5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Warhammer

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Crash Course Hobbies

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@Brainbean Жыл бұрын
Out now: part 2! 5 MORE Things I Wish I knew When I Started Warhammer! kzbin.info/www/bejne/bX6tiWShg8l1iMU
@justinerickson282 Жыл бұрын
The #1 thing new players need to know. Don’t chase the meta, buy the army YOU LOVE THE LOOK OF. The rules change a ton and the meta constantly shifts.
@ryancooper3629 Жыл бұрын
This is true, but I also think it can be super deflating to build an army only to find out that it is so terribad that you shouldn't ever expect to experience anything other than getting stomped into the ground. I think when introducing new players to the hobby, experienced players should be mindful to help guide them so they don't go spend $1000 only to discover that their army is effectively worthless.
@mistformsquirrel Жыл бұрын
100% Literally in the time between settling on a faction (GSC) and starting to actually build them, they've gone from "pretty middling" to apparently, top tier. By the time I'm done building and painting? Probably gonna have been nerfed. Hopefully not too badly but, entirely possible they wind up bottom of the heap. But the aesthetic of all that mining equipment and pressure suits, the crazy dirtbikes and stuff? That's always going to be there. That's the stuff that brought me to the party. They may take my stats, but they'll never take my sick wheelies >.>/
@pancakemogul Жыл бұрын
That's actually #3.
@justinerickson282 Жыл бұрын
@@pancakemogul its 1.. just long form
@TrueMiz Жыл бұрын
I think this is only half right. Look at the meta of the army you enjoy and see if it's something you'd want to play first.
@KrullMaestaren Жыл бұрын
Start small, some even prefer 500pts sized game for various reasons (just be careful not to bring crazy units in small games because the risk is bigger that the game get unbalanced, tell your friend if you want to do that so he can bring an appropriate counter). You don't have to learn all the rules immediately, you and your friends can even change or replace them completely. Whatever makes the game fun :) You will not paint like Squidmar or Marco if you are a beginner. Tried slapchop? Its a great start and give your mins a bit of depth and color. A mini painted with slapchop can always be improved later when you are more experienced. Also, its easier to apply the transparent paint with a bigger brush... try size 1-4 as a beginner. ps. buy cheaper synthetic brushes in the beginning because you will most likely destroy them... better to invest in a range of sizes as a beginner than one expensive brush.
@alexanderboytsov1748 Жыл бұрын
As a beginner i realised too late that starting small is important. Now i have 2000pts of krieg that are primed and ready to paint, but they're so intimidating.... i take it really slowly tho and that makes it more enjoyable
@Akimbo411 Жыл бұрын
My first army was Thousand Sons. Everyone told me that it would be tough and they were absolutely right but they came out great. It was an enormous pain so if you’re not prepared to spend 2-3 hours painting per model not including monsters/vehicles, go with something more simple like Space Marines, Necrons, Drukhari, or Orks. If you’re going with AdMech, you better make the time
@m1bl4n Жыл бұрын
I don't even mind spending that long on a miniature. Could just be because I'm not in a rush and so far not too interested in playing and I chose AdMech, but this gives every model you paint more soul imo. Speedpainting makes your models just painted models, taking every model by themselves gives them each their own story in a way. I mean, you can even see yourself improve over time instead of having the same "subpar" paintjob on 10 models.
@Akimbo411 Жыл бұрын
@@m1bl4n Just like with anything else, mastering the technique is most important and then speed will come with experience. Some people don’t feel that the time investment to get the model looking better than it’s primary color scheme is worth it. There are definitely upsides to not agonizing over every angle and detail but that effort is also worth it. If some people don’t want to get the maximum value out of their models, that’s their problem
@huffinLeeroy Жыл бұрын
Oh, 2-3 hours...whoops, I just put about 12 hours into a terminator chaplain...
@thequestbro Жыл бұрын
Orks are kind of a pain in the ass, too if you're not good at painting faces. It's a whole army of faces, small straps, belt buckles, ect.
@Akimbo411 Жыл бұрын
@@thequestbro True but with orks, the eyes are just red balls and the shade of green doesn’t really matter so they’re at least easier than human faces
@ldeming Жыл бұрын
Another tip: GW is not the only miniature game company out there (though they like to act like they are). If you don't jive with the rules or aesthetic, there are other great games with a lower time/cost barrier to entry like Infinity, Malifaux, Legion, etc.
@robbierotten2024 Жыл бұрын
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare is a very cheap and easy to start miniature tabletop game. You can access all the rules for the Warhammer like game and every army for free, the only things you gotta buy rules wise are the Campaign book (and if you want to, the D&D like mode rule book too), and miniatures. Though they provide STL of many of their models, and are working on making more available for purchase.
@jazzy4830 Жыл бұрын
The problem with that is the wargaming side, other games exist but good luck finding someone else to actually play them with.
@ldeming Жыл бұрын
@@jazzy4830 GW certainly has the most popular games but that will never change unless we make it change. Wargaming is niche to begin with and it only takes a couple of people playing regularly to start a trend.
