20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 92)

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Mike Winger

Mike Winger

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@sarahfaith316 2 жыл бұрын
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:19 {Can a Christian Have a Demon?} Can a true Christian be “possessed” or have demons? 2. 12:33 {About Plagiarism in Preaching} Plagiarism in preaching seems to be on the rise. In Philippians 1: 15-18, Paul seems to be saying the end justifies the means when preaching. Is this an accurate interpretation, and applicable to plagiarism? 3. 20:09 {Should Pastors Discuss Politics?} Should pastors avoid discussing current political issues with their congregation? 4. 24:19 {How Smart Must We Be to Evangelize?} I often get overwhelmed because it seems that I need to know EVERYTHING about EVERY topic (history, science, linguistics, etc.) to be able to defend the faith. Do you have any advice? 5. 27:35 {Jesus’ Sacrifice Contradicted?} Does Deuteronomy 24: 16 contradict Jesus' sacrifice? 6. 33:26 {When Will Every Tongue Confess?} When do you think Philippians 2: 10-11 will be fulfilled? At the end of the millennium, at Armageddon, or throughout the future at different stages? I think Romans 14: 10-12 gives us some insight. 7. 36:24 {Sharing Truth with a Defensive Person} My husband doesn't believe in the Trinity and gets so defensive when I try to talk to him about the true God. Should I not bring it up anymore and just live as an example? 8. 40:01 {How Old Will We Be in Heaven?} How old will we be in Heaven? 9. 44:09 {About the “Church of Christ”} Do you have any insight on Church of Christ doctrine? I have a friend I'm planning to open a dialogue with who is in the Church of Christ. I see works based salvation emphasized, but need help. 10. 46:05 {Are Believers Still “Sinners”?} I was wondering, when we get saved, are we still “sinners”? I know that after being saved we sometimes sin. But does that still label us as sinners? I thought we were new creations. 11. 52:27 {Is the Senior Pastor Role Biblical?} Why do so many churches have a “head” pastor that does mostly all the teaching when God gives teaching gifts and words to many people? 12. 57:27 {Cowardice in the Book of Jonah?} Were the mariners and shipmaster selfish cowards and Pagans in Jonah 1:5-15? Even with drowning in a stormy sea, I sense hesitation to discard Jonah to save their own lives. 13. 1:04:43 {Mercy vs. Sacrifice} What does Jesus mean when He says, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice” in Matthew 9: 12-13? 14. 1:08:17 {Can Coffee be Addictive?} Does proverbs 25: 28 apply to coffee? A lot of people are addicted to coffee, and without drinking coffee they get headaches and other problems. Does that mean it is sinful? 15. 1:13:38 {About the Nicolaitans} Isn't Jesus hating the Nicolaitans in Revelation 2:6 out of character? Also, who were they? I hear they were a cult from the Nicholas of Acts 6, one of the 7 deacons. 16. 1:20:32 {The Destruction of Jerusalem} Do you think that Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70? Or do you think the passages people refer to are only about end times events that have not been fulfilled yet? 17. 1:23:26 {Living Together if a Couple Abstains?} Is living together without being married while abstaining living in sin? I don't know how to deal with so many Christians that think it's OK, in light of 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. 18. 1:27:34 {Parental Guidance - Sexual Identities} HELP! My wife and I have access to our kids’ text messages. We discovered our daughter texted a friend that she wants to tell us that she's "coming out as bi-sexual.” What do we do? 19. 1:33:37 {Can Christians Serve in the Military?} I was curious what your thoughts are on the modern American military and if Christians can/should serve in it. 20. 1:36:15 {Are there Additional Spiritual Gifts?} Are there more spiritual gifts than those talked about in the Bible?
@NewCreationInChrist896 2 жыл бұрын
10)A Christian's identity is a Saint not a sinner if that’s your question. We sin, fall short but we seek righteousness we don’t plan sin like nonbelievers they are considered sinners. We suffer consequences of sin if we continue to sin without seeking Christ to overcome here and now, eternally our debt is paid-Romans 4:5. (Parable of the lost sheep a sinner lukewarm) Luke 15:7 🐑 "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance." Philippians 4:21 “Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you.”
@anabaird3835 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for time stamp Sarah😃. I used to skip some (?) til I realized I often learn something i didnt know I didnt know. Now I use it for quick future ref. Sooo helpful!
@RocknWifey 2 жыл бұрын
Sarah....I have searched the Bible Thinker website & couldn't find what I was looking for, so I was curious if there is a way to ask Pastor Mike a question, other than trying to get it in on a live Q&A? Thanks!
@sarahfaith316 2 жыл бұрын
@@RocknWifey Hi Lisa! What was your question? I’d be happy to help you confirm whether or not he has any past clips on the subject, and if he doesn’t, I can save your topic suggestion for him to cover in the future. We receive so many questions that the Q&As are always the best way to send in a question, but he’s always appreciative of topic suggestions for the future, as well.
@paulmorphy6638 2 жыл бұрын
@@NewCreationInChrist896 I'm a non-believer and I don't plan sinning. Just the opposite. I plan living a decent life , not because there are 10 commandments, but because it's innate in us to be civilized.
@zhphotog 2 жыл бұрын
"This is why I don't speak on more political issues, I don't have the biblical wisdom on all issues of the world so I don't talk about every issue of the world" This is AWESOME. More people need this mindset in a world full of IMMEDIATE word vomit answers.
@7x779 2 жыл бұрын
We as Christians will judge the Angels, how much more should we be able to judge the Affairs of this world and take it back from Satan? Don't we pray that kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven? Especially when we live in a country that has the privilege responsibility and duty of choosing those who will rule over us it is a wicked sin to not participate in that for the Lord and for the good of the church and fellow Believers and the world
@richardjohnson2692 2 жыл бұрын
Right there with you!
@JoshyJoshhh 2 жыл бұрын
Yes agreed, we are the light of the world we have access to wisdom eternal and truth unbending, we should be leading the responses in truth and love not the other way around. ‘’The first one who responds seems right until another comes and examines him’’
@Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on 2 жыл бұрын
Political systems and governments are all controlled by the “god and ruler of the world” which is Satan. *2 CORINTHIANS 4:4* *1 JOHN 5:19* I believe a pastor can speak on politics and human government but in context of the kingdom of God was established to destroy Satan’s system and his authority which included ALL not some but ALL existing human-ruled governments. *DANIEL 2:44* Jesus and the first-century Christians all proclaimed the coming of God’s kingdom (which is the gospel) and their exclusive allegiance was given to God’s kingdom.
