What NOT to do at The Game Store Playing Warhammer! (or Any Game)

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Crash Course Hobbies

Crash Course Hobbies

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@marcwittkowski5146 Жыл бұрын
I agree with all points but one: don't do the sniff test. People who stink and have poor hygiene on the regular will not realise that they stink. Just take a shower before going to the store. Even if you think you don't need one.
@SodoDolo Жыл бұрын
Biggest rule of thumb: If you have to question whether you need a shower or not, just go ahead and shower.
@cravinghibiscus7901 Жыл бұрын
@@SodoDolo Easy way to make this practice truly effective. Start the day with just a few brush strokes, details whatever. And if you still have paint on your wrist as you are leaving the house, you forgot to take a shower.
@raistlarn Жыл бұрын
+1. People never notice their personal smell unless something were to change it drastically.
@Commonwealth_Of_Pennsylvania Жыл бұрын
And wash your sweatshirts/jackets if you regularly wear one. Seriously, I can say from experience that you won't know how bad it smells until you're told by people you care about and mildly embarrassed at an airport in New Jersey. Wash your goddamn clothes, especially if you wear the same article regularly
@wikyWargaming Жыл бұрын
Used people smell is a terrible smell 😅👍
@anisbaka1458 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for opening my eyes.
@swaslaukinonome Жыл бұрын
Only caveat to the smell thing is do not grief someone about this who you don't know. Have a couple people with physical problems they absolutely cannot control in my local game scene, they are aware and trying their best, but having to answer to some pushy stranger about it is like a kick in the teeth for them when it's hard for them to get out and socialize at all. If someone's wearing a tshirt looks like it could stand up on its own, I understand sayin' nah or asking them for a wash, but be mindful of how you're treating folks from appearances (wafts). I suggest the asking out loud and checking if you stepped in something, then leave it at that. Indirect, non-confrontational, and gets the point across perfectly clear.
@carlosgomez5975 Жыл бұрын
That's a Coheed hat! SUBSCRIBED
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Coheed is life
@joshuaginn792 Жыл бұрын
Good warhammer (TTG) rules. 1. Pay where you play. 2. Personal Hygene aways 3. Don’t be a dick 4. Don’t offer advise if people are having fun. Offer only if solicited. 5. Paint your models.
@cromcraft3494 Жыл бұрын
5:00 I agree. The first tournament I played in, my opponent forgot to deep strike his reserves. We only realized half way into the shooting phase. I told him to set them up anyway and continue shooting me. Next turn I forgot to heal my dreadnought. He let be go back. That dreadnought then proceeded to win me the game
@TheDukeofGinge Жыл бұрын
Watching this reminds me of when Mortarion had just came out and my brother was so hyped. Went to pick him up one day and there was a two guys about to play and the GW staff told us someone had him ready for a game if we wanted to see the model built and paints, This guy heard us and called us over let my bro pick up and look at it and then asked if we wanted to see him play and him and his mate had a few quick games so my bro could see Mortation in action. About 20 mins later the guy pulled out a bit of paper and wrote down some tips for playing Mortation and honestly I was blown away by it, as iv had a lot of negative experiences with stuff like this. The guy was so happy to be talking about it and was loving the face he got to help someone with it.
@winowmak3r Жыл бұрын
I had a similar experience at my local game shop. The hobby already has a reputation of being full gatekeeping neckbeards it's nice to be able to just sit down and talk about the game without feeling like the guy is trying to win an argument with you. If we want the hobby to grow we need more interactions like yours.
@BuddyWithTheSideburns Жыл бұрын
Celebrating your opponent's victories is honestly such a great way to keep sore-loser syndrome at bay. Used to be something I struggled with, but my mental health has improved so much by finding joy in the game first, rather than just joy in victory.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
100% I like to think of it as a story we are watching play out rather than a competitive match. Of course this depends on if you are playing more narrative or competitive but it makes it enjoyable win or lose.
@ummthatguy Жыл бұрын
It's also just good overall. This is a game at the end of the day, casual or tournament play. It's a good rule of thumb to cheer on others' success and it will keep you thinking about it longer. You talk down on their win you will ignore your short comings or things you could have done and will be vulnerable to that strategy that caught you anyways
@emzetkin1100 Жыл бұрын
I also find it helps to like, assess after a battle why you lost, like an actual strategist. Last game I played, I got tabled because I didn't put anything in reserves or deepstrike.
@Ahriman_362 Жыл бұрын
I'm so guilty of being quite silent after i lost. I would like to cheer my opponent up but my mind tries to analyze what i've done wrong, thinking about the whole game. I shake hands and everything but yeah
@BuddyWithTheSideburns Жыл бұрын
​@@CrashCourseHobbies Absolutely! The 40k universe is wonderfully ridiculous anyway, so you might as well have some fun with it :)
@grimwill7686 Жыл бұрын
And to anyone thinking about getting into the game at your local game store and worried about running into "that guy" don't worry, they're few and far between.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. This community is genuinely the nicest most welcoming I have ever encountered.
