28 Questions for Christians Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage

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28 Questions for Christians Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage
Hemant Mehta (www.friendlyath..., / hemant , / friendlyatheist )
Now that marriage equality is legal across the country, it's worth noting that just about everybody who still opposes gay marriage does so for religious reasons.
Unless God is telling you that two people who love each other is icky, you're probably fine with it!
Even a lot of Christians -- especially younger Christians -- get that.
But to the people of faith who still oppose gay marriage, I just have a few questions for you:
- Why are you so insistent that we take the Bible literally on the subject of homosexuality... but you ignore all the other supposed sins in the Bible?
- Why should our nation's laws have to follow your interpretation of your holy book?
- What's a bigger problem? A gay couple getting married or a straight couple getting divorced?
- And if they're both sins, how come you spend so much more energy fighting gay marriage?
- Why are you so obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom? You know there are websites that make that a whole lot easier nowadays...
- Do you think children are better off with two loving gay parents or two straight ones who fight all the time?
- OH! Wait! Would you rather have a child live with a single Christian parent or a loving mother and father who are hardcore atheists?
- How's this? Can you just tell me what exactly is the hierarchy of ideal parents and let me know where gay couples rank?
- How many close gay friends do you have? And if the answer is more than 0, how many of them do you think consider you a close friend? Because they don't. Trust me. They're humoring you.
- How has your life changed since gay marriage became legal everywhere? I'll wait...
- I've heard people say they oppose gay marriage because: how are they supposed to explain that to their kids? Just tell them two people love each other, so they got married. Why is that so hard for you? You don't need a parenting class for that one...
- How long do you think it'll take before evangelical Christian churches just accept gay marriage? I give it a decade. Probably less.
- Why do you think you've failed so miserably at convincing the rest of the country to uphold traditional marriage? Because you have. You're horribly bad at convincing people you have the higher moral ground here.
- Do you blame the message or the messengers?
- Either way, why do you keep using the same arguments and promoting the same leaders if it's not working?
- How come the worst stories of discrimination I ever hear coming from conservative Christians involve a couple of bakery owners who got paid to make a cake but didn't want to... while damn near every LGBT person I have ever met has a personal story of discrimination that is so much worse than that?
- If you think the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, and it's not fair for some unelected judges to overturn tradition, can you tell me why was it wrong when the Court overturned segregated schools?
- If you say marriage equality should have been left to individual states and voters, would you have been totally okay with it if every state voted to have it?
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@ryanluther5785 6 жыл бұрын
1:58 Well, they convinced their kids that there's a big man in the sky who is responsible for everything, so explaining gay marriage should be a piece of cake.
@cerealdude890 4 жыл бұрын
When I was about 5, I attended one of the first wedding ceremonies after the first state legalized them. It was done in place of regular Sunday mass. My mother asked me how I felt about seeing two men getting married. My answer was “bored”. Point being that little kids would will never care about gay marriage if you don’t either.
@Jmgjgdjd5 9 жыл бұрын
Traditional marriage is between a man and his rib.
@TheFallenXL 9 жыл бұрын
Jmgjgdjd5 *Dirt and its rib, if we were to take it literally.
@averageusername7795 7 жыл бұрын
You go brother from the same fatha!!!!!😉
@CassidyStarke 7 жыл бұрын
Well traditionally women should wear dresses, traditionally they should stay home cook and make babies. Times changed and so do you.
@sjcobra84 7 жыл бұрын
Holy shit ROFLOL
@loribasinger6788 6 жыл бұрын
Gluttony is a sin. it should be illegal for overweight Christians to buy groceries and go to restaraunts. lol. they forget that one don't they. ?
@mannybaquero2129 6 жыл бұрын
Out of the 28 questions, the first one is probably my favorite one.
@Asa...S 9 жыл бұрын
My question for a people who opposes gay marriage is: Would you like to get married to a gay person who is lying and pretending to be straight? Isn't that kind of lying, to yourself and everybody, a sin? I'm a heterosexual woman and I would never want to marry a gay guy who are pretending he is straight, and let that ruin both his and my life. I don't want a loveless and sexless marriage. It's much better that he marries a man who he is attacted to and loves, and I marry a straight man who wants and loves me. More happy marriages that way. Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who thinks it's discusting to have sex with you. I would never want to live that way.
@Asa...S 9 жыл бұрын
***** I don't understand how anybody could think it's a choice if they are not bisexual themselves. I can't choose to be attacted to or fall in love with women. Even if it would be the most perfect and nicest woman in the world, I wouldn't fall in love or be attracted to her. I just don't. Don't Christian people get that it's the same way with a homosexual man, that he just doesn't get attracted to or fall in love with a woman. And vice versa with a homosexual woman, she doesn't get attracted to or fall in love with a man. Training or praying is just a way to train that person to lie more to themselves and often drive that person to self loathing issues and suicide. The only way one could think it's a choice is if oneself is able to choose which gender to fall in love with and be attracted to, then you think it's that way for other people too, when it's not.
@Costgobbo 9 жыл бұрын
Nope. 1 man 1 woman have been the definition for most of modern western culture. That you do not agree with traditional definition doesn't negate the fact that the institution have looked like that, in my country, since we converted from paganism. Even before that, they held to the idea of 1 man for every woman idea.
@Costgobbo 9 жыл бұрын
That is the Church's teaching on homosexuality. If you are a devout christian, that is what you are prescribed to do. Personally I do not give a hoot what people do in the private of their homes unless they are breaking secular law. I'd also dispute your claim that people need sex to feel loved. I'm not married and don't have a long term girlfriend i.e I don't have sex but I feel loved by my friends and family every day. Annulment in religious terms means that the even never happened. As there is no divorce, annulment is used. I belong to a Church (roman catholic) that does not adhere to Sola Scriptura. So you bringing up what Jews did in 400-600 BC doesn't really have any baring on Church teachings. Stoicism, Plato, Aristotle, Thomas of Aquino, St Augustine among others have more influence than random verses in the Bible. Remember that the word 'Bible' comes from the greek word 'Bibliotheca' which means collection of books. Reading the Bible in a literal sense is like reading Moby Dick and thinking it is a guide for whaling. Tradition in of itself doesn't necessarily have to be good. My ancestors had serfs/thralls/slaves and when one mighty chieftain died, he got buried with his maids. No matter if they were alive or not. Traditional marriage, while excluding 1-2% of the population, built stable societies (somewhat at least) and made so that children had a good place to start learning about the world and kept the government out of peoples private lives. Gay marriage is for me a very small issue. The issue I'm most concerned about is divorce. I think it should be harder for married people with children to divorce. That is breaking down the traditional family at a much higher rate than if a couple of thousand gay people get married.
@Asa...S 9 жыл бұрын
I wasn't saying that you need just sex, but live your entire life without it isn't natural. And it's so much more to a relationship or marriage than just sex, that you don't get from either friends or family. A wife or a husband isn't just somebody you have sex with. It's a bond, it's a togetherness, it's being loved in a way that you are not by family or friends. It's a different kind of love than the one you get from your family and friends. I think that only people who hasn't really been in love themselves who can deny others that happiness and joy it means to be in love. I really love my boyfriend and I want to get married to him some day and live with him for the rest of my life. If I'm loving my neighbour as I do myself, how can I then deny my neighbour to marry his boyfriend and have the same happiness I'm hoping for? I just don't get that. What do these Christians really get out of denying other people being happy and in love. It's just so mean. Gay marriage is a small issue for you, because you might not have a family member or friend who is gay (or at least some one who is open about it). I think it's a human rights issue, that all people should have the same rights and opportunities to live a happy and forfilling life. The nuclear family with one man, one woman and a couple of children is a pretty new thing. Just a few generation back a family could mean a whole bunch of people, grandparents, aunts, uncles, maids etc all worked and helped to raise the children together. Not just one man and one woman. Btw...Thralls..? Are you perhaps Scandinavian as well?
@skylerpowers8871 8 жыл бұрын
+Costgobbo Just a side note, the homosexual population makes up about 5% of the world's population. That might sound like a small amount but when put in ratio with the world's population, it reveals that there are over 350 million homosexuals in the world. To put that in perspective, that's significant higher than the U.S. population which is about 318.9 million. Now some of these homosexuals will hide in straight marriages and some won't get married but nonetheless, there will be way more than a couple thousand gay marriages. Just thought I'd point that out.
@michaela4173 9 жыл бұрын
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi
@thetheoreticaltheologian2458 3 жыл бұрын
Christ would’ve opposed gay marriage. Now I don’t think He would be at protest screaming and yelling at people but if asked I doubt He would perform a gay/lesbian wedding. Christ said to His disciples do NOT think that I have come to bring peace but a sword. “Now this has been twisted into something different then what He means. It doesn’t mean that He isn’t peace or that He tells His people to create war and fighting but what the thinking was during that time was when the Messiah comes it would bring about world wide peace but He was telling them that believing and preaching about Him would not bring peace but war against them, for if they persecuted Me “Jesus” they will persecute you also. For no servant is greater then their Master.” Now of course no Christian is perfect and no one could live up to Christ’s example, however I think Christians are the most grace filled people especially when it comes to people who persecute or harass or make fun of our God/Jesus/Bible/Christianity that you won’t see war with those that do that but grace and prayers. Oh yeah we will also speak about why they are wrong about what we believe but that a about the extent to that. Try that in any other religion I. Their own countries and see what happens to you. Just sayin.
@pratikkawade4861 2 жыл бұрын
@@thetheoreticaltheologian2458 man you ended such a long reply with "just sayin".
@MrPataka100 8 жыл бұрын
"How do you feel about gay couples that get divorced?" . Damn Mr. Hemant, that's what I've been wanting to ask anti homosexuals for months.
@davidp2352 9 жыл бұрын
Some Christian tells you that gay marrige is wrong while eating a shrimp taco and wearing a poly-fabric business suit...
@nicoleholmes2429 6 жыл бұрын
y’all atheists love to say there’s no proof of god but none of you have yet proven god isn’t real so SHUTUP. + you guys only get on Christians ; forgeting the fact that Muslims Jews hindu Buddhism & almost every other religion says the same thing what’s wrong is wrong and what’s right is right , just because your gay doesn’t mean you can bash everyone else’s beliefs! Gtho here GOD LOVES YOU AND HE IS REALL period
@SS-gm6xm 6 жыл бұрын
Nicole Holmes the person who makes the claim that something is so, has the burden of proof and not the other way around. "None of you have proven god is real" Yea, you also can't disprove a magical unicorn exists. Prove god exists. Otherwise, you're just making yourself look ridiculous
@SS-gm6xm 6 жыл бұрын
Im an atheist for a variety of reasons. 1 being im not a piece of shit and I believe in equality
@nothere3982 6 жыл бұрын
GRANDIMPERIAL GOONS wow here is the smartest person in the world, says he's not Christian because he believes in ecuality and then says that Christians are pieces of shit. you're an anti teist, and an idiot that likes to insult people because its religion, you're doing the same as homophobic people but with religion. That's pathetic and you should be ashamed of what you're doing.
