【30 minutes】 "GREAT JOURNEY OF KARATE" WORLD! With subtitles of various languages!

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kuro-obi world

kuro-obi world

Күн бұрын

Tatsuya Naka (JKA, Shotokanryu)
Zenpo Shimabukuro(Shorinryu Seibukan)
Minoru Higa(Shorinryu Kyudokan)
Meitatsu Yagi, Akihito Yagi(Gojyu-ryu Meibukan)
Tsuyoshi Uechi (Isshinryu)
Yoshitomo Yamashiro(Okinawa-Kenpo Karate-Do Oki-Ken-Kai )
Tamotsu Miyahira (Tian Xing Jien Chinese Martial Kung-Fu & Tai-chi Japan)

Пікірлер: 432
@kuroobiworld 3 жыл бұрын
★Turn on closed captions with 17 languages!【Subtitles】English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, German, Vietnamese, Russian, Indonesian, Korean, Hindi, Persian, Arabic, Polish, Thai,Turkish, Greek Please enjoy the video in your native language!
@omaralbertopenaramos5231 3 жыл бұрын
Domo arigato 🇩🇴 República Dominicana
@auros1 3 жыл бұрын
🇨🇿 Czech Republik ( česky )
@sammydavis8722 3 жыл бұрын
This is deeply appreciated. You are reaching a wider audience with additional subtitles. I had limited understanding reading Japanese subtitles, but it's much better now. This helps me learn more Japanese as well.
@omaralbertopenaramos5231 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammydavis8722 es para los japoneses que son sordos. Saludos
@sammydavis8722 3 жыл бұрын
@@omaralbertopenaramos5231 Por supuesto que sí. También me ayuda a aprender el idioma, ya que solo tengo un conocimiento básico de japonés. La velocidad regular es demasiado rápida para que yo la entienda. Tengo el mismo problema con el español. El discurso es tan rápido que no puedo decir dónde termina una palabra y dónde comienza otra.
@the_3rd 3 жыл бұрын
@sysjake998 3 жыл бұрын
@kondohkenji 3 жыл бұрын
@noshi-shikakatan 3 жыл бұрын
ヤバ過ぎますね。人間の営み、伝承することの尊さ、そして色んな改良が加えられ新しいものが生まれていく歴史の積み重ねを感じますね。途切れさせてはいけないと思いました。kuro-obi worldさんがその役目を担っていることに感謝。
@カズー-y5n 3 жыл бұрын
@gpat64 3 жыл бұрын
This man is one of the real bright lights in martial arts. So open minded and willing to learn from others. And so ready to smile too !!! :-) Great respect to you sir !
@savvasperisanidis 3 жыл бұрын
Naka Sensei is also a top bloke He is brilliant in all aspects of humanity
@hachiman0715 3 жыл бұрын
@ムムムっ-t5l 3 жыл бұрын
あらためて宮平先生と中先生の共演ってすごいよなー クロオビワールドはこれから見始めたからかな
@クーマン-s6j 3 жыл бұрын
黒帯ワールドを見るきっかけになったのは中先生の探究心でした。 山城先生の「相手が打ちやすい所を作る」ってとこの話は型の理解を深める内容でなるほど!と思いました。
@rezzaakbar7236 3 жыл бұрын
They all are very humble. Although they're very strong but not even single one feels nor acts better than others. Respect!