@longle88 Жыл бұрын
@@CrashCourseHobbies so true, ive only ran into "that guy" at tournaments, never in my locals.
@imjustsam1745 Жыл бұрын
I got into the hobby at almost 40, tried so many things first. I'm taken aback almost constantly by how welcoming and friendly everyone is.
@michelecastellotti9172 Жыл бұрын
​@@CrashCourseHobbies unless you play or genuenly like tau, then prepare for a mine field
@AngusBeef0 Жыл бұрын
or if you dont know who that guy is.. it might be you
@admiralfujitora4376 Жыл бұрын
I love to think that its never bad luck, but dice who want to tell a story and that the enemy defies all odds and that its like an important plot point in a novel of how someone became a hero
@beardfistthegoldenone7273 Жыл бұрын
That's how I get through bad luck. It's not that my dice roll crap, the story just unfolded that way.
@AlainPilon Жыл бұрын
wow! I never thought about it this way but it is such a nice idea. I will use it to teach my kids when gaming! thx
@insomniacbritgaming1632 Жыл бұрын
I had a single Bloodreaver (AoS) with 1 wound and a 6+ save haha and he refused to die, was backed into a corner, with a pile or 15 skeletons around him, by the end of the game he was still alive (squad of 10 and didn't take morale due to a hero buff) but had whittled down the skeles to around 7... he is still in the cabinet at the store almost like a hero haha
@isaiahcampbell488 Жыл бұрын
It's like in actual history, the 300 for example. Could you imagine being the guy playing the Persians and the frustration you would have at the Greeks and spartan? But also the excitement and nervousness of the Spartan player? That would be one heck of a tabletop match.
@christophertidwell2422 Жыл бұрын
And then there's times I fail a 3+ up 5 times in a row
@Barry-Sweaty Жыл бұрын
why are you singling me out and making me feel like crap? I love cheating and trashing mediocre paint jobs. Talking trash and cheating is my hobby. Don't take my hobby away from me. Totally killing my cheating whilst trash talkin' chub, man. LOL. thanks for the vid. HOWEVER, there are some stinky nerds tho and I will always talk crap to stinkers.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
@brittlespy9083 Жыл бұрын
So back when I played ultramarines a lot of people looked down on my army because “I was playing the basic cookie cutter space marines” but I really liked them but got so unnoticed to keep playing them and then I switched to dark angels and then was talking to a guy I was playing with who was an eldar player and told him I used to be an ultramarines player and why I changed chapters and what hit me hard is when he said “well why’d you stop?” And that dude had a much better influence on me than any victory I’ve had
@sparkyspinz9897 Жыл бұрын
I like ultramarines too myself
@Akimbo411 Жыл бұрын
I’m still a box art Andy when it comes to my painting. I don’t judge people’s paint jobs unless I really like them. If I think a paint job is lazy or inadequate, I keep that to myself. I don’t know what else is going on in this person’s life. They could be doing their best for all I know.
@Tinytraveler Жыл бұрын
Holy hell, a regular human, with well adjusted manors. Haven't seen one of you on the internet in years. Nice.
@perlago21 Жыл бұрын
Good sentiment in this statement, I started this hobby a couple of months back, fell in love with the lore and decided to buy a starter box got a cheap set of speed paint got the models painted on a basic way but not horrible , I went to my local game store with a small paper sign “ new to wh40k looking to learn how to play if you are up to it let’s have a game” the game store manager had a laugh when I showed the sign and gave me a free hour on a table because of it, the first guy that came in and saw me said “ great another loser with a shit paint job wasting real players time” man I felt like shit but kept quiet but the game store manager lost it and kicked the guy out!! After that some people came in and showed me how to play and I say the wh40k is awesome here in SLC but like they say there is always THAT GUY!!
@winowmak3r Жыл бұрын
I'm in the same spot man. Still very much in the 'paint by numbers' territory and I'm perfectly OK with that. Between youtube and modern paints (contrasts? what's that?) it's been *significantly* easier than I thought it was going to be. I don't consider myself an artistic person and even I was able to put out something I'd be proud to bring out to an event. I might not win any awards or anything but my guys are presentable. It's good to know there's people out there who won't hold it against me!
@CMTechnica Жыл бұрын
Before I moved across the country the last game I played at my old FLGS I bought the owner and his wife breakfast. It wasn’t much, considering I was moving cross country and being a Warhammer player, but I wanted to thank them for being probably the only decent (dedicated) game store that hosted Warhammer regularly, even if the all day pass for playing was pennies for them in the long run.