@JoshyJoshhh 2 жыл бұрын
@@Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on that’s not true, God is ultimately in control Romans 13:1-2 (NKJV) 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
@shawn_bullock Жыл бұрын
Hi Mike. Question (1) is a hard one. One I still don't fully fathom. I experienced depression for a number of years that ended my marriage, my business, my savings, my mental sanity and my health. At one point it was just my breath that I still had left of me. Just one calamity after another for many years until I had no one and nothing. I came to Jesus and my back went out for 7 months I couldn't walk sit or stand. I finally had the faith and desperation to ask Jesus to fix it and my crooked spine went straight and I was walking the next day. Even back at work a few days later. I then survived COVID for 31 days that nearly ended me. Some more things starting going wrong about 7 more months and I was almost to the point of suicide. I went to a certain home church only the 2nd time in six months and asked for prayer. I had been praying, thrown out any new age stuff by this point, reading the bible, watching your videos and other Jesus ones for about a year and a half by this point. By all accounts, a "practicing" Christian. They started praying for me and addressed a spirit of affliction amount others. I started reacting in a way extremely unbecoming of me and it turned into what they call a deliverance. I had never seen one or known they even exist. They had me address forgiveness issues and other matters of repentance and renouncing. I had not smiled in years, my face couldn't make the muscles. But I was so overcome with joy after that. The next day I was a completely different person and all the bad things going on in my life came to a complete stop. Broken relationships started mending (on their own). My health improved. My happiness has been constant. Things changed at work (very bad situations). Coworkers said on many occasions" what happened ot you, you're glowing with joy?" The day before this I was effectively abandoned by my adoptive family. The day after I received a phone call from a sister I never knew I had by my biological father and I ended up going to a family reunion and met him and 200 others of his side of the family. Months later those who shunned me the relationship was restored through not much effort of my own. I nearly left the prayer saying "I don't usually come to people's house and spit and vomit all over the place I don't know what's going on here I should leave maybe I'm sick" but they insisted I stay. I went through 5 months where I did not have a single problem for 5 months and pretty much the best of everything I've ever experienced after about 7 years of pure living hell. Those 5 months were just the beginning of what I'm experiencing now. Can Christians be possessed? I think its more like influence to one degree or another. A Holy Spirit filled Christian can still sin even tho the Holy Spirit can't partake with it. A Holy Spirit filled person can still believe a lie even tho He leads us into all truth and understanding. Jesus came to set the captives free and he who He sets free is free indeed. Such freedom must happen at some point and for many it doesn't happen at the moment they accept Christ but it must happen at some point if they are truly trusting in Him. It's a process and that process is different for everyone. I don't know whether I was demonized for sure, but I do now something came either came out, or something extraordinary happened and my life was forever changed. I'm not building a doctrine or belief system out of this but I can't deny how my life changed on that night nor can anyone else that has known me before and after that night. I don't even need to talk to them, they see it and ask about it. After that night, I stopped watching any TV or video games that had any hint of witchcraft, gore, new age, yoga, or demonic spiritualism. I no longer had any desire for p*rn or certain lustful tendancies. Just cold turkey my desire for such stopped. So whatever happened that night, it was intense and it was freeing. Seven months later I have not returned to any of that. I simply lost my desire and I've been growing ever closer to our LORD and Savior. A year and a half after I become a Christian and walking with Christ I received a tremendous freedom that words utterly fail to describe and it all started with what happened that night. It's as if I died and become a new person by the end of the night. That newness didn't happen when I first gave me life to Jesus a year and a half earlier. It's as if that was the night I was born again and not the night I originally gave myself to Jesus. But I know I was His the night I gave myself to Him. Over the course of the year and a half my life was changing notwithstanding certain struggles and afflictions but it drastically transformed on that night and those particular struggles and afflictions immediately ceased.
@bethl Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your amazing story!!
@victoriamyatt1709 Жыл бұрын
Your story is very hard to hear and I'm sure many of us can understand your hurt that you experienced. In no way am I a scholar or preacher but feel I can share a few things with God's wisdom as I have experienced them. OK where do I start... im reminded of the parable of the seeds where some fall on the wayside, others grow but are scorched when temptation or hard life comes along. Sometimes we can pray a prayer and become Christian but our journey kinda weaves in and out of God's will for us including the sin we choose to do. The Holy Spirit is our guide but if were not fully full I feel it can get depleted and we start to go our own way. We are not promised an easy life so we will have sickness, hurt, illness etc and thats just because we're in a sinful world. I know personally that when I'm not setting aside daily prayer and reading of scripture and going to fellowship with other Christians then my relationship with him breaks down (not dissimilar to a marriage) and when I'm not in relationship with God I'm more likely to do and watch sinful stuff (things that don't glorify God) and its like ivy starts to grow around you and choke you. I have problems with my health and physical mobility and was ill during 2020 lockdown so couldn't have surgery as the hospital had other patients. During that time I read my bible constantly as I was in bed for most of the year but I'm so glad I went through that as it really solidified my relationship with the Lord, properly, once and for all. I was half in half out and let other things get in the way. I have also stopped watching and doing things that don't glorify the Lord and has really helped. Sorry this is long and probably lots of spelling and grammar errors (not my strongest subject and very tired ) So to sum up I think sometimes we think we're Christians but aren't really walking God's narrow path and let the Holy Spirit become watered down and get depleted by our ignoring him and his conviction. Its not easy but with God's grace and the Holy Spirits guidance we walk that narrow path and don't via to the left or right. Bless you and I pray you continue to walk with Joy.
@TheGweems Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. In response to your opening comment I would really recommend reading a book called "they shall expel demons" by Derek Prince. - Bible based answers and very practical.
@AliceSusanHarding 10 ай бұрын
That's a great testimony to the truth about Christians being harassed about demons. Please may I use it anonymously in whole or in part in an article?
@beppiek Ай бұрын
Hiya Shawn “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, FOR APART FROM ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING. If anyone DOES NOT abide in ME he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” ‭‭JESUS
@Draganism 2 жыл бұрын
You have helped me come to and embrace Christianity Mike. Please, please keep delivering your wisdoms.
@spartanheart6948 Жыл бұрын
Same I got caught up on the deliverance thing but he's right I doubt there are as many demons as people are saying
@louissurgi8936 Жыл бұрын
Look into channels like the council of trent or Jimmy Akin. They are great Christian channels.
@sherijobe9754 Жыл бұрын
I became disabled 29 and a half years ago. I was an artist and i used my right hand. I lost the complete use of it for four years. At first i keeped asking God why and he gave my pastor the message why not. Now my left is almost about as bad as my right, God kept giving m e ideas for paintings so i had to get them out of my head. Then He gave me an idea for a device that goes over the hand and arm it holds what artistic tool i needed. I used it to do 3 murals in a friend's house which got me into a magazine and then to a gallery, even though im in pain all the time i sing Gods praises.
@AZmom60 2 ай бұрын
Amazing story!!
@lettruthprevail9820 Ай бұрын
Do you have MS? If so, they are finding it is caused by parasites. Pam Bartha videos talk about this.
@lettruthprevail9820 Ай бұрын
Do you have MS?