@satireguy8595 6 жыл бұрын
@ChristianIce 9 жыл бұрын
Nice, some extra sarcasm is a nice addition to your videos ;) Keep on!
@BrunoMattei97 9 жыл бұрын
ChristianIce Wow, segui Hemant? ò-ò qual piacevole sorpresa.
@pi6481 9 жыл бұрын
ChristianIce Ha ragione, ha chiesto tutto quello che ha creduto possibile chiedere, ha usato un tono sarcastico (Bonus + punti) ma senza essere aggressivo. È uscito benissimo, ora bisogna portarlo ai cristiani in questione.
@HerrLehmann0xcc 9 жыл бұрын
ChristianIce Sarcasm?
@ChristianIce 9 жыл бұрын
Jürgen Lehmann Yeah, sarcasm.
@ChristianIce 9 жыл бұрын
Robin Gilliver the anti-troll *always
@ozonereducer6327 5 жыл бұрын
Mr. Mehta as a fellow atheist I would like to say the past few videos have opened my eyes to the life of reason. I am just thankful that you can be the voice for us.
@bcamara145 9 жыл бұрын
Question #29 Do you secretly fear your own homosexual fantasies? Question #30 And is that why you care about it so much?
@Chic01taliano 9 жыл бұрын
TheBeardedOne #31 Why do you claim that it's unnatural if at least 400 animal species display homosexual behaviour?
@MOTat18 9 жыл бұрын
***** Do you honestly think you're making a relevant point to the issue at hand?
@MOTat18 9 жыл бұрын
***** equating 2 men or 2 women being together to horrible crimes like rape is just commonplace for you types...just awful people.
@victorbarraza4910 9 жыл бұрын
***** you are the ones that said that homosexuality was worng because animals didn't do it in the first place. God this is so frustrating.
@Chic01taliano 9 жыл бұрын
***** "Rape is quite common in the Animal Kingdom as well...." So what? --- "Just refuting his argument. Things that are "Natural" to do can absolutely be immoral and wrong." I've never mentioned anything about morality. Try to stay focused.
@PenguinCave360 9 жыл бұрын
i love all the points you make. always well thought and just opens my eyes wider every time.
@davvan125 9 жыл бұрын
***** I think it's your mount that opens wider (your photo)
@mjallen1308 3 жыл бұрын
I just don’t understand why Christians think they own marriage and/or that it’s a “Christian institution”. Like are you really going to act (A) like marriage doesn’t exist in other cultures, religions, etc and (B) like your marriage is official if you just get married in a [Christian] church. The only thing that makes your marriage official is a marriage license provided ONLY by the government. As long as you have your license, you could literally get married in a crack house or other local drug den and it will still be more official than just getting married in a church alone WITHOUT the license. Christians, you DO NOT own marriage. You can absolutely have your tradition. That tradition belongs IN YOUR church and not in alignment with the government. Marriage is between a man and woman? Ok, yes it is AT YOUR CHURCH. Outside of your church, marriage is for EVERYONE bc the government attends to everyone and EVERYONE pays taxes. Your church(es), your bible and your god do not pay taxes so any opinion on government affairs from those entities is a NON-FACTOR. Once you leave those church doors, your tradition means NOTHING. And STOP saying that LGBTQ people are living an “alternative lifestyle”. Just stop it! Loving someone is NOT a lifestyle. Religion IS a lifestyle. Going to church, participating in your ridiculous traditions and prayer are a “lifestyle”. Loving the person you’re with is called “loving the person you’re with” and it’s not some alternative lifestyle just bc they’re the same gender. Everyone who is with someone loves that person. Your religious LIFESTYLE and what you do to follow it is a PRIVATE affair. Stop trying to fit your religion around everyone else AND the government. If you want to handle snakes and speak in tongues in the middle of the sidewalk, HAVE AT IT. But keep it to yourself. What your god thinks and it’s opinion on social issues in our country is no one else’s concern. If your god is mad that LGBTQ ppl can get married, tell it that it’s too bad and it needs to get over it because it doesn’t have jurisdiction over the laws and rules in a country where it doesn’t pay taxes. If your god is going to send you to hell bc gay ppl can now get married, oh well, that’s a conversation you need to have with your god and maybe you need to find a different god to worship. Your religion, your church, your “relationship” with your god(s) is for you and you only. Stop telling the rest of us what it thinks. WE DONT CARE. And I wish LGBTQ people would stop making excuses for Christians and churches. I get that there are religious LGBTQ ppl but why subject yourself to a community that tells you that you deserve torture in hell simply bc you love someone of the same gender. I even get that there are LGBTQ friendly churches but at the end of the day they are ALL founded on the same book and worship the same god that condemns your relationship for NO reason. Stop making excuses to keep stupid traditions. Stop cherry picking verses and stop using the “misinterpretation” excuse to make yourself feel better. Stop attending venues that treat you like a second class citizen. Stop getting married in places that entertain the idea that a murderer and an thief can “go to Heaven” if they “ask [their god] for forgiveness” but the only way an LGBTQ person can go to Heaven is if they live their lives alone and celibate. I’m so tired of seeing LBGTQ ppl suffer and live lonely lives to appease a deity who condemns them based on NO REASON. My aunt is a lesbian and chooses to be alone bc of church. And it irks me even more that, as a member of the African American community, we actively treat others the same way slave owners and segregationists treated our ancestors using the SAME book they did to do it. It is DISGUSTING! And what’s their excuse? “The slave owners/segregationists got it wrong. They misinterpreted the Bible bc it doesn’t say anything about blacks being unequal.” They even claim that the Bible doesn’t sanction slavery when it does and the black Christians who do recognize that the Bible sanctions slavery, they use the “misinterpretation” excuse to say it “didn’t apply to blacks” but why would you even want to be apart of a religion that sanctions slavery regardless knowing how our ancestors were MIStreated, why would YOU treat other people with the same discrimination and lastly if whites were misusing the Bible to enslave our ancestors, why did your god not step in an stop the practice? Why did it take 400 years AND government intervention to stop slavery (for the most part) and why did your god not step in an fix the racism and segregation issue? Why did it allow Emmett Till to be BRUTALIZED while it just did nothing. And the woman who lied was allowed to live a long life and all she has to do is “ask for forgiveness” from your god, who had no problem stepping in and mass murdering people before? The reason is, your god DOESNT EXIST. That’s why. It never existed. This is why ppl still get away with outrageous things on its instruction, because there is NO instruction coming from any god. It’s all coming from human beings. The Bible is supposed to be “god’s” instruction bums yang it was written and compiled by humans who chose what to include and what to exclude. Humans are spreading the hate of a god that doesn’t even exist and are too much of a coward to own up to their own evil and hateful thoughts. Then they try to hide behind “Jesus” and “love” when Christianity at its core is based on hate. This is why they continue to get away with things like what Michelle Duggar did to disenfranchise trans women using made up stories of assault based on her own convoluted idea/understanding of trans ppl all while hiding the fact her OWN son was a PREDATOR who was ACTUALLY abusing ACTUAL victims. And don’t get me started on the Catholic Church and JW abuse cases or cases in churches like the one that belong to Ted Haggard and Eddie Long. The church and it’s god is an EVIL institution and to insinuate that they’re the basis for ANY type of morality is beyond delusional. The only reason why Christians aren’t following the more barbaric instructions in their holy book such as stoning gays and burning witches is not because they’re all about love, it’s because they can’t. Christianity isn’t a leader in anything and it isn’t based on love and has never been. Christians have been drug into the 21st century kicking and screaming and that’s why they complain about NOT being able to discriminate against others. They’re literally upset because they can’t mistreat and stone gays. Christianity is the only institution that equates not being able to discriminate against and stone gays with being persecuted. It is ridiculous and it needs to stop.
