no respect for you,,,when you said you will recommend an expensive drink just because someone asks you whats good that shows a nasty vindictive spirit,,,just,get a new job you obviously hate the people you deal with at this one
@ThePrenti 9 жыл бұрын
You must be new here and not understand sarcasm :)
@sebastianpycior3899 9 жыл бұрын
You have never worked in hospitality Elion and if You talking about respect go to the pub(only if You old enough) look what's going on at the bar and than talk about respect
@8elionadvancing884 8 жыл бұрын
Sebastian Pycior But seriously,,,you knew mobs of drunks were going to be there before you went there and applied for the job,,, IT'S A BAR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! if you don't like drunks you are at the wrong place lol All Im saying is that bar tenders in particular seem to have a hostile disdain for their customers,,even to the point of hatred,,,So all Im saying to these hostile bar tenders is please get in another line of work because this one is making you miserable lol
@marigeobrien 8 жыл бұрын
+8ElionAdvancing8 In general, bartenders are like caged lions. When you poke them, they snarl. And if you think bartenders are bad, don't ever talk to a chef while he's working-- he'll skin you alive and put you on the menu.
@Arthur_DeWitt 8 жыл бұрын
+Marige OBrien agreed! me as an former chef, and now bartender can tell you w aint ass holes, but people think we are like some low lifeforms you can order around and who should be some submissive butlers, that aint the case, believe it or not we are humans 2, and its part of our job to get you youre drinks but also we have to make money fore our boss. and jes we have to up sale! thats wat every good sales man does! so next time your in a bar +8elionadvancing8 remember that we are human, we have to help with a smile, and treat every guest according to his/her behavior. and fore the love of Jesus, remember karma is a bitch to all of us.
@VultarEdits 10 жыл бұрын
Need more bartenders like you, Makes me so mad when girls blatantly jump the queue and get served when clearly others have waited longer
@TWiiNSANE 10 жыл бұрын
Swear jar pls
@jk0r 8 жыл бұрын
"one Whisky sour, please" "sorry, thats not on the menu" well, next bar then...
@amyrider8123 8 жыл бұрын
He's not talking about liquor/mixer combos. He's more like, "I want a Cactus Pear Margarita like I had at this other place." Or "Can I get a shot of
@bavondale 2 жыл бұрын
From a patron's POV: 1:38 Bartenders do not know the queue exactly. They are pretty good at it, but will miss people sometimes and usually reset to some pattern 3:30 "What's good?" You're the professional. You know what people like and you know the value of well-made liquor. The guy/girl that comes into a bar a couple times a year has no idea. Share some knowledge 4:00 It is frustrating getting shots and then finding out later that certain shots are on special that night that could have save some money. Share the specials info, if any
@TCUSB 2 жыл бұрын
From a bartender, your first one is mostly right. Sometimes you miss people walk up as you’re taking care of tabs but generally you are aware of people who walk up. The 2nd, not everyone has the same taste and you can’t just judge based on appearances. If you want a recommendation then you need to give us something to work with. Like spirit forward vs light and refreshing. 3. If you want cheap shots then generally you can just say you want the “well tequila” and they’ll know to pour the cheapest tequila they have.
@218prototype 8 ай бұрын
Agree with most of these except a few and these are things bartenders can be better at as well: 3)- “Ordering ONE drink at a time”. It doesn’t take too much effort or time to ask your customers “Will that be all?” or “Anything Else?” after hearing an order, depending on the demand. 5)- “Make it strong”. Again, depending on the situation, ask what they want more or less of. Sometimes leaving out that extra 8 cents of cola/juice makes all the difference in a tip. If they’re just looking for a stiff drink, pour an extra shot and charge that. Let them know you can’t strengthen the alcohol content without adding more alcohol. There are also plenty of ways to trick cheap drunk assholes into thinking it’s stronger than it actually is. 6)- “I don’t know what I want”. Once again, read the situation. If it’s chill, wait and listen (what the hell else you doing?). If it’s busy, “Hey, I’ll be right back while you guys figure it out”. If you’re frickin slammed, walk away and help someone who’s ready. They’ll either leave and stop bothering you or they’ll know better next time. 9)- “What’s good/Cheap”. This is a dead giveaway that someone is looking to get lit for the least amount possible. However, it also depends on how much money you want to potentially make. I don’t bullshit my customers on this because if they’re cheap, I’d rather be tipped $1.00 on a $5.00 shot of well than $0.50 on an $8.00 shot mid to top shelf
@aperson22222 7 жыл бұрын
Good, I don't do any of these things. I really do put a lot of effort into trying to be a good customer.