@LowlandGames Жыл бұрын
Or you can be that guy who orders stuff from other parties. I can get Angron for like 28 dollars if I order it from China or I can get cheap 3D printed one from Etsy. And rather then hiding that fact, be honest and admit you do it for financial reasons. From my experience most people don't mind it when playing, it's about the gaaame.
@Taeerom Жыл бұрын
@@jazzy4830 Buy 8 mechs and lend half of them to the other guy, and teach them Battletech. That's maybe the cost of a 500 point army, but the scope is similar to two 2000 points armies. When the cost and hassle is so much lower than GW, it's easy to just have enough for both of you. You'll only face issues if you're gonna play at a GW store, rather than a local game store that carry all sorts of games.
@otisdriftwood4899 Жыл бұрын
Tabletop Simulator is an amazing resource for getting an idea of how the game works and how different armies/units ACTUALLY play on the table. This is especially nice for people who are more interested in the game play than the hobby aspect.
@eternalvibe9083 Жыл бұрын
Extra painting rule: if you don't know already, try to thin your paints, and put primer on before painting. This is for newbies mainly, but look up all sorts of citadel thinning tutorials, and look up some primers to apply to your models before you paint them. Thinning helps make sure they don't look bloated and chunky, and primer helps the paint stick to the model.
@dancoles2235 Жыл бұрын
That was kind of you to share helpful advice.
@jasonlee9422 Жыл бұрын
the last advise is perfect, pacing is so important for collecting armies, if you buy too much all at once you'll just end up hating them
@couches11 Жыл бұрын
Always remember: You don't have to spray your minis to prime them. Just paint the base coat on, it's fine and you don't have to wait for good weather.
@SobotRex Жыл бұрын
Batch paint only 3-10 miniatures at a time. I tried to do 20 when I joined the hobby and it burned me out. I didn't paint for months on end because I was loathing it so much. You need to find a balance between efficiency and results that works for you.
@katana2665 Жыл бұрын
Started painting miniatures way back in 1978. My personal collection rose to 1600 pieces. There really weren't 'sets' (with exception to Grenadier) that you could buy. Everything was individual and unique. We also didn't have wet blend, slap chop or what ever the newest trend is. There weren't any big contests either. GW and the Golden Demon were more than a decade away. What was left were good 'tabletop' miniatures with dry-brushing. ...And that's my suggestion to new people to the hobby. Don't be swayed by all those nice fancy mini's you see out there. The amount of hours it takes to get to that level, not to mention the investment is completely unreasonable to the newcomer. Just try to get the paint in the areas of the miniature that you want. Focus on brush control! These things are small! When I was a kid, my eyes were sharp. I could get in close. Now at 58, I have to wear reading glasses to see what I'm doing. Even today as I was painting a Super Dungeon Explore Kobold Gouger, I still stuck to layering and outline. They are being painted for me and hopefully one day a tabletop game.
@alfredincognito7678 Жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie, as a guy who just painted my first 5-man squad, this shit was really relevant
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the hobby!
@ryancooper3629 Жыл бұрын
I'd add one other big one: "you don't have to play with painted minis" Nothing can kill excitement to play more than a new player buying an army and jumping into painting with loads of zeal only to discover that at their skill level painting the whole army is going to take months. being able to enjoy their toys right away can really help keep the fires burning while they work on their project. :)
@kylelewis3096 Жыл бұрын
I agree whole heartedly with this statement. The entire point for me is to play the game. Painted miniatures, to me, are not needed. I just want to play. I try to buy painted minis at decent prices or my son paints them for me (since he really enjoys doing it. However, he has his own miniatures for Warcry and Star Wars Legion, so mine don't get too much attention, though he does paint figures for me for birthdays, Father's Day, and Christmas).
@MechaMan3451 Жыл бұрын
This is actually something I recently discovered. I had a freak moment in my life and bought a ton of models. I was so devastated cause my pile of fully painted was dwarfed by the amount of grey bodies and primed wannabes. Then, I realized: the reason why I wanna build models is because then I can play with them, painted or not. I didn’t care a whole lot after that. If someone wants to laugh or cry at my unpainted WIPs, then I won’t play with them. The moment I start stressing about paint jobs is the moment I start losing pieces the blissful joy of gaming.
@robbierotten2024 Жыл бұрын
I couldn’t convince myself I wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on 3D printed figurines so I just cut out note cards in the base shape of the models and carry them in a ziplock bag lol. I don’t plan on playing at a game store with strangers anyways so it works great. Just take a colored pencil and mark the little circles to show they correspond to a certain unit type and you’re good to go
@KingMarineLord Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for the new Farsight boarding patrol set to come out, it has me really psyched to enter the hobby finally.
@SebastianGraham-uf3mf Жыл бұрын
I am new and this genuinely helped me. Thanks!!
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad it was helpful!
