12 Traits of Narcissistic Women + How To Deal With Them

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Kenny Weiss

Kenny Weiss

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@proudmoon3 Жыл бұрын
The prevalence of abusive women is epidemic, and you're absolutely right--society encourages it. Very sad! Thank you for being a truth teller.
@kennyweiss Жыл бұрын
You are very welcome. We are all perfectly imperfect, and we all need to be held accountable.
@lauramorgan27 Жыл бұрын
There is a prevalence of abusive people. This isn’t a gendered issue.
@sarahstrong7174 Жыл бұрын
I have met both men & woman with Narcissistic Personality Disorder & been treated abusively by both starting with my parents. Do not think NPD belongs to men or women or old or young because you need to cast your caution & awareness in every direction to try to keep yourself safe. All the best.
@caseykay1953 Жыл бұрын
Very true. It's gotten so bad that I'm a woman who feels safer with men.
@sarahstrong7174 Жыл бұрын
@@caseykay1953 Better watch out for the male narcissists then. Do not kid yourself that Narcissistic Personality Disorder belongs to any group but be aware always.
@CruceEntertainment Жыл бұрын
When dating, always watch out for the bossiness. If it’s apparent when dating, think how bad it will be when you are married!
@leftykeys6944 Жыл бұрын
As a woman, I can say without flinching that some members of my gender are insufferably abusive. I've had to walk away from multiple friendships with other women over issues of verbal, emotional & psychological abuse.
@rebelrog 10 ай бұрын
I bet they have their side of the story also! It takes two to tango, your "walking away from multiple friendships" has one reoccurring theme. Can you figure it out or still to self-focused even with the hint? I'll give you another hint, look at your attitude toward them, they are "insufferably abusive"? Still not seeing the problem here? You're even on KZbin looking for positive reinforcement that you're right. Congratulations, 21 people have no idea what you are talking about or know any of the details, but they all agree that whatever issues you keep having multiple times are not your fault! Rather all those "insufferably abusive" friends you are referring to are the ones to blame. Feel better now? I got five bucks you're not done losing friends, I'd also bet you wouldn't take the bet because you know I'm right. I'm not trying to be an ass but since you aired your dirty laundry, I thought I'd comment on it. Best wishes!
@rebelrog 10 ай бұрын
I do have one more comment over the "verbal, emotional & psychological abuse" you claim to have suffered as a victim. I have no idea how old you are but when I was growing up we had a saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." I wish your mother had taught you that, she obviously didn't, it could have saved you a lot of needless grief you allowed yourself to suffer. I doubt you ever step foot in church either, perhaps you should, there is another saying that when your friend strikes you on one cheek to turn the other. And the best way to deal with enemies is by showing them love, not walking away. I grew up in a church pew, it served me well I guess, I don't have friends who are verbally, emotionally and psychologically abusive to me like you do. I don't guess I've ever pissed my friends off as much as you claim to have. If I did, I'd certainly apologize for whatever pissed them off so much they became "insufferably abusive" toward me!
@leftykeys6944 10 ай бұрын
@@rebelrog-- Your condescension and hostility are hereby noted. Hello and goodbye.
@zvwrb 9 ай бұрын
​@@rebelrog it doesn't always take two to tango, sometimes it is very possible that the abuse is one sided, without fully understanding the situation this person is in, you may as well be victim blaming..
@zvwrb 9 ай бұрын
​​@@rebelrog I also have one more comment, I wish everything you wrote here was sarcastic, but if it isn't, please keep in mind that life isn't that simple, words can hurt more than anything, and no, you can't always heal someone by loving them.
@Robert-Dusek Жыл бұрын
1:17 Refuses to respect boundaries. 4:11 Loves you to be in pain. Keeps you from family and friends. Talks about self mostly. 6:54 Plays the victim. Blame shifts. Can’t take criticism. No regards for your feelings, lacks empathy. 8:32 Loving and hating you to control you. 9:51 Materialistic - money and possessions. 12:11 Believes is envied by others. 17:08 Withholds sex to control and punish.
@willyS502 Жыл бұрын
Man! You really describing my wife. I’ve been married over 10 years and all this time, I thought I was to blame, I thought her behavior was because of me, I see that she lives in a fantasy world witch I not part of it.
@beeman7711 Жыл бұрын
@@willyS502 I was there too, buddy. Secretly gather evidence of her behavior, get an attorney, and then leave her. My biggest regret was not leaving sooner. There is no fixing them, I tried everything.
@othmane-mezian 10 ай бұрын
@dillchives 8 ай бұрын
@@willyS502 I was in the same situation, we were together for 14 years. I did manage to find the one thing she knew she couldn't compete with, and that was hardcore alcoholism. I DON'T RECOMMEND THAT STRATEGY. But, seriously, I do recommend learning more and taking care of yourself. Just in a much healthier manner.
@chell5010 6 ай бұрын
Question: what if a narcissist husband eventually turned the table around and now you look like the narcissist in the relationship? You became hyper vigilant insecure reactive rage?
@Literally_Anything_Else 7 ай бұрын
I LOVE that you jumped STRAIGHT into the 12 traits, and then elaborated on them. Some people wait forever to make their point, and by the time they do my mind has wandered away. Great video! 🙏
@KleeKaiPuppies Жыл бұрын
I’ve had girlfriends who do exactly what you’re saying. I go no contact w anyone as soon as I know. Once you know, you go. It can be a friend boyfriend girlfriend mother sister brother. Zero tolerance for narcs.
@philippagrimoire5968 Жыл бұрын
I’ve known heaps of women like this but I’ve also known many more men who are like this. Abuse is not limited to one gender for sure. We can all be abusers at times.
@leeboriack8054 Жыл бұрын
We have several generations of women raised on Disney’s fairytale of the princess’s emotional and material happiness and expectations are met by the prince, who only lives to serve.
@anderseckstrand7033 Жыл бұрын
Sooooooo true. I just walked away from my Disney Princess covert narcissist girlfriend after 6 months of crazy sexual highs and really abusive lows. It’s like I was dating a teenage Kardashian, flamboyantly fashionable, dawning all the gold rings, bracelets, and heart-shaped necklaces you can imagine......super cute and energetic to the point where her behavior embarrassed me a few times in public because I had to tell her to calm down please.....and then if you pointed out her bad habit of going on coffee dates with guys who wanted to be her boyfriend or inviting her guy “friend” back to the hotel room for a “plutonic” sleepover......then I’m the asshole.....then her claws come out and accuse you of being “too sensitive”...........umm no. I’m simply pointing out that you’re leading several lonely men on with your “I’m a little princess” in a skirt and crop-top behavior. Which is super inappropriate and also extremely disrespectful of me and the husband you’re still married too!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, I was super naive. I should have seen THAT as a major red-flag right there!!! 🤷‍♂️
@gregorylatta8159 Жыл бұрын
When men play that role they are a servant.