@worshipGod001 2 жыл бұрын
In my early twenties l was smoking a lot of weed and learning the guitar. Being a rebellious kid, l heard about Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil and high on weed l thought l would try that. Nothing happened, but the next day l began to hear thoughts in my mind, critical and accusing. But l did not associate the two things. From then on when l smoked l just wanted to play the guitar, but the accusing thoughts robbed me of any confidence to play in public or to learn properly. Years later, early thirties, l came to the Lord and l had been strongly addicted to weed since my possession. Over the next few months as l was trying to stop, the Lord showed me a vision of myself praying to Satan, and l instantly remembered what l had done 15 years before. I got my mentor to pray for me and a dirty cloud left me and l was free and no more thoughts accusing me. I had believed they were my thoughts but they were from the demons. I didn't play much after that just now and again, it didn't feel right. However when l turned 50yo, a visiting pastor and his wife were praying for me for something totally unrelated and such a Godly anointing came upon me and something started coming out of my stomach, the only way l can describe it is like a giant boa constrictor, the pastors wife, in prayer, said " it's coming out his stomach " . When it left such a blessed anointing came upon me that the joy and pleasure just moved me to tears. The whole thing took about 10 minutes. After that, for the first time in my life, l began to write worship songs, words and music. So l just wanted to share that with you all, you can draw your own conclusions.
@jesseniarodriguez1562 2 жыл бұрын
Amen!! God is good 💪🙏🔥
@reecehowe8754 2 жыл бұрын
Praise God for your deliverance
@thomaspfoster 10 ай бұрын
Brother, that's some schizo sentences, and I dont quite know the picture you're painting, but it was an interesting read. Anyways.. you have a really cool voice. I enjoyed your song! God bless you!
@taylore22 Жыл бұрын
This has been really helpful. Before I was saved I was in many occult practices and new age things. And I have struggled with dreams where there is something dark and holds my mouth from saying “Jesus is King” I told a church member who leads our women Bible study and she told me that I have strongholds from the past and to talk through it with her and most importantly praying and putting on the full armor of God! And then I started thinking wait could I be possessed… and then I was like no that wouldn’t line up with scripture. So thank you again pastor mike! You are seriously my favorite online ministry it has truly blessed my life… and also my mom’s we love you!!! ☺️✝️
@ReesNova 10 ай бұрын
Hey!! Do you actively struggle with anything that is unnatural? Do you struggle with saying Jesus is King still? Do you still struggle with dreams? Is there anything weird that has been happening i guess is my question
@denamcdaniel7802 8 ай бұрын
I love wisdom, thanks for always helping me with that!
@renesalinas2279 Жыл бұрын
The question of whether a Christian can be possessed has been pondering on my mind for a while. Thank you for covering that up for me. Now I know.
@LeavingBabylon_ 2 жыл бұрын
Pastor Mike, this is so important to be waving red flags around. I can't imagine all of the new fledgling Christians who are just falling innocently into Bethel false doctrines and never coming out. We need to be on our knees praying and in our lives discipling new Christians so they do not stray into the unknown alone. Pray and walk with our Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ alone.
@marionchase-kleeves8311 2 жыл бұрын
I have had depression, sleep disorder, family disappointments and spiritual attack as a Christian most of my life. However I also have a deep love and appreciation of God's love for me through Jesus Christ. Every BIT of the bible is true, for better or worse. A sinful life, as a believer can open the door to oppression demonic or otherwise. The greatest sin is pride and unbelief in lack of trust in God. BTW Christian can be THE MOST challenging people due to self righteousness: do this, do that, then you'll be a "better" Christian at, fill the blank. Truly, a Christian who has taken up the cross daily is a rare thing in these days. Our own flesh is the big boogeyman, not demons. God is good and opens our eyes as we ask. Love HIM always.
@salvadorquincy4599 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, very true
@HappilyAnonymousGirl 2 жыл бұрын
The part about coffee was super timely lol Also, being concerned about the over-consumption of coffee isn’t making a big deal out of a small thing. When you consume too much coffee, your body is depleted of B vitamins, which are responsible for giving you energy. When your B vitamins get overused and depleted you can’t rely on your body for energy effectively anymore. As a consequence, you have to turn to more and more coffee to fuel you, because what you had naturally for energy is pretty much gone and needs to be built up again. So, if you’re drinking a lot of coffee, then you may be deficient in certain vitamins and the solution is to cut back on how much coffee you drink per day. Start eating foods high in B vitamins, like B-12, and try to make sure you get enough sleep. Hope this helps anyone struggling with low energy or coffee addiction. I recently realized I had this problem and did a 2 week coffee fast to fix the issue. God bless you ❤
@Philippians73 Жыл бұрын
I don't drink coffee but I do drink Dr. PEPPER, just one 16 Oz. A day. I feel so fatigued and weak. I'm addicted and can't stop. I'm 50 years old and only weigh 85 pounds. Dr. Have run 100s of test. Everything comes up normal. Prayer is all I have. 😢
@brigittemurphy879 Жыл бұрын
You might have To go ".cold turkey" a dear friend did it with tea! She stopped tea at week end so if it was too bad she could go to bed. But she busied herself like polishing her car, going to tge cinema etc. She was shaking and had huge headaches. But the craving went. She didnt like that even after 10mn after a shower she smelled acrid. She was addicted to tea.she was free for years. She drinks some now after 25 years but not many.
@annbutler9658 Жыл бұрын
@workinabroad 2 жыл бұрын
Years back I told my cousin I don't condone his homosexual lifestyle and equated it to my disapproval of the habit of smoking (I love him in spite of it). Today I will go on and update my answer to him in the form of "the resisting of temptation". Thankfully he is still on good terms with me despite our disagreement many years ago. Thank you for sharing your insight.
@lettruthprevail9820 Ай бұрын
And what if he has a spirit driving him into this lifestyle?
@AaronTrainerFit 2 жыл бұрын
I think question 18 would make a great stand alone video. I’m saving that section if I ever have to have that talk with my kids. Wonderful gracious explanation of the difference between temptation, sin, and removing the identity from the unhealthy temptation without removing any of the love. Having that talk has been a huge fear of mine and I’m no longer as worried about it. Thank you so much!
@Chell6626 11 ай бұрын
I had this talk and the Lord truly was in the midst and we grew closer than ever before. I spoke somewhat along with Pastor Mike said (a couple of years ago) just seeing this video today. The Lord can be in the midst of that conversation and guide. Praying that the results have been positive for that family.
@storyaboutmosquitoes9441 Жыл бұрын
1:10:03 i used to be anorexic and God has delivered me from that. For so long I’ve feared fasting because of it. But now I have an appetite, so I can fast. I didn’t know what it was for so long. I’m so glad for good teachers. Thank you Mike for being one of those teachers! I need your gentle correction as much as I need voddies kicks in the butt, and Paul washers passion.
@marymitchell4617 Ай бұрын
Fr. Mike; YOU ROCK!! My dad was a radical, liberal Episcopal priest (they can marry). He taught us kids to question authority, so I did!! I left the democrats years ago, because of their hypocrisy & insanity. I always had faith but I played fast & loose with my beliefs. I came back to Jesus with a new understanding & I align with everything you're saying. I know a lot of people have grown weary of woke mentality & are returning to biblical truth. Thank GOD!! And thank you for keeping it real.