@mikehawk8984 Жыл бұрын
Living in the rural Midwest it's so hard to even dip your toes into WH40K. Finding someone else to invest hundreds of dollars into a game as complicated as 40k is a tough ask 😅😭
@0xydealpha644 Жыл бұрын
Bro, just 3D print everything. The more you save on money the more people will be there to play
@mikehawk8984 Жыл бұрын
@@0xydealpha644 true I thought about 3D printing as well, but that's also a pretty chunk of change to drop on something and I'm not super knowledgeable about it yet unfortunately lol
@Radioflyer32 Жыл бұрын
@@0xydealpha644 Been trying to dip in to 3D printing for a while. Any tips/resources that helped you get things figured out at the start? I have no printer or anything for it yet, just been trying to research to make the right choices.
@leifurhilmarson3154 Жыл бұрын
Where at in the Midwest? There are games in Oklahoma and Texas. And tournament coming in Kansas.
@mikehawk8984 Жыл бұрын
@Leifur Hilmarson Ohio, about an hour and a half away from the biggest city that might have any haha 😅
@cravinghibiscus7901 Жыл бұрын
Love how this is all very useful outside the gamestore lmao. There is a danish expression that does not translate super well: "Tab og vind med samme sind" Basically loose and win with the same attitude. That always stuck with me as a key moral lesson.
@angrycrusader7047 Жыл бұрын
I will say recently I was "that guy" at my local club and honestly I feel so bad.. I've joined my clubs league with my black templars, I was kitbashing and constantly building my models to get a 1000pts force to play with, I was happy with my models and my first opponent was admech, I've played with and against this guy before and he's great I didn't get much sleep before the league and when I got there I was trying to be positive, but with most of my models being either one shot or two shot off the board I was slowly losing faith, I played to the end but when it finished I had to step outside and breathe.. I was more annoyed at myself than at him but still, it just didn't feel nice.. Next time the club happens I'm gonna apologise to him for how I acted, it wasn't right and I should've acted better
@redrat123321 Жыл бұрын
It happens and you just have to take it on the chin, played a tournament this weekend and I failed 3 5" charges in one turn with my chaos daemons. Made me loose the game but I just laught it off since its bound to happen sooner or later. Ive been playing warhammer 40k since 2nd ed and the dice will just hate you sometimes and thats fine since its a game of chance.
@winowmak3r Жыл бұрын
It happens dude. I've been there too when I play PC games with my buddies. Sometimes I'm just frustrated more at myself and playing bad than I am at them for playing well but it's not always that clear...
@angrycrusader7047 Жыл бұрын
@@winowmak3r same, I play alot of overwatch and other first person shooters with my friends, and when I'm not in the mood playing them can be very, annoying especially when I'm not doing my best and I know that I can do better in them
@DuoXCity Жыл бұрын
Been watching grown men scream at football games and nascar races they're not even participating in my whole life. I don't think we should encourage it as a norm of course, but sometimes these nerd communities are a bit too squeamish about someone being frustrated or annoyed with dice. If the slightest frustration or annoyance from another person brings their whole mood down, they need to work on their own codependence. Introverts don't need to be recluses. Everyone has their moments, and you've shown self reflection so you're clearly not "that guy". Don't be so hard on yourself.
@bGRmn Жыл бұрын
A good tip for those who aren’t very strategic in thinking: don’t forfeit. Instead, try and make comical decisions or ones that sound cool and would be fun for the both of you to talk about after. I charged a Kahl with a Neurothrope and I almost killed it; don’t let those dreams be dreams. I’ve made lots of friends due to decisions like those. That and be a good sport about losing. Taking advice from your opponent is always nice if it’s critical and not slander. For those who want extra context, the Neurothrope was the last one alive, so I wasn’t doing it unaware of the inevitable whooping that would come my way. I did it because it would sound funny and create a nice story.
@AlainPilon Жыл бұрын
I hope you use the Trampling charge strat! That one on a neuro can be quite surprising for the opponent the first time they face it!
@thomasevans8081 Жыл бұрын
tbh this is the only tip i thought i didnt agree with fully. in normal games sure. but once i had a game where chaos had just gotten their new models , abbadon, new marines ect. so had a game against someone using forge world custodes. i had brought a funish list of pretty much everything i had and he had taken a "fun list" as he put it. he then one shot my havoks removing all my anti tank. then killed off my chaos marine ranged squad. and goes on to say "you still have a chance. your cultists have the weight of fire which can screw over my custodes. for referance i had 10 cultists. all in the same turn his sheild captain on bike crossess the board and one shots my lord discordant. i take one turn where i trry to shoot back and do some damage but even with all my rolls being average at best. he doesnt even take a single wound. on anything. the next turrn he nearly wiped all my units leaving me with 10 cultists and some terminators in reserve. at that point i just said id had enough and didnt want to play as i realised that even if i tried to play for fun it wasnt going to be a fun game for me and would just be a power trip for him. alternetively ive had games where ive bent the rules to make my units kill themselves and each other due to a misunderstanding of the rule being too funny to leave out. and had a laugh about how badly i lost. was just something about games where you cant win no matter what that get me
@BotnetSucks Жыл бұрын
If you aren't very strategic thinking you should play a different game. Wargaming is for strategist.