@henryd1981 9 жыл бұрын
Here's another: customers that stand in a bartender's well area after ordering and not moving away, which prevents other customers from ordering.
@tomarmstrong1003 10 жыл бұрын
I think we need a swear count here
@Juqey 10 жыл бұрын
@tomarmstrong1003 10 жыл бұрын
Dench Juqe One less and that would have been gold
@ebmvideoproductions 9 жыл бұрын
I think you need to do a, "biggest lies that you've ever heard as a bartender", bit.
@SindreEide93 8 жыл бұрын
If they ask for your cheapest shot just tell them oh that would be this one because it's free (or even charge a small amount) and then give them a shot of water.
@lordtimex 10 жыл бұрын
well said man everything you stated i agree with im trying to get a job as a bartender so everything you do is great for me to take notes and try myself
@KrisTHFC26 10 жыл бұрын
This needs a part two!
@ThePrenti 10 жыл бұрын
could easily do a part 2,3 and 4 haha!
@chloecater2469 10 жыл бұрын
Alex do it
@angeliquedemont2841 8 жыл бұрын
I work in a restaurant and people ask for things that aren't on the menu ALL THE TIME!!! and then bitch that it should be. This is especially irritating when you work at a franchise because the menu is totally out of control of the actual person that is serving you, the manager and even the owner.
@natachamariette7435 7 жыл бұрын
as a bartender i aprouved even if you shake your money on my face you have to wait for your time and the thing i hate the most is when you said no we dont have that order on the menu they look at you like they want to kill you thanks for the video
@peeblespebbles5689 8 жыл бұрын
As a former chef, you do occasionally get ass-holes ordering things that aren't on the menu. We once had a woman demand Oven-baked salmon with plain mashed potato and them complained it was bland! Or them asking if we had anything else apart from what was on the menu. NO! Why would we? We're not Starbucks, we don't have some secret menu that you need to perform a secret hand signal to access, what you see on the menu is what is available to eat! *roars and kicks over chair*
@miserereonward1666 10 жыл бұрын
10 things bartender like ?
@hampushaglund7831 7 жыл бұрын
B face Oliver Tip
@sennvua 7 жыл бұрын
4:03 I thought you were going to say water😂😂
@AttitudePark 9 жыл бұрын
1 - they do that? Well, they get charged extra 2 - Snatch it out their hand and place it on the bar.. they usually get the hint 3 - I will get the first drink and as soon as they ask for a second I will stand there in silence and wait until they tell me them all 4 - Meh, just straight up ignore them, it's only thing you can do 5 - My bar is in Spain, it's always a tourist that asks this... they don't realize that our single measures are like UK doubles then end up so hammered that you don't see them again for a day or two 6 - "Okay, well I'll serve this person first then" 7 - "Go to ______ then!" 8 - If I know it, I will make it.. if I don't then tough. 9 - I don't allow these people to drink, I tell them it's expensive because typically the ones trying to get drunk quickly and cheap are usually gonna cause problems 10 - "No. Talk to each other."