@eveofgenesis 5 ай бұрын
I have never had anyone actually teach me the scriptures. And though I have read the Bible all the way through several times, so much of it has always been completely lost on me. I was rescued out of the WOF movement and while I remain firmly pentecostal I've found myself leaning on cessationists videos to guide me through the scripture. Then you made that video about Benny Hinn and that's when I found your channel. And I will fall asleep watching videos, Holy Spirit will pull my attention to certain topics that get addressed, etc. And I just wanted to shout thank you. From the charismatics with a seat belt section, you are a true gift to the body of Christ. 🙌
@ntlearning 4 ай бұрын
Don't go Cessationist. That's the other extreme. I'm Pentecostal and I've been completing my Masters in Theology and have sat in classes in the Lutheran Seminaries, Orthodox Seminaries, Catholic Universities, and Anglican Institutions. I've already done Pentecostal Bible Colleges. I can tell you, Church History is absolutely on the supernatural side. Lots of good Pentecostal churches that have nothing to do with WOF. What I find though is that a lot of youtubers stay within their "tribes". Cessationists are on the wrong train big time. Abuse and mishandling the gifts is not a good enough reason to reject the charismata.
@eveofgenesis 4 ай бұрын
@ntlearning I've seen too many supernatural things in my life to ever be a cessationist. But. You have to credit them. Because they don't lean on their experience they have to know the scriptures very well. Charasmatics have lost their mind lately and abandoned the true meaning of scriptures. And I'm a charismatic lol I just also love the Bible. So very grateful for this channel!
@ntlearning 4 ай бұрын
@@eveofgenesis Amen. Yes they love the Bible. But remember, they "exegete" with a Calvinist lens, so their interpretation is problematic on lots of areas like limited atonement, extreme predestination, cessationism, and other things.
@pastorronaldgreen2766 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your work in the Kingdom. I pastor a church heavily involved in the addiction ministry. When I started at the church is when we started our outreach to addicts. Demonic manifestations started happening frequently, so I have been studying, still trying to completely understand "Deliverance." I have just quit using possession and oppression, as neither are really accurate words for what happens with believers & unbelievers. I call it demonically influenced at varying levels, from the slight not feeling good enough to full-on meat puppet. My wife has been through deliverance recently; a spirit of fear was cast "Away" from her, and she came off 150mg of Zoloft with "ZERO" withdrawal symptoms.
@lizardgirl72 Жыл бұрын
Ok what is your take on this? Mike, I personally saw what seemed to be a demon manifestation in a close family friend who professed Christ…a good friend of my mom’s…not just an acquaintance. She was growling, threw something at me. I still am not sure what to make of it. Someone I knew said she was oppressed, or had a multiple personality. Her husband was an alcoholic so her life was kind of a mess but I understand she was endeavoring to serve Christ despite her husband’s issues. I’m still not sure. She died a believer.
@sheilasmith7779 2 жыл бұрын
I can't sufficiently express how impressed I am with Mike Winger's biblical understanding AND his wisdom. He is such an important teacher. Thank you, Mike. Question 4: I totally get it. We must ask the Holy Spirit for direction, otherwise we get involved in too much, study too many topics, and become overwhelmed. I am cursed with an overactive mind, and need assistance from the H.S.
@mr.2cents.846 Жыл бұрын
If what he says is right, it's actually the Holy Spirit you're impressed of.
@sheilasmith7779 Жыл бұрын
@@mr.2cents.846 No, Mr. 2cents, it's Mike I am impressed with. The H.S. dwells within Mike only by the free will choice of Mike to receive the H.S. I am grateful that God exists.
@rickthomas3344 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. For the first time in months I actually wanted to listen and pay close attention to God's word.
@Hopeinhisgoodness 2 жыл бұрын
@Mr.C-Mister 2 жыл бұрын
Ray Comfort definitely stirs you up to go out. You Mike Winger answer so many of the toughest biblical questions. David guzik as you is great at interpreting the Bible and has great commentaries.
@RaySchweer-fn5wl Ай бұрын
I try to make your bible study part of my morning ritual for everyday...I even try to start by putting your program on hours before my alarm is set so the Lord's word is absorbing in my unconscious then when I wake we are already sharing the Word. You are doing a great job and are truly an asset for our good Lord. Keep up the good work ,I can tell you put a lot effort into your work and it shows!! God bless
@christistruth705 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you to the person who asked about Mike’s shirt. I was googling at the beginning trying to find it to see what the bottom read. I was down to two options: there can never be too many books or there can never be too many Bibles, both of which apply in my house. ☺️
@emilyvasilakes3805 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mike, so glad I found this channel some months ago! 1) Hugely respect your honesty about not even needing monetary support at this time! That lends so much credibility and integrity to the ministry God has given you/your team here. And I gave a resonant “yes!” to a sentence in the channel description: well-researched biblical content you’ve been starving for ever since you first believed. 2) The time stamps are SO helpful and it finally dawned on me - NO ADS!!! Hallelujah!! 3) You recently mentioned having lung covid and that there was really nothing to be done for it. I urge you to contact The Mayo Clinic...a friend’s sister unknowingly suffered from it for 6 months this past year... other doctors missed it, and within one appointment and a few infusions at Mayo, she has massively improved!
@wojo9732 Жыл бұрын
Ecclesiastes 12:13 13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. Notice it says commandments and not just one command.
@Yashael341 2 жыл бұрын
42:19 I like to understand it similarly to the death of Aragorn: "Then a great beauty was revealed in him... the grace of his youth, and the valour of his manhood, and the wisdom and majesty of his age were blended together... an image of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed..."
@SuperKalli9 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing this question! My sister has had a lot of physical illness and disease, and been victim to demonic attacks, and multiple pastors have told her she's possessed and its basically her fault. She needs to do more to be delivered. I'm sending this video to her!❤
@anabaird3835 2 жыл бұрын
1:27:34> WOW!! What an awesome response from pastor Mike. Im SO grateful he invited us to join him in payer. What an extremely difficult situation. Tbh: My 1st thought was: "I sus she's telling her friend this to fit in". Its bn such a trendy thing amongst the teens. But Im grateful her parents (& Mike) are taking this very seriously. Even if she's only pretending in order to fit in, there's obviously SOMETHING going on in which she needs her parents to intervene. " Thank you Lord Jesus for assigning & blessing this precious young lady with parents who are faithful in serving & obeying you & seek you for guidance. And thank you for Pastor Mike & giving him this platform. What an awesome blessing/instrument/pastor/servant he is for us (& countless others, Im sure)."
@ljswaan 2 жыл бұрын
Mike, please have an hour long video of you typing in the keyboard. I love that sound.
@angelad.redcay738 Жыл бұрын
Can’t “like” this video because I only watched the first question and the one on coffee but I love everything you said when you answered that. It was a good reminder for all of us to be holy and live righteous lives in everything we do and let only the Holy Spirit control our lives. Thank you for the great word!
@tjroe5190 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mike for the level headed view of the Church of Christ. I am a member and have no connection to any other church of Christ outside the normal shared connection with all believers of any denomination.
@kennyproctor7691 Жыл бұрын
I love you brother, as far as I'm concerned you're rightly dividing the Logos, you've been given excellent spiritual sight and unfortunately there aren't many of us around, God bless all of us who love Jesus and may God make us all bright lights for Jesus our Lord in a dark world.