@stevebrindle1724 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, knowledgeable martial artists exchanging techniques with respect. Great to see
@黒木啓一 3 жыл бұрын
@沙羅双樹の花の色-e2o 3 жыл бұрын
素晴らしいまとめ動画ありがとうございます 出演する全ての武に身を置く先生方にリスペクトを込めて
@遊川恒星 3 жыл бұрын
@kahoh7626 3 жыл бұрын
武術は考古学のように掘り起こさなければならない部分があるのでしょうね。 コレは公表しちゃダメだわって技術もあるでしょうし。
@やまぐちなかこ 3 жыл бұрын
建設業にも古流を大事にしようとする人達も居ますね 宮大工や鳶や移築解体など
@塩塚元 3 жыл бұрын
人間の根本に近い部分。食事や宗教などは、昔ながらの物や原点を見直そうという考えがありますね。 人間の根本は昔からそう変わらないのに、時世の都合で変化したものは、根本から外れる場合があるのかもしれないですね。
@joyyou173 Жыл бұрын
文化はまず基礎教養としてルーツを遡るし、流行りも揺り返しがあります スポーツと武術で考えればスポーツは結局ルール次第です ルールが変われば凄く重要だったはずの技術が突然必要なくなったりします 武術はルールはありませんが、時代や環境などがルールみたいなものです 想定される相手の武器が変われば技術も変わる 時代という意味では平和になればなるほど、武術はありとあらゆる技術が必要なくなり意識的に掘り起こし残して行かなければドンドン失われてしまうのです
@namaco-umai Жыл бұрын
説明書のルーツって誰も気にしないでしょ? でも知ってれば運用法を解放できる 武術は文化というより人間の体の使い方説明書ってイメージ
@ハルノヒ-l5d 3 жыл бұрын
何十年も自己鍛錬を怠らず技を追求して来られた、本当に素晴らしい先生方を紹介してくださりありがとうございます。 他の武道系KZbinは、アンチがコメントしていますが、黒帯ワールドはリスペクトしかありません。
@太陽と月-y8d 3 жыл бұрын
素晴らしい空手の旅だと思い楽しく見てます。 武術に国境はないんですよね。 その中で、日本の空手、武術を世界に知らしめてほしいと願うばかりです
@ギアリチャード 3 жыл бұрын
@konanoliver6971 3 жыл бұрын
私は小さい頃から武道、主に空手とカンIが大好きでした。2人のすごいマスター ❤
@allenchu3969 3 жыл бұрын
All I saw was a journey of humanity through martial arts. Touching! Warming! And Inspiring!
@hiro500ify 3 жыл бұрын
まだまだ、まだまだ続く英知と浪漫の旅、 これからもワクワクして拝見させていただきます!
@春木宏友 3 жыл бұрын
いつも見させていただいています。 監督はどうしてこんなにナレーション上手なのですか? まるでNHKの番組かと思ってました。
@rikka0504 3 жыл бұрын
@とよっち天災アミバ君 3 жыл бұрын
今の競技化したスポーツ空手の中には、型の本質やコンセプトを理解、追究しようとせず、大会用の見栄えの良い形ばかり追い求め、挙げ句の果てに本来の動きを勝手に改竄してしまうといった本末転倒な行動をする人間までいるようで(実際に沖縄の師範の方が嘆かれていました)。 こういった空手の源流に触れる事で初心に帰り、敬意を持てる映像は見ていて安心しますし、空手はまだまだ捨てたもんじゃないと思えます。
@dennou777 3 жыл бұрын
@richesu1 3 жыл бұрын
So good to see these exchanges between different families of martial arts across regions and countries, knowing that there's always something we can learn from one another and improve the art.
@zatrusofnietzche2281 3 жыл бұрын
My journey started around 40 years past with Judo, Aikido, Shoa Lin Kung Fu and Karate. Only now with Tai chi , I am learning the relationship of these arts . How important the subtle movements are to give thier true power. Thank you for this inspiration video. Sleep now and train every day☯️🙏
@ddmound 3 жыл бұрын
Z what style of tai chi chuan are you learning or is it without 'chuan"?