@allenaddams3999 9 жыл бұрын
When I open my bar in the future, I only want to hire you and others like you to work in my place. :)
@shalei4916 9 жыл бұрын
#11. They don't bring their ID to the bar #12. Asking you to name every kind of beer while it's in a very visible cooler in front of them
@PostIronicState 8 жыл бұрын
when people came to my bar at its busiest and tried to pay by card. My manager refused to put a card machine in the bar and we had several signs up telling people to use cash. We could take card payments but it could take up to 15 minutes due to the card machine being somewhere else in the hotel.
@jklbaseballdude 8 жыл бұрын
When someone orders a frozen drink or anything that's super time consuming for that matter when I got a line. I'll make the drink, but stiffing me isn't exactly gonna make me more attentive to your habit later in the night. (Unless you work at a tequila bar or a bar like Fat Tuesday)
@aferguson850 9 жыл бұрын
No. 8 - see the thing is if I go to a restaurant and ask for a cocktail I usually get it. There's a lot of simple classic cocktails that you ask for e.g. an old fashioned, martini, manhattan and people just don't know how to make them. I mean I know its going out of your way but I'm going to be charged over the fucking odds for it anyway and will end up tipping you as well. No. 6 - sometimes bars have a really shitty display so you can't see what spirits they have till you're close to the bar. I think it would be better if they had a price list of say a few spirits e.g. a Scotch list, because you can guarantee I don't fucking like standing there like a cunt
@thetompotterable 8 жыл бұрын
Most of your list I can deal with but the fucking charge your phone thing fucks me off so much
@CrimsonFox36 8 жыл бұрын
digging through the condiments. that's how you get your wrist broken. have you ever felt the sting of a bar spoon? that shit hurts
@SG99gamer 10 жыл бұрын
If you make another video like this you need to add a fuckin swear count haha
@benoithyperlord 8 жыл бұрын
For some bars, especially in hotels, it makes sense to have chargers. Otherwise yes agree with your list.
@LemmePSLmyFootUpURazz 9 жыл бұрын
It also makes me annoyed when people complain about why they got charged: They asked for it strong, so its a double. Can you make this Jack Daniels on the rocks stronger? How can I make it stronger if I just poured it straight from the bottle?
@bluemist1993 8 жыл бұрын
I'd like to add a couple: - when you're busy with an order and 5 people call you at the same time expecting you to get in 6 different orders for 6 different customers at once. - when they ask for a song Just because we have YT doesn't mean you can ask for whatever. Even if I do it once or twice it doesn't mean i'm gonna do it every time, i'm just in a good mood. - for some odd reason people forget how to flush and I think there's a secret contest going on at my place called: "piss as much as you can into the trash bin". Super fun...
@dazzanomas9418 4 жыл бұрын
One thing that really pisses me off is when a barman serves his friends first after they have arrived at the bar after you, all of a sudden they pretend that they have not seen you standing their for the last five minutes waiting patiently for them to finish serving the person before and start chatting and serving their friends as if they are next in line. Most of them do it yet few will admit to it.
@gentlemandudley7761 9 жыл бұрын
Oh man! Number eight gets me so fired up. I had a customer trip because we didn't have green chartreuse to make a "last word." She was some hipster that was going on and on and on about it.
@arsenalroo 8 жыл бұрын
All points correct. Losing battle to educate the customers.
@higgzmusic3962 9 жыл бұрын
i think you're in the wrong line of work
@Spriinntz 6 жыл бұрын
Don't understand the premise of tossing a person's drink at them all at once. Especially if you know they'll be having highballs all night you don't just give them a vodka soda and gin tonic at the same time since they're more than likely gonna finish one before the other, ultimately diluting one to the point of crap
@robrider4785 2 жыл бұрын
I've bartended for 17 years and one of the things I hate is when someone can't get though two sentences without saying "Fuck". Just saying....
@snakeroonii 8 жыл бұрын
Actually if a Cocktail is not on the list but you know how to make it you just make it. Like no one puts all the classic cocktails on the list, yet you must know how to make those if someone asks. Now if you haven't got a drink at the bar that's another story you can't just invent it.