@marianamotta4797 Жыл бұрын
You are extremely brave, and have huge respect for your honesty. I have seen narcissistic men and women in my own family. Narcissism is a growing issue all over the world. Social media and the internet have made it worse.
@pintech102 Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@J_van_can 5 ай бұрын
As a woman it is very refreshing to see a man who is so very honest..
@Zidane9ful 4 ай бұрын
Social media made us " AWARE " 👀; which iz phenomenal . 🙏🏾💯
@noverguy 4 ай бұрын
In an age of lies and deception, truth is always controversial. Listen to Kenny. He's telling you the truth. If what he says makes you unhappy its only because you don't like truth. Go Kenny. Thanks for the excellent presentation.
@theguynextdoor4978 Жыл бұрын
Abuse is a human issue, not a gender issue. We need to take women off the pedestal and grasp the fact that there are both men and women out there who can be absolutely bonkers. I spoke with a few women online, and when they say: I thought it's only men who can be abusive. Women are emotional, so you gotta expect some drama. I RUN when I hear someone utter these sentences. This gender war has to stop.
@danielkaiser8971 Жыл бұрын
Defining the problem is among the first things necessary to end a conflict.
@susanjones8489 Жыл бұрын
“ We need to take women off the pedestal...Women are emotional.” Wowza the misogyny and self victimization in this post couldn’t be clearer. SMH 🤦‍♀️
@matilda4406 Жыл бұрын
it's pretty much a western thing. Other countries are not so much that way
@pepe_da_prawn Жыл бұрын
@@susanjones8489 depends on how you interpret it. Men and women process differently. Women are more emotional, that doesn't mean it's negative. Men think logically and can miss emotional cues. The fact you took 'emotional' as an insult, well you kinda proved it in your response. Men and women are two sides of a coin we should bring balance to one another and compliment one another. Unfortunately the powers that be are doing everything to destroy relations to the point they are creating robots for company. The world is getting sicker and sicker to the point of no return.
@maggie6 Жыл бұрын
Women are emotional and boys will be boys are two sentences we should all stop using. They’re just justifying bad behaviour.
@starshinewatchdog8058 7 ай бұрын
As a woman and a survivor of severe abuse, it saddens me what some women have decided to do to men. ABUSE IS NEVER OK. Men matter. Everyone deserves safety and dignity.
@markjackson3531 4 ай бұрын
Abuse sucks. Sorry you went through that.
@carolnahigian9518 2 ай бұрын
Amen! Male or Female; a Bully is NOT OKAY!
@plumduff3303 Жыл бұрын
It's better to be on your own. When my last narcissist discarded me I was devastated...but life is now so stress free and I have money again....wow.
@jamuriyadabarakaysan1858 Жыл бұрын
I need that route
@not2longnow Жыл бұрын
@howarddavies782 Жыл бұрын
Count yourself lucky they are now going to be some poor unsuspecting victims problem.
@sheila9573 Жыл бұрын
Curious..."discarded"?...how does that work? They strive to contain and control their "meal"...they do not discard.
@NoCtUrNaLJonez Жыл бұрын
​@sheila9573 Oh, they'll discard you and could care less how bad they hurt you..I'm a victim of that myself. Trying to heal now.
@paulbrouyere1735 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100% with what you say. My ex was abusive. After 4 years, I’m no longer trembling in fear for what she might do to me. I’m alone with my dog, happily. Justice system is nothing but a disgrace to men.
@anikomiles4260 Жыл бұрын
im a woman who was abused by another woman for years. I thought its just my fault. After all this lady was my "best friend, and roommate" Until one day an outsider man told me, no thats not a friend. Shes narcissistic and abuses you. i was in shock. i self taught on youtube videos and books about abuse and it took me a fearful 2-3 years ( during covid!) when i finally could separate myself from the abusive grip of her household, and personal. It happens between women too. all my life i was thinking only men can be narcissists unhil ive seen this with my own eyes.
@kentburge6701 Жыл бұрын
This is so painfully accurate I can barely listen to this video. What hurts the most is that I married this woman (my free will) and therefore, I feel responsible for my present condition. It has been 2 and a half years since calling for police intervention and I am on the verge of collapsing in ruin from the emotional, spiritual, financial and intellectual abuse. It took me well over a year of hard work just to find language to comprehend all that had occurred. God knows I need an epiphany of some sort. Make no mistake, full metal malignant narcissist will destroy you at any level they can!!! 🙏🏼🔥💪🏾 🌱
@solavarria1 Жыл бұрын
Right there with ya buddy...same thing here: I married her out of my own free will because I felt I had to to do right thing under God....but this whole NPD takes it to the next level.
@pintech102 Жыл бұрын
I hope you're doing better. You are not alone. They are horrible social media in recent years has amplified the narcs immensely.
@marinvidovic763 Жыл бұрын
Indeed ... they will ruin you ...and LAUGH Behind your back ...as this makes them FEEL Powerful. Twisted minds ... but ...look back - as you may recal some of your friends from your past - that did simmilar crazy behaviours - boasting in front of the friends - how they can treat a wife or a girlfriend like an idiot... then gheeting, lyong, twisting things, denegrating, verbalybabusing - then kissing etc etc ). ( I know few of those). There are sick people out there in huge numbers - and feminiSS produced millions additionaly.
@carospereman3537 Жыл бұрын
@kentburge6701 Sorry you went through this. While you heal and learn you MUST have compassion for yourself, love yourself, and think kind thoughts always. The more you are aware of your thoughts, the better. Know everyday that you are growing and becoming stronger. Eventually you will instinctively recognize these toxic behaviors and find a partner that is healthy.
@kentburge6701 Жыл бұрын
@@carospereman3537 thank-you for your insightful words and encouragement. This has truly been an education far beyond university. Again, thank-you for taking the time to inspire. 🙏🏼🔥💪🏾 😇
@The1966chevyvan Жыл бұрын
In my case I called the police and she went and cut herself, so she could be bleeding when they arrived. They didn't believe a thing she said and rightly so. Some officers are aware of this type of abuse. Great videos and lessons Kenny. Walk Away!
