作为AION Y车主,需要指出2点错误。第一,2022款新车后排中间有头枕。第二,后备箱下有备胎,可以选购,1000元。此外需要指出一点,AION Y 70版目前都是磷酸铁锂电池,本身就不耐寒,在北方不太合适,该车80版是三元锂电池,会好很多。我的70版在杭州开,日常400公里没啥问题,很多车主能开到450左右。最恶心的是,最近新能源车普遍涨价了1W以上。
@gregb15992 жыл бұрын
Well the Ora Good Cat had the ternary battery and performed worse than the BYD LFP in the city test, no the real problem is that the Good Cat has a 105kw motor vs the Dolphin 70kw motor and your EV also has a more powerful motor which makes city driving less economical, however the more powerful motor helps at higher speeds as it does not have to work as hard as the underpowered Dolphin...