@MrAndris1988 3 жыл бұрын
Igen a Tai Chi sokat segít a harcművészeteknek
@Diego-nw5oe 2 жыл бұрын
これらのビデオは、武道を実践する人のための真珠です。ありがとうございました! イタリアからのご挨拶。
@BirdmanDeuce26 3 жыл бұрын
I've been on a binge-watch of martial arts videos in KZbin in the last few months, and one of the most interesting things I've been discovering is how many of the old masters and practitioners are actually very blunt and aware of what works and what doesn't, contrary to what gets peddled in McDojos in the Western world. The Goju-ryu master advises "dirty" hits whenever the situation presents itself and appears less concerned with form and more with what is necessary to get to the end result. It's also interesting that even to this day, across all the different karate styles, there is a lot of creativity and interpretation being studied and applied to what is being "imagined" when practising kata.
@安拓-t3n 3 жыл бұрын
@shiuchon 3 жыл бұрын
この作品を見ていると空手の型は使えないと言われるのは 現在の空手の型はその形の美しさだけを基準に診査されているようで 空手の「 型の使い方は教えていない 」 からなのかな?と感じました
@yossyagatina930 3 жыл бұрын
次々と達人が出てくる度に 👍🏼 を押したくなります。超豪華な動画,ありがとうございます!
@saptarshimandal611 3 жыл бұрын
I'll always remain a fan of Naka Tatsuya Sensei. 😌🙏👌🇮🇳
@欧清波 3 жыл бұрын
4:59 Love this part, even though Tatsuya is there as a guest, there is still rivalry.
@Jo-id9zm 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I love that part, too. Tatsuya was super fast on that first block, don't think the old sensei expected it.
@尻穴ゆる太郎-r8c 2 жыл бұрын
22分からの、胸骨の陥没を目的とした危険な技ですのでぇ・・・からの お二人が神妙な顔をされているのを不覚ながらちょっとツボってしまいました。 真剣だからこその空気感が、なんというか現代で聞くにはあまりにも世紀末的なセリフですので シュールといった感じで... いやぁつくづくすさまじい武術ですね。 どれだけの英知が集まっているのか、思いをはせるだけでもロマンが広がりますね! 黒帯ワールドさん、貴重な対談を無料で聞かせてくれてありがとうございます!!! 勉強になります!
@yuri28123 3 жыл бұрын
@Healingestures Ай бұрын
Woaw these advices are the best one for alone female exploring the world and in case being attacked シェアしていただきありがとうございます I am just about to start training from the new Its such an amazing experience to even watch and learn from the Bests ! much Love and respect !
@donsimons9810 2 жыл бұрын
8:42 I love the voice of the guy demonstrating - reminds me of Chinese guy I knew who was particularly smart!
@lauraduffy9055 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining the meanings in katas I already practice! I am very grateful. 🙏🏼
@wade4452 2 жыл бұрын
I am so grateful for this wonderful film showing the diversity of the arts that we love so very much all over the world. These similarities are amazing and the sources reaching back to ancient times, touches my heart to know that these things are not lost in our modern culture. I am grateful for your film it made us knowledge be passed down to generations yet to come.
@hannibal097 3 жыл бұрын
@VideosTPU 3 жыл бұрын
Gran viaje...interesante ver a Minoru Higa 10°Dan de karate y otros maestros. Felicitaciones!
@mishostrezov 3 жыл бұрын
I started my training when I was 7 years old with Sambo. Now I'm 46... I also tried Xing Yi Quan, TKD(ITF) and Judo for couple years, but still my truly love is Sambo. Will be very exited if you make some videos about this great style. Best regards from Bulgaria!
@mountainwarrior108 Жыл бұрын
That was fantastic true human spirit realised through the physical body & the joining of cultures in humility, integrity, knowledge & wisdom 💪🤜👍
@trapman7329 3 жыл бұрын
@庄司知志-f7u 3 жыл бұрын
沖縄空手に始まり、中国武術、琉球古武道、本土の空手(松濤館流、和道流)、少林寺拳法、躰道等と 本当に武術、武道は繋がっているんだなと思いました。空手で紹介してもらいたいといいますか、 是非とも密着してもらいたい流派があります。それは、糸東流です。 糸東流は四大流派の一つです。この流派の特徴は、型の数が豊富ということです。 首里手と那覇手の両方と色々な流派を入れていますし、とても興味深いと思いますので、 是非、密着してみてください。
@hyouehyoue 3 жыл бұрын
@kincrnkin 3 жыл бұрын
長野じゅりあちゃんは糸東流ですね!最近知ったのですが、オリンピック銀メダルの清水希容選手と同じ師から指導を受けてたそうですね。 じゅりあちゃん繋がりで糸東流探求も面白そうですね!