@annripley1964 Жыл бұрын
Great point made here! No one, man or woman, needs to live in a situation like this.
@lakshmisharma991 Жыл бұрын
I agree 👍🏻
@bradmcewen Жыл бұрын
Agree number two. Done with urges or societal propaganda that says you must be/do this to be that. Need less , what you have/are is already abundance. Contentment is knowing it.
@Candylady-jb6md Жыл бұрын
Especially when the narcissist lives with you because her own family doesn't care about her I used to think that my brother would date her forever or worse marry her that would have been a death sentence and yes she would make everything about her even when my brother almost died which she caused might I add .
@christopherlittle9096 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely true.
@WorldReserveCurrency Жыл бұрын
Just started dating at 50 in Los Angeles, where Narcissism is more "accepted" because awareness is not advocating and in fact is perpetuated by social causes and virtue signaling. I can vouch for everything you're saying. A big clue is their obsession with social media, their photo poses, and the image they portray. They're almost copy cats of each other.
@leanne123 Жыл бұрын
​@@Cellocurve Good question although things are a little different in LA so you never know. I suspect a lot of women are influenced by what they see younger women doing and want to portray that "hip"vibe. Posers to impress others.
@angie33able Жыл бұрын
To withhold love and intimacy is the cruelest thing anyone can do to another human being. I'm so happy you have found peace through finding knowledge and awareness of this insiduos evil. Thank you for relating your feelings with such honesty. I totally agree with everything you have said. Sending a hug from Lucy in UK. Ox
@matilda4406 Жыл бұрын
Withholding intimacy is confusing and painful. But it's the green light to go. Accept it for what it is. They don't want to be close to you. It doesn't help to try a hundred different ways either. First time, address it, If it happens again, green light go. Give them the space to work out what they want. Find someone else who will love you back. I know it's hard.
@dlocke49 Жыл бұрын
@markjackson3531 4 ай бұрын
Every woman uses sex to get what they want. It's what they do.
@Itsmerawnreal 5 ай бұрын
You are absolutely spot on. I am a woman who has had to fight against what is the “norm”… victim mentality women who act weak and silly in order to get attention and manipulate relationships. I have seen it TIME and TIME again and am ashamed of the majority of my sex. On the flip side, me being a stronger minded lady who has proper boundaries, had a really bad time in the dating world… most men wanted me to be weak and silly and saw my strength as threatening. I am married now to a wonderful man who enjoys my strengths and appreciates my views. I, too, feel the same about him! Men do not know how to be men, and women do not know how to be women.
@estheraguilar7209 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree, abusive women are alive and well, I have witnessed it for decades, my son had a partner that unmistakably displayed those 12 behaviours you are describing it was heart breaking to see and hear.
@MansaX Жыл бұрын
My spouse is an abusive narcissistic woman. I'm just learning this. It's like I had an aha moment while getting this information. I could show her this video and she'd first of all get angry, then say it doesn't describe her.
@G-host0069 Жыл бұрын
@@MansaX then she’d play victim, then she’ll realise you’re seeing her clearly and then start to produce a narrative and potentially move onto calling the cops on you and starting to blame you
@BLRska Жыл бұрын
Sorry to say this...only mothers of troubled sons admit to this behavior of women.
@aquiW 10 ай бұрын
​@@MansaXtypical reaction
@robz5435 Жыл бұрын
Man I've been binge watching all kinds of videos on NPD. This video is the best in describing the female narc. I left the US to find a non-US indoctrinated lady and did - in Kenya. The marriage lasted for just over 3yrs. I recently ejected after finding her entering the discard phase and searching fory replacement. Grief is quickly being replaced by relief. Your description is a mirror to what I experienced. NPDs are EVERYWHERE, like spiders. Run from these women, don't walk. As a disabled veteran I got my ass handed to me, both emotionally and financially, on this rollercoaster ride. I feel like I now have a PhD in African women studies. Live and learn. Sub'd to your channel.
@ChosenByJehovah Жыл бұрын
Was she a narcissist
@santoparfano1910 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like she was a narc, hence the discard phase....yes?
@howarddavies782 Жыл бұрын
Great honesty and valuable advice for men that really need to start listening.
@fightback397 Жыл бұрын
And i thought European man were better . My bad .😂😂😂 Yep , man can be awfully narcisten as well .
@chautran2588 Жыл бұрын
Three years help her become US citizen from marriage.
@andrewb9708 Жыл бұрын
I disagree on one account. Narcissists are excellent at manipulation and faking reality. They will act sweet, caring, loving, etc. until they think they have you trapped. In my case, it was having my child. Once they perceive that you're trapped, unspeakable abuse will ensue. It's hard to blame myself because prior to our child, she didn't act this way at all. There is no fixing these people, the only way to regain any sense of control is to remove yourself from the narcissist.
@emmsue1053 Жыл бұрын
Its called "love bombing" .. Used to sway you, make you feel guilty etc... Also used on those closest to a "victim" to isolate the one they are jealous of or need to control/
@dillchives 8 ай бұрын
I don't know how many people believe this is true, but I had heard one time that a good test of how they will parent is to get something like a puppy together. I had already started noticing some of this type of behavior from my (now) ex wife (I didn't know what it was though) and got a puppy with her with this idea already in mind. She was every bit as lazy, absent, and combative about every aspect of it as I was afraid she would be, and only wanted to show him off to people but do almost none of the work. It was the same with a second puppy, and I knew having kids with her would be a disaster. Every time I learn more about narcissistic behavior I am even more grateful that we didn't. I'm sorry you went through that experience. In my case it was helpful to finally have a name for it to start to learn about and try to protect myself.
@markjackson3531 4 ай бұрын
@@emmsue1053 come on, there are ALWAYS signs...if you dont see them, then fix the problem when they reveal themselves. always a solution, where there's a will there's a way.
@mikebell2750 Жыл бұрын
My ex-wife definitely ticks off the bulk of those boxes, leaving her was not a choice but a necessity. You are correct when you say that we need to be accountable for our choices in partners, I had a gut feeling that something was off the very first time that I met her and didn’t listen to that inner voice, so that’s on me, not her. I have spent the last 5 plus years sorting myself out and and what happened, it was something that was long overdue. So sometimes, good can come from bad…
@kennyweiss Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@jamescrowe8126 Жыл бұрын
Very first date, after her second drink the mask came off and a monster maniac was telling me off. 5 years later, thousands of hours of study and coinciding I’m now immune to the malignant psychopath I once fell head over heals for
@VWPirates 10 ай бұрын
The "too good to be true" gut feel none of us listen to!