@GabeNewellDFTBA 9 жыл бұрын
Leviticus is the only place where homosexuality is condemned. So let's see how much shit is sinful in Leviticus that christians don't follow. 1. Burning any yeast or honey in offerings to God (2:11) 2. Failing to include salt in offerings to God (2:13) 3. Eating fat (3:17) 4. Eating blood (3:17) 5. Failing to testify against any wrongdoing you’ve witnessed (5:1) 6. Failing to testify against any wrongdoing you’ve been told about (5:1) 7. Touching an unclean animal (5:2) 8. Carelessly making an oath (5:4) 9. Deceiving a neighbour about something trusted to them (6:2) 10. Finding lost property and lying about it (6:3) 11. Bringing unauthorised fire before God (10:1) 12. Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6) 13. Tearing your clothes (10:6) 14. Drinking alcohol in holy places (bit of a problem for Catholics, this ‘un) (10:9) 15. Eating an animal which doesn’t both chew cud and has a divided hoof (cf: camel, rabbit, pig) (11:4-7) 16. Touching the carcass of any of the above (problems here for rugby) (11:8) 17. Eating - or touching the carcass of - any seafood without fins or scales (11:10-12) 18. Eating - or touching the carcass of - eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite, any kind of black kite, any kind of raven, the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. (11:13-19) 19. Eating - or touching the carcass of - flying insects with four legs, unless those legs are jointed (11:20-22) 20. Eating any animal which walks on all four and has paws (good news for cats) (11:27) 21. Eating - or touching the carcass of - the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard, the gecko, the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the skink and the chameleon (11:29) 22. Eating - or touching the carcass of - any creature which crawls on many legs, or its belly (11:41-42) 23. Going to church within 33 days after giving birth to a boy (12:4) 24. Going to church within 66 days after giving birth to a girl (12:5) 25. Having sex with your mother (18:7) 26. Having sex with your father’s wife (18:8) 27. Having sex with your sister (18:9) 28. Having sex with your granddaughter (18:10) 29. Having sex with your half-sister (18:11) 30. Having sex with your biological aunt (18:12-13) 31. Having sex with your uncle’s wife (18:14) 32. Having sex with your daughter-in-law (18:15) 33. Having sex with your sister-in-law (18:16) 34. Having sex with a woman and also having sex with her daughter or granddaughter (bad news for Alan Clark) (18:17) 35. Marrying your wife’s sister while your wife still lives (18:18) 36. Having sex with a woman during her period (18:19) 37. Having sex with your neighbour’s wife (18:20) 38. Giving your children to be sacrificed to Molek (18:21) 39. Having sex with a man “as one does with a woman” (18:22) 40. Having sex with an animal (18:23) 41. Making idols or “metal gods” (19:4) 42. Reaping to the very edges of a field (19:9) 43. Picking up grapes that have fallen in your vineyard (19:10) 44. Stealing (19:11) 45. Lying (19:11) 46. Swearing falsely on God’s name (19:12) 47. Defrauding your neighbour (19:13) 48. Holding back the wages of an employee overnight (not well observed these days) (19:13) 49. Cursing the deaf or abusing the blind (19:14) 50. Perverting justice, showing partiality to either the poor or the rich (19:15) 51. Spreading slander (19:16) 52. Doing anything to endanger a neighbour’s life (19:16) 53. Seeking revenge or bearing a grudge (19:18) 54. Mixing fabrics in clothing (19:19) 55. Cross-breeding animals (19:19) 56. Planting different seeds in the same field (19:19) 57. Sleeping with another man’s slave (19:20) 58. Eating fruit from a tree within four years of planting it (19:23) 59. Practising divination or seeking omens (tut, tut astrology) (19:26) 60. Trimming your beard (19:27) 61. Cutting your hair at the sides (19:27) 62. Getting tattoos (19:28) 63. Making your daughter prostitute herself (19:29) 64. Turning to mediums or spiritualists (19:31) 65. Not standing in the presence of the elderly (19:32) 66. Mistreating foreigners - “the foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born” (19:33-34) 67. Using dishonest weights and scales (19:35-36) 68. Cursing your father or mother (punishable by death) (20:9) 69. Marrying a prostitute, divorcee or widow if you are a priest (21:7,13) 70. Entering a place where there’s a dead body as a priest (21:11) 71. Slaughtering a cow/sheep and its young on the same day (22:28) 72. Working on the Sabbath (23:3) 73. Blasphemy (punishable by stoning to death) (24:14) 74. Inflicting an injury; killing someone else’s animal; killing a person must be punished in kind (24:17-22) 75. Selling land permanently (25:23) 76. Selling an Israelite as a slave (foreigners are fine) (25:42) So tell me, Christians. Do you actually do what the bible tells you to? Of course you don't. Most of you haven't ever read it.
@GabeNewellDFTBA 9 жыл бұрын
***** 1:26: Seems to me like god made em do it and punished em for it. "because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts" sounds awfully like god did it. 6:9: This is someone telling some gay guys about not getting into heaven. 1:5: According to the bible, angels are genderless, so it just describes "sexual immorality", whatever that's supposed to mean in this case. Plus I don't know many gay guys who would rape women, just sayin'. 1:9: This one doesn't even mention homosexuality. Just things "contrary to sound doctrine." Which, again, is irrelevent due to my original comment. What I meant in my original comment was that Leviticus is the only chapter where homosexuality is *directly* called a sin.
@GabeNewellDFTBA 9 жыл бұрын
***** Ha! Nice.
@MRresoMC 9 жыл бұрын
Lord GabeN You used number 3 in your comment many times... HL3 confirmed!!!!!
@JuanGonzalez-gm7tp 9 жыл бұрын
Lord GabeN Sir, I am not disagreeing with you but rather elaborating/clarifying your words and those of others. There is a total of 613 rules/laws/commandments, whichever sounds better, that are in the old testament. I am totally not disagreeing with your listing just some clarification to all parties. Those were placed/given to the people at that time to demonstrate, that it is impossible to follow all of these. (in order to truly follow God you would have to follow these rules). Hence we "people" are imperfect and we're not capable to achieve all of this. When Jesus came down this was one of the biggest problems he had with the Pharisees. The Pharisees are pretty much today's pastors/ministers/leaders etc.. Jesus was mad because the Pharisees were only choosing which laws to follow. Example when they brought a women who committed adultery and the Pharisees wanted to stone her to death because it was written in the old testament. Jesus replied that those who are without sin cast the first stone. None could because all have sin. The Pharisees thought of themselves above others as holy and righteous and were constantly pointing the finger at others wrong doings. Which is much of what we see today. Jesus later explains that the very thought of another man's wife is considered adultery--- in that case I sin every other second lol. But the point is, according to the bible, is we all have sin and it is impossible to escape it except through Christ. Christ paid the debt of sin which is death which is stated over and over and over again in the old testament which is true because to God, the punishment for sin is death but Christ paid that debt for us. That being said to those of you who have been bullied or harassed by so-called Christians, I apologize because they are not Christians but nothing better than the Pharisees at that time; pointing fingers at others wrongdoings. Jesus came down to show us how to live and he did so through example. "Christians" please stop pointing your fingers because Christ did not do that, instead he extended grace to others. Grace: divine assistance. Be a friend to others, love others, share the truth but remember that in order to have a person's attention/ears, you must first be a friend a good listener and be a example of what is said in the bible.Lastly being a Christian doesn't mean you are better than others but rather recognizing that you fall short every day and can't do anything without Christ. So really if you claim to be a Christian you are openly saying that you live life with sin but you are striving for better. Please don't reply unless it is meant for correction or proper conversation because I will not reply. Thank you all. God Bless.
@GabeNewellDFTBA 9 жыл бұрын
***** In regards to jude: Lot gave up his daughters to the men. Which means the men of sodom settled for women, like I said. In regards to 6:9: So anytime anyone says anything it's condemning? Even if he's referring to what is said in Leviticus? 1:9 I see the issue here. I'm usuing the NIV. You're using the king james. Anyway, same as before. It's referring back to Leviticus, is it not?
@georgeanddodohooves3374 8 жыл бұрын
If you look up "the seven deadly sins," you'll see that homosexuality isn't one of them.
@georgeanddodohooves3374 8 жыл бұрын
+Solomonreloaded22 I'm not. I know that there are more sins. Homosexuality isn't perverted, it's genetic. Christians really need to stop focusing on the subject. By the way, I'm not a Christian. I just observe basic Christianity and see what pathetic stuff they get up to. I doubt you'd make a good Christian, do you?
@rdppn 8 жыл бұрын
First of,you as an american are an imigrant yourself.Bc there were no whites and no christians in America before you came and stoll the native's land.Second of all,i don't see how some homosexuals doing whatever affect your life and why them legally getting married does anything to you or your jesus christ.The lgbt never demended getting married in a church,all they want is legally marring.And marriage in front of the law has nothing to do with marriage in front of God.As long as they don't want to get married in a christian church,their marriage should have nothing to do with your beliefs.
@rdppn 8 жыл бұрын
and why do their sexual organs and menstration affect you in any way?Getting married or having a relationship doesn't equal having sex.Stop thinking about what others do in bed because guess what?IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOUR CHRISTIAN ASS
@Violator2891 8 жыл бұрын
You're right but "the seven deadly sins" is found nowhere in the Bible either. Nice try. The fact of a matter is that in Christianity and in almost all other religions, past and present, marriage is a union between a man and a woman to join as one and to multiply by bearing children. For homosexuals, that's impossible.
@Ehrenpanzer 8 жыл бұрын
uh..... no..... Idolatry is idolatry. Fornication is fornication (which is just another word for sex, so unless you are saying man+women marriages are also sinful, you are just saying random things out of your ass)
@alizah8194 6 жыл бұрын
When my grandparents use to be Christians but one time my uncle came out and told them that he was gay and they changed for him.😀 They now believe that all lgbt people are not bad. And that makes me happy❤
@iridiumeverlasting8390 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a bi atheist and one of my best friends is SUPER conservative. She's Lutheran and her father is a pastor. She believes I'm going to hell, but doesn't think she has the right to judge me because she isn't God or Jesus.
@whateverbro3848 8 жыл бұрын
She doesn't have the right to judge you. She has the right to judge your acts.
@eddyandgoliath6469 8 жыл бұрын
end that friendship
@MrDzoni955 8 жыл бұрын
People giving such stupid advices such as "end that friendship"... Are you some kid of a friendship guru? At least elaborate on that and explain why he should be friends only with people who agree wtih him.
@nothere3982 6 жыл бұрын
Iridium Everlasting can you say it's her fault? She has a family that teached her since she was little all the Christian religion, she believes and she thinks she's helping you or giving you advice because she cares about you. I think that she's a good friend, it's only that she believes other things than you.
@leepaul9948 6 жыл бұрын
the first and third comments are stupid. what do you mean she is not s good friend? you bunch of idiots
@SuperGodzilla2 9 жыл бұрын
here a dumb question, in the bible it says God loves EVERYONE... but people keep saying God hates gays...WTF, you cant have it both ways. i mean really is gay marriage that bad of a thing, freedom is the right of all sentient beings, so let them be free to marry who ever the hell they want to, great video my friend
@kohaiocculti520 9 жыл бұрын
SuperGodzilla2 The Bible is full of contradictions. That's why people cherry pick.
@cicinrinney913 9 жыл бұрын
Im a christian god does love everyone and even i dont get why christians say that its really dumb god loves EVERYONE
@Joe-lo4rc 9 жыл бұрын
God loves everyone. He forgives when people ask to be forgiven.
@kohaiocculti520 9 жыл бұрын
Actually, I'm even more curious why people bash on gays. Considering this line is in your bible "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. [Matthew 6:15]" you'd think people wouldn't throw a fit over someone being gay, because if they do, they're going to hell.
@SuperGodzilla2 9 жыл бұрын
Kohai Occulti WOW!! thank you, thats was a great comment
@Timbitvader1 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian and I personally am so heart broken for how my fellow Christians have treated LGBTQ people. I really wish that other Christians who don't support gay marriage or LGBTQ people would take time to do the research that I and many other now supportive Christians have done to see that what they believe to be true may not be or in the very least see that Jesus would never have condoned the way LGBTQ people are treated by the Christian Church. I am deeply sorry for anyone who has felt hatred in the name of Jesus.
@FiendMatadorSlayerOfNoobs 8 жыл бұрын
And that iis the simple reaosn why I myself cnanot get into Christianity. Because so many of His flock preach hatred and I have absolutely no interest in sharing their homocidal, unjust behaviour.