@庄司知志-f7u 3 жыл бұрын
摩文仁賢三先生、ですか?摩文仁賢和先生の息子で賢栄先生は聞いたことはありますが、初めてお名前を聞きました。 ちなみに私は、前にいた道場が糸東会で摩文仁賢栄先生の名前は知っていますし、現在は息子さんの賢雄先生が 3代目宗家をされています。全く知らなかった自分が恥ずかしいです、ありがとうございます。 今後、調べてみます。
@hyouehyoue 3 жыл бұрын
@@庄司知志-f7u さん 私も当時は子供のためよく存じてなかったのですが、ググってみたら、賢栄先生と賢三先生で、互いに宗家を名乗って分かれているようです。 賢三先生は賢栄先生の弟さんですね
@mieuxzmieuxz 3 ай бұрын
@AgentSynthetic 2 жыл бұрын
Had no idea "Dropping the elbow" meant protecting the "Ha Ha's"! And seeing the 5 Fist Technique (?) in China, in video, was really awesome! The stick, I mean Bo, grabbing Technique was very intriguing as well.
@Henrique-ti7wt 3 жыл бұрын
Que conteúdo fantástico. Brasil se alegra pelas legendas em português. :)
@gosukiwi 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome quality, thanks for sharing :) Hugs from Argentina
@lucal7756 2 жыл бұрын
Outstanding content! ありがとうございました !
@yrks41442 3 жыл бұрын
@candralagabanjar513 3 жыл бұрын
Iam from indonesia. I learn jet kun do shalin kungfu indonesia. And i learn boxing as atleth including, wushu sanda. Also i mix many martial art anything. And now i knew that jet kun do have any same with karate too, and include also like a judo, jiujitsu, kempo. And i respect with this video, make me learn more about any martial art again, to my referention. Thank you so much and i respected so much.
@lawrencehinds9133 2 жыл бұрын
It is beautiful to watch the differences in Kata from different styles where their force and end results are so similar..... this shows that, although these Martial Arts have some differences, their end result is so similar........ Osu....!?!?! ✊🏼
@Sim-ys7cr 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very Good video, thank you for uploading on KZbin. 👍👍👍👍
@martinjean.pierre9541 Жыл бұрын
Super video on these masters of martial arts the effectiveness is surprising so much it looks natural I saw 50 years ago masters with extraordinary techniques for the era "the iron hand" from China to Japan the martial art is developed beyond these countries for the happiness of practitioners around the world thanks to the Japanese and the Chinese
@toshi4544 3 жыл бұрын
@MINAMI494 3 жыл бұрын
毎日3000回石に腕を打付ける鍛錬 それだけで飯何杯でもいける
@jhaberly 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent. Thank you.
@artsen3286 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting, and useful ! Thank you so much Naka Sensei
@avikbhattacharya8287 5 ай бұрын
Naka Sensei is so humble. Really a great man.
