7 Biblical Fasting Principles You MUST Apply Next Time You Fast

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THE BEAT by Allen Parr

THE BEAT by Allen Parr

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Are you currently doing a fast? If so, here are some key biblical principles on fasting! When you fast, I encourage you to consider these 7 principles. Out of all of the spiritual disciplines, fasting isn't something that I personally enjoy. However, I a committed to incorporating fasting into my normal spiritual routine, and I encourage you to do the same.
/ thebeatagp
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@nelyspeech 2 жыл бұрын
1. It should be a regular discipline 2. It should be for a reason (to prepare for ministry, to seek God's wisdom, to grief, to repent, etc.) 3. It requires a plan (for how long, what will you fast from, etc.) 4. It is not a diet plan 5. It creates self-control 6. It is not to get something from God 7. It can lead to spiritual breathrough
@engelnkosi7002 2 жыл бұрын
@merihera9456 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@niseypisey50mcdonald50 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus set the standard he told us when we fast what will happen he didn't place all these guidelines that people have only fast for this only fast for that. Don't fast to receive something from God he stated God would reward us openly people need to stay in their lane when it comes to fasting that what the Holy Spirit is for I grit my teeth when people add to and subtract from the word of God....People can fast for whatever is ailing them and let the Holy Spirit reveal if it's right or wrong....if one fast for weight problems this is a part of their life issues and God will deliver them or if they fast for help from fornication God will help them we are not just one part so we take EVERYTHING to God in fasting and prayer if it is a problem in OUR lives woooo😉
@shirleytatha8189 2 жыл бұрын
I remember prophetess Anna who fasted simply as a way to worship God. Usually when I fast I don't have a particular thing that I'm fasting for so I just say I do it to worship God. I hope that's okay.
@Lefg342 2 жыл бұрын
GOD Bless You All and Your Families.🙏❤️✝️🕊🙌
@Bunny-vm7oy Жыл бұрын
Just given my life to Christ a few days ago . I’m the happiest I have been
@WiggleJimmy Ай бұрын
How are you doing brother? Three months for me. I have never been happier as well, but also I am facing emotional struggles I've never had before. Any advice you've found?
@rocketeightyseven1823 2 жыл бұрын
Fasting is amazing! I felt led to fast 7 days many years ago.(I don't know why...but I felt God told me to.) It's crazy...how the hunger leaves...near the.end of day 3....and how you're never really hungry after that. If you feel far from God...fast, pray, and get into the WORD...you will be amazed at how close you will be drawn to God. Fasting is a blessing and discipline from God.
@theneverending9319 Жыл бұрын
Maybe for you but I felt tired and hungry most of the time.
@marcom248 Жыл бұрын
Congrats, I hope I will achieve the same.
@SurferKroky Жыл бұрын
Do you drink water whilst fasting ?
@rocketeightyseven1823 Жыл бұрын
@@SurferKroky Yes. I don't do dry fasting. I don't see the point of dry fasting.
@SurferKroky Жыл бұрын
@@rocketeightyseven1823 yeah I’ve never fasted in my life . No water would not make sense to me.
@justaguywithabible8195 2 жыл бұрын
I help teach a bible class at my school with my friend. A couple weeks ago we decided to talk about fasting for our next meeting. We have been having a little trouble planning the lesson out, and the meeting is on Thursday! We called each other this morning to talk about it and plan it out some more. About an hour later, I went to KZbin, looked at my subscription page, and saw that this video was posted! It was like God was saying, “Here you go son, this will help you.” Thank you Allen for being obedient to the Spirit. This video really helped me out. The Lord bless all of you brothers and sisters.
@thebeatagp 2 жыл бұрын
What a blessing!
@nahomelion 2 жыл бұрын
Hey bro can I join the fasting and prayer online? I want to make Christian friends.
@morgradordread4394 2 жыл бұрын
@@thebeatagp Sad that you only answer praises to yourself, and not real questions. Why do you have a channel? I hope not to just get applause? You do not answer questions of those that struggle or grapple with truths - only those that seem to grant praise to you or your ministry. Sad, so I do remember you fervently in my requests and supplications to God. May you do the right thing, not what seems right in your own eyes. ..
@neopumpin83 2 жыл бұрын
@@morgradordread4394 I’m lost!!! Is this a question, observation or judgement? Please explain better..