@rejectx7798 Жыл бұрын
I wish someone told me that Chaos Space Marines were going to have all my Kitbashed Chaos Lords on Bikes and Jumppacks were going to be thrown out and put into Legends where I can no longer play them in tournaments. Or I wish someone told me to stick with 1 army instead of start 3 different ones. Lol
@chewinggumchicken Жыл бұрын
I'd recommend that ppl stick with a basic or speed paint job to get that combat patrol done. It's so much more energizing to come back to paint when you're also using the models in game. And you can always go back and add highlights and shading. Consider the alternative where if you try NMM on all your new Marines and then you'll burn out before you ever get a game in. Just my $0.02
@bruced648 Жыл бұрын
as mentioned, don't chase the meta!!! you don't need to spend thousands of dollars! if you really like a particular army, get a single box of the basic troops. then go through the build and paint process. take your time and experiment with color schemes. if you are new to painting mini's, then go really cheap. there are plenty of other products out there that are minimal cost ($1 or $2 per mini). find a couple that interest you and practice painting. if you mess up a $1 mini, you won't feel nearly as bad as messing up a $35+ commander mini. finally, it's a hobby! there is no need to rush. you will be your own worst critic. as the artist, you will know the things that went well and what you think are mistakes. even if all you do is a base color and then paint any weapons black or silver, it will still be better than plastic gray. later, you might try a wash or dry brush to get some added details. eventually, you can work on some of the small accessories on the mini. overall, find the relaxation and with practice, the joy of accomplishment.
@bopaintsminis Жыл бұрын
My rules: 1.) Have fun. 2.) Your hobby, your way. 3.) The Hobby is not GW and GW is not the hobby. 4.) Proxies, counts-as, and kit-bashes are The Way. And there are other ways to play than tournaments.
@1971mav Жыл бұрын
You can play with an unpainted army. Just work on it when you can. Never buy GW supplies like brushes, glue, etc.
@EmonWBKstudios Жыл бұрын
I would also include: Wear a respirator when working with spray paints, yes the one you see in those police shows, not your covid mask. Yes, even if you are outdoors because the wind is unpredictable and you don't know when you're gonna get a nose or mouth full of primer particles inside you. Airborne particulate is no joke, you'd think people would have learned that from covid, but alas.
@appleslice1842 Жыл бұрын
Another thing I have learned is that it’s ok to have multiple projects. I use to only focus on one box set and that was it. I am not recommending having 20 different box sets at the same time, but up to two is fine. Sometimes I don’t feel like painting but want to build, other times I want to work on bases of completed units, and lastly I just work on my second army who is different from my main. Sometimes you got to mix it up to keep the hobby enjoyable.
@MrMintyfreshsmell Жыл бұрын
1.) Try other people armies before you buy anything. You may not end up liking the game. Don't just take someone's word that it's fun. Test the game out extensively. 2.) GW will, at some point, break your army. There's nothing you can do about it, but wait or buy another army 1,000 dollar army. 3.) The game is insanely/needlessly expensive. Expect to drop $1500 bucks. 4.) It has a very steep learning curve and isn't easy to play at the start. Be prepared not to have fun (win) for weeks or months. There will be a ridiculous amount of gotcha moments. 5.) The game is designed around primary objectives and secondary objectives. If you just want to battle it out to the last man, you're going to have a bad time. 6.) I have yet to meet a 40k player who actually wants to teach you how to play. Everyone single one I've met only wants to noob stomp.
@war.room.strategist Жыл бұрын
Not that expensive compared to other hobbies. Just saying. Let's look at something you might think is cheap mountain biking. You might say ok 200 dollar bike from Walmart and go. No that bike falls apart after even beginner level slopes. Your looking at 2k for a decent body, about 100 per wheel (low-mid) decent brakes etc. It racks up. Hell its cheaper than having a social life. Let's say you go and have drinks Saturdays and you spend 50 bucks, kinda low end cause you aren't buying rounds for your mates ate that price 50x4=200 200x12= 2400 a year and you don't even have anything to show for it. Video games unless you are one of those people that plays the same game on repeat you are spending more on video games. Its like that for almost every hobby. Some cheaper ones are crocheting, knitting, and walking. On top of that your product stays good for awhile with warhammer some models haven't been updated in decades, its just codices and rules books. If you play one army you might pay 200ish an edition. So let's look at cheap armies for gray knights a decent 2k point army will cost you about 450$ with 3 combat patrol boxes choosing load outs correctly done easily. With models left over you can sell to pay for the hobby supplies. Then 200 for books thats core rules, your codex and mission books. For 650ish you have a very good 2k points of grey knights and there books and hobby supplies if you sell extra models 750ish of you don't. Not super expensive considering it will last for editions. Its get bad with multiple armies and metachasing. Your other points lead me to believe you don't actually play often. Tons of people are willing to help people learn ask specifically for it and you'll see. Tons of ways to have fun besides win, narrative games, crusades etc. Again price? You can play 500 point games and have a blast for less than 400$. Most games aren't even played at 2k points its just tournaments and some of those are 1k point lists. Games Workshop doesn't break there are just times when they don't preform as well not to say they can't still preform. Gotcha moments may feel bad but its a learning experience, its war sometimes your enemy pulls out shit you aren't ready for. However that comes with not reading Intel reports (any of the hundreds of army break downs online) never played a guard player but I know they can take finial standard and kasrkins for a mortal wound bomb that you can't stop. Standard makes it so you can't ignore wounds so no feel no pains and overrides per phase wound caps 2 strats let kasrkins mortal wound on 5+. Tl;dr: stop the cap.