@MichaelMI88-88 9 ай бұрын
From about 3:00 minutes to 4:25. My guy is spot on! Amen brother! We need to bring this fact to the light! We fathers need to come together and do something about this, so that we do not lose our daughters. Especially our daughters but also ours sons. We need to teach them to be real men, and not put up with this abuse.
@victoriousjoy9338 Жыл бұрын
Wow! The cultural rise of the spirit of Jezebel is what you're describing here. And i have been shocked and embarrassed to see how far this has gone in my relatively short lifetime
@whatdoyoucallem Жыл бұрын
💯 they almost teach man hating at my daughters girls school!
@milekrizman Жыл бұрын
You described my mother. Very controlling person.
@konstantinusacov4463 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video. I also once called a police on her...and police took her side despite the fact she was threatening me with knife and insulting my daughter (not her daughter). There are no limits of what they can do and say, but once you understand it, you will not take anything they say seriously.
@spaceted3977 Жыл бұрын
My Mother was such a Horrible Narcissist that it put me off getting married for life !!!! I saw how horrible a Woman could be !!!! Now I'm 68 yrs old I've spent my Whole life with my Dogs !!!! So I've had a happy life !!!! I don't have anything to do with Narcissists !!!!
@mikeleuk Жыл бұрын
Great video 💯 one thing I'd like to add... once you try to "provide" for the narcissist (while she does whatever she wants), she loses all respect for you or anyone ignorant enough to fall for her crap.
@ethanhoff7772 Ай бұрын
The narcissist girl I dated off and on said she wanted to be exclusive only after I refused to co sign for a car for her and give money for the down payment , she then ghosted me for a few months and then said she wanted to be exclusive because I stand up to her now. I was so disturbed that I just left it up in the air. She later stopped talking to me for this wierdo who is paying her bills. Until she sucks him dry
@iran-e-azad 2 ай бұрын
Education is all! After 15 years of marriage, and finally searching a lot to find out the root of my wife's behaviour I can now see it all and predict every of her steps. I am with a covert one and I wish I'd known it all way before. Many things seemed abusive, but I had no clue that the are actually abuse! my last 15 years is full of regrets! Now I feel more powerful and revising my behaviour and relationship.
@simpleepawful 2 ай бұрын
The provide part is so on point. My narc wife had her supply ready 4 months before she told me she was leaving because she needed someone who could provide.
@TheMotor929rr Жыл бұрын
Thank you SIR. The pain is real for us. I can feel your pain because I can relate. I am still in the relationship but called her out in therapy and now she is in the discard phase and I get relentless abuse. I have been working on myself for over 1.5 years now but the hurt gets overwhelming a lot of the time.
@canemcave Жыл бұрын
I agree that childhood trauma is deeply rooted in our subconscious and has a much greater impact on our lives than we realize, particularly for men, who are required to brush off any negative experience, and that is something a man needs to recognize and come to terms with.
@the_original_t Жыл бұрын
I remember when my now adult step-daughter was about 14. My husband, her Dad, had cellulitis. He was in horrible pain. She literally turned around and looked at him and I and said "It's weird, but I don't feel sorry for you at all. I mean, like, I don't feel bad for you". This was when I knew for sure what was coming. We were not able to help raise her, save for 4 hours on a Friday a week. Her mother is the same. We are currently being "blocked" for not paying her car insurance. Your videos are very helpful and I have shared them with my husband, as he is grieving, as expected, now that we no longer have anything of worth to give her, she has gone silent. You're truly given us so much helpful information. Thanks for that.
@MrTodayistheday Жыл бұрын
My ex wife is a narcisist. My 16-year-old daughter lives with my ex-wife and is also a narcissist. The two of them create a drama weekly and I am summoned to resolve their conflicts via telephone. It is a massive he-said, she-said drama. Is there anything that I can do for my daughter?
@the_original_t Жыл бұрын
@@MrTodayistheday I know this question may not be intended for me. Our "ex" (his ex) is also a narcissist, so there you have your output of a daughter experiencing the same issues. Just to say, my step-daughter is 25 and when she was in her teens, she and her mother had weekly dramas as well. The ex would want hubby to get on the phone to "help", except it was almost a trick or a trap every time. Ultimately he learned to tell her, if "Daughter" needs someone to chat with, I am happy to talk to her (we lived two blocks away)-she is welcome to come and I will take her for a ride and maybe things can calm down a bit. But the thing was, they were never looking for a resolution. They were looking for drama. In short, we had to learn to say "Both kids, we love you so much. Our door is always open. You can come and stay anytime. You can call anytime. Our home will always be the same, our love with be the same and the door will stay open for when you want to communicate, have some fun, watch a movie, take a break, whatever it is. I'm not sure if that was of any use in your situation. We all know the truth is that this hurts. It hurts like nothing else. A father's grief, or a mother's grief is immense. I think of how I feel and I am a step mom, I can't imagine the depths of despair you go through. I only know I wish it were different. Instead-the best we know to do is to lean on each other and keep growing and learning.
@clubdesalud1488 Жыл бұрын
​@@MrTodayisthedayshoot straight with her politely calling her out on her selfish bullshit and just walk away telling her that she's welcome to come live with you and respect your rules or stay with her mom. If she stays in the drama then make it clear that around you there is no nonsense. There is zero drama aroud you. And because of that, you will no longer get involved in her and her mom's circus.
@MrTodayistheday Жыл бұрын
@@clubdesalud1488 Thank you very much for the eloquent response. I am so close to the situation I did not see it. Until recently, that has been my approach. I was recently faced with some BS that threw me off balance. I am going to frame your response and put it on the wall. Thank you again.
@MrTodayistheday Жыл бұрын
@@the_original_t Thank you very much for the advice. It brings tears to my eyes.
@freedomanyprice9560 Жыл бұрын
The channel is growing every minute Kenny as it should, considering the value it’s offering!