@morgradordread4394 2 жыл бұрын
@@neopumpin83 Observation of the comment sections of many productions. The question was addressed to Allen/The Beat. Are you are part of this enterprise? Jesus answered or explained/clarified to His pupils when they asked, the scriptures note. Some of us just need more help than others, and do not need to be excluded by being ignored - or what is the reason for this channel - to merchandise the gospel, or to teach the gospel as a true believer? Teachers always get questions, even if it spoils digital algorithms. The summation of Christ's ministry and ours: Passion for His Father's calling and the Kingdom of God. Compassion for those that need healing from lack of and bad theology. Including those asking questions(Nicodemus, Herod, John the Baptist, woman at thhe well etc.) . No. Its not judging (1st accusation when anything said is questioned whether for clarity, or any other ligit (or illigitimate reason -> arrived at by engaging only) . It is OBSERVATION and so perhaps statement of that observation. What? It is now bad form to ask questions and or test teaching as the bible commands? Or is it that once scripture is quoted no other explanation is needed? What is it - that bible teachers must now dictate as intolerant to questions that may require patience and caring (Christian responsibility)? What is making you feel "lost"? That I dare state my observation, and so ask motivation to the one responsible is now a confusing thing? I speak and write English. Allen must show accountability for changing what he teaches so often from month to month, and year to year and confuses people like me. Check it. ... ...
@blmxo8827 2 жыл бұрын
God knew so many needed this. Fasting has been on my heart for the last couple weeks!
@Lefg342 2 жыл бұрын
GOD Bless You All and Your Families. JESUS CHRIST IS KING🙏❤️✝️🕊🙌
@YoungkwangLee 2 жыл бұрын
Most Korean Christians fast often. The Best New Year resolution!🙏 Yes, we need to know why and how. Thank you!
@dsen2283 2 жыл бұрын
That was on point. Love is sacrifice (John 3:16). Fasting is you sacrificing/giving up your everyday earthly pleasure to get closer to God.
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 жыл бұрын
10:44 - “We should fast because God is good. We should fast because we want to draw nearer to God.” Preach!
@morgradordread4394 2 жыл бұрын
No. That is warped. Because it is self indulgent. We do not fast to draw near to God unless it is for repentance, or there would be biblical examples of that. The examples always is where prayer is on behalf of or for someone, or for God's will be done, and His name be vindicated. One does not fast because God is good, for fasting is sorrow, not celebration.
@loveyahshayah8855 2 жыл бұрын
Umm the man speaking in this video is IGNORANT or he flat out works for the most low. For YEARS online causing confusion. Smh clearly doesn't display any real FRUIT of understanding. Him and ppl like him they just regirjitate what they've heard...they don't understand even what they're talking about. They're actors. Real recognize real. Flat out.
@mikefanofmovies 2 жыл бұрын
"Hear the Word of The Lord; thus says The Lord: Prepare your hearts, My people, yea cup your ears and listen, all you who call of yourselves Christian. Pay close attention and heed My words, for it is I, your Redeemer, who speaks. And behold, I shall indeed open My mouth once again, and the sound of the final trumpet before the time shall be heard; the line set, the division established, the last of My bride called forth, says The Lord. Yet what of all these who have not given heed to the sound of My voice, who do always turn away from My commands? What of all these who stiffen their necks and refuse to come out of the churches of men, people who hold fast in their pride, arrogant assemblies who have altogether forsaken The Lord their God? THEY SHALL SURELY DIE! Yet all those who call upon the name of The Lord in that day, in truth, with sincere remorse, shall be delivered, yet so as through fire. For I tell you the truth, there is indeed a death of a man unto death, and a death of a man unto life. Yet he who willingly forsakes his life in this world, for My sake, has already passed from judgment into life. Therefore I, even I, The Lord God of Heaven and Earth, am calling you out! I am calling you to come out from amongst them and to be separate; that you no longer be given to the fornications of the churches of men, nor be caught up in the filth of the pagan; that you cease from committing adultery with all these strange men of unclean lips, who dwell amongst a people of unclean lips, who cease not from polluting My name and My glory! Yet you will not come out, nor will you abandon this other way you have chosen! For you do always hold out the hand against the cleansing of the Spirit, you do always reject the Word of The Lord! Therefore, because you have a harlot’s forehead and refuse to be ashamed, and because you have altogether hardened your hearts against Me, hear the Word of My mouth and consider the