@s.k4713 Жыл бұрын
I just go monkey mode with 3 deff dreads and 6 killa Kans and that works well for me lol.
@UnboundUnreal Жыл бұрын
I think losing is fine. I like a match where I try as hard as I can an still lose to the other player. I don’t like one sides stomps but you need to have an ork mentality. If I win I win, if I lose it was a good scrap so I still win. Ork grindset.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Krumpin is best.
@imjustsam1745 Жыл бұрын
I've been told I bring "dad energy" to my gaming club. I sure hope that's true.
@Ahriman_362 Жыл бұрын
I honestly ran into multiple that guys as i started playing 40k. I told them i'm new, i don't have the most optimal models yet and i'm playing a weak faction. Then they brought their tournament list (i only knew until i talked about it to veteran players) and just crushed me. Then they told me how weak their faction is and how i should have won. As i got better i didn't really ran into them anymore for some reason. I don't want to scare you guys or anything but those people exist and you can refuse to play someone if he's doing the same stuff over and over again.
@brionl4741 Жыл бұрын
We used to see a *lot* of "math errors" in people's army lists. Strangely enough, almost always underpriced. Also incoherent/illegible "Schrödinger's Army List" that contains whatever they need it to at any particular time. Less of a problem these days with most people using a program for that kind of thing.
@robbierotten2024 Жыл бұрын
What do you think the reaction would be if I showed up to a game store with cardboard circles at the unit base sizes, sticks extending from them at the height of the model, with a printed picture of a jpeg of the unit it corresponds to lol. I don’t plan on going to a public game anytime soon, but that’s pretty much what I play with until I 3D print some tokens to take their place. Well, other than the virtual simulators which is where I usually get to play. Just didn’t feel the need to spend hundreds of dollars on some models for a single game, then need to both assemble and paint them myself when I could just get to playing with cardboard circles and a pack of colored pencil lol
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
I think if you spoke with people before hand a decent chunk would be okay with letting you proxy.
@diplague Жыл бұрын
Just play on Tabletop Simulator if you don't feel like engaging with parts of the hobby other then the ruleset itself
@Sgt-lott10 Жыл бұрын
The bit about approaching people during a game, I needed to hear about that because there was a guy playing imperial guard (I play it as well) and he had a unique paint scheme but I didn't want to interrupt anything so I just finished up with my purchase and left, which sucks because I am shortsighted and forgot my glasses so all I saw was that his tanks were white and never approached to see anything further Had I approached him maybe I'd have gotten inspiration for my cadians, I'll never know
@gasknight Жыл бұрын
3:04 at the start of my first ever game, it was me (admech) vs a guy who offers lessons for beginners at the store i go to (playing tau) and I was doing really well against him. He got some good shots in and I did as well, and then when it was only his ethereal left, it made a full charge towards my ruststalkers, obliterated nearly all of them until my last one hit him the final time.
@Pladshirtman1924 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to loosing or loosing a key unit, I like to talk with the other person and come up with a ridiculous scenario as to why they died . I also always try to play another game with the same person to see if I can change my luck!
@ghoulofmetal Жыл бұрын
I'm lucky to have a super wholesome warhammer community here in the Faroes
@JMcMillen Жыл бұрын
When it comes to giving my opinion about someones paint job, if they don't ask for my opinion, I'm not giving it. Especially when it's someone playing because if you compliment one player but not the other... then you've still given your opinion on their minis as well.
@azmiraclegirl441 Жыл бұрын
I'm very into the story of Warhammer and roll Necrons hence Im deathly silent and when I do speak it's in binary. Sorry babe, the necrodermis stays on.
@brokenheroics8223 Жыл бұрын
I recently had a small 1250pt 40K tournie. I lost the first 2 games, but on the 3rd game, I yelled Waaaagh so loudly. The entire store joined me in the roar. I won the 3rd with my Orks. I'll never forget that moment.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
@woahhbro2906 Жыл бұрын
When I play my Death Guard, I like to roleplay by not taking a shower for 3 weeks. I like to imagine the rot and stench gives me good luck. People who complain about my disgusting state are just breaking my immersion.
@sealstorm1935 Жыл бұрын
Practise your social awerness and mind your manners, pretty much a good rule for life whether your at the Warhammer shop, gym, work or just out in public.
@the98themperoroftheholybri33 Жыл бұрын
Don't give people painting advice unless they ask, you personally might think they painted terribly but they might be really happy with their painted army
@Paintonomicon Жыл бұрын
I think it’s also part of social behavior to show a little bit of tolerance when it comes to lore accuracy or rule accuracy on miniatures. Like: You want red Orks? Ok Go with it. Oh your space marines are on smaller bases, because you got them a decade ago? Ok Fine, use them.
@Andre3k Жыл бұрын
As a player who lives in a tropical country, I reaffirm the importance of using and updating deodorant. Congratulations on the great video.