@jeremiahanderson614 2 жыл бұрын
I hate when people ask for it be strong and I ask them if they want a double. When they say no I charge them first. 9/10 times they don't tip. Then they ask if it's stronger I ask why? The other day some girls were pulling this and I said why would I give you more for free and get nothing? They had an attitude and said they get stronger drinks at some other spot and they hook up the bartenders after they get hooked up..I told them I was the GM and my bonus is based on profit. So if I give away liquor for a few bucks that adds to more bottles we gotta buy and deducts from the profit line. So there is 0 way I can make more money "hooking you up" vs just charging what I am supposed to unless you are tipping more than the cost of drinks which defeats the purpose and might as well buy a double
@MozerinMozers 9 жыл бұрын
I worked as a bartender to put myself through law school. Yes it's a shit job but nobody is forcing you to do it. Most of the stuff you're complaining about comes with the territory of being a bartender. If you don't want to work a shit job, try acquiring more valuable skills.
@diotough 8 жыл бұрын
Well … if it's something unusual that's not on the menu, then yes, don't ask for it. But if it's one of the very very very basics of mixing then you'd better be able to to it (like Old Fashioned, Sazerac, Negroni, Manhattan, etc). I sometimes wonder why actual cocktail bars often don't have these on the menu. God damn it it's like an Italian restaurant without any form of pasta …
@jonnyo420 9 жыл бұрын
I've been to countless bars and pubs where the bar staff clock you waiting but as soon as either someone they know (or fancy) pops up any where near the bar they serve them over everyone else waiting. And know, I'm not clicking fingers or waving cash in their faces before you ask. The most I'll do is try to catch their eye or lean in slightly in that embarrassed British way...
@vincentbain1392 5 жыл бұрын
Except for the jumping que, every one of these complaints is ridiculously mental. If that’s the attitude a bartender gives me, I’ll buy the cheapest drink and then throw it on him/her as I leave the establishment. I’ll take my business elsewhere. I guarantee you that people will work just as hard for my money as I had to. That means if I have a stupid question (in your opinion) you’ll answer it with grace and courtesy. If I ask for a drink that you are too lazy to make, but have the ingredients to make it, then fuck you. That means, I expect you to pull out that blender and use it!
@cebrinpitts 6 жыл бұрын
Customer: What do you have on tap? Bartender: (points at all the taps that are directly in front of their face.)
@NakitaCherie 9 жыл бұрын
My favorite is when someone comes to the bar and ask... "what do yall have" I'm like we have everything it's a full liquor bar. And then again. With this dumb look on their face they say "yeah but what kind of drinks can you make" .... Uuuggh I used to HATE that soooooo bad like come the fuck on get a damn life who goes to a bar and says shit like that
@naughtydog201 8 жыл бұрын
The worst for me was when customers came into my bar and asked what draft beers there are when they are written on the wall right next to them in the biggest writing possible.
@NakitaCherie 8 жыл бұрын
+Chase Kaplan or when I'm serving a high top table and it's about 6 of them and one person ask me to name the draft beers so I list all 13....after they decided I go to the next person and ask what they would like and they ask "what's on draft?" so I repeat.... Then to the next person who ask the same question. I'm like "are you fucking kidding me"
@naughtydog201 8 жыл бұрын
+Nakita Raulerson Okay WOW. Sometimes customers can be seriously thick
@Lumilan 6 жыл бұрын
Im a simple guy, and usually a rum and coke is my go to drink, but it pisses me off to no end when the bartender mixes the coke with a splash of rum. What the hell is that? at that rate it takes 10 of those wimpy drinks to get a buzz! Thats a lot of coke, and a lot of money! I go to the bar to get a buzz, not diabetes.