@francoismoreira1583 3 жыл бұрын
Bonjour,Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo. j ai pris un énorme plaisir a regarder.Merci💪👊👏
@我流領域 3 жыл бұрын
I am Taiwanese baji player,I found Japanese people like baji very much,many japan martial comic like 史上最強の弟子ケンイチ ,I was very proud of this
@wudao1204 3 жыл бұрын
其實以傳武來說 台灣厲害的人很多 但厲害的都不喜歡出名
@我流領域 3 жыл бұрын
@@wudao1204 去找一下奇拉拉、王怡天、詹前賢
@wudao1204 3 жыл бұрын
@@我流領域 說真的那些還好 奇拉拉其中一個老師我還蠻有興趣的 王怡天的八極老師我也有興趣拜訪
@pdaangsakti21 3 жыл бұрын
this is inspirational, very much so. thank you for delivering this video
@timoteostation 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent content! I really appreciate these kind of initiatives, about to learn and and look for a deeper comprehention about the art. I'm at the very beginning of my journey practicing shotokan, and it's pleasant to see the example of people like Naka-sensei, about humility, open mind, respect and passion for martial arts. Also, bajiquan is a really impressive martial art, these techniques with shoulders and elbows are very powerful and dangerous. Greetings from Brazil. OSU!
@baindon719 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing such wonderful content.
@christopherevans6428 3 жыл бұрын
A very enjoyable film I have deep respect for all practitioners with their humble mutual respect and appreciation of their styles intertwining. Terrific role models everyone here. Their skill, knowledge and drive to keep developing is far above the ego. Osu
@glglglgl7504 3 жыл бұрын
Very beautiful representation of the art.
@donsimons9810 2 жыл бұрын
Typical of the great karate masters in Okinawa - going to China to expand their understanding and often coming back much stronger. Keeping the style of Matsumura Soto alive in that regard
@Aleksaan 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video! And thanks for subtitles!
@saulofrancaoliveira2592 3 жыл бұрын
Um sopro DIVINO onde o pai e filho se encontram: o tempo de experiência com sabedoria e técnica... Acima de todas versões, vem descortinando com maestria superior... Ensinando, educando e elevando o ser humanos como situarem em universo ambíguo.
@karatesalamanzen 3 жыл бұрын
@pablodpadua 3 жыл бұрын
muito obrigado pelas legendas em portugues
@MARCA-1481 3 жыл бұрын
Quiero expresar al equipo de kuro obiworld, mi respeto ante el trabajo que han realizado y mis sinceros agradecimientos, por la traducción. De este modo dejan desde ya una huella en muchos de nosotros, quienes queremos aprender.
@OhGranMikele 3 жыл бұрын
Estoy contigo y en lo referido al karate van por mejor camino. Aún así, tengo q decir q el karate japonés lleva bastante retraso en el conocimiento de hechos históricos y las últimas investigaciones de los últimos 25 años o más en karate. Llevan con lo mismo prácticamente desde q empezaron a abrirse al mundo, supongo que consultarán a historiadores e investigadores antes de los próximos 50 años viendo su interés si no lo han hecho ya. Se piensan que los no japoneses no conocemos su historia documentada y/o contrastada como libros como el Bubishi.
@starxninja733 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, great documentary. Hope you can also study the great master Motobu
@OhGranMikele 3 жыл бұрын
Nice try but Motobu is tabu in the shotokan style or doesn't is known bc he gave a lesson to Funakoshi in front of students. So this channel will never talk about him.
@ramzirouissi1228 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing , watching from TUNISIA
@радиквяльшин Жыл бұрын
Спасибо за Ваш труд
@tevman69 2 жыл бұрын
And what a ‘Great Journey’, this is!
@search2learn776 2 ай бұрын
There is something that attracts me in the movements of Asian combat sports that I cannot understand. I see there is a philosophy in the movement of the fighter, and I also see science, and I see grace and beauty. I don't really know where they got these sports from, and how did they get them?
@otutut 3 жыл бұрын
Master Naka is the epitome of humility and he lives by the code of respect and honor. Such a nice gentleman!! The perennial struggle for supremacy between Karata and Kungfu much propagandized by movies takes a back seat in the real world where we find people like master Naka serving as a bridge between two great cultures. This is what I think of as the true BUDO spirit. An ode to humanity at large!! OSS.
@tuliocalix1136 3 жыл бұрын
Great video!!! Thank you very much!! Arigatou!
