10 worst things about Rise of Skywalker

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Lex Croucher

Lex Croucher

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@kendell1151 4 жыл бұрын
A thing that bothered me is that nearly every time something dramatic happens a few minutes later it doesn't even matter. Chewy's dead...oh no he's fine, there's a spy in the first order...oh he's dead now, Rey stabbed Kylo...oh she just healed him, the entire rebellion is about to be destroyed...oh there's help now, Rey is dea-...oh no she's grand, Rey and Kylo kiss...oh now he's dead. Its almost like the writers were afraid to have anything stick in case the audience hated it "Didn't like that plot? Don't worry it wont matter soon!"
@jbaby362 4 жыл бұрын
Yoo, the stakes didn't matter
@treasurecave431 4 жыл бұрын
Just like the movie doesnt matter as soon as u exit the theatre
@AR-ed8jp 4 жыл бұрын
Yes that’s how the pacing felt
@Dave1507 4 жыл бұрын
another thing i found horrible was the ex-trooper lady casually telling finn "yeah, we all got out, a whole battallion" or whatever that line was. That totally diminished finns achievement of overcoming his "programming".
@coachrogerii9730 4 жыл бұрын
Never looked at it that way - well put!
@Mr._Anderpson 4 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that in TFA people act as if Han, Luke, & the Rebellion of what, 30 years before, was relegated to myth. However, by the time we get to TRoS, Palpatine & Lando both enjoy name recognition.
@Pneumanon 4 жыл бұрын
It made sense that the Jedi were somewhat relegated to myth in A New Hope- the Empire was actively trying to wipe out the Jedi and it makes sense that they might have wiped the stories of the Jedi from the history books. But nothing in the new sequels makes any sense. The Jedi/ Luke Skywalker were instrumental in overthrowing the Empire which allowed for the rise of the Republic, why on earth would people not know about that? It would be like "oh have you ever heard the myth of Michael Jordan?". Oh you mean that guy who was the world's most iconic athlete 25 years ago and is still alive, pfft you think that guy actually existed??
@takanara7 4 жыл бұрын
@@Pneumanon Yeah exactly, it's absurd. JJ Abrams has no sense of scale of time or space. Like the death star was hundreds of miles across but Rey is able to climb through the wreckage and find stuff in a few hours (minutes?) Planets are all right next to eachother somehow and you can hyperspace around from any point in the galaxy to any other basically instantly. Galacticly famous politicians become "myths" in like 20 years. It's all totally absurd.
@TheDiego517 4 жыл бұрын
ChannelTonto But I mean even if you wipe out the Jedi’s in history books what’s the time difference between the revenge of the sith and a new hope, 16 years? 20? (Seriously i don’t remember how old is Luke?) I mean A LOT of people throughout the galaxy should remember an order as huge as the Jedi were at their time. That has always bothered me about Star Wars
@Pneumanon 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheDiego517 Yeah agreed. Luke is about 18 or so I think in New Hope, so it is very unlikely that the Jedi would have fallen into myth by that time- only kids Luke's age would not have lived under the Republic and known of the Jedi. Even Solo (who I think is about 30 in New Hope, at least Harrison Ford was) would have lived under the time of the Jedi so it's not really believable that he wouldn't know of them. I mean there are adult members of the Empire who work directly with Vader who don't believe in the Jedi. That makes no sense at all. In my opinion that's the fault of the Prequels. For me, the Jedi should never have been a ruling council type thing. There should never have been thousands of them. There should have been the ruling Republic of normal people and the Jedi should have been a much smaller order of reclusive warrior monks that most normal people don't know much about- the Republic calls on them from time-to-time when necessary but most people have only heard of them as a kind of myth even when they were at the height of their power. That would have made them seem much more mysterious and powerful to me, because it's like you only need a small handful of Jedi to help maintain peace in the Galaxy. That would have made sense why Yoda and Obi Wan were able to stay in hiding for almost 20 years, because the Jedi were always hard to find and always hard to kill. It should always feel like an "oh shit" moment when someone pulls a lightsaber, because the Jedi don't reveal themselves unless they want you to know they're a Jedi and they don't pull their lightsaber unless they intend to use it. But in the Prequels you just see hundreds of Jedi flashing their lighsabers around completely ineffectively and getting shot down like chumps in the last few minutes of the last movie like it's no big deal. Then in a New Hope 18 years later, no-one even knew they existed. It doesn't make any sense.
@1024BenZ 4 жыл бұрын
People in Rise of Skywalker acted like they were fans of the original Star Wars trilogy.
@jbaby362 4 жыл бұрын
Dude what is really sticking in mind, on top of all of this like a Bad cherry, is how they kept telling us that this whole military is made up of stolen children, and then did nothing with that. Like, "it might get a little dark if we admit all these faceless individuals are also unique beings with the potential of these face characters we keep comparing to them...and may be able to change since they don't want to be facists.... Let's just brush right past that." I was losing my mind at what a clump of loose threads it was
@gandalfs-pants 4 жыл бұрын
It also makes no sense that the defectors talk and act like someone with a regular childhood. Fin gets out and is instantly a cool, funny guy despite being a fucking child soldier with no real human connection his entire life, no PTSD or lingering effects of any kind. Like Fin seems like someone you just plucked out of a suburb.
@bmessermusic 4 жыл бұрын
This also makes it even more ridiculous when a million fighter ships show up at the end. Like, the empire will steal your children and force them to live as faceless numbers in their military- but they'll also let everyone else keep a spaceship with laser guns in their backyard?
@DawnyPotter 4 жыл бұрын
@Pneumanon 4 жыл бұрын
Finn: "I was kidnapped as a child and forced to become a stormtrooper, and all the other stormtroopers are just like me. But now that I've defected I quite enjoy gunning down stormtroopers without mercy. Woo!"
@dazblue5515 4 жыл бұрын
Finn's defection was treated as a first-of-a-kind deal... it was unheard of. Now we know it's common, whole platoons defected... that must be some really bad brainwashing the First Order uses... also, I saw somewhere that the fleet the emperor had hidden away - manned by nothing but humans (racists) - would have been at least 4,500,000 people... over 4 and a half million people... where from, how long have they been hidden in the ice, did nobody notice them missing? And that's not counting the existing First Order staff!!!
@jimprice9703 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to have to disagree with you. There are, IMO only three bad bits involved in TROS... the beginning, the middle, and the end. Beyond those bits the rest is okay.
@jimprice9703 4 жыл бұрын
@RobMacRay You saw what I did there... now, if only Disney would.
@johnr8095 4 жыл бұрын
The end credits were ok.
@jimprice9703 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnr8095 But WERE they the end, though? As long as Disney allows KK to stay in control of The Force... there could be MORE of this travesty of A Galaxy Far, Far Away.
@markgray1089 4 жыл бұрын
@@jimprice9703 They need to let it die, kill it if they have to. Oh wait they already did that.
@johnr8095 4 жыл бұрын
Jim Price I hope it’s the end. Probably won’t be though. I was talking about this movie though. And the only thing I would say was decent were when the credits rolled. They didn’t botch those.
@aurumthebrave3427 4 жыл бұрын
I find it profound that Disney never had a cohesive plan for the sequel trilogy in the first place. It’s really incompetent.
@malmstring 4 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is that these Disney affiliated people are supposed to be on top and the best in the business?!? The script is barely proof read... What is their methodology really? It's just lazy minded people wasting time and money away.