@normac9931 6 жыл бұрын
haha haha this was hilarious! You somehow make the cursing so cute
@spongyjakester 7 жыл бұрын
i get a lot of this, but you're a bit uptight in some ways. Someone asks what's good, i'm gonna tell em what i like. Normally they'll take it, and half the time say 'put one in for yourself' I ain't going to suggest something just cause its expensive. Yeh i look for respect in customers, and they get it back. Its got to be a mutual thing.It ain't respectful to gyp people over!
@juliegoldman6778 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly...3:06 he used a restaurant analogy...so wouldn't it be reasonable in a restaurant to ask what they recommend? Secondly, many small bars don't have drink menus, but if you have good eyesight, you can see most of what's behind the bar.
@bhaku22 8 жыл бұрын
first video i have seen of yours, first off i have worked in the service industry for over half my life, and this shit is so money. you are so spot the fuck on i cant believe it this is an incredible video. you rock man sorry i know this is a few years ago but this video is fuckin incredible.
@richard_aguirre Ай бұрын
If this guy was my bartender, I'd just get a beer because how could he mess that up?
@TheLexicon1000 9 жыл бұрын
I don't see the problem with a customer asking if you can order something you don't have. I have had a bar order Midori as well as Galliano so I could have Midori melon ball cocktails and Harvey Wallbanger cocktails.
@FrinkyDinky 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, this is pretty spot on. I had a guy in my bar last night try to get a free shot off me even though the deals were finished for the night then go to me "Actually mate it says buy 5 shots get the 6th free" but it never said that and we've never done that before...
@Charlieyin123 8 жыл бұрын
1:59 At number 5. *4 fingers held up*
@herchelmonroe9290 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow bartender all this is absolutely accurate AF!!!!!!
@FreshPrince182 6 жыл бұрын
Snapping fingers mentioned first. Instant like hahah
@mitch35991 9 жыл бұрын
When someone clicks at me, I just straight up to them and click back in their face for the entirety of their order, shows them how annoying it is and they've never done it again.
@marigeobrien 8 жыл бұрын
#1 - Yes #2 - Hell, Yes #3 - Oh, Hells Yes! #4 - Don't you have mirrors in your bar? (The reason most bars (in the US; that's where I bartended) have mirrors is so the bartender NEVER has their back to the bar.) #5 - Yeah #6 - Oh yes! #7 - I just said, "oh, really? They make it different? Then go there." (They insulted you; why be nice?) #8 - When they ask for something you don't have and they claim you did, don't argue with them. Just tell them, "we don't have it now. We have 'this' (something similar)." (And, actually, I've known a lot of people to ask for all kinds of things that aren't on either the bar menu or the food menu-- people love to do that, it makes them feel special; it's up to you whether you want to pander to them.) #9 -- What's good? LOL! Yeah, you could upsell them. Me, personally I would, in turn, grill them for specifics. It drives them crazy. "Do you like beer? Wine? Cocktails? I make a mean Long Island Iced Tea but you may not be able to walk out of here." For instance. :) Bartender's revenge takes many forms. #10 - It's simple. Just respond with, "sure, I'd love a new phone." (The real trouble is, you're think you're supposed to please these people. Who cannot charge their phone in their car?) No matter how these corporate restaurants try to spin it, no matter what any manager tells you, when you control the liquor people have to be nice to you. :D That's the bottom line. But, then, I worked in the states and in some states where a bartender can cut-off anyone at anytime, for any reason (or no reason at all) with complete impunity. That is, you cannot be fired or penalized for it. :D Talk about power. LOL! I once cut off a guy when he made a really crude pass at me; another time I kicked some one out (worse than being cut off; it means they cannot come in again) when they talked shit about me to my boyfriend. Totally inappropriate? LOL! Again. power.
@StickSkits 8 жыл бұрын
+Marige OBrien regarding #7 saying that something doesn't taste the same as elsexhere is not an insult and if you are rude to a customer just because he stated a fact then you are a shit bartender.