@PedroLopez-sx1zw Жыл бұрын
Thank you for share this fantastic video
@SN-hg4bt 3 жыл бұрын
@fdl31 18 күн бұрын
I meet Naka during a stage in Toulouse, he is an amazing Sensei
@Urielorazzi 3 жыл бұрын
Que envidiable experiencia!!
@jorgegarcia90 2 жыл бұрын
Domo arigato Sensei quiero darle infinitas gracias por este hermoso trabajo y el compartirlo con todos ya que las genuinas Artes Marciales no tienen fronteras siga asì.
@thierryjohann1429 2 жыл бұрын
greaaaaaat masters it's so magnificious!!!thanks to all masters and kids!!!
@frankweislech8155 3 жыл бұрын
Herzlichen Dank für die vielen sehr guten Videos. Ich lerne sehr viel und scheitere beim Üben oft. Es ist immer wieder auf‘s Neue eine Freude und Inspiration. Doumo arigato gozaimasu.
@محمدقحطاني-ك4ج 2 жыл бұрын
بسم الله ماشاء الله لاقوة الا بالله اللهم بارك وزد وبارك ووفقهم لكل خير وابعدهم عن كل شر
@高橋恵美-p3h 6 ай бұрын
@quinnaguirre6937 2 жыл бұрын
I loved seeing the whooping crane internal strength portion in the 5 ancestors fist. I read a book on this style many years ago and was always intrigued 🤔
@nicolascalderoli711 2 жыл бұрын
Qué gran trabajo es la realización de esta serie. Felicitaciones y muchas gracias por compartirlo...
@Iloveallkindsofmartialarts Жыл бұрын
@ronaldtapiaruiz8474 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing saludos desde Colombia 🇨🇴
@williamjeremiah6637 3 жыл бұрын
Osu from Canada 🇨🇦.
@saulofrancaoliveira2592 3 жыл бұрын
O karatê é um modo de educar mentes corpos e espírito, para se auto educarem e elevar_se a um patamar maior e mais elevado que a crítica cotidiana... "Se você tem algum problema respire'
@emberDIY 3 жыл бұрын
Impresionante!!! amo las artes marciales...saludos desde Colombia...
@kazoka3883 3 жыл бұрын
@miki5010 3 жыл бұрын
はじめまして✨ そうですよね(´・ω・`)2人ともツーショットってなかなか見れないですよね
@Alperen_Sezgin37 3 жыл бұрын
Sensei böyle Tekniklerin Türkçe cevirisi çok ögretici olmuş Teşekkür ederim...
@ilantilak6073 3 жыл бұрын
the thirst of learning karate is more with tatsuya naka shihan, may nature bless him with all knowledge of karate ( siddhi ) we say in southindia means : accomplishment of full knowledge getting through meditation.
@JCRINRI7 2 жыл бұрын
@sushila1103 3 ай бұрын
अतिसुंदर प्रस्तुति 🎉😊😊
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Diving into Okinawa's finest UECHI-RYU Karate with the legendary Karateka: KIYOHIDE SHINJO
[Graham Ravey] Difference between Gedan Barai & Gedan Uke Explained
TOGKA 沖縄傳剛柔流空手道協会
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This is Why Why Ip Man Stopped Teaching Bruce Lee
Wise wind
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Wing Chun Genius: "Karate Is WRONG"
Jesse Enkamp
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Old JKA Karate - Rare historical self-defense film directed by Nakayama Shihan
Yūshin Geiko - Karate-do, Yoga & Meditation
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Karate: The Heart of Propriety - Spiritual Explorers
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What happens if you are attacked by "Bajiquan"?【Tamotsu Miyahira】
kuro-obi world
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Карма в боях она такая!
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Neymar' Choose Who Is Goat 😮‍💨
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Спортивные Моменты
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Kai Cenat Got PAYBACK The Helmet Game AGAIN! 😭💀
Players & kids
Football Mestre
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Greatest commercial of all time❓💀
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