@dumpygoodness4086 4 жыл бұрын
it's FAR worse than any of you suspect. ex: what Disney/ KK did was SUPER-ILLEGAL in dozens of ways. (EX: CONSUMER FRAUD.) (EX: fiduciary NEGLIGENCE.) (KK and team OWE investors, shareholders, et al BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Heck, they BROKE the entire SW brand!!! Via inept NEGLIGENCE, which is literally both a crime and a civil crime.) [In an honest world, all movies would come with a Money Back Guarantee.] RoS has already LOST HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars, just as Solo and TLJ did!! (EX: RoS will make $20 million total in CHINA. Endgame made $615 million in CHINA. Bit different, notice?) WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. (Disney et al could even be sued IF KK and co were even PERMITTED to continute working for them, AFTER TLJ angered most customers. That's literally NOT LEGAL. It's MALPRACTICE and more. Same reason we could jail every police dept IF CRIME EXISTS. EIther they control crime rates OR THEY DON'T.) (JJ could / should sue these criminals for DESTROYING HIS REPUTATION etc, nevermind the illegal [fraud] NDAs he has to sign.) (MOST NDAs are NOT LEGAL: they exist to silence whistleblowing to cover up crimes.) FOR ME... i was most livid by the ENDLESS GREAT MOMENTS THEY FLUBBED. (Heck, an Awol Stormtrooper is a GREAT IDEA. Totally wasted over 3 films! Impossible negligence and laziness.) I WOULD'VE PLAYED UP the 'ship tween Rey and Kylo, with him more torn for having no control that he's falling in love with her, and either given Finn / Poe a purpose or REMOVED THEM from all 3 films. TLJ SHOWS US "EVIL BB-8"...and then NO ONE THOUGHT "hey... let's have THEM do a fight scene! We've NEVER had a real DROID fight!" YIKES. IN RoS... I WAS MOST STUNNED by so many Missed Opportunities, like when Rey heals Kylo in the rain, after she defeats him... and he's confused and lost and broken... THAT is when he says (after all is lost)... "I LOVE U." And then.... PERFECTLY... she replies..."...i know". (!!!!) (That's BETTER than fan service, as it's less flippant than Han's original line, improvised b/c George Lucas is the Rian of the OT and prequels.) (I would've taken EACH fan service bit and IMPROVED upon the originals!) AFTER REY AND KYLO KISS (um...what???)... she mumbles "I have a bad feeling about this"!! NO ONE HATED TLJ MORE THAN I DID... but it's true: in mnay ways RoS SAID "HOLDO MY BEER" and topped TLJ as the WORST, most impossibly bad, Blockbuster EVER MADE.
@scroth0303 4 жыл бұрын
@@malmstring To be fair, *Marvel* is considered to be the "best in the business" when it comes to cross-movie continuity; Feige is nigh unto godly in his ability to so rigorously direct a coherent narrative across a franchise. I think a lot of folks fall into the assumption that his personal magic must somehow rub off onto Disney's other brands, but that just isn't the case. Pixar is its own thing. The Disney Animation branch is its own thing. The live-action remake section is its own thing. Even the live-action original section is its own thing (even though that division has been failing horribly in the last several years with flops like The BFG, Wrinkle in Time, Nutcracker, Mary Poppins Returns, etc). Everyone has been running with the expectation that the Star Wars brand was being run with the same level of care and dedication to an overarching narrative as Marvel Studios (and I was right there on that bandwagon as well), but RoSW has been such a disappointing proof that it simply isn't the case.
@screamingindigital1980 4 жыл бұрын
They did have a plan and that was to make movies for the general audience and get did of the old fan base that's it .By the time TROS things blew up and they course corrected but the movies were as they were suppose to go down clueless .
@danielsimmich1858 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder if Jar Jar Binks being in the final movie could have saved it
@zebbr0s 4 жыл бұрын
I keep thinking about this. There were so many memes from TFA and TLJ because they were so memorable, but I have seen nilch come from TROS. Imagine if Jar Jar had been there. It would've been a shitfest, but people would remember it, and boy would the memes be flowing.
@JackHoward 4 жыл бұрын
Here’s the thing that frustrates me about everyone showing up to the big space fight at the end of TROS... They keep saying no one showed up at the battle of Crait - except they did. LUKE SKYWALKER SHOWED UP AND WON. Why does this film totally ignore that? Luke showed up and sparked hope in the galaxy again. That’s what those kids are talking about at the end of The Last Jedi. Why is that ignored!? That was the whole point. ARGHHHH!
@dajoler 4 жыл бұрын
Thought I was the only one who caught that. Luke has been established to be an absolutely TERRIFYING force for good and him showing up was a huge factor.
@jimjam7928 4 жыл бұрын
Because they thought that ignoring The Last Jedi was the safer option here...
@EbonFang_92 4 жыл бұрын
instead going with the flow that was established from TLJ, RoSW decided to ignore it. Rian Johnson had said that he worked hard to counter fan prediction
@countmarkula1993 4 жыл бұрын
@@EbonFang_92 I agree he should have flowed more with TLJ, even though I really did not like TLJ for how much it just soils lore and rules of Star Wars universe. However, Rian Johnson is just as guilty as JJ. Rian's film is disjointed next to TFA. Its like a damn petty feud between visions, and we get the shit result.
@jburks376 4 жыл бұрын
The whole first half is so convoluted with stupid fetch quests and arbitrary rules. JJ certainly likes his map puzzles. Instead of having 3 mgguffins (dagger, wayfinder, total access chip) they could have slowed down a bit and played more into Hux being a spy and that’s how they find out where Exigul is. But no, we need hyper fast pacing in this movie so the viewer has no time to think about the absence of logic in this movie.
@dumpygoodness4086 4 жыл бұрын
BOTH RoS and TLJ are IMPOSSIBLY BAD. There is literally no scientific way THIS MANY inane decisions could've been made in just these TWO films, with billions of dollars at stake. KK better be fired FAST.
@ronaldsoltes116 4 жыл бұрын
“...a patchwork, nonsense of a trilogy.” best, most efficient description of this shit trilogy.
@elliesandpancakes 4 жыл бұрын
18 minutes of me feeling vindicated in how much this film let me down
@marinashutup 4 жыл бұрын
It was a movie where things just happen without any thought to how they’re connected to a larger theme or characters’ development or anything at all. And there are no stakes because NOTHiNG MATTERS or has real consequences.
@jonathanb30212 4 жыл бұрын
marinashutup Exactly! Rey actually loses control when she kills Chewy but nope and then again when she stabs Kylo but then just heals him. So many fake outs for no reason.
@xxBrightsidex 4 жыл бұрын
Can we talk about how that ‘thing’ Finn kept trying to tell Rey was brought up like 3 separate times and then just never followed up?? What was the point in even keeping that part in...I guess they couldn’t show her getting with Ren and then have Finn confess his love for her in the very next/end scene?!
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
he was never meant to be confessing his love! he tweeted confirming that. I think it was that he could feel disturbances in the force etc, that he was "force sensitive"
@leahbee77 4 жыл бұрын
Lex Croucher I definitely saw that explanation online too! The problem is, in the movie it definitely reads as if he wants to confess his love, what with avoiding telling her after they survive the quicksand thing and not wanting to do it with Poe around, and then it’s just dropped and never explained at all. And if I have to read a tweet or an interview afterwards to clarify that for me, it’s not been made clear enough in the film imo.
@xxBrightsidex 4 жыл бұрын
leahbeexx 100% agree, that is totally how it reads. Can’t believe they completely trashed Finn’s force sensitive story but kept in the parts where there’s something Finn keeps trying to tell Rey...complete waste of screen time to keep the allusions in the film but then don’t even expand on it. Waste of a great potential arch for Finn too
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
@@xxBrightsidex @leahbeexx yeah it's so bizarre. I'd LOVE to see all the stuff they shot and got rid of. apparently Kylo Ren's death was a re-shoot, too
@kerynl.sanchez9891 4 жыл бұрын
Finn is the most annoying fastidious and agonizing character here, there’s nothing I like about him. He’s just a horny boy that doesn’t get he’s been Friendzone from day one, running after Rey and screaming the whole time, ugh! He WAS going to say he loved her, they were almost dying, what would be the point to say I’m Force sensitive if they were dead the next minute? 🤦‍♀️ seriously nope!
@elizabethroyerjohnson4992 4 жыл бұрын
It's so sad because I feel like this trilogy had so much potential! I think you're right that it just felt like something that was written by committee, and that they didn't sketch anything out ahead of time. So they just started a bunch of threads that later got lost, and then tried to cash in on a bunch of checks they didn't write, to mix metaphors a bit. Edited: Yes! The thing about how she doesn't heal Poe! That bothered me. Also, I think what they were going for with Palpetine's death was that he killed himself, and she just reflected his lightning back at him?
@RaikenXion 4 жыл бұрын
I think ultimately whats been going on here since 2013 is that Disney A Corporation bought the Star Wars franchise with the intention to aim it directly at the casual fans and "mainstream audience." The mainstream audience are audience that are no fans of a thing, but go see a movie on a weekend because they may have heard abit about it and it seems fun to them; and they go into the cinema expecting the usual ingredients you get from any regular Hollywood movie, violence, plenty of action, visual and special effects, plenty of humor, sex or sexual references all wrapped up in a fast-paced 2 hour movie.
@RaikenXion 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is Star Wars is so much more than that to us fans, we get so much more out of it, but Disney were very clearly aiming at that wider, "mainstream audience". The evidence is clear to see in the dismal handling of this supposed "Sequel Trilogy". Disney were clearly hoping to make a shit-pot full of money from this and i hope its failed for them because these mainstream audiences are just not invested in Star Wars or any of these franchises tbh. The mainstream will go see whatever looks like "fun" to them and whatever they believe is popular or has some hype around it. But once they have seen a franchise movie, whether they like it or not they wont buy any of the merchandise that comes after, books, comics and toys. The most they may buy is a funko pop doll and thats it.