@MrMintyfreshsmell Жыл бұрын
@war.room.strategist There's no cap. The game's poorly designed, expensive, dated, horribly balanced, and every player I've ever met only pub stomps. These are my opinions, but I can back them up. Stop using the excuse that "it's cheap than most hobbies". That's called "whataboutism". No one gives a shit if it's technically cheaper is specific ways over other hobbies. These are PLASTIC MODELS! It's widely known that their profit margins are absolutely insane compared to other companies. They are ripped off their players. Stop making excuses for a company that doesn't give a shit about you.
@primafacie5029 Жыл бұрын
Wish someone would have told me to stop after my first 1000 points
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
It's a marathon not a sprint! although sometimes we sprint... sometimes I crawl. Whatever it takes!
@t0k3p0k3 Жыл бұрын
Yes, warhammer for me at least costs more in time than money. A squad of 10 takes me around 30-40 hours to assemble and paint. That could take me a month or two to get done. It gets expensive when you buy more than you can get done, which is a very easy trap to fall into. GW raising prices has turned me off of buying warhammer for now.
@TinBearStudios Жыл бұрын
Pacing myself is an absolutely key point which I feel like new people need to learn quickly - I think a good amount of us have the disposable income to invest as we get older and as you said, it's not about the financial investment but rather the time investment. When you realise that (far too late!) like I did it can be a real kicker, I honestly think I have about 30,000 points worth of models across 11 armies now and I've only been in the hobby for about 9 months. It's a ridiculous amount to get through, and I have been limiting myself since the start of 2023 - but I realised far too late just because you can buy new minis it doesn't mean you SHOULD buy new minis!
@Marconius6 Жыл бұрын
#1 is literally the first thing everyone told me when I first started. You can do whatever you want, they're your models. #2 is true, but only to a point. It's difficult to learn and practice if you're using a cheap brush or bad paints, so I actually think it's better to invest some money early on, instead of trying to be super cheap. Maybe not for your very first model, but after that. This ties in with #4 too, it's hard to prime well if you're using some course auto primer or something because you wanted to save some money. Also for #4, you can PRIME BY HAND. Brush-on primer is a thing, and it can be great!
@gabrielpasquino4270 Жыл бұрын
just saw this video pop up on my recommended, watched it, and subbed. I'm a new player just starting to get into Warhammer (just got my first figurine, Thousand Sons Infernal Master!) and from watching this alone I can tell your channel is going to be a great learning resource. Looking forward to seeing more of your content!
@Ric-Gravina Жыл бұрын
For a new channel you’ve killed the look and aesthetic. You’re channel will fly. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses 🙏
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Ric! I'm having a blast producing content for something I'm so passionate about. So far the community response has been overwhelming. Thanks for taking the time to write such an encouraging comment!
@Ric-Gravina Жыл бұрын
@@CrashCourseHobbies You've got this!
@marvingrunthal3930 Жыл бұрын
Holy smokes, I saw the video, noticed the quality and simply assumed this channel had like 6-digit-amounts of followers :D can only agree, this will take OFF!
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
@@marvingrunthal3930 Thanks friend :)
@Sykdude Жыл бұрын
Love Coheed and Cambria!
@ryankornacki9918 Жыл бұрын
One thing I reccomend is getting a kill team starter box. You can find out pretty quick whether or not the hobby is right for you, plus you don't have to spend more than say $250.
@PaintAndPlayWithJay Жыл бұрын
For picking armies I normally base it on how they look first and foremost. But for now I also base them on playstyles - I've got Space Wolves, Thousand Sons and I'm hoping to get Tau. That way I'll be able to play games that are heavy on close combat, psychic and shooting in completely different ways just by rotating what army I want to use.
@socialdeviant13 Жыл бұрын
#2 my spouse is painting my army of Ork Karen's with Apple Barn from Wal-Mart, and I'm adding make-up with felt-tip pens. They don't look as "clean" as the unit our buddy painted for me, but that's perfect for what I wanted. #3 my spouse decided to mix Chaos and Loyal Marine models and make an original chapter for his first army. After reading the rules, his idea matches the Alpha Legion so well, and that's his favorite lore faction. #4 we live in Florida, we get like 6 days with no humidity a year 😆 #5 since I'm not the one painting I fell into this trap and overwhelmed my poor spouse. Not even a 2k pt army, just looking at all the models and thinking about what would be needed for us to start playing how we want to play. He's almost done with my Beast Snaggaz, so I'll have 2 units fully painted, then he has to finish his Warp Talons for him to have 3 units fully painted. Then my combat patrol, his Outriders, his Attack Bike, his Raptors, his Librarian, and i've been talking to him about getting a Chaos Combat Patrol and some Tank Bustaz. Granted, he has also gone off and ordered some bits and bobs to customize his units (some printers make lady space marine heads), so the pile continues.