@StickSkits 8 жыл бұрын
+Marige OBrien and regarding #9 You make a mean long island iced tea you may not be able to walk out of here? What is that all about? I don't get how that will put them off or make them crazy as you stated?
@marigeobrien 8 жыл бұрын
StickSkits Since you make it abundantly clear you have never bartended, let me explain: #7: What they are usually trying to say is there isn't enough alcohol in the drink. This is not negotiable, at least not in the states and restaurants where I worked. The customer is NOT always right when it comes to alcohol. The bartender that over serves is responsible if anything should happen, as is the restaurant where they work. So, you don't like it DO go somewhere else (and cause trouble). #9 I'll give you a chance to read my original comment more carefully. It makes perfect sense to me but, then, I've bartended. The way you reinterpreted it, it's clear you are out of your league.
@StickSkits 8 жыл бұрын
Marige OBrien No need to get all big headed just because you worked as a fucking bartender mate...
@danielmoss9973 9 жыл бұрын
Now I think I'm going to start selling phone chargers on the side at my bar...
@zackpolinik7014 9 жыл бұрын
Snapping your fingers in my face warrants an automatic teabagging of your drink. I don't care what the law says. Lol
@TheLexicon1000 9 жыл бұрын
You are unprofessional and disgusting if you actually do that. Nothing a customer does warrant that.
@matthewrobeck7491 9 жыл бұрын
'I know the owner im going to get you fired!' its funny cos i am the owner and i dont know you, but your still cut off. I agree 100% with this list and there are sooooooo many more things to go on there but its best to stick with a top ten list then a top 10000000 list.
@boland73 10 жыл бұрын
I like this things bartenders hate video! I'm surprised WAY too drunk customers that are too drunk but still try to get more weren't on there
@alexprentice4940 10 жыл бұрын
Saving that for part 2 ;)
@AndrewHanlonGaming 10 жыл бұрын
What bar do you work at?
@liamspurin8477 8 жыл бұрын
I had a customer order a 4pt jug of Pepsi (no alcohol) then complain and demand half price because it was too expensive, break it down its £9 for 8 drinks (hf pint glasses)
@teroinefoma2963 8 жыл бұрын
I understand that bartending can be stressful but honestly bartenders need to just shut the fuck up & have some empathy. Every time after work I have to listen to bartenders whine about customers, some I even work with are straight up rude or patronizing. People dress up & want to have fun, that's it, they don't need to be judged or made to feel inferior. So please, if you don't like bartending go find a job in construction or some shit because that's where you belong
@NeegleOne 8 жыл бұрын
+Teroine Foma if people need to ask for the cheapest shot or drink they shouldnt be out in a bar or club cuz they cant afford it.
@scottypadotty 7 жыл бұрын
I hate it when a customer has shite patter
@grapetonenatches186 2 жыл бұрын
Now do 10 Things Patrons hate about Bartenders
@saidie02086656791 8 жыл бұрын
omg No 3!!!!! I had to do 11 drinks like that!! then they went and added 5 Jaeger bombs at the end cause they could see I was getting pissed off
@gorbas102 6 жыл бұрын
Bartender needs to ajust his behevior to his costumers wishes.I worked 15 years as bartender if I was like this I would get heart atack. This guy worked in few places few cities or few countries.Pubs and fox holes.He doesnt now what is bartending at all. Anyway he is from place where tips doesnt exist so he can be rude to his guests
@davidgeorge1447 8 жыл бұрын
Video should be called "Young kid not ready to have job yet"
@Ken-gi7pm Жыл бұрын
If clients could read my mind some of them will surely kill me :))
@tonyj5918 6 жыл бұрын
My order at a bar is so simple 2 double vodka water short 2 lime, 2 jager bombs, cheers
@MindTired 8 жыл бұрын
It's all true what he is saying, but on the other side, it is a job. Got to do it as professionally as possible. Dealing with drunks is a tough task. I tend bar. For all of those who are quick to judge a bartender or server, you need to try and do it yourself, then you'll see what all the fuss is about. Trust me.