@gmusic1628 Жыл бұрын
powerful Godly wisdom on dealing with sexualities
@anniekierstead5419 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Mike. I appreciate your insight and gracious spirit. ❤
@joykeebler1916 2 жыл бұрын
Sealed in the Holy Spirit for to comfort and leadeth into all truth
@elainep8873 10 ай бұрын
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Pastor Mike? He doesn’t bait us when he says in the title one of the questions it’s almost always the first one we don’t have to listen to 20 questions to get to the one we wanted to hear
@NewCreationInChrist896 2 жыл бұрын
Lost sheep a lukewarm person. (The parable of the lost sheep a sinner). Luke 15:6-7 🐑 "And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost!’ I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance."
@acewin247 2 жыл бұрын
1:28:00 Your response to question 18 was great. Thank you.
@clseabus 2 жыл бұрын
Thank-you for doing these! Love hearing other people’s questions and your answers
@jameswelsh3433 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your ministry. May God’s blessings always be with you!
@chrism9376 Жыл бұрын
Mike I stumbled on this and you do an awesome thing. I loved all this. Thank you
@PhillyboulJ215 2 жыл бұрын
Yes !! We are possessed by the Holy Spirit 🕊️ so don’t stress, be blessed my brother from another mother 🙏🏼
@michellefoy5198 Жыл бұрын
The Bible differentiates between spirit and soul. Yes your spirit belongs to Jesus but your soul (mind, will, emotions) hangs in the balance and it gets more dangerous the more arrogant we are that it doesn't! IMHHO
@janetk7196 Жыл бұрын
Mike I totally agree with you on question #7. Prayer is more powerful from a wife for her husband than to say something to change their mind or convince them of something. I have experienced this myself so many times.
@gorillagaming9408 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the video. Hope you don’t mind if i plug some of your previous work: If anyone has not seen Mike’s “evidence for the bible” series, I feel like it’s a must see. Truly fantastic. So much research. Much love, my friend.
@MariaLopez-kd5kz Жыл бұрын
You are an amazing teacher of the word and highly respected by the body. Your answer to question 1 was pretty good, though not complete. For that reason, I want to HIGHLY encourage you to reach out to Pastor Pagani and other authentic delivers to help you better understand the very real demonization (not possession or oppression) of believers. As you well know, Jesus went from synagogue to synagogue, preaching the word and casting out demons. Who was He casting the demons out of, if not believers? Thank you for prayfully considering my request, and I will be praying for The Holy Spirit to guide you into the full truth on this topic so the body can be better equipped for spiritual warfare and more united for the coming of our King. Many blessings to you, my brother in Christ.
@TheDolphinTuna 2 жыл бұрын
25:06 I ended up getting suckered into this sort of argument with a Hebrew Israelite underneath one of your videos, Mike. They brought up an argument citing one source, I read that source and explained how that source doesn't support their worldview in any way whatsoever, and they ignored what I wrote completely and just rattled off another (presumably baseless) claim. Some people just aren't thinking straight when they do this, I think.
@Noahgeist 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for answering Mike! Ive contemplated that question for a while and your wisdom has benefited me. God bless!
@hbenny5752 2 жыл бұрын
Question 12 unintentionally explains the “what satan meant for evil, God will use for good.” If Jonah had just gone and done what he should have and not fled, the men on the boat would never have called out to the One God. No, Jonah didn’t do what is right, but even in that God had a better plan and worked it all out for His glory! Thank You Father!
@stephenbailey9969 2 жыл бұрын
Temptations are lies sown by the Evil One, by the world, and by our own flesh. "As for me, I will call upon God, And the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice. He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me... Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55)
@Grace-xg2ou 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Pastor Winger, I respectfully disagree regarding anorexia. In a way you are right, it is a hyper-control issue as well as a compulsion. However, this is considered a serious, mental health and medical condition that claims the lives of men, women and children of all races. The last thing these people need is to feel guilt for struggling with this, (I know you weren’t trying to cause guilt). In childhood when there’s abuse one thing a child can control is their food intake. They’re not doing it to be a sinner, they are trying to survive. (There are others causes as well). I have prayed for healing from this, since age 10 and I still struggle. I hope I came across with the utmost respect for you. Thank you for all your videos! I’ve learned so much from them and they help me dig into scripture. Keep doing what you’re doing!!
@Star-dj1kw 8 ай бұрын
Eating disorders are one of the most deadly forms of mental illness. They must be taken very seriously ❤
@ChristianH88 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure I quite understand the way you define the 2 types of sinners, in 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul not only calls himself a sinner, but says that he is the worst of sinners. Which I believe is an example of him being humble not that he actually believes he is currently the worst sinner although his past was pretty rough? This is my favorite verses so I’m interested in what you would say to it. Thankful for your ministry it has been a blessing from God.
@stormchaserkj 2 жыл бұрын
I love reading the comments. I love seeing Mike in the comments section of Remnant Radio, and then he gives a shout-out to Remnant in this episode. Appreciate you, Mike!
@depthlyskoggs9877 2 жыл бұрын
51:49 I agree it's on me, though simultaneously how do we reconcile the separation from flesh and I given Romans 7:17?
@elizabethpennertz3340 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your God centered work and wanted to say I appreciate your shirt as well😁I have all four kiddos able to finish this sentence, "You can never have..." with "too many books."
@wordtojapan 10 ай бұрын
I really like your teaching Mike. Very balanced. I appreciate it very much
@eldor7985 Жыл бұрын
God bless you brother!❤ we are in the VERY last time now,be strong brother and I got you in my prayers 🙏 ❤
@angelicafrometa 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! Best response to question #18 I’ve ever heard!
@cindyd2236 2 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness for the answer to bonus question #21... i was dying to know the answer to that one. 😄
@WeQuiltStudio 2 жыл бұрын
Ty soo much for this Video. It really cleared up a lot of confusion that I had regarding the 2 Heavens.
@demetriusdion286 2 жыл бұрын
The Trinity is revealed in The Old Testament, "Come near to Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in secret, From the time it took place, I was there. And now the Lord God has sent Me, and His Spirit." (Isaiah 48:16} I see the Father, the Pre-existing Christ (the Son), and the Holy Spirit in the above verse..
@Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on 2 жыл бұрын
You see it because you want to. It’s not explicitly or implicitly stated.
@christinewagner1722 Жыл бұрын
Question about the Trinity: You could talk about the Holy Spirit and what He is teaching you or revealing to you in your life…. talk about Jesus, your Lord and Savior… and thanking God for His beautiful creation. These are creative ways to “sneak in” the concept of the Trinity! Blessings! ♥️✝️
@haleyc9163 2 жыл бұрын
Question #9. I grew up in the Church of Christ. I remember growing up saying we’re like Baptist without music. 😂 The Church I grew up in were always concerned with the Truth. There was a lot of unintentional legalism. The heart’s intent seemed to be a desire to obey the Lord and a heart to take God’s word very seriously. Unfortunately, pride and self righteousness was sometimes the result. Some “old school” believers made statements of being the only ones who would truly be in heaven. The more modern Church of Christ I’ve witnessed do not subscribe to such teachings, have instrumental services and seek accurate understanding of scripture. Examining beliefs gets tricky and could only be done case by case. There is no over arching umbrella for Church of Christ leaders. Each Church operates differently, but I have only ever witnessed true love for Christ and a desire for true biblical understanding amongst this Church as a whole. When error or better understanding is pointed out I’ve seen a heart to accept truth above all else and repentance from any wrong. My advice is to first pray, check your hearts motives, then gently point out truth and appeal to their heart as a brother or sister in Christ.