@jbaby362 4 жыл бұрын
I'm off my rocker also, that The Knights of Ren meant nothing, and so did Richard E. Grant. Like, they just tried to cram sooo much stuff in there, and didn't earn any of it
@FlyingFocs 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, this trilogy has taught me more than any class could about one of the most unspoken but inprotant rules of creative writing: Earn. Your. Moments.
@mollycurren8683 4 жыл бұрын
They also did Rose so dirty! Like she was basically demoted to an extra and why? They add two minor female characters to a cast already overcrowded with underdeveloped characters and drop a previously established character into obscurity. I also read some tweets that it's explained in a book (?or comic?) that Kylo Ren didn't actually kill all the students but like...if true that's vital information about his character that the vaaast majority of the audience will never find out because most people don't read all that stuff. And even if that's the case his on screen redemption is still so unearned and rushed! Ugh!!!!
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
I mean I'm 99% sure she was demoted because racists and misogynists thought she was "annoying", really cool and fun fan service there for the worst possible fans. and re: Kylo Ren not killing the students - as you said, I don't think that can really count seeing as the overwhelming majority of viewers will never go digging into the comics to find that info. just re-watched a scene in TFA when he orders the execution of an entire village of innocent people though so, y'know, even without the students ... he killed a lot of innocent people for jollies
@mollycurren8683 4 жыл бұрын
@@LexCroucher I just feel soo bad for Kelly Marie Tran, to literally get bullied off the internet and then to have JJ Abrams and Disney decide to make an executive decision not to stand by their actor but to give her three??? lines!! And yeah, he's still the worst!! I expected this movie to be what it was thematically but could never have dreamed the execution would be this bafflingly bad.
@maxiver8678 4 жыл бұрын
@@LexCroucher Wait...so people bullied an Asian woman who was in a fantasy film which was full of alien races that weren't even human? I cant even begin to wrap my head around that one. People literally are that stupid I guess. Also why was she bullied more than the guy who played Finn? There were plenty of men and women of all races. I wonder why she was targeted. Furthermore if that's the case...Disney pushing her to the side to cater to the racist fans is a weak move iMO.
@ertymexx 4 жыл бұрын
@Molly Curren I am surprised. Have you not seen his Star Trek movies? There's foreshadowing for ya'... :-P
@leiferikson850 4 жыл бұрын
Disney trying to pander to China. They shrunk Finn's character picture on the chinese posters and pretty sure cut out the lesbian kiss to appeal to them. And since China is very xenophobic, Rosa has been put in the background as well because China doesn't like vietnamese characters - especially, by their standards, obese one...
@danilosanches2810 4 жыл бұрын
I'm happy people are finally realizing J.J Abrams is a hack.
@jimjam7928 4 жыл бұрын
JJ can direct good action, but he can't write for shit. His mystery boxes always lead him to nowhere. Also, at the end of ROS I saw a story credit attributed to the genius Colin Trevorrow so... there you go.
@MrDzala 4 жыл бұрын
@@jimjam7928 My bad - I didn't know JJ also was a co-writer. He deserves the blame as well then for that POS script.
@jimjam7928 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrDzala Yup. I do think though if you give JJ an action adventure script to direct he can give you like a solid B+ film. He works well with actors and can control a set. Nothing you'll think too much about afterwards, but there's no shame in that.
@MrDzala 4 жыл бұрын
@@jimjam7928 I loved his Fringe TV series. Not a fan of his other work.
@MrTtenneb 4 жыл бұрын
Are we forgetting the dumpster fire abortions that were the prequels?
@rawanx_x 4 жыл бұрын
Okay I agree that Kylo/Ben's redemption was rushed, but he still had the capacity to be redeemed. Also they're not second cousins; Anakin's dad wasn't palpatine, but Darth Plagueis. Ben was tortured since birth by palpatine, and was driven away from the light side when Luke hovered over him with a lightsaber; the temple was destroyed by a fire, he didn't actually think OH YEs kiLL thE pAdawaNs. His traumatic past made him believe that the dark side was the only place where he'd be accepted, where he was shat on by Snoke for a few more years. The moment he starts breaking out of that is when he realises that he and Rey have something in common, that she understands him and could accept him. After she refused him, he fell back into the dark side. But then TROS happened, and I will gladly say that it's bullshit. They could've at least shown why and how he got out. Leia, Han and Luke's death's would've been for nothing if Ben hadn't been redeemed. He's the hope in this story, and was murdered. Also yeah I would've wanted them to walk into the resistance lmfao it would've been so funny to watch him adjust. There are so many ways this movie could've been better. Also Finn's character was so wasted. If they were just a tiny bit creative they could've done it but NO they just decided to repeat every other story that's been told in the most boring shitty manner they could. P.S Ben murdered his father because Snoke wanted him to do it, to ensure his darkness. Ben felt the pull to the light, and his father was a part of that. He hoped that killing his father would take that away, instead it just made him hurt even worse.
@Cbricklyne 4 жыл бұрын
"Are we to believe that the First Order was destroyed by, like, Ewoks,....throwing sticks?" Yes. That's what they expect you to believe. Duh. It's a movie for people who left their brains at the door. Who told you that you could bring yours into the theater with you? That's where you messed up.
@dazblue5515 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately that's what Cinema is being reduced to... you have shills... erm, I mean critics practically demonising movies that require thought whilst championing throw away popcorn flicks ... this movie requires you do not think at all, it's fast paced so you don't have time to dwell on what you've just seen and go "wait a minute..."!
@flankspeed 4 жыл бұрын
Follow-up Point: Every single Star Destroyer has Death Star tech now. But what - not one of them has a simple nav computer?
@hmsoctopus 4 жыл бұрын
I agree that the film was entertaining and enjoyable but also with all your points haha! Also I really wanted them to literally just stay with a single scene longer than like 30 seconds! It felt like nothing was ever given the time needed because they kept cutting in and out!!
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
yeah it was a whistle-stop tour of a smorgasbord of nonsense
@MWcrazyhorse 4 жыл бұрын
Some people enjoyed two girls one cup. That doesn't mean gobbeling peepee poopoo is an acceptable sexual practice. It's disgusting and you should feel shame!
@RaikenXion 4 жыл бұрын
For me it all amounts to nothing, "The Final Order", cant believe JJ even thought of using that name its so lame! Lol i heard about it in the leaks, cant believe everything in the recent leaks was correct.
@caro6968 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, they are boyfriends! I was so confused at times though, cause it felt like they were attempting to just.. make everyone be in love with Rey? Like.. the Finn (Fynn?) moment with his secret (never explained.. what was that?) and then the tension between Rey and Poe could have been interpreted as flirty banter. And then Finn and Rose? And the absolutely unnecessary thirst from Poe towards the helmet lady.. it was just too much I was so confused
@dumpygoodness4086 4 жыл бұрын
THAT would've been thrilling: make it a COMPLICATED MESS like real life, where Kylo and Finn have some sexually tense moments, b/c Finn is in love with BOTH Kylo and Rey......while Poe and Leia hook up (!)........and each person loves someone who does NOT LOVE THEM BACK, so eveyrone is angry and frustrated, ha ha.