@bruced648 Жыл бұрын
I use the craft paints extensively. my two tips would be; 1st - get a wet palet (if you don't have one) 2nd thin the paints a lot. put an initial coat almost like a wash. then add layers til you get the solid opaque you are looking for. as a Tau collector, I have 100 troops plus drones plus battle armor plus vehicles. if I were to use standard mini paints, the cost would be nearly as much as the Army. after I prime, I base with two different craft paint colors. then I use the quality paints for any extra details. a final wash to pull out some details. some basing material and it's done. good luck with your Karen Boyz.
@carpan144 Жыл бұрын
Literally got into it like 5 days ago. Bought my first set Tyranids - Winged Hive tyrant, A partol box with Broodlord and some smaller stuff and some Garboys. Now I wanna get some more bugs cuz I realy love how they look. Learned the basic rules and am waiting ona 750p tournament this saturday. Of course, I've already started falling into the trap of buying stuff, and on the worse time to buy Nids as well with the neww eddition on the horizon :D I just really want to get me a Tervigon. Anyway, will heed your advice, since I feel myself slipping, but I sort of have a color scheme for the Hive and want to experiment with them and make them the best I can.
@Bodkin_Ye_Pointy Жыл бұрын
There is always some misinformation in comments like this. Point 1 is just wrong. I got into WH40k in Edition two. I read the booklets because they were as inspiring as the figures. It was written in the books that your colour scheme is your choice, even for existing Chapters or Mobs. It was written. Also written was the law on Red, the lining colours on the pauldrons, Yarrick and so forth. 4 My priming technique occurred with a paint brush. Those figures are 20+ years old now and their paint job is pristine. 5, don't wait to buy your preferred minis. When I switched from Orks to Eldar, I ran a list and bought the entire list from a retailer who gave me a 15% discount in the sale. Except for single blister minis. That meant I was not hit with CPI increases and I had plenty of rewards for my painting tasks. I even based my painting priority on the base needs for a legal 500 point army. Your rules are not entirely valid and talking to GW staff was a help.
@MarcosGarcia-et1qu Жыл бұрын
My tip is also to find what you want your army to do. I started with Tau cause they look cool but ended up switching to my now Chaos Blood Angels because I enjoy playing assault armies more. Custom paint scheme and play Fleshtearers or WordBearers. Sometimes night lords. And yes some people like some of my paint jobs and I paint off a Tupperware container with paper towels and parchment paper with a little cheap lamp desk. Remember this is your time and money. Your hobby. We all just share the same brand of models we're building and painting. And Goodluck! always happy to see new people joining the hobby
@HPSmugscraft Жыл бұрын
1. Your paint job doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to detail every nook and cranny. It's better for it to be less detailed and look nice than try too hard and make it look like crap. 2. Restart a paint job if you're not satisfied with it. You can strip off paint with isopropyl alcohol and an old toothbrush. Never let yourself get stuck with something you're unhappy with. 3. When playing, focus on the fundamentals (moving, hit/wound/save rolls, charge, melee, etc). Don't get bogged down too much in minute details like modifiers and whatnot. Open Play rules even say you can ignore rules you don't like, as long as all players agree to them. For example, my brother and I ignore the Command, Psyker, and Morale phases, because none of those really apply to our armies.
@DANKZI Жыл бұрын
I don't agree with people that play down the importance of "gear". Just like in music - My guitar and recording software etc. makes a huge difference. It is so inspiring to have everything ready to go and an instrument you know is not handi-capped in anyway. Same goes for paints, brushes, airbrushes etc. If you have your paints in a plastic bag under the bed and brushes god knows where it really affects how likely you're going to paint. Better stuff don't equal better skill BUT it is still an important factor that very often gets overlooked.
@hobbybro3902 Жыл бұрын
I kinda dove in with two box sets “Know No Fear” and Dark Ultimatum” those Death Guard figures are something special. I would say pace yourself at first to get a system for painting. Yes mix it up to keep things fresh.
@Kajerman Жыл бұрын
I started out getting a Recruit Edition for my son and myself each. He wanted the Marines and I wanted the Necrons so we swapped models. Thereafter I picked up a Combat Patrol, Battleforce, Indomitus and a few more models and yeah ... I've got over 2000 pts and not enough time to assemble and paint. But hey... I do it whenever I get the time and don't feel like I need to rush.
@tom_mirom Жыл бұрын
I got into the hobby quite recently (just before december) and I decided to go with adepta sororitas. I bought the battle sister squad, but didn't have time to paint it. Then me and my friends decided to buy some minis from the internet and after watching tons of videos on sororitas I decided to buy the codex, celestine and CP.... and few weeks after that GW released the christmas set "sanctorum guard".... lets skip to present time and there was this festival in my country (video game, geek, anime based) and I bought few other minis... now I'm sitting on 44 miniatures waiting to be painted cuz' I still don't have time to do it (due to school) can't wait for summer break to at least do my CP and celestine! great vid!