indignation of The Lord: I AM AGAINST YOU, O CHURCHES OF MEN! YES, EVEN I AM AGAINST YOU! I am against your leaders and your elders! I am against your congregations and your guest speakers! I am against your corrupt doctrines and your perverse traditions! I AM AGAINST YOU! Says The Lord. And of your forefathers, they shall surely answer for their subrogation of Me and My Word in the day they are called forth from the pit, when they stand up in their graves to give an account of their every word and deed which they performed in My name, to pollute it! Yet upon this generation, who say, “We are wide awake. Our eyes see, our ears hear, and our mouths speak the only truth,” I have already brought forth and purposed ruin. Yes, upon this generation and upon the churches of men, I have purposed great ruin! I have prepared destruction, and shall bring forth calamity upon all these houses which bear My name without permission! For I shall strip away every roof under which you have endeavored to take sanctuary, and break down every wall behind which you attempted to fortify your position! For you have surely rebelled against Me, desecrating the truth of who I am, all for the sake of your unjust cause! Behold, My judgment is declared already, and shall come, and on a day you do not expect and at an hour you did not look for, disaster shall break out suddenly against you! Behold, it shall overtake you in a moment, and in the twinkling of an eye the multitudes shall be undone! Says The Lord. Therefore, thus says The Lord: Churches of men, remove yourselves from My throne! Stop recreating Me in your own image! Draw back your hand from this other “Jesus” you uphold! LET EVERY GRAVEN IMAGE FALL! LET EVERY IDOL SHATTER IN PIECES! Or did you think My eyes were shut to your transgressions? Did you think I would not see it?! And did you think I had turned away My ear from listening, and would not hear it?! FOR YOU HAVE SURELY SINNED AGAINST ME, O CHURCHES OF MEN! Therefore, I shall purge you and stir you up, I shall discipline you and wear you out! From the least of these houses to the greatest, I shall shake your every foundation, until every pillar which you have erected in your arrogance, to bring glory to your vanity, crumbles and comes crashing down, breaking in pieces before your eyes! FOR I AM THE LORD, AND I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY! Therefore let no man speak in the name of The Lord, unless I Myself have sent him! Unless I Myself have appointed him to speak, let him be quiet and open not his mouth! Lie not to yourselves, O pastors and preachers and leaders among men, for I know who I have sent and who I am sending! Lie not to yourselves, nor let any congregation attempt to place My name upon their blasphemies, as a cover to hide their adulteries, as they put The Holy One of Israel to an open shame! For I am The Lord, yes, I am He, AND I HAVE SEEN IT! For you have surely betrayed Me, O churches of men! You have altogether become as one who has committed treason! You are no bride; neither is there a woman of virtue among you! Behold, you are all harlots, daughters of fornication, women who demand payment for their services, heavy-laden women filled with iniquity, prisoners held captive by their own corrupt doctrines, chained by their own filthy traditions! - Doctrines and traditions at which the pagans laugh, jeering and laughing on account of that which you have borrowed from them, mixing the holy with the unholy, the clean with the unclean, and that which is to be held in great reverence with that which is contemptible, doctrines and traditions which I hate! CHURCHES OF MEN, YOU ARE UNCLEAN!... Thus all you have built up for yourselves, of yourselves, To your own glory, has become meet for disaster, Destruction which comes quickly!... For The Lord your God has spoken it, and so shall it be!... THEREFORE, COME OUT! Behold, even I shall speak it plainly once again, so you may escape: Sons and daughters of men, come out of the churches and be joined unto Me! For I am your only sanctuary, says The Lord. Yes I, your Redeemer, am calling you to come out of the churches of men, to be separate, and to no more worship Me in that way! - To no more touch the unclean thing! To no more let hypocrisy enter your ears! To no more sit in the company of those who pollute My name and lean upon their own understanding, who trust in their own righteousness as they sit upon self-made thrones of pride, a perverse and high-minded people who rest upon their own laurels by which they highly esteem themselves, seeking always the praise and glory of men. MY PEOPLE, COME OUT FROM AMONGST THEM! Run from all these who reject this Word and push out the hand against My messengers, who hold fast to all these doctrines of men, which I hate! Depart quickly from all these rebellious houses, who refuse correction and shut their eyes to truth! For they do always stop their ears from hearing the voice of The Lord their God, choosing rather to persecute and slander those I have sent to them! Behold, I have