いつもビデオ見てくださってありがとうございます☺ 今回は私の大好きなジャーナル習慣✖︎英語ということで、自分でもワクワクしながら作りました。 そして後半の英文法についても、私なりのこだわりを(出来るだけ!)短くわかりやすく説明したつもりです。 あえて「文法」の説明ではなく「英語文法を使うとこんな感覚になる」というこの「感覚」を、伝えたかったです。 ジャーナルが皆さんの夢や目標を叶えるツールになったら嬉しいです。 私は"I have the courage to live my dreams"この言葉を自分に言い聞かせてます。 自分の中に持っている素晴らしいもの、宝って、実は他人には見えにくいんですよ。 その価値を分かってもらえないことの方が多いんです。 でも自分で、自分の中の大切なものを守ることはできます。誰にも壊させないでね!🍀
@chika-chika6 ай бұрын
@keikot15505 ай бұрын
@@chinatsu_the_emo "I have the courage to live my dreams." 素敵な言葉ですね。自分の1番の味方であるのは自分で、自分を1番大事に出来るのも自分なんですよね。コンプレックスが多くて、それらがななかなか出来ていませんが、自分を信じて学び続けたいです!ちなつさんの温かい言葉に元気をもらえました。Thank you so much!
It was so interesting. I’m gonna start a new career next month. Thanks to you, I decided to do the journal to understand myself well, achieve my goals, and see how I can grow in the new environment. I’m already excited about it. Thank you!
@katie78956 ай бұрын
First, thank you so much for sharing the fantastic video with us! It's evident that much time and effort went into editing and planning it. 🎥👍🔥 I love journaling as well, so this video excited me so much! 😊 Your voice is always so calm and soothing, making it really easy to listen to you. 🎶 Thank you again, Chinatsu-san!
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! Thank YOU for such a lovely comment :) It actually took a while to finish making this video, your comment made it worth it. hahahaha❤️
@chikar33186 ай бұрын
目から鱗でした!幼稚な文章になってしまうの悩んでおりました。やっぱちなつさんが解決してくれた😂❤Thank you so much!!!
いつも、動画楽しく拝見しています!また、ちなつさんの内容でスクリプトとして勉強にも活用させていただいています。文法で、わからないところがあります。 9:30 the key here is you got to be ridiculously honest with yourself. ここの you gotに、なるのはなぜですか? どなたか、わかる方いれば教えていただければ幸いです🍀
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
こんにちは! Got to...は、実はhave toの口語表現なんです❣️ネイティブもよく使います。例えば I got to go to the supermarket. (スーパーに行かなきゃ) 英表現ではよくhave go toも使われます(私も最初はそう言おうと思ってましたが、発音できてませんでしたw) I've got to finish this homework by tomorrow. (明日までにこの宿題を終わらせなければならない) これがもっと砕けてgottaになったします! I gotta go home now. (今家に帰らなきゃ!!) 参考になれば幸いです😀❤️
I often indulge myself so called passive entertainment when I was mentally down, but as Chinatsu-san said, it doesn't make me confident and energetic. Today's your video has encouraged me to be more proactive toward English study and my work and everything. I'd like to empower myself all the time.
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! Honestly I do that every now and then. haha But I recently started feeling grateful for TIME itself, which means we don't have our life time infinity. This reminds me that our time is limited, I want to do something meaningful☺️
Hi Chinatsu san, it’s very impressive video, but I did fall in sleep several times as I tried to hear or watch at that, not because that was not interested, I was just sleepy😅 In that situation the most thing which kept in my head, definitely the subject is needed in English. Sometimes I tend to drop it like I did that in Japanese. Anyway l will watch at this one again and again. Thanks a lot again Chinatsu san !🧚♀️👯♀️👍
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! haha that's alright, you might need rest tight....Hope you had a chill weekend though! ☺️ I think learning the differences between English and Japanese is part of learning English, which I actually enjoy a lot! Thank you for supporting my videos, I appreciate it! All the best! ❤️
I love the combination of language-learning with positive affirmations! Is there an equivalent idea for "keeping the subject in mind" when speaking Japanese? 一般的に日本語構文するのために最後の方法(「方法」大丈夫か?笑)がありますか?いつもありがとうございます
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! Thanks for watching as always! Um I actually never thought about it ( as I’m a native Japanese speaker haha ) But I think the key is “塩梅”… which means we out the subject every now and then. It’s not like we don’t say it at all We out the subject when we think we didn’t use the subject too long in the conversation . But I think this sense , is something we get as we group up, there’s no specific rules or anything. I think a lot of inputs / outputs will take you there!!!!🌸
@malemailmanman6 ай бұрын
@@chinatsu_the_emo That makes a lot of sense! In some ways I find the practice very, hmm, comforting (? maybe not the right word haha). Like, a continual affirmation that the speaker and listener are on the same page and don't need to reiterate obvious stuff.
こんにちは❣️ to do listは毎日やっています!昔はよくただメモ帳に書いてましたが。 でも目標、夢は、最低月に1度(新月の日に書きます。スピリチュアル🔮笑)あと気分がモヤモヤしてなーんかうまくいかない時など。 感謝ノートも、毎週、毎月と決まった日は決めていなくて、自分の心が落ち着かない時に書きます。すると心がスッと穏やかになります。☺️ 私は正直、毎日の義務にしてしまうと逆に、内容が薄くなるかな、と思うので、書きたい時に書くのが一番だと思います。日記も、書きたくない日はちょっと飛ばしたり。笑
こんにちは! evenはやはり「〜でさえ」という意味があるので、even likeというのは(ここでもlikeは例えば、のような意味なので)例えば〜でさえ、という意味になります! In Europe, like Denmark or Sweden, the tax is quite high, isn't it?(ヨーロッパ、例えばデンマークとかスエーデンとか、税金が高いよね?) ↑このlikeは例えば、の意味として、ネイティブがもう一時間に一回くらいの割合で使います。笑 This exam is easy, even like Kevin and Emily passed it!!! (この試験簡単でさ、ケビンとかエミリーでさえパスしたんだよ!!) という感じです☺️ 例えば、というニュアンスをつけたい時like使います❣️
I really appreciate to post nice videos! 'Changing perspective' is good to know for me. Recently works make me depress and negative feeling. I gonna start to journal and write my feelings to notes as you teach me, and I hope to live enjoyably.
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English! Remember, we never stay low. As long as we have a courage to be better, things will work out itself. I hope you are feeling ok now, take care of yourself. :)