@DamnItMantis 6 жыл бұрын
I disagree with those people and hate gayness and all, but I have friends who are gay and I still care about them. You don't have to hate people for how they think, no matter how thickheaded they are. Even though I believe it is sinful to be gay
@erinmoody9892 6 жыл бұрын
Natalie Reddy I don't care until they wanna say some shit about people so i call them out when they think they can make someone do somthing
@calebebner2101 6 жыл бұрын
gogatorsandeagles even if god didn't make us to be gay, we still can't help the fact that we like same sex. I just happen to like penis. Same way u just happen to like the foods u like to eat. Treated as criminals because of what we like? That's not right
@gogatorsandeagles 6 жыл бұрын
Nah man its unnatural, you cant reproduce, and it spreads STDs. You can choose dude stop lying to yourself.
@mirraco323 9 жыл бұрын
I just ask the Christians where it says in the bible that you can violate sins like eating Shrimp, Multi-fabric clothing, and the only unforgivable sin, using gods name in the act of blasphemy or vein but homosexuality is just off limits? Which funny enough, all of the people who have told me I'm going to hell for not going to church I have heard day "goddammit" before. So I guess I'll see them there since that is really only the true unforgivable sin!
@danvain 9 жыл бұрын
Jack Pred How very Christian of him.
@BigRalphSmith 9 жыл бұрын
mirraco323 Actually, according to Christian dogma, the only unforgivable sin is not being able to believe in a god.
@KiDn0cuDi 9 жыл бұрын
I have one that stops them in their tracks ever time. Ready for this? James 4:12 New Living Translation God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor? English Standard Version There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? Notice in the second version they subtract the word God. So it implies that, those who have the power to create and destroy. Who does that sound like? Exactly, man give itself power using a myth. Now hear this. Changing the text slight, is like the whisper game. Start on one end, end on another. The message changes. I say that to finish with this. If this stupidity is allowed to continue, the idea will completely change and when it does. I fear for the weak and helpless.
@inprincipio154 9 жыл бұрын
there's only one unforgivable sin, stop babeling either believe or don't but stop speaking on what you know nothing about
@mirraco323 9 жыл бұрын
+In Principio Yeah, the only unforgivable sin is speaking against the Holy Spirit, which I've witnessed all of my Christian friends do. Wow, a Christian who doesn't research what they're talking about before attempting to spite others. Beyond shocking!
@sbmelt 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christ follower, and this guy had some excellent questions. I really wish I could have a legitimate conversation with the man. It may not change his mind, but I wish I could have a conversation nonetheless
@BoskMaster 6 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@MarcWhitaker 5 жыл бұрын
I wish you'd have a conversation with the loudest and most repellent salesmen hawking Christianity. They paint your religion an ugly color. If the kind an loving version of Christianity spoke as loud as the vile and nasty version, you might gain followers rather than lose them. (There is a kind and loving version of Christianity. I know because I know some Christians who inspire me with their compassion, their willingness to give all they can and more to aid those who haven't enough to get by.)
@Noa...... 5 жыл бұрын
@@MarcWhitaker People are bound to interpret their religion differently according to their own personality, personal interests and political upbringing. So, there is no objective way of conveying Christianity. So, of course, you would think there is a kind of loving aspect because of the people alone, not the religion itself.
@amandadiaz3390 7 жыл бұрын
I love this video. Especially the part where you talk about them citing the Bible as reason against gay marriage. I don’t base my morality on a book.....sorry. Keep up the good work! :)
@KuramasSilverstar16 2 жыл бұрын
Given that the Bible also has their God condoning slavery and child/baby killing good call
@alexturchick240 2 жыл бұрын
@@KuramasSilverstar16 of the Bible condones those things then so do history books, which also have those things in them. As well as philosophy books, self help books, fictional books, non-fictional books, and documentaries. Then question is WHY are they mentioning those things. That's something I don't see you guys searching on your own, considering you guys are suppose to be the poster children of research but you willingly don't do the research on WHY these subjects are in these books unless someone explains it to you and you call that person stupid.
@purplekitten6637 4 жыл бұрын
39. Why do you like to use the Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve argument? I could answer by saying: Ellen and Portia not Ellen and Joshua! 40. Do you think the only purpose of marriage is making babies? 41. Do you care about overpopulation? 42. Do you at least believe in overpopulation? 43. Are you secretly afraid that if women realized that other women treat them better than men they would choose to leave their husbands and live with their lesbian lovers in the woods? 44. How can you not see that you’re on the wrong side of history here? 45. Why do traditional values equal hate and bigotry? 46. What would you say if Jesus were gay? 47. Why do you have to equate relationships with sex?
@idkbro4932 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Muslim but I'll answer all these questions 39.) It's not really an argument, it's simply just a comment. 40.) No not really. 41.) Yes, but the solution is not to exclude anyone rather increase our home. 42.) Sure 43.) Not really, but men and women have different roles in society. 44.) Perhaps you can ask yourself that. 45.) It's not hate or bigotry, rather your lack of understanding. 46.) He isn't? 47.) I don't know what this means tbh.
@kimbanton4398 2 жыл бұрын
My response to Jerry Falwell's "Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" catchphrase is always "Homo Sapiens, not Hetero Sapiens".
@bobjones7600 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian, but I honestly hate all the homophobia! There's clearly nothing wrong with two people loving each other ffs!
@xdestroyer1275 6 жыл бұрын
God said it was unnatural
@Iamtk777 6 жыл бұрын
Destroyer, if you take the Bible literally, he also said that slavery is natural.
@saffirechanning7286 5 жыл бұрын
Child, what type of so-called 'church' do YOU attend, huh? I just HATE this modern-day society that BELIEVES ANYTHING GOES! I'm telling y'all, we're ALL gonna have to PAY the AWFUL price for that U.S, Supreme Court's decision that LEGALIZED same sex marriages! I TRULY BELIEVE that will bring down an AWFUL CURSE on this nation that we can NOT FORESEE yet
@pedej3salimou610 5 жыл бұрын
@@saffirechanning7286 // Lol
@gladiatortruth9605 5 жыл бұрын
Define slavery in the Holy Scriptures? Stop deflecting and focus on the topic
@Senkino5o 8 жыл бұрын
I got just one question for you - Why don't you Ask your questions fact to face so I can answer each and every one? And ask a hundred more just like them, do you think such thoughts never occurred to the Christian at any time? - That is absolutely preschool stuff, my Sunday School 10-12s could answer this stuff, Ha!
@kabokoloi5484 8 жыл бұрын
exactly my friend
@MysteriousPear802 8 жыл бұрын
Eli Jackson I would like to understand your viewpoint on the moral difference between loving someone with the same genitals and loving someone with different genitals than yourself.
@DavidRoolz 8 жыл бұрын
Because all love for the purpose of your own pleasure is evil in Christianity. If it is not a disciplined love for your wife and children it is evil according to the Bible.
@johnzildgulf3604 7 жыл бұрын
If all love for the purpose of your own pleasure is evil then why do we have marriage anyway? Or should the only marriages endorsed by Christianity are sexless marriages because sex is pleasurable and that is evil? Or is it about you thinking same gender marriage is only about sex and man-woman marriages are only about love.
@MCVengeance 9 жыл бұрын
7 people who disliked this are Westborro Baptist Chruch confirmed
@123rockfan 9 жыл бұрын
A few of these really made me think, especially the question about if Christians are happy if a gay couple gets divorced. I know a gay couple who adopted two boys, and they're raising them wonderfully. It's just plain sickening to think that some Christians believe that they should get divorced.
@MarcWhitaker 5 жыл бұрын
You know that gay couple really wanted kids. It can't happen any other way. Do you know straight couples who had kids accidentally, kids they didn't really want? It's no wonder that kids of gay couples do well.
@andresfelipemisat2885 6 жыл бұрын
okay here's the best solution: no one marries no one
@frenzy1225 9 жыл бұрын
Damn hemant, this video was a little more spicy than usual lol. I like it
@ProfanedShork 7 жыл бұрын
Zack Frailey i don't agree becuase its biased shit.
@nicoleholmes2429 6 жыл бұрын
Siamese Gaming righttt
@verinniablair920 6 жыл бұрын
I'm Christian and I'm bisexual and the amount of homophobia I have to deal with by other Christians is unreal
@verinniablair920 6 жыл бұрын
gogatorsandeagles okay bud biggot means racist. The bible was translated over multiple languages that nobody fully spoke, there couldn't have been a few sentences that were misinterpreted? Also, if God didn't want me gay, then tell me why he made me gay.
@gogatorsandeagles 6 жыл бұрын
your not made gay you chose to be gay sexual preference is a choice no one is born that way. Also if the Bible is God's word I HIGHLY doubt he would allow it to get misinterpreted. And the scripture im referring to says If a man sleeps with a man or a women with a women they shall surely die. Thats hard to misinterpret.
@verinniablair920 6 жыл бұрын
gogatorsandeagles so your saying that I get too choose who I'm naturally attracted too? Your putting the thought of a person who you don't even know is real over treating another person with respect. Fuck off.
@gogatorsandeagles 6 жыл бұрын
Wow cursing your really a liar you know that. Please stop lying about representing a religion you know nothing about. You do get to choose your sexual orientation are you dumb XD.
@verinniablair920 6 жыл бұрын
gogatorsandeagles I get to choose who I am naturally attracted too. When you are born, it is determined within six months what your personality and sexuality is going to be. I can't really control myself within six months of birth. Your giving me shit for cussing, yet you called me a faggot. God loves all his children. Your forgetting this. Your also paraphrasing a book written 3500 years ago. The word of God can be interpreted many different ways, thats why not everybody takes it the same way. Also, your giving me shit for cussing but your calling me a fag. Also, I am Christian. I believe in God. If God doesn't want me gay, he would have not made me gay. You a little bit slow my dude. Please give your mom back her ipad and go take a nap.
@sdozer1990 Жыл бұрын
For 16, the issue is not religious discrimination legally. It's freedom of speech. With this question, were you implying that a business that crafts cakes for weddings should be forced by whoever has anti-discrimination protection to craft a cake they desire to have for their wedding? Or another way of looking at it, should DeviantArt users be forced by whoever has anti-discrimination protection to make artworks they want?
@roseykat8847 9 жыл бұрын
4:48 THIS IS MY FAVORITE OMG! LOL XD I asked a christian acquaintance and they didn't know what to say!