become as an idol to them, which they have formed in their own image! DESECRATION! GREAT BLASPHEMY! Therefore, because you have made for yourselves idols, many graven images, and because you have committed adultery as a wayward harlot, allowing men with suave tongues and clever lips to have their way with you, to be lords over you, men in authority who do always fight against Me in word and by deed, even to the persecuting of My messengers... Therefore, thus says The Lord: As you have become, and according to that for which you stand, so shall you be treated. Churches of men, you do continually crucify Me by all you say and do! Again and again, you put The Author of Life to an open shame, marring My image by your detestable doctrines, spitting upon Me by all your contemptible traditions, molding Me and shaping Me according to the dictates of your own evil hearts! Satan has deceived you and to his desires have you given heed, his lies have you propagated! He has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him! Indeed, he is the father of all lies, and you have welcomed him in! Thus this generation does always disobey the voice of The Lord their God, nor will they receive of His correction! Truth has altogether perished among them; behold, it has been cut off from their mouths! Churches of men, shall you forsake The Commandments of God by permission in MY name, then turn to your brother and say, “We are delivered to do all these things,” making Me the author of your sins?! TOUCH NOT THE COMMANDMENT! DRAW BACK YOUR HAND FROM DESECRATING THE HOLY LAW! For that written by the finger of God was etched in everlasting stone and forged with eternal fire! Therefore woe to any man who attempts to alter the writing thereof, or render The Law of no effect! For death waits at the door, and the mouth of sheol is wide open, ready to receive him!" ~ "Peoples of the earth, do you know Me? Do you really know who I am? I am Elohim. YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH is My name, both God and Savior. For in The Son does the fullness of The Father dwell."
@Lefg342 2 жыл бұрын
GOD Bless You All and Your Families. JESUS CHRIST IS KING🙏❤️✝️🕊🙌
@name9499 Жыл бұрын
@malkiadebbie 2 жыл бұрын
This year I really want to incorporate fasting and prayer as a regular part of my life!!this was so timely as I’m planning a 1 day fast with a friend and we really didn’t know what to do. Thank you and may God bless you.
@shergopaul3997 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for this. It brings clarity and understanding God bless you my Brother
@Tony-so1zl 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering about fasting these couple days and you posted this. God is good!
@annieandralphvlogs3918 2 жыл бұрын
We are fasting for 20 days and this video just pops up in my feed. God is telling me the right way to fast. Wether we fast to draw close to God or repentance but main important is your personal relationship to God and how faithful you are to Him.
@Fernando-qs7bl 2 жыл бұрын
God wrote about many things in the bible, it doesn't always mean that he wants us to do it the way we think. Especially when he tells us what he prefers and gives us another meaning to the word fast. I'd like you to read Isaiah 58 read up to verse 6 and on.
@samcruz623 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much brother Allen! This has been such an enlightening video on fasting. Our local church CCF here in the Philippines is currently on our 2nd day of Prayer and Fasting. Each day has a specific focus and some prayer guidelines. Praying for you and all the other Biblical teachers.
@Lefg342 2 жыл бұрын
GOD Bless You All and Your Families.🙏❤️✝️🕊🙌
@chemongesdaniel2187 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man of God for the great message. God bless you.
@ariellaablang7511 Жыл бұрын
Brother Allen, I have to thank you for your ministry and how grateful I am to God that we're able to tap into such resources online for edification. Since I was a baby christian from 2021 I have watched your teachings from time to time and they have given me a sense of guidance during my walk with Christ. Be encouraged for the Lord's kingdom is near, and I pray all of you watching this will be blessed. Amen.
@edieohoxoxo932 2 жыл бұрын
You have put so much work into this "Bible Challenge" and I am so grateful. I definitely need to re-evaluate my reasons for fasting. Just when I think I am in it for the right reasons, like Paul, "I do what I do not want to do." So thank you for clarifying it for me... Blessings.
@alitezsang8839 5 ай бұрын
I believe that if we fast our prayers are being answer. So whenever one is feeling sad or needed an answer to keep a fasting ... Because Through fast we can connect more spiritual with God❤
@JnI- 2 жыл бұрын
I was advised to read Isaiah 58 before I fast.
@JayJay-uo5vw 2 жыл бұрын
guys help me how would you start a fast like wat would yu say
@tmilesffl 2 жыл бұрын
You can read it, but also read a commentary so it is not taken out of context as some here have posted.