@candidob8683 4 жыл бұрын
The Disney trilogy was a lazy rehash of the original trilogy and a very poor one at that. Kid gets left on a desert planet to grow up to be the universes hope against an empire which has a weapon that can destroy! That's Luke! no no, it's Rey. The droid in the movie has vital information that is key to victory only if it can delivered to the good guys! R2D2 and the Rebels right? No no, it's BB8 and the Resistance. They manage to blow up the super weapon AFTER it has already demonstrated it's power! Star Wars a New Hope! No no, The Force Awakens. Okay, force sensitive hero goes on to find a Jedi Master to be trained! Luke & Yoda! Nope, Rey finds Luke. Bad guys use Giant Walkers on a planet they discovered where the good guys were hiding and they have to find a way to escape! The good guys suffer losses, Jedi Master vanishes and the good guys are on the run! Empire Strikes Back? Of course not...The Last Jedi. Good guy tries to save friends from the clutches of the bad guy, finds help to fight yet another weapon that can destroy planets. Good guy has hope that there is good in the bad guy that can turn them back to the light side of the force. That they are the chosen one who can bring balance to the force and defeat the emperor and save the galaxy! Vader & Luke? Nope...Rey...just Rey. What makes it all worse is Rey can do everything far better with no training at all. Never really gets harmed or even injured til the 3rd movie, and not even then. Anakin, with all his decades of Training lost several limbs and had a few scars. Luke lost a hand. Both of which lost to someone who had far greater experience and they had to train harder to become better. Not Rey. She took on a Jedi trained Dark Jedi and not only not get hurt but won, multiple times. She beat a Jedi Master who really didn't show her anything. Not everyone can be a Jedi. Anyone who has read any of the almost 300 books in the Extended Universe/Legends as well as the thousands of comics in the last 40 years anyone would clearly see that. Even without the books and comics, if anyone watched the previous 6 movies they would still understand that. When a person is force sensitive they still have to be trained and that also takes decades, like Anakin, like Luke. Now if you want a real sequel trilogy with new characters who you grow to love while at the same time not destroy the old...as well as see new places and peoples. Where not only Han & Leia are still married but have 3 kids, where Luke also finds love, where we see how cool Han & Leia's kids are and Leia is a fully trained Jedi.... please read "The Heir to the Empire Trilogy also know as Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, & The Last Command). What's sad is that with the Extended Universe novels, Disney literally had 278 books, which means 278 movies already written. All they had to do is pick the stories which had already had a big following. And there were many. How crazy is that?
@takanara7 4 жыл бұрын
The biggest problem is they were internally inconsistent, like the last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker are inconsistent with eachother. They should have just been like "nope, Luke didn't die he just like force teleported himself somewhere," or whatever.
@legionarybooks13 4 жыл бұрын
Heck, if they had just used the Thrawn Trilogy to build the films off of, I would have been fine with that...well, except for the very end (Thrawn's death scene was incredibly stupid and felt nailed on at the last minute).
@jimjam7928 4 жыл бұрын
@sadusattack2628 4 жыл бұрын
When Rey made "contact" with the past Jedi, Anakin told Rey to "bring balance to the force like I did." How? If Anakin never brought balance to the force to begin with since Palpatine survived!
@EbonFang_92 4 жыл бұрын
they pretty much slashed George's Return of the Jedi. This was too much fan service. Star Wars is traditionally a space opera, this just sounds like a sci-fi action movie
@lassesipila6418 4 жыл бұрын
In my understanding, the Force was always appearing in random people, instead of being inherited. Jedi would need to keep out look for Force sensitives, so they could be invited to the Jedi order at a young age, or I guess they somehow stunted your ability to develop your Force sensitivity if you didn't want to join. (It IS an order with pretty strict, life-changing policies.) I guess untrained sensitives would be at risk of abusing their power and falling to the Dark Side, if their abilities would ever manifest on their own. (Classic in bureaucratic magic systems, eh.) The Skywalker line of "saviors" would be the exception to this rule, due to Anakin's unusual immaculate conception. (Possibly due to Darth Plagueis' meddling somehow, with his work at creating life through the Force. Interesting thread from Lucas' own work, which I think could've been used to great effect in the sequel trilogy, but Disney forgot to ask me. Their loss, of course.)
@racg174 4 жыл бұрын
the thing with the writers is explained most by the fact that no one had a full plot of the three films in mind when they started this trilogy. that’s why rian johnson basically got to make his own movie and then jja got to make HIS movie because no one had a full triology plan
@racg174 4 жыл бұрын
apparently the rian johnson trilogy i.e. X XI and XII are still on so hopefully that’s a little more coherent
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
which is just .... RIDICULOUS????? right? just play this insanely popular series by ear? bizarre
@racg174 4 жыл бұрын
Lex Croucher who are these disney execs who came out of that pitch meeting like “well he doesn’t know what he’s gonna do for the other 2 films but i’m sure the lost guy will figure out a satisfying ending for this 9 film series”
@jdslazenger8650 4 жыл бұрын
"ewoks throwing sticks" - "let's go with that" explanation
@thoroughlyenjoyedbooks8565 4 жыл бұрын
I felt a bit like Rey killing the Emperor was a bit like Harry killing Voldemort- she didn't, she just used expelliarmus.
@Jagonath 4 жыл бұрын
Rey killing the Emperor with his own spell was a LOT like Harry Potter... except that Harry Potter was almost perfect and this is utterly terrible.
@RandomUploads-ch3bh 4 жыл бұрын
Or Protego... 😝
@balancedpadawan 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciated all of your points and I’m glad you could admit that you see the chemistry between Rey and Kylo. What I don’t get is how you, a real person can kiss him but she a fictional character who had all her agency taken away in this movie with the bloodline stuff and returning her to a childlike state in a desert couldn’t kiss him. It was pretty much the only thing left of the Rey that I loved and connected to from TFA and TLJ. It’s a space fantasy. We see the scene with Han again from TFA to show he forgives his son. Hux is the genocidal maniac again in TFA, not Kylo. If the Force forgives him, there are numerous ways a good writer could have had him atone and live on (see Zuko from Avatar).
@balancedpadawan 4 жыл бұрын
Also, Palpatine isn’t Anakin’s father. The Vader comic you referenced is a vision. The creators have clarified multiple times.
@tomcarpenterr 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with almost everything except.. Kylo always showed hints of redeeming himself to the light side throughout the whole sequel Trilogy. Yes, he did awful things but the way he turned out in this movie actually made the most sense compared to the arcs of pretty much every other character. Most consistent part of the whole Trilogy imo.
@ertymexx 4 жыл бұрын
@Tom Carpenter It really doesn't. Why would visions of his mom and dad, both of whom he killed or tried to kill, turn him to the light when he killed his father when he was literally trying to turn him back? Is Ben THAT slow, that it takes months for him to get the message? "Oooooh, THAT was what he meant, NOW I get it!" :-P
@nachosmac5812 4 жыл бұрын
Dorian Ertymexx it really does. It took a near death experience to cause everything to sink in
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
eh, I just re-watched Force Awakens where Phasma asks him what they should do with the villagers - the literal innocent bystanders - and he's the one who gives the order to have them all executed. like, he paused over the trigger with his mum, but apart from that he's mostly been rotten to the core. lots of moments where he seems to be breaking through are actually just him hoping Rey's going to join him to rule the galaxy cos he wants to bone her. not actually moments where he's being anything close to good
@nachosmac5812 4 жыл бұрын
Lex Croucher he had to act and look ruthless there to earn respect
@cohrindrake 4 жыл бұрын
Great actors. Amazing special effects. Beautiful cinematography. That John Williams score. Loved those things. But, oh dear, the writing was absolutely terrible. Got close to walking out during the first act a few times. Sigh. What a wasted opportunity. Because there are a few good bits in there (Hux getting shot for example). This could have been good. But it's just kinda mediocre - and only if you don't think too hard about it.
@waywardmind 3 жыл бұрын
To be honest, the John Williams score was nothing. The only pieces that were impactful were those he'd previous composed. Ep IX had no memorable music.
@pad9x 4 жыл бұрын
"you need a little bit of Kylo Ren in Rey" ahahaha dying 😂💀
@Kenzo_VII 4 жыл бұрын
Glad to see people agree on the nonsensical plot holes and mcguffins 🙌🏽👌🏽. A lot of the new force powers kinda make episodes 1-6 not make sense. Anakin’s storyline is made to be pretty pointless 😑. Also Palpatine getting destroyed by his own force lightning a 3rd time in the series, lol. imo Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi.
@LordInvictus-yt 4 жыл бұрын
Palpatine was only pretending to be scarred by his own lightning in Episode III. Listen to Lucas commentary on the DVD. He was really revealing his true form. "I'm too weak!" was manipulative, hence the little smile before "UNLIMITED POWER!!!" EU writers, and JJ Abrams, never figured that out.
@Kenzo_VII 4 жыл бұрын
youtub ah okay good call. My bad, just twice then.
@drakocarrion 4 жыл бұрын
All the hope for decent Star Wars is in jon favreau's hands now.
@99bjones00 4 жыл бұрын
He is our only hope.
@sodarkherhair78 4 жыл бұрын
There's always Gareth Edwards👍
@drakocarrion 4 жыл бұрын
@@sodarkherhair78 hard pass.
@ge2719 4 жыл бұрын
he kicked off the marvel francise pretty well,.... this should have been where disney should have started with the star wars franchise. i have no idea how any of these terrible people got position in control of star wars. or how any of them have a job after this.
