@HiThisIsAchi lineman in North America make $$$ from overtime. 他們的工會很強。 他們是跑整個美加in the event of weather related outages. Subaru 的車在雪地開只要all season 輪胎的condition還好在6寸的雪以內開是ok。 Sometimes you have to turn off traction control 因為路況超過車子的極限 就要靠駕駛員的經驗。 I drive one thats older than your outback. 在Vermont 常看到。 他們最暢銷的就是在 New England and the pacific Northwest. 如果冬天常超過八寸的雪堆積在路上的話建議用雪胎.
Like you said, because losing power in the middle of a snow storm and super low temps is a huge deal, they will definitely work overnight to restore power!