@mwendia 2 жыл бұрын
And as you can see in that passage that the fast ordained by God is faith in Jesus and not the giving up foods. Fasting from foods and drinks was a symbol, a sign of the true fast but not the real thing.
@JnI- 2 жыл бұрын
@@JayJay-uo5vw The focus for me is my conduct. Verses 3-7.
@melindaonverwacht2038 2 жыл бұрын
thank you Brother Allen
@passionateforjesus4019 6 ай бұрын
Help me Dear Lord
@sscott504 2 жыл бұрын
On time message
@romainecrawford2720 2 жыл бұрын
@letsprayandfasttogether9618 2 жыл бұрын
Pray for the Spirit of repentance to come on the land, stronger than ever before, pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to come on the land, stronger than ever before, pray for revival to come on the land ,stronger than ever before
@benitaesq_ 2 жыл бұрын
@crimsonstreams 2 жыл бұрын
There is no worldwide revival mentioned in the Church of Laodicea in Rev 3. There will be small revivals but not worldwide or nationwide. The most important revival starts with ourselves and how we can get right with the Lord and start doing his work that he sent us to do
@joycecarlisle3200 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the teaching. DM for life.
@RhysBrowneSr 11 ай бұрын
Amazing video brother! I’ve been prayer hard for my family lately but never fasted for more understanding and wisdom. Thank you!
@Kylecombes4 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@rileyrhea7766 Жыл бұрын
God told me to fast for fertility for the daughter He promised me. He told me to fast so I could prepare myself to be fruitful and plant seeds in my children and husbands to prepare to get my family to church. I am doing a 9 day fast for each month of pregnancy but starting with a specialized fast, then sundown fast and finishing with a Daniel fast.
@amberleigh1989 2 жыл бұрын
Ha ha ha that guy at ten minutes hilarious stuffing his face soo funny !! 😆 😄 🤣 Great video mate ! Alot to consider and prepare before a fast 👍 Thanks for sharing your ministry is a huge blessing . God bless
@worldoutreachministries2644 2 жыл бұрын
Alen , we need you to make a video and straighten out that situation on Marcus Rogers for all these baby christians.
@robertj5208 2 жыл бұрын
Principle #6 ("Fasting is not to get something from God") seems entirely contradictory to Principle #2 ("Fasting should be for a reason"). Can you please resolve this apparent conflict?
@paulinebestman3188 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much
@decide1470 2 жыл бұрын
I fasted and it is true that obeying God will be seen as crazy and unreasonable thing to do by others. But I believe it is worthy for we obey God, and the fruits of our fasting is what we ask for in our prayers, and as a Child of God like all of you, fasting makes my Faith deeper than ever it was. So whoever doing the will of God, keep at it and don't mind what the world says, for it pleases God.
@77ruby 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video Allen!
@cmh_xn4088 Жыл бұрын
Thanks man I’m 13 years old and this is gonna help me a lot I’ve been struggling with lust so I’m hoping this is gonna help me, god bless u man thank u
@randybuja Жыл бұрын
God bless you in Jesus name, young man. Resist the devil with the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and he will flee.
@cmh_xn4088 Жыл бұрын
@@randybuja Thank you, I’m on a fast now and I’ve learn to deal with it with a little help from my peers and a little Jesus , thank you for your prayers because they’ve been awnsered, I’ve got out of that struggle and it a occasional thing now so thank you and god bless you sir
@jessicatheoutcast Жыл бұрын
I did one thing wrong. I told people I will fast , it’s my first time doing it. But it’s because I go to work everyday and in case I will faint or my body should have bad reactions people know what’s happening. But I was talking about fasting as something exciting not to seem like a victim . I also don’t want any pity cause the only reason I do it , is to grow my faith. But the next time I will tell nobody .
@owenugbana9029 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this principle they are so helpful, and I love the fact that it has scripturial backing.
@sublyme2157 2 жыл бұрын
A buddy of mine lost his job during the height of the pandemic. Unbeknownst to him I fasted and prayed for him for three days (water/coffee/juice) and he had multiple offers by the end of the week. I have never told him :)
@alexbrello3768 2 жыл бұрын
Amen I will!!