@connor3mm597 8 жыл бұрын
I liked this video till he went off on TGI's, packet stuff ?? Okay then haha keep dreaming
@BangBang7577 10 жыл бұрын
i'm glad that i'v done none of those things to a bartender in my life.
@ceceliapassarella8485 8 жыл бұрын
Oi Number five is mine I build the drink in reverse and they always think it's stronger because of the stronger smell of spirit on top this is a great trick the alcohol is the same proper measure and u avoid having to heave them out Cheers Brother
@sureshkraj 6 жыл бұрын
First You must respect customer. All of them are experts like you. They must have hesitate to ask some thing ... you first understand your customer and help them to do it. that is the best service what you have to do.
@wrany72 8 жыл бұрын
Agreed... but every job is the same. Irritating public pretty much annoy every employee everywhere. When you are in the service industries I guess we just have to get used to it. And I say this a doctorate level health professional.
@SpecEight 8 жыл бұрын
This is an accurate and quite humorous video. Good video!
@leealexander8212 8 жыл бұрын
Or dickheads that play the 'I know the owner' card to get special treatment. I have a very good working relationship with the owner, so unless he comes up and tells me that I need to really look after you lot, you're regular customers.
@MckeithJosh 8 жыл бұрын
Point 8 (I think) ordering things the bar doesn't have on menu. If it's a recognised cocktail bar and they don't serve an old fashioned (but they have the ingredients) is that OK to order? I understand if they don't have bitters, or orange peel, but would it be ok to order if they do? I get they need to charge me differently but still I don't mind paying
@StickSkits 8 жыл бұрын
+Josh Mckeith it depends, I don't work in a bar but I go to bars often. I wouldn't order something like a cocktail that isn't on the menu if there are alot of people waiting around but if it's something simple like lets say a certain alcohol with a certain mixer then that's fine aslong as you don't piss the others off or take up too much of the bartender's time in the process :)
@VintageIcon 8 жыл бұрын
StickSkits, if you go to bars often then how do you not know that you can't order a drink and demand that the bartender "make it strong". The alcohol is sold by a specific measure and the price is set accordingly. EVERYONE knows that if you ask for it "strong" you're paying for two drinks and the bartender is not going to risk being fired by putting extra in your drink for free. Also in a lot of places it is ILLEGAL to put more than two shots of alcohol in one glass. Are you saying that the bartender should break the law to "satisfy customer demands"?? Ridiculous. You don't go to bars often if you don't know this extremely basic information.
@StickSkits 8 жыл бұрын
Arielle Smith I do know but I just don't ask them to make it strong.
@chase_of_base 8 жыл бұрын
I hear ya man, it seems that bartender problems are the same all over the world.
@marcradinzel3705 9 жыл бұрын
I didn't want to believe that I too would have all 10 on my list of shit that drives me crazy. It's all there...every single one of my least favorite guest encounters. May I add one more? People who pay for a single drink with a credit card. RUN a damn tab!
@matthewmarinostevens6121 Жыл бұрын
Your spot on with phone charging it can get stupid. I can do one better I was asked to charge a mobility scooter we had to run an extension cable out of the cellar door, they didn't even buy a drink.
@rowynnecrowley1689 7 жыл бұрын
Most of these apply to convenience stores as well.
@precioussimpson975 9 жыл бұрын
#Preach! the bad thing is, people don't even realize the stupidity of the questions they ask...is it me, or should everybody know that margaritas have tequila in them?????
@thomasvigil7807 6 жыл бұрын
Love this video. You really had great points 😂. Some customers really suck
@CaptainRook97 8 жыл бұрын
dude i really really understand you... every bartender has the same idiot customers....
@amyrider8123 8 жыл бұрын
The one he missed that always irks me was when people order complex drinks when the bar is four deep on a Saturday night. If you and your four girlies order five mojitos, it's going to take me a minute. And now I'm getting backed up.