@thewab1974 3 жыл бұрын
Really not that hard. Any opposition to gay “marriage” has more to do with the degradation of the institution of marriage and society itself than anything else. It’s a big picture type of opposition; not unlike our opposition to… say… pollution. The bible says that God hates divorce in Malachi 2:16, but you need to read more to get the bigger picture. The bigger picture is God’s disapproval of infidelity following the marriage vows a husband and wife take. The fact is….. there are justifiable reasons for divorce… and sometimes, in some instances, the only thing you CAN do is walk away from a marriage. As Christians we are, of course, encouraged to work out our marital problems as opposed to just walking away because in walking away, we break some of the vows we’ve made before God, but it’s very much a case-by-case thing. Simply put…. God dislikes divorce, but He doesn’t outright prohibit it in all cases. Now…. as we all know, no gay couple is ever married in the eyes of God. Much like the “marriage” I had when my lady friend and I were both five-years-old, it didn’t count in God’s eyes, even though we both believed we were married. Gay “marriage”, as we all know, is a sham; a farce. I’d liken it to an expired coupon, but that wouldn’t be the most accurate analogy because at least the expired coupon WAS valid at one time. The “marriage” of two women together or two men together is like Monopoly money. Pretend it’s real if you like, but it’s 100% false; worth nothing. As such, neither God nor anybody else is really gonna care if gays get divorced because in the eyes of God, they were never really married in the first place.
@MixuLauronen 3 жыл бұрын
If marriage is all about having and raising children, what do we do with single parents? Take their children away? Force them to remarry?
@charlesrauh1972 2 жыл бұрын
Also sometimes kids get abandoned and a gay couple could be better then the straight parents raising them, ive seen it
@tamikajackson3419 5 жыл бұрын
Our Heavenly Father destroyed the land of soddomin and Gomorrah because that is how he feels about homosexuality and still speaks for itself eons later of his wrath upon it with his own hands. Let not man , angels nor beast come between serving Our Heavenly Father on these battle grounds between good and evil
@jakefromstatefarm2879 9 жыл бұрын
Dear Atheists, If you are so convinced there is no God then why do you have to comment on every video that has to do something with religion and keep telling us there isn't? Why can't you just let us believe in the "fictional character" we worship and not even bring it up? I mean you are so convinced that there is no God so why do you even have to say it, it's like you're trying to evangelize atheism to us and shove it down our throats, the very thing you get annoyed with what Christians and Muslims do. Hypocrites. However not all atheists do this, I know some atheists who are chill and don't care what I believe just like I as a Christian don't really care if someone is atheist so I wish we could just coexist without having these stupid arguments. We won't convince each other so what's the point of preaching to deaf ears?
@NorCaltheologians 9 жыл бұрын
Jake from State Farm They only know how to attack Christians to ease the pain of thinking about the real implications of atheism which is nihilism and hopelessness and a meaningless existence.
@jakefromstatefarm2879 9 жыл бұрын
***** so true.
@NorCaltheologians 9 жыл бұрын
555catnap why not? I dont care what the SCOTUS says. SCOTUS also ruled in the Dred scott (wrong) and Roe V wade (wrong and has caused the MURDER of millions of innocent babies) and it was a 5 to 4 decision. My question to you is if you allow Gay marriage and all the insane arguments that were put forth for it (equality, who are you to judge love, two people who love each other should be able to marry, etc...) why are you against incestuous marriage between a 50 year old man and his 18 year old daughter? why? You could use all the same arguments for an incestuous marriage between two adults that you use for gay marriage. 1) It is two consenting adults 2) They are not hurting anyone 3) Who are you to judge? 4) "Love is love" and "love should win" 5) "Equality for all" 6) There should be no discrimination 7) What people do in their own bedrooms is their business 8) The law is based on an outdated moral code 9) We should be progressive and support all different forms of sexual expression etc... You may have the "yuck" response but just know that people that are for Traditional marriage are also put off when seeing a gay couple kiss. The "LGBT" label is exclusive to people who love others that are immediate family so why is incestuous marriage wrong and gay marriage ok? So explain why you want to deny "love" to incestuous couples?
@jakefromstatefarm2879 9 жыл бұрын
Am I the only that doesn't appreciate gay marriage?
@NorCaltheologians 9 жыл бұрын
Jake from State Farm It is morally wrong just like incestuous marriage and pedophilia marriage or bestiality marriage. Either there is a Moral standard of right and wrong or it is all baseless opinion and blather.
@john-oh9cr 8 жыл бұрын
my favorite quote in the bible is faith with out works is dead .
@Iamtk777 6 жыл бұрын
My favorite is Romans 13:8-10: Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. The commandments, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not covet,’ and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
@bobotett4320 2 ай бұрын
Their is no place homophobia in modern society
@isaacreang1441 7 жыл бұрын
This guys is funny though, he seem to be angry 😂😂😂😂
@WrenchBreaker 7 жыл бұрын
"commenters on reddit" laughed my brains out
@p51joshuaj_95 2 жыл бұрын
Here are my OPINIONATED answers to all of the questions as a Christian who doesn’t support gay marriage, but doesn’t oppose it either. 1. I take all sins in the Bible (except for a very few certain ones in old Judaism) literally. Including homosexuality. 2. They do not have to. That is the government’s choice. 3. A straight couple divorcing 4. I don’t, however, as a Catholic, I believe both are sinful. 5. I’m not, do what you want. 6. 2 loving gay parents. Love is what counts 7. I’m not sure. Probably the latter, but that is not a definitive answer. 8. (From most preferable to least preferable) Loving Christians, loving gays/atheists, non loving Christians, non loving gays/atheists 9. 0. I know someone that is trans though. They were a male, now a female. I last saw them 5 years ago when they were a male, and they probably don’t remember me. 10. Not at all. 11. I’d explain it exactly how you did. 12. I agree. Probably a little bit less than a decade. 13. I let others do what they want, and I keep my beliefs. 14. Both. I definitely don’t hate them though. 15. I don’t specifically argue against it, so this doesn’t apply to me. 16. Homophobia. 17. Neither were wrong. 18. Yes. 19. I would’ve been fine. 20. I believe that God is distraught equally with all of them. 21. I cannot. 22. I don’t argue so I cannot answer this question. I am absolutely not saying that other Christians don’t use this argument. 23. Nothing, correct. 24. Nothing. They are true Christians and are welcome in my church. Taking over? I don’t know. 25. It is still terrible. 26. No, they can do whatever they want. 27. Where’s a rock give me a minute 28. Nothing. Like I said, I don’t oppose it so this probably isn’t my video to answer to, but I was bored to I am putting my answers up anyways.
@alexisstrum_12 5 жыл бұрын
I’m atheist, bisexual, and PROUD TO BE MEEEEE!!!
@zacharysiple783 4 жыл бұрын
0:57 I'm Christian and that was hilarious! :)
@thewab1974 3 жыл бұрын
As a Christian, I have to admit some of these were funny, primarily because every question he asked can very easily be answered. Not the brightest atheist, is he? lol
@Alex-yr8iy 3 жыл бұрын
@@thewab1974 lol his questions are so easy to debunk I don't have the faith to be an atheist
@rlindamcfarlane1823 8 жыл бұрын
@samanthareagan6266 7 жыл бұрын
I notice you Christians like to jump at the one verse that doesn't like gays and push aside the countless others that say to love all people.
@ralphmasucci9005 7 жыл бұрын
Who tf said we hates gays or doaliked them. We hate what they do but we still love the person.
@paintrain19 7 жыл бұрын
Christians, take a glance at 2 Tim 4:3-4: For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. I urge brothers and sister not to fall prey to ideologies that are not Biblical. For a fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
@Iamtk777 6 жыл бұрын
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 1-5
@GIT-LIT 5 жыл бұрын
His Grace - that is perfectly stated!! Man has looked to make God an opinion, when he is the only truth, the only life and the only way!
@ArthurBrinkman-c5z 5 жыл бұрын
And you think that this is the place to quote scripture from your fucked up book of fiction.
@anrose8335 3 жыл бұрын
One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen was watching two older gay men in love and waltzing (a dance, btw) together in St. Petersburg, back in 2006.
@blueberryfan7044 6 жыл бұрын
👍👍 I don't know what to do, I support Gays, Lesbos, and BI people; which my parents already oppose that, but now, I'm having feelings toward another girl in my school, Idk how to tell my parents, or if anyone at my school will be able to take it, it's a "horrible thing" to be at my school.
@sdi19000 9 жыл бұрын
These are great questions! Thanks for posting :)
@SavannahNewman-ew8ph 3 ай бұрын
I’m Christian, and I think if Christian’s and church’s are doing damage to gays and lesbians like this guy said, then they are doing something wrong. Us Christians are supposed to love everyone, even people that sin. If a gay person wants to come be apart of my church, I think that is amazing. Good Christians would welcome the opportunity to support and come along side a sinner and try to show them the gospel and Gods love.
@loveneverfails1463 5 жыл бұрын
All I can do is give them the truth of Christ and they can choose to believe him -
@stormthrush37 6 жыл бұрын
Well said. So many good points.
@dokorobia8713 5 жыл бұрын
1. N/A assumptions made 2. No it is what the Bible says and if we don't we will surely be doing the wrong thing. 3. Irrelevant. 4. Because everyone is constantly trying to get me to accept it. 5. Because it will destroy them. Why will you call to someone of their house is on fire. 6. Neither 7. Christian 8. Irrelevant 9. Non close 10. At school everyone pester me to support lgbt, everyone around me is more depressed, people are more perverse etc. 11. Assumptions, irrelevant, not a question? 12. By God's grace never. 13. We don't care 14. No the receivers. 15. Assumptions 16. I don't know who you have been speaking to but my brothers in Nigeria are getting bombed, my brothers in North Korea are being put in concentration camps and my brothers in the UK and USA are be censored. 17. ASSUMPTIONS 18.ASSUMPTIONS 19.ASSUMOTIONS 20.ASSUMPTIONS 21. HIV, promiscuity, accepting of paedos 22. ASSUMPTIONS 23. Wrong 24. Not true. welcome. Won't take over. 25. Good. 26. Yes. 27. No its a lie. 28. Prayed reached out to people, tried to save them unlike you people who prepare them for hell. You really think it's because they "weren't accepted" that they commuted suicide. The church is more than willing to help them and we never said they are exempt from church. Just like everyone else their sinful lifestyle is wrong. Even after this all gay movement they are STILL commuting suicide.