@zoe-tb4cg 2 жыл бұрын
think that god will bless you with it
@tomg5934 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, this helps
@annkelly6349 Жыл бұрын
This is good! I literally started a fast but didn’t have a clear objective to why I was fasting….. although I need to repent and get back close to God, which I feel that I have. But this video gave some good pointers on where I went wrong.
@PaTudie Жыл бұрын
This was a wonderful video and it answered every question I had. I'm really going to try my best to do this. Thank you so much for all your information! ♥
@definit1on119 2 жыл бұрын
Gods chosen fast by Arthur Wallis is a great resource about fasting for those looking for more in depth Antonia and guide to fasting. Thanks brother Allan.
@susannesjodahl36 2 жыл бұрын
I arge totaly! Best book on fasting I ever read! They should start printing it again! Mine is from 1974.
@95cv95 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this wisdom and information. Your wisdom has helped me in building a better relationship with the Lord on the Lords terms. I’m believe the Holy Spirit guided me to this channel. It really has assisted me. Thank you
@SavedByGrace-oe1ts 2 жыл бұрын
I work at Chick-fil-A as a hostess now (was kitchen), and for Lent this year, I tried fasting from sun up to sundown, but even as a hostess, there is so much housekeeping involved and moving and cleaning table after table and running around that I only made it about 2.5 weeks into Lent. I was so hungry and getting so weak and slow in movement (especially when I was the only hostess during 7 of the 8 hours I was there) that I couldn't keep it up! It was becoming more a distraction and causing brain fog than anything. We don't get 15 min breaks so my only prayer time was during my one 30 minute meal break.) So unlike before I was working, when I could fast yearly and move and do housework at my own pace, this year I couldn't just slow down and be in prayer all day and stop and sing worship to get filled or solely rely on time with God to get me through. I was working hard and trying to hold down the whole dining room, clean bathrooms, pick up all the trash in the parking lot, and scrub the playroom every afternoon and evening when I hadn't had anything to eat since before 7am. I hated it, but I couldn't fast in this full time high demand job without making myself sick. I felt very defeated.
@aw6707 Жыл бұрын
You can severely malnourished yourself and damage your thyroid doing that....fasting is to find blessing not to be irresponsible with our health gifted to us by God. Fasting may help bring us to God but it isn't necessary for it. I am sure there are other ways you can seek God throughout of your day and on your days off.
@alexiscook607 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Allen for this video. I had not thought of a Fasting Plan. And Principle #5 jumped out at me. I had not thought about fasting as a way of training my flesh.
@OTF-nv1bw 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is such a blessing!!!
@likitarucker6589 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Brother Parr!
@dorijohnson9266 2 жыл бұрын
I'm fairly new to your channel and I love it. You touch on subjects others don't. Good job!!!
@MasterPo0357 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It was very helpful! 😊
@ivettewoods3733 2 жыл бұрын
Happy New Year!!! Thank you for this information
@arenlachhophel6270 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the very clear teaching on fasting.
@brendacharacter5198 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks i needed to lean how to fast ?god bless u?
@paulinebestman3188 2 жыл бұрын
I really really love ur teaching.
@Feedaneeshaqua Жыл бұрын
I questioned if there was a wrong way to fast, and less than 10 minutes later, this video showed up on my feed
@jackiec1019 2 жыл бұрын
@aikan7457 Жыл бұрын
Good stuff. I would like to add the following: Having researched the Hebrew word for fasting and the medical side of it, I believe a total-caloric fast is the intended way to go. Not saying that you can't fast from other things, but what happens during a total-caloric fast to your body is a unique experience.
@classicstorm 2 жыл бұрын
I have never fasted in my life because I didn't know if we had to or need to do or what fasting was...
@davidhenderson4203 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Allen Parr. Thank you for the video. I am in a point in my life where I have been struggling with loving God and others well enough to tell them the good news of Jesus. I have understood the principles you laid out years before you made this video, but now I plan to consult with my spiritual advisors in this matter. Thank you, and may the Lord bless you. -David
@johnnylancer9441 2 жыл бұрын
Good morning, Pastor Allen! I was wondering one thing regarding the secrecy of fasting: if someone asks you why you’re deviating from your normal appetite, is it acceptable to say that you’re fasting to them since anything else would be lying to them? Also, if fasting ends up in conversation, would it be then that we don’t overemphasise it as a means to keep ourselves of a happy countenance? Thanks, and have a lovely Tuesday!