@Tank50us Жыл бұрын
For those that jump right into a 2000pt army purchase... seriously... take your time building them. It is viable to build a few minis, stop for the day, come back the next, build a few more, rinse and repeat. If you're watching the weather, this could be an excellent way to make sure that when it comes time to prime them, the weather will be perfect, and you can get them all primed in one go while the weather is cooperative. Also, for those who can't invest in an airbrush due to space concerns, like if you live in a studio apartment, I would recommend that if your building has a garage level, do your priming there. 9/10 times, the garage level is going to be climate controlled, and perfectly viable for priming work. Just be sure to avoid getting any spray on peoples cars, so do it against a wall or something. If possible, check with your buildings management first.
@dancoles2235 Жыл бұрын
Great advice; thank you. This is good food for thought even if you don't play Warhammer but collect minis, paint minis, or are getting in to other games/simulations. Pragmatism.
@Ghost_the_fox_ Жыл бұрын
I just got into the hobbie and brought the deathguard combatpatrol and finished it after 5 days (also got 3 extra plague marines out of it with kitbashing). But i wished they removed 10 of the poxwalkers and instead put maybe terminators in it xD
@Bodkin_Ye_Pointy Жыл бұрын
Love that you are promoting wargaming though. I love WH40k but it is not the only system I have. It is fun to do anything, not the least my planned battle between the USMC and the Mongols.
@ragozzinehq Жыл бұрын
You have a cool swimming pool 😊 ALSO nice video; I’m super new to the hobby and happily know some of these tips already! Makes me feel less newb-ish 😂
@danielcrafter9349 Жыл бұрын
00:40 - they used to. They used to encourage creativity. Tells you how far GW have fallen; the community and hobby around GWs orbit is definitely not the friendly, creative space it once was
@stebbigunn7690 Жыл бұрын
I like paintong more than anything eles. And i like hord armyes and ivest at least 18-64 hours per model. oldy buy one box per 3-4 months
@Thoughtmage100 Жыл бұрын
"You can paint your army however you want" Unless you want to paint them like the box art. That will elude you for all eternity. 🫠
@camostrike4395 Жыл бұрын
New guys read this your first paintjob is going to suck compared to someone whose been painting that army for years but if ur proud of it it’ll look cool
@dmgroberts5471 Жыл бұрын
I don't have it anymore, but the 4th Ed Space Marine codex had a section on creating your own paint scheme.
@mackdye9070 Жыл бұрын
They didn't want you to know so they could beat you at every chance they got. Its a PVP game after all.
@lionheartx-ray4135 Жыл бұрын
LoL don't prime in humid area. Looks around in bayou City this might be a problem.
@thomasarcher2108 5 ай бұрын
Jokes on you it's always humid here, but I do have a airbrush
@AlphariusXXth Жыл бұрын
Chase your love, you can always beat someone's ass without caring about the meta.
@zakbrewin1709 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos i always feel like i have have been let down when i know/agree with all the points. And then i remember i have been in the hobby for a decade
@sergiobarrachina3363 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree on your 3rd point. That's key along with the army's play style
@nicolaspace1182 Жыл бұрын
I want to see you do a video where you paint minis with the cheapest brushes, and then review how the experience was.
@nicholasmattiello8959 Жыл бұрын
Yeah my army is white scars :( and I didn't know when I started now I'm a pro at white n red lmao
@markoradmanovic6600 Жыл бұрын
there is one great solution to having a pile of shame..... be broke
@DirtyNerd86 Жыл бұрын
Just getting into the hobby. I'm reading Belisarius Cawl - The Great Work about 5 chapters in. Loving it so far. That said, I think I'll either pick up an Adeptus Mechanicus or T'au because I like their aesthetic and lore the most.
@lizardlegend42 Жыл бұрын
Well god fucking dammit someone in quite literally the exactly the same position as myself 🤣 I'm a few chapters ahead of you lol, fun book so far! I'm just after getting my first box, the new admech boarding patrol one! Hopefully gonna start some of the assembly next week!
@DirtyNerd86 Жыл бұрын
@@lizardlegend42 how much did that box cost? I know its a pricey hobby but I'd appreciate a ballpark y'know?
@lizardlegend42 Жыл бұрын
@@DirtyNerd86 It cost ~€95 for me, that's with a 10% duscount the store has. Then ofc there was the primer and paints, in total I'd say I've spent about €130 on hobby stuff I think? I also got the book and the codex as well on top of that. Codex is cool I'm still glad I got it a lot of fun art and lore but when 10th edition comes out in the next few months you won't actually need a codex to play (that was a fun surprise 😅). Definitely avoid the core rule book until you're sure you want to play the game somewhere that doesn't already have a copy I'd say. It is just shockingly expensive. Piracy can also be your friend, GW won't miss you lol. Ik admech are a particularly pricy army if you're looking to get enough numbers to play big battles though so do be warned. Like this boarding patrol box is only like 360 points I think? Still great value for money though compared to getting all the model sets it comes with individually. If you're interested in Tau they probably have the single best Boarding Patrol box coming out today I think actually 😅! Over 500 points, should be similar cost and really excellent looking models! The Farsight model they've shown off for it is just beautiful.