@philgagnon275 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. My LFGS never charges for game space. I always buy/order from them. Paint, accessories, models, snacks, etc. They provide a good safe space for everyone who comes through the door.
@heartrate0 Жыл бұрын
I do my best to be super positive and cool to people when I game. I want people to have great wargaming experiences.
@TheTobaccoman Жыл бұрын
Agree with all but the going back to fix mistakes. I don’t request redos and don’t offer them either. That isn’t a dig on anyone but I feel I don’t learn if I don’t suffer from my mistake. If they really ask I’ll allow it but I won’t offer as dealing with mistakes and coming back from them , to me , is fun. Getting better means being able to come back from mistakes and is just a new challenge.
@TheAlphaLegionnaire Жыл бұрын
I offer a “well done” and a high five for my opponent when they win. Try to think of each game as a narrative experience you’re sharing rather than a game that must be won.
@ianhendrie2828 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video! I'm getting into the 40k hobby and it's been tough finding tournaments in my local area. Your content has really helped demystify the hobby for me and I'm excited to put the advice to good use. Cheers.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear it! It's a great community and in my experience most people are VERY helpful. Ask around at local shops and see if they have a discord to help coordinate games.
@johnondich-batson9066 Жыл бұрын
Spot on with supporting the local game stores.
@billwillilams Жыл бұрын
An entire video dedicated to Alex McNabb.
@Rhylla1 Жыл бұрын
Fellow Mercy enjoyer agreeing to all these things. Especially the washing. What is with gaming nerds and not wearing deodorant and having terrible hygene. It's been that way for as long as I could remember. It's a BIT better now than it was at conventions and tournies back in the 90's but how is this still a problem when we all agree it's a problem?
@scottjacob943 Жыл бұрын
I think people need to be stricter on the forgetting thing. It’s nice to do but overall I think that’s part of the game and rewarding forgetting creates that bad habit to begin with. It’s just a game but forgetting a rule throws wrenches in the mix and that makes it more interesting. Imo of course.
@winowmak3r Жыл бұрын
It's definitely a 'read the room' kind of thing. If you know the person is new then maybe cut them some slack but yea, eventually the training wheels gotta come off. It's part of the game. I'm a very forgetful person and I just write *everything* down. Seems to help and it's often the advice I give people: make a checklist! (Just don't forget to check it!)
@xgensean Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to stop being that guy.
@Tank50us Жыл бұрын
One thing I'd like to add when it comes to "Lose with grace", if you recognize that you're losing, and there's little or no chance of bouncing back, there's no shame in throwing in the towel. But at the same time, don't just rage quit. Talk out how the remaining turns would go so you can get the points you'd be afforded. Who knows, your next tournament round may go much better, and you come out with enough points to keep you in the running.
@elBinda Жыл бұрын
Fabulous video. Very informative. new subscriber
@whotookmydice Жыл бұрын
So well said. I have had to deal with "that guy" as a hobbyist/gamer as well as a hobby store staff member. All great points, choose positivity!
@superspecky4eyes Жыл бұрын
It's pretty upsetting that in this hobby you have to remind people about basic hygiene. I can't think of a single other past time where that would apply. Ah well.
@jessicaschoen6647 Жыл бұрын
Lots of game store hobbies have that. I've run into Magic the Gathering players that would knock you down with their stench.
@dadcomeback1470 Жыл бұрын
Some random being an asshole: I'm so cool Me nearly crying cause my shop worker remembered me from last time and asked me how it's going with my celestine: 😭 it's good man
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
So how's she doing?
@dadcomeback1470 Жыл бұрын
@Crash Course Hobbies she's OK still deciding just how bright I want the gold to be and what colour I want her hair
@TheDigitalThreat Жыл бұрын
I just want to fricken play, could care less if I win! Spent the last year making models and setting up and cant find an opponent who will play a noobie
@ericthered2963 Жыл бұрын
I tend to see my games as more of an observer. It is way more fun this way. My buddy and I have been playing Kill Team and two of our characters where locked in a cycle of shooting and hiding behind cover the entire time through, without any one of them losing wounds. But when I tried to introduce my melee guy to change the tide, he got almost instakilled. In our hands it went light this: The Sororitas and the Chaos Space Marine are shooting back and forth behind cover. CSM: "You can't hit shit! Your corpse god has forsaken you!" Soroitas: "God Emperor! Guide my hand!" *The Sororitas closes her eyes and shoots* Just in the very same time the bulkhead off to the side gets kicked down, by a CSM armed with Flayer knifes and dripping with blood of the sisters of battle. CSM2: "Are there more girlies to ki..." *the sororitas shoot lands squarely on him* CSM1: "I did not expect that...." Sororitas, under her breath: "Me neither" Sororitas, then clearer: "The Emperor works in mysterious ways! Sisters unite! We will exterminate those Heretics!" The downed Chaos Space Marine, while bleeding out shoots at the Sororitas in a last ditch attempt, but misses miraculously. Sororitas2: "Your God has forsaken you. But our emperor protects us." *puts him down like a rabbit dog* Meanwhile off in another hallway my Balefire Acolyte is off doing his best Megumin impression. Running out, "EXXXXXXPLOOOOOOSION!" and then jumping back behind hard cover.