@PC-yp5dl 2 жыл бұрын
I believe if it comes to someone wanting to know why you aren't eating, you could simply tell them for personal reasons, and if they persist, tell them it's none of their business. You don't have to lie, or reveal what you're doing. I also don't believe it's bad if you do tell them, since they asked. But yes, of course you don't make a point of it.
@benitaesq_ 2 жыл бұрын
Always fast in secret. Let them know that you’ve eaten or will eat. When fasting we should be feeding ourselves with The WORD of God. Amen That would not be a lie. Man shall live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We feed our soul and spirit with the word of God, thus denying our flesh the dainties of the world/food. Your spirit man will increase as your flesh decreases when you fast and pray according to the Word.
@tmilesffl 2 жыл бұрын
@@benitaesq_ Telling them that "You've eaten" would be a lie. No reason to lie about what you are doing. This would also give the opportunity to share the bible and what God asks of us.
@benitaesq_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@tmilesffl peace be still.
@cooljtoosaucy 2 жыл бұрын
God Loves You Remember That ❤️✝️🙏🏾
@soniczforever5470 Ай бұрын
Commited gluttony got cancer scare blamed myself. God gave me a very smalll body and it gets canver scare or osteoporosis if i dont eat helathy and stay very slim and lean. I didi not keep my temple well.
@kesha2414 2 жыл бұрын
Loved this. Thank you.
@AripaSimon Жыл бұрын
@sspann11 2 жыл бұрын
Good video. I wish you would have addressed Isaiah 58. Fasting should go hand and hand with good works and spending quality time with God doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be secluded.
@lucillefemine2339 Жыл бұрын
What about healing the body?
@CTamara14 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video on fasting, only clarification I would add is that fasting is a denial of the thing we NEED to survive. I wouldn’t really use the term fasting when discussing abstaining from desires, wants, or distractions. Although it is good to abstain from such things as those, they alone do not constitute as fasting.
@n_610 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@fallwinter3209 2 жыл бұрын
That’s good! Facts 🙏🏽🙏🏽
@openlysaved 2 жыл бұрын
Additional point... When praying for others: 8. Fasting helps in taking authority over unclean spirits and praying for others. Matthew 17:21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. and Mark 9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. 9. Sometimes Fasting food should be replaced by or coupled with service towards others (let God direct you in which way and towards who). John 4:31-34 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
@annettemartin2819 2 жыл бұрын
What is the proper biblical fast? Is it OK to do a juice fast? How important is the length of the fast? Can someone please answer this for me? I am confused
@Self-Care_Journ-E 3 ай бұрын
I thank you for this. People say you can drink water or lemon water when fasting.... what do you say about that?
@ElAye 2 жыл бұрын
1:38 & 1:56
@christinawilliams5064 Жыл бұрын
What are some bible chapters to read when fasting
@Kendojin 2 жыл бұрын
Amen and amen! Thank you :)
@ThomasHeckman-b6u 5 ай бұрын
my mom is a women of faith in Jesus. Has been for decades. But she doesn't believe fasting is biblical. I've showed her verses but she still denies it. This is how sneaky the devil is. He will use Christians and flip scripts in there head knowing that fasting Does bring one closer to GOD
@charlotteroath9904 11 ай бұрын
So I decided to fast and pray today just for salvation for my family, friends and coworkers. Is that not a valid reason to fast? I am seeking something from God.... so?
@bariettaperez 2 жыл бұрын
What about if you’re a stay at home mom? Or student in school? How do you focus on the fast?
@julieannefourie1981 Жыл бұрын
What is the specific date to start fasting?
@anthonygonzales1027 10 ай бұрын
Crazy thing is in today's age big food manufacturing companies add some chemicals to some food to get you addicted.
@melvincole1711 2 жыл бұрын
Why you showing me all of this food while I'm trying to fast!!!!????? hahaha, I can taste it all!
@boonflix7077 Жыл бұрын
I have never fasted, but it has been on my mind for a while now. I would like to start. One thing I need help with is how to choose how long to fast? I realize ultimately this between God and myself, however, I'm unsure how to start my first time. Do I just choose? 3 days? 12 hours? Is there a minimum time frame?
@EstherBikane Ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏🙏💖
@GM_Rook Жыл бұрын
What if you need to break the fast for some reason or you accidentally break fast?
@mercywalschek2695 2 жыл бұрын
I see in the comments that I'm not the only one that God is speaking to through this video.