@barbiebear5036 9 жыл бұрын
My mum is homophobic, sadly (luckily, she's not too harsh about it). Seeing as I am a homosexual, I try to create arguments against her. And whenever I do create a logical argument, she either says that it's "unnatural", or goes quiet altogether without even addressing my argument. All in all, I think Christians like my mum who do oppose same-sex marriage can hardly ever find a real, logical reason that it is wrong. And that sucks for her, because if I get married one day, I'm almost positive she won't attend mine, even if I do send an invitation.
@DamnItMantis 6 жыл бұрын
Your mom is right, it is unnatural, as well as sinful. Thetevare no good logical explanations except those that go against God. I'm really sorry, but I have to agree with your mother, even though I am not homophobic
@kameronsims3138 6 жыл бұрын
Mohawk The Gremlin don't humble yourself, you are homophobic.
@theomega7699 6 жыл бұрын
saucyspecimen Just call that women homophobic :T
@sheezamann2724 6 жыл бұрын
ronnie sanchez-----at first i thought you were smoking something....now...i am understanding you......excellent point here
@thetannernation 6 жыл бұрын
Kameron Sims Knowing what’s right and wrong doesn’t make you homophobic.
@Amy_K27 8 жыл бұрын
It is so freeing to release the hold on the idea that the Bible is God's word. You can still be a follower of Christ without believing the Bible is inerrant. Here's a fun fact: it makes it easier!
@ojaiallen8004 4 жыл бұрын
1. Question one is not direct. It only applies to those who ignore the others sins. Sin is sin...How fornication is still a between man and woman who is not married (sin but natural). Gay union is unnatural, lots of override has occur before that.
@mattager6310 8 жыл бұрын
Hey. I'm going to answer the questions honestly, so I hope you find it helpful. First seven coming up: 1. Like What? Your question suggests that ALL Christians flatly ignore all other commandments in the Bible which are laid down by God. Unless you've interviewed them all (and you haven't because you haven't interviewed me), you can't say that. I'd be happy to answer a differently-worded question though. 2. Sorry, I'm from the UK - can you name the ones you're talking about? 3. Brilliant question. Well, the Bible names them both as life choices which aren't the best for us (I'm not talking about being gay, I'm talking about choosing to enter a homosexual relationship), so neither would be seen by God as being worse than the other. 4. Sorry buddy, but you're again flatly accusing all Christians of doing something. I'm certainly not doing that, and I tend to go by the 'plank in the eye' advice whereby I sort my own life out first before trying to sort out others... 5. Er, I'm not. I would re-record this question though, because some may think you have tried it and have found it 'easier' to access various websites, suggesting you also have an obsession with what couples get up to in the bedroom. I'm sure that's not the case, but there are a lot of people on YT who tend to twist things out of proportion, so just a friendly warning! 6. Same answer as 4. It's kinda like a 'would you rather' scenario - neither, in God's eyes, is better or worse than the other. I promised, with God as my witness, to love, cherish and honour my wife, and to be prepared to give my life for her at any opportunity. I'm not saying I'm awesome, but I am saying that when a Christian marriage has God at the centre, there isn't much room for rows, and subsequently not for children to get caught up in them. 7. There might be a slight difference of the word's meaning across the pond. But here in the Blighty, if anybody is 'hardcore' about something they tend to be rather unhealthily obsessed by it. In that case, a 'hardcore' atheist will encourage their child not to entertain any possibility of there being any spirituality in the world. I don't see forcing any closed views on children as being very healthy, do you? You haven't said the single parent is a 'hardcore' Christian, so I would say this would be far more healthy. And having just contacted an atheist friend, they would also agree ("the forcing of your views on your own children to the point where it is obsessive, is not healthy in any context"). Okay, 25% in....
@14stuyvesantoval 8 жыл бұрын
PS: You do know that homosexual behavior was (a) labeled a psychiatric illness; and, (b) illegal - until about 1975, right? Charles O'Connor, New York City - one more thing: AIDS killed my only brother 20 years ago.
@benvolio1500 8 жыл бұрын
I think you missed the big one: Why aren't you stoning homosexuals as the Bible demands?
@bulldogsbob 8 жыл бұрын
Because we don't have to.
@MegaNinja098 8 жыл бұрын
The New Testament says otherwise
@benvolio1500 8 жыл бұрын
How do you decide which Testament to follow? Why is there a contradiction?
@MegaNinja098 8 жыл бұрын
Avatar CHRISTianity follows the rules of Christ. Christ spreads peace. He taught peace. The Old Testament is rather barbaric. Simple as that.
@MegaNinja098 8 жыл бұрын
Hebrews 8:13, ESV "In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away."
@jumpjimcrow6959 6 жыл бұрын
What' s Jesus spoke about gays in Holy Bible? Nothing
@sebastianlorenzo4065 6 жыл бұрын
It is still in the bible Leviticus 18:22
@daltonjones5400 6 жыл бұрын
Sebastian Lorenzo that was in the old testament, before 'Jesus' died for sins or whatever. The new testament is the new rules. So i mean, I'm Tao and im not a fucking idiot of Christians
@Chockitkat 6 жыл бұрын
He did, but not directly. Romans did speak something about gays
@russellcoight9392 8 жыл бұрын
You are saying to us Christians to stop hating on gays, but here you are hating on Christians, so I guess it's okay to persecute Christians but not gays, equality huh.
@Alex-jh5nw 6 жыл бұрын
Oh boy is this man triggered 😂😂😂 the amount of salt
@kasparno_2005 4 жыл бұрын
He’s not triggered, you’re just homophobic.
@donthappybeworry5348 4 жыл бұрын
Kasparno ! Yes.
@donthappybeworry5348 4 жыл бұрын
I am homophobic.
@Alex-jh5nw 4 жыл бұрын
@Timmy Ryan lol im just seeing this now and yes I can say I'm not afraid of the gays
@capybara6997 6 жыл бұрын
I'm catholic and I'm lesbian.. but I feel like God wouldn't be that cruel and send us to hell..
@xdestroyer1275 6 жыл бұрын
All you gotta do is follow his rules
@BitchChill 5 жыл бұрын
God doesn't exist
@avalonaiii7177 5 жыл бұрын
BitchChill he does
@BitchChill 5 жыл бұрын
@@avalonaiii7177 Proof?
@avalonaiii7177 5 жыл бұрын
@@BitchChill He was under my covers
@coeus2645 9 жыл бұрын
Ok best argument I've heard against homosexuality : "I think it's just a waste of two perfectly good vaginas" Like seriously that is the best argument anyone can possibly give against homosexuality
@chaneyli4098 6 жыл бұрын
It's hard to convince anyone of something if they blindly follow the crowd
@mihael2800 8 жыл бұрын
@crazylazy1857 8 жыл бұрын
About Bleach Shut up! Lord please pray for this person! Amin!
@averageusername7795 7 жыл бұрын
Shut up! I don't even know why I care so much to even leave a comment to you!
@nakomochi3117 7 жыл бұрын
Mrs Fuse I hate religion as well and I'm Christian myself. everyone focus on religion but why don't they focus on God? many people hate Christians because the force the Bible onto their faces and set the ideal type of God they say God is. those are not true Christians. we cannot speak for what God thinks. no one in this universe knows how God feels or thinks. if you have a question to ask to God, first you have to let him into your life and let him guide your heart. then you'll know who he really Is and he will answer your question, not when you want but when he wants because he's God. true Christians know that our only job in this world is help others who are lost find God and spread to the world his word to those who dont believe in God or say they do but don't follow his word and don't devote their life to him.
@markwilkie7633 6 жыл бұрын
HarryStylesOwnsMyLife * Man and woman are complimentary and made for each other
@rm2915 6 жыл бұрын
Woah, sorry.. But uh, religion is one of the bases of our country. :)
@raybrown1145 5 жыл бұрын
I have an answer to all you questions. But you need to read the Bible. The answer to all your questions are in there. But you would never read it because you don't want to answer to God. And just because you say you don't believe in God does not make Him non existent. We all have to stand before a just God one day and by you saying "I didn't think you existed" will not save you from His judgement. I hope you would get to know the Lord one day.
@michellecini1048 8 жыл бұрын
I hate the sound of the number bubble.
@sumiathiti9347 5 жыл бұрын
Michelle Cini then why r u watching
@michaelfeliz2075 8 жыл бұрын
These questions are really idiotic
@PhsycoEarthling 6 жыл бұрын
Michael Feliz oh like urself :D
@emmaknauer6041 6 жыл бұрын
Ivan Juarez 2,4,6,8 we don’t wanna integrate!!
@emmaknauer6041 6 жыл бұрын
@petermcpartland9682 6 жыл бұрын
welcome to the troll cave. go explore the echo of stupidity and anger
@that_one_parker3852 6 жыл бұрын
Alt Me you know this earth is overpopulated... right? Also it’s the cause of that because they do not teach homosexual sex Ed in schools.
@freshairkaboom8171 6 жыл бұрын
Marriage is between one man and one woman? According to the bible, the wisest man to ever live was called King Solomon. He had multiple wives. So I guess wisest means jack shit in the bible, or has "traditional marriage" been interpolated in later?
@NiuLifen0w 7 жыл бұрын
Hey +The Atheist Voice why dont you ask these question to a Christian in real life instead of having a one way conversation being a warrior behind the screen. Christians can answer your questions in a heart beat. Are you scared all your questions will be answered and then you'd be face with the reality that God does indeed exists? Or that a revelation would be revealed to you and you'll have no choice but to wheel in the truth that Jesus the Son of God is the truth.
@GavinAlexander. 7 жыл бұрын
This is so funny!! :D
@yugen4k91 6 жыл бұрын
Idiotis...keep believing in ur man made bible
@stefantherainbowphoenix 6 жыл бұрын
Niu Life Why don't YOU answer his questions, dearie? I'm curious what your answers are.
@zacheryestrada3662 6 жыл бұрын
Niu Life How do you know he HAS NOT asked one of those questions offline, or behind a screen? Also, since you're a christian, and you haven't answered these questions in a heartbeat, that'd be a little...hypocritical. Also, how are you going to assume he hasn't asked these questions to a christian in real life when you might not know this guy in the real world?
@jaredshope1122 8 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's sin. I think it's unfair to the people who wed these couples. USUALLY they are Christian pastors or priests. And if they refuse to wed ( or sell them a cake because of said beliefs) they should not get prosecuted. A man did a test, and he asked 13 bakeries for cakes that said "gay marriage is wrong" all were denied and he was called a bigot. If you have the right to agree with gay marriage, people have the right to appose it as well.
@mandiherrin3805 8 жыл бұрын
+555catnap love your comment!!!most people just don't understand the difference!