@basedcentrist3056 Жыл бұрын
1. She respected certain boundaries but not others when it suited her. But she wasn't as bad for this. 2. She did seem to get off on putting me down when in her mind there was a "justified" reason to. 3. She used anxiety to do this. If we had an argument, and I'd spoken to my mother about it, she'd refuse to see my family because now she was anxious. This made it difficult to speak to family about issues. She would also tell her friends very one sided versions of things to poison them against me, but because of anxiety we couldn't see my friends. So if we were going to have a social life I'd have to suck it up and see her friends, knowing that they know all this shit about me (that are likely half truths) and that I was not allowed to talk about it and just had to pretend everything was fine. This effected me a lot tbh. 4. She could go on forever. And I don't mind people talking about themselves, I do too. But it was definitely excessive, and rare for her to be as invested and curious in reciprocation. 5. Definitely played the victim. I could tell her she upset me in some way, not even a big deal, could literally just be a "oh sorry I was a bit agitated I shouldn't have done that" then all is forgiven type deal. Which is normal. Would turn into her exploding about how she feels, she feels guilty and that I'm trying to make her feel guilty etc. And beat me down until I'm the one apologizing despite that she was actually the one who initially upset me in some innocuous way (like being a bit petty or rude or something). 6. See 5. 7. See 5 again. But I'll add that basically any kind of criticism did get very hostile treatment. 8. She seemed to have a lot of empathy for everyone else in her life, just not me. 9. She could quite often flit between the two. Tbh I often felt the things she said about me when she was being nasty to me were what she really thought of me. 10. Tbh she wasn't actually that materialistic at all. But she does spend frivolously. 11. This one I'm not so sure about, but she would imply this kind of thing about work colleagues sometimes. But again, less applicable than others. 12. This one was a huge one. We had a fairly good sex life the first year of our relationship. Not hypersexual but not frigid either. I started to notice I was always initiating, always giving affection but getting none back. So I stopped. And then sex and intimacy basically stopped. And every time I brought it up it was an opportunity to beat me down psychologically. I'm still living with her. She plans to move out but is taking a long time. It's been incredibly difficult in all honesty
@markjackson3531 4 ай бұрын
@davidjofficial1 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, Kenny. This is the most comprehensive video I've seen on "narcissistic" women. I've been in an abusive relationship for years and only recently I considered that she may actually be narcissistic based on her treatment and disregard of me. I allowed her into my life along with several other bad decisions at the time because I didn't value myself.
@penocruz4981 11 ай бұрын
This video describes my mother perfectly. I was a victim of childhood abuse. This blows my mind
@iknitbecuzmurderisfrownedupon Жыл бұрын
Yes, digging up the roots of our choices is critical.
@TwentyDollas 10 ай бұрын
I like this analogy
@spectrumifs 5 ай бұрын
Recently, just before I turned 70, I met one of the most beautiful women I've ever come across. She was 63 but looked age 45, charming, and engaging, to the point I thought I'd landed in paradise...until..she started, like clockwork, checking off every single one of the 12 narcissistic traits you so clearly outline in your video. I'd never in my life met anyone, man or woman, who exhibited such an outlandishly unpredictable and evil personality disorder. I say 'evil' because I'm convinced this is a matter of spiritual bondage through a generational curse, as she related that her mother was heavy into black magic and she endured horrific childhood abuse. Fortunately our relationship only last 4 months. But, I pray everyday for her deliverance and that of her mother.
@markjackson3531 4 ай бұрын
stay away from her, but that's sad she was abused (if it is true!)
@MB-sg8dx 3 ай бұрын
This is SO good. I wish there were more things out there for guys. I have a loved one who is married to an absolute shrew who rages at him and belittles him in every possible way
@dreamingangeltarot2919 Жыл бұрын
I agree with all of this, 100%! It's misunderstood and endemic currently...
@dillchives 8 ай бұрын
I was raised by a single mother who shows strong signs of NPD and it set the stage for meeting a very narcissistic woman who "rescued" me from my mother. I truly didn't know any better and, after a lifetime of denigration and invalidation growing up, I was afraid that would be my only chance at having a relationship with a normal, "understanding" girl. She was a nightmare! Extremely self centered, lazy, and manipulative at all times, but since I was raised to believe everything was my fault I just kept trying and trying to do better and make her happy. We were together for 14 years because I also had no idea how to end it and was so isolated by that point I couldn't see a viable way out. One of the biggest reliefs when i learned about narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder was that making them happy really is an unwinnable game, and I'm not the only one that kept trying to play and losing disastrously.
@bidemiowoyemi1325 4 ай бұрын
What are you still doing there? Leave!
@repeatrerun2047 Жыл бұрын
The absolute best video that I have seen on narcissistic women and the individual and cultural problems it has created. I wish this knowledge were more common. Misandry is out of control in our society.
@philippagrimoire5968 Жыл бұрын
It’s a reaction to misogyny. People don’t talk about that
@2truthmatters277 Жыл бұрын
I have listened to many different people on gaslighting and narcissistic abuse and yours are at the top of the list for meaningfulness. Your presentations do not place the blame entirely on the other person but you see your own part in the problem of choosing such people to be in relations with. That is important to realize. I have seen it in my life. As a Christian pastor, I feel I should not allow myself to get triggered, but it happens. Your videos help me see what is going on!
@WolfStory Жыл бұрын
Your honesty and transparency is refreshing and bold. Bravo!
@paulalexborja 3 ай бұрын
I have been aware that men were being abused in the media for several years. I am so glad to hear you point out this fact. I am always unsettled seeing men being slapped and done so with an attitude that this action is somehow normal or acceptable. Thanks for shedding light on this problem.