@drakocarrion 4 жыл бұрын
@@ge2719 the problem with star wars is Kathleen Kennedy. She never should have been put in charge
@nonamer29 4 жыл бұрын
"I just want to tap her on the nose like an unruly puppy." That's gold right there.
@gandalfs-pants 4 жыл бұрын
JJ turns everything he touches into melodramatic, meaningless emotion fluff. He is the McDonald’s of directors: Palatable to everyone, but basically shit. Like literally EVERYONE that worked on this movie was so talented...but the direction and script were so bad. My biggest complaint is the “beloved character dies, then unexpectedly is saved/resurrected” trope, which happens like ten times. Chewy obviously, but C3PO, Po’s old fwb, Kylo saved by Rey and then Rey saved by Kylo. You could argue that bringing back dead characters as ghosts is that trope too. Also, a lot of the scenes with Leia you could tell were alternate takes from the last film, and were clumsily stitched together (like a back and forth dialogue between Rey and Leia where the lighting and shot tightness are different for each face). Imo, it would have just made more sense to have her character pass early in the film and not make a frankenstein sub-plot that doesn’t quite work. Like I’m pretty sure the entire point of the movie, and of JJ’s style in general, was the gain nostalgia points and pull heartstrings over and over without providing any original content. I enjoyed the movie basically because the actors, crew, and post-production were talented enough to half-save what otherwise would have been a full trainwreck.
@thereisnosanctuary6184 4 жыл бұрын
At least Holdo stayed dead.
@BabyfaceassassinMANE 4 жыл бұрын
To me Rise of Skywalker was the wrong title it should have called The end of the Skywalker's
@RaikenXion 4 жыл бұрын
14:00 And yet LEX where you people miss the point, where even Rian Johnson misses the point here is that this was always so, ever since the prequels. Obi Wan Kenobi was "nobody" he never came from any special lineage, he was a force sensitive, taken from parents he never knew, trained and eventually became a great Jedi. Same with Mace Windu, Ashoka Tano and whoever else you can think of. This always applied so i think many casuals miss that point tbh and i think it really boils down in their subconscious to them just feeling away over the whole thing of the "Skywalkers" in this saga. Thats just simply the main protagonists Lucas chose to focus on in this saga. And one more thing, even JJ scuppers that idea now because he has essentially made Rey somebody, shes a Palpatine whether she likes it or not. So her powers, ALL her "greatness" in the force does essentially come from her being somebody. So its all stupid. All they had to do was make Rey literally a no-one, who is force sensitive and was abandoned by her parents who were scavengers because they got scared of her force sensitivity. Then have her find and meet Luke and Leia and the two of them train her in the ways of the force together. Maybe make Luke at first exiled and had given up on the force because of past events, but when he meets Rey she kind of helps restore his faith in the force. Something like that would have worked for most everyone here.
@ChiSbaObePcheH11 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is, yeah, all the old jedi were nobodies. But the entire focus was on anikin being better than all of them
@RaikenXion 4 жыл бұрын
​@@ChiSbaObePcheH11 Yes because of his specific "origin". He was known to be the Chosen One. That never meant the whole Star Wars mythos begins and ends with him. The galaxy was always bigger than Anakin once the EU came about, even when Lucas chose to do the prequels and show us this Golden Era of the Republic and the old Jedi. Then you have Revan, or Darth Bane etc.
@RaikenXion 4 жыл бұрын
@@ChiSbaObePcheH11 All Disney had to do, all Kennedy and Iger should have done was work closely from George Lucas' treatments for Ep7,8 & 9 respectively. They could have brought Lucas in from the start, not to completely run the show, but to be a creative consultant, let JJ, Rian and Trevorrow bounce ideas off him, find out what works and what doesnt. They could have even had Lucas and JJ co-write the entire sequel trilogy, cause JJ is great at script-work but shit at story-telling. where as Lucas' strength is that hes a amazing "Storyteller." but his weakness is writing actual dialogue and how characters actually talk. He always admitted this. Basically if they would have focused first on "Honoring George Lucas' Legacy" for this Epic Saga, got that nailed down and stay very true. Lucas would have been happy (he would have been over-joyed), this would have made the fans happy, it would have looked great for Disney's public image as a company that respected the creators work and did not meddle, which in-turn would have led to them making LOADS OF MONEY!! (which is all they ever wanted out of this franchise anyway). Well they would have stood to make a damn sight more than what they have ended up making. Then by this point they could have moved on from the Skywalker Saga into new directions and areas of the Star Wars Galaxy, with original stories.
@kerynl.sanchez9891 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Rey and Kylo were hot for each other from day one! I totally enjoyed their kissing, oh boy.🔥🔥🔥
@michaelbrady5142 4 жыл бұрын
Like "The Last Jedi" there are so many plot holes in this movie. It should have been called "Star Wars: The Return of the Plot Holes".
@Alex-ix6oi 4 жыл бұрын
There were 100x more plot holes in this one compared to TLJ
@gcn9 4 жыл бұрын
"I'm genuinely amazed by what they get done when led by a dead guy." LOLOLOL I virtually hugged you for that one alone.
@Wizardofgosz 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like you've missed something here. Yes, it was lando. His sexual energy attracted them.
@shabnomnom 4 жыл бұрын
i enjoyed watching it but came out of the theater feeling disappointed in ways i couldn't really articulate (except the kiss, i physically facepalmed in my seat as soon as it happened i was SO MAD). there were definitely moments that stood out to me right away as explicitly frustrating but there was also an overall, like, "something is wrong here" unsatisfying-ness about it that i had trouble pinning down right after seeing it. you nailed it though - everything in this movie felt handwavey and unearned. just all so ABRUPT. for all the hype around this being "the end of the saga" or whatever they really phoned it in. that said, i didn't leave the theater feeling, like, angry that i'd wasted my time and money seeing it like i felt with avengers endgame, so that's something? 🤷‍♀️
@Valiantes_ 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Here's how Ben could have survived and Rey instead have died. First, cut Palpatine out, add another villain. Rey IS a "nobody" but she sacrifices herself for the Skywalkers and the galaxy. Ben survives and ghost Anakin and Luke help kill new enemy (or if Palpatine fine). Okay. Have Ben survive and live his life like St Paul, apostle of Christ. Paul used to reject Jesus and did not believe in him. He killed Christians with his followers, even killing children and women. But Jesus appeared to him and blinded him and later with his vision back Paul proclaimed the gospel and lived a life of peace, goodness and serving christ and others. Ben could have committed himself to pass on Luke's and the Jedi's teachings. Lived a life as a quiet but wise jedi master. A second chance. Keep the Han scene as well. A life of goodness, redemption, peace and wisdom. The last Skywalker and last Jedi but the first of new.
@richardkbreuer 4 жыл бұрын
But, may I say, that in our christian believe system, everyone is redeemable. So, Ben Solo didn't need to die because of his evil deeds. Imagine, Ben Solo survived - wouldn't that subvert our expectations and make a good (future) story?
@xxoldmagicxx 4 жыл бұрын
Fin and Poe ARE boyfriends! And that can never be taken away from me. Don’t really care about anything else, I only saw Star Wars for the first time when the force awakens came out lmao
@SUScorporation 4 жыл бұрын
you're the ONLY person ive seen talk about them faking chewbacca's death, i really had to get up and think about that for a while when i realized how stupid it was
@mgibs6519 4 жыл бұрын
OMG! The Dumbledore defense! That would have made sooooo much sense! Especially Kylos line to Han in Force Awakens that they bring back here (for no reason) about knowing what he needs to do but doesn't have the stones! (Paraphrasing)
@mith59 4 жыл бұрын
He doesn't have the stones, so Han pulls the trigger on himself. Only chance to save his son is to sacrifice himself, save Ben from having to do it and hope for the best in the future (which of course pays off because I'm absolutely on board with the total lack of jeopardy here). The line returns because Ben is remembering the piece of his humanity that Han saved.
@mgibs6519 4 жыл бұрын
@@mith59 I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. My point is that Kylo saying: "I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?" would have been great had Kylo been revealed as a spy for the rebellion. And perhaps that was the reason Han and Leia broke up, Kylo did it for Leia but Han didnt want him to. He knows that he has to kill Han to solidify his place in the First Order. The way the trilogy plays out I dont buy that line. I never saw Kylos struggle with the light the same way I never saw Reys struggle with the dark.
@mith59 4 жыл бұрын
@@mgibs6519 As a super bad evil overlord Kylo appears to have a soft spot for people close to him. Its actually a good mirror of Rey, they're both worried that they're not strong enough and in both cases we get the easy payoff, she resists the pull of the dark side as expected and as shown in the first movie Kylo just isn't quite heartless enough to go full sith in the end. Reliving the exact same character arc as his grandfather as he discovers there are just a couple lines he won't cross.