@rickfowler5726 Жыл бұрын
I had someone grabbing my minis to have a look at my paint job. It’s okay everyone can look. Please ask if it’s okay to pick them up.
@CrashCourseHobbies Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. That would bother me too
@ThePlayplay64 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to be a pal and give you all my recipes for maximum success. For starters the look. All of your clothing needs to be a min of 2 sizes tight or loose. 2nd! smell! AXE body spray, it's not just for the boys , ladies, slather it on. BE LOUD!!!!!!! Loudness is associated with confidence. This next one is big! Get a good painter to paint your army, many sure everyone knows you paid for "pro" painting. Think of it like the Rolex factor. Always talk about how amazing your army is is how well those pro painters did. This is how you let the other person know your army looks better without acknowledging theirs. Then, when rolling your dice always aim to knock them into a few of their minis, that bounce effect nets you sixs! This is how you win! OH, small side note, like a friend used to tell me, "Honey, a little eyeliner and nail polish never hurt" . Best of luck to you all!!!!!!
@arkenhemnall6224 Жыл бұрын
Lose with grace? She doesn't like losing either!!! But yeah, 100%, always realise that we actually need each other to keep a strong and dynamic gaming scene. Strength in unity and all that. I've seen clubs split and fold totally because the 40K ers dont like the Bolt Actioners or whatever and the disenfranchised party leaves. Less money coming in, the whole lot shuts down. Meh..... Also, if someone does painting or anything in their armies,the hobby etc, it's their hobby. It's where they are at with their so it's just rude to talk down about someone else's efforts and enjoyment. As you say, be positive. Good vid ❤
@MrCrystalwarrior1 Жыл бұрын
I live in the Rep of Ireland, and the nearest game store to me is an entire city away, so when I went there, I was hoping to show my minis and meet new friends who were as enthusiastic about the hobby as I am (I've been in the hobby for just over 50 years now, and still going strong :-D). While I was there, the staff were unbelievably rude to everyone, completely ignoring some customers (Myself included), actually physically violent toward a group of young girls who were playing Pokemon, charged €10 per hour to play a game at their tables, and were arrogant and conceited toward everyone. And that was just the STAFF in the shop. I ended up having to walk out after one staff member tried shoulder barging me out of his way while I was talking to young boy about D&D, and showing him my minis (He was truly impressed by my re-painted Disney Skylanders Tree-Rex figures, as he loves Wood Elves, and I painted them as an ally force for my own Wood Elf army). I tried complaining to the manager of the shop, who just told me to "F*** off if you don't like my shop." This is a shop that has a Nationwide name for being a wonderful place to go, have a game, show your minis, and who supports a yearly competition in the city. My experience was negative to say the least, so now I go to a game store in another county, where the staff/customers and atmosphere are welcoming, happy to indulge and "Old Sweat" like me with painting demo's for them and their customers, and welcomes gamers who are as young as just 6 years of age with so much enthusiasm, it's more like being at a family gathering than a game shop. I hate the attitude that seems to have become the norm today at game shops and events, with arrogant people being given "status" and allowed to continue their behaviour without anyone allowed to nay-say them. I now run painting lessons at home, met my new, wonderful girlfriend (Who's 30 years YOUNGER than me!!!! :->) through her daughter, who takes lessons from me, and have so much fun, surrounded by wonderful, creative people again, who just love painting and playing with toy soldiers and who want to learn everything it took me almost 50 years to learn for themselves. I show them how to make their own washes/glazes/contrast paints using artists materials, saving them more money to build their armies, and we make our own terrain from recycled trash, which their parents love, as it also cuts down their trash/recycling charges here :-) Thankfully, I've found new friends and "family" again with the store I now visit, and love the hobby even more, and am inspired constantly with new ideas they all bring for me to try with them.
@TheEyez187 Жыл бұрын
Unless you're a Golden Demon winner, you don't get to talk down to people over their paint jobs; and said people don't and won't anyway, they let their painting talk for its self and are usually more than happy to give advice or tips. Remember, if you're club doesn't have a "That Stinky Guy", then you're "That Stinky Guy". lol jk :D
@cybercat3113 Жыл бұрын
Remember guys. ALWAYS shower before going out if you’re going to highly social and tight activity. At least always shower at night.
@Abedeuss Жыл бұрын
I wish I had known about a local game store I had literally 5 minutes away from me... now they got a bit more successful and moved 15-20 minutes away by foot. Not super far, but I really needed stuff like paints and airbrush stuff a while ago and thought my only option was Amazon.