@nickysankey1210 2 жыл бұрын
PLEASE HELP WITH SOME ADVICE!! I fasted for years, and I can honestly say that my spiritual life went onto another level of closeness with God and I received deliverance from issues that had plagued me for years ... it was incredible!!! I am now unable to fast, as I have a diabetic diet because of pre-diabetes. How would I be able to fast now? Any ideas ... ps already not a big meat eater. Except for chicken and fish, not allowed to eat red meat ( ie IF the 'Daniel Diet' is going to be suggested. Therefore it would not seem like much of a sacrifice if I had to stop meat!)
@J3tcanball 2 жыл бұрын
Have you considered fasting from technology/social media? I’m not a doctor so I don’t want to incorrectly suggest not adhering to a diet which can lead to complications…try identifying other things in your life that can be hindering self control and commit to spending time with God in His word/praying/singing instead of the distraction…I pray that helps 🙏🏾
@questionsinthebible1322 2 жыл бұрын
Pastor Allen. How can I fast if I am a an epileptic and a diabetic? Which means I need food not know before my medications but to avoid seizures. I was an epileptic since I was 6 years old.
@rosemarylovesjesus 2 жыл бұрын
When you say, “Those that dont fast all year.” The shade 🤣😂 “This is the time of year when many Christians who normally don’t fast throughout the year.”
@johannalenker1734 2 жыл бұрын
How offen should one fast? What is a good standard? Once a week obstaining from food and only drinking water? Or is it better to do like 4 days in row each month? Or every third month (including lent of course every year) fasting something else but food so one can do it for that long? Any recommandations? I want do make it a regular thing. Thank you!
@ricoparadiso 2 жыл бұрын
maybe a few days each month, im also working to incorporate fasting as a regular practice. It really clears my head back to reality when im lost.
@LeitchBlake 2 жыл бұрын
Can you point me to the Biblical reference that says you can fast from ANYTHING? I’m struggling with people “fasting” from anything besides meals, I can’t find this in the Bible.
@tinashechinamasa6684 Жыл бұрын
Mr Parr which Bible version do you use
@mitchhilton1669 2 жыл бұрын
Good video! Fasting works.. Fasting gets you closer to the holy spirit..
@gel5099 Жыл бұрын
Can I drink a juice supplement at least when I fast?
@Calvin.Cheney 2 жыл бұрын
Is Daniel fast ok
@gigi4836 2 жыл бұрын
Right on time, thank you brother. But I have a question on how long one should fast! Is it okay to fast for a day?? Like taking a day to fast n pray.
@RayPopescu 2 жыл бұрын
I have tried fasting a few times. Water fasting as well as complete food and water fasting for around 48 hours... However I'm in need of someone to help me out with an issue. Every time I try to fast I have this selfish thought that "Oh wow, I can't wait to see what my body is going to look like after my fast!''. And every time I would look in the mirror and weigh myself... Its kind of awkward to type it as a comment in this video and I'm not expecting any answers but I just feel like a hypocrite when I try to fast, because what initially starts as the ''right reason'' to fast, turns a few hours later into a selfish desire to lose some weight and look better in the mirror. Am I the only one struggling with this?
@ricoparadiso 2 жыл бұрын
No, I also have this temptation to make it about myself/appearance. As he says in video, we should use the time we would normally eat etc. for time with God and so the period of fasting is the time of humility & growth while the physical results are more an afterthought if the initial intention was pure… if that makes sense.
@RayPopescu 2 жыл бұрын
@@ricoparadiso Yeah that makes sense. I'll pray about it, thanks so much for taking the time to answer me!
@Alfscan777 2 жыл бұрын
I still do not know what fasting is…. Did i miss something?
@maureensalmon1903 2 жыл бұрын
Can you give me a few ideas and how to start and I can drink or eat that day of fasting can I do morning to afternoon or is it all day I take medications so how would go about fasting I need to start fasting thank you .
@marjoriehampton 2 жыл бұрын
Fasting ordained of God.... Isaiah 58:3-8 KJV Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours. [4] Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. [5] Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him ? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord ? [6] Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? [7] Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? [8] Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward. Thank you so much, my husband and I are planning a 3 day FAST this week. Very informative!!!!❤
@jejo86 2 жыл бұрын
Is it possible to do a long fast if you work a very physical job? Please help as I struggle with this issue 🙏
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