@ciara8998 Жыл бұрын
Kenny...I've been trying to figure out my stepdaughter, whom I helped raise...once she got married, and had a family… everything went crazy, and we had to walk on eggshells constantly. I have never argued with her, I have always uplifted her, I've always been there for anything she needs help with.. and the moment I had some medical issues… (last 8 months) she pretty much turned around and threw things at me like: "You never come to all your grand children's events… You possess no qualities of a mother… It's all about you… You're always hurting me (I ask how I hurt her and she won't explain).... " etc. So...let's just say - I agree with everything you're saying… Although you're saying it from a man and a woman's relationship type perspective in this video. My husband's daughter has already told him that she did not love him (my husband/her dad) and wouldn't even speak to him for over a year… Now she is being very cruel to me, and won't even give me a chance to defend myself or talk… (I don't know why I have to defend medical issues and my inability to come to some thing when I have a migraine, but that's what she has been doing lately). I sincerely thought that this time, she would help me. After all, she's a nurse, but, I got anything but empathy or help. It really has done a number on me. She basically told me what a piece of crap I was… That "I'm not kicking you away or anything… I just don't want to talk to you or have anything to do with furthering this relationship". Ummm...who in their right mind would want to be around that? She expects me to come over and have dinner at their house and see the grandchildren while she doesn't speak to me and stares me down the whole time? No! But, my husband wants to do it. It doesn't seem to matter how much she has hurt him. (yes, I am seeing the full spectrum… This all started with her mother and my husband and now we're here. My husband had a lot to do with why she is the way she is… I see that now. Oh... Then she goes straight to daddy (to whom she rarely speaks ) and tells him - and this is verbatim, "the only reason we've had problems in the past, dad is because of "Dee's" issues. This is all your wife's fault" - he responds by saying "I love you honey. No one will ever take that away from us" - I have never looked in my husband's phone, through his wallet or anything of the sort. Something in my gut told me so strongly to pick up my husband's phone… I picked it up - It was right there. I didn't even have to look for it! When I asked my husband, why he wouldn't defend me… He didn't understand. ( I must add that I have found that my husband is extremely unavailable emotionally , and really doesn't understand his daughter), but he loves her. I get that. I still love her too! However, if my kid told me to screw off and "I don't love you anymore"… I think I would stay away". Anyway… My husband said, "Dee... I was just telling her that I loved her because I want our relationship to work out and see the grandkids". I actually believe that. He just can't seem to get very deep where relationships and emotions are concerned regarding this family dynamic. I kindly told him… "Honey, you just agreed that I am at fault for any problems that you've had with her. Can't you see that? I guarantee right now she is getting absolute joy out of seeing me suffer and you just verified that what she is saying is true" but… He doesn't get it. I'm screwed. I actually wish I had a man that thinks like you. My husband and I have never fought unless it was about his daughter - Ugh!! I am always trying to communicate, I never ask for anything… I would go to Goodwill to get clothes instead of a mall because it's saving money, I don't care where my clothes came from. That's just an example. I'm just really upset right now because I'm caught right in the middle of this (as we speak) and he doesn't see what his daughter is doing. I don't want to give him an ultimatum, but I don't think I can live like this anymore. We've been dealing this for 15 years and I'm really tired of it. My daughter/stepdaughter has kicked out many people in her life: her dad, her mom, her mother-in-law, her father-in-law, friends, coworkers… And get this… Her husband's best friend/war buddy from Iraq! Granted, these have all been at different times… And as an observer, I actually wondered when the other shoe was going to drop/it's me would be my turn. Well, it happened… Except she kept a string attached. ("I'm not saying you can't be around"). Come on! I've always wondered why her husband "never gets involved" and he walks around saying things like "nice"… "All right"… "Good stuff" - he's nice to everyone but he doesn't seem to be all there. And that wasn't what it was like at first. I think she scared him in to not saying too much. I actually feel unloved and underappreciated by her… And recently, my husband. And my husband is also the type that puts up a wall instantly when you try talking to him about anything. He seems to be able to turn it around, even though it has nothing to do with him, and start screaming at me and defending himself. He's defending himself about something he made up in his own head! I'm lost. It's been 23 years… I will be 59 in four days and I feel like I wasted the best years of my life. I really wish you could make a video about family dynamics with a (what I believe to be covert narcissist). I actually started out, wanting to be a psychologist, but had to quit after three years because of this man and his family who needed help help getting the kids away from a bipolar and narcissistic mother. I believed in my heart, that I would be helping to save these children from exactly what's happening. However, we didn't see them a lot for about three years and then we got 50-50 custody. Then her last three years of high school - she lived with us only. We had a great relationship… I respected her… I always talked to her calmly, and never screamed (this is how I act towards people to this day) ... She actually think to me after she graduated. She said that when she lived with us, it was the first time she actually felt loved. Even when I grounded her, she said she secretly felt loved, even though she acted like she was mad and went to her room - that breaks my heart. But the damage was already done. The only thing I may have given her is a little relief for three years. I wish I had had more knowledge, too. But, I had enough to see some things. I apologize for writing all that I just have. I could go on, but I'm going to stop. I can't believe that I can't find anybody to talk to who doesn't immediately turn it around to be about them selves, and I never get any help, comfort, empathy, or anything. It's depressing, God bless anyone who reads this… I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I really don't think anyone will read this… I'm just finding a little relief for myself for a little moment in time. It's probably stupid to come on here with tears in my eyes and I probably have all sorts of grammar problems and spelling mistakes… But, nobody really knows who I am anyway… I guess I'm just venting in the modern way.
@nmc1859 7 ай бұрын
Divorce him is my advice. Either that or silently observe her ruin their relationship.
@theman2017inc Жыл бұрын
WOW with the exception of physical abuse, all this was experienced with my last major significant relationship… and I’m still recovering from the PTSD I take EXTREME OWNERSHIP having chosen her and tolerating her disrespectful behaviour for too long. many Many MANY THANKS for sharing this poignant sobering vid, Mr Weiss. 🙏🏿
@kathleenking888 Жыл бұрын
This information should be thought at school.
@IngeKeet 3 ай бұрын
So true both parties should be able to feel safe and valued
@ElleS572 Жыл бұрын
We need people classes in school. To learn about ourselves and others is very much needed.
@yvonneiversen8749 Жыл бұрын
Kenny I appreciate how you always make us take responsibility! I watched this for my ex. He has had the gamete in three wife’s but the second is the person you spoke of here. I hope I can get him to watch this because it would help him understand. I have told him about you already and how you made me understand that it wasn’t just him and I explained to him that I need to take responsibility too. Thank you
@nicholashubbard8645 Жыл бұрын
Excellent content. Having lived that for 16 years in a terrible marriage everything stated is extremely accurate.
@spyritwind2540 Жыл бұрын
Child support and alimony are the only two reasons I've hung in there this long, but I'm not sure for how much longer I can do this. It's sad that in order to get out of a toxic relationship is has to cost so much for years. It's a loss/loss either way.
@LuisVasquez-bj6he 11 ай бұрын
I m dealing with a situation similar
@sunrisemiller2319 4 күн бұрын
Narcisstic men and women are both dangerous people. Especially because they are often intelligent but without empathy. I had to work with a narcisstic woman. It was awfull. She tried to destroy my reputation. And I had to fight so hard not to loose my job and to get away from her. Now I am in another team and life and work is so much better. 🎉🎉
@travisrobinson Жыл бұрын
Your two marriages and life of learning mirrors what I've experienced and grown from and through as well. Thank you for your video!