@CaptainRook97 8 жыл бұрын
yeah, and its more annoying when u rush and some people order complex drinks just to show off, even if they have no idea what they drink. terrible :(((
@jmauk824 8 жыл бұрын
You're paid to dispense to people the drinks they want. Not the ones you can be fucking BOTHERED to make. You're in the service industry. That means you're there to SERVE me, funnily enough. I can happily say that I've never done any of the things mentioned in this video, but even if I had I'd still say tough shit. I've worked in retail and door to door sales, so I'm no stranger to dealing with difficult/irritating members of the public, but I put my best shit eating grin on, and get on with my job, cause that's what I'm paid for. I DON'T post sweary fucking videos or comments belittling people or complaining about my lot in life. And if I EVER came across the sort of service hinted at in both this video and the comments section, I guarantee you I wouldn't rest until I knew the person in question would be signing on the next morning. I've applied for similar posts myself, I didn't realise the high horse came with the fucking job.
@CaptainRook97 8 жыл бұрын
how about to chill? we all serve our customers and we never make exceptions, this doesn't mean we cannot see some weird or annoying behaviors of customers. Normally, except for polite way to serve, there is a polite way to order also. And if you have worked with worse customers, its ok, but it doesn't mean nobody else should be speaking except you. stop complaining
@jmauk824 8 жыл бұрын
So this fucking genius comes onto a video, which is basically a list of complaints, to tell me to stop complaining. Logic.
@camycameful 7 жыл бұрын
Im a bartender and i strongly approve.
@user-rv2pp7us7h 4 ай бұрын
When they go to the bar asking just for water!!! I hate that
@royalmac1011 10 жыл бұрын
Too funny haha, pt.2
@Ms.Bfd_ascmg 8 жыл бұрын
OMG soo damn funny and soo true!
@stylishmuck2029 8 жыл бұрын
this is gold. Sick accent too
@heavengiven1111 8 жыл бұрын
lol Agree.
@j5_dc5_rsx 8 жыл бұрын
I get it that customers can be a pain, but keep in mind your there to perform a service and get someone the drink they want and to satisfy them. They don't give a shit about the bartender your just a tool and they pay for your service, hope you never show your pissy attitude to a paying customer. Stick to talking about the people who pay you behind their back. I can see your pretty pissed off maybe your not getting tipped well enough try to put your feelings aside and tend to the customer and make sure their needs are met, tell them a funny joke and always make them smile maybe then they will tip you better and you won't have such a terrible attitude towards them. There's always some where else people can get boozed up and if you want their money in your pocket just satisfy their needs and move on mate.
@AK-fc6xm 9 жыл бұрын
I'm a fellow bartender in alaska.... I could not agree with you more!! People we are BUSY n don't have time for your bullshit so pay the fuck attention to this video! Thank you for your video!
@anemoia2661 8 жыл бұрын
Things customers hate: 1 - Bartenders that think they're Gods fucking gift...
@craigadkins5550 7 жыл бұрын
reece callow It's because we are.
@thomasvigil7807 6 жыл бұрын
This video said what every bartender is thinking 😂 drunk people are annoying sometimes
@jmsmotorsport6124 6 жыл бұрын
reece callow cos we are fam. Who else is gonna get you drunk for £3.60 a pint?!
@lylesargent4863 8 жыл бұрын
Anyone got a swear counter on this video 😂😂 jeez
@jasonhunt4249 8 жыл бұрын
On my first night at a bar, I got refused service just because I didn't know how to order drinks
@amyrider8123 8 жыл бұрын
That happens more than people realize. Order Guinness first (ALWAYS), and always order liquor-mixer, never mixer-liquor. It's a vodka-Red Bull, not Red Bull-vodka. To bump it up one, order the brand of liquor you want so the bartender doesn't have to drag that out of you as well. (Belvedere-Red Bull, please!)
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