@mgibs6519 4 жыл бұрын
@@mith59 Sorry, I don't buy it. Kylo came off as a pouty, whiny man-child. So, a lot like Anakin yes, but nothing like Vader.
@mith59 4 жыл бұрын
@@mgibs6519 I didnt say same character, same charactwr arc. Troubled kid gets seduced by the dark side, does horrible things for a few years but gets redeemed in the 11th hr and sacrifices themself in the bid to destroy the emperor.
@chill9871 4 жыл бұрын
well to your last point, didn't palpatine technically kill himself since the it was his own lightning ? 🤔
@usmcfutball 4 жыл бұрын
That's how I explained it to myself. "No" Palpatine would have been 'better' Palpatine though...
@TheSuperHopeless 4 жыл бұрын
Not to mention that poor Finn was completely sidelined this whole movie...
@dumpygoodness4086 4 жыл бұрын
even THAT makes no sense: Finn's lines are mostly him shouting Rey's name (!) in a variety of settings... yet... the MOMENT he sees she has literally more powers than SUPERMAN, he probably could've relaxed a bit that she could handle herself, no?
@houseoftheted637 4 жыл бұрын
I remember leaving the cinema not remembering a thing about the film.
@millyonz2585 4 жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: Rey's parents in the movie look to be in their late 30's 40's & Rey being around 19, also including the 30 year gap between ROTJ & TFA means that Palpatine had kids around the time of A New Hope or The Empire Strikes back😂!!!
@jayhuffy 4 жыл бұрын
My feeling was that Palpatine killed himself with his own force lightning, and Rey just blocked it with her saber, hence why no dark side powers going to Rey.
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
I think if his lightning had rebounded off a mirror or something that would make sense but she was forcing it back onto him, advancing on him, she wasn't just defending herself, she was attacking. I just hate things like this!! like what a stupid thing to set up and then immediately wiggle around
@Angel77777771 4 жыл бұрын
@Halbinoni You just made me giggle.
@ertymexx 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha @Halbinoni force lightning is like Pringles - once you pop you can't stop!! :-P
@cloudstrife746 4 жыл бұрын
y'all pretend like palpatine wasn't stupid enough to do that, but you guys forget he did the exact same thing against Mace Windu
@Wonderboywonderings 4 жыл бұрын
Palpatine won. Skywalkers lost. He possessed Rey, then killed Kylo Ren with a kiss. Now lives on under the perfect disguise as 'Rey SKYWALKER.' Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
@clairreads1965 4 жыл бұрын
Agree agree agree. There was so much potential at the end of film 1 and... poop.
@itsjustme6334 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think RoS did a great job following through with Kylo's redemption but I wonder how people that genuinely hate it feel about Darth Vader's redemption. Vader abused both his children, battered his wife, personally slaughtered so many younglings, and tried to murder his only father/mentor figure multiple times. He's not exactly deserving of redemption either.
@RandomJtv 4 жыл бұрын
This film was a whole entire mess. It was like watching a 2 hour supercut of 3 seasons worth of a TV show out of context.
@dumpygoodness4086 4 жыл бұрын
you are too kind. ex: in NO CONTEXT could you save almost any of TLJ or RoS. (EX: in TLJ, Rian doesn't subvert expectations. WE EXPECTED a film where the heroes ARE NEVER HIT BY ENDLESS RAYGUN BLASTS, and never even get a scratch when they blow up. Rian gave us THE WORST CLICHES IN ACTIONS MOVIE HISTORY.) (Maybe Poe / BB-8.... and Rose /Finn both have FORCE PROTECTION as did Space Leia?? Yeah right.) Both films were CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE that lost customers and shareholders BILLIONS. (If RoS were the FIRST disaster, Disney could claim it was an HONEST mistake. But KK ruined TLJ AND SOLO and the standalones, so RoS was 100% criminally illegal.)
@vic.4497 4 жыл бұрын
This genuinely was exactly the content I wanted on Christmas Eve, thank you. I agree with all of your points, and 'I might go die now actually, for Lando' really made me laugh, too! Also further on your Chewie/transports point - it's so strange to me that as soon as they know that Chewie is alive no one cares that Rey blew up the transport? Which could have been full of innocents still?
@sonicwingnut 4 жыл бұрын
I think the first proper WTF moment for me was when they landed in quicksand and Rey - a woman who finished the last film by levitating a load of huge rocks with her mind, and started this film also levitating items with her mind - didn't think to levitate them out of the quicksand with her mind.
@Brooke-rw8rc 4 жыл бұрын
Force Healing was addressed in canon in the Mandalorian series. Outside of current canon, Force Healing was a common ability for both Jedi and Sith in Legends. Barriss Offee, Shaak Ti, Anakin, Luke, and Mara Jade Skywalker were all known to be strong in Force Healing.
@AceOfSevens 4 жыл бұрын
I think Palpatine counts as killing himself by accident. He died by force-lightning himself to death. Rey reflecting the lightning doesn't count.
@blokey8 4 жыл бұрын
On rewatches of TLJ, I started to think that the degree to which Kylo is sympathetic is played as Rey not fully understanding him or being deceived. Johnson's talked about asking Williams to rescore the hand-touch scene to emphasise the sense of it being dangerous, and the throne room aftermath pivots on the realisation that this isn't "doing a Zuko" and he'll take the option which is easiest and gets him power. TRoS feels like it disregards all of that, and I think it's why so many people don't feel the redemption (aside from it being the flipping of a switch and not an arc) and revolted at the kiss.
@rinex1355 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I've seen so many reviews and you're the first one that mentioned the stupidity of everyone just 'rising up' to destroy the First Order out of nowhere so everything could be tied up in a neat little bow. Re: why people came to help now when they didn't before, there's an excellent reason staring us in the face that they DIDN'T USE. The end of Last Jedi was all about inspiring hope and the power in that - 'we are the spark that will light the fire' etc. It would have made so much sense to show how Luke's mythic last stand, as well as the Resistance's actions in general (blowing up Starkiller Base, Finn defecting, etc.) has been inspiring hope in people across the galaxy and that is what has changed. In the conversations with Zorii and Jannah etc - these things could have been referenced! It would also show how Luke's final sacrifice impacted on the story as a whole and his lasting impact on the galaxy and show how he lives on in legend. Ugh. Wasted. It would also make Rey taking on the Skywalker name make a bit more sense? Since it would cement the legendary/inspiring associations with that name. Re:kylo's redemption. I absolutely agree he is irredeemable. However, in a universe that is more fairytale/tropes rather than realistic, and given Vader's redemption before, I could accept this if done well. But if they were going to do it, they should've done it early on so they can actually show him try to earn his redemption. And how hilarious would it be trying to see him trying to work with Finn/Poe? The comedy gold of that would make me forgive many things XD
@PK-wd1wt 4 жыл бұрын
So glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t get the Ren redemption leap (can’t call it an arc).
@blokey8 4 жыл бұрын
He's basically rebooted by Leia.
@pawwap97 4 жыл бұрын
Totally agree about Kylo’s turn feeling rushed. They’re releasing comics right now about how he didn’t actually burn down Luke’s Jedi temple and how he was manipulated by Snoke, etc and it really makes me upset that instead of showing the actual complexity of this character they just skipped to what they knew we were waiting for. Why was this movie so short? It could’ve been 3 hours and no one would have complained! Adam Driver had an interview recently about how he “fought” to make this character sympathetic despite his actions which makes me really think that the arc he was pitched and the one he was given are no longer the same.
@metalgamerk9549 4 жыл бұрын
10 worst things about The Rise of Skywalker: 1: Everything 2: Everything 3: Everything 4: Everything 5: Everything 6: Everything 7: Everything 8: Everything 9: Everything 10: Everything
@juliusmani3729 4 жыл бұрын
metalgamer k let me rephrase that: all of it, everything but the score. The John frickin’ Williams score!!!
@WOranos 4 жыл бұрын
The movie has all the continuity and substance of a music video directed by an ADHD sufferer.
@Vamirez 4 жыл бұрын
It is completely unbelievable that the robot expert cannot simply backup C3POs mind in his workshop. It is also not believable that there would not be time for this.