@DrVinceJohnson Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you’re doing these videos now. I’m in this exact marriage and file for separation Valentine’s Day. It hurts so bad to live with fight or flight
@maxwell-cole 8 ай бұрын
This video right here, inspired me, tremendously to move forward with spreading awareness. Excellent post, informative, spot on, real, honest, vulnerable, and extremely important. I must talk to you, I will reach out to you soon.
@kennyweiss 8 ай бұрын
I’m glad it helped you
@mandm275 6 ай бұрын
In conjunction with what you said, I see gaslighting, lack of empathy, and control (which you alluded to) as primary traits of most narcissists. Good experiential video!
@terrelmensa4373 Жыл бұрын
Don’t apologize we can all agree. I flew all the way to Sweden to visit a narcissistic girlfriend who always wanted to argue and shift blame. She was never accountable even when caught red handed smh
@ken9221 8 ай бұрын
Great job explaining this from start to finish. We live in an evil world. It is sad that this is happening but these women will answer for their actions one day. What they did with the beauty God gave them will be judged.
@iknitbecuzmurderisfrownedupon Жыл бұрын
I was with a narcissist far too long, after being raised by one. When I was trying to get out, I would call police and they would threaten to arrest me on arrival. With the with experiences I had as a female, I realized how much harder (back in 2006) it would be for a male. I actually had "law enforcement" laugh at me for reporting abuse. And they claimed they were certain he wasn't abusive.
@ryanstrom2461 Жыл бұрын
36 hours, thank you for the one cop that knew the situation from the grapevine.. she knew of me from the bar, and I talked all the time with my friend at the bar about how I'm going to get away without losing everything.. well those 36 hours I decided, that was almost everything enough, a car load and got was the right move.
@Craigdna Жыл бұрын
From all that I have learned on narcissism, I am convinced that it is serious dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex. Attention span is stuck on themselves as well as judgement. They lack empathy, low in tolerance, perseverance, learning from mistakes does not come into play, because they do not make mistakes, introspect and retrospect are limited and used for manipulation control, coercion, and triangulation, when it does happen. Self objectivity is virtually non existent in the narcissist, and that is the PFC. Gas lighting, straw man fallacy, reaction abuse, all involve lying and distorting reality for the control. The prefrontal cortex becomes dysfunctional in many ways. If a person does not have strive throughout their life, then one is not forcing is services and it will atrophy accordingly. The other is de myelination, which can be caused by metal toxicities. The prefrontal cortex gets myelinated last and when one researches the molecular ingredients for myelination, they are also very near the same ingredients needed to chelate out ingredients that do not belong in the body and brain. The prefrontal cortex is second fiddle to our immune systems. There is no evidence that a narcissist will get better or improve in some way throughout their lifetime. I believe we are not learning narcissism the right way, as we are not tying metal toxicity to the disorder, knowing that metal toxicities result in de-myelination. Autism, Asperger Syndrome, ADD, ADHD, OCD, Schizophrenia, Alzheimers as well as others have been linked to metal toxicities in the body and brain. They are biomarkers to our body and brains health, and we are not relating this to the personality disorders. I realize that psychology pertains to the conditioning of influences on our behaviors, but ultimately, dysfunction in our brains, influence how we are conditioned. Thanks for sharing on female narcissism. Often, in researching metal toxicities, we associate it with men, mainly because of industry and wars. We don't associate metal toxicities with females so much. If women do not exercise the prefrontal cortex, it will atrophy accordingly. Lise Leblanc has excellent videos on youtube for female narcissism.
@leeboriack8054 Жыл бұрын
Twice I have had 3 different female coworkers say they out of the blue “I could beat you up if I wanted to.” Keep in mind immature 5’8” 160# and Gay. What if a man said that To a woman or a gay man? To me the inequity is infuriating.
@philyeary8809 Жыл бұрын
They hate all men, usually.
@gertaqilla7795 Жыл бұрын
To fight, to stand up for yourself is ask the divorce before you fight so hard that anyone dies.Go away and get separated before hard damages are caused.Don t postpone anything because of nice memories.See your reality without sunglasses and the hope that the other will change, after you have asked her or him to go together to the cuple s therapy and they don t accept this. Leave and shake your sandals' dust from that place.Dust is the grace of what we learned through that relationship, taking full responsibility for ourselves.We decided to choose that situation and we muted the small inner whisper which told to us many times" Please don t, she or he is not the right for you".
@brendanthebdog Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video Kenny! Learning about my core codependency issues has been a massive breakthrough. Really enjoying your book on Audible, very helpful.
@karalianisthmus8548 8 ай бұрын
So my ex-husband is a narcissist. Then I discovered upon dating that men I would talk to/dated were married to women like this!!! It makes me so angry to see women like this especially since they pass their bad behavior to their kids which are usually with them all the time. And then children believe it as normal. Lord have mercy
@Tab-fg4vt 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the straightforward talk.clear minded thought and experience. Thank you
@sophie-963 Жыл бұрын
Phew ! I'm not a narcissist 😇
@checkmasoul2441 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone brave to say the truth. I wasn’t brave enought
@ashleybullard1956 Жыл бұрын
There are still women out here who have Traditional Values and love to pamper their man😉❤🙏
@stefanodelstef7988 Жыл бұрын
I'm totally agreeing with you being in that situation in the past. People need to point it out and to know and stand up against abuse.
@Lupo32 Жыл бұрын
The man in this video spoke nothing BUT FACTS !
@SunKissedKrissy Жыл бұрын
Wonderful truths here!!🙌🏼 Your authenticity is so admirable. I’m learning to admit my faults / shortcomings to my sweetie more and more. I also open conversations by calmly expressing myself by saying “I” feel anxious, upset, nervous, etc., instead of putting him on the defense by saying, “YOU” make me feel this way or that. Your book has been SO helpful, Kenny. I’m also learning not to take his need for space and time away from me personally - (even the super rowdy friends, haha) and I actually encourage his time spent w family too (of course, it’s easier when you love them to bits). Everyone should read your book - and I mean everyone!!! 📘👏🏼👏🏼 PS - Your abstract paintings are awesome and we love purple!! 💜💜💜
@_--Reaper--_ Жыл бұрын
+1 👍 for getting straight to the point...