@lewisnorth1188 8 жыл бұрын
100% agree with you. If gay marriage is accepted, then people disagreeing with it should be accepted too. Bullying gay people is a completely different situation though and is completely wrong
@jaredshope1122 8 жыл бұрын
555catnap the only time that the law in nullified is if the religion is a organized. It never says in the bible to "my serve blacks" or "blacks are abomination". Also, I do think they should serve gays (hate the sin not the sinner). But whatever honestly they shouldn't go to jail for it
@lewisnorth1188 8 жыл бұрын
555catnap As I said, people should be able to believe that it's wrong, and not be forced to do something they don't agree with. They shouldn't be allowed to bully people who do things that they don't agree with, but simply disagreeing with it is ok imo.
@lewisnorth1188 8 жыл бұрын
555catnap I think refusing to serve people because you don't agree with what they're doing is wrong. What I meant is that a priest or something shouldn't br forced to do a gay marriage if he doesn't agree with it.
@maceawilder 8 жыл бұрын
If evolution needs sexually reproduction to take place, and the reason for genders is a part of selection, and allowing species to continue to exist and evolve, then isn't homosexuality against the laws of nature? Genuine question, just advocating.
@finalcall07 8 жыл бұрын
We can do as we please friend. If we really want to go to hell, God will help us. He gives us our desires but in the end we will bear the consequences. Sin and lust devour those who go after it. It is all a matter of choice. Sin is fun but in the end we pay for our fun. There is no such thing as a free meal. Take care, dear friend. "Therefore God GAVE THEM OVER TO THE LUSTS OF THEIR HEARTS to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. "For this reason God GAVE THEM OVER to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. "And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God GAVE THEM OVER to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them." Romans 1:24-32.
@joe4316 8 жыл бұрын
+finalcall07 No one is hearing you, travel with your bull shit.
@Gnomelord84 8 жыл бұрын
Ur pathetic
@mr.plushie7332 8 жыл бұрын
+Thegnome King Keamstar, we know that your are.
@nicholasfeldman4466 8 жыл бұрын
Why threaten others with eternal torment? I'm pretty sure that's not what Jesus wants you to do. Do not be a "worker of wickedness," or Jesus might tell you to "go away."
@that_one_parker3852 6 жыл бұрын
finalcall07 who takes the time to read all of this?
@DavidbarZeus1 8 жыл бұрын
I'm against gay marriage, but I'm probably unique as to why. I define marriage as a strictly religious ceremony bonding two people. As such, only religious leaders can decide whether or not to preform gay marriages. Civil unions are marriages preformed by a representative of the government, and THAT I support fully. But forcing religious leaders to perform gay weddings is completely against the First Amendment.
@bobbyhitt4161 8 жыл бұрын
@MaggaraMarine 8 жыл бұрын
+Wesley Molt But I don't think anybody is forcing churches to perform gay weddings (and it was even talked about in the video - but as the video said, churches will most likely start performing gay marriage pretty soon, or otherwise people may stop going to church). There is secular marriage and religious marriage. You don't need to get married in a church. A lot of atheists are married and I doubt their marriage has anything to do with religion. How you define marriage doesn't matter. Marriage is defined legally.
@patrickbourlett3680 8 жыл бұрын
+Wesley Molt Marriage has a legal definition that goes along with benefits and rights that are above and beyond that of civil unions. therefore its the legal definition that's the problem. the person who does it is irrelevant in this discussion.
@MaggaraMarine 8 жыл бұрын
Patrick Bourlett Yeah. Also, even if marriage and civil union had the same legal rights, it would still be kind of discriminating against gays to call it a civil union. Because that way you would always need to reveal that you are gay whenever somebody asked whether you are married, in a civil union or single. That's almost the same as just asking "what's your sexual orientation". And for example when applying to a job, that may affect their decision (even if it shouldn't).
@patrickbourlett3680 8 жыл бұрын
Good point
@farawaymusic1059 8 жыл бұрын
the reason why convincing people like yourself does not rank so high on my priorities is : everything that is happening now, the atheism, homosexuality, greed, self righteousness and all that is against GOD is not new and it was foretold that all this crap would come again in the world. soooo instead of thinking that you guys are taking over the world i just think that the prophesies i coming true and you are playing your role as well as the servants of GOD were told. no fear bro. no fear at all
@parnelharris4346 7 жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 6:9-10: Homosexuals do not enter the kingdom of heaven
@albertcombrink3717 5 жыл бұрын
Why should I care what a book says that gives instructions on how to abort and also how to keep slaves?
@seankelly3171 5 жыл бұрын
im a christian and im just gonna say this. i don't care who you love or what you believe in its your life. live it your way
@chrisgarland6156 4 жыл бұрын
Skelly Arts then I would debate that you’re a Christian...
@tedhibbard6320 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a Gnostic Christian.We are taught to judge only ourselves and to keep our nose out of other people business.Dont confuse us with the Orthodox.
@tedhibbard6320 3 жыл бұрын
@Galil But we are here to teach the Orthodox not to get the mark and we are the only one who won't split from the battlefield when Satan gets down in war.
@forestonaz5373 8 жыл бұрын
I love your arguments and reasoning so much!
@bulldogsbob 8 жыл бұрын
All these questions are easily answered and have be answered many times you atheist just don't care and wish to remain ignorant.
@davidj.3897 8 жыл бұрын
OHH!! just like you?
@DC-rr1xu 8 жыл бұрын
We are Ignorant yet you believe a talking snake and a magic apple cause all of today's problems
@yayaaye9501 8 жыл бұрын
+David Cortez magic apple?
@DC-rr1xu 8 жыл бұрын
+Mi Amor , the fruit Ave gave to Adam
@yayaaye9501 8 жыл бұрын
*Eve and it wasn't magical.... I don't think you should go back to wherever you got that information from buddy
@kalebhoward129 7 жыл бұрын
no offense, but I think you got a little off topic on the whole "why do you Christians hate homosexuality" jazz
@shadai1231 8 жыл бұрын
These question are very simple to answer
8 жыл бұрын
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve is what I read through my Bible ;)
@jogtg 8 жыл бұрын
+Hugo Mouls I agree with you Your bible god created adam and eve only and it was also adam and eve who first betrayed your bible god and were thrown out of paradise as an imaginary wonderful place supposed to be for those two idiots and upon being kicked out of that so called paradise your bible god then uttered numerous curses for the two, yes they were Cursed from the same supposed to be loving god who created them so the adams and eves are not the chosen specie after all! what part in the bible dont you understand? What! bible god wanted to punish the 2 and make them learn? thats baby talk hahaha... fro real? from an omnipotent god who created the universe thats so complex would play around that way? or the primitve writers then were so drunk! bible is nice literature tho, shows moral and immoral cannot be reconciled, needs brain to function and do the job... its free to free from DELUSION! i did,, im a child of a pastor dad, i can even see uncertainties in my dad's eyes about the religion he is preaching created by medieval ignorant people originated in the middle east...
@theomega7699 6 жыл бұрын
Hugo Mouls Yahwey created Aadn and Lilith, then Lilith not like Adan, she scapes of the eden, then Yahwey kill Adan, he make another Adan, and make the woman the servant of the mens ;)
@electr_icity4613 6 жыл бұрын
Hugo Mouls And believing one man alone made EVERYTHING is fucking more logical than evolution? Flawless logic.
@PhsycoEarthling 6 жыл бұрын
And u gotta adam and leave
@thetannernation 6 жыл бұрын
Hugo Mouls You really don’t need the Bible at al to know that being gay is wrong. Suppose being gay was the norm. How would we continue? We would die. End of discussion. If we were all gay, we wouldn’t have children and statistically we would get way more STD’s. No Bible needed for that.
@MicksA 3 жыл бұрын
Ok I’m a bit delayed. Found this channel 2 days ago, and I’m obsessed. I’m 37, gay and ex Catholic. I’m a new, proud atheist. One who took 30 years to leave the church. I was a practicing, hard working Catholic who believed the bull sh*t of the Christian teaching. On the outside, I showed my joy in the faith, but on the inside I was in a dark, miserable state. Only when I left the church, and rejected God did I start finding deep, fulfilling joy. I could never felt happier than I do now. Religion is the worst disease on this planet. It needs to be eliminated. It is the very vessel that divides humans.
@andrewwalk1370 8 жыл бұрын
One shall not lie with another man as one would with a woman for that is detestable.
@andrewwalk1370 8 жыл бұрын
That leads to basically nothing just two grown men having butt sex.
@bookerjones8123 8 жыл бұрын
Guys do that with women.
@andrewwalk1370 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah but if that happens it leads to basically nothing. Like if I were to lie with a woman as I would with a man that leads to something birth.
@john-oh9cr 8 жыл бұрын
can you think for yourself ? I don't think you have the ability to think for ur self .
@prenia340 6 жыл бұрын
Then maybe I can encourage slavery,,,, Don't use bible as a way to justify that this is wrong,,, The Lord detest lying lips,,, Have you spoken the truth and had not lied even once??
@adelyn.elizabeth 6 жыл бұрын
Praying for you!
@livemystic1958 7 жыл бұрын
👍😃Hey there I'm a Christian, but I love this Little video. It was great! I come from a church that is so against gay marriage and many other things. But as a Christian I'm thinking it's becoming more hypocritical to judge somebody for who they love. You have many good questions for the Christian community that are hardly ever answered. I asked my Priest some of these questions and he gave me some cop out answers where he rushed off to give confessions because he didn't want to talk to me anymore. One thing he told me is that it's OK to discriminate people and that there's good discrimination. Real "Christian" Right??? 😡
@josephyoung9366 7 жыл бұрын
This guys so proud of this non sense. Its either hes intentionally saying what hes saying to manipulate people or hes a blinded fool. In either case I pray you can find Christ as your savior before it's too late.
@choppertj1 9 жыл бұрын
I'm much more saddened by the thought of the morality of the U.S. going to hell!
@nsoper19 8 жыл бұрын
The main reason why homosexuality is so often brought up over other sins is that it is what is being challenged the most at the moment so there is more push back.
@jasminefudge1992 6 жыл бұрын
What I mean the greatest event, I’m talking about the rapture!!!! When Jesus returns to earth to take his elect!!! There will be a great disappearance of people all around the world, hundreds of thousands of people will vanish off the face of the earth! Many will be loved ones and your loved ones! But most of them will be children. It’s going to happen so fast people won’t know happened, before they can even blink their eyes, he’s going to come just like he promised, like a their in the night! And y’all won’t be ready for this!!!