@DirtyNerd86 Жыл бұрын
@@lizardlegend42 I'm not sure if I want to play the game itself yet. I like the concept of it, but at the very least, I'll paint a small number of models just to decorate my living space. At least, that's what I imagine my intro to the series is gonna look like. So, for now, I have the lore book. And will look into picking up a small detachment of figures from either Adeptus Mechanicus or T'au. I'm also wondering about the Necrons. Metal skeletons with plasma weapons? Yes, please.
@lizardlegend42 Жыл бұрын
@@DirtyNerd86 That's a very good idea I think! And yes Necrons are also very cool 😅
@Johnnymarzo Жыл бұрын
Guys sprayed primer ALLLL in the pool 😅
@Hercules1-v9m Жыл бұрын
I'm in Indiana. Humid is our normal condition lol.
@tgrier3858 Жыл бұрын
Currently it is a wise decision to purchase the models that you want for your army , hesitating with new releases can cause you to wait for a while before they become available again
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Don't let the FOMO get you!!!
@tgrier3858 Жыл бұрын
@@CrashCourseHobbies War Dogs , arks of omens Abaddon book
@mokane86 Жыл бұрын
Also hesitating can cause you to miss a "prime season" for your preferred army! Ive been interested in playing for like 4 years now, and my two preferred armies have become top of the meta recently, so now ill most probably miss playing them at their peak, since im still far behind on being able to field and army.
@idizme4316 Жыл бұрын
So I hear about the humidity a lot. And people always recommend to prime your models on a hot dry day. I live in a country where winter lasts little over 6 months and summer about 2 months and even then it rains a lot. Any recommendation how to get a good conditions to prime without needing to rely on weather. If I am gona start this hobby, I don't want to spend 2 months buying and priming models so I can have models to paint for the other 10 months
@worldeater2414 Жыл бұрын
@sergiobarrachina3363 Жыл бұрын
Purple, dude? Like traitor Horus' army? HERESY!!
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
@animeator Жыл бұрын
Also if you're mostly in it for the painting, don't worry about army. Get the mini you want to paint. Focus on joy, always.
@beauraymond11 Жыл бұрын
Coheed! Nice video. Subbed
@Gh0st713 Жыл бұрын
Nice Coheed & Cambria hat
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Hello fellow COTF! My wardrobe is like 70% Coheed merch so get ready!
@Gh0st713 Жыл бұрын
@@CrashCourseHobbies Already subscribed, your channel is really hitting the ground running look forward to the future of your channel.
@kewanzahedinour7304 Жыл бұрын
Couldnt agree more!
@alpharius42069 Жыл бұрын
All armys are alpharius
@MrOwlbino Жыл бұрын
I love those purple space marines, can I ask what paint you used for these?
@methioswar2916 Жыл бұрын
Purple paint i think😂
@broncofun5636 Жыл бұрын
all sound advice!
@des-trina Жыл бұрын
Sweet Coheed hat btw.
@judemendoza2666 Жыл бұрын
Love the Coheed hat!
@attemptedunkindness3632 Жыл бұрын
I spent this ENTIRE video with my OCD praying, hoping, _screaming_ for you to fix that hoodie string pulled behind your neck. Your paint work is immaculate though and that advice on climate control was hard earned for me so consider me subscribed just so I can enviously stare at those purple BA you got. (I play Purple 7th Company RG, so I gain extra stealth against Orks) Keep up the Lord's work and fix that hoodie string my good man.
@simonrigg8391 Жыл бұрын
You can spend a lot of time behind the brush and still be doing things wrong. Using the correct brushes, undercoats, washes, pallets and many other things drastically improves the look of your painted minis. Using the GW shit to begin with (overpriced as it may be) will help you learn how to paint shit properly. Then move over to other brands when you know what you're doing.
@UntiltedName Жыл бұрын
I see the "buying stuff to feel like an improvement" in the guitar and bass hobby a ton, too. We have guys who are imagining some special tone they heard on some album. And they feel like their creativity cannot progress until they've gone through buying/selling 30 different overdrive pedals to find that tone. Or maybe their skillset has plateaue'd and they don't understand how to breakthrough (play other genres, get advanced lessons, listen to other genres, join another band) but they think that new amp or guitar will do it.
@raistlarn Жыл бұрын
On the topic of better tools don't equal better skills. Well this is true, but unless you are a prodigy crappy tools can hamper your skill growth. An example I could use was that I spent quite a bit of time fighting my first paint brushes (Citadel brushes.) They were to put it kindly, crap, and they literally hampered my skill growth. I spent close to 1/4 of my time reshaping the tips, because they would split, curl or do some other bs that I would have to fix just to be able to paint a straight line. Then I bought a couple Winsor and Newton Series 7 brushes (before they had quality issues) several years ago. They still hold a tip, they haven't split, and most importantly I can spend that time painting without having to screw around with my crappy Citadel brushes tip. On the other hand vortex mixers are a luxury. I also recommend them wholeheartedly, but I recommend making sure you actually like this hobby first before plunking down $60+ for a mixer.