@rickblaine9670 4 жыл бұрын
I think this movie - amongst other things - suffers from having had its actual story “stolen” by the ending of the previous Episode. The Last Jedi went out of the three acts structure with a fourth one (the battle of Crait) just for the sake of telling its own story without considering the trilogy as a whole. When the only natural thing for said trilogy would have been to let the whole final movie deal with Luke’s return and final sacrifice. That’s also why I didn’t like TLJ Luke. Not for how far he fell from grace, but for how little time and space he was given to climb back up. A whole Episode was absolutely needed to show his return, his reunion with Leia and his last stand against Evil. So, in other words, The Last Jedi’s fourth act is what Episode 9 should have been, forcefully condensed within twenty minutes at the end of Episode 8. The mass of nonsense called The Rise of Skywalker is just what they had to make up when they realized they had stolen their own ending. ...and yes, that’s exactly as idiotic as it sounds. Billions of dollars to hire the best creative minds in the whole world, and they STOLE THEIR OWN ENDING.
@edsanchez6173 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lex. This is the first of your videos I have seen and I had a lovely time watching it - there is typically so much venom in videos like this about this specific trilogy. It is a credit to you that you presented this while maintaining your frame. Top marks. I think a great deal of how this film, and the sequel trilogy overall, is perceived, can be put down to subjective likes and dislikes. However, you’re perception here is quite sharp. The overarching challenge the filmmakers were ultimately unable to successfully navigate is the fact that there simply was no clearly delineated plan for how they would get from TFA to the conclusion of a nine film cinematic saga that spans over 40 years and three generations. Everything else that can be railed against came as a consequence of not having a blueprint. Think about building the foundation for a house without any clear idea of what you were going to build on that plot of land. I agree with all of your points of distaste for the product they put on screen. Especially troublesome to the overall meaning of SW that was lost is that The Force was introduced as something that is in every rock, every tree, every person - with the cultivation of the power inside all of us, we must shoulder the responsibility of choosing how to channel that into good or bad. If only “force sensitive” individuals have this ability, a certain elitism is introduced that is contrary to that original message. Now, Lucas was a party to this with the introduction of the dreaded midichlorians in the prequel trilogy, but the sequel trilogy had the golden opportunity to steer the ship back on course, instead they chose to dive deeper into the depths of elitism by making Rey a super-human. She had no story ark - she started as an undiscovered and forgotten person on a back-water desert planet and she ended up ... on another back-water desert planet, no longer forgotten, but now forgettable. She was just as likely to go back to being a scavenger at the end of ROS. While the films can mostly be entertaining as action films, the best parts of TFA and ROS, and the sequel trilogy overall, in my opinion, were the scenes where the main characters were together. Daisy Ridley, Jon Boyega and Oscar Isaacs were a great team but none of their characters were well served by any of the stories or scripts in the trilogy. The whole sequel trilogy boils down to having all of the ingredients to achieve greatness but no plan on how to do it - no passion and no vision in the storytelling, filmmaking, or writing. Ah well, we can still reminisce over watching that first twin-sunset. We’ll always have Tatooine.
@Marja1992 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with all of your points. However I'm not entirely sure about the whole using Daenerys as an example of good character-writing XD
@dazblue5515 4 жыл бұрын
Compared to this it was
@mclarge90 4 жыл бұрын
My most nit-picky thing is the captains coin. Oh there's a magical coin now so you can fly wherever you like and that then leads you directly to Kylo Ren's bedroom? Cool! I liked the film as a Star Wars film, for me it's always just been Eastenders in space, but to have this close the trilogy shows they didn't have a plan from the beginning. I feel like you could watch Ep 9 without seeing Ep 7 & 8 and you wouldn't have needed to be caught up on anything. Totally agree with the points you made in regards to all those ships turning up to fight the final order, why didnt they just use the "all stormtroopers are stolen children" plotline they worked on and just have the final order start a mutiny by Finn or something? Woulda made so much more sense.
@m.mijsberg8663 4 жыл бұрын
The Reylo kiss is like Padme loving Anakin when he was already in his prime evil as vader when she does believe he killed millions
@TheAdarkerglow 4 жыл бұрын
Palpatine's Son or Daughter was apparently a Force Dud, because some dude with a knife-map (or maybe a map-knife) can just walk up and stab him or her.
@hhhhhhhhhh1919 4 жыл бұрын
why does the audio of this video sound like its playing outside of my headphones
@JamesMelton 4 жыл бұрын
This is arguably the best critique I've watched thus far. Everything you said is spot on, but here's a quick list of my own: 1. The opening scroll text.... literally announces Palpatine returns. But, not just that he's back (in the fucking scrolling text), but that he's announced it. This is literally the thing that kills him. I mean, plot armor of him coming back aside for a moment, you're telling me that this ultra mastermind... announces to everyone, while he's still an overripe banana, that he's alive. 2. Palpatine is alive. Well get wrecked, Vader/Anakin. So much for that noble sacrifice. 3. Speaking of Anakin getting wrecked, remember that whole "come to the dark side for life preservation" BS? Well, Rey does it randomly on a snake-worm-thing. Somehow, the very power that Palpatine and Vader spent years trying to unlock, Rey does it randomly in a cave with no actual meaning. Also, fuck Poe (you had a good point there. So much for all that "we care about each other" nonsense they tried to drum up). 4. Again, Rey killing Palpatine. What... what is that? Like you said, how does one distinguish between her killing him and him not winning by this ancestral force possession nonsense, and her killing him and him not winning. 5. Palpatine is dead. And with the portrayal of how, apparently so are the Sith and, as best as one can tell, the dark side of the force. Because who needs all that "balance" crap 6 previous movies setup, with an entire character's existence literally created by it. 6. Rey levitates herself and a bunch of rocks. God mode. No one is ever really seen in the films being able to levitate themselves like that. While it makes partial sense, it's just not seen. Because if you did it, you'd have one hell of an advantage in combat. Later on in the film, her and her entire party get sucked into some quick sand situation. You'd think, okay well... this must be why they showed us that scene for 3 minutes. No, you'd be wrong. Instead she just forgets all about her God mode powers and they just sink anyway. 7. Chewie looks like he dies. Like you said, they just bait and switch it. Worse still, why? That accomplished nothing really. I guess we see Rey do the force lightning, which maybe foreshadows that she's Palpatine's second hand off spring. 8. Palpatine orders Kylo to kill Rey, but no! He actually wants to lure her there, alive, to possess her! I'm sorry, what? Does he want her dead, or not? I'm not really sure. But then, who the hell would know, because no one knows if he's actually alive or dead or what. I assume he's dead, what with the vaporization thing by his own lightning - wait, is that how they think they explain him dying and not possessing Rey? That he kills himself? This in itself was dumb. You'd think he'd just change over from the lightning power to the soul sucking power again. 9. Force Ghosts can interact with shit. Well if that's the case, why didn't Ben just kick the shit out of Vader when he died? Moreover, why don't these Force Ghosts march their happy asses on over to Palpatine and end this tom foolery once and for all? I don't really have anything else. The entire film was a disappointment. I wanted so much more from these films, but instead of driving the story of the Skywalker's forward, they basically did a shitty reboot of 4 with 7, went off the rails with 8 into whatever-the-hell-that-was, and then sandwiched the entire thing for us to enjoy a brown smile afterwards. What are we left with? The entire Skywalker line is completely eradicated, and a Palpatine is masquerading as one. Also, Rey is God, and the force has no balance. In fact, the force is basically buried with those lightsabers. Because that First Order that we just ignored doesn't need Rey to end the conflict - thanks to the rag tag, plucky people of the galaxy taking care of business for themselves, the lazy fucks for 5 previous movies.
@2711scooby 4 жыл бұрын
Love the freshness of this explanation
@RidicsPredj 4 жыл бұрын
Me and my sister said the kiss after he saves her life was like when you give someone a kiss in a club cause they bought you a free drink lol
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
@rodster811 4 жыл бұрын
Did anyone at least feel the emotion from Chewy when he found out Lei was dead.
@MagicApple03 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you somewhat, to a point. Ben Solo WAS possessed, in TLJ novel it shows in the womb Snoke/Palpatine was corrupting him. As a child he heard voices, had nightmares and was told to things. Even his mother and father treated him like a monster and neglected him. When you are in the dark side is stated that you are another person, it shows this in books, comics and films. The dark side is a corruption of the light. Ben, in fact, didn't kill those at Lukes temple (read Rise of Kylo Ren) nor did he order the killing on the planet, but he was neglectfull and allowed it to occur. Of course, as we know, he did kill Han, but the films fail to put in the state he was in afterward: tortured. He kept trying to live up to the Kylo persona, but he was in many ways too conflicted. He's been conflicted on dark/light for his whole life, so it makes sense that he has a tipping point, especially given the force-bond. My biggest issue is that, well, he died. His death made Palpatine won, and he wasn't not allowed the courtesy to at least fight with Rey to redeem the Skywalker legacy. Luke is made to look horrible by sitting Rey down and saying 'blood doesn't matter, we knew you were a Palpatine but we believe in you', but sensed "too much Vader" in his nephew. Leia basically wrote him off as lost when-that is never the case. Rey, who never deals with consequences, had a horrible ending in that she ended back up where she belonged--alone, in a desert, and little character development. Star Wars is supposed to be a fairy tale, a story of hope, and ROS was not of hope nor was it a fairy tale. I just feel that this film, over-all, was badly written and edited. There is SO much I could say as a long-time SW fan but, that is just some of it...