@limbosvi6983 8 жыл бұрын
Just to make something clear not all Christians oppose Gay Marriage.
@joe4316 8 жыл бұрын
+Limbos Vi He made that clear.
@limbosvi6983 8 жыл бұрын
+Joe R my audience was not him.
@nathanaelnga 9 жыл бұрын
To us Christians divorce is not a sin. Its a last ditch option if the marriage is ruined by sexual immorality. Those are the only grounds for divorce.
@ChadCath 8 жыл бұрын
Those who hold the viewpoint against gay marriage are now immediately portrayed as backwards, ignorant, and hostile towards homosexuals. and now I find a video of a man talking to us in a degrading and hateful tone. This is the U.S, therefore I have the right to respond. I have a question for the videos creator, do you know what marriage is? no matter how much you deny it, marriage is a religious event, therefore religion plays a role in the conversation. marriage (by definition) was established to be is a union of a man and a woman in the eyes of God. (I would quote the Bible but the narrator strictly forbade me). I could quote the Koran if you would feel better about it or the Torah. If marriage is a religious tradition, then one must find a religion and religious text that supports it. Christianity? no. Judaism? no. Islam? no. Buddhism (Theravada)? no. (etc.) my point is, homosexual couples asking for marriage don't know what they are asking for. In the U.S, do gay couples deserve equal treatment and benefits under law? absolutely it's their right. However, to call it marriage is, by definition, incorrect. I encourage healthy debate, it's what America is built on, so if you disagree please respond. I will answer promptly.
@bobbyhitt4161 8 жыл бұрын
@elizabethbucalo5315 3 жыл бұрын
I have a lot of gay Cousins I support them I’m ok with it gay Marriage.
@MrDzoni955 8 жыл бұрын
It's not really my faith that opposes gay marrige, it's just that I am against any kind of dysfunctional behavior. Criminal Law of the chosen people of Israel wasn't kind to gay people, but homosexuality then was much different than homosexuality now... Or at least, it's like that on the surface. Anyway, no need for Christians to impose a criminal law of that time and a chosen people who choose to serve God. So, I don't see a point in forcing anything on anyone, but as a human beign on this world, I am obligated to speak my mind against dysfunction, degeneracy and sodomy. 1. No, we are insistant on taking everything from the Bible as it is, which can be done only with using common sense, and with an opened mind. Which also means being able to differ a criminal law from a take on a sin in an ontological sense(which has to do with motives of the soul, and not rules of conduct). Context is very important, they didn't even have the concept of monogamy back then, yet you think the Bible tells me that gay marriage is wrong? No, I say it's bad for society and our children or children of our children are going to be born in a very amoral and apathic world where everything revolves around sick hedonism. So it's more my responsibility for other people, rather my belief in God that makes me oppose gay marriage. 2. They shouldn't. A law should exist to stop dysfunction and any kind of behavior that is bad for a nation and a society as a whole, and laws exist when people are already so corrupt, so they need laws to stop them from doing further deamge. I am against nations forcing laws from the Bible. 3. Both are a big problem, and it's choosing a lesser evil. Both are only consequence of bad inner motives. 4. But no, I am not wasting all my energy on opposing gay marriage, promiscuity is probably equaly degenerate as homosexual behavior(but, not strangely, those two go hand in hand). 5. I am not. I only react when they make it my business. 6. Choosing lesser evil again. Those who fight ALL THE TIME would probably be better divorced, and that's already very bad. I am agaist people who are not compatible getting married, that's immature. 7. I would choose loving mother and father who are atheists over a single parent without a blink of an eye. Single parenthood is maybe even worse then homosexual parents. But that's just maybe tho. 8. Why? There is either a right or a wrong way of doing things. A child needs loving mother and father, then we get 10 empty slots and only then the rest of the list. So it's n1 Loving mom and dad, n2. Divorced parents who didn't divorce with a fight, and a child can still spend time with both of them, n3. Gay parents, n4. Single motherhood(didn't even count the single fatherhood one because it's too rare), and the rest. 9. Zero. 10. It's not legal in my country yet. And I don't care about my life changing to worse since it won't yet happen, I care about the future my grandchildren will live in. 11. It's already hard enough to explain divorce to kids, but honestly, only marriage I really carea bout is the one that happens in a Church. 12. I give it a decade too, probably less. It's a shame. 13. Didn't fail in my country. But tradition in general is being decomposed very fast, probably thanks to the century of fast ifno and mass media. People don't see the importance of tradition that slowly, naturaly changes. Just like a language, it's a set of rules, principals and convetions that play an important part in human comunication in a society, that you can't just change and relativise. When you do so, society falls into apathy. At the end of the day, as fast as hedonism and gay propaganda take over everything, things will be turned upside down the same way, and it'll be your fault. 14. What is a context for this question? It depends. 15. Again, what is a context here? Come on, I'm a stupid Christian, elaborate. 16. I honestly don't even see a problem with that guy who didn't want to make a cake. I wouldn't make it either, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't hire a gay person just because they are gay, for an example. 17. Since I don't live in your country, and I just learned about this, I don't really have a formed opinion yet. 18. i 19. - Well, eventualy, the whole world will be pro gay, and yes, I don't like that. Not much I can do about it. 20. I don't think that. 21. I already did explain some things in earlier answers. My point is that homosexual behavior is fundamentaly wrong, and is a result of bad(selfish) inner motives. From my expirience and with all the info I have, all I can see is that in the core of all this lies in hedonism, and egocentrism. I dont even have to say that gay is not ok, because people claiming it is didn't cnovince me at all. 22. I don't use that argument. Procreation is the final of our biological needs, and I think it's sad and a tragedy if someone can't have kids. So, I don't think it's great that a woman or a man can't have kids for medical reasons, but I don't see a problem with these peoples motives. 23. Well, I was always for the secularity, as you could problably guess from my previous answers. 24. I disagree with them, and I would discuss this(and hopefuly many other topics) with them. They have their free will to think that homosexuality is alright, but they should think with their own heads. 25. I understand this is not a serious question. 26. It would be good for them, I guess. 27. No need for the "proudly" part. Just "we oppose sodomy" would be enough. 28. It's not about the conditions, but the character. Taking your own life is the result of very bad inner motives, and lack of responsibility. So many Christian martyrs died by torture without taking their own lives. But it's not JUST their responsibility, but also the responsibility of their parents as well, and said Churches. Most Churches don't take responsibility for their wrong teachings. They despise the consequence of sin, and not sin itself. So many churches don't only lead people from LGBT community the wrong path(suicide may be at the end of such path), but other Christians too. But, at the end of the day, you are mainly responsible for your action.
@MrDzoni955 8 жыл бұрын
"You say you are against dysfunctional behavior. Are you aware that no mainstream psychological association considers homosexuality dysfunctional? " So what? They did in the past, even considered it a mental disorder. The thing with mainstream psychology is that they change their mind easly, as soon as it benifits those on the top. And on top of that, it's dangerous for a psychologist to say otherwise, there have been cases of doctors simply saying something against homosexuals, and gettig fired from their jobs. And why put so much trust in psychology anyway? It's not even science(and unles pride is involved, even people on that field will agree). "You say you are against degeneracy, yet homosexuality harms no one" This one is a classic. Yes it does. Any kind of dysfunctional behavior harms the society to some level, especialy if people are forced to accept it. Our society is based, founded on something very simple: A man marries a woman, they have babies, those babies get to grow in a society that will aid hem, eventually, and so on and so on. There is nothing sensible about homosexual behavior. A penis is not designed for an anus, there are no butt babies, and on top of that, statistic proove that homosexual and bisexual people are the most severely affected by HIV. How is that? Again, if you do your research, you'll notice that homosexual behavior goes hand in hand with promiscuity. Our core difference in beliefe/understanding is that I think homosexuality comes from a selfish, hedonistic motive and that promoting such motives and calling it "love" hurts society as a whole, while you are ok with it because "it's love" and it doesn't directly hurt anyone. "You say you are against sodomy. Are you also against heterosexuals who engage in sodomy?" Yes, heterosexuals too engage in all sorts of dysfunction, it doesn't make it any better. "Do you think these heterosexuals should be treated like second-class citizens, and forfeit some basic civil rights, like the right to marry?" No, but they shouldn't be praised either for their promiscuity, fetishes etc. And those people who are like that are most likeley to get divorced anyway. Telling them "you can't marry now" won't fix a problem, but telling them "you made a mistake, you are in wrong, you fucked up" instead of praising their desicions is what I can do. No need for "monitoring" and "censoring", this is democracy after all. I know I can't stop gay marriage, but I can be against it. I can't and won't force my believes on anyone, but I will say what I think, and explain why. And if I have a job and live in US, saying what I think shouldn't get me fired. "The word sodomy is derived from the bible, but you claim your objections have nothing to do with religion" Sodomy is a legit word with a legit meaning. A word goy is from the BIble too, yet it's normaly used, mostly by people who are not even religious, other than Jews. "Why do you think other people's sex lives are any of your business whatsoever" It's not until they make it my buisnes.
@MrDzoni955 8 жыл бұрын
***** I wanted to say something about most of the questions, and most of the answers aren't long at all, but there are lots of questions. If you don't want to read it - don't, nobody forces you.
@SethMcPope 7 жыл бұрын
Us Christians aren't homophobic, just because we think that asexuality is a sin doesn't mean we hate the LGBT community, we don't even think their sin is greater, WE ALL SIN!!! P.S, there are a lot of members that struggle with asexuality, that are Christian
@sparklesthecat6507 7 жыл бұрын
Seth McPope That's right we all will fall short of the glory of God.
@superbok4517 4 жыл бұрын
5 because man with man and girl on girls is really really grouse
@916clique6 7 жыл бұрын
10. its impacted to ugly that i see in the world. increased it and made it worse
@honestbabe8581 6 жыл бұрын
The funny thing is Muslims , Jews are also against homesexuality but yet yall never talk to them about that or disrespect them for their religion teaching them tjose beliefs
@desireeworsencroft9718 9 жыл бұрын
God bless everyone today even if you're gay or even if you're a atheist or even a Christian that speaks bad of sin but sins. God is the way, and he loves you no matter what. Repent today and be saved. Everyone sins ok, y'all truly expect Christians to be perfect just because we stand up for what we as children of God believe. speaking for those I know. This didn't answer any of those questions but I had to says this. God bless y'all. God has already won! Y'all can have tribulation.
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