@riatsila144 2 жыл бұрын
Lifelong member of the church of Christ here! I think many of us (even some in the older generation) have recognized and put away a great deal of the legalism. .. I still prefer a capella to instruments, but that's my preference. I don't think it's a salvation issue, so I think people can do as they like there, for example. Whatever group or denomination one belongs to, we all have blind spots and shortcomings, and that's where we rely on God's grace to cover the gaps in our understanding. I think most people look at our emphasis on baptism and call it works-based salvation, as opposed to simply obeying the prescribed message. Beyond that, not sure where the one who asked the question is coming from, and would like a clearer understanding of the issue he sees, and hopefully we can come to a better understanding of each other. ...and if there's a group he's in contsct with teaching works-based salvation, I hope that can be cleared up with them.
@haleyc9163 2 жыл бұрын
@CircleWedge 2 жыл бұрын
I like his answer to Question 3 about Pastors and Politics! The only one I've watched any of so far....
@jonathanwilliams6922 2 жыл бұрын
Nice job as always Mike
@wonderfulcounselor 2 жыл бұрын
#1 I believe the thorn hearkens back to the road to Danascus, the blinding light, and how Paul was prayed for so the physical "scales" ([ike burn scabs) fell off his eyes, now always a reminder to him, when his physical eyes become weak and watery. I have my own thorn, as well, which leads me to this conclusion. #2 "By whatever means the Gospel is preached, even of strife." I once had a woman vehemently deny something I told her, only later to hear her using my exact same words to counsel someone else during a home fellowship meeting. Our eyes met and I just smiled at her. "All things are yours..." #3 "If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God."
@bethl Жыл бұрын
That actually makes sense about Paul. We’ll have to wait for heaven to know!!
@clairmclaughlin4770 Жыл бұрын
The Book of Job says it all. No matter what, We have to keep our faith through the hardest of trials in Our lives. I hope to meet Paul one day in the end as well as so many in the end of days, to thank them all. There is only one Testament from Genesis to the last word in Revelation. What we have in Christ is a New Covenant. In these times when We are being attacked by Our Families, and people we do not even know. The Only One's who have never lied to Us and never will are The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only trust Their Words, and You will be safe. It takes practice and is a way of life.
@MissMikato 2 жыл бұрын
My church recently had our senior pastor step down, he had a lot on his plate even though we did have others of our congregation preach occasionally. We've gone through many changes as a church, one of them is a more diversity in our teachers and though I'm sad to see our pastor leave, it's actually, I think, turning out better for us as a whole.
@shaunmcgough7227 Жыл бұрын
Pastor Mike, I wish I listened forty years ago when someone gave me that same advice. I’m working on it… Thankyou for you
@sheilasmith7779 2 жыл бұрын
#7: Also be alert to those times when your husband intiates or provokes and don't fall into that trap. Be as mild in your response to your husband as you are in initiating your engagement with him. It's tricky and requires a moment to consider what behavior will be most effective, before either initiating or responding.
@janeroberson4750 Жыл бұрын
All true children of God are posessed with the holy spirit in us,thru Jesus Christ our Lord! KJV
@davidjcheney 2 жыл бұрын
A couple beautiful things about that passage in Hosea: 1) verse 2 can be easily connected to Christ, which means the call to return and "press on to know" God, who is faithful and sovereign (vv. 3), is a Gospel message 2) verse 6 is a callback/reference to 1 Samuel 15, when Samuel reminded King Saul that "to obey is better than sacrifice"
@StephenLoney 2 жыл бұрын
I was also considering your second point. You probably already know these things... but I've thought of it as the Pharisees considering their sacrifices more important than being merciful to others. James 2:13 "For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." 1 John 3:23 "And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment." 1 Corinthians 13:3 "If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." Blessings, brother!
@kathystrader Жыл бұрын
Got all them people and taking time to pray I liked both videos first was pretty and he’s thankful and giving thanks more than one brings God to the younger kids that are being taught about the worst things . I appreciate him more than any other new videos and songs awesome. We all done wrong in the eyes of the lord but and least he stood up✝️
@robfriedrich2822 Жыл бұрын
Yes, especially from the idea to fight against other Christians....
@gabehcuodsuoitneterp203 Жыл бұрын
So He allows affliction but not possession. Thank you for sharing.
@73jaydub Жыл бұрын
Good Golly! Mike! that's a Swell breakdown! 🤗
@lexifan23 2 жыл бұрын
Was always taught growing up we would be like Christ in Heaven, so I was always told we will be 33 years old. Don’t know how much truth is in that “wisdom” but kinda thought everyone thought that.
@TheHcjfctc Жыл бұрын
Q18: My eldest told me she thought she might identify as polysexual. She’s 13 and something I told her was a lot of what Mike said. I told her that her sexuality is just a piece of who she is and not her entire identity. Also, that she is just beginning the journey of understanding who she is and not to take on such a label upon herself so early in life. I also discouraged her in pursuing things within the LGBTQ+ community as they fully push sexuality as identity which can cause deeper confusion. I did start with asking her many questions and I let her know that no matter where this journey takes her, I love her for her and that won’t change even if I disagree with choices she may make. It’s a difficult walk in parenting this day and age.
@bethl Жыл бұрын
There are a couple of commenters above in this thread with some great detailed advice in dealing with teenage girls. It may be helpful for you.
@p.shermanfortytwowallabyla9488 Жыл бұрын
I would also add that labels are so restricting. It puts yourself in a box and when you try to evolve as a person it helps fix you in place and it prevents you from moving forward. As a former teen girl myself I had same sex relationships.. thought I was all kinds of things... sure the heck didn't believe in God... was raised Catholic by parents that treated me as a burden and responsibility and not a kid. Having ANY label is restrictive. There's one thing teens hate.. is restrictions lol It helped me move forward and realize I wasn't a lesbian. I was lonely and I had father figure that was physically there but not a father. And with my mother who was manipulative and physically abusive and rage filled. (NOT saying you are) I just wanted emotional connection. I was massively insecure of my body and me as a person in general.... These feelings pass if you allow yourself growth. Labels shut growth down. Today I'm married to a man and we both belive in God and Jesus specifically as our saviour because well... we youtubed answers to other questions about other faiths and logically came to the conclusion about Christ. I wouldn't feed into it... I would get her involved in other things . Be involved in her life about OTHER THINGS. Sex or orientation isn't everything. Just my experience. Hope that helps.
@TheHcjfctc Жыл бұрын
@@p.shermanfortytwowallabyla9488 Thank you for sharing your story. Unfortunately, her interactions with her dad are very limited, which I’m sure plays a part. We’re beginning the process of looking through different things so she can begin to build her own worldview. I haven’t brought up sexual identity really since then and have been hoping that as we go through this journey, she may see the truth on her own both on God and her sexuality. I know I can’t force her, I can only offer her resources, ask her questions, and pray she sees truth.