@spencerdavis560 Жыл бұрын
The thing that’s helped me the most: it’s okay to fail at a concept and it’s okay to respray/strip/start over. I painted over 2K points of salamanders and then got an airbrush and am redoing ALL of it. I LOVE my new scheme so much more than the old one. And it’s okay to try an army you like the look of and then sell/store it for another time
@Zero-ob2sd Жыл бұрын
Great video! I just got the recruit edition and i fell in love with the space marine minis! (The necrons not so much tbh), i'll paint the marines as blood angels chapter and start with Tau Empire to play with them!
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Sounds like an awesome plan! Welcome to the hobby!!!
@williamrichardson4110 Жыл бұрын
It helps lol
@alexanderboytsov1748 Жыл бұрын
Well, i still suppose that my purchase of brushes is still justified by the fact that my thinnest brush is like 5mm at the tip. Without certain quality of equipment it's still hard to understand, whether you're the one who makes mistake or it's just so that you don't have right equipment
@janschulte8434 Жыл бұрын
There are also good brush on primers, e.g. from Vallejo, Reaper's MSP series or Scale75. They may take a little bit longer brush onto your mini then to spray, but you can do it from the comfort of your painting desk without having to worry about the temperature outside, wearing a respirator and installing a spray booth for proper ventilation and without cleaning your airbrush afterwards. At first it felt like going a step backwards to use the brush for priming, but it literally gets me to my painting desk, brush and mini in my hands. I still use the old rattle can from time to time, but more often I just stick to the brush.
@Cannonhead Жыл бұрын
As to the point on primers here, I live in Canada and for a full third of the year it is frequently too cold to use a spray can of primer outside. I've taken to painting airbrush primer onto my models with a brush, which seems to work fine. If you only have spray cans though, I recommend stepping outside for about thirty seconds at a time to spray, then stepping back inside where it's warm. As long as the model isn't left to cure in a cold environment, it should be fine, it's worked for me at least.
@cetx Жыл бұрын
I recommend getting some cheap models to practise painting on before tackling the "good" stuff. And no matter your results, take pride in your work.
@bethskeggs7530 Жыл бұрын
Find a faction or range that can be completed in an evening. My Necron army is base coated and then drybrushed. Quick, easy and still looks effective. these "easy wins" help alleviate when im struggling on more time consuming models. also like to pick up terrain scatter pieces and so the same.
@GCLEM92 Жыл бұрын
I recommend to folks wanting to get into the hobby, start with kill team, you can paint individual kill teams and find our what factions you like to paint and assemble.
@ThePolyfamous Жыл бұрын
Man, the algorithm really said "i like this one"
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
I say my prayers to the algorithm daily.
@stevensmith8313 Жыл бұрын
Just getting into the hobby itself but have been a fan of the lore for a little while now so this is super helpful for me. Also, love the hat.
@RandyNelson10 Жыл бұрын
Mercy hoodie AND Coheed hat?? Very cool
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
COTF for life!
@TimMcKjr Жыл бұрын
Love this channel already. Keep up the quality work boyo. 🤙🏻
@JoeFlamenco Жыл бұрын
I learned one thing about the hobby in the last year of 40K, go to play. Not to win or chase after recognition.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
For me, I consider it a win if I remember all my rules and don't make any huge blunders.
@JoeFlamenco Жыл бұрын
@@CrashCourseHobbies it’s a given that I’m going to blunder in a huge way.
@BrandonGW Жыл бұрын
Digging the coheed and Cambria hat.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Love me some Coheed!
@cowkingkiller Жыл бұрын
don't feel bad buying a prebuilt army from someone online... i did that with my eldar when i first started.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with that! also a good suggestion. enter the hobby however you want. with pre-painted you can get straight into playing!
@TwoCowzBrowze Жыл бұрын
Great video! Quality content to share with anyone new in the hobby !
@brendanjohnson9849 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Definitley earned the sub when I saw the hat
@matthewpearson9823 Жыл бұрын
Cool coheed and cambria hat dude. Great advice too.
@bieryroland Жыл бұрын
@ryansroad22 Жыл бұрын
Firstly, enjoyed the video buddy very nice ☺️ secondly, what’s your tech channel? as your doing really well considering you’ve had this channel for like 1 week 😅 so the content creator in me is struggling with that 😂🙌❤️
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
my tech channel is called Brainbean. Thanks for the kind words! This channel is relatively new but I've been doing KZbin and video production for like 7 years. It's definitely been a long road to learn everything, starting a new channel can look deceiving in terms of accomplishment vs time but without my years of working on other projects I would never be able to put out content like this.
@ryansroad22 Жыл бұрын
@@CrashCourseHobbies cheers for the reply buddy, that’s exactly the impression I had, apologies if I implied anything else 🙌, from the thumbnails, video production, lighting etc it’s easy to see you’re not new to this. Your videos are edited lovely and presented great, your and you’re great on camera 👍 Either way I’ve subbed with both my channels and will be following your content ☺️👍👍
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