10:25 〜 ジャックのセリフです I raise a toast to honor my many shipmates lost at sea. Salute, mes amis. (海で死んだ仲間に敬意を評し乾杯。敬礼、我が友よ) Rascals and scoundrels, villains and knaves. (ごろつきと悪者、悪党とならず者) We’re devils and black sheep, really bad eggs. (俺たちは悪魔で厄介者、本当の悪人だ) Drink up lads! There’s treasure enough for all. (飲もう。全員に行き渡るほどの宝はある) I shall take this paltry sum as a stipend to cover my expenses, and a chest of jewels. (経費として少しばかりこの宝を頂こう。あとこの宝石箱もな)