@chelsae77 2 жыл бұрын
Question 14.. cut that into a clip, for sure. About focusing on little things and whether they glorify God is a healthy place to be as a Christian 🔥
@natashaclason7075 Жыл бұрын
I would like to suggest that the thorn in Paul's flesh (which I believe was likely his eye sight) is not demonic, but rather residual effect from when God blinded him on the road to Damascus and brought him to the truth. It may have been annoying and problematic for Paul, but it would be a constant reminder of how God met him and the truth in which he now walks. Curious; your thoughts on this? Thanks, Mike.
@AnHebrewChild Жыл бұрын
You would like to suggest that. Cool. The issue is Paul literally calls it an _angel of Satan_
@uptownlife42 4 ай бұрын
From my experience as christian. The devil did this early in my walk. 1. Invaded my dreams 2. Put thoughts in my head 3. Brought a incredible fear of him 4. Manipulated my secular friends against me in ways i woukd never believed 5. Dont ever under estimate his ability to out thoughts ideas and pictures in your brain. No i dont believe he can read your mind.. But you what every time i reached out to the Lord i always recieved help. Its wasnt always right away. But help always came.. Fear not my family
@lettruthprevail9820 Ай бұрын
I have a couple of questions. What about when Jesus says, “Get behind me Satan” to Peter after Peter rebukes him? Also, if you don’t cast out a demon because you don’t want to leave a vessel empty and swept for seven more to come, when do you cast out a demon? In Jesus day, casting out demons seemed to be pretty frequent both in Jesus’ and the deciples’ ministry and there is the verse about how we are to go out and spread the gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons. Also, this feeds into the thought can you lose your salvation. If a Christian dives into witchcraft things, won’t this open the door to demons? Would the Christian be demonized rather than demon possessed and could they lose the war through rebellion leading to possession?
@kalsven Жыл бұрын
Mike made a good point that possession implies ownership. I think back to Paul's teachings in Corinthians, reminding us that are bodies are not our own and were bought at a price (the sacrifice of Jesus). Since God owns us as Christians, I think it wouldn't be possible to be possessed by a demonic spirit. Appreciate the helpful explanations Mike 🙂👍
@j.vanbreugel2378 Жыл бұрын
Regarding question 5: I think it is also important to realize that Jesus volunteered to die for us. He didn’t die because people believed that sons should die for their fathers.
@b_caldwell1057 2 жыл бұрын
Listening to question 14 with my morning coffee like 👀
@szilardfineascovasa6144 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Christians living together before being married: assuming naively that they do not engage in any physical intimate acts, that their minds somehow remain pure...what kind of witness are they to the unbelieving? Will they not heap shame on behalf of the unbelievers (that would never buy what they are selling - i.e. chasitity) on the Namd of Christ? I'm glad you mentioned it.
@jessidarnell1660 Жыл бұрын
This is good stuff 👍 Thank you Mike ..
@therockphonian5323 2 жыл бұрын
Mike, if you ever do get informed on a biblical understanding of immigration issues, please make a video on that topic. On the one hand, Christians are supposed to be welcoming to strangers, foreigners, and outcasts, but we are also supposed to stand for law and order. A biblical take would be much appreciated
@lettruthprevail9820 Ай бұрын
I feel that our country needs a dose of compassion and law in this case. The government has done nothing for years about illegal immigration and even rewarded it. Now you have people here illegally who have no memory of there foreign country. I believe that a fast track process to citizenship should be considered. Mexico has a temporary and permanent visa for people who have been living in the country from 2015 to 2024. You still have to apply and they will consider your criminal record. After five years, you can become a citizen if you learn the language, and, if you are not a senior, you have to also pass a history test. The USA test should be the U.S. Constitution which most of our politicians don’t even know since they think this is a democracy.
@lauramcclung8556 Жыл бұрын
As a true Christian I had some demons cast out and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.. my understanding is that they can’t possess your spirit but take over your soul .if u have a prayer life and speak in tongues they will be exposed and leave
@cruisecontrol3444 Жыл бұрын
Amen, the Holy Spirit will attack them in the tongues of glory. I know many people who were demonized very strongly and as soon as the Holy Spirit filled that person those demons were kicked out as the Holy Spirit started interceding by the perfect will of God for that persons behalf.
@krakoosh1 9 ай бұрын
Question 18: get the book, Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan
@finalbossoftheinternet6002 Жыл бұрын
In us no. But around us…as long as we live in this world , yes. But Angel’s of God are also here in the world around us and more importantly the Holy Spirit is within us.
@shelbydonaldson5590 2 жыл бұрын
Q9: I am a member of the church of Christ and would be interested to hear what concerns people have about our teachings. Not to argue, simply to understand how we are seen by fellow Christians. I did not know people had major concerns, so I would be interested to learn more from some of you. ❤️
@patriciaboggs8882 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know what the concerns are because I don't know much about your denomination. Part of the confusion is that there are at least a few different groups with similar names. So if you wanted to share beliefs you and your church have then maybe we could figure it out? I'd start with core beliefs like about God, Bible, Salvation, and anything else you consider of great importance.
@Psalm2710_ 2 жыл бұрын
I would say, my husband's grandma believes only they are going to heaven and if you aren't baptized then you aren't going to heaven. I've asked about the theif on the cross not being baptized and was told he MUST have been baptized earlier in in his life. But the scripture doesn't say or even hint at that and even if he had been, baptism never comes before repentance. Also, there are people who cannot physically be baptized bc of medical reasons or maybe they are locked up in a third world prison (or on the cross next to Jesus) and there is not enough water, if baptism is required, what about those poor souls who wanted to be saved and couldn't do the work to get fully saved? If salvation is dependent upon us in any way, how does that stand? Anyways that's always been my concerns based on my experience with Church of Christ.
@Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on 2 жыл бұрын
The thief on the cross isn’t an example of someone who went to heaven without being baptized. He didn’t go heaven. He didn’t even ask to go to heaven. Jesus didn’t promise him he would make it into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said he would be in paradise not heaven. The thief was an evil doer and being executed for his unlawful activities. Jesus taught that BOTH good and bad people will be resurrected. Paul also stated that BOTH righteous and unrighteous people will be resurrected. *JOHN 5:28-28* *ACTS 24:15* The thief’s conduct would definitely place him in the bad or unrighteous category.
@shelbydonaldson5590 2 жыл бұрын
@@Psalm2710_ I also believe that we are commanded to be baptized repeatedly in the NT. I believe on the Day of Pentecost, Peter said in Acts 2:38, "Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." This is a direct command to repent of your sins and then be immersed into the water that represents the blood of Christ, in order to be forgiven and receive the Holy Spirit. As you continue to read the book of Acts, you will find that every new convert was in fact, baptized. This doesn't seem like something that needs to be argued over, simply submitted to. I have never understood the division over this issue... However, I also believe that God knows that there are people who cannot, for various reasons, find a body of water, bathtub, etc. He knows that their hearts long for it and there is an abundance of grace. I do not see baptism as a work at all. I see it as a fruit of your faith, such as love, joy, peace, patience, etc.