@sarawelling5271 11 ай бұрын
I give everyone the same advice, male and female. Leave. Get out of relationships. Be self-sufficient. People resist because of all the perceived benefits, but each is weighing you down, not lifting you up. In time you realize, all relationships are based on power and you're either on top or not. On you're own, you're always on top. There's no other place to be.
@jeevankg1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing sir, it will help who go through this, only they can understand the pain of it.,
@J_van_can 5 ай бұрын
I completely agree the pendulum has swung the other way..
@arthursmith5409 11 ай бұрын
Wow, every trait, well explained. My Narcissist has all but one, sorta, that is, materialistic! But she will not work, and the money she asked for, she never has nothing to show for it and she just takes off without saying where she's going, when she'll be back or who she's going to see!
@leemedd8189 Жыл бұрын
Your so right Kenny, i have learnt to see the pattern.
@pintech102 Жыл бұрын
I have added. Often forget things and disorganized. Shamed constantly and told I should take medicine etc to change. Funny I owned a business for 40 years with thousands of clients that don't seem to have a problem with me .
@ruthblaikie1108 Жыл бұрын
Well said, Kenny, as always. You bring the uncomfortable truths to the forefront, with love, compassion, and understanding, without blame but with responsibility for all concerned. Relationships only exist when there is more than one person involved (fairly obvious, but I think some people miss that oh-so-obvious point) and behave as if they are the only one in it. From watching your videos (more than once - and I've recently bought your book [I'm in the UK]) I've really come to realise the pain that narcissists live with even if they don't know it. I've been on the receiving end of that myself, and he was a gaslighter too (this was not in the UK). Thanks to you, I can genuinely forgive him even though I felt I was about an inch away from a nervous breakdown at the time. I know of a major trauma event that happened in his young past, which he told me of, and because of you I now understand the deep childhood pain that he still suffers within, which provoked his behaviour (he still refuses to get help). I own my role in choosing him (based on my childhood trauma), thanks to your teaching. I truly wish healing for him and all the others trapped in that emotional whirlpool. Keep doing what you're doing, Kenny, and all blessings to you for your ongoing journey. xx
@Dreadedaffro Жыл бұрын
I know at least 3 women who had physically abused their boyfriends and those boyfriends where GOOD and CARING ppl...
@kennyweiss Жыл бұрын
It’s a growing problem that nobody wants to talk about. Again, I’m not looking to blame women. I’m just asking that all of us hold ourselves accountable for our perfect imperfections. All of us have the capability of being hurtful. It’s not OK that society now makes it acceptable in TV shows and commercials to belittle and abuse men. We didn’t allow it when men were doing it and I’m just suggesting that we don’t allow it now that women are doing it.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson Жыл бұрын
Yes.. happened to me also.
@carospereman3537 Жыл бұрын
12 traits of Narc women. KW, your accurate assessment of the behaviors of these toxic individuals is spot on. The script is always the same no matter what background you have. In my healing process I learned early that I had to concentrate on myself and why I let the abuse happen. In doing so, I realized that it started in my family with my father being a narcissist. It answered so many questions. I was unconscious for so long. Some scholars on the subject say that narcissists (even though there is no person inside, just a false self) help those that need to be awakened. Debatable, but something to think about.
@adrianmedforth3033 Жыл бұрын
Wow ! Everything true. I'm going through all this.. Thank you very much for your information..
@kennyweiss Жыл бұрын
You are so welcome
@KP-rh5qz Жыл бұрын
I’m a woman and I’m glad your posting these videos.
@cindybriden372 Жыл бұрын
Sorry you went through that abuse. Sucks!! One good thing that came out of your experience is that now you can help others. Thank you for being so honest and brave to tell your story, especially about your mom. So thank you for that.
@markjackson3531 4 ай бұрын
damn brother I'm sorry you went through so much pain. i know most commenters talk about their OWN situation, but i really am sad for all that you had to live through. you're doing a great job dr!
@kennyweiss 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind words.
@sandras2479 Жыл бұрын
This sort of behavior brings me to tears.
@teachertimm Ай бұрын
Got discarded from my wife this year. You have completely described my entire marriage.
@monicaswavel6074 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Im not a narcissist. I was wondering because of the constant criticism. Its crazy how they are so good at projecting and playing the victim. And it can be very confusing but after a while its all very predictable.
@randyskolrud7920 10 ай бұрын
I really appreciate your continual focus on personal responsibility in choosing the person we did... Many sites and podcasts very rarely do that! and highlight the victim status continually. I have greatly appreciated that in my ongoing growth and learning process...
@user-benjaminJohn 11 ай бұрын
Yep! That’s her 100%! Great video Kenny. All of KZbin needs to hear this- 😉🔥.
@neurosmos Жыл бұрын
Amazing video, you are saying basically everything that I've gone through in multiple relationships! You speak the truth that we cannot, we appreciate you!
@kennyweiss Жыл бұрын
You are so welcome
@howarddavies782 Жыл бұрын
Vastly under reported by men because it's shame based. They use your man up and don't complain male characteristics against you. Now it's time to man up and tell her to go. Great video.
@motherearth9290 Жыл бұрын
I actually agree with you, and can see in myself the need to take responsibility for certain things that i tend to get defensive about... I think it is very healthy to be able to admit when one has been wrong and its very refreshing actually to hear someone who is willing to do it (be tbey a man or a women)! I want to thank you for the video🙏 It is helping me confirm the reason that i have been feeling so horrible at work- I have not been able to put my finger on my boss's behavior, and have been leaving work every day feeling deflated, disturbed, and even depressed. It has been quite empowering and freeing, to figure out what is really happening! For three months i have been allowing this womans behavior towards me to take a toll on my sense of self... What worries me, is that while I now know the truth about this dynamic, my coworkers may not. Im a little concerned about how she could try to undermine or hurt me at this job... any suggestions? Thanks again🌼
@lstan444 6 ай бұрын
Bingo, and that's where I 'am. thx
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How To Outsmart A Narcissist
Kenny Weiss
Рет қаралды 1 МЛН
What Happens When The Narcissist Knows You Know
Kenny Weiss
Рет қаралды 87 М.
How To Outsmart and Shut Down A Narcissist
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 297 М.
大家都拉出了什么#小丑 #shorts
Рет қаралды 96 МЛН