@jscottupton 4 жыл бұрын
The problems STARTED with "The Force Awakens". The guy who wrote it was fearful that any appearance by Luke would kill all interest in the new characters so he put Luke at the end. That was a HUGE mistake. What he SHOULD have done is started out with a reunion of Leia, Han (who are happily married and living a quiet life). But Luke shows up with news that will change EVERYTHING. By starting off with the old gang the new characters are gradually introduced as the old characters fade into the background. My idea is that Luke and Leia have two daughters...one of them has been missing for a couple of years. Luke has been searching for her. Also introduced would be Lando's son. I've got an outline for a trilogy that would make logical sense and would not destroy the legacy of the old characters. This is what makes me the most angry. Han was turned into a dead beat dad. Luke is now a grumpy old dead man. Anakin's legacy was destroyed. And Leia has been given super powers that no one else has...she can fly in space. What garbage.
@ge2719 4 жыл бұрын
jedi have been force pushing themself around in space in the francise for ever. get over it. youre right about the rest, but that, nope.
@cookiemadison8529 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my god--the comparison to improv-- I said exactly the same thing. Years ago I taught a drama class to 10 year olds and wanted to do an improv exercise. but forgot to explain the 'yes, and' rule, and in 20 seconds it was 25 10-year olds just shouting at each other : nah-ah! no I'm not!... This movie felt like 2 and a half hours of that!
@MitchellRageQuit 4 жыл бұрын
Disney knew they completely fucked up with the Last Jedi garbage and they wanted to do a quick cash grab Film and sadly they couldn't write anything decent for this last movie in there weird fucking trilogy. They bought StarWars just to lay a big mouse turd on it. It's a real shame
@marcusroele 4 жыл бұрын
Rey was so powerful in the force that the force shut itself off when it knew she needed to sink into quicksand to find a dagger.
@hannahpreece3651 4 жыл бұрын
This was bad writing, but can be explained by Rey getting a "feeling" that she should just go with it while everyone else floundered. They could have done that, but they didn't.
@FluffyPoopPrincess 4 жыл бұрын
I love your rewrite of the "Rey has healing powers" thing! I would have Finn being shot since they already have some kind of friendship. Then he can have some of the precious attention he wanted from her all movie.
@jasongoodacre 4 жыл бұрын
The movie was just so cringey. "They fly now?" - Like they have never seen a rocket-pack before. Just awful lazy scriptwriting. And they are ZERO conquences. Chewy is dead, no he's alive, Kylo is dead, no he's alive, Rey is dead, no she's alive, Kylo is dead ... OH He is DEAD.
@Enzo012 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think wiping C3P0s memory would kill him as his personality is pre-programmed to be exactly the same regardless. He had a memory in Revenge of the Sith it's a fairly routine procedure. He was long overdue one in fact. His memory banks would be cluttered up with now useless memories much of it revolving around Han, Luke, Leia and all those pre-Disney era Star Wars characters which are all completely irrelevant now anyway. Poe should have been like "Well then...good! Two birds with one stone. You needed a good clean out 3P0."
@ChiSbaObePcheH11 4 жыл бұрын
Well the setup for the help coming this time would've been the spark of hope that luke gave at the end of TLJ, but it wasn't picked up in ep 9 at all
@hellen1635 4 жыл бұрын
For your last point about killing Palpatine: she didn’t kill him with her lightsaber. She killed him with his own lightning, so I think what they were getting at was it was forced suicide? Idk
@VeganRevolution 4 жыл бұрын
Epstein stylie.
@blokey8 4 жыл бұрын
They should've given Kylo a tragic villain's end, and made Rey's internal conflict about the need to face him with the intent to kill (leaving aside the possibility of him butchering her).
@RandomObsessiveGirl 4 жыл бұрын
My biggest gripe was when Poe was having a moment of turmoil and 'I can't do this' (and presumably grief??) After Leia's death and he was sat alone doubting himself and then fucking Lando came in and was like "And we had the starriest of wars :) together :) " and that apparently fixed it
@LexCroucher 4 жыл бұрын
hahahaha the starriest of wars. and Lando doesn't give a shit that Leia is dead in front of him. nobody really seems to give a shit except Chewie. god bless Chewie
@licky8 4 жыл бұрын
There are 2 transports. They are shown briefly. This is a common tool in movies. You can only spot the 2nd transport upon the 2nd viewing because on the 1st viewing Chewie attracts your glance...
@Shadowhunterbg 4 жыл бұрын
Lando - oh hey. We are a few rebels with a single ship. Want to join us and fight a hundred star destroyers? People - we're in! It's not like have something better to do anyway... like living our lives for example. The level of stupidity...
@kaizoisevil 4 жыл бұрын
Disney was like “crap how do we end this? Oh let’s bring back the fan favorite Palpatine like in Dark Empire! Oh and he has a huge Sith fleet that Darth Revan originally planned in Knights of the Old Republic! Yeah that’ll get fans loving this movie!”
@Balrogthebuff 4 жыл бұрын
It's Lando. The people who showed up were only the ones either who owe him money or HE owes money. They could have at least leveraged it to something along the lines where they used his hero status to rally people. Not a throwaway line "Lando, GET TO DA CHOPPA, I mean Core."
@jimjam7928 4 жыл бұрын
4:38 Just gonna say that I saw the film twice and there was in fact two transport ships. Still was an incredibly weak way to try and build... tension? I dunno.
@kiltedcripple 4 жыл бұрын
You know I read somewhere that JJ knew he was going to anger some party or another with any decision he made. Which sounds a lot like "everyone else can fuck off, I like the movie I made!" Final note: you want irredeemable? Finn is a reformed Stormtrooper, developed a conscience, joined the rebellion. Meets Jannah, a reformed Stormtrooper who developed a conscience and joined the rebellion... literally yells "whoo!" when he's killing stormtroopers. I guess it's all in the timing, eh?
@Brooke-rw8rc 4 жыл бұрын
FYI: Leia's death was caused by her breaking Palpatine's hold/control over Ben. It didn't actually kill her to just say "Ben" to him through the force. How pathetic would that be? Palpatine literally admits in the film to being "every voice in his head" for Kylo's entire life. Yes, he WAS possessed. Leia saved him. Also, note Anakin's sudden change in Revenge of the Sith from "I need to protect Palpatine to save my wife" to "I'm willing to murder my closest friends and small children because Palps asked me to." Giving in to the Dark Side, or being redeemed from it, canonically makes you an entirely different person in Star Wars.
@BoothferryLad 4 жыл бұрын
Michael Timothy after seeing Luke die because he force projected himself just the movie before, like what are we supposed to think. I mean Leia and Lukr both died by using the Force too much. That is poor poor writing and if you had heard that 5 years ago you would have laughed out loud
@viddiot 4 жыл бұрын
'Strategic plot nonsense'. That is a succinct summary of the sequel trilogy.
@TopDownDrumming 4 жыл бұрын
Great points, however one thing I’d like to point out is that it has always been true in Star Wars that anyone can become a Jedi if you are force sensitive. Some examples, Obi Wan, Anakin, Asohka, Yoda and pretty much all the other Jedi. Even Luke was just a nobody farm-boy in ANH. Lots of people make a big deal out of what a great and inspired thing this was in TLJ, but it wasn’t because that has always been true.
@Balrogthebuff 4 жыл бұрын
Ben's redemption ark could have been a great epilogue if Rey had died but he lived. He could have thrown away his identity and just lived as a faceless Jedi working to restore the ancient order and keep it alive. He knows he can never undo the horrors he caused but he has been given a second chance to make sure no one else like him rises again. Better, than I'm Rey Skywalker...
@lordrichtofen8266 4 жыл бұрын
Welcome to the Toxic Brood Sister, the Longmen welcome you with open long arms. LONG MAN GOOD, LONG MAN FOREVER.
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