@kasaeda Жыл бұрын
​@@Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on you are playing semantics and spitting hairs
@collegepennsylvania837 2 жыл бұрын
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." Philippians 2:3 Humbly serve others following the perfect example of Jesus. He said that He came not to be served but to serve others and give His life for others. (Matthew 20:28). Let us be humbled by the awesomeness and greatness of God and the unworthiness of ourselves. As Rick Warren said true humility is not thinking less of yourselves but rather thinking of yourself less. Let us look each day for opportunities to serve God and thus others, and be empowered by the Spirit to do these things glorifying God. Hopefully this impacted you positively today. God bless you!
@prophet6154 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man ... Just want to edify and encourage you as you expose false teachings. It's amazing to me how easily man is decieved. But you made a statement once concerning the revelation of scripture. And believe it or not, false teacher lead as many astray as to christ. Although through a false gospel, those chosen by God and prompted by the spirit will see the error and seek more the truth. Good job Mike!!!
@savedbygrace745 Жыл бұрын
I heard a sermon that was word for word the exact same sermon video I'd heard the night before on youtube. It was one of Andy Stanley's sermons from several years ago. Even the jokes were word for word! I actually confronted the pastor in love and told him I heard the same sermon the night before on youtube. No answer, no explaination, nothing...
@LGministry 25 күн бұрын
I would be more than happy to answer any questions regarding church of Christ that you read about in Scripture (Romans 16:16). If you are going to talk to your friend about the church of Christ and work based faith, you need understand that in general we don't teach that one can earn or merit their salvation, but that we must have works of obedience to accept what God has offered us. If we have nothing do on our part to accept the salvation that Jesus made possible and it was taken care of by Jesus alone, that would mean universal salvation, which we know is not true. The core teaching you are going to hear from your friend about salvation is that we must hear the word of God (Rom. 10:17) beleive in Jesus (John 8:24) repent (Lk. 13:3) confess Jesus as Lord Romans 10:10 and be baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom. 6, Gal. 3:27, 1 Pet. 3:21, etc.)
@holdenmontgomery2273 2 жыл бұрын
Member of the church of Christ here. You are right - since all churches of Christ are autonomous, each is free to believe and practice what they want which leads to many different flavors of churches of Christ. Many churches of Christ are very conservative while others in major metropolitan areas would not even be recognized as a typical “church of Christ” and believe things radically different than a church of Christ down the street. Generally, the hallmarks of COC are male leadership in worship, a cappella worship, and the necessity of baptism for salvation. But still, some COCs believe none of these, which makes distinction difficult. The importance of works? Absolutely (James 2:14-24). But works based salvation? No (Eph. 2:8-9). Some, maybe. But a theologically mature COC would definitely NOT believe in works based salvation.
@Elijah24553 2 жыл бұрын
I have a few questions for the comment section. Keep in mind that these questions are coming from a person who is not yet saved. My first question is this: how do I know that God actually hears my prayers? My second and related question is this: how do I know that when I pray to God I'm not accidentally praying to a demon or to Satan? And my third question is this: how can I will to do gods will, and how can I will to put my faith in Jesus? And what does it mean and look like to follow Jesus?
@bruhmingo 2 жыл бұрын
God hears every thought you have. It is a promise by scripture that he will hear you when you pray to him. You can trust God’s promise because he is faithful. You cannot “accidentally” pray to a demon or satan. There is nothing that can keep you from the Father as we have Christ as our mediator. God knows your heart and what you mean. He’s knows what you are thinking better than you do. Have your heart and mind focused of God and he will hear you. You can will to do God’s will by growing in your faith with him. The Holy Spirit will sanctify you and slowly work on your heart, making your desires the same as God’s. You will struggle, but there is part of being in this world. Romans talks about the war between the flesh and spirit. Read scripture, pray without fear but with thanksgiving, and God will change your heart. Just remember what Jesus did for you on the cross, and follow him. Even when you don’t want to, follow him.
@brysonevans7367 2 жыл бұрын
God is hearing your prayers because he cares for you. If you want proof, go to the scriptures where it says that God hears your prayers. That one is pretty simple, its part of Gods nature to hear all things and know all things. You are not accidently praying to a demon or Satan, only God can hear your thoughts. If you are praying out loud a demon would literally have to be in the room to hear you, and even then so what. Don't pray to Satan or anything besides God and you won't have any issues with that. You do the will of God by obeying God. That means when the Bible says not to lust, lie, and steal don't do those things. When the Bible says repent and believe in Jesus, you repent of your sin and believe in Jesus. That's doing the will of God. The last part of that question is also pretty simple. Trusting Jesus and putting your faith in him is a decision. Make that decision. Turn from your sin to living the way God would have you live. Then believe that Jesus is who he said he was(the Christ) and trust that his sacrifice gives you forgiveness of sin. If you do those last two things you have assurance of salvation.
@Juliosguitarstuffs 2 жыл бұрын
I would like a fellow brother or sister to back me up on this. Feel free to rebuke me! For your first question, God will always hear your prayers, but may not always complete them. In my experience, the intentions behind our prayers determine if our prayer will be fulfilled or not. You can ask questions reflecting your prayers like: does this glorify God in any way, or am I praying just for my own benefit? At the end of the day it is all about Him. For your second question: All of our prayers should have recognition to Jesus, as that gives recognition to The Father (1 John 2:23). Some practical advice: If you want to be sure that you’re praying to Jesus, say “in Jesus’ name” after every prayer. For your third question, The flesh, or our earthly body, will always crave sin (Romans 8:5). God gave us free will, and it is our choice to do what is right. I understand this is extremely difficult, but when we truly understand the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross, we will want to do what is just and right. Hope this helps!
@lauracheever 2 жыл бұрын
@@bruhmingo I'm going to push back on this a little bit in that while I was a Mormon I was definitely praying to SOMETHING, and I THOUGHT it was the God of the Universe, but based on their false ideas of God and the culty stuff that happens in LDS temples, I very well could have been consulting dark beings without even realizing it. That being said, you're totally right in that God, (the TRUE God,) heard me anyways and reached down to pull me out of that. I don't think a Christian could unknowingly pray to a demon or devil and I don't necessarily want to worry OP, but there's definitely stuff out there that masquerades as light while being dark as heck. Luckily, God had mercy on me even when I was eyeballs deep in sin.
@Real_LiamOBryan 2 жыл бұрын
@@lauracheever Yes, you are right. A true Christian can't unknowingly pray to other than God, but those in para-Christian cults are in great danger of this.
@altarwork Жыл бұрын
How old will we be in Heaven? I don’t think any of us can answer definitively. It’s my theory that we’ll be timeless by any means we know how to measure anything here. We do know we won’t be hurting or sick or weak or incapable. Heaven is such an awesome place to imagine. I love doing that.
@pristinepersians Жыл бұрын
This is soooo good! We have to replace the empty house with the word!
@mikeflynn1629 Жыл бұрын
45 years ago I had a discussion with church Christ leaders many years ago as a Cristian. They told me they do not sin a all. I was terrified inside because I knew I would sin. It really let how I could go on not sin at all.
@joycemineo5101 Жыл бұрын
Thank you..😍🔥🌲
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