@grizzlyreaper7477 Жыл бұрын
Not in my shop! Rule number one: Don't be a dick Rule number two: Hygiene Rule number three: no game shaming or gatekeepers All 3 are heavily enforced.
@ryanlegros2049 Жыл бұрын
I think I disagree about boasting/winning with humility and also the 'let them go back'. You should just be upfront about your preferences that you don't like to go back once something is done. It shouldn't be contentious to have a style of play or spoken of as a negative thing. Also boasting/winning with humility.. being excited for winning or something cool happening is natural and infectious (in a good way). This should have the same social awareness to whether or not you are causing someone else distress. my 2cents, atleast.
@JenovaAgent Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest thing that people really should do is Contribute to the store. Im close friends with the owner of of my Game Store. And nothing is more cringe than watching someone that goes use the tables for free for hours, only to hear him say "yeah I dont buy models I just 3D print them" or "why not just buy them on amazon, ebay, etc. its way cheaper". Its like not cool. If you want to use the free tables, free space, free terrain? Then at least Buy something and help the store stay open. Ive seen some of these "gamers" come in use tables for hours break the free terrain he provides, damage the tables, and just walk out without even saying Hello, Thank you, sorry, or ask for permission to use a table. they just show up thinking its fine to just set up.
@xXOAXxTempest Жыл бұрын
as you said...loose and win with humility. To many people get wrapped up in having to win every single game. One of the reason i stopped going as i got older.
@OEFarredondo Жыл бұрын
Dudes, we are playing with toys... you already better pull up hlyour Huggies and be nice. Dang, Mom! Meatloaf!! Mom!
@UnspeakingXVII Жыл бұрын
to be honest, i have been going to games workshop stores since 1989 and i have only met one guy that was a posterchild for WAAC. i was in buying another infantry squad for my cadian infantry only battalion. he scoffed at how his 3rd ed khorne bezerkers would destroy me. i told him that is to be expected. but imagine the embarrassment if i won? he never took the chance...
@UntiltedName Жыл бұрын
My mindset is to hype people up for where they are at in their hobby. Though some people struggle to do this in a constructive way. Don't be the "just oil wash/just 3d print/just use this method" guy. Folks quickly stop listening to that type of input because it is so patronizing.
@Snouz Жыл бұрын
Hey I really want to choose positivity, but that model on the bottom left is dangerously close to the edge.
@hithropyro9051 Жыл бұрын
I understand losing with grace. However I can also understand why some people would get upset when they lose. I'm still new to the game but in every game I have played so far I have been shot off the table. It's not very fun to constantly lose. Now I haven't been bitter mostly chalking my losses up to not being very good at strategy. But I can understand why it would make some people bitter.
@BreakingFuse Жыл бұрын
Sidenote on Helping the store: If your game store doesn't have a lot of people actually coming in playing games, you're helping bring life to the store when you come in and game. Nothing's sadder than seeing half the store being dedicated to Empty tables.
@chuckchalmers4960 Жыл бұрын
if your playing at a gamestore you are already playing wrong.
@yodhanhunter Жыл бұрын
My favorite loss was when a Genestealer Cultist killed my Knight Paladin by butt whipping him with a shotgun. It was such an unexpected death that we took a picture of the dice showing my failed save because it was so great.
@pst5345 Жыл бұрын
be the guy who calls out bullshit. And stand to your opinion. Be it against condescending behavior and arrogancy or lack of hygiene or common social boundaries. If you do not have fun then do not play. I will not continue losing if it affects my mood negatively. That is true for any game. Your advice is absolutely wrong there and possibly promotes building frustration which then unloads in an inappropriate situation.
@jacejordan1923 Жыл бұрын
Leaving a comment because A) I know it helps B) I agreed with every point. I swear that the “sweaty nerd” syndrome has killed more interest in my friends playing at local stores or at all. For the love of all that is sacred under the twin comet - please shower.
@roach81cmg Жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel like you shouldn’t get upset with losing in warhammer, there’s too much RNG involved to have any bragging rights. Now yet again there are ways to blunder in the game but honestly it’s kind of hard to.
@Jeff-ne1lh Жыл бұрын
"That guy" in my game store is this person that never plays he just stands by the table in a blouse, bad makeup and high heels making everyone feel uncomfortable, he has never once spent a dime , but the GW home office says the manager can't do anything...so far the store have lost around 15% of the regular customers that use to show up and actually spend money.
@sideswipe2615 Жыл бұрын
I literally don’t understand why I smell bad sometimes when going to game stores. I take like, 2 showers a day and sometimes still think I smell bad. Maybe I’m just paranoid or something.
@AKAToxicshroom6930 Жыл бұрын
I love strategy games like 40k and I loved setting comeback victories way more epic. Unfortunately a player did not like how I would somehow beat them with what looked like a easy victory on their part and that player began to label me as that guy.
