I just picked one up today. A 1984, Took me a bit to adjust the two needles. Seems to work nice also, but doesn't idle that slow.
@chadellison58757 жыл бұрын
Found this link thru the message forum. How much sea foam did you add to this to de carbon it? I have the 1973 model and need to do this I believe. Mine runs good but alittle slow on acceleration when throttled to WOT but eventually gets there and runs nice. i wanna be safe with the sea foam and make sure I have it correctly mixed. Thanks
@timhull812210 жыл бұрын
Nice idle. I just picked up one of these for a kicker. I can't wait to get it running. How did you get the top screw out to replace the spring? Mine's frozen solid even with days of soaking with PB Blaster and using impact screwdriver.
@cajuncookone10 жыл бұрын
Tim, I didn't have much issues removing the screw on the top. Patience and continue using the PB blaster. You can also try using an securely/snug fitting screw driver bit and a ratchet to give you more leverage. Be careful when you remove that screw and lift up the cover, the spring might fly out. It is compressed and can injure. Sorry your have grief. Good luck
@captainlongwood7 жыл бұрын
I took the head off the cylinder and use a peice of wood like a punch and beat it with a hammer with lots of penetrating oil, it was pretty stuck and alot of work but its got compression now
@fleetwin110 жыл бұрын
Strong runner, idles great...
@cajuncookone10 жыл бұрын
Thanks. She is a great running motor.
@justinemery337410 жыл бұрын
Picked up one of these from the dump, recoil spring out of it, any trick to coiling the spring back up?
@cajuncookone10 жыл бұрын
Justin, I sold the 2hp motor a month ago, so I don't have a reference to show you. It is a bit hard to explain without a starter to display. If you supply an email address, I may be able to dig up a pictured diagram to help. It is not too hard, but if it is your first time then you may need the pictured diagram. David