@spectsilence730 Жыл бұрын
Never thought of going to the game shop to play, i just started not long ago but i think (and hope) it'll be a refreshing experience, they do offer their tables for free but i'm just waiting to save enough for my next game before coming down to play there so i can come back home with a game as well and support them
@Agent_Clark Жыл бұрын
Buying things in the store isn't the only way to contribute. Help the new guy who just walked in with his first ever box. Setup a game with them and get them over the anxiety of where the hell do I start. That's going to elevate the space and bring people back and I'm yet to meet a store owner who didn't appreciate players willing to step up and show someone the ropes.
@wickedgaming9632 Жыл бұрын
The sniff test isn't enough. You should just try to shower before you go spend time in close proximity with other humans, especially if you didn't shower that same morning.
@MarcosGarcia-et1qu Жыл бұрын
My only 2 real issues are people who agree to have a pick up then say something like "I'm practicing for a tournaments and people who place terrain for theor advantage. Usually not enough terrain. Because I want to have a fun game with random models. If someone wants to practice for a tournament then lmk so I can write a good list with synergy. Nothing like doing a fun theme list vs the guy who has a meta list on a table without any cover
@gerald216 Жыл бұрын
I have never played warhammer, but in every card game and board game I've ever played I refuse to take back a bad move. But unless I'm playing with someone I know is also "super serious" I always let people take back an action if it is an actual mistake. It works out almost always that the other player/s also start keeping the bad play and we all end up better players
@sparkyspinz9897 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree about winning or losing gracefully. But it really does suck when you're a beginner and some people think it's fun to absolutely wreck you with much better armies lol
@KiwiSpartan01 Жыл бұрын
I've gone up against armies that blew me off the board. They were apologizing the entire time and laughing. This is someone I've played with for a while. Bringing down a monolith just to have it gone that turn and exploding. It was a fantastic day.
@kialwade8335 Жыл бұрын
I don’t spend money every time I’m using a table but I also BUY my models and everything FROM my game shop so.
@BouncingZeus Жыл бұрын
One thing too I'm just getting the hobby but have been a huge magic player for years. Be nice to the noobies and if you can encourage questions. If it's not a serious game I love to try and help noobies learn the hobby.
@Pandaman94 Жыл бұрын
The idea that you need to issue a PSA to people to remember to be clean before going out to public events in general is Embarassing. Don't be nice and gentle about it. If they smell like shit tell them they smell like shit.
@jagermeister_1754 Жыл бұрын
My local THAT GUY is an Emperor’s children player....hates guard and constantly shits on everyone in the GW store
@neon_necromunda Жыл бұрын
I work at an flgs and we have bottles of deoderant to spray post customer leaving the store. Quite frankly theres a much higher proportion who have terrible BO and halitosis than most would think there are. How hard is it to have a shower brush your teeth and use deoderant.
@thedamneddice575 Жыл бұрын
Correction, never let them go back and correct a mistake but also never ask to go back and correct. You and they do not learn anything at all by correcting mistakes. You been doing it every turn, well then you should of remembered to do it this turn as well
@bb1886 Жыл бұрын
On your point about not rage quitting. Normalize taking a step away, tell your opponents you need a moment step away for a moment take a breath calm down and then get back to it.
@mymoviesbetter8466 Жыл бұрын
Another one is don't use cheese armies and gotcha strategy against beginner players just to stomp them into not wanting to play Warhammer. And if you do have a cheese army that seems unfair, have some decorum and at least have the decency to let them know what they're in for
@PeoplePleaser578 Жыл бұрын
40k players and social awareness… that’s 2 things I didn’t think I would hear together 🤣
@septuzwillz5936 Жыл бұрын
Well im definitely not the nerd type but im finding it kinda kewl.and i am nice to ppl and thy all been nice to me but if i was to see someone being miss treated id step in settle it down really quick. I have a few nerd friends now and they are actually funny an smart.and helping me a lot cuz yah im not the brains .i admire how smart some of them are and love they not rude to me .but id just throw him on the table an beat him with his owen army lol j.k. kinda 😊
@Bored339649 Жыл бұрын
Theres an LGS that finally had enough of pwople being smelly and they will kick you out if you smell bad.
@slevinlaine Жыл бұрын
Pretty nice stuff imo like exactly you mention on the title don't be like that and everybody will probably have a great time : ).
@GusMortis Жыл бұрын
Don't power game unless you agree that you are doing a prep list for a tournament. If you don't plan on going to a tournament and still power gaming, you've made people stop playing.
@keegan6388 Жыл бұрын
all hobby stores should have a mandatory rule where if you enter the store while smelling like a sewer, you are forced to buy 100$ worth of nurgle models
@arcanearcher13 Жыл бұрын
I would not ask for any quartet if I made a mistake. Once you end turn your turn is over. You allow it once to get a do-over it gets abused.
@johns6495 11 ай бұрын
I like the chess etiquette, don’t GG someone if you won and make sure to shake hands and GG if you lost.
What NOT to do at The Game Store Playing Warhammer! (or Any Game) PART 2
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